Newspaper Page Text
Measure Exempting Soil Prod
ucts From Taxation for One
Year Is Favored.
The bill to exempt certain farm prod. |
nets from taxation for one year. pend
ing In the house of representatives,
likely will pass by a large majority,
despite more or less opposition.
This bill, fathered by Mr. Johnson,
of Rartow. chairman f the house com
mittee on agriculture undertakes. In
Its essential details to permit farmers
to hold their cotton, without taxation,
in their efforts to bull the market and
get a good price for it It covets other
farm products, hut the great object it
has in view is the satisfactory' disposi
tion of Georgia s share of the South s
groat maple
The bill came up for a third reading
yesterday, under a favorable committee
report, and an effort was made Imme
diately to kill it. through a motion from
Ri presentative Harrell, of Stewart,
that the hill be indefinitely postponed.
At once its friends were up In arms,
and. although Mr. Harrell made a
strenuous vocal effort to head off an
adverse cote on his motion, he lost by
the overw helming line-up of 123 to 6.
The farmers generally are deeply in
terested m this hill. They feel that it
There ’« mere Catarrh In this section of
the <nun i* than all other diseases put to
get hei. and until the Inst few years was
supposed to be incurable For a great
many y«ars doctors pronounced It a local
disease nnd prescribed local remedies, and
by • otistntilly fulling to cure with local
treatment, ptononiieed It luenrahle. Seieiiee
has proven catarrh to be :i constitutional
disease .••••il therefore requires eonstltu
tjonnt treatment. Halls ’’atiirrli Cure.
Ill» 1 iifaetnred by !■ .!. Cheney \ Co..
Toledo. Ohio. Is the only constitutional
••lire on the market. It Is taken Internally
In doses from 10 drops •„ a o aspooiifnl. It
Is directly oil th" blood and mucous sin
f:o-es of the system They otTei one hull
died dollars for any case It fails to cute
Kend for circulars and testimonials.
!■’. ! CIIEMIY A CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold bi druggists. 75c.
Take II ill’s Family Pills for constipation
r ", r - —.- , . .
♦ • •*
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• M . U ■
f f-tfclZL.e - Jg'-i,..
WESLEYAN COLLEGE, Macon, Ga., Oldest <'allege for women in America. The standard of Exvel
leii<e in even Department of Women's Education. Always at the front, its Growth in recent years has been
Standard of instruction. A large Faculty of men and women of the very best University training are
teaching the college courses at Wesleyan. They are doing a work unsurpassed by any school for men in the
state. These professors and teachers art* always cordial and approachable, and render the young ladies of
the student-body all needed assistance in their work.
Conservatory of Music. Fourteen splendid officers and teachers have won for the ( onservatory recog
nition as the best music school in the Southeast. Trained in the world's greatest schools, they art 1 well pre
parcil to give instnictitm in Piano, Voice Culture, Violin, Pipe Organ, Harmony, Theory, etc. Teachers’ Di
plomas and ('<‘l’l ilicates are gi\<n those preparing to teach.
Some Points of Wesleyan's Superiority Other Department*. The Art studios of the College are a note-
worthy attraction. Large numbers of students from all over the South come
A Faculty of to;t/ officers and teaebers with desjriii? iustruction in Oil. Water color and China Painting, in Charcoal
the best possible equipment for their work. ~ ,
2. An atmosphere of the most v.omaniy refinement, deep- and Pen Drawing. AU work is done from lite, is original ana not mere
ly and sanely religious. The spirit of leadersh.p m every imitation. The deiuirtment of Expression is all that could be desired.
dent Ihe Director has had a career of wonderful success. Site holds diplomas
3. One of the best equipped college plants in the entire |'icim four leading schools and universities. Weslevan's Xew Gvmna-
WHI. .. lor a r»d„ il | ( .,l from th,-re ,1.001.,,,in.. » large
4. The most conscientious adherence to the highest number ol young women who will be thoroughly competent to tea<‘h
standards of hterar. education. g\mu:isti<*> This I)ep:i rtment alone has been reeentlv improved at a
5. A great Conservatory of Music doing a work unsur- ’*• 11
passed by any school of the South. cost ot ton thousand dollars
6. Splendid school of Oratory under one of America’s best
teamed teachers College Buildings and Location. The College occupies a beau-
7. A school of giving instruction in Oil. Water C?’or. , i it r i • j i r
China Painting, etc., that is winning continent - wide recog- tllul tra<‘t Ot acTt's in the t Ol tho oCSt residential section Ot
nition. Macon. Five large, commodious and connected buildings are situated
8. A magnificent new Gymnasium under one of the best .1 . 1 c.l ti,„, 1 ;i 1
teachers in the South. upon an eminence that commands a .lew ot the entire cits, these build-
ings are admirably equipped for their purposes.
Health, Discipline, Home Life, Etc. Macon has the tin ’St elimate in the world for the lime seitool months. One
escapes tbi 1 rigorous mid of the farther mirth, and the depression of the southern flat lands. The sunny hills of middle Georgia
make the healthiesi horn” on earth. The Wesleyan gitjs seldom need a doctor. The home life is delightful. It is one large
I’amil) made up from the i-h.iU’est hoirp’s in Ameriea. Student government affords large liberty, makes each student careful of
her lomluct lor her ewn honor's sake, and furnishes strict enfo”cement of college law for any who might he disposed to disre
gard the responsibility thus placed upon them.
RATES: The rates at Wes eyan are very low considering the high grade of work. The purpose of the institution is not to make money, but to contrib
ute to the greatness of American womanhood School will epen September 18. Write for Catalogue to C. R. JENKINS. President.
j carries" i measure of justice knd aid to
I'item to which they clearly are enti-
I tied.
The bill is in the form of a constitu
i'ional amendment, and must be ratified
! by ti.o people in the regular election in
! October. befefi e it can become a law .
It has been set as a special order for
Thursday. July 25, and there Is prac
tically no doubt that it will pass easily.
WASHINGTON'. July 20.—-In a speech
at the white house to a delegation from
i the national civil and political negro
leagues. President Taft publicly ac
knowledged his debt of gratitude to the
negro delegates to the Republican na
tional convention pledged and instruct
ed for him, who stood with the Taft
forces through the tight.
The delegation presented resolutions
to the president asking for the restora
tion of the battalion of the Twenty
fifth Infantry that was involved in the
Brown«vllle affair and urging him to
recommend a Federal statute against
Mr Taft said he had done everything
possible under the law in regard to the
Twenty-fifth infantry. He deplored
lynching, he said, but did not believe
the Federal government could inter
f> ••■ with criminal cases In the states.
“I say to you gentlemen," the presi
dent added, "that a man who has been
engaged in a lynching within the Fed
eral jurisdiction who comes up to me
for executive clemency will have his
petition received with that feeling on
my part that there Is no crime that
ought to be more severely punished and
more completely condemned "
Tin- funeral of Colonel VV. !.. Scruggs,
former diplomat and for years an active
worker sot progress in Atlanta, who
died Tuesday night, will be held from
his icsldenee. 382 West P. achtr,
street, this afternoon at 3:30 o’, lock.
Interment will be in Westview ceme
tery. Judge W. D. Ellis, Sam H. In
man. Judge W. R. Hammond. Dr. E L.
Connally, H. L. Schlesinger, T. E.
Meador. Charles T. Hopkins and Frank
Rice, lifelong friends of Colonel
Scruggs, will be the pallbearers.
Rebel Officers at Juarez Say
Atlanta Loan Agent Attempts
to Buy Release.
EL PASO, TEXAS, July 20. Rebel
officers in Juarez today made the state
ment that J. Wylie Smith, the Atlanta
loan agent, held a prisoner in the rebel
town, had made an effort to bribe them
to release him. They say he declared
that he could get plenty of money as
soon as he got out, although up to the
present time he hajs pretended to be
witbout funds, particularly for the past
few days.
Smith denies that he made any bribe
offer and still insists that he is "dead
broke” and that he did not get the
money he is accused eff stealing
The Pinkerton officers are trying to
get the rebels to deliver Smith in El
Paso at once.
MEMPHIS, TENN. July 20.—W. F.
Kinrbrough, a business man. boasts of
a remarkable hen. She is taking care
of four motherless puppies with as
'much concern as If they were her own
little chickens. Four days after the
puppies were born their mother was
killed by a street car. The pups crawled
into the setting hen's nest and she
nestled down over them carefully and
sa tiefactm il.v.
To flavor fanev food deliciously use
TRACTS. Vanilla. Lemon, etc Thir
teen highest awards and'medals.
Call Main 1130.
LEMONS; OUT $1,000,000
NEW YORK, July 20. —Speculate s in
lemons have. lost more than $1,000,006
in the last three months by overbuying
the market. This was the assertion
here of leading fruit importers. They
say that this has been the most disas
trous season for the lemon importers
they can remember. The speculative
movement began in the spring with re
ports that the California crop of lem
ons had been destroyed by freezing
weather. Speculators In Italy then be
gan to contract heavily with the grow
ers for the supply. Then came the
trash. The speculators found that
there would be no shortage in this
country. >
CHICAGO. July 20.—Whether David
wrote the Twenty-third Psalm or
whether it was written by some obscure
scribe after the building of the temple
is a question too trifling for serious
consideration. This, In substance, is
the argument advanced by Professor
Gerald B. Smith, assistant instructor in
dogmatic theology at the University
of Chicago, In an article in the current
issue of The Biblical World. His sub
ject is "Theology and Biblical Criti
Puts Stomach,
Liver and Bowels
in Fine Condition
To promptly end the misery of constipation,
torpid liver, sick he»d»che, indigestion, dizzi
ness and nausea, you must use
They never fail— APTFPS
that's why millions
lie them. \ .m. jTIVPa
vigor. Vitality, I BrlU*.
and a clear W- | JSsSBaS
complexion are
the result of their use. You need them.
Small Pill. Small Dot®, Small Price.
The GENUINE must bear signature
! mrs. morrow, free,
' Hit'AGO. July 20.—Mrs. Rene B.
Morrow, acquitted on the charge of
having murdered h°r husband, Charles
B. Morrow, today' is considering seek
ing the prosecution of certain persons
on charges of pet jury. The charges,
Mrs. Morrow believes, should be
I brought against the persons who were
responsible for her having been placed
on trial. She has consulted with her
attorney regarding the matter.
Mrs. Morrow was freed late yester
day, after the jury had been out three
hours and had taken six ballots.
"I have been persecuted. My friends
know this is true,” was Mrs. Morrow’s
comment on the verdict.
L X ' rc r M.«
/OV |h ,1 i' y
•m»n=Fre-- = 'l / jf't: Xv\ f( | =y’• '*
Company —TliXVffl IW&JWIB®P*
' X. yi’X A
If You Are Going to Buy a
Piano—Read This
We lay this proposition flown. You may look the country over and
you can not find a more durable, dependable or trustworthy piano than
the Cleveland-Manning. You get the strongest guarantee that can be
given mi a piano. Moulded into the steel frame is the written indorse
ment of the oldest piano manufacturers in America. You get the piano
i with a tone far superior to pianos that sell for more money. You get
piano satisfaction. Ami the price is $325.
You get the piano on a small cash payment and the balance to please
you. You get the privilege of exchanging the piano during the first vear
for an Everett or any other make we sell. You get a stool, scarf and
free delivery.
Investigation costs nothing.
You want to see this piano we had built for our southern trade. The
more musical homes of Atlanta are buying the (Teveland-Manning Piano
I in preference to the expensive art pianos. When we can give you the
piano with a tone, workmanship, style and elegance of a S6OO piano for
$325, why pay more ?
We will allow you a Sixty Days’ Free Trial of this piano in your home
to prove the genuineness of our claims.
Cleveland-Manning Piano Co.
The South’s Largest Piano Distributors [7,„-,,q
day for No Com-
(<,tal,^ue 80 North Pryor Street
The Neal is the only Institute at which the Liquor Habit is
treated and absolutely cured in the short time of three days, and
that without hypodermic injections! Satisfaction guaranteed
At ihe END~of 3—DAYS—3 Or Money Refunded
Mail Carriers Will Fly.
This te an age of great discoveries.
Progress rides on the air. Soon we may
M’e Uncle Sam’s mail carriers flying in
all directions, transporting mail. Peck
pie take a wonderful interest in a dis
covery that benefits them. That’s why
Dr. King’s New Discovery for Coughs.
Colds and other throat and lung dis
eases is the must popular medicine in
America. "It cured me of a dreadful
cough." writes Mrs. J. F. Davis, Stick
ney Corner, Me., "after doctor’s treat
ment and all other remedies had
failed.” For coughs, colds or any
bronchial affection it’s unequaled. Price
50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free at al!
druggists. •••
During the summer months mothers
of young children should <Vatch for any
unnatural looseness of the bowels.
When given prompt attention at this
time serious trouble may be avoided.
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy can always be depended
upon. For sale by all dealers.
Are Cnmteribr LD. Johns Co.. U „X , h „ .. ‘ ' L
and Drugs Act, June 30. 1906. Ser’a: ha X-
Free Sample at any Drug Store . ‘ t ' J
for this adv. or mail direct to in ’
L. 0. Johns Co., 1123 Broadway, N. y., o. $ <
DROPSY usually gives.,
Ij"vi an( j soon removes all -«
short breath. Trial treatment o ■■■ F ...
Di.H. H. Green’s Sons. Box O. Atlant; . ,
IB A ■ Opium. Whiskey and |>,„ S t , .
lEH 8 •** H< ’ me or •! «.’.nltartun> u
lrM UK „ M
24-N Victor Sanitarium.