Newspaper Page Text
Chamberlin = Johnson = Dußose Company i
Atlanta New York Paris I
A Sale of Dresses for the Children
In the Juvenile Department-Third Floor
We have made the Juvenile Department a
busy place by having the attractive things that
mothers want for their children—and always at
fair prices.
Right now we are in the midst of readjusting
stocks in this department. This means that sur
pluses and odd lots must be cleaned up. Our
method is to reduce prices to the lowest possible
point. And when you consider that the merchan
dise thus reduced is of that same standard and
merit that has attracted mothers all season when
prices were regular, you will realize better how
satisfying these sales are. Right now it is children’s
OQ For Children’s $1.50 and $2.00
O (iL* Colored Dresses. In sizes 6 to 14
s years. They are ginghams and per-
cales, as a rule, with a scattering few lawns. They
are the pretty little low neck and short sleeve
dresses that this hot weather calls for. Besides
the tan, blue and green stripes, plaids and checks,
there are a number of white percale dresses with
blue, black, pink and red polka dots.
.48 For Children’s $2.00 to $2.50 White
Dresses In sizes 6to 14 years. Very
& pretty lawn dresses, made as dainty as
ever you could wish, with embroidery headings,
ribbon-run, insertions and laces in the sleeves,
usually short and in the low necks.
For Children’s $3.75 to $5.75 White
Z Dresses. In sizes 6to 14 years. Ex-
" quisite batiste and lingerie cloth dresses,
and a few linen dresses. The embroideries and laces
are the fine baby patterns, while many are trim
med with hand embroidery and have sleeves set
in with pearling. Some of those of linen are some
what soiled; the others are as fresh and dainty as
could be.
r ” ■ ■ ■ ■■ “ ■ 1
The Clearance of Misses’ Bathing Suits
In sizes 6to 18 years. Size 6 years is a bloomer
suit; sizes 8 to 18 years come with the skirt and bloom
ers. The materials are blue serge, Panama and mo
hair. Some have sailor collars, others are collarless,
all are trimmed in white.
They were $2.25 and $2.50, Now $1.50
ChamberlinJohnsoivDußose Company
If business is not brisk, find something to keep you busy and pay a profit !
at the same time.
Please learn bow easy it is to do this by reading Georgian V ant Ads,
If von wish to secure additional capital to increase your business
Many men are willing to help you. You can find a partner, secure busi
ness-getting agents, find customers for your goods, rent a part of your store
through Georgian Want Ads.
read them now.
Yon will learn many things it pavs to know.
[sellers cabinet
The Kitchen Wonder
Made of chemically treated wood
that resists the damp and steam of
kitchens —wood that is baked in an
oven till it is temperature proof. Ant
proof casters that keep out all inserts
—dust-proof top —lilting, removable
Hour bin—glass sugar bin —and a
hundred other exclusive* ft* a t u res.
week, at
.XxtN V fed
HB '■ »b/ I j’ -i i
HwwW I
B 9
■ I lit' ijEi
CVI This nio(lc of conslri]ction away w j t h a |i
veneering. 'but still gives the beautiful Hake grain finish. Besides, it embodies great strength
and solidity to every piece in the set. Ihe st yle is a modernized Colonial. giving artistic
and graceful lines to the solid, massive beauty of th# Colonial period. Ihe I>l b IT. I is
4 feet 2 inches long, 22 inches deep and 5.5 inches high, with a French plate mirror 44x12
inches. The TABLE is 45 inches across tvhen closed. Opens in an oval shape 72x4.> inches
■ on a solid quartered oak platform pedestal. The CHINA ( ABINE lis •'! feet 3 inches wide,
63 inches high and 16 inches deep, with round ed glass ends; 3 finishes—polished Golden
Oak, Fumed Oak and Early English—all at a uniform price— (lb QC“ O(A
$5 cash; $lO a month, at’
sm-s Oh o da§)AVo o dj
Wear..ole VFURNITUREZ X. COMPANY pie<e, led of
agents for the . these wonder-
giuaranteed ' *M'^rTy'~7 a " lU - T T"" *' goods.
Fulton (to- Ifoj i IW!8 E! S I I Come quick.
Carts. $ 3.5 0 ~ $3. 5 0 t o
to $1 5 0 0 103-5-7-9-11 WHITEHALL STREET, CORNER MITCHELL sio‘.oo
—"nrr—Tnww riinmiriiiwii w. i u—i j jiimwnwrtn w w—■———
The Want Ad way is the modern way of filling house hold
wants. Georgian Want Ads cost little and bring results
" ' - ,n—:
Liquor and Tobacco Addictions Cured
Within Ten Days by Our New
Painless Method.
i Only Sanitarium in the World Giving
Unconditional Guarantee.
<>ur guarantee means something. Not
one dollar need be paid until a satis
factory cure has been effected.
We control completely the usual
withdrawal symptoms. No extreme
nervousness, aching limbs, or loss of
sleep. Patients unable to visit Sani
tarium o:n be treated privately at
home. References: The Mayor of
our City, the President of any Bank, or
any Citizen of Lebanon. Write for
Free Booklet No. 2. Address
F. J. SANDERS, Mgr., Lebanon, Tennessee I I
One of the star performers in Mur
phy's Rat and Monkey Circus appeal
ing this week at the Bonita is Miss
Jockoline, a big monkey from equato
rial Africa, Miss Jockoline is an ac
complished Salome dancer, ami is mak
ing a big hit with both the grown-ups
and the little folks. The music is fur
nished by two other monkeys and f.-
leallj tuneful. There are dozens of
other performers in the troupe other
good acts aie also on the bill, in addi
tion to motion pictures. Afternoons.
sc; evenings, loc.
Manager Glenn is always in attend
ance, and personally looks after the
children who come unattended.
NEW YORK, July 24. Infantile par
alysis is epidemic in the neighborhood
of First avenue and Forty-ninth and
Forty-eighth streets. It is the Hist
dangerous recurrence of this disease
this year in New York, and, according I
to specialists connected with the Rocke
feller institute, 1t may be expected to
assume serious proportions unless the
practicing physicians of the crowded
tenement districts learn to lecogniz- I
the disease In its incipient stages with
moje success than thev bay* so fat ex
I Iji bi ted
\ w''il
Grand Clearance Finals in Women’s
High Grade Oxfords and Straps
700 pail's Women's Stylish Oxfords, in the fashionable Leathers—Patent and
I Dull, Tan Russia, Suede, Silk. The season’s best models, zftb x" g
ami a large variety. Sizes incline toward the smaller num- I j
hers you can be fitted. Absolute values $3.50, $4, $5
i?rkT>TNc* i ii i nos; s ’ zes 2 1-2 to 5. Positive $2.50,
FORDS—In all leathei> patent, -q va ] UGS
tans, \ ici. These shoes are an as- $1.95
sortment o| broken sizes, but va-
-1 • j Mannish little models; sizes 6to 11;
not fail to get a pair to lit amj suit ■ absolute values $2 to $2.50,
you. T hese are absolute values $4 95c
ami s<>,
zttfe F* strong line, splendid values; 5 to 11
/ W and 11 to 2, $1.75 and $2.50,
.JA.Oj . 95 C
26 Whitehall Street
The Cook’s Delight
Everything handy—all the cook has
io do is to reach out her hand for
anything she wants —every article in
easy reach —every convenience that
skill and experience and money can
supply an* embodied in the Sellers.
And all vours,
SI.OO a week, for JL.DV
,t Tr; t "lira
The ’‘Cork-filled" kind. The
kind that are always sweet—
the ice-saving kind. The Re
frigerator that will last, with
proper care. 20, 30« years. The
Sanitary style is especially de
sirable. North Stars are sold
at $2.50 cash, SI.OO a week, or
$5.00 cash, and $5.00 a month.
\\ e fully guarantee the
North Star. Sent on 30 days’
free trial if von desire. Prices
$75.00, $60.00. $50.00, $40.00,
$30.00, $20.00, $15.00.
Made in all styles, plain, en
ameled and porcelain lined. <
Sanitary North Star exactly '
like above cut —enameled—
holds 75 pounds ice—direct
circulation—now . . $25.00