Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta Ga_
Isntrred at Atlanta Postoffice as second
class matter
Kuoscrsptlons Payable 'n Advance
One year. mall, postage prepaid, $$ no
Fix months, mall, postage p-epal:l. -JO
Three months, mail, postage prepaid, i n
One month. mall, postage prepaid.
Subscriptions P- /able in Advance
Dell- ereti bv carrier, one year SR.2B
Dei it ’•red by carrier, six months 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month 4f
Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c-
Helu Wanted—Female.
WAXTEf (’olor.Nl do .nt-stir cook. F<-
df rs. 253 (’a nJ ler annex. 7-26-30
iVANT ET> One stenographer. first class
h< tel cook, two maids. Feders. 253 Can
dler ann< < 7-H 8J
WAXTi .1 1 . ei • d k Applj at
once. 256 Capitol avenue. 7-26-28
Firs’-class lady stenographer,
familiar will, double entry bookkeeping,
wnpiy in own handwriting and furnish
as to character and ability Lon
Ijickey Lumber Company, Fitzgerald, Ga.
WANTED A colored servant for general
house work. 577 Washington. 7-26-13
W\w El • Maid at <n<e at 79 West * lain
si 7-26-14
W \ at - once for small
family; >1 per week Phone East Point
237. 7-26-16
\VA a TEi > \n experienced nurse. Apply
immediately at 86 Elizabeth street.
Ph on • Ivy 981 -J. 7-26-13:
WA.VI’EI' At once. • competent cook.
nurse and laundress. Hoorn on lot if I
desi •<* References required. Phone Ivy
51fo 397-26
AV ANTE!* Colored woman for cook and
general house work; two meals; bring
references. Apply after 3 o’clock Satur
day afternoon 463 Washington st.
WANTED White woman to do light
house work and care for two children,
four and six years; state salary. Box 36,
Hazlehurst Ga 51 -7 r'.
WANTED Maid for general work in
small houso. family of three. 122 Sin
clair av* .. Inman Park 7-25-33
WOM? \ to <•- ok and help with general
house worl; in small family; references
required. \pply 202 Rawson st. 26-7-25
p<> weif~s i: \v ing Ma < ■ 111 ni: <>i‘e r a t -
OHS to ’ iake wash dresses. Dressmak- '
ers that have run the power machines or
operators ♦xperieneed on other garments
can gel permanent w< rk that pays big.
Short work hours. Enterprise Manufac
turing Company. 36 West \Jabama street
(top floor J
Help Wanted—Male.
WAX'I’EIr A young printer, good with
type, for small town; salary good. Van
iivicre A- Taylor, Dawsonville, Ga.
_ 41-7 b’f
WANTED Registered druggist, with ex
perience. to take position at once. Ref- I
•rer-es required Address Cornelia I’ltar- I
navy. Cornelia. Ga 38-7-26;
WAXTIID Experienced soda man; must;
h< a hustler and know lbs business; j
good salary to right ma. . Address Con- ; cure Georgian 7-25-28 ,
WANTEIt Tw<, barbers to work in col
ored shop at ;;;7 Butler st. Atlanta
phone 1115. 7-25-2
CLERKS. h arn showcard writing from an
expert. Inquire Savoy Theater Sign
Fainter. 58-7-24
WANTED- A brick mason or stone ma
aon. 207 Ivy si. 7-24-12
WANTED- Good descriptive writer, will
ing to travel, who owns machine. An
swer 33 West Duval street, Jacksonville,
Fla. 25-7-24
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Jobs for every graduate. <nir alm is
to save time. Done by free customers.
Our teachers give special instructions.
Fee our offer. Moler Barber College. 38
Luekie St, • 36-7-20
CARPENTERS Competent men furnish
ed on short notice for all clashes of car
penter work. Jim Stephen-on. 226 Brown-
Randolph Bldg. Phone: Main 4251, At
lanta 2932. 7-2-5
WANTED- Two or three hustling sales -
men and collectors: must be able k> fur
nish horse and buggy and make bond;
lucrative and permanent position to right
man. Apply 79_ Whiteliall st 7-17-27
COLORED driver for sanilart cart, Co)
lege Park. Call 90 East Point exchange.
___ —_A— ' _ _ 7-17-6
Fit! '.! SH 4\ E AND HAIR CUT at the
new location of the Moler Barber Col
lege. 38 Luekie street. Room for 500 daily
Wanted Young man of experience .imi
good recommen mt ions to take charge
and manage retail grocery business; must
• Invest SSOO. or would lease basin,. s to
right party; excellent opportunity Ad
dress Groceries, care Georgian. 7-12-12
WANTED Ideas, Inventors write for
list of inventions wanted and prizes of
fered by manno, •timers. Also, how to qct
your patent Sent free to any address.
Randolph A Briscoe, patent internets,
Washington. D C 7-11-23
STOP at Hilburnhotei; i art otcityTToi
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room; transiert 50c Open all night
. YES. Professor G . • Bi aiming will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy). We,
teach in one half lime of oilier 'voile-,es.
Course, tools and posit’on in our >1 ops
only S3O. Why pay more. Thousands of
our graduates running simps or making
good wages. Atlanta B-.rber College. 10
East Mitchell s reel 5-11-17
FREE MASSAGE. hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos. Ali barlter work free. Clean
linen. Atlant, Harber College, in Past
Mitchell 5-27-16
Help Wanted—Mule and Female
SHORTHAND Is i,,e easy path to suc
cess; study at home while von work;
full course twelve d< Ilk. - Send for two
free 'yssons. Iltt-.r' N-. vagit. s Fif
teenth . Buffalo, N. '' 42-7-18
ME N \N D mTlmen WANTED for gov
ernment positions SBO 00im>n<h Write
for list of positions open I‘raii’: ■ In
stitute. Depl. 49-R , Rochester, N. Y
(for a case Specific Bto d Pol
son we full to cure. Raney
Medicine Co.. 513 Austell
’’h J< Bldg Phone 614. Office
<J ' peers 7 m to 6 P m ;
I Sundays, 9a. in to 12 a m
Aperts Wanted
ss<i PER \A EEK for reliable agents to
FLAT IRONS, lull patent Giuiranteeih
Saves labor, time and expense. Sells at
eight. Exclusive rights In r S The
Blakeney Co-operative Co. Sheffield.
Mass. 42-7- 26
AGENT'S wanted for private Christmas
cards; any one; samples book free; large
profits Chipcbase. Cartiex. I .ret
England. 56-7-25
WANTED Agents m a ~ unty of tin
Un’ta-’ «to sell opr ampu: in bool
350 pages. 100 pictures and portraits of
all the candidates and leaders. Tin lives
•f all 111° ~nd h store of tl • ir
administration- Th.- plats. rms and prin
ciples of all parties An impartial ami
superior book Price orlv -1 This will
be the most exeito : . n . ixfit
Outfit free op i.< . - ~f tie- to pat post
age. Titanic outfit also ■nt fne’on r<
ceipt of 10c for p. ■■• age Bet •. ns.
Order outfits by return mail Phillips-
Boyd Publishing Company, Atlanta. Ga
- 6-26-12
Teachers Vi/anted
TEACH Eltb " 'plionfcSH X V c.
needs th< service -of on» ambitious
teacher in each »nt\. good proposition
r till information ii « t 13-7 -26
Situations Wanted—Femnlc
LADY STENOifI, yi’HEK “imm expe
rience Wishes I. |uit |r r. s « |.
ary in proportion to work or will at
cepi half day s p. ;|jon Steno 131 \\ 87-746
' . ' ' nig b. st ref. r-
BHb' l'.. u'l-n'/m ''a' m .'i
Situations Wanted—Female.
STEN()(»RA PFIIC position by lady; splen
did business ability. Must have work;
; salary no object. Small town preferred.
Write immcdiatelv. Anxious, care Geor
t \ ri< *x wanted by white woman to
) do general house work in small family.
> | A_2care Georgian. 33-7-25
’ j TI<A(’H ER State Normal school diplo-
* I ma, first grade certificate, and six
> ears’ experience wishes grade jH>sition.
.'ddress Teacher. 207 E. Jefferson st..
[ Th< m \ Hie, <la 31 eT- 25
i» Ti' sew and ma ke nice
dresses at private homes. Dressmaker, '
65 Central Place 46-7-24
SEWING neatly done. Reduced prices to
working girls. P.mne Atlanta 6086-B. or
' 270 Courtland street. 7-25-24
•'— - -
| Situations Wanted—Male.
; YOI’NG GIRL wishes position as stenog
rapher; has had experience. <'all At
'aiita phom I3(»i 30*7~26
WANTED Ry salesman now employed a
change; specially preferred. Address'
Salesman, care Georgian. 7-26-3 i
! MACHINIST desires position in city. Ad- I
dress W. L. E.. rare < ieorgia n. 28-7-26 I
WANTED Position by single man of 28; j
would prefer something as city sales-;
man or outside work. W. L. -E., care •
• Georgian. 26-7-26 |
ALL ROUND PRINTER wishes work at;
once with some weekly paper in the;
I state of (Jeorgia. Am now editor and j
! manager of Liberty Times, Ludowici, Ga.
Write to O. c. Tarver, Box 74. Ludowici, i
I Gjc49-7-25
j WAN'I’ED Position by first-class book
keeper and office man; several years ex
perience. A. R. L., Box 15, care Georgian.
EXPERIENCED farmer wants work. A<l
- .1, L. t ’ , care Georgian. 56-7-24
WANTED Position by experienced white
chauffeur. Can give the best refer
ences in the city. Will start very reason
able. Address A. Box 1.0, care Geor
W \ XTEI)— Position as bookkeeper or as
sistant by young man with experience;
best of reference furnished and willing to
work. Address X. Y. Z. 261 W'hitehall
s 2 re e 39-7-24
xOI NG MAN, 18 years old, wants posi
tion as shipping or supply clerk. Best of ■
references; need work. Address W. C., .
336 Centra! avenue, cii\ 38-7-24
CHAUFFEUR Experienced white driver
and capable mechanic wants position as
chauffeur on private or commercial car.
H IL, 231 Courtlatal st., City. 35-7-24
PRINTER wants employment in city or
country office. Address Economy, Box
214, cate Georgian. 29-7-22
WANTED A position as a licensed drug
gist: good reference. Address ,L M.
I l.i i t;i w i\\ Siuckey, Ga. 87-7-20
WANTED fo.i’ion by an experienced
bookkeeper with strong, high class con
cern. Can furnish A-l references. Ad-
P. x Mo-ill I !-. Ga. I
COTTON grader or buyer wants position I
with reliable firm. Steady employment; j
host refen nces furnished. Address W. V |
McCarson. Fair Mount, Ga. 30-7-8
Situations Wanted—Male and i
FRER—Our practice de
partment. Rem in g ton
'l'ypewriter Co., 56 N.
Broad St. 7-26-23
Carpenter Work.
LET I S GIVE you prices on cabinet, car
penter and bHck work, plastering,
painting and tinting, Forsyth Street
I Cabinet Shop, 62H South Forsyth street. |
1 Phones Main 1187, Atlanta 6087 M
Boarders Wanted.
I ROOMS and board, walking distance, cen
j ter of cit\ ; all conveniences; $4 per
I week. 42 Windsor street. Atlanta phone
3015 GP 7-26-29
: LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, baths and excellent
table board; under new management. 4
W Peachtree -t. 801 l phone ivv 6790-J.
IVY i lOTEL, 98 Ivy Street.
AMERICAN PLAN, $1.25 UP. Weekly I
Rates, 46-7-26
RooMS, with or without board. 37 Pop
lar st. 7-26-20
'll-' Y‘l appr. i iate el> anlincst. nice, large,
cool rooms, large shady porch and nicely
I ptepa red meals. t: y us. Reasonable. 123
Cagitol ave. _7-26- 11 .
A i..\i;>:h, beautifully furnished room a<l- ;
.joining bath, private north side home;
attractive rates.lvy 6103. 7-25-26 j
! Wanted ===Boa rdeifs
■ ROOM with bath; also table board: get
particulars as io lunch and dinner at
| 513 I’cachtret . Phone Ivv 6133-J
57 7-24
TRS S I’l "r for board; refercmcos
■ l 34-7-24 j
YOl NG MEN to share room in pri vate i
Imine, Inman Park section, near ear
line, furnace boat: separate bods; home!
cooking. Reasonable, care Gtorgian.
Cain street. 7-20-53 '
\ ISIToRS in the city will tint, a cool.
homelike place to board, convenient; <
first class accommodations. (’all or a<l-
• <ir< > « 17 East North nx emie. 58-7-20 1
TW< ' nice..- furnished rooms for couple
' or young men. 21 West Peachtree
Phi'■•’. Excclh it meals, day boarders
' c . ■ 7-19-31
THE PLAZA. Central location; summer
rates; cool front rooms. 286 Peachtree
«Ueet Jl9-7-17
' WANTED Four gentlemen boarders;
I private family; all conveniences; new
place. Phone West 393. 38-7-13
Board Wanted.
I W’ANTED By couple with tlireu children
I three or four furnished rooms with board
[lon outskirts of city; must be on ear line
' or very close to it A. B. C., 120 Edpe
; wood ave 7-25-23
; :r a—
Lost and Found
' I LOST on afternoon July 23 on street ear
coming from St. Charles avenue, about
3 oihiek. larg« envelope containing two
. ! record cards. The envelope had the o*-
!'!’•!• < .trd of the Georgia childrens Home
is< Huty in th pp left-hand corner, ; k ml
•written on the bac in pencil were diree-
I lions for reaching two residences in the
< ity Finder will «m'< ive reward by re-
• ' »<> 710 Gould Bldg. Record of
xal ie ° n h' 1 2?’ h D 45-7-26
i LOST Dark bay horse,
weight 1.100 pounds. Lost
ou > t;:te St., this side of wa
terworks. Roturn to George
.Moore. 70-72 Central A\w.
Reward. 7-26-17
L( >ST Mep<’.o or Tuesday a gold locket
with platinum wreath and small dia
' tumid on one side Monogram. “A J. o.”
«m ti • otne.” Return to A J. Orme, 215
> Eipiitabb- Bldg 7-25-39
"I LOST Well bucket and rope Forget it
| and bus s‘ Easv to Fix" Pump of
Dunn Mach • t\\ C ’pany. 51 Mar otta
’ Atlanta, Ga. . 7 ’ c.
L‘»ST I ml, Os key* a’ East l ake or
Piedti it hotel; brass tag on ring
mat . ■ T’ L' W R How. rd. 88 Pa
-j ‘«L West 167 J LrL’ 3 '
LOST Fox terrier d-g. brown head '
i> whit* 4».0t .oi shoulder and hip ~iort
Nano N\< Return 44 Howell Mill
b loud Rtwaiil. 38-7 25
I] “The Qeorgiami’s Rent Bulletin” ;
■ A New Last Each Day j
I Thi* bulletin contains every desirable place that is For.Rent in the city and <
suburbs The hard problem of finding the places that jrnu desire to rent without $
taking a lot of your valuable time and getting fruitless results in return has at >
i last been solved through The Georgian's Rent Bulletin. We have special men <
j scanning the city each day in search of all the desirable places for the benefit <
, ) and convenience of our many thousand patrons and readers. This bulletin con- >
< tains every new place each day we can locate and we assure you that we are ?
( sparing no pains and time in having this bulletin complete each day. When you '
|) want to rent, think of the best way—the way that is the most complete and >
I ? the place where you have the most places to choose from. Always consult The ?
| j Georgian’s Rent Bulletin. That is the best way. It will save you time, money <
i S and worry. It is for your own convenience. s
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
1 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, elec
trie lights, steam heat, private bath;
i wide hall; all conveniences; beautiful
■ view Piedmont- park. Ivy 6164. Perma
nent. Private home. 49-7-26
NICE, new room, connected with bath;
electric lights; private home. 22 Sells
ave, 7-26-26
TWO elegantly furnished rooms, complete
for housekeeping, cheap to couple with
out children; hot bath. Bell phone; best
I locati on- 290 Washington. 7-26-25
; WANT a gentleman to share a room with
another; separate beds; reasonable
I price: conveniently located. 44 Houston
‘ street. 7-26-6
| TWO or three nice furnishe.l rooms on
first or second floor. 191 E. Pine street.
j 33-7226
D. E. EVANS, proprietor of the HWttel
Carnegie, 20-B Carnegie Way, has the
| nicest location in the city; nice, large,
airy, clean rooms; first-class board If de
sired Also has apartments for
light housekeeping; furnished completely
with hot and cold water, steam heat and
janitor service. Also one three-room
apartment, completely furnished for light
housekeeping, ivy 5558-J, Atlanta 3900.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping. 138 Pulliam street. Phone M.
FOR GENTLEMAN, nicely furnished
room with every modern convenience.
70 East Linden street, Linden Court,
Apartment 5. Ivy 483,45-7-25
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for
gentlemen only. Apply 4 Wellington
, apartna-nts: 124 Ivy street. 7-25-19
i FOR RENT—Two completely furnished
. connecting front rooms for light house
keeping. Very reasonable. 65 Irwin.
b'OR RENT Two or three rooms for
light housekeeping; close in. 79 East
I farris street. 48-7-24
NICE, large, cool room, three windows;
block of Candler Bldg. 102 Ivy street.
TWO light housekeeping rooms; all con
veniences. 112 Crew st. Main 2378-J.
NICELY fuFnished rooms; rates
verv reasonable. Main 2890-J.
I ONE small room for gentlemen, close In on
1 k'lckie. No, 85, ivy 3150. 7-24-40
FURNISHED room in close in. modern
| apartment. 28 E. Alexander. Ivy
' 5818-J, 7-24-18
TWt i furnished light housekeeping first
floor front rooms; close in; parties with
out children. 117 Formwait. Atlanta
phone 6137-A. 7-23-27
I NICELY furnished rooms in strictly pri
vate home; north side. 19 East Harris
LARGE, cool furnished rooms; five min
utes' walk of shopping district. 136
st._ Main 4783. 7-22-7
NICE room; close in; north side apart
jnent. 60M-J Ivy. 7-20-47
NICE ROOMS; close in; north side apart
ment, 6033-J Ivy. 7-20-45
FURNISHED rooms with or without
board. 71 Fairlie st. Atlanta phone
5326. 7-19-6
] ll -
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Two or three neatly furnished
cool rooms for light housekeeping; must
be reasonable and no objections to chil
dren. Mrs. E. 8., care Georgian. 7-26-5
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE connecting rooms in house with
owner; separate entrance; gas and sink.
279 Glenn street. 7-25-20
ENTIRE first floor, four rooms, hall,
porches, yards, all conveniences; close
I in; S2O. Phone Main 4020. 34-7-26
SMALL cottage; close in. Spring st.
Mrs. C. C., Phone Ivy 99.32-7-26
FOR KENT Two or three connecting
second floor rooms: furnished or unfur
nished; sink, phone and all conveniences.
i\y 24 9. 7-25-30
FOR RENT Three connecting rooms,
bath attached. Apply at 109 Richard-
I son st Bell phone M. 4844-J.29-7-25
i HAU of house unfurnished: separate en
trance; veranda; electricity; porcelain
■ slitk_ Uy 99 7-24-29
FOR RENT-—Seven-room bouse; 117 E.
Twelfth st.; fronts Piedmont park;
gas and water; $12.50. Apply 853 Pied
mont ave.3l -7-24
UNF’URNISHED room with two porches
and reception hall. Phone Ivy 4929.
i THREE unfurnished rooms; close in; hot
I and cold water; also one furnished
room. Apply 12 Brown Place. Main
! 907 ’■ _ "l?tL 5
i THREE unfurnished connecting rooms.
all conveniences for light housekeeping.
78 Rosalia street. Atlanta phone 3020-E.
THREE connecting rooms and porches for
housekeeping: Marietta ear line. A. G. |
M . > ar. Get rglan. 7-22-2 I
I “
(El\ K rooms on second floor, hot and cold
water, separate bath, electricity and gas
S3O, Plume I vy 17J_4 -L.7-24-32
THREE nice rooms for Housekeeping and
two large closets; $lO. 15 Little st.
FOR RENT Three nice connecting
rooms; gas. water, electric lights; sink
in kitehen. 26 Haralson avenue, Inman
Park. 7-19-16
What Have You For Rent? J
Have you a nice, cozy furnished room, an attractive apartment, a lovely (
I home, a iiotel. an offie< too large for you but big enough for two concerns? Do i
you want to rent your business location, or ha e you a garage that you would S
like to rent? Everything that is For Rent can be rented in this bulletin at a lit- s
tie cost and within a short time. The Georgian is the recognized Rent Medi- j
uni of the city and suburbs. ?
Lost and Found.
I LOST \ white hand-nwHe inesh baK at
the Terminal station Wednesday after-
' ’»o« n I indcr return to *'■'2 WHteh&’l
■ 'ted Kev; rd.
LOST <in College Park car Tuesday afi
ern< <»n, a blue linen dress :;nd bmck
<H, .<>rs Hide: pka-e < .Hl Fa.-, Point
i 325-J and '.“'.’’J?
' I OST TuesiFay two CO notes, <»n West (
Prachtioe ear or on stree: between ('Raid ;
\ Stanford’s store and Huan’eutt street. I
Liberal reward if returned to 129 North I
I Pryor street. 7-_ "
' LOST Strayed from Peachtree Inn 'l'ues- j
<l;iy evening, small toy silk poodle, pure |
"bite, \e:> curl'. <iipptd; g 1 Id chain and
heart on neck Nana Maxine; timid and
afra : d of strangers. Liberal reward. Call
Mrs Tetewav. P.achtree Inn. Ivy f»7
! STH \VEI > Two bay mare mules Find
er ’.ease rep t to Shin ‘T lee C'< a’ i
Co.. 2'Spring st. Ivy 4*3* 7-24-22
WILL give lessons in piano and oratory;
was trained at Peabody and Chautau
qua, N Y.; taught se'. t rr.l years Ad
dress Home Studiu, Box ;iv, care Geor
gian. 7-26-1
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
REFINED couple, no children, wants i
four rooms with private bath, suitable
for light housekeeping; good location;
rent must be reasonable and stated in
reply. H. L. T., care Georgian. 7-26-21
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FURNISHED or unfurnished front room
for bachelor or trained nurse or busi
ness lady. Call ivy 4082-L.7-23-26
FOR RENT—Three furnished or unfur
nished rooms for adults only. M.
4551-L. 7-26-9
ONE or two rooms; modern conven
iences; close in: use of phone; private
family.’ 191 Cooper. Bell Main 3314-J.
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT—Two flats; three and four
rooms each; all conveniences for house
keeping; adults only. Phone Main 4347-.!
166 Courtland street. 7-26-7
THREE large rooms completely fur
nished; close in; $22.50. 82 Williams,
near W. Baker. 7-25-34
FIVE-ROOM second floor apartment at a
sacrifice until October 1. 25 Porrer
Place, Apartment 3. Ivy 4038-J. 7-25-4
FOR RENT Five rooms, entire upstairs,
or three rooms; also two rooms, with
kitchenette. Modern conveniences Pri
vate entrance. North side. Phone Ivy
2478. 7-22-26
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
HAVE decided to lease for one to five
years my beautiful 8-room ground flout'’
apartment, corner Juniper and Third <
streets; modern in every waj’ and with
heat, hot and cold water. Call Ivy 1524-L.
WOULD like a party to take my unex
piretl lease on five-room apartment for
the month of August at reduction; all
conveniences; good neighborhood. Ivy
5495-L. 7-26-8
north side; can get possession August 1.
Ivy 29Q6-L. 7-24-10
82 CLARK ST.; modern and qpmfortable:
four rooms, kitchen, etc.; rent from
towner. Call ivy 3214-J.7-24-21
171-A CAPITOL AVE., modern six rooms,
kitchen, etc.; rent from owner. Cail
Ivy 3214-.1. 7-24-17
FOR RENT—The new apartment nouse
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bogco
bel, consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience, and renting for $32.50 to $35, Is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on prem
ises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler
building. 5-9-57
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED—North side apartment from
August 1 to November 15; must have
three bed rooms. Address 307 Atlanta
National Bank Bldg. 7-24-27
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
S^FwOODWARtTa VENUE; cottage; two
rooms; water, gas: fine section. 40-7-26
SPLENDID twelve-room steam heated
house; near in; north side; SSO. Keys,
504 Candler 81dg.7-24-35
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates. Turman, Black & Cal
houn, 203 Empire Bldg. 6-29-66
THE _ HOUSE~you biiildTTuy Tr
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
FOR RENT. HOUSES- Call, wr'-.a or
phone for our rent bhlletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED —To rent house of seven or
eight rooms in West End from Septem
ber 1 by family of four; no children;
prompt, careful, permanent tenant; must
be in good locality and nice house. Ad
dress West End, care Georgian.
WANTED To rent or buy on easy terms
small tract with sufficient buildings. !
G. T. W.. care Georgian. 54-7-25
Stores For Rent.
FOR LEASE—S4xI76 at 314 Peachtree st..
25 years. John H. James. 25-7-25
For Rent—Miscellaneous.
INVALID rolling chair. $1.50 month. Ivy
2352-J 7-25-25
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos, office and warehouse. 239-241
Edgewood ave. Ivy 2037. John J. Wcod
i <ide Morne*' Company.
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M. C. FURNITURE transfer: we pack!
and ship. Main 3657-J, A. 1319. 42 Mad- i
Ison ave 3-12-7
If you sent a letter or telegram to the
wrong address, you would hardly expect
an answer, would you? The same is true
\\ I \on select the wrong medium to
nave all your wants filled. Try the rig it
wnv The Georgian Want Ad wav
DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re- |
liable treal-tient for painful and sup
prest-'-d mbnstruation. irregularities and.
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail, |
50c Fran’,. Edmondson & Bro., manufac
turing liemists, 14 South Broad street.
Atlaiita la.. 2-17-11 I
I LADIES -SI,OOO reward. 1 positively u ;ar
iititee my great successful "Monthly'
remedy; safely relieves some of the long- |
lest, most obstinate eases in three lo five I
, a.s: no bi'rni. pain or interfere.tee with |
work tint I -1.50. Double strengt’ , $2. Dr. '
F. G Southington Remedy Company, I
I Kansas Cit v, Mo.
Dental Work.
Special Low Prices
In Dental Work.
LN oiUHIH to reducu our stock -if artlii
■ .d teeth, we otTur for the next few
<ln? :■ full plates at 52.50 to $5.00; porce
lain and gold b.o k crowns. $2.50 to ss.uo;
plalen i < pc 50c pur tooth.
nl’.. Whitehall St
(Over Globe (’hulling Co.»
• Bell Phune M 3H75.
i Manning, a nurse, who was in Mr. Ar- I
JI nett’s home at Oakhurst two years ago. |
J Phpne Main 25260 r write J. S. Hollings
! I worth, 38 North Forsyth street. 36-7-26 1
I cfal method for adults commencing music.
Enables you to play well in three months. I
All monotony of practice avoided. Even- I
ing lessons if desired. Box 305, care Geor- i
gian. 48-7-23 •
refined, homelike; limited number of |
[ patients eared for; home provided for in- ,
■ fants; Infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T.
; Mitchell. 26 Windsor st. 6-22-12
RICHARDSON'S Atlanta Select School;
both sexes: summer school In session.
Pupils prepared for Tech, university, col-
I lege. West Point, Annapolis. 300 Spring.
ANY’ SHADE, length or weight. Thin
braids remade and hair added. Special
attention given to dyeing. Work and
quality goods used guaranteed. SPECIAL
PRICES offered for next thirty days Mail
orders given prompt attention.
Phone Main -20-22
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit you,
and it means insurance. 6-24-19
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLi’DE a style for every woman: the
genuine skill of our corsetieres is mani
fested in selecting the model that be
comes you best, company headquarters,
84 East North avenue. Iv» 6176. 5-28-36
FOUND—The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
pany, 21 Inman building. Atlanta, Ga. If
you can net call, write. 6-7-36
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. li. Cal
laway, manager, 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga Main 5310.
NOTHING but first-class, work and
prompt service. When you are ready
| for tiiis kind of work, phone Ivy 1436.
Memorial building. 5-6-33
STILL ANOTHER big shipment of new
wall papers Prices right. All work
guaranteed. Better be safe than sorry.
Barnett & Gordon. 22 East Mitchell street;
thirty seconds from YVhltehall. 4-13-45
~(;Yl > SYI\UAIIS r F'
IS NOW LOCATED 1n tent, corner For
syth and Luekie; can be consulted on
all affairs of life. Charges moderate.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
Palmist and Life Reader, 17 E.
25 and 50 cents.
REVEALS past, present and future; can
be consulted on all affairs of life. (In
tent). 5-29-5
DROPSY CURED—Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours, Red-xces swell
l ing in 15 to 20 days. Write for particu
lars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Company,
512 Austell Building, Atlanta. 5-25-11
Stove and Range Repairing.
SELLS second hand gas stoves. We sweep
chimneys. We take down heaters. We
sell wick and wickless oil stoves. We sell
fasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta phone
235. 121 Whitehall street. Bell phone
Main 2699. 4-4-7
WANTED —Second-hand roll-top desk, I
four feet In length. Address G. B. P.. :
care Georgian. 46-7-25
WE BUY' old accounts, notes, judgments.
616 Temple Court Bldg. Main 3992. ,
BEST price for furniture of all kinds.
We buy contents of residences, flats and
offices. Phone Main 187. 143 South Pryor
. street Pembroke Sales Company. 7-20-14
DROP A CARD —Will bring cash tor end
clothes and shoes. The Y r estaire, 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
1 BUY men’s old clothes and shoes
Drop a card I, Bock. 32 Bell st. 6-1-14
WANTED—We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
; furniture. Cash advanced on consign
' i ments. Snrlnger’s Auction House, 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
WE PAY' HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture.
Cash advanced on consignments. Cen
tra! Auction Company, 1.2 East Mitchell
street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE —Oliver typewriter; good con
dition. cheap. Apply to The Fleischmann
Company, 12 11 Edgewood avenue. 48-7-26
FOR SALE A new National cash register
with six drawers and all the latest at
tachments to it; I will sell to some good
enterprising business man ior the small
sum of $350 cash; first come first served.
C. H. Meinschur, Quincy. Fla. 7-26-10
HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. Inquire
365 Spring st. 31-7-26
FOR SALE 1U horsepower water-cooled
horizontal gasoline engine; weight 3001bs.
Complete ready for running, new, $37.50
, cash witlt order. Wonderful value. Dunn
1 Machinery Company, 54 Marietta street,
J Atlanta, Ga. This price is made in order
, to sell 5,000 of these engines in Georgia '
’ this l eaf. *-25-36 I
[ EAGLE Mining stock for sale; 100 shares
■ Eagle .'lining stock. S4O. W A. Cleve
‘ j land, Franklin, Tenn.2B-7-25
■ I ONE Circassian walnut dresser and wash
’ stand and two iron bods, all new. Phone'
| Ivy 7U-1.. 7-24-33
J FOlt SALE —One 60-saw Eagle gin; run I
, | one season: one steam press, two en- I
■ i ginvs, 12 and 6 horsepower. W. B. '
, A>i.mis. 1 ’.arnesville, Ga. 7-21-2,s
HOT AIR furnace cheap. Phone Main
4335.15-7-24 ,
FOR SALE -One sts ond-hand roll-top;
desk in good condition cheap. See Mr.
' Shields at .P'orf-'in office. 7-2416
, FOR ..I. F':'O'-dollar "Buck'' range;
I good erudition, fifteen dollars if taken j
at once. Ivy sfiß-J. 7-24-23
i IF vol’ WANT SAND in any quantity
delivered in any part of town, whole
sale or retail, call Ivy 3786. C. W. Jones
I A- Co. , 7-2-33
National Cash Reyister.
j $35. SSO. :60. $75. SIOO, $l5O and up to suit
your m etis Terms • asj . Liberal ex-
I change for cash registers in use. Bell
phone Ivy 115.'.. Atlanta 594.
6e North Broad Street. 7-20-52
| FOR SALE 200 cords of dry pine wood,
cut in January and February. Make
offer f. o. b. Godfrey, Ga R. I>. Richter
hWOM |
G AB) 'S . A URL)' cl. PHI >NE IVY I
307(> ROBERT Ml’ ■ HELL. 229 EDG E-
V < » 'D.7-18-15
WANTED You to know that we sell both
new am’, secoml-l and furniture for the
| ciinvenjence of the economical housokeett
|er \\ save you at least 20 ver cent
"tt ever;, purchase Cameron Furniture
I Company, 39 West Mitchell street. Phone
Main 333* 6-24-30
For Sale—Miscellaneous,
i REPAIRS and refurnishes all kinds of
furniture. We make ladies’ shirtwaist
boxes to order at $3 each. Any special
; pieces of upholstered furniture we make
.to order by expert mechanics. Estimates
carefully furnished. Phone Main 2475.
171 Whitehall Street.
LUMBER, sash and All kindsYf
building material. C. E. Henderson,
Marietta, Ga 6-22-50
WE RENT good pianos. $3 month up
We sell good pianos. $5 month up.
Bargain in secorAi-hand, SIOO up.
i R. P. Becht Company, no Temple Court
building. Bell phone (167 Main. 4-23-20
Aniprifl'lll “ II re &lsters everything”
cii.iLi (' em Latest improvements.
Ooclt Hid registers exchanged
v ctnn z yll sizes; easy terms.
TJocria+n-ncs Atlanta Cash Register Co.
POPE'S SPECIAL—Best dollar -watch tn
the world sent prepaid, only 86c.
Fully guaranteed to keep correct time
two years or money refunded. New watch
given free if it breaks. A more servicea
ble watch can not be bad at any price
Money refunded immediately if you are
not highly pleased. Order today without
fail Pope Watch and Diamond Company.
1514 Slain street, Dallas. Tex. 6-1-14
THE ARMY WORM is here. The
TICK is on your cows. The
CATERPILLAR is on the way.
The LICE are on your poultry. Or
der your SPRAY PUMP of us to
day. All sizes and prices. Tin,
copper and brass. Pumps and ma
chinery of all kinds. Dunn Ma
chinery Co., 54 Marietta St., At
lanta, Ga. 7-25-37
20 PER CENT discount on all
Mission Fiber Rush and Rustic
Hickory Porch Rockers, Chairs,
Swings, Settees, Tables, etc. In
vestigate our Easy Payment Plan.
62 Peachtree. 61 North Broad.
remove dirt and germs from pugs, car
pets, floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from
$32.50 up; vacuum sweepers $9.75. C. J.
> Daniel & Co., 416 Fourth Nat. Bk. Bldg.
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Business Opportunities.
ONE two-chair barber shrtp for sale.
Come or write Box 111, Fayetteville,
Ga.M. G. Garland. 44-7-26
RENTS FOR $8,820.
FOR SALE —General merchandise busi
ness in good country town. There is
connected with this business lumber,
shingle and building material, Ice, auto
mobile and garage business; also meat
market. The amount of business now
done is $25,000 to $30,000 per year. This
amount can be doubled. About $5,000 will
handle. Box 143. Austell, Ga. 6-29-46
Fresh and Salt Meats. Fresh and Salt Meats.
Leg of Lamb, whole 12 l-2c
Lamb Chops 15c
Lamb Stew 10c and 121-2 c
Veal Stew 10c
Veal Roast . . .• .... 12 l-2c
Veal Steak 121-2 c
■Pot Roast 10c
Prime Rib Roast 12 1-2e and 15c
:Spare Ribs 12 l-2c and 1”’ ( ‘
j Boiling Beef . ..
Come earlv and avoid t lie rush.
Decatur St. and 150 Marietta St.
Furniture For Sale. Furniture For
I WE AKE positively eloaiug out this stock. On account of chair-' 1 ’
in business a dandy, dean, new dock id' Fu lit'iro to go at
practically wholesale cost.
Want Ad Rates and- Rules
f • in The Atlanta Georgian
I One cent a word each insertion
, No ad taken for less than the ■ , ,
of ten words. Ad? '..rr- *
2c a word ’ ■
If Out-dr-tuwn advertisement
must be accompanied with cast
Agencies’ discounts 10 and R r\,
cent. p
' The Georgian will not be respon
, sible for more than one incorrect
) insertion of any ad ordered mot-
than one time.
< |
Closing Hours: To secure prot -
er classification of Want \d s
» 5'i 11 necessary to have copy
The Georgian office before 1 o clot <
, - the day of the issue.
All ads must be ordered out ■
writing or at the office. No dF
continuance notice taken over tt
; Every word in the advertlsemer:
including the name and addre* -
t should be counted. Each inlt'i.l
counts one word; compound wore;
t are counted as two words,
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
1 it is more convenient to do so at
collection will be made at ’you
home or at your office the follow'
I ing day This is an accommodi,
Ron service rendered Georgia
' Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly ' made
on presentation of hill. Alwat'-
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the a<l
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian car
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kin'.'
, occurring in telephone advertise-'
, ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given by The Georgian to
patrons making payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as r...
mistakes can be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
. Georgian, if the advertiser asks to
show references, send a duplicate
of same.
Auction Sales.
SEVERAL thousand dollars’
worth of Dry Goods, Rugs ami
Art Squares, including percales,
batiste, linens, muslins, sheeting,
pillow case goods, calicos, dress
patterns, dress goods, muslin un
derwear, table linen, couch cov
ers, portieres, lace curtains, lino
leum. stair carpet, crex runners;
also a consignment of fine Fur
niture. including brass beds, par
lor suit, rockers, dining chairs,
dressers, etc. The dry goods will
be sold in lengths to suit pur
•hasers. Sale promptly at 10 a.
m. and 3 p. m. daily until all sold
WILL exchange nice building lots in Ea
gan Park for a four-cylinder automo
bile; must be in good condition Address
W. F, E,, care Georgian. 47-7-26
BIG BARGAIN in automobile if taken
at once; model N Ford, $75. Can be seen
at Edgar’s garage, 34-36 Auburn avenue
THE reason we control the finest auto
repair business in the city is due to the
fact that we work on the cars ourselves.
: We know how to make them run right
and make sure it is done as it should be
. When your car needs attention, remem
ber, we can make any kind of repair on
any make car.
Travis & Almond,
26 James st., third floor. Ivy 4832
WE HAY’E FOR SALE a five-passenger
White gas car, 1911 model; also a five
passenger 1910 Cadillac. We have rebuilt
these from the ground up. We know
these to be absolutely perfect. Some one
finds a bargain here. When we have a
car for sale it must be right. Call and
let us show you how good thej’ are
Travis & Almoud.
26 James st., third floor. Ivy 4830
AUTOMOBILE for sale. $l6O cash, or on
terms; in good running order. J B
Dodge. Route 3. Atlanta. 7-23-30
SPECIAL SALE—My five-passenger car,
in perfect condition; fine for family use
or hire; sacrifice at $450 or SSOO at once.
Call Mr. Hull at 175 S. Forsyth st. Main
BURETOR work a specialty. We give
careful attention to electric auto and bat
tery work. Hartrampf & Y’arbray ('"■
Phone Main 3810. 56 Edgewood avenuq
just below Equitable building. 4-2;