Newspaper Page Text
And Readv=to=Wear
The Biggest Atlanta
Ever Saw
Our Mr. Springer has just shipped
from New York 62 dozen White
Chip Shapes, that we will sell
t 'morrow only for
Different ‘UyHs in Colored Hats i.
of every description at
59c '
One lot of Trimmed Hats, r>gu- g
lar values are $6 to $7.60; tumor,
rov. for g
On> shipment of Skirts, in tan, "
blue, black and ash color, that g
. ( \ allied a $7 and SS: reduced ,
White Serge Skirts reduced from
$6 and $6 t 052.75
$7 and $8 t 053.98
Handsome Wash Dresses, beau
tifully trimmed. reduced from I
$6.98 to
Waists sell tomorrow for . . .83c *
Satin Coats, latest styles, from
$lO to< . $25.00
Our Store is closed today in I »,
preparation for the great sale
tomorrow. See us and save
95 Whitehall I
| Don't I
I Miss !
I TN* f-
| Opportunity]
Notice onr great Eg
K —indow disyhy of ra
< ' nported Woolens.
Suits which weie Js
' relllng for S4O-00 and L
9 .'SC.CO. for the next, gL
$ 10 w s ~ g
r ~ i
All our work made m
m on premises—we are
not an agency, but ffe
practical TAILORS.
16 years in business I
p in Atlanta.
We are equipped to E
H make you a suit in 3 I
9 days, pants in 1 day. H
8 10 N. Pryor Street, E
Near Union Depot.
5 Auburn Avenue,
■ At. Peachtree. ?
YOU will look mighty
COOL, and teel every
“whit” as COOL as you look /W
in one of our very stylish
They are made up with as much wfn Ma mi
regard for style as tor comfort
They’re “smart” and “spirited’
and genuinely satisfactory in
every respect and feature The n TtWn
modish colors—solids and pencil I H nTF\\
and self stripes. /A . ||lW v
sls---slB S2O--$25 \|r~y
I As stylishly lasted as leather models—cool, com-
sortable, serviceable.
N Button and Blucher styles. A harmonizing
final for a Mohair Suit; white, slate, brown, $3.50.
Georgian Want Ads Bring Results
For a Few Days Only, Dent Miss It]
BSjW? SfewwK Bw*™"*
BS /I 8 O ■ . H i
U OH .5 .
I , SR jo w W
i With every suit order and everything made-to-
iitnr'v Wwli measure. All the store is in the headlines. We
URDAY y, .
i U TIL Iw ;: eau 011 - v a( ’ ' v ‘ ia t ? v ery old customer knows—
-10:30 Ji o prices are changed, no goods reserved, for g
IP. M. V'''l “Free" here means nothing hut FREE. Pay
our regular price, choose from our complete
■■ rang(‘- -staple blacks and bines, as well as nov-
cities—and with your suit we make you an S
extra pair of $7.00 trousei’s absolutely FREE. Furthermore, you get exactly |
the same good workmanship and the same matchless senice now—as always. I
I Suit S i Extra |
Made MH p s7.o@
To «| Pants
Tour Free
i Order -A Ori?ißal
' V sls Tailor*
i I Beware el Imitators
il liiiflitmnlm
(Thlw Advertimoment la Copyrighted, 1912. I*«w Hitman )
<I! r. A 1 luA 51 A z\ A1 f A \Vt5. tbA 1 L IWA Y, .J L!. Y L’ (. T.) IZ.
Store Open Saturday Night Until
Ten o’clock. Extra Bargains
From One to Ten P. M.
Three Dress Specials
A clearance sale of Stylish Pique and Lin- I Lace-Trimmed and all
splendid styles in white ene Dresses in peplum i over embroidered Lin-
and colored Linene anc j Norfolk effects; ; gerie Dresses; also Silk
Dresses made to retail rga j va p des U p to $7 50; Dresses; values up to
at $5.00; choice, Sat- , , . .
, clearance sale price— S 15.00; all at, choice—
sl4s I $2.75 $4.95
Suits and Skirts Waists: Petticoats
A special lot of Ladies’ Wash Suits in the Beautiful new Lingerie Waists of fine sheer
popular Norfolk styles; lawn; lace and embroidery
$6.00 values O trimmed; up to ,$2.00 valuesOvv
White Skirts of linene and pique; excellent- Ladies' Silk Shirts in pretty striped patterns
ly made and worth up to with soft collars; real QQtf*
$2.50; choice for wOC $2.00 values; only WVv
Skirts of white and striped serges. Panamas.. Ladies' Black Mercerized Petticoats, worth
etc.; values up to, $10.00; GC $1.50; on sale tomorrow CQu*
all at, choiceonly, at VwG
Rther Bargains: Second Floor
Ladies’ Corset Covers in pretty Final clearance of Ladies’ Un- Ladies' House Dresses, well made
styles; real 50c ISk trimmed Hats, Children's Readv- ?k g ? W 3 69ft
to-Wear Hats and Shapes; were
Ladies Gowns, Petticoats and U P , t 0 ? 3 n °: 25c Ladies’ Long Crepe Kimonos in
Princesl Slips; upto choice good styles; this
$3.00 values; only vOv sale WWW
Ladies’ White and Combination „
Children’s VVash Dresses: sizes Ratine Hats; $2.50 One lot of Ladies Short Kimonos
for ages 2to 6 and $3.00 values «r OC to close out at, 10ft
Ladies’ lisle-finished Vests with Children’s Wash Dresses: sizes Children's Fancy Parasols will be
silk-taped neck and 7 for agvS fi to 14 Qfle 801(1 tomorrow ' IDa
armholes " ** years; only a s IVw>
• Ladies’ and Men’s Furnishings
Extra Special Sale of Ladies’ Pure Silk Hose in black, white and best col
ors: very tine quality; usually priced $1.50;
tomorrow, per pairWwV
Ladies’ Silk Hose in black and Ladies' Long Silk Gloves in black Hair Switches in black, brown
colors; 50c grade; IQr >nly: the SI.OO kind; ind blond; upto Qflr,
per pal" I pai; . UVG $4.00 values »OU
Ladies' Silk Hose in black, white Ui-button length Lisle Gloves in Men’s lisle, balbriggan and po
and colors; 89c grade; k, white rous-knit Underwear;
perpairand colorsper.garment
Lot of Crocheted and Braided 16-buiton length Silk Glov . in Men’s Night Shirts, well made ot
Bags; real SI.OO 300 " h:it ‘ b.aek and 5©C '' 3,l cambric: this 390
Children's and Infants’ Socks in I..idles’ fih-eent Patent Leath"' Men’s Negligee Shirts; samples
white and colors; 1 Gr' Belts; white, black of SI.OO and $1.50 < 2Qr»
this sale * v * and redlines; choice
Ladies’ All-Linen Hemstitched Odd lot of Patent Leather lb Its Lot of Men’s Hemstitched Hand-
Handkerchiefs with in black and colors; lAa kerchiefs to sell at, Qr,
initials; only**** only IW each \
Domestics, Linens, Ek--Special
100 dozen extra quality double satin damask Table Napkins, hemmed ready
for use: worth $2.00; in this sale
at, per dozen OZr C
6S-iiich Blpachcd I able Dam- Si'amb’ss Bleached Sheets, as 100 pieces of Brown Dress
ask; SI.OO value; this sale. good as Ptica A film Linen; all linen;
P er Mills; each per yard vC
yard wwV
18-inch Bleached Table Nap- Extra size Pillow Cases, as Good size Bleached Turkish
kins, hemmed ready A good as I tica eg Bath Towels to sell
for use; each“TV Mills; each | . at, each wG
Clean-Up Sale of
Porch Rockers and Chairs Up to
$4.00 Values; Choice, $1.50
Green <g- * Mitchell.
Trading || Near
Stamps « IBk Whitehall