Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, July 30, 1912, FINAL, Page 22, Image 22

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22 NULLS FRANCHISE FOR lOH LINES Board Condemns Electrician jor Granting Hill St. Permit to Transmission Company. • ♦ City Kit-. t« i. i.iii R <’ Turner, who pot n lot of attention last winter b\ his attacks on ’the Georgia Railway am! Elect! it Company. today vas eontlemn ?d by the city board of electrival con trol for granting a franchise, without authority. to the Centra! Georgia Transmission Company, the onl> com petitor of the Georgia Railway ami Electric Company, to build a high power line on Hill street and Milton avenue, and the board revoked the electrician's permit. Complaints of property owners di rected the attention of the board to the situation. The Central Georgia Transmission Company had a force working day and night on the street, erecting a 66.000 volt lire. J. H. Gal house. a resident of Hill street, dis charged his pistol twice last Thursday night to frighten away the workmen whan the) disluib his sleep, H< was fin'-H by the recorder, but immediate ly there was a general protest from the citizens against the building of the line aluug their street Mr. Turner himself said rhe hjgh voltage wire would be dangerous . It was found the only authority to build the line on these streets was obtained from the city electrician, who consulted only the engineer of the Southeastern Underwriters Association. Such an authority is equal to a fran chise. and rests onlv with the council The board immediately revoked the permit of the company. The company must get tile right to with the work by taking up the matter with the board. An injunction suit, has been filed to stop the work, but this was discon tinued when the court wa< informed of the action of the city board. City Electrician Turner declared the board was trying to put all the trouble it could on him. The city had granted the company the right to build such a line op Lakewood avenue. Mr. Tur ner said he transferred the permit to other streets because he thought it was a bettor route. He said any line carrying more than 11.000 volts was dangerous and that some of tile lines of the Georgia Rail way and Power Company, the company that absorbed the Georgia Railway and Electric Company. should be con demned. The board. John E McClelland. W. R Cummings fire chief, and It. M. Clayton, chief of construction, decided not to go into this matter at this time. EASTMAN CHURCH CALLS PASTOR EASTMAN. GA.. July 30. The First Baptist church of this city has called Rev. Alex W. B< aler, of Murfreeshorq. Tenn., to act as pastor, to succed Rev. S. J. Parrish who resigned the pas torate several w eeks ago to enter evan gelistic work. Rev. Mr. Healer has ac cepted and w ill come to his new charge the first Sunday in September. ] A desirable combination en joyed by travelers on the latest built and most completely equipped transcontinental train— ‘The Olympian Leaves Chicago every day at 10:15 p. m., through for Seattle and Tacoma—travers 1* ing a new country, rich and scenically beautiful —over the shortest line—the r* Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul $ * Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound * Railways "*■ “The Columbian,” companion train of “The Olympian,'’ leaves Chicago 10:30 a. m. daily. Low round trip fares in effect during May, June, July, August and September. ! .teraturr and full information free on request, M S BOWMAN. Commercial Agent, fcT J 904 Fourth National Bank Bldg., “ [1 Atlanta. Ga. F. A. MILLER, General Passenger Agent, CHICAGO M.< —Sc— MPI J®' * . .... in .i _ i !■ f*Dr. E. G. Griffin’s ..“.L Over BROWN & ALLEN'S DRUG STORE. 24 j WHITEHALL ST. I S6t 01 Teetl ' COMPLETED DAY ORDERED I 22k Gold Crowns, $3 I S pcciai ® rilJ ? e Wbrk, $4 y' L I j Dental Work Lowest Prices. PHONE *7QP. Hours-—8 to 7. Lady Attendant. I SENATE RETURNS TO I GOVERNOR EDUCATION ' BOARD APPOINTMENTS Complying with the request of Governor Brown, the senate* today returned to him his nominations to Hie state board of ed ucation. No action was taken on the lUike Smith appointments. Hy recalling his appointment*. Gov ernor Brown prevented them from being fought on Br»«u n-Smith lines. The sen ate is m»w left with the Smith appoint tio n’s to be approved or rejected. Those ap|»oin*rm-nts are. I »r. Jere M. Pound T J. \V oof tor asid I. Langston. The legal point raised in the senate that the Smith nominations were made to till real vacancies and were not ad interim appointments, ami the apparent strength on this view with members of the upper house, was largely responsible for the governor's action in withdrawing his nominations. lie declined today to dis<uss his future action in the matter Tin name of Waiter Steed, appointed b\ Brown to succeed the late Judge Lawson, was withdrawn so that the senate will have but three names to consider, whereas there are four vacan cies cm the board. The Brown appoint ments wen : G. H Glenn. T. J. Wooster, A. T. Moon and Walter Steed. MAN BREAKS ANKLE CHASING NEGRO GIRL SUSPECTED OF THEFT I IL Akridge, of 133 Chappell street, Broke iiis ankle today while chasing Pearl Booth, a fourteen-year-old negro girl who, it is charged, had stolen a considerable amount of jewelry from Mrs. A. L. Smith, of 4 Walker street, ile war. taken \o the Grad > hospital. Abridge was gaining on the girl until he jumped a fence and broke his left leg at the ankle. The girl was captured at the corner of Chappell and Tatnall streets. In a clothes hag she had a .32-caliber re volver, two heavy gobi bracelets, three scarf pins, a valuable locket and chain and $6.96 in money. SLEUTHING WITH AID OF DICTOGRAPH NOT FAVORED BY POLICE Chief of Police .Bepvers is not much in favor of the dictograph as a gatherer of evidence. Ht> said so today. "The trouble with such evidence," as serted the chief, “is .that it is usually not admissible. Telephone conversa tions are not admitted unless identifi cation of the parties talking is abso lute, and so with the dictograph. Or dinarily the, stenographer recording dic tograph notes can not identify the per sons or voices sufficiently to make the evidence worth anything.” A dictograph agent called on Chief Beavers recently in an effort to place one of the instruments with the local department, but the chief had substan tially tlie above objections and accord ingly refused to buy. TAX RETURNS OF G. S. & F. ROAD INCREASED $250,000 Through an agreement reached between Comptroller General Wright and the of ficers of the Georgia Southern and Flor ida railway, the road’s tax returns for 1912 have been Increased by $250,000. Th« company's original returns were $4,803.- 646, but the comptroller Insisted upon an Increase of $300,000 The returns were boosted to $.’>,053,646 after a series of con ferences. J HE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS SUM OF RAIL HEADS EXPECTED Rumors of a big shake-up among the operating officials of the Atlanta, Bir mingham and Atlantic railroad are prevalent in railroad circles today with the announcement that E. -T. Lamb, president and general manager of the Norfolk Southern railroad. had been Selected to fill the ‘place of Alex Bon nyman, former general manager of the road. J. R. Rowland, general traffic man ager, Is said to“ have resigned his posi tion and it is said .thaCseveral other officials will resign at an early date. Among them ate W. H. Leahy, genera! passenger agent, and C. B. Kelahofer, general freight agent, al! with offices ir. Atlanta, the headquarters of the road. Mr. Leahy denier! today that he intend ed to resign. H. M. Atkinson, co-recelver of the road with R. L. Schoonmaker, of Bos ton, is out of the city at present. It was stated that the first knowledge of the change in officials came, with the dispatch from Norfolk announcing the change in genera].managers. Mr. Bonnyman was formerly chief of construction and built the' A.. R. & A When the road Went into’ the* hands of receivers he was made general man ager, and the understanding at that time was that he soon would be shifted back to the construction department, where his experience has been gained. If You Know Your A4K’s And don’t mind using them Get the August fiction number of Everybody’s Magazine You remember that little French gem that took the little world by storm some time ago —“Marie Claire,’’ by Marguerite A u d o u x ? Well, you will find in the August EVERYBODY’S fl u » first thing she has published since her epoeh-m aki n g book. Three delicate, atmos pheric little sketches in her wonderfully simple style that sparkle in the memory like thought-crystals. Won derfully illustrated in full colors. Do you like a tale full of the thrill of adventuresome lives? Read “The Wreckin',’’ by Leavitt Ashley Knight. Are you too sophisticated? What would you give for an honest, old-fashioned, hearty laugh? Read Julian Street's “Oh. You Babylon!” It's good for what ails you. Do you like information put in flu* most interesting way ? Read “ The Big Ditch ” Do you like to forget your own troubles sometimes by considering the troubles of others? Have you got any interest in things that con cern lhe common good? Read “Enough To Live On.” No matter what your indi vidual slant is if you are willing to he entertained to the limit by the best all round magazine' in the world, get the August num ber of FA LIO’BODY’S. Just dig into it anywhere. You will emerge satisfied and happy and much obliged to ns for the suggestion. 15 Cents a Copy, $1.51) a Year The Ridgway Co., Publishers • If vou find a newsdealer who does not ■handle EVERYBODY’S MAGAZINE or \PVEN'TURU. »end his name and address to the Publisher * Newt* Company, Spring i and Macdoucal Streets. New York City, land they will triad!' send \<>u three I months subscription t<» \ I ‘VEXTI'KE. I absolutely fret , in return for the Informa tion 1 fTi L W7 H B W 1 Bn Th® Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. 11. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good ” are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children —Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea, and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the StomAeh and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TH6 CCNVAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK OITY. Perfected PAINLESS Dentistry jv With <»ur most modern and finest }, '■ I < <|iii|>ni<‘iit. dental surgeons of skill and llie scientific methods in use this establishment is splendid- D* Jy equipped for the practice of PAINLESS Dentistry. SET OF TEETH, $5.00 BRIDGE WORK, $4.00 GOLD CROWNS, $4.00 and $5.00 ATLANTA DENTAL PARLORS DR. 0. A. CONSTANTINE, Prop, and Mgr. Corner Peachtree and Decatur; Entrance 19 1 -, Peachtree Street. THE BEST AND QUICKEST WAY TO RENT YOUR ROOMS: USE THE GEORGIAN “RENT BULLETIN” SAVE THIS COUPON--IT IS VALUABLE! ' THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN-PREMIUM COUPON TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1912 THIS COUPON WILL ENTITLE THE HOLDER TO A HAND-PAINTED 7-PIECE BAVARIAN CHINA BERRY SET (VALUE $5.00) UPON PAYMENT OF $1.79. PRESENT AT OUR PREMIUM ROOM, 20 E. ALABAMA ST., AND GET THIS BEAUTIFUL BERRY SET FOR $1.79 L CT XwiL tJMi ■ v-i i I#->»JMt r ' Ml Bt ■» AMHC ■■‘awKK.. Ready Saturday morning. Only 2IH) sets in the lot. Uome early to avoid disappointment. The Atlanta Georgian Premium Room. 20 East Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga. Out-of-town readers add 25 cents for packing. Sets will be sent anyvzbere, express charges collect. kJ ... OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK I I LSDAV, J ELY 30. IHIZ. Northern ' Lakes The lake resorts in the West and pZ- North are particularly attractive. J // The clear invigorating air added to boating, bathing I /and fishing will do much to upbuild you physically. I I / We have on sale daily round trip tickets at low fares and with long return limits and will be glad to give you full information. Following are the round trip rates | from Atlanta to some of the principal resorts: Charlevoix $36.55 Mackinac Island $38.65 Chautauqua Lake Points 34.30 Marquette 46.15 Chicago 30.00 Milwaukee 32.00 I Detroit - 30.00 Put-in-Bay 28.00 Duluth 48.00 Petoskey 36.55 THE ATTRACTIVE WAY TO ALL THE RESORTS ON THE Great Lakes, Canadian Lakes and in the West I CITY TICKET OFFICE I 4 Peachtree Street phones Eczema and Ringworm Cured. Tetterine is the only "dead sure” cure for eczema. It Is a fragrant, soothing, healing antiseptic, which never fails. It is equally effective in the cure of ring worm and all other violent skin and scalp diseases. Ask your druggist for Tetterine. If he hasn’t it. send 50c to the Shuptrine Co., Savannah. Ga. ••• HOTELS AND RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL. Virginia ave.. near Beach and Steel Pier. Open surroundings. Capacity 500. Hot and cold sea water baths. Large rooms, south ern exposure. Elevator to street level, spa cious porches, etc. Special week rates; $2.50 up dally. Booklet. Coaches meet trains COOPER & LEEDS. ATLANTICCITYOFFICIALGUIDE pagen. 225 illustration*. All attractions and | the leading hotels described, with rates, city I maps, etc. Send 2c stamp for mailing fi ee copy. I Atlantic City Free Information Bureau I ■a F. O. Box 895. Atlantic City, N. J ana | Stricture j 'THERE is too much rough work, out -1 ting and gouging In handling cases of stricture Mv 35 vears of experience with B diseases of men, chronic diseases, nervous disorders, have shown me, amongother things, that many cases of stricture may be cured with less harsh treatment than they gener ally receive. Intelli gent, careful and scientific treatment by a physician of jxperience cure, without pain. Tha fake violet ray treatment simply separates the pa tient from his mon ey. I have found, OR. WM, M. BAIRD too, that num Brown - Randolph Bldg.cases of supposed Atlanta, Qa. stricture are only an infiltrated condition of the urethra and pot true strictures. My office hours ara 8 to 7. Sundays and holidays, 10 to 1. My monographs are free by mall in plain sealed wrapper. Examination free.