Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, July 31, 1912, EXTRA, Image 10
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS - Stove and Range Repairing. DAN TII e“fTxer7~ SELLS sertmd hand gas stoves We sweep chimneys. We take down healers. We sell wick and wickless oil stoves. We sell gasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta phone 3235. 121 Whitehall street. Bell phone Main 2699.4-4-7 Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete Bet of attacliments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt delivery. Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 3-14-44 Money To Loan. The Prudential Insurance Company of America c»n make you a 5, 5 1-2 and 6 per cent loan on improved property through their loan correspondents. TURMAN'. BLACK & CALHOUN, 203-8 Empire Building. 7-12-1 MONEY K<iß SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden tial. D. H. Tolman. 544 Austell building. WE’can make loans on Atlanta real es tate and farm lands. Apply to Ralph O. Cochran, 19 South Broad. 7-10-20 MONETT on hand for Immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta. J. E Van Valkenburg, 601 Equitable Bldg. 6-6-22 WEYMaN“&’CONNORS, ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. Carson. 24 Routh Broad st,4-1-17 FARM LOANS placed tn any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia The Soutnern.Mongage Company, Gould build ing 7-13-1 I ??■/• jewelers and brokers A# 301 pet tat CO ' {. strictly private " WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta ind nearby property, either for rtraight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave. Without Indorseihent Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Monev loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO., 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. Business Opportunities. TWENTY shares of the Guarantee Trust and Banking Company stock for sale The rumor is that it will pay a dividend of $3 per share soon; if so. you can have it What will you give me for it? I paid my good money for this stock Will trade it for land or other stock Address me at once. “Losing Money." Box 128, care Georgian. 52-7-30 FOR SALE -General merchandise busi ness in good country town. There is connected with this business lumber, shingle and building material, ice. auto mobile and garage business: also meat market. The amount of business now is $26,000 to $30,000 per year. This amount can be doubled. About $5,000 will handle. Box 143, Austell, Ga 6-29-46 Real Estate For Sale. FFR SALE—Good five-room house on lot 40x164. half block of car line in West End Ijrice $2,600 on easy terms Call F. L. Volberg, Jr., 130 South Forsyth street. -30-2 FOR SAI.E —Beautiful suburban home; 11-room bouse on shaded lot. 100x300; large barn, garage and chicken house: built for a home. Price $5,500 on easy terms. Call Ivy 2283-.1 or see Mr. Vol berg, 1160 DeKalb avenue 7-308 DECATUR—A splendid new nine-room residence with built In buffet, bookcases, brick mantels, etc., fine floors and electric fixtures, furnace, on lot 67x150. best neigh borhood; well worth $6,000, price $5,500. Will take small cash payment or vacant lot or automobile; balance monthly to suit. W. H. 8. Hamilton, Owner. Deca tur. Phone Decatur 413. 7-27-2 FOR SALE BY OWNERS A SIX-ROOM COT TAGE IN SPLENDID CONDITION. AT 117 NEAL STREET. CORNER LINDSAY. THIS PLACE IS ONE BLOCK OF ASH BY STREET AND RIV ER CAR LINE. TILE WALKS BEING LAID AV HIGH 1 WILL PAY FOR. EASA' TERMS OR CASH. OWNER 520 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. 7-27-12 ACT QUICK A)X THIS—On Spring street, elose in. we have a 2-story. 8-rooni house, now rent ed for $35 month. Owners need money and will sell for just what they gave for it 2 years ago. This has enhanced in value 25 per cent since then, and yon make this profit. A. S. R. Co,. 31 Inman Bldg. 7-3-33 FOR quick sale. list jour property' with Everett A Everett, 224 Brown-Randolph Bldg , Marietta and Forsyth. 7-15-27 FOR SALE M'■ equity in six-room house and corner lot; south side Address r < I Bi'X '**■ 111 phone Ivy 5889. 6-29-9 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. It was back In the olden times that ttmy had to have a pet son go cry ing ii out if any one had ar-ything to sell or wanted to buy, or tn notify the people that w. and so had lost this and that The way was the only Ota- av.illabl. It's diffrreni now. $ our wants can I o t, I,| to an audience . f over 56.000 In this tion through a Want Au in The (Icrglati No matter what a »>' ad in The Georgian will AH It for '.>u Georgian Wain Ads h»v ■ "Ke rmt secure help find lost V artlclib and countleaa other things. Poultry, Pet and Live Stock. There are too many Reds exhlb- A J ’ ited that are of rd (I ( VIC€ \ Wyandotte shape, . writes W. F. Volz. j-, s The Reds have a n KOiY) ’ shape and form * ' - unlike that of any other fowl. The fl t s> long back and full I ILL ; breast and the ap- : pea rance of a ry I. \ slight tip forward lOUItTV ■ must be secured " 1 and maintained. I nless type is I given more at- xt/L LU! tention by the majority of breeders, there will not be ! the desired advancement made in this breed. Too many are sacrificing shape for color. While in attendance at shows last season I was asked how I obtained the long, broad backs and full breasts on my birds. lam pleased to explain how I obtain my best results. When my pullets are matured I se lect the best shaped, for I believe It is commonly accepted that It Is on the liens that we must depend for shape. The best colored hens were selected and mated to the best colored male for the purpose. I always try to have the markings in the male birds that are lacking in the hens, but It Is essential for the male bird to have a good, deep red under color in hackle and saddle — he must be red to the skin. Mating In this way I have never had any trouble in getting shape In com bination with good color. I have old hens that will show us good color as pullets. Ar the color of Rhode Island Reds generally Is far from being satis factory at the present time, It seems to me it is better to maintain their shape and take time to get the proper color than it Is to lose the shape, for which the Reds are noted, and which makes them the best all-round fowl to day. If we lose the long back, full breast, long keel and deep, wide fluff, we will lose that for which every one Is looking, namely, the greatest utility fowl. The Reds are gaining In popularity until they bld fair to lead all other breeds. Os course, It Is a good thing to pay attention to the Improvement of the feathers and other show points, but we do not want to overlook the utility qualities—the size of the carcass and egg-laying qualities are most impor tant features. They will do more to secure the permanent popularity of a breed than anything else. We believe It Is not a good thing to become a crank on any one point, and it seems to me Rhode Island Red breed ers have become so on color. The breed has certainly shown great im provement in the last year, and we must not neglect any one point for an other. but we must keep them forging steadily ahead and improve the quail- i ties that have made them the choice of ' so many people who are raising poultry to make mopey. Such a course will keep them where they belong—ln the front rank. Orpingtons. WHITE ORPINGTONS. Keller st roes; ex cellent breeders; trio. $8; young birds of excellent type, $5 trio; eggs, fifteen, $2; fifty. $5; cockerels. $2. Write us. We guarantee satisfaction. Shipp Bros . Fin leyson. Ga. 40-7-30' Leghorns. S. ' <~'wHITEYUTiORNK—Twenty-six i yearling hens, three cockerels to go at i bargain. Young stock cheap. Am clos- ; Ing out this breed. Ralph Duggan, Warthen, Ga. 7-30-11 R. I. Reds. FOR SALE —Rhode Island Reds; fine cock i and six hens. Ask for Mr. Henry at | Georgian office. 7-27-30 Eggs. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs, $1 per fifteen. $5 per hundred 126 Wind sor street. Main 3588. 4-27-26 Rabbits. I HAVE five different kinds of rabbits 17 Garfield Place 7-27-27 Pigeons. HOMERS. $1.50 per pair; Cameaux, $1.50 . per pair. All guaranteed mated and working J. W. Woodruff, Columbus. Ga I 7-30-10' Miscellaneous Poultry. DEMING’S whitewash pumps whitewashes | a building In a few minutes; also good for spraying kerosene and water mixture; every poultryman needs one Special for a few davs at $3 each. Marbut A Minor, Atlanta, Ga. 7-27-16 'CI 11 .ORO-NA PTHOLEUM DIP AND LIVE STOCK DISINFECTANT. GET RID of chicken lice and keep your poultry healthy. Chloro-Naptholeum does th* work, prevents roup, gape and other diseases; one quart, 50c; one-half gallon. 90c; one gallon. $1.50. West Dis infecting Company, 26 South Forsyth street, Atlanta 7-23-22 H. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seedsmen for the South. 16 West Mitohell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. in. Bell Phone M. 2568. Atlanta 2568. IT IS EAST to rid your poultry and poul try houses of mites with Conkey’s Nox i-Clde. Mix with water and spray nest boxes, roost holes and walls of house. For a dip mix eight tablespoonfuls in two gallons of water It Is a fine disinfec tant for household use, garbage cans. etc. One pint can 35c, one quart 60c, half gal lon 90c. gallon $1 50. GALVANIZED IRON DRINKING founts, grit and shell boxes, feed pans and feed hoppers Aluminum log bands In all sizes. Petty Poultrj- Punches are what you need for marking your fowls They cut a clear hole without tearing web of foot. Price 25c each. THE “RED COMB" FEEDS are put up in sizes to be fed to all size fowls. Once tried you will always feed them. A GOOD TIME TO BEGIN feedinc your hens a good egg producer. We know of no better than the three following, as they ate all three good and either of ’ them will assure you satisfaction: Con key's Laying Tonic. Lee’s Egg Maker and i Rust's Egg Producer, 25c and 50c sizes. I - "—— '7~?f,TT. Horses and Carriages ; - . XAA i FOR SALE Small strong horse; good condition Telephone Hardee, Ivy 3381 ' 43-7-24 . I'lil: sai E < ;..\-erness pony cart; a bar gain 196 Juniper st Phone tvj- 1792-.1. 42-7-24 - - . - —■ ■—> t D 3 gs ' ; Foil SALE Five Jull blooded Water > Spaniel pups, two Bonths old 8 Glaze s net' ave • 31-7-30 ' ' READ FOR PROFIT GEORGIAN WANT ADS ' 1 USE FOR RESULTS Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Renting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FOR SALE. FOR RENT. cr-OT-nn >XT txttxtzx » » e.xxr ' ! ~ T ' h • ’ 61 Whitehall terrace $23.10 SI I>L RBAN -r. h., 64 East Georgia avenue .... 27.50 xx. rxTx. ~~ r - h '> !45 Lucile avenue 35.00 IN SOUTH KIRKWOOD, front- "*r- 11., 26 Formwait street 25.00 .. 7-r. h., 37 Gordon place 37.50 ing car line, and right at a 7-r. h., 116 East Eiiia ZJ.oo Ann o a 4• ai *-r. apt., 810 Peachtree street 30.00 Stop, a biand-new and strictly B . r h<> 103 A)to street 40.00 modern high-class bungalow, con- J' r apt " Georgian, 215 ivy 42.50 B ’ 6-r. apt., Piedmont, Piedmont ave... 25.00 taining 5 rooms; has all the citv fi ' r apt.. 366 North Jackson street... 50.00 6-r. apt., 290 East Linden street .... 35.00 conveniences. Birch doors hard- 8 - r - 11 Simpson street 16.00 ’ 6-r. h., 24 South Warren street .... 15.00 wood floors; corner lot, 60 X i60 » tr eet• feet; delightful shade. This is a fr.t 6 *i ::::::::::::::: 2!s t,;_i, j 1 • , i 6-r. h.. 34 Greenwood 37.50 and very desirable 6-r. h.. Myrtle and Harden 20.60 knmn ii i a i 6-r. h., 81 Candler street 25.00 home proposition; well located, 6-r. h., Posey street 21.00 and ready to live in. $4,250, on at- Vr. IL, ju 1?$ t ractive terms. See eilher Mr. Dews or Mr Radford houses. Come to see us. i/ews or ivir. Kaaiord. foster & robson. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO L DAN, WE GAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT. i-r. flat 186 Sinclair ave (Sept. 1)... 40.00 I 6-r. apt. 800 Peachtree street. .. $60.00 6-r. apt. 308 Ponce DeLeon (Aug. 31 ). 72.50 6-r. apt. 15 East ave. (Aug 31).. 60.00 6-r. ant- 310 Ponce DeLeon (Aug. 31). 62.50 \ 5-r. apt. 312 Rawson street 40.00 6-r. flat 184 Sinclair ave. (Sept. 1).... 40.00 ( 5-r. apt. 312 Rawson st. (Aug. 81). 42.50 WE Pl BLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT z BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY WE HAVE a loft, centrally located, 80x100, steam heated, well lighted, freight and passenger elevator. This loft is suitable for any kind of light manufacturing business. See us for price and terms. IF YOU ARE interested in renting a house or apartment, ’ph° ne M. 1207-8 or call at our office. We have a nice line of houses and apartments. Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale. 347 GLENN STREET. (Near Central Ave.) PxT T Cottage of 5 rooms. Has gas. water I X4JL T I anf l bath - Good car service. Lot 45x •J J 100 feet. Easy terms. Price, $2,250. WOODSIDE 12 Auburn Avenue. j SIB,OOO INVESTMENT PAYING 10 PER CENT. THAT isn't all! It Is located right In the active Peachtree district. A chance In a lifetime to buy something that will double In value right away, and at the same time pay 10 per cent. Doesn’t that sound good? Property within 50 feet of this fold for exactly four times what we are asking for this. How is that? Owner has got to get up some monev real quick WILSON BROS. REAL ESTATE. RE NTING AND LOANS. Main 4411-.1. 701 Empire Building. Night No. Ivy 4070-J. Ponce DeLeon Avenue Lot OUT on the. hill near Lynnwood avenue; level, shady, etc.; lots all around selling for SBO or more a foot. For quick sale. $75 a foot. Good terms. Peachtree Road Lot j OUT beyond the creek we have one of the prettiest lots on the road. Lies dandy, is elevated and covered with beautiful shade, 100x400 feet; selling all around for $75 to SBO a foot. Price, S7O foot. Good terms. B. M. GRANT & CO. REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND INSURANCE. 214-10 GRANT BUILDING. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 690-ACRE FARM In Sumter county, Georgia, the best farming section of the state; about half in cultivation; fair improvements. One million feet of timber; on auto road. Price, $25 per acre. Terms, GEORGIA HOME AND FARM CO., j Phone 5767 Ivy. 114 Candler Bldg. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phona 2106 Main. TAKE A LOOK AT NO. 63 CLEBURNE AVE. t This is a new double-floored and storm-sheathed home; built of the very best materials; steam heat, tile floor on front porch and in b: th, hardwood floors, birch doors, stone mantel, exposed celling beams, bookcases, walls tinted In rich colo’-s. dressing room with large plate glass mirrors in doors, which gives a beautiful effect, plate rack, butler’s pantry, china closet, splendid basement. This is located directly in front of Judge Palmer’s beautiful home. It Is fresh and new. No one has ever lived in it. All we ask you to do is to take a took at it and then come to see us. Our price is right and terms easy. NO. 352 MYRTLE STREET. Here is an eight-room tWo-story home, located on a corner lot; will either sell or exchange; will take vacant property as part payment. BARGAIN. STEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS—Just go out to No. 300 West Peachtree street and you will find some of the nicest “NEW” apartments In the city; absolutely every known convenience to the apartment. Will rent you one. i Trustee's Sale of Northeast Corner of Mangum and Thurmond Sts. BEING the properly of IV. E. Feldman, BANKRUPT, and being the store and house fronting 60 feet on Mangum street and 50 feet on Thurmond street. This semi-central property will be sold on August 20, 1912, at 11 a. nu, to the HIGHEST BIDDER for cash (purchaser to assume a loan, represented by a mortgage, of $1,147.45), at the office of P. H. ADAMS, Referee, in Grant building. NATHAN COPLAN. TRUSTEE. 7-23-7 1 , , Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. T U KAL\ X. BL AC K K C A Lll ()l ’ X 203-8 Empire Building FOR SALE. Ansley Park. $5,750 —Near Piedmont avenue, and less than one block from ear line; would like ' to show you this A-l, good six-room house on a lot 50x190 feet , has.three best : rooms, electricity and furnace, and tine ’ cabinet mantels. This is worth the money; SI,OOO cash and balance can be ar . ranged. Kuhn Street L<4—Only $1,250. I BETWI3EN McLendon street and F'uclhi avenue. We are offering this lot, 50x i 190 feet, at above low price Lots In this . block have sold for $1,400 Buy this and we will get you for it. Ormond Si retd ('ottage. ) » \\ rriliN <»ne block of Grant paik We must sell this up-to date five-room cottag* . has til) city c<»n\enlences and on <ar line Terms reasonable balance like rent We Have I’leulj of Muuq to Loan ou Real Estate. ' FOR RENT. 4- flat 403 Rawson street sl4 30 5- flat 122 East Fair street 20 60 5-r. flat 124 East Fair street 30.60 5-r. flat 296 Lee street 25'00 5-r. h., 34 Rosalia 20 00 3r. h , 57 King street 960 4- h.. 32 Rogers street, Kirkwood (new-) 15.00 5- h., 35 Cunningham place 35 00 5-r. h., 38 Killian street 20.00 5- h., 14 Doane street 16 00 6- h., 327 Juniper 45.00 ! 6-r. h.. 172 Central ave 25.00 6-r. flat. 172 Central ave 2'u6o 8-r. b.. 48 Crew 27.50 8-r. h , 53 Ponce place .... 40 00 8-r h.. 58 East Merritts avenue (furnished) 80.00 8- h, 429 South Pryor street .... 37.50 9- h . 140 Crescent avenue 57.50 9-r. h., 242 Stewart avenue (new).. 40 00 9- h.. 80 McLendon avenue 65.00 10- h . 19 Trinity avenue 40 do 50-52 Auburn avenue, 20 by 100. each 100 00 12 South Broad street; four-story brick. modern 6 Madison avenue; five stories and basement 350 00 65 East Alabama street; 25 by 126.. 125 00 65 East Alabama street; 20 by 60; third floor 13 50, 132 Marietta. 30x90 Inc. heat .100 00 1 84 Ivy. 20x 15 40 0.) We have plenty of money to loan on 1 real estate Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. DRIVE out the Roswell road a short distance beyond Buckhead and look at the SPRUELL PROPERTY WE HAVE cut it in tracts of from five to about twenty-five acres and are going to sell it before the court house door on the first Tues day in August. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR DRUID HILLS IN one of its prettiest sections I am offering a magnificent corner lot with a southern and eastern exposure. This has a frontage of 155 feet with a depth of 290 feet and is level and well shaded. Tile sidewalk and all conveniences. Price, $37.50 per front foot, on terms. This is an exce-ilent opportunity either as an investment or'for some one looking for an ideal building site in this most desirable residence section. An investigation will develop the fact that this property is being offered away under the present market values in this locality. EMMETT HIGHT REAL ESTATE 513-514-515 Empire Building. DRUID HILLS SECTION BUNGALOW, $4,000. RIGHT OFF Moreland avenue and right at Druid Hills, we have for sale a brand new 6-room bungalow, all conveniences and good level lot 50x150 feet. A good home right where big Improvements are being made now. School house two blocks away; S3OO cash and the balance like rent will enable you to own this home. INMAN PARK SECTION—FURNACE-HEATED BUNGALOW. $3,509. ON THE NORTH DECATUR car line and just beyond Inman Park proper. This bungalow has six large rooms and hallway. All improvements, Including furnace heat; large lot, 50x170 feet to driveway. You can' beat this for the money anywhere in town. Terms to suit. WEST END BUNGALOW, $3,500. OFF the Gordon street car line, near to schools and churches, we have this pretty bungalow; five large rooms and attic; all improvements and lot 50x150 feet; about SSOO cash and the balance like rent. If you are looking for a home tn this home section, see this place. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. HOMES $3,750 —West End bungalow; has six rooms; every convenience and large east front lot. This is a beauty. Term s. $6,500 —Courtland street; seven-room house; on lot 42x160; close to Pine street. Here is a good home, growing in value dally; runs back to Peachtree street property. $4,500 —Cottage, up to date, on Angler Place, six rooms; easy terms. See us about this. $4,350 —East Merritts avenue, eight-room house; modem in every way; a good buy on easy terms. Let us show you. $6,700 —North Boulevard, eight rooms; hardwood floors; east front lot. We can arrange terms. Martin-Ozburn Realty Co. Third National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 1276; Atlanta 208. Dairy Farm for Exchange WE have a 45-ac*e dairy farm just 8 miles from the Terminal station, near railroad station and electric car line. Five-room house and barn on the place. 32 acres In Bermuda grass and wild clover; perfectly level and on bottom land. Absolutely the finest pasture tn Fulton county. Will keep 100 head of cattle. Has two bold spring branches; 11 acres of this land in town and suitable for subdivision. Will take $5,000 worth of rental prop erty In Atlanta for the whole place. Don’t mind assuming a small loan. Tribble & Harllee 616 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Phone Ivy 3746. AT AUCTION At the Court House Door, August 6, 1912 Southeast Corne r Peachtree Street and Auburn Avenue THIS PROPERTY fronts 27.33 feet on Peachtree street and runs back 125 feet to an alley. It is in the heart of Atlanta’s business center. It is on a cor ner and on an alley. This is an ideal corner for a steel frame office building, it is presently rented for $8,820 a year. Titles are perfect. This property has been in the L. P. Grant family for more than 50 years. It is now to be sold for distribution. Terms of sale, cash. Titles perfect. At the same time and on the same terms, the administrator wdll sell a farm of about 220 acres in DeKalb county, one mile below Stone Mountain, on the Georgia railroad right-of-way. Also 155 shares of the capital stock of the Merchants and Mechanics’ Bank ing and Loan Company. This is a well-managed institution, long established, paying regular dividends. The book value of the stock is above sllß per share. These shares may be sold In blocks of five or in multiples thereof, or the whole may be sold as one lot. Probably no such auction sale will be held again in At lanta in many yearn. THOMAS J, WESLEY, Administrator, Grant Building, Atlanta, Ga. STEVE R. JOHNSTON, Auctioneer, Grant Building, Atlanta. Ga. THESE BARGAINS*™ Bfi'sOLD AT GREENE 448 E. GEORGIA AVE., nice 8-room v—x a w nrj\r house. In best part of street. Price 360 ORMOND ST., good 6-reom cot- COMPANY t ennT d at Real Estate. Renting. Loans. 511 Empire Bldg. Both Phones 1599. ONE OF THE BEST LOCATIONS IN BATTLE HI LL. BRAND-NEW, six-room bungalow, hot and cold water plumbing, combination fixtures, sidewalk and sew er. street cherted, yard sodded and yard walk laid; in surance paid for five years. Can’t beat this for $3,000 on easy terms, J. N. LANDERS OWNER. 812 Austell Building. Phone 3422. HOME SEEKERS ARE YOU in the market for a home? If so, it will be to your interest to confer with us at once. LISTEN! Do you own a lot anywhere in the city or sub urbs paid for or half paid for? If so, let us build a house on it to suit your ideas and arrange terms like rent or easier. Houses we build range second to none In point of workmanship, material and beauty. Ask our customers. Plans and specifications will cost you nothing Gate City Home Builders REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS 809 Third National Bank Building. Phone lv\ 3047. ITHE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a I modern home unless it is wired for Electricity, Real Estate For Sale gHARP & gOYLSTON WEST EJXD—WEST END. WE have recently had listed with , for sale several of the best b-.‘‘ . u ’ in this section. If you are interest h a home tn a section that (« sled ln strictly first-class "“’Hom ’ft" ?’ a US Show you some of these pUces let oula be glad if you would d u you think of that? ’ hat do FOURTH WARD. I Thljf L m ° ney mak «r 'em. on . There are not manv places in th<' ne a n rd tr. th h at Can be bou^hl ' but wa n a h ? pen to have a proposition that w, cL' make very Interesting if von 04,1 buslnes,. An |„ con „ f h ,’ J, £ ‘■“»3 ■ — 1 APARTMENT HOUSE, ON the North Side and is a osftlon for investment This erty rents for $1,920 per annum . can make a price that will make it! fnc°oine nTeßtment and y * u ‘ C. R. GROOVER & CO. EstiitA &nd Building, Phone Main 1804. 718 Empire Bldg. s6,ooo—On Adair avenue, n®gj Highland, we offer & new, nev. er-occupied, two-story bungalow hardwood floors and modern throughout Terms. $5,750 —Half block from St, Charles avenue. Hiwfrmd floors, stone front, and a beauty, On terms. $5,350 —On East North, new Boulevard, 6 rooms, on large lot Look at this. Nice fcrveat ment if yo uhave a home. $4,150—1n Inman Park, near the car line. If you are looking for a home see this; no loan to assume. $3,350 —In the Grant park sec tion. Corner lot, with well built, six-room cottage. Attract ive terms. $3,000 —Near North Boulevard and Angier, 6 rooms, on a beautiful lot 50x200. Terms, with no loan. $2,650 —In West End, nice six room cottage, on good size, lev el lot. SI,BO0 —Four negro houses on north side, now rented at $17.50. Terms to suit you. $1,400 —Ft. McPherson, new 5- room cottage, always rented at $11.60; has sidewalks and curb ing passed up. Look at this, make your terms and submit offer. s9so.oo—Near Hunter and Mar tin, three rooms; rents for $10.60. Terms SIOO cash. $12.50 per month. Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN RAILWAY “PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA The foUowing schedule figures ere pub lished only as Information, and ere not guaranteed: No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— -35 New Y. 5.00 am 36 New 1.12:15 am 13 Jaxvllle. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus 5:20 am 43 Was’ton 5:25 am 13 Cincl. . 6:30 12 Sh’port. 6:30 am 32 Fort V. 5:30 am 28 Jaxvllle 6:50 am 85 B’ham . 5:45 am •17 Toccoa. 8:10 am 7 Chat'ga 6:40 am 26 Heflin.. 8:20 am 12 R’mond 6:50 am 29 New Y.10:30 am 23 Kan. C. 7:00 am I Chat’ga 10:85 am 16 Brun’k. 7:40 am 7 Macon 10;40 am 29 B’ham 10 45 am 27 Fort V 10;45 am 38 New Y 11:01 am 21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40 Charl’e 13:00 nn 6 Cincl ..11:10 am 6 Macon .12:20 P'” 80 B’ham.. 2:86 pm 80 New Y. 2:45 pm 40 B’ham 12:40 pm 15 Chat’ga 300 P« 89 Charlo’e 8:55 pm 39 B’ham. 4:10 pm 5 Macon 4:00 pm •!$ Toccoa. 4:30 pm 87 New Y. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus 5:10 pm 15 Bruns’k 7:50 pm 5 Cincl . 5:10 pm II R’mond 8:30 pm 28 Fort V 5:20 pm 24 Kan. C. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin . 6:45 pm 16 Chat’ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon s:ao pm 29 Col’bus 10 20 pm 44 Wash’n 8:4» P™ 81 Fort V.10:25 pm 24 Jaxvllle 9:30 pm 86 B’ham 13:00 ngt 11 Sh’port It: J P™ 14 Cincl. ,11:00 pm 14 Jaxvllle 11 10_P22 Trains marked thus (•) run dally. eI ’ cept Sunday. , Other trains run dally. Central time City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree Legal Notices. STTnrTFTEORGLUTuIton County- Superior Court. September Term. ' ! ':U No. 25777—Mr5. Jennie L. Richey vs U';’ Ham C. Richey—To William C. Greeting: By order of court, you ar , hereby notified tliat on the 17th ' ia > ' . June, 1912, Mrs. Jennie L. Rk-I’f' n suit against you for divorce, returnable the September Term. 1912. of said ' You are hereby required to be and a PP t at the September term. 1912, of saio ' to be held on the first Monday In Septe her, 1912, then and there to answ< r plaintiff's complaint. Witness the T. Pendleton, Judge of said court, " 17th dav of June. 1912. _. ARNOLD BROYLES, GEORGIA—FuIton County. , . Mrs. J. C. Coan vs. James Clift' ' Superior Court. . , To James Clifton Coan. ’ y ou,a court you are notified that on I.>O' “ . 1912, Mrs. J C. Coan filed suit aga.i ' for divorce, to September term court. , u ...pnihel i"ii are required to be at ■' n . term of said court, to be held m- , ||n day in September, 1912, to unsw ' tiff's complaint. . Wllnesa lion. J 'l’. Pendleton said court, this 15th day of .bn aforesaid. ARNOLD BHO) Li p.j I LEO SUDDERTIL Attorney