Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate For Sale.
Inman Park Section—Furnace-Heated
Bungalow, $3,500
ON THE NORTH DECATUR car line and just beyond Inman Park proper. This
bungalow has six large rooms and hallway All improvements, including
furnace heat; large lot, 50x170 feet to driveway. You can beat this for the money
anvwhere in town. Terms to suit.
OFF the Gordon street car line, near to schools and churches, we have this pretty
bungalow; five large rooms and attic; all Improvements and lot 50x150 feet;
about SSOO cash and the balance like rent If you are looking for a home in this
home section, see this place.
18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phonos 458.
Legal Notices.
GEORGIA —Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office, July 12, 1912.
Frank Garraux. as administrator of es
tate of Ada Owens, deceased, has applied
for leave to sell the land of Baid Ada
Owens This is, therefore, to notify all
concerned to file their objections, if any
they have, on nr before the first Monday
in August next, else leaye will then be
granted said applicant, as applied for
JOHN R. WILKINSON, ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary s office, July’ 12, 1912.
T. O. Hathcock has applied for letters
of administration on the estate of David
deceased. This is, therefore, to no
tify all concerned that the same will be
board on the first Monday in August next.
JoHN_R. WII aK INSON, Ordlnary.
GE< >RGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office, July 12, 1912
Hicklin A Hall has applied for letters
of administration on the. estate of Jas. P.
Hall, deceased. This is. therefore, to no
tify all concerned that the same will he
heard on the first Monday in August next.
JOHN R. WILKINSON, ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton 'County”
Ordinary’s Office, July 13, 1912.
J. McSwain Woods has applied for let
ters of administration on the estate of
Janies Hall, deceased. This is, therefore,
to notify all concerned that the same will
be. heard on the first Monday in August
JOHN R WILK I NSON. ordinary
GEORGIA Fu 11 on County.
ordinary’s Office, July 13. 1912
J. D. Bradwell, as administrator of the
estate of Mrs. Ermle Pope. has
applied for leave to sell the land of said
Mrs. Ermle Pope. This Is, therefore, to
notify all concerned to file their objec
tions, If any they have, on or before the
first Monday in August next, else leave ,
will then be granted said applicant, as
applied for.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
ordinary’s office, July 13, 1912.
Tn the Heirs at Law of D. G. Bettis. De
ceased :
F. P. Starry having applied for an or
der requiring J R. Carmichael, the ad
ministrator of the estate of said deceased,
to execute title under a bond for title;
you are hereby cited to be and appear
at the next August term of said court,
to be held on the first Monday In August
next, then and there to show cause, if any
you can, why said order should not be
Georgia Fulton County.
Ordinary’s office, July 11, 1912.
Mary Connell, as administratrix of es
tate of Nettie V. Sterling, deceased, has
applied for leave to sell the land of said
Nettie V. Sterling. This is. therefore, to
notify all concerned to file their objec
tions, If any they have, on or before the
first Monday in August next, else leave
w’ill then be granted said applicant, as
applied for.
JOHN JR. uiekjnson. ~r< ii
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office, July 11, 1912.
John J. Kelley, guardian of Daniel M.
Kelley, non compos mentis, has applied
for leave to sell the interest In land of
•aid Daniel M. Kelley. This is, therefore,
to notify all concerned to file their ob
jections, if any they have, on or before
the first Monday In August next, else
leave will then be granted said applicant,
as applied for.
GEORGIA Fulton Counts
Ordinary’s Office, July 11, 1912.
Charles Krueger, as guardian of Gerson
Enler and Flossie Epler, minors, has ap
plied for leave to sell the land of said
minors. This is, therefore, to notify all
concerned to file their objections, If any
they have, on or before the first Monday
in August next, else leave will then be
granted said applicant, as applied for.
J<) H N R WILKIN SON, (>r*linary.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
ordinary's Office. July 11 1912.
Mrs Mabel H Moody, administratrix
of the estate of John T Moody, deceased,
represents that she has fully discharged
the duties of her said trust, and prays for
letters of dismission 'Uhls is. therefore,
to notify all persons concerned, to show
cause, if any they can. on or before the
first Monday In August next, why said
Mrs Mabel H. Moody should not be dis
JJHN J? 1N - <Tdinary
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s office, July 11, 1912
Mrs. Ida B. Coates, as administratrix
of the estate of George W Coates, de
ceased, represents that she has fully dis
charged the duties of her said trust, anti
i prays for letters of dismission This is,
therefore, to notify all persons concerned,
to show cause, if any they can. on or
before the first Monday in August next,
why said Mrs Ida R Coates should not
be discharged.
JOHN Jt__Wl LK IN SO N. Ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton County
Ordinary's Office, July 11, 1912
Mrs. Earle Victoria Dillingham, as ad
ministratrix of estate of Charles H Dil
lingham. deceased, represents that she
has fully discharged the duties of iter
anti trust, and prays for letters of dismis
sion. This is. therefore, to notify all per
sons concerned, to show cause, if any
they can. on or before the first Monday
in August next, why sadd Mrs Earle Vic
toria Dillingham should not be discharged
JOHN R WILK INS (•rdlnary
GEORGIA Fulton County
Ordinary’s office, July 11. 1912
J. P. Hambrick, as guardian anti ex
officio administrator of estate of Maud
Hambrick. Jr . deceased, represents that
he has fully discharged the duties of his
said trust, and Drays for letters of dismis
sion. This is. therefore, to notify all per
sons concerned, to show cause, if any
they can. on or before the first Monday
in August next, why said J P. Hambrick
should not be discharged
GEORGIA Fulton County
ordinary h Office. July 11. 1912
Leopold Kaufman, as guardian of Ber
nice Kaufman, represents that he ba*
fully’ discharged the duties of his said
trust, and prays for letters of dismission.
This is, therefore, to notify all persons
concerned, to show < ause. if any they
can, on or before the first Monday In Au
gust next, why said Kaufman
should not be discharged
Georgia- Fuit". n county
Ordinary’s offi< e, July 11. 1912
Emile Heyman, as guardian of Harry
L. Heyman, represents that h* has fully »
disc harged the duties <1 his said trn-t, j
and prays for letters of dismission 'Uhls i
is, therefore, to notify all p< rsotis ton
cerned. to show cause, if any they < an. .
on or before the first Monday in Aug j
next, why said Emile Heyman should not :
be discharged
J<)HN R Wll J< INS< >N. < ‘nilnary
Georgia Fulton County
Ordinary s Office. July 11. 1912
Joseph A Baldwin, as administrator of
the estate of Mrs Rebecca Baldwin de ’
ceased, represents that he has fully dis
charged the duties of his said tru*t. and
prays for Utters of dismission This is. I
therefore, to notify all |x*rH<*ns «*«»n* rrned. •
to show cause, if any they « an, on or I
before the first Mondax In August next ;
why said Joseph A Baldwin should not !»♦
disc barged (
JOHN I'. WILKI\>' *N <nd nary,
>RGIA Fulton County |
Ordinary's (office. July 11, 1912
W. T. Aluu an adminuuatvr ul the
Real Estate For Sale.
SEVERAL nice new five and six-room
bungalows in the most select part of
West End These places have all con
veniences. and are perfect little gems.
We have them ranging in price from $3.-
500 up to $5,000. Can make easy terms.
s’l Empire Building Both Phones 1509.
Legal Notices.
estate of George B. Akin, deceased, ret>
resents that he has fully discharged tne
duties of his said trust, and prays for let
ters of dismission. This is, therefore, to
notify all persons concerned, to show
cause, if any they can, on or before the
first Monday in August next, why said
W. T Akin should not be discharged.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office, July 11, 1912.
Samuel H. Green has applied for letters
)f administration on the estate of Daniel
A Green, deceased This Is, therefore, to
notify all concerned that the same will he
hearej on the first Monday in August next.
JOHN R wiLKi.xso.x, Ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office, July 11, 1912.
J B. Hewitt has applied for letters of
administration on the estate of C. p. Hew
itt, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify
all concerned that the same will be heard
on tin* first Monday in August next
J< >ll N ~R. WILKINSON, ordinary.
• ; i 1 )RGI A I ’ulloii < 'oiint ’•
Ordinary’s office. Inly 11. 1912.
Annie L. Clarke has applied for letters
of administration on the estate of Thomas
A Clarke, deceased. This is, therefore, to
notify all concerned that the same will be
heard on the first Monday in August next.
JEoRGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office, July 11. 1912.
Ida M McConnell has applied for letters
of administration on the estate of II F.
McConnell, deceased. This is, therefore, to
notify all concerned that the same will be
heard on the first Monday in August next.
JOHN R. YrUJ£LNSON. Ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s < tfflcp, July 11, 1912.
Tollie K Moore has applied for letters of
administration <>n the estate of Mrs. Nancy
C Moore, deceased. This is, therefore, to
notify all concerned that the same W’ill be
heard on the first Monday In August next.
JOHN R. Wll .K 1 NS< >N. < Ordinary
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary's office, July 11, 1912.
o L Hayman has applied for letters of
administration on the estate of Mamie El
sas Heyman, deceased. This Is, therefore,
to notfly all concerned that the same will
be heard on the first Monday in August
__ JOH N R Wl I .KT NSON. < >rd Inary.
GEX >R< H A Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office, July 11, 1912.
Notice 1s hereby given to all concerned
; that Frank Chisholm, late of said county,
died intestate, and no person has applied
for administration on the estate or said
deceased, and that administration will be
vested in the county administrator, or
some other tit and proper person, on the
first Monday in August next, unless valid
objections is made thereto.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s office, July 11. 1912.
Notice Is hereby given to ail concerned
that Mary Early, late of said county, died
intestate, and no person has applied for
administration «»n the estate of said de
ceased. and that administration will be
vested in the county administrator, or
some other fit and proper person, on the
firs* Monday In August next, unless valid
objections Is made thereto.
HUIN R WILK I NS< >N. Ordinary’.
<; 1? )RGI \ Fulton < loun t j
Ordinary’s Office. July 11, 1912.
Lillie M. Shaw has applied for letters of
guardianship of the person and property
of Sarah Shaw, minor, under the age of
fourteen years
This Is, therefore, to notify all enn
cemed that the same will be heard on the
first Monday in August next
JOHN R \\ilkins<»n Ordinary
< i HJ( IRGI a Fulton • bounty.
Ordinary’s office, July 11. 1912.
W M. Bruce has applied for letters of
guardianship of the persons and property
of Beecher Bruce and Raymond Bruce,
minors, under the age of fourteen years.
This Is. therefore, to notify all concerned
that the same will be beard on the first
Monday In August next.
, B <|, ‘-
(rE< >R( n A Fulton ’ ’ounty.
Court of Ordinary, Chambers. July 11. 1912
To the heirs ul law of Henrietta D
Srlxas. deceased, who reside out of said
state: Moise DeLeon, having, as executor,
applied for probate in solemn for|i of the
last will of said deceased, you are hereby
cited to be and appear at the next August
term of said court, on the first Mondav in
August next, as said will of said .leceased
will then bo offered for probate in solemn
.|'»iln R Wilkinson, Ordinary
>RGI \ Fulton County*
Court of < >rdinary.
At Chambers. July 11, 1912.
The appraisers on the application of Sal
lie I! Johnson, widow of A. IL Johnson,
deceased, for a twelve months support for
herself and minor child, having July filed
their return, all persons are hereby cited
to show cause, if any they have, at the
next. August, term of this court, why said
application should not be granted.
JOI I N R \VI LK I NSON. ordinary.
(;E(>RGI \ Ful'o! C< • ’
ordinary’s < >ffice, July 11. 1912.
Mrs Mary Ik Kellogg, as executrix of
the will of Gideon Kellogg, deceased, rep
resents that she has fully discharged the
duties of her said trust, and prays for
letters of dismission 'Uhls is. therefore,
to notify all persons concerned to show
<ause. if any they can. on or before the
first Mondax in \ugust next, why said
Mrs Mary E Kellogg should not be dis
GEORGIA -Fulton County.
Ordinary s office. July 11. 1912.
E r Akins, as administrator of estate
of John M \kins, deceased, represents
that he has fully discharged the duties
of Ids said trust, and prays for letters
of dismltision This is. therefore, to noti
fx all persons concerned to show cause, if
any th<\\ can. on or before the first Mon
day in \ugust next, xvhx said E. I’ Akins
should not be discharg.ui
GE< >RGIA Fulton County
Ordinary’s Office. July 12. 1912.
Xsa Bears*- has applied for letters of ad
ministration on the .state of Frank D
Bears. , deceased. 'Uhls is. therefore, to
notifx al! (■••n.*rned that the same will be
heard on the first Monday in August next.
JOHN It WILKINS* »N « »-d!na? x
GEORx II A FulLm * ’.,um v
< Tdinarx s < iffiee. July 11. 1912.
M B Sioxall. as administrator of the
estate of Ida Mott ILxx.ll, deceased rep
i resents that he has fully discharged the
J duties of said trust, and prays for let
ters of dismission Thia Is. therefore.
(to notifx all d. rsons < >neernt d to show
• cause, if anx th« x .an, on or before the
i first Mondax in August next, whx said M
B St-vail should not be discharged
I'll \ R w :LK 1 NS<»N. ordinary.
I GEORGI A Fultoti County
ordinary's office, lulx 11. 1912.
Albert Boxlstoti as administrator of the
’estate of Pattenof. Lockhart d..eased.
[ represents that I . has f illx dis. »urged
the duties of h”. said trust. at><; praxs for
j letters < f dismission This is therefor*',
Ito notifx all prisons com erned Io slmtx
I cause, if anx th* v . an, on or before the
I first Monday in August r. xt, ul x said \|-
[ Pert Boylwtor! siioubl ma b* discharged
JOHN R WILK I NS* »N. *»i dinar x
I 1 •; I:< »R<;i \ Full*»n • ■ unty
ordinary » * »ffn » luh 11. 1912
I red 1 Hmith > .ulminis’ratnr of » <■>
tate of Benjamin H I’hiltps dr. . hH* d rep
ivctnio that iio tullj dim hai lite
Legal Notices.
duties of his said trust, and prays for
letters of dismission. This is, therefore,
to notify all persons concerned to show
cause. If any they can. on or before the
first Monday in August next, why said
Fred L. Smith should not be discharged.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office. July’ 11, 1912.
Victor E. Lambert, as administrator of
the estate of John B. Monaghan, deceased,
represents that he has fully discharged
the duties of his said trust, and prays for
letters of dismission. This is. therefore,
to notify ail persons concerned to show
' ause. if any they can, on or before the
first Monday In August next, why said
Victor E. Lambert should not be dis
char god.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office, July’ 11, 1912.
George T. Tumlin. as administrator with
will annexed of estate of Mary A. Tum
lin, deceased, represents that he has fully
discharged the duties of his said trust,
and prays for letters of dismission. This
is, therefore, to notify all persons con
cerned to show cause, if any they can,
on or before the first Monday in Au
gust next, why said George T. Tumlin
should not be discharged.
n WILKINSON, Ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton < ’ounty.
Ordinary's office, July 11, 1912.
Miss Kallie C. Stockton, as administra
trix of the estate of Mrs. Minnie S. An
derson. represents that she has fully dis
charged the duties of her said trust, and
prays for letters of dismission This is,
therefore, to notify all persons concerned
to show cause, if any they can, on or
before the first Monday In August next,
why said Miss Sallie C. Stockton should
not be discharged.
J° * 12 s - * WILKINSON, Ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton (’ounty.
Ordinary’s office, July 11, 1912
Mrs Bessie Brown Randall, a,s guardian
of Nora V. Brown and Emmie R. Brown,
represents that she has fully discharged
the duties of her said trust, and prays
for letters of dismission. This is, there
fore, to notify all persons concerned to
show cause, If any they can. on or before
the first Monday In August next, why said
Mrs Bessie Brown Randall should not be
JH N R. \VILK INSON, Ordinary.
GEORGIA- Fulton <’ounty.
Ordinary’s office, July 11, 1912.
J G. ami A. <’. Evins, as executors of
the will of John Evins, deceased, rep
resent that they have fully discharged the
duties of their said trust, and pray for
letters of dismission. This is. therefore,
to notify all persons concerned to show
cause, if any they can, on or before the
first Monday In August next, why said
J. G. and A. (’. Evins should not be dis
_ JoHy R _ w 1 1 JS INSON ’ ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton (’ounty.
Ordinary’s Office. .July 11, 1912.
Samuel Iseman, as administrator of the
estate of Beniamin Iseman. represents
that he has fully discharged the duties of
his said trust, and prays for letters of
dismission. This Is. therefore, to notify all
persons concerned to show cause, if any
they can, on or before the first Monday
In August next, why said Samuel Ise
man should not be discharged.
.1 <• HN R. WILKI NSON. Ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office, July 11, 1912.
Charles L. (’hosewowl. as executor of
the will of Richard Kelsey, represents that
he has fully discharged the duties of his
said trust, and prays for letters of dis
mission This is. therefore, to notify all
persons concerned to show cause, if any
they can, on or before the first Monday in
August next, why said Charles L. Chose
wood should not be discharged.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office, July 11, 1912.
J. D. Bradwell, as administrator of
the following estate, to-wit: F. M. Grove.
T. Smullyan, Catherine Wilson, Sarah
Ruth (’ooley, I H. Wilson. Levi Spikes,
Carrie Miller, deceased; also as guardian
of Thomas A. Rossman and IJllie M. Jack
son. represents that he has fully dis
charged the duties of said trust, and
prays for letters of dismission. This is,
therefore, to notify all persons concerned
• o show cause. Ir any -they can. on or
before the first Monday In August next,
why said J. D. Bradwell should not be
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Court of Ordinary.
At Chambers, July 11, 1912.
The appraisers on the application pf
Mrs. Ida M. McConnell, widow of H F.
McConnell, deceased, for a twelve months
support for herself and minor child, hav
ing duly filed their return, all parsons are
hereby cited to show cause, if any they
have, al the next August term of this
court, why said application should not be
.1 ()HN R WILKINSON, Ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Court <>f Ordinary.
At Chambers. July 11. 1912.
The appraisers on the application of
Emma Davis, widow of Elbert Davis, de
ceased. for a twelve months support for
herself and minor child, having duly filed
their return, all persons are hereby cited
to show cause, if any they have, at the
next August term of this court, why said
application slxiuld not be granted.
[OHN R WILKINSON. ( >rdinary.
•; i:< >R<; i.\ Fulton <'ounty
Court of Ordinary,
At Chambers, .lulx 11, 1912.
The appraisers on the application of
Fannie Kaplan, widow of Marcus Kaplan,
deceased, for a twelve months support for
herself, having duly filed their return, all
persons are hereby cited to show cause,
if any thex have, at the next August
term of this court, why said application
should not be granted.
GEORGIA Fulton (’ounty.
Court of Ordinary.
At Chambers. July 11, 1912.
The appraisers on the application of
Ludle B Mel*arin, widow of George E.
Mclktrin, deceased, for a twelve months
support for herself and minor children,
having duly filed their return, all persons
are hereby cited to show cause, if any they
have, at the next August term of this
court, why said application should not be
h WILKINSON, Ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton (’ounty.
Court <»f ordinary.
At Chambers. July 11. 1912.
The appraisers on the application of
Sarah hen** Weathers, widow of W’illiam
M W’eathers, deceased, for a twelve
months support for herself and minor
children, having duly filed their return,
all persons are hereby cited to show cause,
if any they have, at the next August term
of this court, xvhx said application should
not bo granted.
GEORGIA Fulton (’ounty.
(’ourl of (‘rdlnarv.
At Chambers. July 11. 1912.
The appraisers on the appllcation of An
nie Wheeler, widow of Richard Wheeler,
deceased, for a twelve months support for
herself, having duly filed their return, all
persons are hereby cited to show cause, if
any thex have at the next August term
of this court. x\ hx said application should
not be granted
!*'HN R wll !\ i n s<' x. Ordinary
GEORGIA Fulton (’ounty
Ordinary’s office. July 11. 1912.
Isaac Scott, administrator of estate of
William B Scott, has applied for leave
to sell the land of said William B Scott.
This is, therefore, to notifx all concerned
to tile their objections. If any they have,
on or before the first Monday in August
next, else leave will then be granted said
applicant, is upplief tor
JOHN R WIIfKINSON, < »r«linary.
(;F.( »RGI A Fulton Count x
(>r»iinary's Office, .lulx- 11. 1912.
E L Douglas, as executor of will of
Matti* S Adams, deceased, has applied
for leax< to sell the land of said Mattie
S Adams This is. therefore, to notify all
concerned to file their objections, if any
thex have, on or before the first Monday
in August next, else leave will then be
granted said applicant, as applied for
JQH N R wll K I NSoN. onlinary
GEORGIA Fulton County
Ordinary’s Office, lulx 11. 1912.
Nellie G Ware, as administrator of the
estate of W' R Ware deceased has ap
l>hed for leave to sell the land of Maid
w R Wan This is. therefor*', to notify
I all vor< erned to tile their objections, if
| any thex hax*. on or before the first Mon
dax in \ugust next else leave xxill then
Ib. giiinled -aid applicant, as applied for
,h»HN R WILKINS* »N. < •rdinao
* ;i:« »RGI A Fulton ('ounty
* H-dituir* s * tffirr. July 11. 1912
S B Turman, as administrator of *»s
tat* of *',* thrrin** 1. Brnt«-m. »irei-asrd.
has applied for l»aivr to st II the land of
said *‘ath«rtnr L Hentern This Is,
tfi*-rrf<«re to notifx all *<»ncrrnr*l to file
their objections, it anx thex have, *»n or
Ibi fore the first M«>ndax tn Augusi next,
el*** leave a til then be granted said up
Legal Notices.
i plicant. as applied for.
GEORGIA Fulton County. •
Ordinary’s Office, July 11, 1912.
Frampton E. Ellis, as administrator of
the estate of Martha A. Waters, deceased,
has applied for leave to sell the land of
said Martha A. Waters. This is, there
fore. to notify all concerned to file their
objections, if any they have, on or before
the first Monday in August next, else
leave will then be granted said applicant,
as applied for.
By virtue of the power of sale con
tained In a loan deed given by Mrs. Alice
T. Newton to .1. T. Gary, dated March
16, 1909. recorded in deed book 24.1, page
86. of Fulton county records, there will be
sold at public outcry, to the highest bid
der for cash, for the purpose of paying
the indebtedness secured by said loan deed
and the expenses of the proceedings, on
the first Tuesday in August. 1912. at the
usual place for holding sheriff’s sales in
Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, and dur
ing the legal hours of sale, the following
described real estate, to wit: All that
tract or parcel of land lying and being in
land lot 148 of the Seventeenth district
of Fulton county, Georgia, commencing at
a point on the south side of Forrest street
forty-nine and six-tenths <49.61 feet west
from the southwest corner so Forrest and
Pine streets; thence south along the west
line of lot No. 21 one hundred and seven
ty-five <175) feet to lot No. 24; thence
west along the north line of lot 24 fifty
(50) feet to lot 23; thence north along the
east line of lot 23 one hundred and sev
enty-ftve (175) feet to Forrest street;
thence east along the south side of For
rest street fifty (50) feet to the beginning
point. Being known as lot 22, of the
Weyman & Connors subdivision, as per
plat recorded in the clerk's office of Ful
ton superior court.
Attorney In Fact.
Attorneys at law.
GEORGIA —Fulton County.
Agreeable to an order of the superior
court of said county, in re Courtland S.
Winn, administrator of the estate of Mrs
Margaret A. Cox, deceased, et al , granted
June 8. 1912, and July 10, 1912, I will sell
before the court house door of Fulton
county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday In
August, 1912, within the legal hours of
sale, the following property, to-wit;
All that tract or parcel of land lying
and being in land lots 91, 92 and 93, of the
Seventeenth district of originally Henry,
now Fulton county, Georgia: Commenc
ing at a point on the southeast corner of
said land lot 92, and running thence north
along the east line of said land lot 92,
3,019 3 feet, to the northeast corner of said
land lot 92; thence west along the dividing
line between land lots 91 and 92 259 feet'
to the Roswell road; thence northwardly
along the Roswell road 51.7 feet to.a
branch; thence northwestwardly, following
the meandering* of said branch 2,870 feet,
more or less; thence north along Cope
land’s line 268 feet; thence westwardly
along said Copeland's line 1,110 8 feet to
the west line of said land lot 91; thence
south along the west lines of said land
lots 91 and 92 3,219.6 feet, to J. M Austin’s
line; thence east along J. M. Austin’s line
515.6 feet; thence south along said .1. M.
'Austin's line 705 3 feet, to the Mount Pe
rlan road; thence southwestwardly along
the Mount Perlan road 148 5 feet; thence
west along said J. M. Austin’s line 486.7
feet to the west line of said land lot 92;
thence south along the west line of said
land lot 92 402 feet; thence east along
tha north line of the Burdett property 340
feet to a hickory tree that corners on the
Mount Perlan road: thence southwardly
along Burdett’s line 1,133 feet, more or
less; thence east along Burdett's line 100
feet; thence south along Burdett’s line 100
feet; thence east 1,10375 feet to the Ros
well road; thence northwardly along said
Roswell road 800 feet, more or less, to the
line dividing land lots 92 and 93; thence
east along said line 1,145 feet to beginning
Said property will be sold In eighteen
parcels, as per plat of O. F. Kauffman &
Bro., civil engineers, dated July 6, 1912,
to be exhibited at the sale.
Terms: One-third cash, balance one
and two years, with 7 per cent interest,
or all cash, at the option of the pur
Mary Bridwell vs. C. C. Bridwell.
To C. C. Bridwell: By order of court
you are hereby notified that on the 27th
day of June Mary Bridwell filed suit
against you for divorce, returnable to the
September term of said court.
You are required to be at the Septem
ber term of said court, to be held on the
first Monday In September, 1912, to answer
the plaintiff's complaint
Witness the lion. W. D. Ellis, judge of
said court this 27th June, 1912.
GEORGIA- - Fulton County.
Bertie A. Edwards vs. Walker Edwards.
Walker Edwards: By order of court
you are notified that on the 29th day of
June Bertie A. Edwards filed suit against
vou for divorce, returnable to the Septem
ber term of said court.
You are required to be at the September
term of said court, to be held on the
first Monday in September, to answer th*
plaintiff's complaint.
Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of
said court, this 29th June. 1912.
STATE"<>F GEORGIA Fulton County:
Martha Elizabeth Allen vs. Roy McPhail
Allen. Superior Court, September
Term. 1912. No. 25600.
To Roy McPhail Allen, Greeting: By
order of court, you are hereby notified
that on the 31st day of May. 1912, Martha
Elizabeth Allen tiled suit against you for
total divorce returnable to the September
Term, 1912, of said court.’
You are hereby required to be and ap
pear at the September term, 1912, of said
court, to be held on the first Monday in
September. 1912, then and there to answer
the plaintiff’s complaint.
Witness the Hon. J T Pendleton, judge
of said court, this May 31. 1912.
JR.. Petitioner’s Attorneys. 7-1-4
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Maude Boyd vs. C. C. Boyd.
To C. C. Boyd, Greeting: By order of
court you are hereby notified that on the
14th day of June. 1912. Mrs Maude Boyd
filed suit against you for divorce, return
able to the September term of said court.
You are hereby required to be and appear
at the September Term of said court, to
be held on the first Monday In Septem
ber. 1912. to answer the plaintiff s com
Witness Hon. J T Pendleton, judge of
said court, June 29, 1912.
WILLIAM .1 LANEY. Attorney. 7-1-1
STATE OF GEORGIA —Fulton County:
I James Sawler vs Mrs L G. Hapholdt, et
al. Superior Court. September Term,
1912. No. 25793
To Mrs. L. G. Hapholdt et al.. Greet
ing: By order of court you are hereby
notified that on the 21st day of June, 1912,
James Sawyer tiled suit against you et al.
for equitable relief, etc . returnable to the
September Term, 1912. of said court.
You are hereby required to be and ap
pear at the September Term. 1912, of said
court, to be held on the first Monday in
September. 1912, then and there to answer
' the plaintiff’s complaint.
Witness the Hon J T. Pendleton, judge
of said court, this 29th June. 1912.
< lE< >R< H a Fulton <bounty:
George W Tedder vs. Ida M. Tedder. Su
perior Court.
To Ida M Tedder: By order of court,
I you are hereby notified that on the 29th of
J June. 1912, George W Tedder tiled suit
; against you for divorce, returnable to the
September Teftn of said court
You at e required to be at the September
| Term of said court, to be held on the first
. Mondav in September, 1912, to answer the
plaintiff's complaint
1 Witness the Hon .1 T. Pendleton, judge
1 of said court, this 29th lune, 1912
STATE oF GEORGIA Fulton County
Mr» Bell Odom Townsend vs Mis Nancv
Higdon. Robert. Janie Hell and Jack
Townsend Superior Court Septem
i her Term. 1912 No 25626
To Robert. Janie Bell and Jack Town
■ send, Greeting Bv order of court, you
st I each of v tu are here! ' notified that
on (lie 4th ilnx of June 1912. Mrs Bell
isloni Townsend tiled suit against >->u for
’the purpose of correction and recession es
one deed, made to allow named plaintiff
'bi Mrs Xuhi Higdon. In which you are
th« three named beneiK'iarlee. returnable
Legal Notices.
to the September term, 1912, of said court.
You are hereby requireo to be and ap
pear at the September term, 1912, of said
court, to be held on the first Monday in
September, 1912, then and there to answer
the plaintiff’s complaint.
Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of
said court, this 28th of June, 1912.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ross D. Rimes vs. Corinne Sales Rimes.
Fulton Superior Court.
To Corinne Sales Rimes;
By order of court, you are notified that
on the 29th day of June, 1912. Ross D.
Rimes filed suit against you for divorce
to the September term. 1912, of said court
You are required to be at the Septembe*
term, 1912, of said court, to be held on
the first Monday in September, 1912, to
answer the plaintiff's complaint.
Witness, the Honorable John T. Pen
dleton, judge of said court, this June 29th
1912. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk.
GEORGIA,—FuIton County.
Flora Garrison Jaquet vs. Frank Garner
Jaquet. Fulton Superior Court.
To Frank Garner Jaquet: By order of
court you are notified that on the 26th
day of June, 1912, Flora Garrison Jaquet
filed suit against you for divorce to the
September Term, 1912, of said court.
You are required to be at the September
Term, 1912, to be held on the first Monday
in September, 1912, to answer the plain
tiff’s complaint.
Witness the Hon John T. Pendleton,
judge of said court, this June 26th, 1912.
Mrs. W. R. Metts vs. W. R. Metts. Su
perior Court. September Term. 1912.
To W. R. Metts, Greeting: By order of
court you are hereby notified that on the
26th day of June, 1912, Mrs. W. R. Metts
filed suit against you for divorce, return
able to the September Term, 1912, of said
You are hereby required to be and ap
pear at the September Term. 1912, of said
court, to be held on the first- Monday in
September. 1912, then and there to answer
the plaintiff's complaint.
Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of
said court, this 29th day of June. 1912.
T. C. MILLER, Deputy Clerk.
STATE OF GEORGIA -Fulton County.
Ruth I-ance Fuller vs. Herman Lee Ful
ler-Superior Court. September Term,
1912 —No. 25532 —To Herman Lee Fuller.
Greeting: By order of court, you are
hereby- notified that on the 17th day of
May. 1912. Ruth loanee Fuller filed suit
against you for divorce, returnable to the
September term, 1912, of said court. You
are hereby required, to be and appear
at the September term, 1912, of said court,
to be held on the first Monday ih Septem
ber. 1912, then and there to answer the
plaintiff's complaint. Witness the Hon.
J. T. Pendleton, judge of said court, this
July 1, 1912.
Plaintiff's Attorney. 7-1-23
GEORGIA —Fulton County.
Frances McLeroy vs. Herbert McLeroy.
To Herbert McLeroy, Greeting:
By order of court, you are notified that
on the Ist day of July, Frances McLeroy
filed suit against you for divorce, to the
September term of said court.
You are required to be at the Septem
ber term of said court, to be held on the
first Monday In September, then to an
swer the plaintiff’s complaint.
Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of
said court, this tst July, 1912.
A. M. BRAND, Plaintiff's Attorney.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
ordinary of said county, granted at the
July term, 1912, will be sold before the
court house door of said county on the
first Tuesday of August next, wdthin the
legal hours of sale, tne following property
of Mrs Carey J. Strickland, deceased, to
wit: All that tract or parcel of land sit
uated, lying and being tn land lot No. 40,
of the Fourteenth (14th) district of Ful
ton county, Georgia, more fully described
as follows: Beginning at a point on the
south side of Gould street 110 feet south
west from the southwest corner of Gould
street and Richmond avenue, and running
thence southwest along the south side of
Gould street 120 feet; thence southeast
125 feet to an alley; thence northeast
along the north side of the alley 120 feet;
thence northwest 125 feet to point of be
ginning. J. .O. COCHRAN,
Attorneys for Administrator.
July 11, 1912.7-11-19
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary’s Office, July 12, 1912.
John T. Gary as administrator of es
tate of C. T. Gary, deceased, has applied
for leave to sell the land of said C. T.
Gary. This is. therefore, to notify all
concerned to file their objections, if any
they have, on or before the first Mon
day in August next, else leave will then
be granted said applicant, as applied for.
GEO RGIA —Fu I ton County.
J. W. Higgins vs. Josephine G. Hig
gins. Fulton Superior Court.
To Josephine G. Higgins:
By order of court you are notified that
on the second day of May, 1912, T. W.
Higgins filed suit against you for divorce,
returnable to the September term of said
You are required to be at the July term
of said court, to be held on the first Mon
day in September to answer the plaintiff's
Witness the Honorable W. D. Ellis,
judge of said court, this second day of
May, 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk.
GEORGIA —Fulton County.
O. T. vs. Emma Howse. No. 26042.
Superior Court.
To Emma Howse: You are hereby noti
fied that on the 31st day of July, 1912, O.
T. Howse filed suit against you for divorce
to the November term, 1912.
You are required to be at the November
term of said court, held the first Mondav
in November, to answer the plaintiff's
Witness the Hon. W D. Ellis, fudge of
said court, July 31, 1912.
Petitioner's Attorney.2s-8-1
GEORGIA -Fulton County.
Mrs. Lula Thurman vs. Eugene H. Thur
man. No. 26038. Superior Court.
To Eugene H. Thurman: You are
hereby notified that on the 30th day of
July, 1912, Mrs. Lula Thurman filed "suit
against you for divorce to the November
term, 1912.
You are required to be at the November
term of said court, held the first Mondav
in November to answer the plaintiff's
Witness the Hon W. D. Ellis, judge of
said court, July 30, 1912.
Petitioner's Attorney 8-1-4
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Minnie Phillips vs. <l. W. Phillips.
G. W. Phillips: By order of court you
are notified that on the 25th day of July.
1912. Minnie Phillips filed suit against you
for divorce, returnable to the November
term of said court.
You are required to be and appear at
the November term of said court, held on
the first Monday In November, to answer
the plaintiffs complaint.
Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of
said court, this 30th Julv. 1912.
GEORGIA- Fulton County.
Mrs. R. E. Nesbitt vs. Lee A. Nesbitt. No.
26(104. Superior Court.
To Lee A Nesbitt: You arc hereby
notified that on the 26th day of July. 1912,
Mrs. R. E. Nesbitt filed suit against you
for divorce to the November term. 1912.
You are required to be at the November
term of said court, held the first Monday
in November, to answer the plaintiff's
Witness the Hon W I>. Ellis, judge <,f
said court. July 26 1912
Petit loner's Attorney 29-8-1
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Walter R Bush vs Lydia K Bush. No.
26005 Superior Court
To Lydia K, Bush: You are hereby
notified that on the 26th day of July. 1912.
Walter R Bush tiled suit against you for
divorce to the November term. 1912
You are required to be at the Novem
ber term of said court, held the first Mon
day tn November, to answer the plain
tiff's complaint
Witness (he Hon W !>' Ellis, judge of
said lourt. July 26. 19U
\RN< li.D BR< >Y LES. Clerk
I'ctHloner'a Attorney 30-8 1
WASHINGTON, Aug. I.—That the
United States Steel Corporation was
organized by J. P. Morgan & Co.’for the
purpose of monopolizing the steel in
dustry’ of the country is the basis of
the report of five Democratic members
of the Stanley steel trust Investigation
committee, which was presented to the
house of representatives today.
Drastic legislation, providing for an
amendment to the Sherman anti-trust
law, a bill to prohibit persons engaged
in the manufacture or sale of railroad
supplies from becoming directors in
railroads engaged in interstate com
merce and a bill to regulate the own
ership of common carriers engaged in
interstate and foreign commerce, is
recommended by the committee.
The provisions of the axnendment to
the Sherman anti-trust law were made
public a few days ago. The most im
portant of these limit the output of any
corporation to 30 per cent of the total
quantity of any article sold in the
United States; permit an individual to
bring suit in equity against a corpora
tion under the Sherman anti-trust law,
and in a suit for dissolution under this
law provides that the defendant must
furnish the proof as to whether the re
straint is reasonable or not.
Federal Control
Not Constitutional.
The recommendation of t Judge Gary
and Andrew Carnegie before the commit
tee, providing for the control of corpora
tions by the Federal government, is not
“Such a control,” say’s the committee,
“semi-Socialistic in its nature, is beyond
the power vested by the constitution in
the Federal congress.”
Representative Littleton, of New York,
a member of the committee, concurs with
his colleagues in the report on the inves
tigation and two of the bills recommend
ed, but submits a dissenting opinion on
the proposed amendment to the Sherman
anti-trust law.
A dissenting report on the investiga
tion was submitted by Representative O.
H. Young, of Michigan, one of the Re
publican members of the committee, and
another will be presented by the remain
ing Republican members.
Important findings revealed in the ma
jority report are:
That the United States Steel Corpora
tion was organized for the purpose of
monopolizing the steel products of the
Stocks “Deluged,”
Not Watered.
That the organization of the various
subsidiary corporations revealed an ex
tensive overcapitalization. In this con
nection. the report makes the terse com
ment that “in some instances the stocks
were not watered in the ordinary ac
ceptance of that term; they were liter
ly deluged."
That the purchase of the Carnegie
Company by the United States Steel Cor
poration was not made f or the purpose
•- -
DUBLIN, GA., Aug. 1. —Because of
their attack on the foreman of the
Laurens county grand jury last week,
the Nobles boys were found guilty in
superior court and given fines and im
prisonment sentences by Judge K. J.
Hawkins in superior court. Dave No
bles was fined S2OO and given twenty
days in jail for contempt of court and
was fined SI,OOO and sentenced to twelve
months on the chaingang for assault.
James Nobles was acquitted of the con
tempt charge, but was fined $250 or
twelve months on the chaingang for
assault. The attack on the grand Juror
resulted from an investigation of
charges of selling liquor against the
mother of the Nobles boys.
A watermelon will be given to the
“best swimmer” at Piedmont lake this
afternoon. Many swimmers were there
early to enter the contest at 4:30
Dr. W. Jay Bell, a physician, an
nounced he would give a melon to the
person who successfully carried it
across the lake. The swimmers will
begin from the floating raft on the
south side of the lake and will endeavor
to carry the melon to the springboard
near the bath house.
holtzer, director of the historical
pageant which is to be held here in
October, is trying to find a one-legged
descendant of Peter Stuyvesant, to ap
pear for the Dutch governor.
cole youngerTformer
While Cole Younger, former outlaw,
was listening to a lecture by William J.
Bryan, a pickpocket robbed him of $95.
SPRINGFIELD, L. 1., Aug. I.—A hen
belonging to Stephen Decker has laid
an egg 8 1-2 inches around and weigh
ing 4 1-4 ounces. •
NASHVILLE. TENN. Aug. 1. Verdie
Elder. 14 years, of Pittsburg. Ga . is be
ing detained by the United Charities,
awaiting advices from her father from
whom she ran away to avoid discipline.
She was picked up by the depot police.
She says she made her way to Chatta
nooga on a freight train. She was headed
for Chicago.
EATONTON. GA . Aug 1 The Central
Georgia Power Company, owners of the
large power plant on Oemulgee river, near
Jackson, tias a representative In this city
to confer with a committee from the local
coiinell with regard to extending Its lines
to this point and furnishing the city with
electric current.
of acquiring a mill, but for the elimina
tion of Andrew Carnegie, their most dan
gerous competitor.
That the financiers who promoted the
United States Steel Corporation in less
than forty days created new values on
paper of more than $500,000,000.
That this overcapitalization worked an
untold injury not only upon the stock
holders of the Steel corporation, but also
upon the industry itself.
That the company supply store system
which the Steel corporation has estab
lished in its various colonies shows profits
and dividends entirely out of the ordi
That the antagonism of the Steel cor
poration to organized labor has resulted
in the influx of unskilled foreigners and
made the American workman shift for
himself. } . .
In relation to the acquisition of the
National Tube Company, as engineered
by Mr. Morgan, the report says:
$20,000,000 Fee
To J. P. Morgan.
I. P. Morgan &• Co., with an amazing
audacity, launched this new $19,000,000
monopoly on its course, with a total cap
italization. of $80,000,000. and for their
valued services in thus restoring the pre
viously obnoxious and "destructive com
petition," received as compensation se
curities of this concern aggregating $20,-
000,000, or one million more than the to
tal value of all the seventeen tube plants.
The report has this to say in connec
tion with the organization of the Ameri
can Bridge Company:
“For services rendered in assembling
these plants, which were bought out
right for $12,670,000, together with a
covenant by the vendors not to engage in
the bridge or structural steel business
anywhere in the United States, outside of
New Mexico, J. P. Morgan & Co. and
other promoters received securities of
the reorganized company of the par value
of $15,000,000, or $2,130,000 more than the
actual value of all the plants, good will
Condition of
Workers Very Bad.
The report says:
"During May, 1910, the period covered
by this investigation Into the steel in
dustry, 50,000 persons, or 20 per cent of
the 153,000 employees of the blast fur
naces, steel works and rolling mills cov
ered by this report, customarily worked
seven days per week and 20 per cent of
them worked 84 hours or more a week,
whicji, 111 effect, means a 12-hour work
ing day every day in the week including
"As to the daily lives and conditions of
living of these laborers, the testimony
taken is voluminous, far too extensive to
even summarize in this report. The tes
timony certainly shows conditions unde
sirable, and far below what is ordinarily
understood to be the American standard,
of living among laborers in our country.;
Some of the details are revolting, both
as to sanitary and moral conditions. Tak
ing the ordinary family as a unit, th®
wages paid, even if the head of the fam
ily is, constantly employed, are barely l
enough to provide subsistence."
Though the committee on municipali
ties of the house of representatives has
acted adversely on Atlanta's charter
amendments to annex Ormewood and
close the Forsyth street underpass, the
Fulton delegation will continue its efforts
to get both plans approved. Representa
tive Walter McElreath said today that
the annexation of Ormewood probably
would be determined by a referendum to
the people of Ormewood. He said he be
lieved the Forsyth street matter would
be acted on favorably by the house when
the details of the plan for improving this
street were more clearly worked out
The general bill, including the authori
ty for street improvement reforms, adopt
ed by council as a result of The Geor
gian's campaign, will be recommended
unanimously by the committee.
Mayor Winn, City Attorney Mayson and
other city officials went before the com
mittee yesterday afternoon to urge the
adoption of the amendments requested by
phelpsTolelite OF
DALTON, GA., Aug. L—Attorneys for
capitalists who are buying up large
land holdings at Phelps, Whitfield
county, for a large cotton mill site are
this week investigating the title to
property on which the company has
options, and it is believed that this
week will see the deal finally closed and
the land al] paid for.
Much land has already been bought
outright, the tract embracing hundreds
of acres and selling at approximately
SIO,OOO. The property lies between the
Western and Atlantic and the Southern
railroads, and extends southward for
about a mile from the place where the
roads branch. The buyers also have
purchased a large spring near by and
the right of way from the spring to
their property.
PALATKA, FLA., Aug. L—Arrange
ments have about been completed for
the meeting to be held here August 15,
at which time a state chamber of com
merce will be organized. The sessions
will continue for two days. A barbecue
smoker and banquet will be given the
visitors, of whom at least 200 are ex
pected. • Thirty boards of trade from
various parts of the state will be rep
number of automobile owners of this
city have decided to contest the state
automobile tax law, which, it is
claimed, is unconstitutional t’ounsel
has been retained and the case will be
taken to the supreme court for final
HAZLEHURST. GA . Aug. 1.-The
business men of Hazlehurst have or
ganized a board of trade. G, )■’ Arm
stionc Is temporari chairman and <' P
Roslgnol -eir.t uy A committie wllj
nomlo.ib officers who will |>< present,.,]
to the mu ting August 7. at with h time
permanent organization will hi eifected
Seveniy-llve a-c already enrolled.