Newspaper Page Text
1-ou.K Ta«Mal> For Infants and Children.
K fWOlfti The Kind You Have
KIKOI Always Bought
BreS AVegetablePrcparationforAs- t> #
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ean-u ness and Loss of Sleep. v«r IUI UVul
Facsimile Signature of Tl ‘ 1 W
feLj-SL. Thir,,Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper. tbi o«.t»u« «o«»*nv. m«w vo»« citv.
SMALL. g 4s nt>
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WILMER L. MOORE. President
Saves YOUR Family
This Humiliation
A widow, with five children, the eld
est being thirteen and the youngest eigh
teen months old, is in destitute clrcum
t stances. Her husband was a traveling
man, who died recently. She Is without
an?' reliable means of support and is en
tirely dependent on the boy, who only
makes $3.00 a week, and what little money
she herself can make. Owing to the
large number of children and their ten
der ages. It Is almost impossible for her
to earn anything like sufficient to produce
a livelihood for the family. Any person
charitably inclined, who feels so dis
posed, can send such contribution as they
desire to make, to George A. Gershon. In
the event you send your donation to
Box 1617, kindly state it is intended for
the fund to assist the widow and het
—The Atlanta Constitution
A few pennies a day put into a savings bank will
pay the annual premium on a policy in The Southern
States Life Insurance Co. Provide for your loved
ones tomorrow by insuring your life today.
General agents wanted for unfilled territory.
Local agents wanted in all territories.
Co-operation of the Company with their agents, together
with their unmatched policies, make agents’ contracts with
The Southern States Life profitable.
The Southern States Lite Ins. Co.
A b McLEOD. Supervisor of Agent. ATI AMT A CA
For State of Georg.a, AJLAIIIAj VI y
P. J. Bloomfield has withdrawn from the
Bloomfield Burkert Company and is now located at
84 and 86 South Pryor Street (Thrower Bldg.)
under the name of
Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
Both Phones 535.
Mr. Will A. Gheeslmg is associated with above Company
Burns Had Been on Gambling
Investigation Long Before
Killing of Rosenthal.
NEW YORK, Aug. I.—For months
before Herman Rosenthal was shot
down in the heart of New York’s white
light district detectives employed by
millionaires of this city had been trac
ing police corruption. Their campaign
is still going on, and District Attorney
Whitman will soon spring a trap that
will catch high officials who have ben
efited from the blackmail levied upon
gamblers and other lawbreakers.
< This was today's most sensational
development In the police scandal and
hunt for the murderers of Rosenthal.
The men who plotted the death of
Rosenthal knew nothing of the detec
tives on their trail. They thought that
by removing Rosenthal before he be
trayed their operations they would es
cape prosecution.
Shortly after Rosenthal was killed it
was announced that Detective W. J.
Burns had been engaged to track the
gambler's slayers. As a matter of fact,
it was learned today that Burns and
his men had been at work for six
months in an Investigation of the alli
ance between police and gamblers.
They secured the necessary evidence,
but the confessions of Jack Rose, Louis
Webber and Harry Vallon have
strengthened the hand of the district
Now Wedding Evidence.
The evidence gathered by Burns and
that forced from the accusers of Lieu
tenant Charles A. Becker by fear of the
electric chair is now being welded to
gether. As soon as complete, it will be
laid before the grand jury and indict
ments asked.
Revelation of the officials actually
Involved will result In the greatest po
lice upheaval this <clty has ever seen,
according to attaches of the district at.
tomey’s office.
One of the connecting links In the
evidence is to be forged through the
testimony" of Samuel Schepps, the sus
pect who yesterday notified Mr. Whit
man that he tvould surrender today.
Schepps Is alleged to have been the
paymaster of the murder crew that as
sassinated Rosenthal.
According to "Jack" Rose, SI,OOO was
turned over to Schepps to pay the as
sassins. There Is not a detail of the
crime with which Schepps is not per
fectly familiar, and preparations were
made at the district attorney’s office for
a long and interesting session with
him. Schepps' attorney arranged for
the man to come in and join the
“squeal" chorus.
Schepps to Get Immunity.
Schepps has more gifts in the line
of narrative and recital than any of the
other men who have confessed. It is
understood that he will get the same
sort of treatment that Mr. Whitman
gave Rose, Webber and Vallon, who
were permitted to turn state's evidence
In the murder case. Schepps was one
of the graft workers in the tenderloin
along with Rose and Webber. He col
lected graft for the police. He was
active with Rose and “Jack” Sullivan
in getting the testimony of Dora Gil
bert, Rosenthal's first wife, against
Rosenthal. He rode in Shapiro's mur
der automobile with Rose and Vallon.
Schepps went along to Webber's in the
machine, after stopping uptown to see
Rose's brother-in-law. He followed the
trail of the crime Immediately until the
last chapter, when he stood with Rose
under the shadow of The Times build
ing and paid the money to the assas
sins who actually did the job.
Are Ever At War.
There are two things everlastingly at
war, Joy and piles. But Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve will banish piles in any form,
it soon subd.ues the itching, irritation,
inflammation or swelling. It gives com.
fort, Invites joy. Greatest healer of
burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises, ecze
ma, scalds, pimples, skin eruptions.
Only 25 cts at all druggists. •••
Saturday, August 10, sfi round trip,
good six days. Full information and
reservations at SS Peachtree. Seaboard.
The Secret of Saving
Saving money is a pleasure if you have
a specific object to save for. That is
the secret of saving without a feeling of
You no doubt expect to own a home or
go into business for yourself some day.
If you have any object in view that
money can buy, now is the time to be
gin to save for it. The object will make
the saving easy and the saving will make
the object secure.
4 per cent interest paid. SI.OO starts
the account.
Begin at Once. We Will Aid You
Georgia Savings Bank and Trust Company
Grant Building.
Fulton county delegates on the Thir
ty-fifth senatorial district committee
may spring a surprise on Clayton coun
ty next Tuesday if the plan fostered by
W. H. Terrell and supported by Reuben
R. Arnold and Dr. A. H. Van Dyke is
Terrell will propose that the senato
rial system of rotating counties be
changed, at least to the extent of giv
ing Fulton county some shot at the
election of state senator from this dis
trict in the coming primary. Clayton
county Is In line for the candidate by
the rotation system.
A meeting of the committee sched
uled for yesterday fell through. Only
four delegates, and those from Fulton
county, appeared. Dr. Van Dyke said
today that if the Cobb and Clayton
county delegates failed to show up on
Tuesday the Fulton plan was sure to be
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 1.—"Old Cha
ron and his boat across the Styx is
beaten a mile in paddling souls to per
dition by the modern canoe," said Rev.
G. L. Morili, of the people’s church, in
a sermon here. "Cleopatra and An
tony had a tame time in their barge on
the Nile compared with the canoe
spooners of Minneapolis. In broad day
light as W'ell as night, the dress of the
fair damsel spooner, her posture and
conduct, would make the dusky Ha
waiian damsel in her canoe blush for
When Scratched Pimples or Welts
Would Rise. Humor on Ankle,
Legs, and All Over Body. Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment Cured.
Centreville. Miss.—"My skin began
smarting, burning and itching, and as soon
as I would touch it the smarting would run
over me almost like electricity. Then I
would have to scratch or it seemed as if
I would faint if I did not. When I would
scratch pimples or almost welts would rise.
The humor commenced about my ankle and
on my legs, and all over my body. Such
a time I had then scratching! I saw where
Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment were
a cure for what was called eczema or itch.
I wrote for samples at once. When I
received them I was so I couldn't rest nor
sleep a good night's sleep. I used them
by directions and got some more Cutfcura
Soap and Ointment. There were signs of
pimples where I would scratch, but when
I used Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment
it took all the scars away. It took less
than a week to cure me." (Signed) M. T.
Holmes. Feb. 3. 1912.
For pimples and blackheads the following
is a most effective and economical treatment:
Gently smear the affected parts withCuticura
Ointment, on the end of the finger, but do not
rub. Wash off the Cutlcura Ointment in five
minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water
and continue bathing for some minutes. This
treatment is best on rising and retiring. At
other times use Cutlcura Soap freely for the
toilet and bath, to assist In preventing Inflam
mation, Irritation and clogging of the pores
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold
throughout the world. Liberal sample of
each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad
dress post-card "Cutlcura. Dept. T, Boston."
W'Tender-faced men should use Cuticura
Soap Shaving Stick, 25c. Sample free.
If You Know Your A-B-C's
And don't mind using them;
If you are willing to be
entertained to the limit
by the best all-round
magazine in the world,
get the August number
and just dig into it any
where. You will emerge
satisfied and happy and
much obliged to us for
the suggestion.
15c Cents a Copy $1.50 a Year
Thirteen bills embodying the result
of the Ault investigation of the state
department of agriculture have been
approved bv the senate's agricultural
committee and will be fixed as a special
order in the upper house within the
next ferv days.
The measures, sponsored by Senators
Harris, Bush and C’romartie, senate
members of the Ault committee, con
template a complete revision of the
laws now governing the agricultural de
partment, especially in the handling of
oil and fertilizer inspection. Laws now
governing the inspection of food are
amplified and the commissioner of ag
riculture is held to a strict accounting
as to his appointments.
On Monday Atlanta fertilizer manu
facturers will pack the senate galleries
to watch the fate of Senator Balloek's
fertilizer bill. This measure, which
prohibits the use of artificial filling in
fertilizer, will, the dealers maintain, cut
into their profits considerably.
Nothing is more em
barrassing than to be
constantly throwing
off gas.
Tutt’s Pills
will stop It and at the same
time make your breath
sweet and your skin clear.
At your druggist—s ug a r
coated or plain.
(5 □—'M. Rich & Bros. Co.—J
[ The Real Department Store.
| “Three Graces” in Flouncings and Laces! |
5 Pre-Inventory “Finals” Divulge Some of the J;
jS Choicest Items Yet Announced!
Beautiful Embroideries For Corset Covers jE
A particularly choice collection of 18-inch Cor
set Cover Embroideries, in Corset Cover
□5 lengths; also Petticoat Flouncings. These are
□JJ grand values at 35c to 49c per yard. Tomor- |CC Sy
row—special Friday sale I
TS v —— Yard Jc
Round Thread Vai. and Point de Paris Laces S?
Gorgeous assortment Round Thread Vai and Point Jjy
□j de Paris Laces, from 3to 5 inches wide. Odds and ntf
Ends from our season’s selling. Values up to 20c [ZC JC
yard, tomorrow—Frida v special J St
•£ Yard g
J* ——, , _
E Exquisite Voile and Lingerie Flouncings
55 A charming collection of these popular fabrics, in colors or white. SB
When you read their original value, and note the almost unbeliev- JF
able reduction in price, your buying instincts 5?
55 will immediately decide your purpose to buy. j| JC’
yw These Flouncings are positively $1.49 per yard /* C~~
.j* values. Tomorrow (Friday) special y- j
M. Rich & Bros. Co.
Commencing Friday, August 2nd, we will pub
lish, daily, two of the Proverb Pictures, together
with their correct solutions. This will be con
tinued until all of the 75 pictures have been
The work of checking the solutions sent in by con
testants is now under way. It is impossible to say, at this
time, just when this work will be complete and the names
of the successful contestants published. Announcement
will be made in these columns as soon as a forecast of this
can be made.
Contest Department
A Reg lar Gee-AVliiz!
Say. did you go last night?
If you didn t you missed a corking good
It s a GO from the get-off.
Most interesting thing in the country today.
Here s Atlanta and Fulton County with
548 manufacturing plants, turning out as fine
stuff as any in the world.
A hunch of these concerns is showing how
they actually do it.
Got the wheels spinning and the hands on
the job.
Seen the girls making garments? Seen the
fellows making shoes? Seen em clicking off
wire nails?
Go tonight. One dime. Be a patriot.
Atlanta s Exposition
(The Auditorium)