Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga
Entered at Atlanta Postoffice as second
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
One year. mail, postage prepaid. $5 00
Six months, mail, postage prepaid. 250
Three months, mail, postage prepaid. 1.25
One month, mail, postage prepaid. .15
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
Delivered by carrier, one yearss 20
Delivered by carrier, six months 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month 4"
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10a
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED Good cook. Recommenda
tions required. Room on lot. Apply 725
Piedmont avenue. 49-8-2
EXPERIENCED power sewing machine
operators to make wash dresses; steady
work and good pay. Enterprise Manufac
turing Company, 36 West Alabama street
topfloor. 8-2-30
EXPERIENCED operators for button and
buttonhole machines Steady work and
good pay. Enterprise Manufacturing Com
pany, 36 West Alabama street, top floor
11 ■ 8-2-31
WANTED—Good pantry woman; also
cooks and maids. Feders, 253 Candler
Annex. 8-2-41
WANTED—Settled woman without chil
dren to cook for family of two. Good
home. House on lot. 124 LaFrance
street. 40-8-2
V\ ANTED—Competent stenographer; one
with railroad experience preferred. Cail
at 261 A,, B. and A. Bldg. B-2-16
IV ANTED—A young girl to take care of
office; must have fair education. Room
202 Peck Bldg. 8-2-4
WANTED—A small - girl about 15 voa7s
to roll baby at 353 Central ave.
Sill XG MARRIED COUPLE would take
into their home a poor girl between the
ages of 13 and 15. Must be from good
family. She will have the privilege of
education and while not attending school
would receive cash compensation for serv
ices rendered. The real necessity is to
act as companion for wife during hus
band’s absence. Apply with parents. 817
Austcll Bldg. 53-8-1
WA NTED—A cook. A ply 163 Linwood
avenue., near Ponce DeLeon. Ivy 1339-J
_ 8-1-39
WANTED First-class cook. Apply at
491 South Pryor street. 8-1 -30
WANTED— Cook, small family; apart 7
merit. 139 Capitol avenue. 8-1-9
VV ANTED—Settled nurse to stay in house.
References required. Phone ivv 3098.
WANTED -A first-class cook. Apply 510
North Jackson st. 7-31-30
WANTED A first-class nurse. Apply
1233 Candler Bldg. 7-31-30
WHITE woman to do general house work":
husband, wife and one grown son in
family. 131 Peeples st. 45-7-31
WANTED—A good washerwoman. 465
Decatur st. 29-7-31
WANTED.—First-class lady stenographer,
familiar with double entry, bookkeeping.
Apply in own handwriting and furnish
reference as to character and ability. Lon
Dickey Lumber Company, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Help Wanted—Male.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur to live 1-n the
country and begin work at 6;30 a. m.
Apply Box 797, care Georgian. 8-2-39
WANTED—At once, an assistant steward.
Feders, 253 Candler Annex. 8-2-40
WANTED—Two or three men ofneat ap
pearance that can sell the best disin
fectant on the market; good proposition.
Call for manager at 62% S. Broad' st.,
City, 4 to 5 p. m,, 7 to 8 a, m. 8-2-26
WANTED—Moving picture operators for
out of town; state experience, salary
and references. Address Crystal Theater,
Nashville, Tenn, 8-2-11
OLLIE MclUweln, call at 121 “Capitol
Square for permanent job. M. 4839-L
WANTED —Experienced dairyman. Apply
in person. Manager Klmballville Farm.
Atlanta. Permanent position. 8-1-43
COLLEGE GRADUATE of recent years
desiring permanent employment'with
public service corporation, apply Saturday
at 9 a. m., room 301, 78 South Prvor.
WANTED—-Young men to learn pharm
acy this fall. Demand for our gradu
ates exceeds supply. Next session begins
October 1. Southern College of Pharmacy,
81 Luckie street, Atlanta, Ga. 8-1-1
WANTED- -Several job and book printers
by August 12 or perhaps earlier. Apply
at once to Gilbert Printing Company,
Columbus, Ga. 7-30-9
5V ANTE D—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Call at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
WANTED—Young men as assistants to
our salesmen to collect and sell Singer
sewing machines and supplies. Singer
Sewing Machine Company. 79 Whitehall
street. 7-27-45
WANTED--Men to learn barber traded
Few weeks completes. Wages while
learning. You can join us with assurance
you will succeed. We have received
praise from thousands for our beneficial
course. Apply from country or city.
Moler Barber College, 38 Luckie street.’
CARPENTERS —Competent mon furnish
ed on short notice for all classes of car
penter work. Jim Stephenson, 226 Brown-
Randolph Bldg. Phone: Main 4251, At
lanta 2932,7-2-5
WANTED Two or three hustling sales
men and collectors: must be able *-o fur
nish horse and buggy and make bond:
lucrative and permanent position to right
man. Apply 79 Whitehall st. 7-17-27
WANTED Young man of experience and
good recommendations to take charge
and manage retail grocery business; must
invest SSOO. or ■would lease business to
right party; excellent opportunity. Ad
dress Groceries, care Georgian. 7-12-42
WAN TED-Ideas. Inventors write for
list of inventions wanted and prizes of
fered by manufacturers. Also, how to get
your patent. Sent free to any address.
Randolph A- Briscoe, patent attorneys.
Washington, D. C. 7-11-23
ST< >p at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, 10%
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room; transient 50c. Open all night.
YES. Professor G. O. Branning will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy). We
teach in one-half time of other colleges.
Course, tools and position in our shops
only S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10
East Mitchell street.s-11-17
FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos. All barber work free. Clean
linen. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell. 5-27-16
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
WA NTEI) At once, sever
al good stenographers.
Remington Typewriter Co.,
56 X. Broad streel. 8-2
men And W'i’men wanted'fof'gov 7
eminent positions. SBO.OO month. Write
for list of positions open. Franklin In
stitute, Dept. 49-R., Rochester, N. Y.
(for a caae Specif! • Blood Pol
son we fail to cure. Raney
Medicine Co., 513 Austell
mm )<: Bldg. Phrnu? 614. Office
vr'C/'" 7 I Hours: 7 a m. to 6 p. m ;
/ Sundays. 9 a. m. to 12 a m
’ t 6-3-33
Agents Wanted.
agents WANTED -Make $25 to 850 a
week: novel plan: act quick; experience
unnecessary: send $1 for sample and par
ticulars. Address T. B. Rogers, Dublin.
Ga. 28-8-2
Salesmen Wanted.
qi)Xvtk!'iß , ' ll ,\ E AT ONCE THE
■r L'.’i-.-MU 1 VE ’ HIGH GRADE
•TEN- JX<: salesmen to
: S .?AA EITY - and have sfc
* ■- Record as sales-
?. ,E £- T ,° SVCH WE CAN OF
d V,?'• L t EX I ’ E XS ES A IIV A Nc ED.
Teachers Wanted.
WANTED—Teachers for late fall and
winter schools, mainly rural positions.
Good locations, good schools, good sal
apes. Free registration. Write for
planks. Register Teachers’ Agency. Reg
ister, Ga. 7-31-19
TEACHERS for Georgia schools, rural
and graded: many splendid openings;
must have Georgia certificates; guaran
teed service; openings in other states also,
bnendan s Agency, Greenwood, S. C.
needs the services of one ambitious
ir a ,, ler * n each county; good proposition,
bull information free. 43-7-26
Situations Wanted—Female.
A-l LADY bookkeeper, knows shorthand;
have had four years’ experience and can
furnish first-class references. Phone M.
2673-J, 34-8-2
WANTED—Position as housekeeper or
companion. Mrs. Farnsworth, Box 206,
Decatur. z 39-8-2
FIRST-CLASS colored dressmaker open
for engagements from August 8 to Oc
tober 1; price. $2 per day; best refer
ences. Emma L. Sharp, 267 E. Cain.
HELD position trust five years as dem
onstrator and specialty saleslady for
one of largest concerns existing; wish em
ployment Atlanta; references. Box 401,
care Georgian. 44-7-31
WANTED—Washing to do at home by an
honest woman. W. M. T., rear 106 West
Pine street. 7-31-6
WANTED—Position as assistant or clerk
in third-class postoffice; ■well experi
enced and do not mind work. Address
Mrs. A. D. McComb, Dawson. Ga..
R. F. D, No. 7.43-7-30
MATERNITY CASES by experienced
nurse; hospital training; best refer
ences; reasonable charge; no objection to
out-of-town cases. Bell phone West 1054.
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED—Position by young man with
experience in retail grocery business;
also office experience; age 18. Box 119,
care Georgian. 35-8-2
SINGLE YOUNG MAN desires position,
bookkeeper or office work; very best ref
erences. Manufacturing business pre
ferred.J. E. <’., care Georgian. 7-27-42
WANTED—Position by an experienced,
licensed pharmacist; good references
and a worker. Address Pharmacist, care
Georgian. 52-8-1
EXPERIENCED colored man wants po
sition as porter, janitor; best of refer
ences. Address B. Green. 18 Carter st.,
Atlanta. 42-8-1
STEWARD or manager, a former resident
of Atlanta, desires position anywhere in
Georgia qvith club, hotel or institution;
best references. For particulars, address
3341 Malta st.. Philadelphia. Pa. 8-1-15
WANTED--Position as janitor; can furn
ish best of references. Apply or write
277 Rhoades street. 37-7-31
YOUNG MAN, competent bookkeeper~~of
six years’ experience in office; clear
record. Address C. H. II care Georgian.
STRICTLY snl>er. hones, young man
must have work at once; an interview
solicited. Address M., Box 345, care
A COLORED man desires position as
butler or coachman. Call or write
M. S,, 458% Auburn ave.. City. 31-7-31
WANTED—Position as • double-entry
bookkeeper or assistant; can use type
writer. W. M. W., care Georgian.
Situations Wanted—Male and
GERMAN man and wife want positions.
Man is a gardener and wife will do gen
eral housework. Address German, Box 31,
care Georgian. 32-8-2
Carpenter Work.
LET US GIVE you prices on cabinet, car
penter and brick work, plastering,
painting and tinting. Forsyth street
Cabinet Shop, 62% South Forsyth street.
Phones Main 1187, Atlanta 6087-M.
Board Wanted.
BOARD and room in north side, modern,
private home of strictly first-class peo
ple by refined business woman, who wants
permanent location in real home atmos
phere; prefer some distance out on ear
line; best of references given and re
quired; £ive phone number and full par
ticulars in reply. Box 444, care Georgian
Boarders Wanted.
SELECT boarding at 16 East Baker, un
der new management; cleanliness our
motto; inspection invited. The best tables
in the city at modern prices. Rooms with
private bath. Ivy 2666-J. 8-2-32
NICE rooms with excellent board? 88
Highland avenue. 8-2-9
R<X i.VI-M ATE for a congenial young lady;
delightful room; cheap board. Call Ivv
5853-J. 30-8-2
NICE ROOM anti board for couple or two
men; all conveniences and close In. Call
Ivy 2856-L.31-8-2
SELECT BOARDING. 647 Peachtree.
A comfortable house and shady yard.
Phone Ivy 6634. 8-2-24
LARGE room with board; near in; con
veniences. 119 Washington. B-2-18
ROOMS- First-class board, also table
board at $3.50 week. 29 E. Harris. Ivy
3741-L. 8-1-19
TRY 308 South Pryor for board; refer
_ences. Main 2456-L. 8-1-31
LARGE, delightful room, with private
bath; single room: best location; good
table; home comforts. 241 West Peach
tree. Ivy 1959-1.. 37-8-1
ROOM and board for two young men: best
north side location; between the Peach
trees. Phone Ivy 6645. 7-31-29
NICE ROOM with board; north side;
close in; rates reasonable. Phone Ivv
'the randoLph
COOLEST, cleanest rooms in city. 19 W.
_Cain. 7-30-32
PRIVATE family in West liTid wants
couple without children. Address Jane.
care Georgian. 28-7-30
Board and Rooms,
115 S PRYOR; excellent board, delightful
rooms. AtJunta phone 4!>49. 31-7-29
LARGE. beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, baths and excellent
table board; under new management. 4
W. Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivy 6790-.1,
Tv yll ()’T i>: I i v
AMERICAN PLAN, $125 UP. Weekly
Rates. 46-7-26
Summer Resorts.
IN the heart ill' the Blue Ridge. An ideal
place to summer. Cool, restful, plenty of
milk, butter ami fresh country produce.
Electric lights, bath, hot and cold water.
Terms very reasonable. Apply at once.
Mrs. J. I’. Jarrett, Dillsboro, N. C. 7-39-8
REZAO FOR profit—GEORGIAN WANT ADS— use: for results
“The Georgnan’s Rent Buhetin”
A New List Each Day
This bulletin contains every desirable place that is For Rent in the eitv and
suburbs. The hard problem of finding the places that you desire to rent without
taking a lot of your valuable time and getting fruitless results in return lias at
last been solved through The Georgian's Rent Bulletin. We have special men
scanning the city each day in search of all the desirable places for the benefit
anil convenience of our many thousand patrons and readers. This bulletin con
tains every new place each day we can locate and we assure you that we are
sparing no pains and time in having this bulletin complete each dav. When you
want to rent, think of the best way—the way that is the most complete and
the place where you have the most places to choose from Always consult The
Georgian's Rent .Bulletin. That is the best Way. It will save you time, money
and worry. It is for'your own convenience.
Furriished Rooms For Rent.
also large room and kitchen-
ETTE. 145 SPRING. 44-8-2
NICE, cool rooms with board. 25 West
Baker street. Ivy 501-J.B-2-33
NICELY furnished cool rooms; hot bath;
close in. 104 Ivy street. B-2-34
NEATLY' furnished room in private north
side home. Ivy 1788. 8-2-35
LARGE ROOM, three windows, second
floor, with or without meals. 102 Ivv
street. 8-2-36
FOR RENT—One furnished room, $10;
one room and kitchenette furnished com
plete for light housekeeping, sl3; three
rooms furnished complete for housekeep
ing, S2O. Hot and cold bath. Private fam
ily. Phone Ivy 4682-J. One block from
West Peachtree. 8-2-37
DESIRABLE rooms, well located, close Tn?
private family. Ivy 2725-.1. 8-2-38
TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete
for housekeeping; private entrance; very
reasonable if taken at once. Call Main
5481-L, 8-2-29
TWO lovely large furnished rooms for’
housekeeping; close in. 138 Pulliam.
Phone Main 827-J. 8-2-10
FOR RENT- Nicely furnished rooms - Til
strictly private home. Close in. 19
East Harris street 8-2-22
NICELY furnished rooms for bousekeeii
ing at 31 E. _Harris. 8-2-15
To nice young man newly furnished front
room; all conveniences; with owner.
Ivy 2211-L. 8-2-3
TWO furnished light housekeeping first
floor front rooms, close in; parties with
out children. 117 Formwait street. At
lanta phone 6137-A. 8-1-40
tol aveue. Also two unfurnish
ed rooms for housekeeping. Phone
M. 2890-J. S-1-12
NICELY’ fur n I she’d front rootn; close 177;
very reasonable. 278 Rawson st. Call
Main 4238-J. 8-1-33
IF ENGAGED Immediately, will rent to
one or two young men nicely furnished
front room; phone, bath, electric lights,
porch; cheap. Call Mr. Belew. Ivy 4011
day, or Ivy 5580-J after 6:30. 39-8-1
NICE furnished rooms with all conven
iences, with or without board for voting
men only. 231 S. Pryor. Main 4568-J.
FOR RENT— One furnished room and un
furnished kitchenette. Close in. 59
East Ellis street. , 8-1-28
NICELY furnisned room in apartment - ;
every convenience. 28 East Alexander
street. Ivy 5818-J. 8-1-11
II RNISIIED rooms for light housekeep
ing or small apartment; near in; refer
ences exchanged. Apply 18 East Pine, or
Bell phone Ivy 5024-J. 32-8-1
FOR RENT- Neatly furnished rooms in
nice, cool neighborhood. Reasonable.
2:>o Courtland. 7-31-34
I't’R RENT Two well furnished rooms,
second floor; steam heated apartment.
Cool In summer and warm in winter. 14
West Baker street. Phone Ivv 5039.
ROOM with all conveniences with private
family; close in; north side apartment.
Ly 7-31-31
NICELY furnished front room, close in
convenient to ''ath. Bell phone Main
I* I RNlshed room; all conveniences.
Apply 4 Wellington Apartments, 124
Ivy at. 27-7-31
LARGE, beautiful front room; private
bath; gentleman preferrnl. Peachtree.
care Georgian. 30-7-30
LARGE front room and board for couple
or young men. Ivy 2423-J. 7-29-1
" ANTED Gentleman room-mate; nice,
enol corner room: excellent table board.
Mam 4839-L. 121 Capitol Square. 7-27-16
D. E. EVANS, proprietor of the Hotel
Carnegie, 20-B Carnegie Wav, has the
nicest location in the city; nice, large,
airy, clean rooms; first-class board if de
sired. Also has two-room apartments for
light housekeeping; furnished completely
with hot and cold water, steam heat anil
janitor service. Also one three-room
apartment, completely furnished for light
housekeeping. Ivy 5558- 1, Atlanta 3900.
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED man. plainly furnished
room: close in; size immaterial; $5 or
$6 month. Address R. <>. F.. care Geor
gian. 48-8-2
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT Apartment,- four connecting
rooms, with all conveniences; close in.
on north side, to small family; rent rea
sonable. Bell phone Ivy 2782-J 43-8-2
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms
Phone West j!72. _lß_ Beecher st. 8-2-25
THREE rooms, second floor. T'o'r house 7
keeping; private bath; hot water; sink
in kitchen, to couple. 318 Washington st
TWO ROOMS and kitchenette; flrst floor;
separate entrance: hot water, gas: no
children; Bell phone: high, delightfully
cool; to adults only. 133 Hill st. 8-2-13
THREE connecting rooms: modern - con 7
veniences; use of telephone; couple
without children preferred. M. 1911, At
lanta 5037.159_Ke11y st. 8-1-37
THREE or four unfurnished rooms; par
ties without children preferred. 47
Brotherton st. Atlanta phone 3424.
THREE connecting rooms for housekeep
ing; furnish gas and use of phone; close
in and very reasonable. 220 E. Fair
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M. C. FURNITURE transfer; we~paok
and ship. Main 3657-.1, A. 1319. 42
Madison ave 3-12-7
\ Wlhat Have You For Rent? |
( Have you a nice, cozy furnished room, an attractive apartment,' a lovely (
? home, a hotel, an office too large for you but big enough for two concerns? Do ?
> you want to rent your business location, <>r ha e you a garage that you would
S like to rent? Everything that is For Rent can be rented in this bulletin at a lit- J
< tie cost and within a short time. The. Georgian is the recognized Rent Medi- <
? um of the city and suburbs.
Life Readers.
25 and 50 Cents.
17 E. Mitchell St.
’ ; 5-29 5
IS N<)\V LOCATED in tent, corner Eor
syt‘l). and L’ickie; can be consulted on
all ’affairs of life. Charges moderate.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
iiiiol’Sv' c 'I’RED "Relieves'shortm of
breath in 36 to ’.B hours. Reduces swell
ing in 15 to 20 days. Write for particu
lars Collom I‘ropsy Remedy Company.
512 Austell Building, Atlanta. 5-25-11
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
\\ ANTED—By two ladies, two or three
unfurnished connecting rooms for light
housekeeping; all conveniences: use of
phone; close in. Phone Main 1891-.1.
TO RENT Three nice, first-floor rooms
with private family, suitable for light
housekeeping. Rooms, Box 10. care Geor-
WANTED Tlir.’e r<><»nis. light housekeep
ing, youhg couple; give price and if any
children. Jack, care Georgian. 35-7-31
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
LARGE connecting or entire upper floor:
private bath, porch, sink and phone;
furnished or unfurnished; private resi
dence; reasonable. 66 Highland ave. Ivv
4809-J. 8-1-36
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
WANTED—F’or adults a five-room steain
heated, furnished or unfurnished apart
ment on south side. Must be reasonable.
Address 27 Inman Bldg. Phone Main 921.
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
COOL, well furnished room for two gen
tlemen; twin beds, hath, electric light,
elevator, every convenience. Marlborough
Apartments. No. 26, or call Ivv 4810.
Furnished Apartments Wanted.
FOUR rooms and bath, furnished,
all conveniences wanted on
north side by family of two. Not
over $46. New house preferred.
Frank Remsen. 34 East ave.
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
SIS.6O—FOUR-ROOM flat. 280% Houston
street; six minutes' walk from Candler
Bldg. Phone Ivy 1738-L.47-S-2
FOUR nr five-room first floor flat; private
bath, hot water; walking distance. 251
Central ave. 8-2-28
FOR RENT -The new apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bozco
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience. and. renting for $32.50 to $35, is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on
premises or Fitzhugh Knox. 1613 Candler
Building. 5-9-57
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
THREE connecting rooms for light house
keeping. bed room, sitting room, kitch
enette, with bath: suitable for business
women. 345 U Peachtree. 7-29-16
Furnished Houses For Rent.
i !•'< REN T iinmtdlately, well furnished
house; five rooms: electricity, gas: best
[locality: ideal, shady veranda; ten min
| ut< > walk froiu. c« nter of city; references
I required. 314 CourtlantJ st. 41-8-1
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT Now nine-room house,
servant house, large yard alul orchard,
to family without children. 124 LaFrance
street. 38-8-2
NICE six-room cottage, corner Margaret
street and Lakewood avenue, lot 60x175:
car stops at door; fine elevation: east
front: nicely tinted walls; plenty closet
room; finest well waler in the world; you
are paying $25 for this same house on
some little cross street in the city; the
car fare is the same. Come out where
you can get some frosh air. To a small
family sls. P. B. Hopkins, Atlanta phone.
MO. 8-2-20
Ft >R RENT—Six-room house; all conven-
iences 48 Walker st.: S3O. 8-2-17
PHONE or write us for our tom bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates. Turman, Black & Cal
FOR RENT. HOI’SES--Call. write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
c.i.-iiraii, 19 South Broad street 4-1-21
SIX ROOMS? the nicest locations
in West End, near Peeples street school,
near Gordon street car line and Howeli
Park. S3O. Call Webster. M 2106. 807-808
Fourt h Nat imt:d Bank 1 1 ■ 8-2-1
EXCELLENT L2-room residence; two
baths, electricity, large lot. line lawn
and shrubbery, owner. 179 North Jackson
street. Ivy L9O7LJ. 8-1-10
THE HOI si? you build, buy or
rent will not bp ;i modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED—To rent, with privilege to
buy, house of five or six rooms with
large lot, about one to three acres, on
Decatur or Marietta ear line give full
description, exact location, rent and pur
chase price. Address Box '.it;, . are Ca-or
WANTED To rent attractive six or sev
en-room bouse in district of Tenth
street school. Prefer one-story house.
Address 8., 228 Peach tree 8-1 26
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos, office and warehouse, 239-241
Edgewood av«’ Ivy 2037. John J. Wood
side Storage Company.
-- Medical.
I>R. El >m< iNDSt tvs’ TansjYYennyroyai
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail.
50c. Frank Edmondson Bro., manufac
turing chemists, 14 South Broad s.iect.
Atlanta, Ga. 2-17-14
Stove and Range Repairing.
SELLS second-hand gas stoves \\ <■ sweep
chimneys We lake down heaters We
sell wick and wickless <■:! stoves. , sell
gasoline stoves and ranges Atlanta phone
::235. : I Whitehall street Bell phone
Main 26: 9. 4.4 7
Lost and Found.
LOST Bunch of keys Thursday evening
on Luckie street ear leaving town at
i7;15: has Eiseman Bros.' nameplate on
ring and also one very large kev. Please
return same to J. M. Shearer, City Hall,
yeward. 36-8-2 i
| LOST- Solitaire diamond ring: engraved;
■ "M. to A., 6-19-03. ■' Call Decatur 556 ;
I for reward. 8-2-6
LOST White male English bull dog;
brindle spot over one ear; name
; "Sport " Reward, for information or re
i turn to 63 Broyles st. 27-8-2
ONE iron grayTtnare strayed or stolen,
| Sunday night, from 508 Sunset avenue;
I live years old. with wire cut on left fore
foot; weight 860 pounds Phone Atlanta
> L>,.o, Bell 151(1. 8-1-8
: LOST White hound bitch, ten years old.
Reward. John P. Turk, Nelson. Ga.
I 42-7-31
Lt is I - Wednesday morning at Forsyth
street, between post office and Nelson
. street, ladies' gold watch and pin. Finder
I please return to Liquid Carbonic Com
, pany and get reward' 7-31-16
LOST- Sunday evening in Atlanta or on
■ Lawrenceville road, pocketbook con
j taining eighty-odd dollars in tens, fives
ami one dollar hills; hook has Pennsylva
: nia Casualty Co. in gilt letters on inside
i and Shrine card with J. A. Apperson’s
; name. Return to .1. A. Apperson, 803
Empire Life Building, and get reward.
| 72302
LOST Well bucket and rope. Forget it
and buy "So Easy to Fix” Pump of
Dunn Machinery Company, 54 Marietta
street. Atlanta. Ga. ' 7-12-35
WAN’I’EI) Holders of contracts in the
Stan lard Real Estate Loan .Co., of Dal
las. Texas, to communicate at once with
the undersigned, who has been for nearly
ten years connected with this company
ami is in a position to frtrnish valuable
information. .1, St. Julien Yates, 406 Tem
ple- Court. 33-8-2
SERIOUS REST i.TS cokne from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert titter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit
you, ami it means insurance. 6-24-19
AN HONORAgentleman. 40 years
old. 5 feet 2 inches high, of German de
scent, grailuate of four universities, two
of Germany and two of America. I am
strictly temperate in habits, kind disposi
tion. 1 am able to make a good living
for a family and give a good home ami
happy life. My references are my cre
dentials from my colleges. 1 hope to lo
cate here. I wish to form an acquaint
ance with a single elderly lady or with a
widow from the city or country. Must
have a little means and willing to help
open an office. Will give reasons why
later on. My object is matrimony. I
mean no trifling. I assure that I am a
strictly honorable, intelligent gentleman.
I will show later with myself this is the
truth ami nothing hut the truth. Triflers
please do not answer, as I mean strictly
business. Address S. R., Box 150. care
HAS MOVED to 220 Courtland street.
Photographs anything, any v here, any
time. Phone Ivy 1886. 7-27-5
cial method for adults commencing music.
Enables you to play well In three tnbnths.
All monotony of practice avoided. Even
ing lessons if desired. Box 305, care Geor
gian. 48-7-23
relined, homelike; limited number of
patients eared for; home provided for in
fants; infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T.
Mit<-hell, 26 Windsor st. 6-'.’2-12
RICHARDSON’S Atlanta Select School;
both sexes; summer school in session.
Pupils prepared for Tech, university, col
lege. West Point, Annapolis. 300 Spring
■ 17-12-27
Th<> Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corsetieros is mani
fested in selecting the model that be
comes you best. Company headquarters,
84 East North avenue Ivy 6176, 5-28-36
FOI’ND The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN-
I CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
pany. 21 Inman building. Atlanta, Ga. If
you can not call, write. 6-7-36
SCREENS W’ood fly screens, metal fly
- screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. Cal
laway, manager, 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga Main 5310.
NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are ready
for tnis kind of work, phone Ivv 1436.
Memorial building. 5-6-33
WANTED To buy second-hand King Bee
Ojl gtoye. Phone Ivy 2807-L. 41-8-2
DROP \ win bring cash for old
clothes and shoes, 'rhe Vestiare, 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
J BUY MEN'S old cloUies and shoes
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street.
WAN'rixl 1 pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25
South Pryor street Bell phone Main 1526.
WE PAY HIGH ESH' cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture.
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street Bell Phone M.i.i' 2424. 8-26-26
w \ NTI.! 1 Blcj <le ' Address Bicj cle,
Box 100 care (leorgian. 17-8-1
ELECTRICITY, the coming power. If
you want to know where to get the lat
est and most complete hooks telling all
about electricity, drop a card to John A.
Johnson. 37 Savannah st.. Atlanta, Ga.
WE BUS old accounts notes, judgments.
616 Temple Court Bldg. Main 3992.
BEST price for furniture of all kinds.
We buj contents of residences, flats and
offices. Phone Main 187. 143 South Pryor
I street Pembroke Sales Company. 7-20-14
For Exchange—Miscellaneous.
WILL EXCHANGE mandolin for boxing
gloves Address B. .1 , care Georgian.
For Sale Miscellaneous.
20 PER CENT discount on all
Mission l , 'ibei' Rush and Rustic
Hickory Porch Rockers, Chairs,
Swings, Settees, Tables, etc. In
vestigate our Easy Payment Plan.
62 I’; m itt. ,61 North Bromi.
I>ltM I ,STH ' SiIWLNG MAt'lllNE, almost
"TL? il? 7 I’b'Uie West 323-J. 45-8-::
Ft til SALE Meat market fixtures, the
best in Ailmmi. Includes large refrig
| era tor. Grocer ami Butcher, cure Geor
gian. 8-2 21
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
remove dirt and germs from rugs, car
pets, floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from
i up; vacuum sweepers $9.75. C. J.
1 Daniel & Co., 416 Fourth Nat. Bk. Bldg.
I 12-2-11
I FOR SALE line L. C. Smith visible type
i writer, No. 1. and table, S4O. F. 1. Stone
& Co., 814 Atlanta National Bank Bldg.
FOR SALE —One 75-pound Eddy refriger
ator; large heater. Both nearly new.
Gas stove and water heater 41 Gradv
Place. 46-8-1
Bullhead cabbage plants at $1.25 per
1,000; stock is A-l. S. J. Michael, 1011
North Main street, Findley. Hancock Co.,
I Ohio- 51-8-1
I FOR SALE The pipe organ now being
used In St. Mark church. The organ is
|in excellent condition and sold for no
fault. We are erecting a much larger
organ. Price, S6OO. This includes the
services of an expert in taking down,
erecting and tuning. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Demonstration, If desired, can be
given at any time. Apply \V. L. Peel,
i are American National Bank. 40-8-1
FOR SALE Cherokee Soda Co. and
Pressing club, 129 Cherokee ave. At
lanta phone 292:1. 8- 1-22
FOR SALE- One CircasMan walnut dress 7
er. one Circassian walnut writing desk
and chair, two golden oak rockers, two
golden oak chairs, one mahogany book
ease, one Singer sewing machine, two
rugs, one cot and two mattresses. Ivv
2751, ask for janitor. 33-8-1
FOR SALE FOR CASH Nine pieces Old
English mission living room or office
suite In perfect condition. Apply 325
Peachtree. Janitor. 7-30-6
FOR SALE--Diamond t ing: stone weighs
3% less 1-32 carats Finest blue-white
Absolutely perfect in every wav. This is
a rare gem. Will take SBOO cash for it.
This stone is worth S3OO a carat today.
Must sell at once. J. D Holman, I’el
ham, Ga. 51-7-29
AN assortment of chinaware, odds and
ends from our premium stock room, to
be closed out at very low prices. An op
portunity to secure some very beautiful
pieces of china at little expense. Can be
seen at our premium parlor, 20 East Ala
bama street. The Georgian. 7-29-18
FOR SALE Small soda fount, floor show
case, cigar case and wall case Apply
55_East Alabama st. 7-29-5
FOR SALE Anew National cash registei
with six drawers and all the latest at
tachments to it; I will sell to some good
enterprising business matt' for the small
sum of $350 cash; first come first served
C. H. Melnschur, Quincy, Fla. 7-26-10
FOR SALE 1 1 , horsepower water-cooled
horizontal gasoline engine: weight 3001bs.
Complete ready for running, new. $37.50
cash with order. Wonderful value. Dunn
Machinery Company, 54 Marietta street.
Atlanta, Ga. This price is made in order
to sell 5.000 of these engines in Georgia
this year. 7-25-36
IF YOU WANT .SAND In any quantity
delivered In any part of town, whole
sale or retail, call Ivy 3786. C. W. Jones
& Co. 7-2-33
National Cash Register.
$35, SSO, S6O. $75. SIOO, $l5O and up to suit
your needs. Terms easy. Liberal ex
change for cash registers in use. Bell
phone Ivv 4155, Atlanta 594
60 North Broatl Street. 7-20-52
WOOD. 7-18-15
W E RENT good pianos. $3 month up.
We sell good pianos, $5 month up.
Bargain in second-hand. SIOO up
R. P. Becht Company, 110 Temple Court
building. Bell phone 667 Main 4-23-20
Ampricnn registers everything"
Latest Improvements.
• Uqsli registers exchanged.
VvilSll All sizes; easy terms.
Rniriciarc Atlanta Cash Register Co.
ntglbieiS 34 Eaat Alabama street
POPE'S SPECIAL—-Best dollar watch tn
ths world Sent prepaid, only 86c
Fully guaranteed to keep correct time
two years or money refunded. New watch
given free if it breaks. A more servicea
' ble watch can not be had at any price
; Money refunded immediately if you are
not highly pleased. Order today without
. fail Pone Watch and Diamond Company.
1514 Main street, Dallas, Tex. 6-1-14
Auction Sales,
TITRE. Saturday at 10 a. m.
Lot of Iron Beds. Dressers, Wash
stands, Flat Piano, Sideboards.
Art Squares, Rugs. Kitehen Fur
niture. lot of Eigh-t-day Clocks,
(fas Stoves and Ranges, and oth'er
i goods too numerous to mention at
the Pawnbrokers Auction House,
51 Decatur Street.
Decatur street. We buy and sell any
and everything. Atlanta phone 2285.
| 7-29-20
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma
chine Oompany, 79 Whitehall 9-14-44
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
PHONES; Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654
Furniture For Sale.
\\ I - . Alik positively dosing out this stock On account of change
in business a dandy, clean, new stock of Furniture to go at
practically wholesale cost.
Fresh and Salt Meats. Fresh and Salt Meats.
Leg of Lamb, whole 12 l-2u
Lamb Chops 15c
Lamb Stewloc and 12 l-2c
Yeal Stew< 10e
Veal Roast 12 1-2 c
Veal Steak 12 1-2e
Pot Roast 10c
Prime Rib Roastl2 1-2 c and 15c
Spare Ribs, .. 12 1-2 c and 15e
Boiling Beef 7c
Come early and avoid tne rush.
89 Decatur St. and 150 Marietta St.
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One a word each insertion.
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words. Ads in larger tvpe.
2c a word.
Out-of-town adve rt I sementa
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will no! be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing Hours: Tn secure prop
er classification of Want Ads it
will be necessary to have copy in
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue.
All ads must be ordered out In
writing or at the office. No dis
continuance notice taken over tel
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
should be counted. Each initial
counts one word; compound words
are counted as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given by The Georgian to
patrons making payment fox,-want
Ads over the office counter, as no
mistakes can be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser asks to
show references, send a duplicate
of same.
Foil EXI'HANGE--House and lot for au
tomobile. Phono Main 1287,43-8-1
FOR SALE—One big Brush. Just been
painted, and thoroughly overhauled, and
in perfect condition; a bargain for S2OO.
Address Fulton Auto Supply Company.
227 Peachtree st, 8-1-17
1912 OVERLAND,torpedo roadster, a dan
dy In A-l condition to travel far. A
four or five-passenger car of standard
make. Phone Decatur 312 for demonstra
tion .38-7-31
BLEMISHED: 28 by 3 $7.90, 30 by 3 $8.90,
29 by 3% $11.50, 30 bv 3'6 $11.90, 32 bv 3
$8.50, 32 by 3% $12.90, 34 ky 3% $13.90,' 30
by 4 $12.50, 32 by 4 $17.90. 33 hv 4 $18.90.
34 by 4 $19.90. 36 by 4 $19.90, anti-skiil 37
by 4'., $28.50. THESE ARE FRESH AND
COMPANY, 46 Auburn avenue. Atlanta
WA NTED—Five-passenger automobile:
S4OO to $1,000; will give vacant lot anil
some cash. W. H. S. Hamilton, Decatur.
Ga Phone Decatur 413. 7-31-1
THE reason we control the finest auto
repair business In the city is due to the
fact that we work on the cars ourselves.
We knew how to make them run right
and make sure It Is done as It should he.
When your car needs attention, remem
ber. we can make any kind of repair on
any make car.
Travis & Almond,
26 James st., third floor. Ivy 4832
WE HAVE FOR SALE a five-passenger
White gas car. 1911 model; also a five
passenger 1910 Cadillac. We have rebuilt,
these from the ground up. We know
these to he absolutely perfect. Some one
finds a bargain here. When we have a
car for sale it must be right. Call ana
let us show you how good they are.
Travis & Almond,
26 James st., third floor. Ivy 4832.
BURETOR work a specialty. We give
careful attention to electric auto and bat
tery work. Hartrampf * Yarbray Co.
Phone Main 3810 56 Edgewood avenue,
just below Equitable building. 4-22-5
torcycle dealers in the South; exclusive
Southern distributors for Indian. Elyea-
Austell Company, 35 North Pryor street.
Painting and Tinting.
EMBRY Main 1455. 318 FOURTH NA
Monuments and Stone Work, i
All kinds stone work.
17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3540.
Furniture For Sale.