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"■ ■■ .. • <r • .',• ’• £? ’ ■: 3' ' /" ’ *' ■*:>• >' - v "' ' '■ i.
■■’ '• .. / ?V‘. ' : y- ■' " ■ .'
There Are One Hundred \ I
and Seventy Odd Ail-
ments to Which Your % . \
Motor is Susceptible. \\ \
VaA \
The engine trouble chart tells in V-\ v ,>yjvA-W > w* \
detail each of these one hundred VW
and seventy odd ailments—how to \ \
recognize them, how to remedy \\ M
them - V. wsf v
It is a “ready reference book” on V\
which is depicted every ailment that
can puzzle the driver of a motor — -
and its solution. In any emergency
it is invaluable. neld the one that every automo-
bile enthusiast needs most.
You will find it in the August . , .
MoToR. lee motorist turns to
MoToR first of all, no matter
MoToR is the greatest automobile whether it be a question of upkeep,
magazine in America—greatest in car construction, or engine prob
size. greatest in circulation, great- lems. He knows that MoToR is
est in prestige and influence. more than an interesting, newsy
There is no phase of Motordom. magazine; it is the motorist’s final
technical or otherwise, that reference book, giving in full the ‘
MoToR does not cover. It is pre- desired information—well told and
eminently the best magazine in its well illustrated.
wg|k '''Adig** R ***'
1 ki yBS » & it -
II v* IV/ Av
At All Newsstands - 25 Cents the Copy
Hon. R. B. Blackburn, Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Sir:—For seven years you served the people of this county with ability and fidelity as one of her three
representatives. Your past experience in legislative matters fits you for still more efficient service in behalf of the
people. To properly represent this, the richest, the most populous, and the most progressive county, men of proven
capacity and experience are needed.
Therefore, we the undersigned citizens, respectfully request that you be a candidate for representative in the
August primary, and hereby pledge you our most cordial support.
We feel assured that the people of Fulton county will nominate and elect you, if you consent to be a candidate
without your being required to make a canvass. Very respectfully,
F. M. Farley
B. M. Grant
Chas. I. Ryan
Lucien York
R. E. O'Donnellj
Henry Hirsch
C. H. Essig
Marks Hightower
E. A. Hartsock
\ W L. Peel
J. D. Kilpatrick
Chas. S. Parkei
Clyde L. King
E. D. Thomas
J. F. Alexander
Jas. L. Wells,
Whitaker Paper Co.
H. L. Smith
J. F. McMillan
Morris Brandon
Chas. J. Moore
Hughes Spalding
Alex W. Smith
T. A. Hammond
Fair Dodd
■J. H. Porter
Marsh Adair
Frampton E. Ellis
E. V. T. Williams
Ben J. Conyers
Stiles Hopkins
James J. Ragan
L. Z. Rosser. Jr
J. P. Sturgeon
J. V. Blackwell
B. F Bernard. Jr.
Wilson Bros.
J. F. Slicer
Mahoney & Manry,
V7 T. Manrv, Jr.
Philip S. Holt
Frank Malone
H. L Haralson. Jr.
E. C. Lycetr
A. Beauchamp, Jr.
C. E. Baker
\. E. Harless
Geo. E. Morgan
C. W. Flishman
M. L. Thrower
W. W. Cunningham
A. S. Adams
Henry H Schaul
P. Mion
T. J. Eady
P. H. Jarrell
H. P. Vademy
B. F. Boak
C. J. Barrett
W. E. Grogan
Louis Cohen
W. C. Craig
J. G. McCollig
A. Carroll
1 N. Weatherly
H. Peek
no. F. Seawell
Oscar Elsas
H. E. Laskey
M. Anderson
A. L. Beauchamp
S. C. Forrester
J. T. Parker
W. T. Henry
Chas. D. Honiker
August Denk
W. A Whitly
B. Rosenfeld
C. E. Jarvis, Jr.
A. Mion
Sig Selig
Chas. J. Moore
E. E. Lowe
Jack Malcom
Dr. Horace Gran
R. Schmidt
Thos. L. Bishop
Chas. W. Davis
R. Mion
Chas. Adler
L. B. Grime
I. Fooinshn
C. Lagomarsino
R. B. Brightwell
L. Picard
J. Chomsky
H. F. A skarn
C. Mion
J. M. Dobbins
W. M. Lewis
Russell Johnson
H. L. Harrison
W. Floyd Johnson
W R king
Joseph Lazear
A. E. Marcus
W. N. Moses
D. C Lyle
S. M Barnett
Wm. Fine
A. B. Levy
C. W. Holley
J. V. Bachmin
F. G. Liedman
Emil Dittler
Albert Greenberg
I. Lipstine
C. E. Dodson
Mose Straus
H. P. Steinaur
J. S. Davidson
R. H. Barns
W. D. Jones
Rhodes-Wood Furn. Co.,
Walter J. Wood
John E. Clarke
H. A. Kennedy
W. Z. Turner '
R. L. Henley
H. N. Neer
J. I. Hosford
J. E. Stewart
J. B. Woods
C. G. Johnson
G. E. Matthews
J. L. Anderson
W. M. Gordon
George R. Law
Thos. C. Lw
A. L. Day
W. 11. Johnson
H. Mitchell
M. Robinson
Mr. Cefalu
T. C. Connally
T. C. Hughey
W. C. Lawrence
E. P. Mcßurney
L. J. Kohler
Munday & Cornwall
Attorneys at Law
Flynn Hargett
Jack Snelling
Alex Kopling
J. E. Newman
Jacob Fox, Jr.
O L. Timothy
C. w. McCrary
H. J. Travis
R. L. Spain
A. Fugazzi
J. J. Payne
Fred Bush •
W. V. McMillan
H. Kaplan
Alex Kreisler
, Frank Edmondson
J. H. Travis
j. T. Moore
W. H Moon
B. Elreath
T. E. Jones
Specials for Friday
and Saturday I
White and Grey Canvas Oxfords
Included in This Sale
Every pair $4.00 and $3.50 Men's Oxfords in |. !
our house will be on sale Friday and Saturday onlv.
Bostonians—Patent Leather. Button and Blucher. ?
Bostonians—Gun Metal. Button and Blucher.
Bostonians—Tan Calf, Button and Bhudier.
Bostonians—\ ici Kid, Button and Blucher.
White and Grey Canvas Oxfords j
lir - - Ail
| | | pACH GEORGIAN WANT g fij
: i h AD is a little salesman ii j I
| j ii who will CRY YOUR WARES g ii
Alvin Wellhouse
Robt. M. Dirnond
Jake E. Wilenski
W. J. Riordan
J. A. Beall
R. C. Stanard
F B. Gardner
Benjamin Elsas
J. E. Chambers
B F. Barnes. Jr.
W. T. Walker
E. A. Cronheim
J. W. Kelly
A. J. Gibbs
J. Lienhard
Chas. D. Boling
H. M. Garner
B. Stahl
L. J. Elsas
T. S. Florence
G. N. Meinert
T. L. Bond
H M. Spitz
Jake H. Hirsch
M. A. Liedman
Chas. Franklin
J. E. Daniel
J. E. DeLorme
F. R. Andrus
J. P. Hills
J. K. Owen
C. W. Owen
Frank lames
L. W. H trbuck
H. C. McCord
R. H Shaw
George R. Law
. T. V. Dennison
Maurice Haas
John E. Freeman
H S. Smith
A. Crawford
W. Morrison
O. Donehoo
C. C. Singleton
I. S. Hirsch
C. R. Robetson
A. D. Enzor
F. O. Sapnington
J. H. M.-Gee
R. Hilsman
B. Rosenfeld
B. P. Butler
D. Shalloway
Tom Hatton
Dan Pappa
H. Bliem
Ph. Schwartz
Chas. Hirsch
B. B. Owen
Frederick Thomas
R. L. Norton
W. S. Walker
J. O. Ellis
Silas M. Truitt
M. A. DuPree, Jr.
T. M. Backus
H. J. Dowdy
D. Shumate
R. D. Wescott
J. Gaunt
J. C. Rather
E. T. Murphy
E. C. Lambert
G. W. Humphries
A. Gerard
A. L. Curtis
H. G. A.ndrews
P. O Hagerty
E. M. Cason
C. G. Turner
John Fisher
P. W. Smith
M. Brady
Thos. C. Spalding
George Foster
« as 8/at ScLsfUl Greatest Engineering School
# J <3,15 Free Scholarships allotted to each
Kia* TF'U D* county m Georgia, “any-of these now
■ > ",Ms g S'® 3? K® oner,. Full courses. Instruction piactl-
WJIJrB . jg’l SSB $S cal and thorough. New hospital and ma
’wii sci ’MW’* &■ chine shops. New Y. M. C. A. costing
" V^ Bs YTf Hmi ACV
Dormitories. Cost reasons* tU 8 &l 5. Swl EE
bte. For cataler write, I*£ L, L’ cfe S' aS ktasr
Atlanta. Ga,
The Bank is the Begin
ning and the End of Any Man's Business—
As you choose vour bank so shall you
do business. When your bank is
sound so is your business, for other
wise it wouldn’t last 24 hours. - By a
sound bank wo mean a bank that first
aml last considers each of its deposi
tors part of itself. Owing a duty to
its depositors, the sound bank con
siders it , martcr of course to lend
every possible attention and courtesy.
No unsound business can mix with a
Sound Bank. The smallest depositor
is just as important to us as is our
j " IL 1 .. _i ■mi Kr-Lvrwowvn-i.... jug, ,i ■ mi, .1 , i min -; wwvmwv* in -y 1
P. J. Bloomfield has withdrawn from the
Bloomfleld-Euik'rt Company and is now located at
84 a.nd 86 South Pryor Street (Thrower Bldg.)
under the name of
Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
Both Phones 535.
Mr. Will A. Gaeesling is associated with above Company.
Jacob Vogt
E. T. Harvel
W. W. Thurman
T. H. English
Burton Bishop
G. A. Smith
J. S. Hall
J. C. Marks
Ph. Dietz
John Peacock
A. A. Teitlebaum
R. H. Caldwell, Jr.
L. H. Fair
A. J. Stewart
Louis Hirschburg
J. E. Echols
W. H. Baker
G. W. Madario
W. Hirschberg
C. G. .Nolen
J. C. Legg
I. A. Hirschberg
Gordon Nash
Emanuel Kaufmann
M. Winer
J. W. Wells
W. J. Ogburn
W. J. Wooding
A. J. Foster
E. R. Hughey
S. N. Martin
I. S. Moss
J. H. Bulloch
C. R.
Morns Steinheimer
J. I. Glous
W. M. Talley
M. Klein
L. G. Thompson
N. T. Cann
W. W. Cunningham
W. T. Davis
M. A. Regenstein
J. E. Harrison
J. B. Smith
H. Bressler
W. B. Evans
J. M. Bernard
N. P. Ar-chison
R. H. Crump
J. C. Lankford
L. Kahnweiler
G. T. Henning
J. T. Hanney
W. C. Allen
Jos J. Donnelly
G L. Carey
W. B. Talley
J. Ivl. Morris
Louis J. Regenstein
Marks Hightower
L. B. Lilienthal
Gus Hoffman
R. B. Butrim
John I. Kelly
Albert Kaufman
George M. Kohn
Thos. Sheils
J. J. Nahert
M. W. Estes
C. B. Ray
I. M. Hoyle
W. B. Batcheloi
A. I. Biair
F. I. Stanford
M. L. Daniel
S. M. Milam
T. I. Ball
J. H. Burk
C B. Norton
W. G. Brown
J. B. Hale
T. A. Conger
M. Maxwelle
C. F. Echols
T. L. Smith
R. C. Nulger
E. W. Estes
W. O. Jones
E. G. Everitt
S. A. James
A. A. Urwin
C. P. Groover
W J. Dunn
R. T. Moon
James Duffy
B. F. Joel
W. Montag
A. Montag
I. R. Jordan
T. F. Goodwyn & Co.
E. A. Gordon
T. C. Goodwyn
James Bettie
C. H. Heflin
Thomas Bettie
R. W. Cameron & Co
W. W. Rice
Edwin I. Coliedge
W. P. Sotte
S. Athens
Nick Bacxus
C. j. Baisden & Co.
J. V/. Conley
Turner Bros.
F. M. Brotherton
P. E. Turner
Hugh Willett
I. R. Carmichael
B. H. Treadwell
A. H. McMillan
:? d McDonald
W. Stewart
Jas. N. Sewell
O. B. Wyatt
7chn C. -West
J. C. McMillan, Sr.
M. C. Kiser
H. J. Thurman
H. G. Parks