Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Strset
Atlanta, Ga
Entered at Atlanta Postofffce is second
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable In Advance.
One year. mall, postage prepaid. $5
t- m °nths. mall, postage prepaid. 2KO
Jitree months, mall, postage prepaid. 1 25
t<he month. mall, postage prepaid. -45
Subscriptions P-yable in Advance,
-delivered by carrier, one yearss 20
Delivered by carrier, six months 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month <1
Deiivr-eu by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10a
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED— A woman to wash and iron
on the place. 155 Peeples st. B-6-20
11K ST - C LASS ‘cook for large house;
good wages; female preferred. 241 West
reachtree. 42-8-6
ANT ED—Reliable, settled colored wom
an to do cooking and general house '
work. Byron Apartments A-3. Linden
and West Peachtree. 8-6-40
" ANTED—First-class waitress; refer
ences required. Apply at 632 Peachtree
s ll eet - 8-6-27 ;
WANTED—Stenographer capable of
neat work in law office. Moderate sal
ary to begin. Address A. 8.. Box 203. care
Georgian. 8-6-26
" A A I ED—Sewing help in dressmaking
and machine work; must be good help. I
Dressmaker. 66 Houston st. 39-8-6
ANTED—Ladies with experience Tn
making hand-made frames. Apply De
partment E, Ernest L. Rhodes Co., 67-69
■ south Pryor st. 8-6-17
W A NTED—-Com petent coo iE 398“ Wi 1-
liams street, 8-6-9
"m*' i cook and housework.
Phone Ivy 3340-J, 227 Myrtle st. 25-8-6
' VA />'T’* :D r:' Vonian cook A PPIy. at once,
.49 \\ ashington st. 27-8-6
mi, y °1 five; room on lot. 5k
W ashita ave. 8-6-3
WANTED—A woman to live on lot: milk
COW and cook for small family. 101
W est Tenth st. B-5-34
W HITE Woman for cooking and general
housework; small family. Ask for Mr
Henry at Georgian office. 8-5-19
WANTED--A good girffor general house
work. Phone Ivy 5823-.1, 8-5-27
GOOD HOME for “some poor girl to take
charge of house. 104 Fortress avenue
WANTED— Cook and nurse at 2 West
Tort McPherson. Phone Main 2062
Lieutenant Holliday. 8-5-16
■WANTED—White servant,’ German - girl
.preferred, references required, to assist
in nursing one child and cook, and do
housework; good wages and a home 190
Lee st. Phone West 875. 8-3-41
1V AN T ED—Experienc eri suit and-shirt
waist salesladies, witli exclusive suit
department experience; no others need
apply. Grossman's. 96 Whitehall st
—2 West Fort McPherson. Ga.
Phone Lieut.. Hollidav, Main 2062
' 27-8-3
Help Wanted—Male?
VV -“k.N 1 RjJ” wjsh to know whv th
stammer and how to quit. The Fon-Lin
Institute, 2516 Indiana ave., Chicago 11l
good inside men. Apply on job,
402 Ponce DeLeon avenue. 8-6-39
WA NTED—Experienced colored house
boy. Apply 130 S. Pryor st. 8-6-35
WANTED Man for work in poultry
plant; must be reliable and experienced
Don’t write. Apply in person, S. .1.
Crook, Kimballvtlle Farm, Atlanta Ga
WANTED—Two first-class union barbers
at 228 Marietta st.; good jobs for right
parties; 313 a week. 50-8-6
WA NTED—Upholsterer: onTv expert
enced man need apply. Capital Citi
Chair Co., 172 .Marietta street 8-6-5
WANTED—Men and boys to learn auto
mobile-business. We operate the best
equipped shops, and positions open for
graduates. Carolina Auto School. Char
lotte. N. C. 70-7-20
W ANTED —The very best: of positions are
open for competent men who finish out
two weeks' course; enter now. Charlotte
Cotton School. Charlotte. N. C. 51-7-11
ONE of the largest printing houses in
Florida wants experienced estimator
and solicitor for state business on basis
half profits Typothetae cost. Box 1178.
Jacksonville. Fla. 45-8-5
W A NTED—Dairyman: permanent posi
tion. Apply in person to Manager. Kim
ballville Farm, Atlanta, 8-5-21
CLERK Who is thoroughly experienced
with typewriter and has a general
knowledge of stenography; must be bright,
ambitious and furnish first-class refer
ences; a permanent position to a deserv
ing young man. Box 275, care Georgian.
WANTED—Men to learn the barber trade.
Few weeks completes. Tools given
Wages while learning. You can join us
with assurance you will succeed. Apply
from country or city. Moler Barber Col
lege. 38 Duckie street. 48-8-3
WANTED—Moving picture operators for
out of town; state experience, salary
and references. Address Crystal Theater,
Nashville. Tenn. 8-2-11
■WANTED Young men to learn pharm
acy this fall. Demand for our gradu
ates exceeds supply. Next session begins
October I. Southern College of Pharmacy,
81 Luckie street. Atlanta. Ga. B-1-1
WANTED—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Call .at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
W \ NTED- Young men as assistants to
our salesmen to collect and sell Singer
sewing machines and supplies. Singer
Sewing Machine Company. 79 Whitehall
sljr e et, • 7-27-4 5
CARPENTERS -Competent men furnish
ed on short n »tice for all classes of car
penter work. Ji. n Stephenson, 226 Brown-
Randolph Bldg Phone: Main 4251. At
lanta 2932.7-2-5
WANTED Young man of experience and
good recommendations to take charge
and manage retail grocery business; must
invest SSOO, or would lease business to I
right party: excellent opportunity. Ad
dress Groceries, care Georgian. 7-12-42
WANTED Ideas. Irfventors write for
list of inventions wanted and prizes of
fered bj manufacturers. Also, how to get
your patent. Sent free to any address.
Randolph <<• Briscoe, patent attorneys.
Washington, D. C.7-H-23
YES. Prpfessor G. <». Branning will teach
you the barber trade Gt’s easy). We
teach in one half time of other colleges.
Course. and position in our shops
only S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of
mir graduates tunning shops or making
good wages. Atlanta Barber College, 10
East Mitel ell Street 5-11-17
ST< »p at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, 10L
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room. I;ansient 50c. Open all night.
FREE MASSA’IE. hair cuts, shaves,
shampoo®. All barber work free. Clean
I nen Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
M’tchell. _ 5-27-1 J
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
eminent positions. SBO.OO month. Write
for list of positions open. Franklin In
stitute. Dept. 49-R., Rochester. N. Y.
for a case Specific Blood Poi-
I son we fail to cure. Ranev
t Medicine Company. 513 \ustell
? Bldg. Phone 614 office Ilnurs
i7 m m io 6 p m.; Sundays, •<
j a... ni. to 12 a. m 6-3-33
Salesmen Wanted.
SULL TREES Fruit trees, pecan trees.
<liade trees, roses, ornamental, etr.
La.®'- tn «etl Rig profit®. Write tod»>
Smith Bro®.. Dept 99. Conrord, Ga
105-8-8 1
Ageiits Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED -Make $25 to SSO a
week; novel plan: act quick: experience
unnecessary; send $1 for sample and par
ticulars. Address T. B. Rogers, Dublin.
Ga. 28-8-2
Teachers Wanted.
WANTED —Teachers for late fall and
winter schools, mainly rural positions.
Good locations, good schools, good sal
aries. Free registration. Write for
blanks Register Teachers’ Agencv. Reg
ister, Ga. *7-31-19
Situations Wanted—Female.
WANTED—Position as good cook Can
give references and do washing on the
lot. Apply Janie Handford. 168 Larkin
s l reel 43-8-6
STRONG, .unmarried colored lonian
wants position on the north side as
'-ook. and general house work with small
family; furnished room on lot: want work
at once. Address P. L„ 236 W. Mitchell
ARTFUL designing, guaranteed fit; good
dressmaking; very reasonable; bring
y 2 u r,v dreß l es to 19 Hunnicutt street, just
off \\ est Peachtree. 25-8-5
WANTED—Situation by two white wom
en: fine cook and housekeeper. Citv
references. Miss A., care Georgian.
W ANTED—By middle-aged widow, posi
tion as matron of good preparatory
school: have several years experience.
Address Matron, Box 300, care Georgian.
W ANTED—Position as assistant or clerk
in third-class postoffice: well experi
enced and do not mind work. Address
McComb, Dawson, Ga.,
R. K D. No. 7. 43-7-30
Situations Wanted—Male.
REGISTERED druggi stwa nt a work. , Ad
dress D., Box 202, care Georgian
''^?’ T ED—Position as traveling sales
' t } rug ? preferred; by September 1.
,o start on moderate salary and
nSPn n r e^,i U ?> tl ab fi*ty is proven Sales
man, I,ock Box u, Cope, S. C. 47-8-6
Y kEm < \ MAl ?' 21 ' wants work of smrTe
'? nd ' honest and reliable; had some ex
perience in dry goods store. Applv to I
A Beggs, Canon, Ga. ’43.5.6
EXPERIENCED office man and boolT
keeper; 27 years old: single; best refer
ences. s,, care Georgian. 34-8-6
WANTED—Job as butler; would like to
learn to drive a car; will work cheap.
-I. -S. G., 18< Fort st. 29-8-6
POSIITON wanted by an experienced
man in up-to-date methods of office
work, business 'orrespondence and col
lections by mail. Box 2, care Georgian
TR A \ ELING s a 1 e sm a n
(27) desires position with
reliable firm, (’an show re
sults by past record. A-l
references furnished. Box
I. care Georgian. 38-8-5
SITUATION for garden, yard or house
work by the day. Robert Wright. Good
references. 153 Highland ave.. rear
t: S 5
WANTED—Position as double entrv
bookkeeper or assistant; several years'
experience in mercantile business. W. M.
M.. care Georgian. 32-8-5
WANTED—By a young man position,
have had considerable experience in
stenography and bookkeeping. Can furn
ish best of reference as to past working
record and character. Address H. B. A
Box 281, Atlanta, Ga. 28-8-5
ANTE!*- -Position as clerk in
young man. J7 years of age. Have had
two years experience. Can furnish first
class' references. Willing to w-ork hard.
i-t. A. S.. care Georgian. 83-8-3
i 9T)RD. BARNESVILLE. GA 93-8-3)
[ -\ Young COLORED MAN wantsTTo - -I
I Sition as driver for car and will help 1
with housework. Address D. 8., 260 Edge-
| wood ave.
M ANTE! > Position by an experienced,
licensed > harmaeist: good references
and a worker. Address Pharmacist, care
I Georgians 2-8-1
Situations Wanted —Male and
EREE to all. our practice
de] >a rtment. Remington
Typewriter Co.. 5 N. Broad
Job Work.
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters. We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing. 62 1 ., S. Forsyth street. Bell 1187;
Atlanta 6087-M.
Boarders Wanted.
ROOMS—First-class board, also table
board, at $3.50 week. 29 E. Harris. Ivv
3741 -L. 8-5-25
ONE IjARGE front room, with board, at
131 Washington. Phone Main 2672-J
-5 17
ONE large, furnislted room, suitable for
gentleman and wife or two ladies, with
first-class board. 238 Washington St.
ELEGANT room, with good meals, for
couple with references 485 Peachtree.
Phone Ivy 6103. 85-8-3
GENTLEMEN or ladies can get nice,
large, cool rooms, excellent fare, at 18
Capitol place. 60-8-3
1.52 WEST PEACHTREE—One strictly
first-class room: also modern house
keeping suite: modern conveniences
S*l:i.E<’T boarding at 16 East Baker, un
der new management; cleanliness our
motto; inspection invited. The best tables
in the city at modern prices. Rooms with
private bath. Ivy 2666-J, 8-2-32
ROOM-MATE for a congenial young iarfv;
delightful room; cheap board. Call At
lanta phone 5853-F. 30-8-2
LARGE, delightful room; private liatii:
also single room; best location; good
table: home comforts. 241 West Peach
tree. Ivy 1959-1, 38 -8 - 6
COUPLE and several young men can get
room and board at 118 West Peachtree
SHIJ’t'T BOARIiING. 647 Peachtree.
A comfortable house and shady yard.
Phone Ivy 6634. 8-2-24
TRY 308 ’South Pryor for board: refer'
ences. Mum 2456-L. 8-1-31
lit t‘ 'M atul boa id foe two vol mg mon. bes;
north side location: between the Peach
trees. Phone Ivy 6645. 7-31-29
NICE ROOM with hoardT north side;
close in; rates reasonable. Phone Ivv
U»2S 7-31-11
COOLEST, cleanest rooms in city. 19 w.
_L a L n -_. _ 7-30-32
PRIVATE family in West End wants
couple without children Address lane,
care Georgian 28-7-30
Board Wanted.
COUPLE wish two unfurnished connect
ing rooms with board. Call M 137 be
fore 5 p. m. 51-8-6
REFINED young ladj wants furnished
or unfurnished room with board In pri
vate home, with use of parlor. I>.v August '
20; near corner of M Indsor anil Rawson '
street* phone lv 3300. 46-8-6 ,
W 'NTED Rt refilled voung Couple I
board in private family; homelike and I
ui good neighborhood; north side pre
ferred: will furnish own room if notes I
sari Rates reasonable ami state in retd.'. I
References. Address Box 268, care Geor
gian. 6- 5 - 5 *
Lost and Found.
LOST—GoId locket with initials M M
W.;" was worn on fob. Return to Wil
liamson. Georgian Press Room for reward.
* ' 57-8-6
LOST—Scotch collie; light sable: name
Larry. Please call Bell phone 690 West.
Hughs, 90 Lawton streeLss-8-6
LOST—At ball park Saturday afternoon,
blank memorandum book and batch of
correspondence with rubber band around.
Finder please return 801 Equitable and
receive reward.s2-8-6
LOST—Monday morning. > dies’ bank
book, containing S3O. hinder will please
return to 507 Equitable building. o» cal!
Main 222. and receive reward. 49-8-6
LOST—Between Buckhead and Fifteenth
street, on Peachtree road, auto Klaxon
ette horn. Return to T. M. Fincher. 717
Empire building, and get reward. 8-6-23
LOST—Momlay night’at Auditorium, an
embroide-ed white silk shawl. Phone
Ivy 1509. Reward. 8-6-12
LOST—Columbian half-dollar. Terminal
station. Saturday morning; photograph
inside. Rewa rd. Ph on eI vy _SB 38. 32- 8-6
LOST—On Capitol avenue car Saturday
afternoon, two bat cases, containing five
hats. Finder return to 91 Young street
and receive reward. B-5-22
LOST—Twelve size gentleman's gold
watch on Sinclair avenue Saturday
morning. Finder call Ivy 3266-J. Re
ward. 4 9 --8 - 5
FOUND—One Scotch collie dog Call
Main 2591. 8-5-23
LOST—Bunch of keys: all flat ones; lost
Thursday night or Friday. Reward if
returned to Want Ad. Counter, Geor
LOST—WeII bucket and rope. Forget it
and buy “So Easy to Fix’’ Pump of
Dunn Machinery Company, 54 Marietta
street, Atlanta. Ga. 7-12-35
AUTHORS. WRITERS: Det us secure
your copyrights, print and place your
books on the market Morton Publishing
Company. Dept. ATC, Morton building.
New York. 7-11-26
LADIES—AsIi your druggist for Chiches
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble; buy of your druggist, ''ako no other.
Chichesters Diamond Brand .’ills are sold
by druggists everywhere.s-2-1
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him tit
you, and it means insurance. 6-24-19
HAS MOVED to 220 Courtland street.
Photographs anything, any where, any
time. Phone Ivy 1886. 7-27-5
cial method for adults commencing music.
Enables yx>u to play well in three months.
All monorory of practice avoided. Even
ing lessons if desired. Music. Box 777.
care Georgian. 48-7-23
refined, homelike: limited number of
patients cared for; home provided 'er in
fants; infants for adoption. Mrs M. T.
Mitchell. 26 Windsor st. 6-22-12
RICH ARI >SON'S Atlanta Select School;
both sexes; summer school in session.
Pupils prepared for Tech, university, col
[ lege. West Point. Annapolis. 300 Spring
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corsetieres is mani
fested in selecting the model that be
comes you best, company headquarters.
ast North avenue. Ivy 6176. 5-28-36
FOUND--The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN-
CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
panj. 21 Inman building. Atlanta. Ga If
you can not call, write. 6-7-36
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
In the South. Write or phone W. li. Cal
laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga Main 5310.
[ NOTHING bitt first-class work and
prompt service. When you are ready
j for tnis kind of work, phone Ivv 1436.
Memorial building 5-6-33
VOTE for John H. James, of Atlanta, for
railroad commissioner. He favors new
railroads. Running against Mr. Gray, of
Savannah. He is a Catholic. 48-8-5
IJIIOPSY CURED —Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing in 15 to 20 days. Write for particu
lars. Uoliom Dropsv Remedy Company.
512 Austell Building. Atlanta. 5-25-11
74 Walton Street. Private readings daily.
,9 a. m to 8 p. m. Ladies' maid in at
Life Readers.
25 and 50 Cents.
17 E. Mitchell St.
IS NOW DQCATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can he consulted on
all affairs of life Charges moderate.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy. Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
presfsed menstruation, irregularities and,
similar obstructions. 'Trial box by mail.
50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manufac
turing chemists. 14 South Broad street.
Atlanta, Ga. 2-17-14
Painting and Tinting.
EMBRY. Main 1455. 318 FOURTH NA-
Monuments and Stone Work.
All kinds stone work.
17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3540.
Window Cleaning.
National Window Cleaners
Dwellings or Store Fronts; Carpets Vacu
um Cleaned: Floors oiled or Waxed.
All Work Guaranteed.
47 E Hunter St. Main 1175, Atlanta |
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M. C. FURNITURE transfer, up pack
and ship. Main 3657-J, A. 1319. 42
Madison ave 3-12-7
Sewing Machines.
w }■: RENT new machine* with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month;
also ma< hines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
; PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654.
Stove and Range Repairing.
1 SELLS secon<l - hand gas stoves. Wr
• hiinnevs. \\ r tak<> down heaters Ve
I 'N! w irk and wicklei s oil stoves. \Vr .n]|
; ga-olinc sifocs and ranges Atlanta pbnne
2235. I Whitehall street. Bell phone
‘Main 3699. t 4 a. 7
“‘The Georgian 5 s Rent BnUfletin”
A New List Each Day
> Ibis bulletin contains every desirable place that is For Rent In the citv and C
J suburbs. The hard problem of finding the places that you desire to rent without 5
( taking a lot of your valuable time and getting fruitless results in reiurn has at > I
S las-t been solved through The Georgian's Rent Bulletin. We have special men?;
j scanning the city each .lay in search of all ihe desirable places for the benefit <
< and convenience of our many thousand patrons and readers. This bulletin con- J
tains every new place each day we can locate and we assure vou that we are ?
, snaring no pains and time in having this bulletin complete each day. When you!
want to rent, think of the best waj' —the way that is the most complete anil;
the place whhre you have the most places to choose from. Alwavs consult The ?
Georgian's Rent Bulletin. That is th" best way. It will save vou time, money?
and worry. It is for your own conver ience. ‘ <
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NEATLY furnished room, connecting with
bath, suitable for c uple or two go rale
mtr. Breakfast or 7 o'clock dinner if
sired. Close in. Ivy 3579-.1. 8-6-42
WANTED—CoupIe to share nicely fur
nished north side home with couple:
immediate reply. Phone 2448-L. 8-6-32
11 CURRIER ST. Wanted, three .voung
men or couple for freshly papered, new
ly furnished mahogany upstairs front
room. Terms reasonable. 8-6-33
LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, baths and excellent
table board: under new management 4
West Peachtree st. Bell phone ivv 6790-J.
FOR RENT—At 317 Ormond street, two
large, bright, connecting rooms, fur
nished complete for light housekeeping;
all conveniences; house screened; use of
phone; sl6 per month Phone Main 3170-J.
NEAT, pleasant front room,
first floor. Reasonable.
Main 4486-L. 8-6-11
FOR RENT—-Three furnished rooms for
ligkt housekeeping to parties without
children. Address 124-A East Fair st., or
call Atlanta phone 3902. 8-6-14
FOR RENT—-To gentlemen or couple, one
or two nicely furnished sunny front
rooms in private family. 370 Piedmont ave.
FOR RENT—One furnished room. 23 Hull
street. 26-8-6
H KMSHEP rooms $2 per week; quiet;
gentlemen only. 28614 Whitehall st..
Apartnicnt C. 50-8-5
TWO nicely furnished connecting rooms
for housekeeping; also single room. Ivy
3287-J. 8-5-2 b
D. E. EVANS, proprietor of Hotel Car
negie. 20-B Carnegie way. has the nic
est location in the city; nice, large, airy,
clean rooms, first-class board if desired.
Also has two. three and four-room apart
ments with private bath, completely fur
nished for light housekeeping, including
hot and cold water, steam heat and jani
tor service. Phone Ivy 5558-J, Atlanta
3900. 8-2-43
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms with
bath, hot and cold water. Call at 104
East Fair street. -12
FOB RENT Light huusel<eeping rooms in
private family; conveniences. 147 Pul
liamstreet 37-8-5
YOUNG MAN. occupying large front
room. wishes roommate; reasonable
room rent. 58 West Peach tree st. 8-5-7
FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished rooms
with bath; 1* 2 blocks from capitol. Main
2286. Capitol gvenue.B-5-3
FOR RENT—To one or two voting men.
nicely furnished ropm. separate beds:
adjoining bath: hot water all times day
and nignt. Telephone and all modern
conveniences. Board next door. 26 Car
negie way; apartment 6. Telephone Ivy
3692-J after 6 p. rn. Main 2059 during day
FIVE rooms; second story: north side;
electricity and gas; hot and cold water;
private hath; partly furnished or unfur
nished. Price, S3O. Call Ivy 1744-L.
FURNISH El > rooms; steam heat; close in
Ivy 5818-.1.g-3-36
ONE large, front, downstairs room; close
in. 15 Windsor St.B4-8-3
FOR RENT—rNicely furnished room, all
conveniences. Applj 4 Wellington
A pa rtments. ’ ■■■ 87-8-3
FOR RENT—Two connecting furnished
rooms for housekeeping. Nice location.
58 West Peachtree street. 8-3-23
Til REE furnished housekeeping rooms.
_ Main_ 2763-J. 8-3-9
NtL’ELY furnished cool rooms; TTofbath;
close in. 104 Ivy street,B-2-34
DESIRABLE rooms, well located, close in.
private family, ivy 2725-J,B-^2-3 8
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms In
strictly private home. Close in. 19
East Harris streak 8-2-22
TWO furnished light housekeeping first
floor fr<inl rooms, close in; parties with
out children. 117 Formwait street. At
lanta ’phone 6137-A. R-1 -40
NICELY furnished from room; close in:
very reasonable. 278 Rawson st. Call
Main 4238-J. 8-1 -33
FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms in
nice, cool neighborhood. Reasonable.
255 Courtland. 7-31 -34
LARGE, beautiful from room; private
bath; gentleman preferred. Peachtree,
care Georgian. 30-7-30
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE large, cool anfl elegant rooms
with hall, den and dressing room; elec
tric lights: use of bath and telephone: in
north private home; walking dis
tance: reasonable terms to acceptable
party. Address Chicago, care Georgian.
THREE very nice connecting rooms and
bath; entire second floor: suitable for
light housekeeping; with refined, con
genial couple; in new furnace heated
home; on car line: 15 minutes' ride; near
Gram park; sls per month. Apply 367
Ormond st. R-6-6
FOR RENT—Three connectfhg housekeep
ing rooms; conveniences. Main 5332.
663 South f’ryor.,B-5-10
FOR RENT One nice large, upstairs
room; conveniences. 191 Cooper. Main
3314-J. 8 5-9
TWO or three unfurnished rooms for rem
reasonable. 40 Alice st. B-5-6
THREE rooms, hall, private bath, gas.
hot and cold water; north side. .At
lanta phone 3163-M. LOB 8 [
THREE rooms for rem upstairs; every
thing convenient foi housekeeping, or
3 rooms down stairs. 73 Bedford place.
Phone Ivy 4923-JB-3-31
TWO or three nice unfurnished rooms for
rent; newly papered: all conveniences;
dose in; suitable for light housekeeping;
price reasonable. 189 Rawson st. 89-8-3
FOR RENT Entire second floor; four
ropms and bath room almost new ; all
conveniences, owner’s residence Refer
ep< ns 530 I ’ledmon• a'.enue
THREE ROOMS for rent with electric
lights and water with large lot, c lose to
car line, cheap to right parties. Mrs L.
P. Grav, 12 Trotti street, Kirkwood. Ga.
FoUR unfurnished, connecting rooms for
housekeeping. 154 Ormond St. 8-3-8
\ What Have Voo For Rent?
? . 1 (
J Have you a nice, ebay furnished room, an attractive apartment, a lovely (
/ home, a hotel, an office too large for you but big enough for two concerns? Do £
> you want to rent your business location, or ha”e you a garage that you would J
( like to rent? Everything that is Eor dent can be rented in this bulletin at a lit- (
( tip cost and within a short time The Georgian is the recognized Reni Medi- ?
? urn of the city and suburbs. • >
j I
Furnished or Unfurnished Booms
For Rent.
TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished.
Call Main 4551-L. 8-6-22
IN PRIA’ATE home, close in. rooms fur
nished or unfurnished. Phone Ivy
3540-L 8-6-16
LARGE front roonr first floor, furnished
or unfurnished; close in. 206 S. Prvor
st. Alain 4039. 8-3-38
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WA NTEI> By first of September, b>
party of four ladies and one gentleman
three unfurnished rooms with all conven- 1
iences, in private family with board or
near good boarding house; reasonable;
north side; references exchanged. Box 5.
care Georgian 8-6-37
WANTED—Suite of unfurnished rooms by
quiet couple, north side. Address with
exact particulars, Box 246. care Georgian.
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
FOR RENT—Apartments at 196 Juniper
street, near Seventh; one seven-room
furnished apartment. $75 per month, and
one five-room unfurnished apartment. SSO;
heat furnished. Phone Ivy 662-J. 8-3-35
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT Plat, second floor; six rooms;
comfortable, cool; electricity, gas; front
and back porches; opposite Grant park,
180 Park ave. Phone M. 3790; $27.50;
quiet family desired. 36-8-6
FOR RENT Five-room upstairs apart
tnent; instantaneous heater; f?ont and:
back porches; $25.60 per month, on lease.
Adults only. 58 Williams street, next to
corner of West Baker. 41 -8-5
IN the \i< lit’ias. 284 Forreist two
unfurnished apartments; first floor, six
rooms; second floor, seven roonis; all mod
ern conveniences Call lyj 2588. s-J-ir.
FOR RENT The new apartment house
at 83 Htirt street, known as the Bozco
bel, consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience. and renting for $32.50 to $35, is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on
premises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler
Building. 5-9-57
Apartments For Lease.
WILL lease for 12 months, lovely four
room apartment, all conveniences, close
in. for $50.00. Rents reasonable. Address
G. L. l. Box 301. cats Georgian. 8-3-21
Furnished Houses For Rent.
<"HANCE for housekeeping. leaving
town: furniture of a six-room cottage,
garden, chickens, three rooms pays rent;
fine neighborhood: close in; best cash of
fer considered. 65 Crew street. 8-5-1
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR REMT —Five-room cottage. 10i
Cooper street; $22.50. Apply 93 Wind-
street. 44-8-6
F<)R RENT- Unusual orip*»rtunity: n 1 od
ern eight-room residence in best part
' Inman Park; furnace and all conven
. fences, newly painted and papered for
tenant; not the usual house offered for
rent: something really good; designed for
people of taste; long, beautiful living
room; large lot and good surroundings;
garage built if desired: immediate pos
session. Phone Ivy 4258-L. 8-6-1
SOUTH PRYOR -Ten-room house, with
four large basement rooms, barn and
large lol: newly papered and painted;
ready for tenant by August 1. Phone
Owner. Ivy 2318. 8-3-56
F( >R RENT 129 y . g n>o<ierii
six-room cottage in nice neighborhood;
close in; in good order. Apply 133 Coop
<*r _St_.
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city s»
moderate rates. Turman. Black & Cal
houn, 203 Empire P>idg. 6-??-6«i
FOR RENT. HOI SES Call, write
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph o.
Cochran, 19 s-cni> Broad ■traaL 4-1-21
SIX ROOMS, one of the nicest locations
J in West End. near Peeples street school,
near Gordon street car line and Howell
Park. S3O. Call Webster. M 2106. 807-808
Fourth National Bank Bhlg. 8-2-1
THE HOi’SE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
For Rent.
FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished
beautiful, modern eight-room house
with furnace; one door from Peachtree;
lease for a year or less; exceptionally fine
opportunity. Phone Ivy 4258-L. Posses
sion at once. 8-6-2
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED—To lease bungalow’; must be
first-class; five to seven rooms; large
lot. Box 204, care Georgian. 56-8-6
WILL assume unoxpired lease of aboiit
six-room house or apartment; north side
preferred; immediate possession. Phone
tonight or tomorrow. Ivy 363. 8-5-35
For Rent—Miscellaneous.
FOR RENT —Upright piano in splendid
condition. References. Address J. O.
G., Box 32. care Georgian. 8-3-11
Fire-Proof Storage.
wi-i SToill'l H<H'SEH<>Lr~ goals' and
pianos Office and warehouse. 239-241
EdgewootJ ave. Ivy 2037. John J. Wotxi
side Storage Company.
Mr. Buslnes Alan or Woman: Aren’t
you on a sharp lookout for competent help
of all kinds? You know that it is good
business policy to get live wiTes with you
Let us call your attention to the “Situa
tions Wanted” columns of The Georgian. .
Here is where you have a chance to select
the best help that can be had on the mar- I
ket. These people that advertise can .
furnish 'ou the best of references. So. |
from now on read the “Situation Wanted ’
columns of The Georgia and get the help
that will be of the most service to you.
Wanted—Miscelaneous. I
WANTED—lVallcases and ahowcaaea;
state where can be seen. X. Y. Z.. Jiox
695. care Georgian. 51-8-6
Wanted Two second-hand pool tables
and balls, cues, racks, etc.; tnust be in
good shape. Box 292. Eastman, Ga.
WANTED -Rolltop "ffi< <■ desk: give size
and pri.-e. Box 8, . are Georgian. 31 -8-6
FENTS WANTED Want t,. buy 12 by 16.
16 by 20 and 20 by 24 sleeping tents;
also -10 by 60 and 60 by 90 bale ring round
tops of good quality: price must be right.
" bde Sales .lliuiHKi-r Metter, Ga. 8-5-9
DROP A CARD Will bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestiare. 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
I BUY MEN'S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. I Bock. 32 Bell street
WANT El > We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springers Auction House. 25
South Pryor street Bell phone Main 1526.
\VE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
, hold goods, pianos and office furniture.
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company. 12 East Mitchell
street. Belt phone Main 2424 8-26-26
WANTED—Bicycle. Address Bicycle,
Box 100. care Georgian. 47-8-1
WE BUY old accounts, notes. Judgments
616 Temple Court Bldg Main 3992
For Sale Miscellaneous.
EOR SALE—Large one cent piece; date
1816. M. Bennett, Germania ave., De
catur, Ga. B-6-21
ONE three-piece oak bedroom suit, three
chiffoniers, one walnut washstand, tine
oak hatrack, one refrigerator, one desk,
one mahogany combination desk and
bookcase, one mahogany four-piece par
lor suit, two tables To see this furni
ture. phone Ivy 2669 for appointment.
Alliericnn re s', sters everything.”
-cvim i Jit Latest improvements.
(’qsll O'd registers exchanged,
x asii ah s i zeE ; easy terms.
I?otri<t.>rc Atlanta Cash Register Co.
-* * S 1 ' 1 ' l et 34 East Alabama street
POPE’S SPECIAL—Best dollar watch in
tlie world sent prepaid, only 86c. Fully
guaranteed to keep correct time two years
ey refunded immediately if you are not
free If it breaks. A more serviceable
watch can not be had at any price. Mon
ey refuneded immediately if you are not
highly pleased. Order today without fail.
Pope Watch and Diamond Company, 1514
Main street. Dallas. Texas. 6-1-14
FOR SALE—Two bottles Dr Dedman's
Pellagra Cure, $5. J. M. Co., care Geor
gjam 33-8-6
MEAT market for sale cheap; reasons for
selling; good trade. A. S. 8., care Geor
a ?L_ 8-5-33
Ftilt sale (’losing out a fine lot of
highest grade band instruments at less
than cost to manufacture; bands needing
anything will please write for list. White,
Sales Mgr Metter. <:n. 8-5-8
FOR SALE Handsome mahogany Chick
ering & Sons piano. Metrostyle pianola
and soo worth of music for $320; cost
SBSO. “Leaving City,” care Georgian
FOR SALE Bookkeeper s standing desks,
letter files, cabinets and other office fur
nlture. Apply 15 East Alabama st 8-3-33
FoR SALE —Diamond stick pin, IVi
karat. S2OO value; will accept $50.00, as
1 need the money. Address Diamond, care
FOR SALE Meat market fixtures, the
best in Atlanta. Includes large refrig
erator. Grocer and Butcher, care Geor
gian. 8-2-21
FOR SALE -< me L. C. Smith visible type
writer, No. 1. and table, S4O. F. I. Stone
& Co.. 814 Atlanta National Bank Bldg
FoR SALE —Cherokee Soda Co. and
Pressing duh. 129 Cherokee ave. At
lanta_phone 2923. 8-1-22
FoR SALE For CASH —Nine pieces Old
English mission living room or office
suite in perfect condition. Apply 325
Peachtree. Janitor. 7-30-6
AN assortment of chinaware, odds and
ends from our premium stock room, to
be closed out at very low prices. An op
portunity to secure some very beautiful
pieces of china at little expense Can be
seen at our premium parlor, 20 East Ala
bama street. The Georgian. 7-29-18
FOR SAI.E t 1 - horsepower water-cooled
horizontal gasoline engine: weight 3001hs
Complete ready for running. neW, $37.50
cash witli order. Wonderful value. Dunn
Machinery Company. 54 Marietta street.
Atlanta. Ga. This price Is made in order
to sell 5.000 of these engines in Georgia
this year. 7-25-36
IF YOU WANT SAND in any quantity
delivered in any part of town, whole
sale or retail, call Ivy 3786. C. W. Jones
* Co. 7-2-33
National Uash Register.
$35. SSO. $60.. $75. SIOO. $l5O and tip to suit
your needs. Terms easy. Liberal ex
change for cash registers in use. Bell
phone Ivy 4155. Atlanta 594
60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52
One Price. No Commission
LET us make you an estimate on
your work. Old pianos made
new again at moderate prices.
The only complete piano shop in
the city.
Cleveland-Manning Piano
80 N. Pryor Street.
Bell Phone Ivy 2240.
anti large home safes, sls: Hall's bank
and fire- roof safes, vault doors, etc. C.
J Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank Bldg.
Furniture For Sale.
\\ E ARE positivp|v closing out this slock, (hi account of change
in business a dandy. clean, new stock of Furniture to go at
practically wholesale cost.
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each insertion.
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words. Ads In larger type.
12c a line (4 words to the line).
Out-of-town advert! sements
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o'clock
the day of the issue.
All ads must he ordered out in
writing or at office. No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone.
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
is counted. Each initial counts one
word; compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it Is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given in payment for Want.
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
For Sale—Mis lellaneous.
Bullhead cabbage plants at $1.25 per
1.000; stock Is A-l. S. J. Michael, 1011
North Main street, Findley, Hancock Co..
Ohio 51-8-1
WE RENT good pianos. $8 month up.
We sell good pianos, $5 month up.
Bargain in second-hand, SIOO up.
R. P. Becht Company. 110 Temple Court
building. Bell phone 667 Main. 4-23-2(1
Auction Sales.
PA WN ~57
Decatur street. We buy and sell any
and everything Atlanta phone 2285.
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new
management; will accept your surplus
stock of any kind on consignments; cash
advanced; settlement on date of sale
143 8. Pryor st 8-S-30
z-< zv z- zs ZS_Z,_Z,_Z, I_|
FOR SALE —Cheap for cash, 25-horse
power Maxwell, in fine condition
Owner, Box 201, care Georgian 8-6-19
THE reason we control the finest auto
repair business In the city Is due to the
fact that we work on the cars ourselves.
We know how to make them run right
and make sure it is done as it should be.
When your car needs attention, remem
ber. we can make any kind of repair on
any make car.
Travis & Almond.
26 James st., third floor. Ivy 4832
BURETOR work a specialty. We give
careful attention to electric auto and bat
tery work. Hartrampf & Yarbray Co.
Phone Main 3810. 56 Edgewood avenue
just below Equitable building 4-22-5
LATE model Flying Merkle, 7-horsepower
twin; first-class condition; newly over
hauled. Apply L. P. Rosser, Jr., 419
Piedmont ave Ivy 31108-5-4
TWIN Indian for sale cheap. Phone Main
1804. «-8-55
torcycle dealers in the South; exclusive
Southern distributors for Indian. Elyea-
Austell Company, 35 North Pryor street
Laundry Work.
CURTAINS, blankets and quilts washed
by hand. 52 Parson street. S 9-7-27
Contractors and Home Builders.
IT WILL PAY YOU to get our estimates
on steam heating and plumbing before
letting your work; 85 years' experience
in city puts us In position to give you
best work at minimum coet. Baahlor
Heating and Plumbing Company, 42 Car
negie Place. M. 455. 7-20-48
Railroad Schedule.
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as information, and are not
No. Arrive From— INo. Depart To—
-35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. York. 12:15 ani
13 Jaxville. 5:20 am' 30 Col’bus... 5:20 am
43 Was'ton. 5:25 am 13 Cinci 5:30 am
12 Sh'port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft. VaL. 5:30 ant
23 Jaxville. 6:50 ant 35 B'ham.... 5:45 am
•17 Toccoa... 8:10 am 7 Chat’ga.. 6:40 am
26 Heflin. .. 8:20 am 12 R’mond.. 6:55 am
29 N York.lo:3o am 23 K. City,. 7:00 am
3 Chat’ga !o:3sam 16 Bruns’k.. 7:45am
7 Macon.. 10:40 am 29 B'ham... 10:45 am
27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am 38 N. York. 11:01 am
21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40 Ch’lotte. 12:00 n'n
6 Cinci... 11:10 am 6 Macon... 12:20 pm
30 B'ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. York.. 2:45 pm
40 B'ham 12:40 pm t 5 Chatt’ga. 3:00 pm
39 Ch’lotte. 3:55 pin 39 B'ham .. 4:10 pm
5 Macon.. 1:00 pm *lB Toccoa... 4:30 pm
37 N. York. 5:00 pm 23 Col’bus .. 6:10 pm
15 Bruns'k. 7:50 pm 5 Cinci ... 5:10 pm
11 R’mond 8:30 pm' 28 F. Valley 5:20 pm
21 K. City. 9:20 pmi 25 Heflin ... 5:45 pm
16 Chatt’ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon... 5:30 pm
29 Col’bus. 10:20 pm! 44Wash’n.. 8:45 pm
31 Ft. Vai. 10:25 pm 24 Jaxville.. 9:30 pm
36 B'ham . 12:00ngt' 11 Sh’port.. 11:10 pm
It Cinci... 11:00 pm 14 Jaxville 11:10 pm
Trains marked thus (•) run dally, ex
cept Sunday.
Other trains rut. daily Central ume.
City Ticket Office. No. I Peachtree SI.
Furniture For Sale.