Newspaper Page Text
But While Aldermen Spend That
Much. Crooks Will Put Up
$50,000 to Free Becker.
NEW YORK, Aug. 6. —The commit
tee of nine appointed by the board of
aidermen to investigate the alleged al
liance between the police and law
breakers began taking steps today to
make a sweeping probe. Special coun
sel will be retained and $25,000 will be
expended getting at the vital facts in
the situation.
A fund of $50,000 is said to have been
raised for the defense of Police Lieu
tenant Charles A. Becker, under in
dictment for the murder of Herman
Rosenthal, If he will remain silent
about the police system and throw no
light upon the exaction of tribute from
the underworld.
There was a conference of Becker’s
counsel today preparatory to tile argu
ments tomorrow before Judge Mul
queen in the court of general sessions
on the motion to dismiss the Indict
ments against the accused lieutenant.
In the meantime Inspector Hughes,
of the central office. Is continuing his
search through the CatsKllls for “Left
Louie" Rosenweig and Harry Horo
witz. Burns detectives are also search
ing for the two gun men.
Becker May Get Off Easy.
It is persistently reported today that
District Attorney Whitman has made
advances to Recker and has promised
him to make a plea for leniency if he
will tell all he knows about the rela
tions between the police and the crime
syndicate. Air. Whitman believes that
men higher up, who have grown rich
through this tribute, can be brought to
“Bald Jack" Rose and “Bridgey”
Webber, the two gamblers under arrest
in connection with the Rosenthal as
sassination, charge that a police in
spector smuggled agents into the West
Side prison to intimidate them into
Differences of opinion which threat
en strife among Becker's lawyers haw 1
arisen. Although John AV. Hart ap
peared for Becker. lt„ is reported that
Hart will be supplanted as chief of
counsel either by Congressman Martin
W. Littleton or by John I'". Mclntyre.
Former District Attorney Lloyd Stryk
er and George Whiteside have also
been retained for Becker.
Robert Elder, former assistant dis
trict attorney for Queens county, ap
peared yesterday as Becker’s counsel,
but he now says lhal he has with
AUGUSTA. GA., Aug. 6. —Cardinal
Gibbons will attend the consecration
ceremonies of the Sacred Heart church
in Augusta next November. This has
bfeen decided at a meeting of the con
gregation. There will be between 50
and 60 priests in Augusta for the cer
emony. The Right Rev. Bishop B. J. Kel
ley, of the diocese of Savannah, will
have charge of the exercises.
The consecration in November was
made possible by the Messrs, o'Dowd,
who. as a memorial to their father,
paid off the debt of the church.
SYLVANIA, GA.. Aug. 6. Rev. Chas.
R. Hutchings, the newly called pastor
of the Sylvania. Baptist church, has
just closed a ten days’ revival meeting.
He was assisted by Rev. W. M. Sentell,
pastor of the Gordon Street Baptist
church of Atlanta. In order to accom
modate the large congregations it was
necessary to secure the court house
auditorium. As a result a move was
put on foot to build a new church. Rev.
Mr. Sentell took the matter up and at
one service raised $7,400. The board
of deacons proposes to build a $12,000
Dispatches from Wheeling. W. Va.,
today announced the death there of
Mrs. Rosa Reich Brown sister of Dr.
Leo Reich, formerly rabbi in Atlanta,
and widow of Morris W. Brown, of At
lanta. Mrs. Brown, who was promi
nent and well beloved in Atlanta, had
gone to recuperate from an operation
performed several weeks ago. She ex
'fTired yesterday morning.
The rema'ns will be brought to At
lanta tonight and the funeral will lie
held from the Greenberg A- Bond chap
el tomorrow.
The Atlanta Dental Parlors, owned
and managed by Dr. <A. Constantine,
have been famous for years for the high
quality of their work.
With splendid new equipment, they
are better prepared than ever before to
give patients the very best possible
service. Most expert dental surgeons of
long and successful experience are em
ployed and materials of finest grade
on It arejused
Yet, in spite of the tert high quality
of work, prices charged are extremely
low .
These handsomely furnished pallors
are conveniently located at the coiner
of Pe ichtree and Decatur streets, en
trance being at 19'x Peachtree.
Hobbles and Silk Hose Make Work for Corner Cops
* JtO
1 « Jh/jV w/ ■
- ))
t WBBmwlL ~ Zz
Women's Overgrown Skypieces
Choke Peachtree Like Hay
Wagon in Country Lane.
"It’s not ilie motor speeders and the
—hey. get back there—ambulances that
bother—say, I told you to cross over
before you turned —us on the street
corners,” said Traffic Cop E. C. Thorn
ton. trying to look five ways at Five
Points, shoo a trio of women off the
crossing and persuade a negro dray
man to pull his mule’s head out of a
produce wagon just ahead. "It's the
hobble skirts and the wide hats as
much as anything else."
Now, interviewing a traffic cop on a
corner lik? Five Points is worse than
getting an opinion on politics from a
man who has just turned over a bee
hive. But Officer Thornton did his
best Eliminating the parenthetical
remarks addressed to bojts on hikes,
chauffeurs in touring ears and pedes
trians in all kinds of shoe leather, from
cowhide to patent, he quoth as follows:
"The bobble skirt worries us because
it slows up the procession When a
woman starts across Edgewood avenue
taking eight steps to the yard it’s:
naturally some hard for the man be
hind to slow up in time to avoid tread
ing on her heels, and that usually
starts something. And even if she
gets across without argument site sets
the pace for everybody behind, and it's
some slow.
"Those hats, too—the kind we used
to call merry widows—they’re worse
than a hay wagon in a lane. Take
three women abreast in those ten-acre
hats! If a man wants to get past he
takes to the asphalt, and then an auto
mobile butts him in the bread basket.
I’ve seen two or three women walk half
a block, all stretched out across the
sidewalk, with eight men behind them
dodging from curb to wall and back
again, trying to get by the blockade.
Hut the big hats don’t draw a crowd of
johnnies to the corner, which Is more
than you can say of tight skirts and
silk stockings. Look at the row of
rubber-necks there now,
"It isn't the speeders. No! It’s the
slov.-goers that bother the traffic cop.
A couple of women in an electric auto
with the juice almost gone puts the
procession twenty minutes late, and
when they stop to tell a passing friend
what they wore*to the party last night
it puts all Peachtree on (he blink.
"No. standing on the cornet is no
cinch But show m<’ a Job that is. \\ •
g' i used to it alter a while. Excuse
me. I've got to go null that guy out of
a tangle and start him on his way.”
Suits We Sell
Suits That Tell I
Tell in Style—Tell in Quality
Tell in Fit—Lons Service—and
these prices tell of our determination
to close out every garment of our
present stock.
$15.00 Suits. any color SIO.OO
16.50 Suits. any color, 11.00 j
18.00 Suits, any color 12.00
20.00 Suits, any color 13 35
22.50 Suits, any color, 15 00
25.00 Suits, any color, 16.70
30.00 Suits, any color, 20.00
35.00 Suits, any color 23 35
One special lot Youths Suits at $6.50
One special lot Youths Suits at $9.50
Other Suits for Youths from $lO to sls.
Neckwear—Half Price.
Eiseman Bros., Inc.
11-13-15-17 Whitehall Street
| O', I'Tl, E. C. 'i hui'iitou. of the
|ii'at'iie xtpiad nt Five Points, who
' id.inn's hobble skirts and big hats
Hir many traffic tangles. On
right, hobble skirts and silk hose
keep the johnnies loafing on the
corners ami serioush hamper
traffic. Bejow. this kind of hat is
, blamed lor choking sidewalk
j Merchants’ Convention Week I
CZ 55
I Bargain Sale at Bass I
CZ . .
< Tomorrow we will begin a great 4-day Merch- >
DQ ».
ants’ Convention Bargain Sale for the especial ben-
S efit of out-of-town visitors. Os course Atlanta folks
are invited to share in the bargains, too. qq
Only a few of the hundreds of special offerings
< are quoted in this advertisement. Come in and see >
" (Zr
the others. ’ 5
j < >
1 More New Dresses at $3.98 1
; co cz)
, (z>
Another big 10l of beautiful new Dresses, bought by our
(Z) Mr. L. B. Joel at 33 1 3 cents on the dollar, will go on sale CC ■
tomorrow at $3 < !t8 for choice. Heal values up to s!’>, 00
Included are Lingeries, Manpiisettes, Allover Enlbroid-
(Z) ereil Novelties: some with wide satin bands at bottom* of
<Z) skirts: white, blue, pink, champagne.
It wi|] )><> a remarkable bargain sale
| Other Specials in Ready-to-Wear >
One lot of pretty Wash Dresses. One lot of Children's Fancy Par- Ladies’ Silk Shirts with soft cok-
(Z) worth up to $5.00; asols to sell tomor. lars; new stripes; ~~
(Z) at, choice W • •"TW row at, choice .. IW $3.00 values QQ
’ August Clearance of Wash Dress. Ladies' Parasols; silk and mer- Big lot of Ladles’ White Lingerie (Z)
, s worth up to $7.5U. Cl C&SSt cerized; up to $3.00 Waists; up to $2.00 C/7
choice for lot values; choice.. vOV values; choice
Vll'-over Lace. Silk and . Ladles Skirts of Serge. Panama Lot of Ladies’ Short Kimonos. IP 3
Chiffon Waist-, up to <B?i and Voile; up to €l*2 SfcQ ! very pretty styles; 1
rf*. $5.00 values, choice $8.50 values .. t o se p choice»MG <z)
_ C/>
• Princess Slips. Gowns. Petticoats White Linen, Pique and Corduroy Ladies’ Long Kimonos of fancy
<Z) and ' ombination Suits: OSJo Skirts; up to $3.00 figured crepe; real Irrt
C/3 up to $3.00 values values . wOv $2.50 values; only wOO W
< >
wo Muslin Corset ' overs and Draw- Black Mercerized Petticoats, Children’s Wash Dreeses, sizes for (Z>
ers; veal 50c value; 1 Q/% worth $1.50; in this ages 2to 6 years. OKj*. C/1
(Z) choice IwU sa i e only on | v XLOO
(Z) . g
Xi ,iiiy o;m thousand Ladies’. Misses' and Children’s Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats
I and Shapes that were formerly priced up to $3.00 wil] go on sale tomorrow at 19 cents for CZ>
! on
White .uni Combination Ratine Hats, worth $3.00; at 98c for choice. / ’>►
J First Floor Bargains i
Large Cringed Crocheted Bod Spreads, New Fall Silks, including Changeable Su-
(Z; worth up to $3.00; on sale rahs and Taffetas, full QQa s®
tomorrow at only vOv yard-wide; per yard..UQv
Good size Bleached Hemmed OQ Good, heavy Hemmed Huck j| j-j
1Z) Sheets, the 75c kind; this sale Ovv Towels, worth 10c; in this sale at.... AfC
< CZ
02 Good size, well made Bleached Hair Switches of real human QQa
Pillow Cases; this salevC ’ hair; $5.00 and $6.00 valuesWvC — (
2 ■ ”
“ Specials in Furniture Department »
(Z) —,
(Z) Babies' Cradles of solid polished oak. |T ' U " s ' ze Mosquito Nets, complete C|£|/s
<3* very special at ready to hang, special vOG
Kitchen Tables with poplar tops and Best grade Floor Linoleum tn new
turned legs; only. wOG patterns; per yard, only —
<< Good Opaque Linen Window Shades on Best No. 1 Floor Oilcloth tn this sale 1 >&*
best spring rollers I a t p er yard *WO
i $25 Brass Bed $11.90 I
<e ZTij-W',, j,’ft ftVTrOfi >
i tZJ He ' 1 Tile large, mas- | fill 1 II 11 II '
i pj £ . IV '’ Red illustral- 11 I |l Illi (Z)
II I I B her® I* solid —* ’ —
1 t/i ] I brass —not painted TTnl F®
mi ... . mu ii h >
Jnjj I t' ” has 2 * ,nch ujjAi—U-U u
CZ i 1 iiL ' [ continuous posts
' • i I " I nn<l top ra " s anr ’ c [ CK
| A'.. . | I I I ' A comes in both dull | I 7a\ (z
CZ t .’■ | 'I 'j' ! . It | -ctin and polished w- 1 ■■
< Mantel Bed Only $6.95 O VW S
''lie. mantel style Folding Bed '» W
114'1 i lUIuA. S’ IJ INI Itl iiiusHated at ’left is fitted with ; ... , ~ . (Z
we is 1 ’’bvi., No; i ’ k‘ ' 4 Babies Oak High Uhair with ,7,
I ip*.' 1 1 * Vati " nal ail-steel spring table shelf at-
I Knffiy'GjTj tachment
L’L. *'*■l4 4 £1 , ' ull double size, and verv con- S'*
V? liHG Akf' ’JU . prww-r- » f
■ liil IlfelJ Sv fflrv-U i'iFt-L® Venn nt where bedroom spa-e i ' * yrwwwFrTrrm 1 gmfitl wri/w <ng 1
cc CTCfu timiied. \ cz
CZ 'mi special prieo I >
rZ) \ i. Ai W? ’tuF H •tfs'f* Solid Oak Porch Swing, complete w ith
1 —"4T ■ chains and hooks; C&Q r/
1 2 %
|$ We Give MBk A f 18 West g
; < Green * Mitchell,
'cz Tradin S mill oM Near a
Stamps Hf W Whitehall >