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Al Palzer Is Picked as Coming
Champion of World by Experts
By Tad.
< \\ HITE H< lEE 1 Illis brrll
AX found At lc isv, that Is the
opinion of \\ is< Eastern fight
follovvt rs. and the H»p thi? time
l.« Mr Al Pal; er. <»f lowa.
.lack Johnson. h\ defeat Ing Jeff
ries. caused all this “White Hope"
trouble, just as Benjamin Eranklln.
the discoverer of ligiitning, caused
all this fuss over telephone connec
tions. If it hatin t bet n for lien dis
covering that stuff we wouldn’t
have all these troubles with busy
But back to the biscuits.
When we mention “White Hopes"
Palzer’s name must necessarily
come first. A “White Hope,” like
LIGHT, is hard to define, but you
can tell it when you see it. Palzer
has been seen and he has shown.
He is no notoriety seeker. It is
doubtful If he has ever visited a
newspaper office in his life He
has no stories to tell, is no poser,
and has little inclination to meet
any one except a rival for pugilis
tic honors
His record to date includes
knockouts over Tom Ktmneciy. Al
Kaufm n and Bombardiei Wells.
Can y«>u expect much more from a
novice about 24 years of age?
NEW YORK. Aug. v- Th. N.w York
LAlhletu ■ üb. maintaining its polit v >f
strict enforcement of its regulations,
■Jias placed a mime : of aihho- under
ban for failuti :•> pay does at a desig
nated lime. Among (host who have
automatics A suspended themselves
from the organization are five itihlel >»
•who competed in tin o.implr games at
(Stockholm last month
Ben Adams. Simon Gillis Gordon B.
Dukes. C. C Childs and Fred Kaiser
aie the Olympic athletes wh > have ex
pelled themselves from the ■ istot ratic
institution. Adams is one of the best
standing jumpew in the countty Gillis
is a hammer thrower of repute; Dukes
is a pole vaulter. Childs is a weight
man. and Kaiser is a pedes.rian
The suspension of the Olympic ath
letes created quite a sti It is possible
that upon payment of dues these mem
iters will be restored to g od standing.
The golfers of the Atlant i Athletic
club will qualify Saturday for plat tor
the Perrv Adair trophy om f the
handsomest of the annual golf ups
given at East Lake.
The cup 1“ a three-year affair, the
player winning it-three times getting
it for his personal property.
The first and second rounds of match
plav must be played by August lb. the
csemi-finals by August 17. and the finals
by August 18.
Robert Stevenson, who was considered
one of the best football and basebal
men last year at the University of Min
nesota but who was unable to play be
cause of eligibility rules, has been sign
ed by the Philadelphia club of the
American league. Stevenson’s leg was
broken while be was playing semi-pro
fessional ball with an Alexandria. Minn .
team last week, and he will not re
port until next spring.
Palzer has everything a novice in
the game should have. He has the
ability to take a terrific In king, and
his recuperative powers are almost
unbelievable. Tom Kennedy lifted
him clean off the floor with a right
hand punch In the fifth round of
their fight, yet Palzer a moment
later was whaling Kennedy from
post to post, apparently unhurt.
Al Kaufman, in his fight with
Palzer. smashed the big Dutchman
flush on the chin with that deadly
right three times in succession in
the fourth round of that fight, yet a
few moments later was lying on
the floor in a neutral corner taking
the final count. Jim Corbett, who
had never seen Palzer until that
bight, fell off his chair with sur
In the Wells fight Palzer was
knocked to thy canvas in the first
round as clean as ever a man was
dropped. He looked as though he
w is gone. At Hip count of nine he
scrambled io his feet, and. although
drunk with punching, chased the
dancing Englishman. Eive minutes
later Wells was carried to his cor
ner. a beaten man.
With about ten more tights un
del his belt and some good, eareful
coaching, tins Palzer will be a fit
opponent for the great colored
fighter who now we irs the crown.
DETROIT. Aug v \ baseball col
lege is to be established somewhere tn
tin South next fall, if pi. tn.- now b ins
made ate completed. The idea is to
eliminate a large part of the expense of
spring training trips and at the same
time furnish trained material for man
agers of the major league clubs to take
to other spring camps.
Clubs which have a number of new
players may send them to college,
w here each recruit will be taught indi
vidually by a forme: stat.
Charles Can. manager of the Kansas
City team of the American association,
will be the proprietor of the institu
tion. and owners of all major league
clubs will tie invited to contribute and
to take part in its benefits.
IOWA CITY. low V, Aug. S \ par
tial return to the old line-smashing
game this fall is anticipated by lowa
university football authorities, and they
are laying their plans accordingly. A
heavy back field is now sought by
Coach Hawley, and to secure this he
will attempt to shift Captain Hanson
from guard to fullback. Hanson is
very fast and weighs over
Last year he w.i- use.l often In a
guard’s back play and seldom tailed to
gain through the line. Kirk, who is
also heavy, will be shifted to a halfback
position, and another heavy back will
be sought.
CHATTANOOGA A tg * T‘io 1. "-k
out- are slated to play ex'ilbiti m games
in Pensacola on August Ui It and 1
according to a statement <• baseb
headquarter- today . Tin local- haw off
days on the dates mentioned.
Agler, Becker, Bailey and Harbison May Leave Local Team
By Percy 11. Whiting.
ONE of the saddening fea
tures of the closing days of
Illis most doleful of baseball
seasons is the fact that big league
recalls will rob the Cracker team of
several of its best players this fall.
At least four or five will be called
higher, over the optional agree
ment route, before the season ends.
i me man sure to go back for an
ol Imi big league trial is Joe Agler.
Joe's bitting hasn’t been "big
league" this year, hut his fielding
has, and <'barley Murphy is sure to
call tor him. if for no other reason
than that he will try. next spring,
to sell him bai k to Atlanta or to
some other club at an advance of
price Joe will hardly make a big
league player unless his batting Im
proves it bit which it might easily
do but he Is bound to be a shining
star in the A and AA leagues.
Another man whose going will
cause regret is "Buck" Becker, who
belongs to the Washington club.
Manager Clark Griffith has already
notified President Callaway, in
formally. that he plans to recall
the man and to give him another
trial next spring There is doubt
wlu ther Beeket is ripe for the big
leagues yet Hut at that he eontes
mighty mar it. It will not be sur
prising nt all If he is carried on the
Washington staff next year.
The fate of Rudolph Waldorf is
In doubt. The opinion is now that
I Charley Murphy will leave him here
for further seasoning He hasn't
been a big winner with Atlanta,
and his work on paper hasn’t been
impressing. Manager Aiperman
siys. however, that if he can get
him at the tit st of next season he
will make a ball player out of him
sure He says the man just reeks
with ability, and that all that is
neeessttrv is to steady him down
and teach hlin where the plate Is
There seems a fair chance that
the Yankees wifi refrain from ex
ercising their otion on Harry Bai
ley If this happens the Crackers
can thank their lucky stars that
Harty’s batting slumped a bit just
at the fag end of the season. If he
had kept going at a .300 clip, as he
was before the Crackers got ut
terly to pieces, he would have been
recalled surely. As it is. he is in a
bit of a slump now, and there is a
strong likelihood that the Yankees
will let him stay .
* • •
J T will be a matter of surprise If
some big league club docs not buy
"Dug" Harbison. The chap is as
promising an infielder as has been
turned up in the Soutlu tn league
in moon-. He has fielding ability,
cleverness and a punch. It is al
most a certainty that some big
league club will t tke a chance with
him this fall.
TJ ECKER. Railex \gler and Har
bison are four men the Cra< kers
i can’t well afford to lose.
If both \gler and Harbison go.
the Crackers will have just one man
I 1-ft around whom to start building
an infield next spring. Tins one is
Aiperman. McElveen proved disap
pointing at third and may be shift
ed to the outfield next season. So
Manager Aiperman must find men
who can play first, short and third
-which is some contract.
* • *
IyjAYBE the outfield will not fur
nish a problem next spring!
At ith Bailey gone, not an outfielder
will have a position cinched. Lyons,
the new man from "Hoptown,” may
or may not do. Ho hasn't been at it
long enough yet s<> that we can toll.
Callahan will furnish another prob
lem. The Crackers will surely
never carry him another season un
less his batting improves. And yet
there Is every reason to suppose
that it may improve a lot next year.
Whether or not McElveen can
develop into a good outfielder he
will be given a chance to demon
strate next year. If Mack should
get in a bitting stride, he ought to
make good.
One department Is not causing
much worry—the catching staff.
Graham has improved steadily, He
is a useful catcher. His side part
ner. Reynolds, is inexperienced in
rapid company, but shows a peck of
The pitching staff will need a
world of strengthening before next
season. It is probable that a lot of
the pitchers ryho have shown so
miserably this year would have
L<M ls\ II.LE. Aug. 8. A suggestion
has been made by a number of Louis
ville fans which they contemplate put
ting up to the association authorities.
I heir pian is to have two divisions for
the association race. One division is to
consist of Louisville and Indianapolis,
the other of the other six clubs. There
will be two races, one between the oth
er clubs for first place and one between
Louisville and Indianapolis for last
place. In this way the struggle be
tween Louisville and Indianapolis for
the cellar will be given dignity and an
aloofness that it does not now possess.
It will be a real fight Instead of a
trail. The Louisville fans have also
noticed a new habit the Colonels are
forming. It is a habit of winning on
Sunday . They won a game last Sunday
and one the Sunday before. It is be
lieved lite Colonels have determined to
win every Sunday game, even if they
lose every other day. By keeping this
up thy will be assured of some per
centage 'at the close of each season.
National Baseball Commission ruled
that the Cincinnati National league club
was entitled to the services of Pitcher
Erill formerly of the Jersey City club
of the International league. The com
mission held that Frill belonged to the
St. Louis National league club, and that
St Louis acted within its rights in re
calling the player from Jersey City and
releasing him to Cincinnati.
QUITMAN. GA.. Aug. V —The win
ning game of the scries fell to Quit
man yesterday against Brunswick. 12 to
1. Tile Brunswick team play s Way
-- today, while Quitman play s Adel
done well with a strong team. But
there is no use of taking any
chances, and the Cracker club will
have to strengthen with the addi
tion of four or five real pitchers
before next season starts.
• « «
'J' HERE is one consolation —the
Crackers have a couple, of play
ers they can recall. The best of
them is Erskine Mayer. "The Scis
sors" has done wonders in the Vir
ginia league. There is great likeli
hood. however, that he will not be
with the Atlanta team for training
next spring. Mayer has done so well
this year that some big league club
is almost certain to buy him or to
draft him this fall.
Another player the Crackers will
call back is “Kid” Wolfe. This lad.
yanked out of a job as shipping
clerk and planted on the Atlanta
diamond this year, absolutely with
out professional or semi-profes
sional baseball experience, looked
mighty good. He has had a year
of experience now in league ball.
Next spring he ought to be a useful
citizen. He certainly knows how to
field a ball.
The Crackers have a few other
players planted here and there, but
Mayer and Wolfe seem to be the
only ones who make any difference.
Ira Hogue looked like a star when
he was turned back this year, but
lie hasn't done anything this sea
son. and seems to be hopeless.
ATHENS, GA.. Aug. B.—The football
teutn of the University of Georgia will
be called together within the next two
weeks. W. A. Cunningham, who was
last spring appointed head coach of
football and baseball for a term of four
years, has returned from Ann Arbor,
where he took summer work at the
University of Michigan, and will soon
gather his football candidates together
at Judge McWhorter's summer home for
lectures and light work. The squad will
return to Athens early in September
and get down to business.
nation reigns in the Philadelphia Na
tional league club as a result of Pitcher
Brennan developing a case of diphthe
ria and being quarantined.
Not only will this prevent him from
taking part in any game for some time,
but Grover Cleveland Alexander, the
mainstay of Dodin’s pitching staff, who
has been living with Brennan, may also
be affected.
The disablement of these two stars,
admittedly the best pitchers the club
possesses now, will materially affect the
Philadelphias’ chances of remaining in
the first division.
MADISON GA., Aug 8 Madison
took the second game of the series
from Elberton. •» to Madison' se
cured nine hits, Elberton four. P. Bur
russ. for Madison, put the ball over the
.left field fence tn the seventh.
Not a Chance of Johnson Ever
Returning to Ring, Says Smith
By Ed. W. Smith.
CHICAGO, Aug. B.—His first
real sensations of "being a
real man” proved too strong
for Jack Johnson. That's why he
announced his retirement and fol
lowed It up with the further state
ment that he meant to stay retired.
Few can take the big athlete’s
statement as being sincere, but it
certainly looks as if Johnson is the
one champion who will retire and
stay retired with the title.
He has found that a real untram
meled life, free from the thought of
diet and w ithout restraint as far as
smoking and drinking are con
cerned, and with no conscientious
pangs of remorse at the possibility
of loss of athletic power, is the
only life for him. after eighteen
years of struggling to attain the
top rung of the ladder. He wants
now to drink a bottle of beer or
smoke a cigar when he pleases and
the rest of it can go hang.
Business Too Good, Too.
Hence the retirement. Further,
business is so good Just now and
the coin is rolling in so freely that
he doesn’t care a rap for all of the
fat purses that could be hung up.
He's through, that's all.
And another fact is patent to
"/f It's at Hartman's, It’s Correct"
“Remnant” Sale of Oxfords
Il $5, $4 and $3.50 Oxfords
Choice $2.45
Tans. Gun Metal. Vici and Patent Leather. It’s onlv
a question of finding your size. These are ‘‘remnants” of
our regular line—all jresh. new stock, hut the size range
is so badly broken that to make a final and complete
elean-up we’ve decided to sell out these regular $5.00
$4.00 and $3.50 Oxfords at the ridiculously low price of’
choice $2.45, beginning Friday morning.
Manhattan Shirts Reduced
| $2.50 "Manhattans” now $175
$2.00 "Manhattans” now 4 q
$1.50 "Manhattans” now slls
Our regular Semi-Annual Clearance
HI |
Sale Begins, Friday, 8 AM.
Six Peachtree Street )Op P : Peters Bldg.) .
If It s Correct, It’s at Hartman’s"
those who know Jack pretty well.
The longer he is retired, and the
stronger becomes the lure of this
thing of "being a real man,” the
less chance there is of his coming
back, or even trying to. Jack looks
upon the prospects of training
again with the horrors that a man
must feel who has been sentenced
to the gallows. It is actually as
bad as that with most athletes who
attain the age that Johnson has
and try to retain their form.
It’s entirely unnatural for a man
of such age to enter Into the rigors
of road work, and they feel the
keenest distress when starting in
and during the early stages of the
struggle with stiffening muscles
and limbs and arms that no longer
respond to the commands of the
brain the way they used to.
CLEVELAND, Aug. S.—Catcher Ted
Easterly was sold to the Chicago club
of the American league by the Cleve
land club. He joined the Cleveland club
in 1909. coming from the Pacific Coast