Newspaper Page Text
Dr. A. G. DeLoach Is now at the
Georgian Terrace.
Mrs W. C. Crim and Miss Crim are
at Borden-Wheeler.
Dr and Mrs. 1. r Langston have
returned from Fairburn.
Mr. William L. Henry ha returned
from Wrightsville Beach.
Miss Frances Connally leaves Satur
day for Warm Springs
Mrs. Henry Bankhead has beer, ill
for several days at her home.
Misses Esther and Josephine Burns
have returned from Tallulah.
Miss Emily Melton, of Oxford, is the
guest of Miss Agnes Coleman.
Mrs William <’ Rawson and Miss
Sarah Rawson are at Highlands N. c
Dr and Mrs. Rufus T Dorsey have
returned from Wrightsville Beach
Mrs J. W Bridwell and daughter.
Miss Elisa Bridwell. are in Clayton.
Miss Arthene Pause is visiting Mi s
Alberta Cooper In Nashville. Tenn
Mrs. J. G. Walker and daughter, Mrs
Peter M Lynch, have gone for a visit
In Knoxville, Tenn.
Mlsa Kate Morgan, of Vienna. Ga . is
spending a few days with her brother.
Mr. Car! Morgan, at 50 East Ellie street.
Mrs. Henrv S Jackson and Miss Etlia
Jackson leave Mondar night to Join the
Atlanta colony at Toxaway.
Miss Viola Johnston of Macon, and
her mother. Mrs. McEwen Johnston,
and spending August at Narragansett.
Mr. and Mrs Palmer Tillans, of Mo
bile. announce the birth of a daugh
ter at the home of Mrs. Tillans' sister,
Mrs. Thomas Hancock, in Atlanta
Miss Peachea Dorothy Leffler has
returned to her home at Sanford, Fla.,
after a visit to her uncle and aunt, Dr.
and Mrs. John H. Powell.
Misses Edith and Antoinette Kirk
patrick are being tendered a series of
parties as guests of Miss Fannie Lou
Cozart in Washington. Ga
Mrs. William Reid Ware. Miss Haz'd
Ware. Miss Marjorie Ware, Master Au
gustus Ware and Miss Marie Kitchings
are at Franklin. N. C,
Mrs. Guy Webb entertained at
luncheon today for Mrs. Bessie Thom
as, of Pittsburg, the guest of Mrs.
James G. Work.
Mrs. Porter L. Bearden's bridge par
ty this afternoon was a compliment to
Mrs. E. S. Carpenter, of Enid, Okla ,
and Mrs. W. 'V. Lillard, of Macon.
Mrs. W. S. Russell and daughter, of
Jacksonville, are visiting Mrs. Russell's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. 1,. Hearn, dur
ing the illness of the latter.
Miss Pearl Davis and Mrs. James G.
Ison spent today in Marietta and were
guests at the bridge party given this
afternoon by Miss Willie May Blair.
Mrs. John Arthur Hynds has re
turned from Chattanooga, where she
visited Mrs. Fountain Rice. Jr., at her
apartment in the Elizabeth.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W Longwell are
taking an extensive trip through the
Great Lakes country and will spend
some time at Put-in Bay.
Mr and Mrs. Emmett McConnell, of
Texas, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
• j "Jr R
|' HIP sale of $195 pianos Is the B
■“• result of a desire to serve ■
everyone who loves music to g
I put into every home where there u
are children and young people. J
4 a reliable piano of excellent S
[ tone. ?
* Even- piano sold at this pric a
§ on convenient terms, is, in 7
W even particular, what we sax /J
n it is. 1
IVe are bound by duty to se- B
■ lect these $195 Instruments with
B great care Only after thorough ■
B study bas e we made our sele< - K
B tions.
■ We nff era email ■
■ number of new
■ : lanes in handsome CIO"*
■ n <ihogan\ <ase> <if Itj 3 ■
3 beautiful design at
R °hly ffl
A Terms: $lO Now, $6 monthly
3 While these instruments last. E
4g we know there will be a stead W
demand. Therefore, we .strong E
O I> urge our patrons to come and //
■) see them as soon as;i<|. Li
3 Wl.\ not today 0 g
" Hallet and Davis ’
Piano Co.
B Manufacturers. Est. 1839.
9 1226. 1227. 1228 Candler Bldq. |
Wm. Carder. Manager
M 7)f, g B
Capps and Mr. and Mrs Samuel Mc-
Mrs. C. D. Peavy and Miss Elizabeth
Peaty have returned to their home In
Macon, after a visit to Mr and Mrs.
Ini Greene, on Piedmont avenu*.
Mrs. Fountain Rice, Jr. of Chatta
nooga arrived today for a short visit
to her father, Mr C. E Sergeant. She
wil eturn home tomorrow afternoon.
Misses Dorothy Davis, Helen Har
rison and Mary VonWyszechl have re
turned to Baltimore after a delightful
visit to Misses Frames and Penelope
Miss Zoudie Leake gave a matinee
party at the Forsyth for Mrs. J. T.
Daniel, the other guests being Mrs R.
H Kelton, Mrs. S. C. Wilkinson. Mrs.
P. J. Rakerand Mrs Camp.
Miss Constance O'Keefe, of Greene
ville, Tenn., who has been the guest
of Miss Louise Broyles for a fortnight,
leaves tomorrow for Birmingham to
visit Miss Luetta Gregg.
Mr and Mrs Walter H. Rich, of
Atlanta, arrived front Europe and are
spending a few days at the Hotel Wol
cott. New York, previous to their de
parture for home
Miss Olive Capps loaves today for
I occoa to visit friends, going later to
Clayton, where she Joins her sister,
Mrs. Walter G. Park, of Blakely, Ga.,
who is spending a month there.
Mr. Frank Hawkins and Miss Louise
Hawkins leave tomorrow for Toxaway,
where they will Join Mrs. Frank Haw
kins and Miss Margaret Hawkins. Miss
Louise Hawkins will go to New York
before returning home September 1.
FORSYTH, GA, Aug. B.—At the
meeting of Camp Quitman, the local
camp of Confederate Veterans dele
gates were named to the state reunion
to be held in Marietta on August "8
and 29. The> are \\ W. Browning v
' . Merritt. John L Ponder. R.| P c, l |.
more. C, O Goodwyne and A J. Brown
Summer Shoes Reduced
Our entire regular lines of Women’s Low Cut
Shoes, including button and lace Oxfords, Strap
Slippers, Pumps and Colonial Ties—-black gun
metal and patent leathers, satin, velvet and buck
skin; tan calf, satin and velvet; white canvas and
buckskin, at these reductions—
s•>.(>o \ allies QCj $3.50 Values J|)2 75
$4.00 \ allies OCJ $3.00 Values 35
*^. Values $1.95
Mid-Summer clearance of all our Misses’, Chil
dren's and Infants' Sandals, Pumps and Colonial
l ies at lollowing great reductions;
Lines $2.35 $1.40
g'"° Lines $1.60 *J- 25Li “*. 95c
Sale of Sample Parasols
W e have secured from one of the best parasol makers in the coun
try his entire line of house samples, including many of the most beauti
ful styles of the season. One lot of these, the regular retail values of
which are $3.00. $4.00 and $5.00. will go ou sale tomorrow at
Choice for $1.98
Every one is pure silk, and in perfect condition, as they were used
only as house samples and not by traveling men. Persian. Dresden, flo
ral. stripe and fancy designs, plain centers with fancy borders, and
fancy centers with plain borders.
Novelty Neckwear, 50c
Special bargain clearance- of Novelty Neckwear in daintv. prettv
styles. Included will be latest styles in Collars, .Jabots. Ties.' etc., that
were priced up to SI.OO, Tomorrow
Choice for 50c
DALTON. GA., Aug B.—Deeds to
330 acres of land at Phelps, in the
southern part of Whitfield county, were
recorded at the court house today. The
property was transferred to the Crown
Cotton mills of this city, and to F. T.
Hardwick, president of the bank of C.
L Hardwick & Co. It will be used as a
site for a big cotton mill.
10 Days Sale of
Enamelwa re
33 1-3% off
Sale Begins Friday Morning
All of our High-Grade White and White, Blue and
White and Gray Enamelware go in this sale. Here are a few
of the bargains; we have a complete stock.
Double Boilers, regular $1 to $1.50, now 67c to 84c
Tea Pots, regular 50c to 90c, now 34c to 60c
Pudding Pans, regular 25c to 60c, now 17c to 40c
Water Pitchers, regular 50c to $1.25, now 34c to 84c
Covered Sauce Pans, regular 50c to 85c, now 34c to 57c
Daily Special During Sale
19c 19c
Between the hours of TEN and ELEVEN O’CLOCK
EACH MORNING we will sell two-qt. White Enamel Cov
ered Sauce Pans, regular price 50c, at 19c. ONLY ONE TO
32-34 South Pryor Street
=]□=■■■ »I—' 11 IF=l E
NEW YORK, Aug. B—After vainly
trying fourteen different languages on
Sayed Laco Shah and Mohammed De
kotwai. two Turks who arrived on the
Olympic last night, it was found that
the strangers speak perfect English.
Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Company
You May Buy lindennuslins at
Little Prices Tomorrow
What splendid values these readjustments of
stocks are bringing to the women of Atlanta! What
remarkable and worth-while savings are possible by
just heeding the announcements from day to day!
Read below how prices have been changed on small
lots and broken quantities in the Muslin Underwear
Department. Would it not be the part of wisdom to
buy now, even though necessity did not demand it?
Women’s 60c Extra Size Drawers 39c
Extra size drawers, extra size not only in name
but also in the generous way they are made, of splen
did nainsook, embroidery trimmed, or with plain
tucked hems. In short lengths only.
SI.OO Gowns at 69c
Your choice of two materials. Those of nainsook
are variously and prettily trimmed with embroideries
about the low yokes and the sleeves; those of FTench
crepe have laces worked into the sleeves and about the
$1.50 and $2.00 Princess Slips 79c
A small quantity of princess slips that were par
ticularly dainty and attractive at $1.50 and $2.00, with
a great deal of lace about the necks and in the flat
flounces, have been gathered into one lot at 79c, be
cause they are all in large sizes. .
SI.OO Petticoats at 79c
These are petticoats of great service and satisfac
tion, because the tops are of that soft cambric that
wears so well and because they have the plain tucked
flounces that so many women want for every-day wear.
Exquisitely Hand Embroidered Skirts Half Price
Now is your opportunity!
I hese aristrocratic hand embroidered skirts to whose
charm women always seem to respond are now half
jrice. The hand work on these is done by the smart
fingers of the French, for this is the disposal of our finest
imported skirts.
Buy for next spring!
French hand embroidered skirts are always good
$ 8.00 Skirts now... $4.00 $14.00 Skirts now. ..$ 7.00
SIO.OO Skirts now... .$5.00 $15.00 Skirts now... $7.50
$12.50 Skirts now.. . .$6.25 $25.00 Skirts now.. .$12.50
Corsets for 50c
They are the SI.OO and $1.50 Kinds
In sizes from 24 to 30 inch, those that are left
from our regular SI.OO and $1.50 stocks. Makes
that you know well. Several models. For the best
choice come in the early morning.
Chaiiiberlin=Johnson=Dußose Co.
New York