Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 10, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 26

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PAGE EIGHT Man With a Toothache, Dictating a Letter B y POWERS, the Famous Cartoonist Copyright. 1912 by Amari-un-Journal - Examiner. Great Britain Right* ResarvwL 1 mfR R R-LWP.’) ([( tlakea f James X , . XX r- r- > ’- ( ®> OUCH! XU x (t/ \\ THE Boss* j oW J L y y\ / //X\ y i? \yy.J X /'i. > X ' yy > v x c i t ' jsv r > P’T-'A /\ —w. ' H rt* > ®. „*1 ®k .x r -si —&flj .EZ A K l«ft -ifti ‘ o£ £ I Sk-qSSmW 111 M ~CTI i I I —r — —- i-' r —o r~ JX-> _--1, / V y 1/ X /1 O *j2V' V O riv SL ‘To ffli 0 vwij / i 1 \\ \ / \ CyffS' z\ / / /'VM f/ C'fT-"U \q- yJy S7 Z/ ) f A / I El 3 y,,, /tJ f \ \ 7 ■■ \ —W J / ■ ■ji fSi jwii ■ iJ / ijrahi lilk/m\ x -= |i'Zs7Am Ji J I— : (XXzZ x xxx 3 zijW a- c a! 1 p |Ls£ /yy —IL Buy Real Estate Wisely RHE best security on earth is earth A itself. It is the one kind of property which cannot be stolen from you. It is a possession on which you can stamp your feet with satisfaction. Build on it a home and your happi ness will be complete. I o buy wisely, invest your money in real estate that will increase in value and upon which you may live at once. If you can live on it contentedly, your money has bought good land. Do not be carried away bv the en thusiasm of your dealer. The land will be yours; you will have to live on it and yours will be the disappointment. The dealer may be sincere in his claims, but make certain that his claims meet your approval. LOOK. Make sure of transpor tation facilities. Note the location of the property. It must be in a health ful neighborhood. There should be fresh air. LIKE. If you do not like your property before your house is built, you probably will not like it afterwards. Atkins Park Is the Home of Beautiful Homes MAGAZT’TE SECTION THE ATLANTA <jEORG lAX AXD XE_WS.SATURDAY. AUGUST 10. 1912 Cover all the object ions thoroughly be fore you buy. You will have fewer re grets. LEARN. Leave nothing to vour imagination. -Know all about where you are to live, if you would live hap pily. A poor investment is the one quickly made. BUY. Buying will naturally fol low, it you have observed all the above points. Buying should not follow un less all the objections have been weighed and all the advantages noted. This is a hard test for some real estate. It is not beyond the possibility' of Atkins Park. All the disadvantages were care fully considered by the owner, Mr. E. \\. Grove, before the property was placed before the eyes of purchasers. All of them were eliminated as far as hu man skill could achieve. He looked at Atkins Park as critically as if it were to be his permanent home, for he de signed it to be the permanent home of others. Atkins Park is the home of beauti ful homes. It is laid out to give these homes a beautiful, suitable setting. Atkins Park is improved property. It will not have to wait for street cars, water, electricity and paving. It has them. There are explicit restrictions as to the cost of the homes. \ our home may be handsome and be surrounded by homes which are the pride of their owners. The neighborhood will never deteriorate. Your home may be per manent. ANY dealer in high class real estate will be pleased to tell you about Atkins Park. They will show you with en thusiasm the advantages. Decide for yourself. It is to be your home, not theirs. The Ponce DeLeon, Moreland Ave nue or Highland Avenue cars will take you to the substantial stone entrances which mark Atkins Park. If by auto mobile, go out Ponce DeLeon Avenue. It is a pleasant ride. Why not go today?