Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 10, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE NINE, Image 27

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NEXT WEEK AT THE THEATERS another star bill is BOOKED FOR THE FORSYTH Another bill of promising vaudeville win be the entertainment provided by the Forsyth management for the the atergoers next week. It is a bill of the sort that has made the theater busy. There are headline features of most un usual attractiveness and excellence, and the others that are to appear are of better than ordinary caliber. The Forsyth policy has been most faithfully lived up to. Promises have been kept and no advance review of a feature has been colored any too much It does seem that thd management has been able to make each succeeding bill better than the other, and in this par ticular Instance the program looks like one of the very best that has been of fered. Gertrude Vanderbilt and George Moore will be one of the star acts, and in this feature the local theatergoers will see one of the big star acts of present-day vaudeville. They are sing ers and dancers, genuine entertainers and they will be popular. Willie Weston, one of the best sing ing comedians in the profession, is coming direct from his successes at the New York Winter Garden. There is no one more capable to entertain than this clever young man. He, too, will be a valuable part of the show. Sydney Drew and company will offer a sketch, “The Model Young Man.” Mr. Drew is of the famous Drew family. He has met with success in farce and Jn the drama and his vaudeville name is of extreme value because of the mer it of the sketches he offers. A big feature will be the appearance of the "Top o' th’ World Dancers," a combination of twenty singers and dancers, helped by a pack of genuine English collie dogs, which ra*e quite a feature in the act. The Three Lyres, clever musical act. and the Four Pi anos, the best of all novelty acts, and Gallando, the clay modeler, are on the bill. Thertt has never been a better bill offered at the busy theater. SEVERAL GOOD ACTS BOOKED FOR THE BIJOU A diversified bill and one full of clever acts is announced for the coming week at the Bijou. The popularity es comedy acrobats has induced the man agement to book the Prosit Duo. This clever pair will introduce their comica! absurdity entitled "In Clown Alley." Others on the program will be Speflcer and Williams, whose singing and danc ing will be a prominent feature of the bill. Then there will be Clinton and Nolen, in a black-face sketch. “The African Dodger," and Dixon and Dixon, coined}' musical tramps. Four better acts have not been booked for the Bijou in recent months, and a very clever show should reSult. A specially se lected line of motion pictures, changed daily, will be offered to open and close each performance. The excellence of the subjects is making this department of the Bijou shows deservedly popular. e K ea ! Department Store S I - “MADAME GRACE’ | J Th-“CORSET OF SLENDER LINES” g . ? -O>k The essentials of “figure fitting,” *l' ® so necessary in the correct conipli- - an(>e with the clinging, lissome lines of 1111 l fashion’s present ruling, has awaken- *IZ 3* “’Wi C( l a new n °t e ’ n the science of corset- ■> ry. Fine points of fitting never be- asj 3? I f° re attempted or dreamed of de- j£Bk inan( hng the highest skill of Corset 1 fc* I makers to design and construct. -JJ I ' pl The prevailing mode of women’s *U // F’W apparel seems to have struck the pop- 3* r Y\\ ular chord of acceptance, as no tie- nsj <5 ') 'lfta “\\ partures of any material nature are 3? 1 1 noticeable in the new fall 1912 sash- f J;'A \ ions. This is apropos of the charac- 5* • 0 \ teristie and masterful allegiance to the J* W slender line effects—found so harmon- gj" 5 '7 huisly in the new fall models of jE Wl |"l “MADAME GRACE” CORSETS Z ;S jY I They are a noteworthy counterpart *4 -r* of the best French designs, and an adaptation of the best features found in Parisian models. The “Madame Grace” Corsets are exquisitely tai- lored, and made of the finest imported Broehes, Coutils and Batistes. They are beautifully finished and da inti . 581 C h g arn ished with laces, insertions and ribbons. ’ <pO The prices $5 to s‘2s. Our Corsetry is in charge of Jr 55 experienced corsetiers, and you are cordially invited to ZJ? jl make this rendezvous the oh iect of your corset prefer- • to cnee. * pS Every “Madame Grace” Corset is guaranteed, and «t:‘ 3" d* O a Perfect fit assured, or your money refunded. 3JJ yfciO Besides the complete lines of “Madame Grace” we carry full assortment of all standard makes Nemo, ■« ' ■ * Thompson, Warner, C. B. a la Sprite, American Beauty, J. Madame Mariettes, Madame Irene, Successes, and oth ers. Prices $1 —to —25. s s Corset Parlors-Second Floor « “ S a L—— " - - -U - Sr // \ \ // / / \\ I ■ I / / \ \ / ' I W-****** // \\ l\ \ •’ i I; l\ \\ \ r / \\ \ \ . fv-T- v tl \\ \ v >- > \ \ \ ■ *" ■\\ -\ ■N- - v ' • 7/ -y-- *' - / / f II / S*'*, X. \\ // r »/ z Gertrude Vanderbilt at the Forsyth next week. Matinees will be given daily at < nees are given at 2:30 and 4. Ni o'clock, except on Saturday, when mat hows at 7:30 and 9. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.SATURDAY. ATT;(’ST 10, 1912. -- S 9 I j.99 LS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ~ SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. fSIVEBODE mtaniAafaftu i % '■ I ’■ ■ sIKKIiEI ■ W VAfl . ■ rTOsBJKEBiMhI 8 ■ flI I /wm W .. 8 SE3S b / , |. ;if H. »!• PEARCE, President f Gainesville Ga® F. L. McCOY, Principal location. -A magnificent elevation, overlooking Lake Warner and the Chattahoochee river, with the pictur esque Blue Ridge mountains in full view in the distance. The high ele vation. perfect drainage, pure moun tain water and air, all combine to in sure the best health conditions. The social, educational anti religious advan tages of Gainesville are unsurpassed. Equipment.—Two splendid brick arid stone buildings, new and fitted with all moder/ improvements; a newly equip- LOCUST GROVE INSTITUTE A HIGH-GRADE PREPARATORY SCHOOL where students are given the same home-like attention and careful instruction always desired but seldom secured. A BIG SCHOOL IM A LITTLE TOWN Courses adapted to the needs of the students, include Literature, Music, Expression, Art, Modern Languages, Bible and Business, Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewriting taught without extra charge. BUILT FOR PRINCIPLE NOT FOR PROFIT The maximum advantages for the minimum expense are to be obtained here. Ninety-six students now in college prepared here. Athletics encouraged under competent coach and athletic director. Separate dormitories for boys and for girls. Twenty trained teachers live at the schools with the students. Twenty younger pupils are taken in preparatory class. Write today for catalog and illustrated booklet. CLAUD CRAY, Principal Box 105 LOCUST GROVE, CA. Shorter V A High Grads Institution For Young Women. I Beautifully located near the Mountains, in the most healthful section of * the South —not a death in the College during the forty years of its ' x stence. Ev< ry convenience of modern home. Only two girls to f a room with Ihrge study between every tw<, rooms. Every building <>( re-enforced concrete, absolutely lir- >; >of thoroughly modern’ ■■ E's acres in grounds and campus. Faculty chosen from finest Lflk American and European Universities. Full Literary Course lead ingtoA.B. degree; unexcelled advantages in Music, Art. Fxpres fs''\VV\ v\ sion. Special attention to Physical Development. Catalog on re- Quest. 1 A " W> VAN HOOSE » President, Rome, Ga. ■Mrjajmwn~TTrrrwii■■■■!■■ 1 an n jiijjeaaxjßKaaaMiniiiiiiiiii iwir 11 11 r ww 111 mw'iMnn—nrm''iwaaanni WESLEYAN COLLEGE MACON, GEORGIA One of the Greatest Schools for Women in the South Wesleyan College is the oldest real college for women in the world; has a great body of alumnae, and students from the choice homes of the South. It is situated in the most beautiful residential section of Macon, the second healthiest city in the world. Its buildings are large and well equipped, its fac ulty the best of trained men and women. Its Conservatory is the greatest ip the South. Schools of Art and Expression the best, and a magnificent new Gymnasium has just been completed. Wesleyan is characterized by an atmos phere of religion and refinement. The utmost care is taken of the students. | For catalogue write to rev. C. R. JENKINS, President. I jHJnMßMwawmwmMi 111 an ■ i iibi—■ ■iiiiihi Brew COLLEGE COK3ER VAT63Y, Consists of 5o buildings: campus in the whole South for Music. Art, and parK of 9/aert s. including dairy Elocution and Domestic Science, and truck farm. Ihe location is free Elegant home life, refined associa •°‘i n mosquitos, located tions. Expenses S.W) to SIOO. Opens tn the N Gg. mountain region; the September 12. Write for catalog, climate is ideal for comfort and Address health. Ad. untaßes are unsurpassed BRENftU, Bax,- Cainosviiio. Ca. WASHINGTON SEMINARY ATLANTA, GA NEW LOCATION 1371 Peachtree road, just beyond Ansley Park. GROI’NKS AND BITLDINGS; private park, h<a itlfully shaded and landscaped, affording privacy of the country. BUILDINGS Boarding department (limited), one of the most beautiful homes in the entire city. New Academic buildii g a model of school construction In lighting, ventilation, heating, with open-air < lass rooms, gymi.asiums, audito rium. etc. Tennis courts and other outdoor gam DEPARTMENTS Kindergarten, primary, academic, college preparatory, domes tic science, physical culture, piano, pipe organ, voice, violin, art, expression. METHODS Small elassts; last year 235 pupils and is teachers, allowing* one teacher for every 13 pupils. ACCESSIBILITY Three ear lines. Peachtree, West I’eachtree and Buckhead lines; 20 minutes from center of city. PROTECTION Special police officer at 2:30 and 1:30 to protect students get ting on and off cars. CATALOGUE and "views on request; thirty-fifth year begins September 12. LLEWELLYN D. AND EMMA 11. SCOTT. Principals. 1 hone Ivy 647. In IMO M A sm ASHEVn.I.E. N. C. > has prepared Eoys for College and Man- Ul|t<unn.7l COL. R. BINGHAM 1 hood for 119 y.a . Our Graduate* Excel in all the Colleges t hey at ten.!. North and South. Ventilation, Sanitation and Safety Against Fire pronounc ed the BEST by 150 d * tors and by every visiting Parent. Average Gain of 19 pounds term of entrance accentuates our Climate. Fara and Caro of Pupils. Military, to help in making Men of Boys. Box 10 SOUTHERN COLLEGE OF PHARMACY . I Largest Pharmacy School South Drug store in the college. Eree books, sav-l ling >2O tsmk expenses Large new building and equipment, three laboratories. I (Demand for our graduates exceeds supply. Fall Session begins October Ist. I Iwrlte for catalogue Address I. ... /V. B. F REEMAN, Sec., 81 Luckle St., Atlanta, Ga.-- !ped gymnasium and library; a campus of twenty-five acres fronting the elec- \ trie railway, and in the midst of a park of nearly two thousand acres; a dock on Lake Warner with the best facilities for swimming and boating. Fiiriiity.—The faculty is composed of graduates of the leading colleges, who have had successful experience. The members of the faculty live with the students in the school barra ’kN and come In close personal relation to every boy. Course of Study.—The regular course covers the full 14 units required as a 1 rule for college entrance. In addition 1 some elective courses are offered, which will enable the student to enter sopho more class in some of the colleges. To enter,* a boy must be at least ready for sixth grade grammar school, and must not be younge? than 12 years of ag In addition to preparation for regu lar college work students ma- b - • ’-e --pared for professional and technical schools, and also to.- o . Athletics. —During its short history. Riverside has made a remarkable rec ord in both baseball and football, hav ing defeated some of the oldest and I In st prep, schools, and even some of GEORGIA MILITARY ACADEMY THE SOUTHS MOST SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED PREP SCHOOL College Park, Eight Mile* From Atlanta, Georgia Fills every hour of a boy’s life with wholesome mental development, body building, moral and social training, and preparation for a man’s part in the world’s work. A thoroughly disciplined, modernly appointed, attractive school for boys and young men—a gentleman’s school, limited to about 125 boarding pupils, so grouped, as to give every teacher about 12£adets for tutoring and over sight at night. Delightful home life—a big happy family of successful, cultured teachers and pupils. Every sanitary convenience. Electric lights, steam heat, artesian water. Elevation nearly 1,200 feet, no malaria, perfect health. Best Table Fare and Prettiest School Campus in the South. Three regular Courses— Classical, Engineering, Commercial. Member Southern Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools. Active U. S. Officer in Charge of Military Department. Classed A by U. S. War Department. Parents urjed to visit and compare the School with the best in America. COL L 0 WOODWARD, A. M., Pitt. ! UNIVERSITYSCHOOL FOR BOYS STONE MOUNTAIN, CA. , ..inffiaNJSJIALF THE CQLI r- c UNIVERSITY SCHOOL FOR BOYS la a regular school where boys are taught and not just compelled to attend classes. A school fashioned after the old style system of tutoring where in dividual instruction is given each student; where the finer attributes of a gentleman, not taught by books, are inculcated; where a sound, healthy body is developed coincident with a broad, quick mind. A school where boys are transformed into men equipped, mentally and physically to take up Life’s duties or given a firm foundation on which to build their education in the higher institu tions of learning. This is done by limiting the students to 96; one instructor for every ten boys. Mure than Twenty percent, of the student body, each year, are brothers of former students. 1 Give us a boy; zve’ll give you a man. Handsome illustrated catalog and information furnished. Address SANDY BEAVER, Principal. Box 53 STONE MOUNTAIN, CA. GEOOGIA Send for Bulletins of the University of Georgia describing courses in Law, Agriculture, Forestry, Education, Pharmacy, Engineering, Literary and Scientific studies and Graduate Work Address THE CHANCELLOR, Athens, Ga T T /C GWINN FINE SHOE REPAIRING 6 LUCKIE STREET, OPPOSITE PIEDMONT HOTEL. BELL PHONE 2335. ATLANTA 2640. before w I V-n A 7 1 U I c\ Gooc> Rubber Heels, 20 c~ _>jst, 35 cents. Best half-sole, sewed, 75 cents. Will send for and deliver your shoes without extra cost. AUTOMOB'LES FOR RENT. O« ; ?" open day and ni-ht. s=*h Phones. READ FJR PROFIT f WYftll * 3 **J * I USE FO 3 RESULTS. ! I ffl ■ Opium. Whisk., .nd t>ru« Habit IrHl ' M >3 Ml at Hom. or at tvinttarlum. Bank « I I aublact Frw. DB. B. M. WOOLLXI GEORGIAN WANT ADS 24-N Victor Sanitarium. Atlanta. Ga. PAGE NINE I—MAGAZINE SECTION. | the colleges. In football. Riverside claims the prep, championship of the South. ReMrrvationn.—ln the meantime, early reservation is necessary in order to se cure a place for the fall, as it is al ready apparent that the school will be overcrowded. Blanks for reservation and for measure for uniforms will be ' furnished upon application. Untnlog.—A beautifully Illustrated descriptive catalog will be furnish ed free upon application. Fall term begins September 6. Address RIVERSIDE, Box 16, Gaines ville, Ga.