Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 10, 1912, EXTRA, Page 10, Image 10

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Georgia State Fair
Under the Auspices of The Georgia
State Agricultural Society
October 15th-25th-1912 i
10 Days I
Sight Seeing I
With its big display of Georgia Products.
The largest Automobile Show ever shown at a fair
| —all the most noted makes of machines on exhibition.
The woman’s building will be a work of art, with its «
load of Fancy Work, Preserves. Jellies, Jams. Pickles. I
, and cake like mother used to make. Jj
The cattle and swine display will be the finest that y
has ever been on exhibition at any previous fair.
' The farm and road-making machinery exhibit will B
■ be up to the high grade standard that has always beer jS
shown at this fair. !u
The Midway will be the best that we have ever had.
I Nat Reiss' 40 shows and riding devices are the best in M
the country, and they are coming to the State Fair and
bring along a 25 piece concert grand band. M
Ail kinds of music at the Fair from three big p
bands. A special concert each afternoon and night by
Young's Eig Military Concert Baud. Some Music, 'eh. ' w
Qeorgia State Fai?
LW. E. Dunwody, President Harry C. Robert, Secretary £ y
Use Georgian Want Ads
pq Do you know that a new I’layer-l’iano has S
.Ja l, een invented which is such a vasi iniproveiiiei, i Sa.
vfl "'er old-style Player-Pianos that it absoliif -ly
NvJ <>v, I' Oinfs all technical ditiieuities. leaving you |I/H
V‘l4 i’ree io produce beautiful, expressive music .’ It
S ®. I nc*? .jr Hj
■i Hs
B F=3 i
I HB j ’ i
i ■ ffOrfl I ■
■ ?? j I
E/l Expression in playing is guided by your lingers .w
U/l "i bnnmis which, mabies you to gain volume and Wi
accent by the simple application of pressure just
vj ■ >■ pianist makes loud music by striking the S\
Ej i.oysha.der
Xo other Player-Piano but the Virtuolo admits
Instinctive Playing. And no other Player-Piano B</
Vw ' i: is the \scelo buttons That's why you ought to lul
hear, pla.v the Virtuolo before you decide deli- fjfl
B nilclv to imy the other kind. la
p"’i a Davis \ irtimlo s<.>() to $8(10. ( onwav
■■ \ irtuolos s.i7.> lo s(>.’>o. |==3
p= ' ;, b "nr store You will be under no obli- E
ms. Im the salesmen will lie only too glad to Eg
B '>av, uni demonstrate the Virtuolo to yourself.
Dealers Wanted in Unoccupied Territory. B
I Hallet & Davis Piano Co. |
B WM. CARDER, Manager B
HUI— wnim. r 4
Effin KMm Lflffl HHa '
~ f J I Ir»MP *l> 11 188 "IQ | MibWi. -
> Hll HnS wJI M ipa¥i>j (x
.....r ,
I These 48 Engineers—Gathered From Everywhere—Have Had a I
| Hand in Designing Over 200,000 Cars of 97 Well-Known Makes I
' " ' 11 " I’ l - 1 } salaried, widely experi- Some who know how to make comfortable seat The HUDSON Company has millions at stake,
ent cd aut mioiale engineers on the HUDSON cushions and backs with soft upholstering that The future of the HUDSON will depend entirely
Engineering Board than in any' similar organ- will retain their easy qualities and not break on this car’s performance.
IZa '"’?; 1 I p n !mM "?nr II • t added to the organization. Howard E. Coffin, now the leading American
3 -/ u ?r 7 body-now 48 in number Never before in any other car was so much designer, has all his present prestige and future
H d< s-nerLnJ L E )| n ’f A ' riCaS ‘ J llO1 ’ 811 . 1 g . ,ven j° these import ant items of corn- fame tied up to the car which his
Ei aes. ner gnd builder of six famous cars. fort. It is a dominating characteristic of the idea of nerfectinn H
Nomine disputes his pre-eminent position as New HUDSONS. A . *< Q . . . , , ,~,
the leader of automobile engineering progress. . ■ n d engineers in the front rank of tins
V • Dis associates have been gathered from Worked Two Years !™H stry have all agreed that the HUDSON
I nc 'rly every important automobile engineering -p| ie resu it o f two vears’ vtork the master t? rc P rcse ? ts n’ghest accomplishment,
or li. ■lien of the world . r u • y • , k ., master The future of all of them depends on this car’s
.. ... non oi mt wor.q. wor k o f a n these men—is shown in the New making cood
f there arc men on this Board who were the HUDSON cars imping gooa.
| chi-f engineers of leading concerns. Every As the exnerimental rars were rnmnleted , I here was never a car on which so many men
.oiLumobile'buildinv nation has its renresent i ,i experimental cars were completed had so much at stake as the HUDSON Staff has
? li shr re repiesenta- they were sent with a corps oi experts and Ollt his. There was never a car of which so many
H,are representatives from Germane. S" ' oV ' r " >»« »' ■*«’-'**
England and Ualy. as well as iron, The ears were tried out last winter over roads we 'l” VT T’ an ,•
Al “ Cni practically impassable to oilier vehicles. Snow ;? d
.-■J Combined they have had a hand in building and mud and the worst weather did not interrupt ''.' '' ‘ ' s ’ ie atest HUDSON
more than 200,000 cars of 97 well-known makes. these test s. < ' S ‘ S
z Officers of the company rode on these test Every HUDSON a Success
I hey Are Specialists -Every One trips. They demanded more emphatically than Such a body of experts render mistakes nextto
$ i>o one man can ever hope to know as much an > can ever demand, that the quality' of impossible. A dozen men check ev«y move of
T about automobiles as these men, working in the New Hl DSON cars should be thoroughly’ each individual. >4
;* unison, know. known to them. t t . , « . . „ H
Each R stronger for being assbeiated with '1 he Allegheny mountains became our test- h i stot^ r tells^ou‘that ev^HUDSOITSr oi
"l a*Each possesses a knowl- 'No road ‘w as too rough , too steep, too danger- ea 'f h ™d e l has been a brilliant success.
3 edge and an ability not possessed' by his ous or too long for these cars to be driven over i here is not the slightest question about that.
? * possessed by tns . at maximum speed The secret of such constantly increasing quality
In th? snmr. u-jv ekat o kaea i u „ „ Adriver —winner of many’road races in Amer- as uas been shown each year in HUDSON auto
in bu’iiinJ st/i.- 1 4 '•* ' a .r^? r * ca abroad —who knows no sea at mobiles is due to the fact that the best engineer-
‘ who excel at cert in L'*'? 1 ‘ /’'T s s P L ' tiaiss i op speed up rough mountain paths, through in g brains in the world are used in their building. ja
ni hLtt ™ ± play-at pitch- b( £ tomless r £ ads mire and every con- We regard it as the most essential part of an
IlTv ard F ( nffin f <int >aS runnin g sn ceivable surface that a vehicle can be sent, to organization, borty-eight experts are bound to
£ orinnize he str nJ rT 1 ' ku" that the car has the stamina, the power think faster, are hound to create more new
neers to be had Y aUtOm ° b,le engl ‘ and the comfort to do the work and do it with features, are bound to build a more thoroughly I
h* - r) . . ' , . ~ , minimum fatigue to the passengers. proportioned car than any one man can ever
‘S ‘he world was his field. If a man had hope to do.
# !i hat hf COUl i' gPt m °T ?°i Ver OU s.° f a Consider the Stake No one man’s personality, no one man's
” j/ 11 * 3 . 1 ' f ” >ei man had been able to In reading the claims which are made for this experience, can overshadow that of either of the
k .i,’ ] 1 P"’ xt r could simplify work car, consider how much is at stake on it. other 47 except in the details which he knows
o.hers had more crudely begun, he was induced b ,. tter t | ian the others know.
<>n dj.m t k,.r p n A. ai '• *''"i” a i, m • Qns*- Such is the pedigree of the New HUDSON
X ab<7iit aiii'>’.)obile hi'Li- ie At -W 10 En^ W -i n °L- linß "" ~ ''K ’ Cars. It is nothing short of a romance of engi-
everv iii-b il )->t' ' ? 1 nu "h° ' riow neering achievement. No other automobile ever B
evtay uiiiiig about creatine beautiful lM>dv lines. A vs , . , . , , . ,
„ uvautuui )>,.!> mica. , —--j —> so completely represented what many trained ..y
, men could do. None other ever bore such unmis-
■,-r- .v-v , /A.JIUj j| takable evidences of advancement and quality.
1 •' /' * ‘/"J J ■ x ~r* ~ac - faM>l^> -yiTrri_
I " y •
E ® UtSM a wra I dijhrul IPI Itm hkR ■
4 <>\ er moterr .<() minutes free from complications, a makeshift. Not an attachment. A part of the body, best coach painting practices. 21 coats —varnish shafts. Easily disassembled, an item which indicates
Simple 1 ositiveb (•ffective Upholstering. Sofa type. Highest development of and color Nickel trimmings throughout. the simplicity and get-at-ableness of the entire car.
Lj. Electric Light*. Brilliant head lights. Side lights automobile upholstering. Soft, flexible, resilient Gasoline Tank. Gasoline is tarried in tank at t
P* 1 ail lamj Illuminated dash Extensive lamp tor omfortable positions. Hand-buffed leather —the rear of car. Simple, effective, with two pound jrres- j--. Pn T r d/x t p Hvsenger louring,
L nig-t nor . about .ai All operated by handv switch best to be had. 12 inches deep Btlr e. Keeps constant supp’v in carburetor eitlv r I ed °-J wo ( Pa^enger Roadster -
on dash Horn. Bulb type. Concealed tubing. going up or down hill. Magnetic gasoline gauge *’ s< Lo b ' Detro.t. One price to all everywhere.
Ignition. Integr.l with ele trie cranking and Demountable Rim*. Latest type Light. Easily con stantly indicates gasoline level. Simplicity. The HUDSON standard of simplicity
-le- :ri» lighting •■ciuipment C.ives magneto spark, removed. Carry 36" x 4" Fisk tires- heavy car Wheel*. Extra strong. Artillery type Ten spokes ‘ 8 maintained. Every detail is accessible. There is
ijj x i \n as Delco P; ten‘ed System, the most effective, type. Extra rim. in front wheel. Ten hub flange bolt >. twelve spokes no unnecessary weight. All oiling places are conve-
efheient yet produ« ed. Top. Genuine mohair Graceful lines. Well fitted. * n rear "heel. Six hub flange bolts Six spoke bolts, nient 1 here are but two grease cups on the motor
fik Speedometer, ( lock Illuminated face. Magnetic Storm curtains Dust envelop' Bearing*. All roller bearings. Thoroughly tested.
n cm>r.r ietlon Jew-led be.= ring, Reg.-ters up to Bodie.. Note illustration. Deep, low wide and Latest type. over ever?"ihsprevious
f»< miles an hour. Eight day keyless clock comfortable Xou sit in the car —not on it High Rear Axle. Pressed steel. Full adjustable, full “Car with 1000 less parts.”
W e are now demonstrating this HUDSON “37.” Before a single car was shown HUDSON dealers had booked orders on
r’ which deposits were paid for approximately 1000 cars. All wanted for early delivery. You should act at once.
K J. W. GOLDSMITH, JR., Ma nager B
Georgian Want Ads Bring Results