Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate For Sale. ‘ Real Estate For Sale.
Modern Apartments For Rent
MOST DESIRABLE in Atlanta as to location and structure; just off Peach
tree on Eighth street; six rooms; tile porches, store rooms, etc.; in Lil-
J |an ar >d Elizabeth. Vacant September Ist; $65.00.
ALSO one apartment in Wickliffe, Peachtree and Eleventh streets. See
$12,000 . PER YEAR NET PROFIT ! ! !
SIO,OOO WILL BUY this valuable commission business; guaranteed to be doing a
>150,000 business per year, with a net profit of >12,000. Don’t take our word
for ‘his. It sounds too good. But if you mean business, we will pay you a
monthly salary while you watch the receipts, shipments and price of goods, and
if we fail to satisfy you that it is as represented, you don’t buy or lose anything
except your time, which we will pay you for. Is that fair? Any man w’ith gooa
norse sense’ can make good. No information given out over the phone.
Legal Notices.
R. B. Seagraves, AV. H. Tvree and S. L.
Adams, to whom was referred the peti
tion to change a private way into a pub
lic road, beginning at Marietta street and
crossing over bridge of Marietta street
S?.n llne and run ning northerly to Howell
Mill road, said private way being known
as n inder avenue, having made a favor
able report, this is to notify all persons
that petition will be granted at a session
of the commissioners of roads and reve
nues of Fulton county, Georgia, to be
held Wednesday, September 4, 1912, at 10
o clock, a. tn., provided no good and suf
lent cause to the contrary Is shown.
Clifford L. Anderson. Chairman; H. E. AV.
Palmer, S. B. Turman, Shelby Smith,
T. C. AA aters. Commissioners Roads
and Revenues Fulton County, Georgia.
H. M. Wood, Clerk. 8-9-8
To Whom it May Concern;
I. James A. McNab, of Dallas, Texas,
having been designated as testamentary
executor in the will of the late Mrs. Isa
bella D. Kay, of New' Orleans, La., and
having been confirmed as such by the civil
district court, parish of Orleans, state of
Louisiana, and being residuary legatee
under said will do hereby give notice that
after publication of this notice as required
by the laws of the state of Georgia, I in
tend to transfer‘to myself fifteen shares
of stock of the Ellen N Land and Im
provement Company of Fulton countv,
Georgia, standing In the name of Mrs.
Belle D. Kay on the books of said com
pany at the time of her death
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
To <he Superior Court of Said County:
The petition of the Flash-Hunter Com
mission Company respectfully shows:
1. That your petitioner, said the Flash-
Hunter Commission Company is a corpor
ation and that it was duly incorporated
and granted a charter by the said superior
court, the Hon. George L. Bell then and
there presiding, and to wit, on the 17th
day of October, 1910, and that petitioner
accepted said charter and organized
2. Petitioner further shows that at
a meeting of the stockholders of said the
Flash-Hunter Commission Company, your
petitioner, a resolution has been adopted
by the affirmative vote of the owners of
two-thirds of the capital stock of such
corporation resolving that the corporation
shall surrender its charter and franchise
to the state and be dissolved as a cor
poration; that dissolution may be al
lowed without injustice to any stockhold
er or tjo any person having claims or de
mands of any character against your pe
titioner, said corporation.
3. Wherefore petitioner prays to be al
lowed to surrender its corporate fran
chise and charter under the provisions of
the laws of this state and that under the
order and decree of this court it may be
allowed to dissolve and wind up its af
fairs; and that a time for the hearing of
this petition at the court house in said
countj' be fixed and that such other and
further directions be given hereon as may
be proper and necessary for the purpose
of allowing your petitioner to dissolve and
wind up its affairs and likewise to sur
rendw its charter and franchise, and pe
titioner will eve - prav.
Petitioner's Attorneys.
GEORGIA —Fulton County:
In person comes before me James L.
Hunter, who being duly sworn, on oath
says, that he Is' a stockholder in the
Flash-Hunter Commission Company, the
foregoing petitioner, and that he is the
secretary and treasurer of said corpora
tion. and that he has carefully read the
statements in the said petition and that
the same are true and correct.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
31st day of July. 1912.
Notary Public Fulton County, Georgia.
The foregoing petition being presented
to me it is considered, ordered and ad
judged that the same be heard before me.
or such other judge as may be then hear
ing such matters, at the court house In
said county, on the 7th day of Septem
ber, 1912. and that all persons interested
therein show cause before me on said
day why the said corporation should not
be allowed to surrender its charter and
franchise and dissolve and wind up its
affairs as praved for: it Is further or
dered that said petition be filed in the
office of the clerk of this court, and that
a copy of such petition and of this order
be published once a week for four weeks
In the newspaper wherein sheriff s sales in
and for such county are published.
This Ist day of August. 1912.
Judge Atlanta Circuit.
MADDOX & SIMS, Attorneys.
Filed in office this August Ist. 1912.
STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Fulton.
I. Arnold Broyles, clerk of the superior
court of said county, do hereby certify
that the foregoing is a true and correct
copy of the apnllfatfbn for dissolution of
the charter of the Flash-Hunter Commis
sion Company as the same appears of file
in this office.
Witness my official signature and the
seal of said court this August Ist. 1912.
Clerk Superior Court Fulton Countv, Ga.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary's Office. August 9, 1912.
Mrs. Helen Lowenstein, as guardian of
Josephine Lowenstein, minor, has applied
for leave to sell the interest in land of
said minor. This is. therefore, tn notify
all concerned to file their objection, if
any they have, on or before the first Mon
day in September next, else leave will
then be granted said applicant, as ap
plied for.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary's Office. August 9. 1912.
Joseph Hanlon, as guardian of James
Sullivan. Richard Sullivan and Joseph
Sullivan, represents that he has fully dis
charged the duties of his said trust,
and prays for letters of dismission. This
is, therefore, to notify all persons con
cerned to show cause, if any they can,
on or before the first Monday in Sep
tember next, why said guardian should
not bo discharged.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary's Office, August 9, 1912.
T. O. Hathcock, as administrator of es
tate of David Lee. deceased, has applied
for leave to sell the land of said David
Lee. This is. therefore, to notify all con
cerned to file their objections, if anv they
have, on or before the first Monday In
September next, else leave will then be
granted said applicant, as applied for.
Ordinary's Office, August 9. 1912.
D. M. Dlckert has applied for letters of
administration on the estate of Fleta E.
Stevens, deceased. This Is, therefore, to
notify all concerned that the same will be
heard on the first Monday in September
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary's Office, August 9. 1912.
Thomas D. Meador. Sr., has applied for
letters of administration on the estate of
Sarah Hunter, deceased. This is, there
fore, to notify all concerned that the
same will be heard on the first Monday in
September next
_ JOHN R ,_W H-K IN SON, Ordinary.
GEORGIA -Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office, August 9, 1912.
Legal Notices.
Elizabeth Walpole Otis has applied for
letters of administration on the estate of
Mary Gardiner Walpole, deceased. This
is, therefore, to notify all concerned that
the same will be heard on the first Mon
day in September next.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary's Office, August 9. 1912.
J. M. Jewell has applied for letters of
administration on the estate of J. W.
Coursey, deceased. This is, therefore, to
notify all concerned that the sajne will
be heard on the first Monday in Septem
ber next.
GEORGIA--Fulton County.
Court of Ordinary, Chambers, Aug. 9, 1913.
To the heirs-at-law of Mrs. Rosa R. Brown
deceased, who reside out of said state:
Leo Reich having as executor applied
for probate in solemn form of the last
will of said deceased, you are hereby cited
to be and appear at the next September
term of said court, on the first Monday in
September next, as said will of said de
ceased will then be offered for probate in
solemn form.
GEORGIA—-Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office, August 9, 1912.
B. F. Langford as guardian of Mrs.
Nancy J. Cloud, represents that he has
fully discharged the duties of his said
trust, and prays for letters off-dismission.
This is, therefore, to notify all persons
concerned, to show cause, if any they can.
on or before the first Monday in Septem
ber next, why said guardian should not
be discharged.
GEORGIA—FuIton County. '
To the Superior Court of Said County:
The petition of Helen D. Longstreet, of
the county of Hall; L. G. Hardeman, of
the county of Jackson; Thomas E. Wat
son, of the county of McDuffie; George F.
Gober, of the county of Cobb: Lucian
Knight, of the county of Fulton: W. J.
Speer, of the county of Fulton; Florence
Pierce, of the county of Fulton; Seaborn
Wright, of the county of Floyd; -AV. B.
Davis, of the county of Burke; R. C. Ellis,
of the county of Tift; H. S. White, of the
county of Screven; AA’. M. Brinson, of the
county of Jenkins; A. C. Appleby, of the
county of Jackson; Walter Hunnicutt, of
the county of Rabun; W. E. Rushing, of
the county of Jenkins; Lucy A. Rushing,
of the county of Jenkins; Electra Tyler
DeLoach, of tha. county of Jenkins;
Charles V. DeLoach, of the county of
Jenkins; Minnie K. Moody, of the county
of Rabun; A. R. Miller, of the county of
Bibb; M. T. McWhorter, of the county of
Rabun; Mrs. AV. Y. Atkinson, of the
county of Coweta; Mrs. AV. H. Felton, of
the county of Bartow, and approximately
three thousand more persons whose names
appear in a list hereto attached, and made
a part of this petition, respectfully shows
to the court:
First. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and assigns,
to be incorporated and made a body poli
tic under the name and style of the Tal
lulah Falls Conservation and Parking As
sociation for the period of twenty years
with the privilege of having their charter
renewed at the expiration of that time, as
provided by law.
Second. The business of the proposed
corporation is purely educational, patri
otic, and philanthropic, the same being
to preserve the falls in Tallulah river,
known as Tallulah Falls, from being de
stroyed by anj’ corporation or persons
whatsoever; to prevent the land and scen
ery on and near the Tallulah river in Hab
ersham and Rabun counties, Georgia, from
being injured, damaged or destroyed by
the erection of dams, power plants, or
any other works, structures, or building
To furnish attorneys and counselors-at
law at the expense of the said Tallulah
Falls Conservation and Parking Associa
tion to the state of Georgia for the pur
pose of conducting a suit to recover the
lands at Tallulah Falls between the brink
of the gorge of Tallulah river and Tal
lulah river along lots 183. 11 and 12, in
Rabun county, Georgia, and lot 193 in the
Thirteenth district of Habersham county.
Georgia; in connection wdth said suit to
enjoin all persons, corporations, or firms
whatsoever from trespassing on, or in
juring, damaging, or destroying said
lands. To furnish lawyers as aforesaid
for the purpose of conducting suit to re
cover any other land in said counties of
Habersham and Rabun to which the state
of Georgia may have legal title, or which
the duly constituted authorities of the
state of Georgia will authorize the said
Tallulah Falls Conservation and Parking
Association to enter suit to recover; to
preserve said Tallulah Falls and the
scenery on and near the Tallulah river
for the education, enlightenment and ben
efit of the present and all future genera
tions; to erect on said property, with the
consent of the state of Georgia, any such
buildings, structures, or places of amuse
ment as are usually erected in or near
state and national parks; to have the
said land at Tallulah made into a state
or national park, and to erect any build
ings therein, with the consent of the state
of Georgia, that may be thought necessary
or proper for the amusement or conven
ience of visitors to said park. To con
duct lecture tours or such other business
as is generally conducted by lyceum
clubs; and such other business as is gen
erally conducted by other corporations
similar to this association except that
there shall never be any admission fee
charged to any of the visitors to said
Third. That the principle place of busi
ness of the said corporation shall be in
Atlanta, county and state aforesaid, and
a branch office at Gainesville, Hall coun
ty, Georgia.
Fourth. Petitioners desire the right to
change the legal residence of the said
corporation from said city of Atlanta to
any other city or county within the state
of Georgia by resolution of the members
of the proposed corporation as provided
by section 2838 of the civil code of 1911.
Fifth. The first officers of the proposed
corporation shall be Helen D. Longstreet
president; Thomas E. Watson, Mrs. W. IL
Felton, Mrs. Electra Tyler DeLoach, Wal
ter Hunnicutt, vice presidents; Lucy A
Rushing, secretary; R. E. Peterson, treas
Sixth. Petitioners desire the right to
sue and be sued, to plead and be im
pleaded. to have and use a common seal,
to make all necessary by-laws and regu
lations, and To do such other things as
may be necessary by laws and regula
tions, and to do such other things as may
be necessary to the successful carrying
out of said business, including right to
buy, hold and sell real estate and per
sonal property, suitable to the purpose
of the corporation, to receive donations
by gift or will, to execute notes and
bonds as evidence of Indebtedness In
curred or may be incurred in the conduct
of the affairs of the proposed corpora
tion, and to secure same by mortgage,
security deed, or other lien under exist
ing laws.
Seventh. Petitioners desire the right to
apply for and accept amendments to their
charter either in matter of form or sub
stance. They also desire that said cor
poration may wind up its affairs, liqui
date, and discontinue Its business at any
time it may desire to do so by a vote of
two-thirds of its members at the time of
its liquidation.
Eighth. They desire for said corpora
tion the power of renewal when and as
provided by law. and that it have such
other rights, powers, privileges and Im
munities as are incident to like corpora
tions. or permissible under the laws of
Georgia, now or hereafter, of force.
Wherefore, petitioners pray to be In
corporated under the name and style
aforesaid with the powers, privileges and
immunities herein set forth, and as are
now, or may hereafter be, allowed a cor-
Legal Notice.
notation of similar character under the
laws of Georgia
Attorneys for Petitioners.
IS) Filed in office, this the 18th day of July. |
I certify that the above and foregoing
is a true and correct copy of the peti
tion for incorporation of the Tallulah
Falls Conservation and Parking Associa
tion, which was this day filed In my office.
This the 18th day of July, 1912
Clerk Superior Court Fulton County.
E. S. Buchanon. AV. A Steed, A. F.
Martin. E. P. Harding. A. N. Wood. J. H.
Taylor. Paul Benson. E. H. Norris. W. Y.
Scroggin. A. J. Phillips, Chas. Ehman,
AV. S. Askew, K. AV. Starr. E. L. Mallard.
M. T. Phillips. H. L. Griffin, T. AV.
Reeves, E. A. Curtis. Chas. Stevens. W.
A. Cotton, B. H. Hopkins, G. G. King.
Coralie McAvoy. Wm. A. Post, Jr., AV. H.
V. Linden, L. A. Dean, J. E. Dean. S. T.
Lambert. B. J. Sewell. Mrs. L. P. AVlnter,
H. E. Harris, L. P. Bryant, O. A. Nix, J.
H. Britt, A. A. Webb, R. N Holt,- L. M.
Brand, J. T. Simpson, J. C. Oakes, S. A.
Summer. G. H. Byrd. W P. Brogdon, T.
C. Mason, E. S. Brooks, C. R. Thompson,
D. C. Kelley. H. P. Edmonds, H. G. Rob
inson, Hugh G. Burnette. Chas. McCon
nell. AV. Sikes, Paul Kelley, Harry
Shields, G. F. Kelley, E. T. Montgomery,
J. A. Townes, J. AV Towns. Leon AVal
lace, C. R. Smith. J. E. Davis. C. J. Rob
erts. G. S. Kelley. AV. G. Holt. AV. N.
Downs, T. C. Berryman. I. B. Jahan, J.
AV. Barnett. F. L. AViliiams. T. L. AVil
liams, Candler Craig. Geo. W AViliiams.
P. D. Green, Ed Tarpley, T. M. O'Kellev.
Fred Byrd. G. F. Comfort, H. H. Moffett,
Alfred Herrington, Garland Green, G. F.
Brooks, Hoy Green, Ben H. Shackelford,
D. 8. Hamilton, Chas. P. AViliiams, AV. E.
Perry. J. G. Brown, J. A. Ryals, D. E.
Kennedy, N. G. Lotudge, M. Taylor, E.
B. Causey, AV. O. Sheppard, D. J. Shep
pard. J. A. Lasseter, AV. D. Benson, E.
C. Youngblood, J. U. King, Max E. Land.
AA’. E. Edwards, T J. Durrett, O. H.
Hammock, J. E. Lindsey, J. T. Mc-
Glamry, G. M. Bullock, J. M. Wash
ington, E. M. Pope, J. M. Hunt.
Leonard E. Fenn, R. F. Crumpler. J. L.
Bullock, R. T. Cochran. J. B. Pate, W. H.
Chapman, A. H. Booker, C. C. Shipp,
AA’. L. Robuck, R. B. Bonfield, Sam
Lovett. T. E. Ross, R. L. Luffman, J
AV. AA’atkins, J. D. Adams. N. E. Ware,
E. L. Harwell, B. B. Brown, AV. E. Cain,
AA’. A. McKee. Jas. R. Kelly, W. C. Jordan,
G. E. Holmes, J. A'. Bates, P. B. Gleaton,
AV. A. Riddle, AV. H. Cox. G. P. Harwell,
W. G. Gleaton, W. S. Ellis, C P. Rouse,
R. B. Lyles. L. J. Collier, C. F. Walters,
J. N. Speight. A. AV. Wynn. D L. AVood,
J. D. H. Evers, F M. Coke, E. C. Schwabe,
M. T. Elder, B. T. Ware, R. L. Bullock.
AV. C. Reynolds. J. L. Lashley, F. E.
Jackson, E. Pridgen, E. K. Mar
kert, D. Holmes, AA’. A. Stern,
J. R. Crumples, W. J. Churchw’ell,
Miss Tallulah Atkins, Mrs. F. A. Colquitt,
Mrs. D. A. R. Crum. U. V. AVhipple, R. L
AVllson, R. L. Dekee, G. L. Dekee, E. Hi
Strozier, W. L. Carswell, R. L. Means, C
F. Means. J. E. Pound, O. S. McCoy. AA’.
A. Thompson, W. T. Perry, Rufus Perry,
P. E. AA’estbrook, A. M. Stead. A M. Bur
ton, A. M. Mathews, C. L. West, O. T.
Gowers, AA’. H. Dorris, W. H. McKenzie, I
J. H. Churchwell, A. F Churchwell, G.
M. Poole. S. AV. Willis,' S. C. AVeisiger,
E. AV. Stallings, H. W. Purvis, A. J. Lit
tle, F. H. Morris. S. A Thompson, E. M.
Gunn, S. R. Bolton, D. A. Pitts, R. T.
Taylor, J. T. Jeter, C. H. Dirkin. AV. I.
Kendall, Sr.. R. D B. Taylor, T. Tan, J.
E. Joiner. J. T. Adkins, Thomas Thomp
son, F. L. Bartholomew', J. B. Ryals, Theo
Shaffer, C. D. Bercax, R. E. Harris, W. H.
Parish, R. D. Mims. J J. AA’illls, W. C.
McKenzie. E. R. Overby, Thomas J. J.
McArthur, AA’. A. AA’ebster. C. L. McMil
lan, A. E. Jackson, AA'. P. Fleming. C. E.
Dodd, E. R Parker, AA’. C. Winfred. S.
Catchings, John R. Bridges. J. AV. Mc-
Lendon. H. S. Brogdon. Jake Sheppard.
AV. J. Musselwhite, W. J. Murray, Coley
Wynne, B. L. Evars, AA’. W. Bunting, B.
F. Bass, E. B. Mann, C. E. Ad
ams, J. B. Barrow, H. B. Kent, A.
F. Holt, Jr.. AV H. Westbrook, J.
B. Westbrook, J. E. Zackary, D. O.
E. Cox. R AA'. Hubbard. J. H. Roberts.
O. J. Whelchel, S. F. AViliiams, J. K.
Smith, J. O. Culpepper, J. A. AA’ilson, AV.
D. AA’ilson, J. L. AVllson, T. M. Coker.
Matthew M. Eakes, Hugh Lasseter. W.
H. Marshall. M. R. Smith, B A. Kirby.
N A r . Tommey, S. E. Earnest, AV. H.
Thornton. AV. C. Hamilton, Jr., F. T. Ma
con. Joe Epsy, Jr., E. AA'. Macon. H. M.
Cowley. B. Daniel, Jason Scarboro, James
H. Brown, AV. M. Tappan, L. L. Davis,
T. E Jenning, J. AA’. Cannon, E. F. Tison,
I. P. Tyson. H. P. Sheppard. B. H. Palm
er, J. W. Dennard, S. L. Felder, J. P.
Hughes. A. L. McArthur. J. M. Cox, J S.
Gordy, H. Ashipp, J. C. AA’alters, A. Mar
tin, J. A. Littlejohn, Phil M. Berg. R. C.
Grlfferty, D. A. Hoseley, H. T. Long. AV.
M. Davis. J. T. Baker. Mrs. J. R. Bullock,
Mrs. W. S. Branan. Manlta E. Bullock, J.
R.Bullock. R. C. Murray, A. H. Long. T. G.
Hitchcock. -T. Guy Benton. Gustana Huff.
J. Y. Huff. Maud E. Long, Browyne Long,
Mae Martin, Mrs. W. E. Henslee, W T.
Moon. C. H. Barnes, J. AV. Gholstln, W.
E. AA’hlte, O T. Patten. R. B. Smith,
George D. Comer, Roy McCurdy, F. D.
Comer, A. R Thompson, H. M. Bird. Mrs.
H. M. Bird. AV. E. Henslee, J. D. Evans.
AA'. T. McCurdy. H L. Evans. Colonel J.
C. AA’eeks, C. A’. RidgW'ay, AA’. A. Rowe.
J. E. Cook, J. C. Cook, J. C. Comer, R. E.
McKenkle, H. J. AA’ood, Carolyn Klrbyi
Bell McCarty, Mary Lowe. Mrs. Flor- |
ence C. Pearson. Mrs. Savannah Gay, j
I. N. Ballard. R. Lee "Sharpe, N. AV. Gris- '
fin, H. F. Merrell, John M Jackson. AA’. C.
Roberts. J. J. Horn, J. M. Merrell, J. G.
Buyers. E. A. Merrell, A. AA’. Alexander,
AA’. C. Thomason, AA’. R. Hay. H. AA’. Long,
J. A. Murrah, D E. Sox. Jim Dempsey.
Mrs. P L. Sims, A. O. AViliiams, S. C. Ky
tle, AValter Grover, P. C. Griffin. Sam
Boggs, AA’. O. Perry. J. M. Carlisle. Ernest
C. Welsh, L. A. AA’ood. S. J. Cole. F. L.
Griffin. G. E. Dozier. W. S. Campbell, J.
A. Lyle, J. M. Stephenson, S. B. Pace,
AV. J. Perdue. W. W. Baskin, J. T Brad
ley, R. AV. Adams. E. S. Griffith, T. Cof
fee. Ed Bowdon. C. R. Mullins. E. L. Con
nell. J. T. Boatright, A. D Turner, O. M.
Bledsoe, S. J. Brown, R. AV. Jackson,
Jackson Smith. Mrs H. R. Robinson, Mrs.
J. A. Rhudy, Mrs. S. K. Smith. Mrs. C E.
Ropp. Mrs. AV. J. Millican. Mrs. G. F.
Cheney, Mrs. Oscar Hay, Mrs. Paul Jack,
Mrs. C. K. Henderson, Mrs Mollie AA'ard,
Miss Allie Beall. Mrs. F. M Camp, Mrs.
T. B. Slade. Mrs. Robert Fitts, Mrs. A. K.
Snead. Mrs. E. B. Meadows, Mrs H O.
Hale. Mrs. T. B Bradley. Mrs. AV. O.
Perry, T. E. Maddex. Harper Harris, O.
M. AVright, J. B. Mullinax, C. P Jackson,
Thomas A. AA’right. Thesley Bramlett, J.
J. D. Smith. Erwin Baggette. J. F. Harris,
I. N. Stuart, J. AA’. Brooks. AV. J. Ensley.
Mollie Smith. Essie AA’right, Ella Peeples,
Mrs. J A. Jones, Mrs. J. A. Howard, Miss
Leo Howard, J. A. Howard, Mrs. J. T.
Harris, L. G. Collins, M. H. New, C. O.
Maddox. Anna Hudgens, H. Strickland.
Jr., D. W. Wilson, Lonne Pittson, Lee
Hill, Mrs. Lee Hill, AA’ C. Newsome. Mrs. |
AV. E. Newsome. Hill Wyatt. Nelia Mill
Hill. Mabel Chapman. Miss Ruth Ingram,
Barney. E. H. Beck. Mrs. C. H. Smith,
Mrs. C. R. McCrory, Mrs. R. C. I
McCrory, Mrs. R. C. Collins, Mrs. i
R. AA’. Edwards. Mrs. A. S. Munro. 1
Mrs. F. F. Cheney, Mrs. R. M. I
Murphy, Mrs. E. AV Strange. H. J. I
AViliiams, Mrs R. E. Eason, Mrs. J. E. .
Stewart, R. C. Trammel. AVillie Childers, I
Mrs. A. A’. Perry. Miss Irene AA’all, Mrs. i
J. AA’all. Mrs. J. C. Sears. Miss Ruth Stew
art, Mary Strange, Miss Emma Hood,
Mrs M. D. Herring. Mrs. T. J. Myers.
Dome Dollen, Mrs. J H. Cheney. Mrs E.
L. McGowan. Mrs. L. H. Peacock, Miss;
Julia Peacock. C. C. McCrory. C. R Mc
cory, R. AV. Edwards. AA' W. Lumpkin, |
B. N. Bussev, J. J. Caldwell. G. P. Bussey, |
AV. H. Martin, Mary Cole. AV. H Clark, J.
S. Hargrove, Ruth Curry, D. B. Phillips. L.
M. Curry, L. A. Curry. Mrs D B. Phil
lips. Mrs. J. C. Kytle, Mrs. B. N. Bussey,
AA’. N. Collum. AA'illie Leummer. Mrs. M.
P. Bussey. J. M. Jones, J L. Reid. T. E.
Bussev, Homer Stuckev. B. A. Peacock, j
AV. AV. Yance. H. L. Donaldson, J. M.
Bussey, 8. AV. Snead. Mrs. M. D. Snead,
Mary Snead. Maggie Snead, T. A’ Bussey,
T. B. Smith, R. L. Smith. Mrs. T. B.
Smith, R. B. Kelly. R. C. Kelly. J E. Gad
dy. N. J. Gaddy. J. C. Kytle, H. L. Summer
Si Nermard, Mrs.AV. H. Kelley, AA’. H Kel- I
ley, Mrs. J. J. Caldwell, A. Bussey, Mrs. A. I
C. Carswell. Mrs. J. L. Reid. Miss Vesta
Reid. Ernestyne Barfield, Chester Reid, I
Ab Hargrove, Mrs. A. B Hargrove, Mrs !
AV. H. Clark. Mrs. E. B. Smith. Ruth
Wheeler, E. B. Smith, Mrs. M. C. Bus
sey, Rossie Bussey. Mrs A’. T. Lucas. Mrs. ;
E. A Lucas. Dr. O. F. Collum. Mrs. O. I
F. Collum. B. H. Summer, J. W. Jones. |
Mrs. J. W. Jones. M P Bussey, Mrs. Ellz- -
abeth Curry. J. F. Morris. Mrs J. F. Mor- |
ris, Mrs.W. H. Martin. Mrs Milton Jessup.
Mrs. J. 8. Montford. Mrs. J L. Strickland,
Mrs. J. B. Fordham. Mrs. H. A Knight,
Mrs. Claude Robinson, Mrs. A’. V. Tipton. |
Myrtle AA’ebh, J R Fordham, AV N. I
Roach. M M. Hobbs. J. S. Montford. J. B.
Fordham. H. C. Perry. J. I Fordham. J. |
L. Strickland, AV. P. Perry, AV. L. Strick- ;
land, H. I). Johnson. E. J. Scarborough. '
AA’. E. Robinson. AV. T. Burgess, Mrs. AA'.
E. Robinson, AV. L'. Fordham, R. H. I
Roach, A’. R. Jenkins. A. A. Josey. J M.
AA’olfe, J. A. Strickland, H. A. Knight,*
Legal Notice.
G. L. Edwards. T. M. Brake. Tl. M. Wank
J. F. Daniel. M. C. Domlny, AV. L. Roach. |
E. C. Fordham, Mrs. E. C. Fordham,
Dosia Fordham. Mrs. E N. Roach, R. H
Perry. James M. Fordham. Mrs. E. J.
Scarborough, Mrs. R. O. Dixon. Nora
Martin. Mrs. AA’. L. Strickland. Augusta !
Revirirus, Leora Davis. Esther Bush,
Ruth I. Hart. J. O. Humphries. C. AA’. :
Loudermir. George AV. Carpenter, Joseph I
Laggins, Martha Smith. Bertha A. Hast
ings, Hubert M. Green. . Hinton Black- i
shear, T. AV. Kinney. Ina S. Halden. F. B. i
Kize, Eunice A. Jordan, Grade Kinney.
Alfred Morgan, Weldon Patterson, Flora
E. Blanks, Nina Morgan, M. H. AA'ade,
Otis Smith. E. N. Hawthorne. AV. B. Moye.
Howard Oliver, Oscar J. Griffin. Homer
Luffman. Fletcher Oliver. Grady AValler,
Belle McMillan. Jessie Pitts," Australia
McMillan, Corinne Taylor, Rex Sosebee,
Joe Grant, Roger Meeks. Frank A. AVhite,
Ossie Mae Eddleman. Ellen M. Click. John
M. DaVennort. Florence Hendrickson. A.
L. Dyer. Ossie Echols, Lois Bryant, Myr
tle Brown. Laura Anderson, Marie AA’ebb,
Grace Bush. Lila Neal, J. C. Rogers. AV.
Baxter Smith, F. AV. Luffman. A’esta
Smith, Mrs. G G. Hunt. F. H. Flor. T J.
Tolnas, Martha Bush, Olive M. Van Heise.
AA’. K. Mulkey, Mrs. J. M. Ayers, Roy
Smith, Calvin Smith, Edith Harrison An
drews. Nellie M. Burgess, Minnie L.
Crawford. Zona Peek, John M Peyton,
AV. Brooks Phillips, Leone C. Hart. J. H.
Ford, George H. Casqn, Clyde AA’eaver,
J. F. Blackburn, A’era H. Fisher, C. M.
Yearwood., Mary Griffin. Maude Keener,
Emma Harris, Effie Turpey, U. □.• Jo
rdan, Josie M. Meece, E Louise Pat
ten, Lillian Peek. Fred G. Tuck
er, Ethel Gillespie, J. S. Adams.
J. AA’. Carter. Mrs J. W. Carter, Homer
Carter. Mrs. Homer Carter, George Han
son, Mrs. George Hanson, Alonza Ragan.
Mrs. Alonza Ragan, Jeff Conner, Mrs.
Jeff Conner. Miss Lillie Conner, AA’. H.
Atha, Mrs. AA’. H. Atha, Richard Atha,
Mrs. Richard Atha, Tumlin Atha. Pierce
Atha. Pink Atha. AA'illiam McCollough,
Mrs. AA'illiam McCollough. Pearl McCol
lough. AA’alter H. Carter. Mrs. AValter H.
Carter, J. M. Sammons. Mrs. J. M. Sam
mons. Nettie Sammons. Maud Mobley.
Bertha Mobley, Ora Mobley, Ben H. Rob
ertson, Mrs. Ben H. Robertson, E. H.
Mobley, Mrs. E. H. Mobley, Janie Mobley.
D. T. Cumpton, A. 8. Cumpton, P. E.
Cumpton. Essie Cumpton. T. M Mobley,
Mrs. T. M. Mobley. Mrs. Elizabeth V.
Booth, Carl H. Booth. R. M. Booth. Mrs.
R. M Booth. D. P. Cumpton, Mrs. D. P.
Cumpton, W. H. Breedlove, Mrs. W. H.
Breedlove, Clyde Breedlove, Hugh H.
Breedlove, Mrs. Hugh H Breedlove. J. D.
Cumpton. Mrs. J. D. Cumpton. J. J.
Cumpton. Effie Cumpton, LiUfe Cumpton,
S. F. Deaton, Mrs. S F. Deaton. H. T.
Cown, Mrs. H. T. Cowh, E. H. AV. Barker,
Mrs. E. H. AV. Barker, Joe Livsey, Mrs.
Joe Livsey, Ed. H. Palmer, Mrs. Ed. H.
Palmer, M. C. Camp, Mrs. M. C. Camp,
John AV. Durden, Mrs. John Durden,
Jeff Christian, Mamie Dallas Chris
tian, Hattie L. Christian. Clare
Christian, Sallie AV. Treanor, John
T. Lane, Helen Brown, E. B. Brod
nax, Eugenia Mandaville, Mrs.
L. P. Mandaville, Mrs. John Stokley,
Mrs. Robert Bradley, Mrs. McAlpine
Thornton. Mrs. Sidney A. Kindrick. Mrs.
Arnos AA’. Adams, Mrs. E. B. Benson,
I Mrs. A. G. McCurry, Mrs. Julian B. Mc-
Curry, Mrs. AA’alter L. Hodges, Mrs. Mar
garet Adams, Mrs. Amanda McMullan,
Mrs. S. AA’alker Peek, Miss Lula Peek,
Mrs. Claude D. Turner, Mrs. M. M. Rich
ardson, Miss Emma Kay. Miss Edna Ben
son, Mrs. Paul Harrison. Mrs. AA’. C. Rob
erts, Mrs. T. S. Bush, T. S. Bush. Mattilu
Smith, Mrs. C. R. Smith, N. R. Sammons,
Mrs. E. AA’. Sammons. Lois Sammons,
Mrs. J. C. Greene. Minnie Greene. Mrs.
T. G. Smith, Lois Butler, J. B. Jackson,
J. B. Soward, 8. B. Hungerford, Mrs. S.
B. Hungerford, F. M. Stewart, G. W. Bon
ner, E. T. Dumas, Mrs. E. T. Dumas, AA’.
H. Mulligan. Mrs. AV. H. Mulligan, Mrs.
G. A. Glawson, F. Holmes Johnson. Rich
ard Johnson. G. W. Middlebrooks, P. R.
Chambliss. Mrs. P. R. Chambliss, T.
J. Middlebrooks. Luther C. Morton.
F. D. Holsenbeck, George Smith,
James H. Beusse. J. C. Starr. J. A’.
Bonner, AV. E. Morgan, R, A. Scewart,
AA’. G. McCort. J. C. Middlebrooks, O. L.
Garrett. W. C. Roberts J. H. C. Ether
idge, Mrs. J. H. C. Etheridge, Mrs. J. AV.
Bonner, Mrs. A. Ernest, Mrs. S, A. Meeks,
Mrs. M. C. Greene. M. C. Greene, J. L.
AA’right, Mrs. J. L. AVright, W. AV. Moore,
AA’ H. Lowe. J. A. Burnette, J. AA’. Bur
nette, Sr., D. M. Moore, H- C. Burnett,
J. D. Roberts, L. C. Kitchens, J. C. Strip
ling. B. F. Stripling, Ada Kent, Elbert
Kent, A. E. Goggans, E. C. Goggans, Min
nie Smith, H. C. Smith. T. M. Griffin,
Ella Griffin, I. L. P. Griffin, D. M. Smith,
Thomas Smith, C. L. Edwards, Ada Ed
wards, J. AA’. Ussery. Bessie Pritchett,
Rubie AA’aits, Lora Cammell, C. M. Cam
mell, Grady. Smith Mattie Bishop, Allen
Bishop, AA’. E. Newby, Mattie Bishop,
Jesse AA’ilson. Inez Vining. T. J. AA’ilson.
Mrs. F. M AA’ilson, Gordon Wilson. '->weii
AA’ilson, Mrs. L. O. AA’ilson. Sallie Wilkes,
James Chambers. J. A. Chambers. J. J
AA’jlkes, H. C. Smith. W. T. Wilks, J. T.
Pritchett, AV. H. Smith, L. C. AA’aits,
Pierce Chambers. Nannie Hardagl, Cora
Greer. Nannie Chambers. Tennfe Griffin,
J. T. Smith, T. J. Harden, J. Glawson,
Mrs. H. H. Harris, Emma Mae Harris,
Sara Mercer. Mary Lee Greene. Mary D.
Bradley, Maude Mason, Hugh W. Bragg.
AA'. B. Roberts, Fred Smi'.ii. Lucile Mer
cer, Estelle Greene, Estelle Glawson. Ver
na Glawson, Oneita Tyner, Pauline Brad
ley, A. C. AA’hitehead, A’erna Winters,
Kathron AA’right, Carlton Gordon, Grady
( Carmichael, H. H. Harris, Mrs. S. B.
Smith, AV. H. Barron. J. AV. Barron, Mrs.
G. AA’. Barron, J. AV. Turk, George T. Pip
pin, T. A. AA’hlte, B. T. Crutchfield, T. H.
Dougherty, Sannelle Culpeper, Ruth Wil
burn. Erma King, Ruby Gordon, S. R. A.
O'Kelley, Vivian Gordon, Carrie White,
Paul AA’hlte, Joe Chiles, John McCart,
Mabel Borom, Annie Ruth Hardin, I na M.
Holland, AA’innie Brown, Mary White,
Douglas Jackson, Johnnie King, Fred Pip
pin, Douglas Borom Lucy Gordon, Pearl
Gordon. Sam Barron Smith, Lula Gordon,
Miss Bessie Peek, E. AV. Sammons, Lois
J 4 Stewart, AA’. Bonner, AV. P. Griffin,
Nannie Lee Tyner, Maud Gresham, Ray
Pippin, A’ernon Crutchfield, Myrtle Pippin,
Moses Gordon, Eva Borum, Louise Cul
pepper, Elizabeth Culpepper, Mary Tyner,
Dorothy O’Kelley, Emmil Gordon, Lizzie
Simmons, R. E. Hutchings, D. AV. Fuller,
C. AA’. Hutchings, Robert AV. Ross, AA’. J.
Ross, S. F. Ross, S. N. Layson, C. B.
Brooks, Fannie E. Miller, Amanda L. Mil
ler. Mrs. C. L. Fullilove, Mabel Miller,
Amanda Epps, Jesse Miller, Mary A. Mil
ler. J. M. AA’oodall, J. F. Little, O. W.
Little, Mrs. J. T. AViliiams. J. T. AVil
iiams, AV. B. AViliiams, E. E. Miller.
Dewey Brooks. Julian Brooks. E. AA’. Lit
tle, J. S. Miller, Sidney Little. C. E.
Tharpe. Eunice Hudson, Dolly Ethridge,
Lillie AViliiams, AV. L. AVheeler, J. L.
Elder. J. A. Ross, Essie Elder, R. F. El
der. Mrs. J. L. Elder. D. J. Elder, Zulee
Elder, Mrs. aA'. L. AA’heeler, Mrs. J A.
Ross, W. G. Elder. T. W. Duffy, Mrs. M.
I J. AA’ood, Mrs. P. T. Pitts, Jane Thigpen,
Libbie James, R. H Kingman, Jr., Irene
Etheridge, Rita Duffy, Paul Duffy, Mary
Pitts, Arthur AA’ood. Abner Pitts, James
Etheridge, Annie Mae Christian, Julia
I Christian, Mrs. J. C. Christian, Minnie
Christian, Robert Christian, J. T. Sam
ples, Mrs. Lula Ayers, AV. M. Samples.
Mrs. AA’. Samples, J. J. Samples, F. 41.
I Samples, T. J. Samples, E. AA’. Samples.
Annie B. Samples. Mary E. Samples. Mat
tie L. Samples, Bernard Dougherty, R L.
Fountain. B. I. Clark, S. A. Fountain,
H. G. Samples, M. M. Samples, AV. L.
Hesterlee, R. A. Edmondson, Thomas B.
Slade, H. N. Spence, H. C. Strickland, L.
C. Mandeville, B. M Long. AV. AV. Fitts.
Rev. Jesse M Dodd, Homer Boatright,
AA'. L. Fitts, AV. E. 'Dozier, F. M. Camp,
J. AA’. Fitts, N. S. Horton, E. M. Bass,
H. J. AA’orthy, AA'. E. Johnson, E. W.
Johnson, L. K. Smith,. C. B. Carpenter,
R. J. Galbraith, B. F. Brown, H. A. Snead,
A. S. Robertson. I. A. Daniel, Emmett
Smith. J. H. Burson. A. J. Ruskin, G F.
Cheney, J. H. Robertson, J. S. Travis,
M. E. Griffin. B. M. Thornton. C. H. Huff.
J. H. McClellan. J. D. Cook, C. E. Street.
C. E. Yancey, G. AV. Bunut, H. F. Mer
rell, J. A. Bunut, J. R. Holt, H. 11 As
kew. J. A. Tanner, P. S. Smith, Weems
O. Baskin, AA'. J. Stewart, G. T. Spence,
T. Hyatt. M. M. Bradley. John E. Martin.
AV. H. Shaw. S. J Busha, K. E. Taylor,
L. M Hadaway, B. B. Crane, Charlie L.
Mauldin, Rev. Henry B. Mays, Professor
AA'. N. Nunn, Professor A. V. Kimsey,
Professor J I. Smith. Idus Bowden. Dr
B. A’. AVllson, Lee h'reeman. Mrs.
Mary AA’lllbanks. Mrs. R. A. AVill
banks, Mrs. Henry Bowman. Miss
Jennie Crane, Miss Lenora Mauldin.
Mrs. J. Hayes. Bertha Hadaway.
Mrs. H. L. Cleveland. Mrs Euia
Maxwell. Mrs L. A. Harper. Mrs. W.
E. AA’allis, Mrs. Henry Loeht, Mrs
C. Chedel, Mrs. Harry Rose. Mrs
Eugene Kelly. Reevie Adams. Nell Al
mand, Mrs. R AA’ard, Elizabeth Denton,
Lucy Kerby, Clara Robertson. Sadie Sapp.
Margie Huff Hill. Rose Huff. Lois Morse,
Ethel Black. Margie Shumate Coffey,
Kate Hamilton. Clara Brown. Fleta Can
non, Julia Horton Mcßryde, Carrie Green,
Marcia Buchholz. Eugenia McAVllliains,
Ella Lewis Martin, Lillie White Denton,
May I.ynn Davis, Belle McCarty. Kather
ine Buchholz, Grace Flemister. Cora Fel
ker Brown, Nell King Davis, Mabel Les-
Legal Notice.
ter, Jennie Hamilton, AA’illie AA’hlte. Mat- j
tie Lee Huff. Bessie Hamilton. Nell Man
ly McAVilliams, Carolyn Kirby, Minnie Me- I
Gregory, Mrs. J. S. Lowrey. Mrs. J. G. |
Dean, Mamie Dean. Mrs. John E. Morris, ;
Mrs. B. M. Davidson, Mrs. C. J Greene.
Mrs. 8. S. Janes. Mrs. R. E. Bell. Mrs. .
F. M. McNulty. Louise McNulty. Mrs. A. :
J. Garner. Mrs T. C Geise. Mary Hor
nady, Alice Melton. Mrs W C. AVallace,
Mrs. J. C. Shields. Mrs. J. D. AA’eaver. ,
Mrs. J B. Perry, Mrs. J. R. Mercer. Mrs. i
R. R Martin, Mrs L C Hoyle. Mrs. AV. !
S. Dozier. Mrs. AA’. D. Ivey. Mrs. B. L.
Gunnels. Mrs. Sam Dean. Mrs. Dudley'
Sheppard. Mrs. S. P Rampley. Mrs. AA. ;
M Thornton. Mrs. Howard A. Payne, i
Mrs. R. E. Hudgens. Mrs. D. J. Thorn- I
ton, Mrs. T. O. Tabor, Mrs. AV. M. Wil- :
cox. Mrs. C. O. Stacy, Mrs. C. D. Auld,
Mrs. R. A Auld, Mrs. Anna Duncan. '
Mrs. Z. C Hayes. Mrs. T. J. Hallyburton.
Mrs. T M. Swift. Mrs. 8. AV. Haslett,
Mrs. James ’l’. Reese, Mrs. George Gu
gan, Mrs. Lon Fortson. Mrs. Mollie Hern
don. Mrs. Henry Seymour. Mrs. T. T.
Thornton. Mrs. Henry Jones. Mrs. AA’. L.
Skelton. Mrs. J M Reeves. Mrs. A. Mix
on. Mrs. T M. Maxwell. Mrs. H. AV Ir
vin, Mrs. Paul Roberts, Mrs. G. AV. AVlills,
Mrs. AV. B. Adams. Mrs. E. AV. Vest,
Mrs. E. P. Harris, Mrs. AV. C. Smith,
Mrs. H. K. Gairdner, Mrs. AA’ona Burruss,
Mrs. AV G. Fortson. Gertrude Fortson.
Bessie AVester. Jennie Rae Auld. Mrs.
Howard Payne. Mrs. Z AV. Copeland.
Mrs. Z. C. Hayes, Ruth F. AA’ester. Mrs
H. P. Hunter, Mrs Z M. Wester,
Mrs. R. E. Oglesby, Mrs H. 8. Oliver
Ella Oliver. Mrs AV. C. Smith, Mrs. AA’ E
Snowden. Mrs. AV. L. Skelton. Mrs. M L
Stevens. Mrs. I. G. Swift, Elizabeth Swift,
Mrs. J. Y. Swift, Mrs. C. J. Stacy, Mrs
E. B. Tate. Mrs. J. H. Turnell, Mrs. Hor
ton, Mrs. J. AV. AA’ester, Mrs. AV B. Whit
aker, Mrs. AV. O. Jones. Mrs. Harry
Cleveland, Mrs. H. E. Halves, Mrs. AV. T.
Shannon. Mrs. C. D. Auld, Mrs. A. J.
Little, Mrs. AV. B. Whitaker, Mrs. J. E.
Johnson, Mrs. John Dennis, Mrs. R. E.
Oglesby, Mrs. L. M. Heard, Mrs. C. P.
Harris. Mrs. Brower Swearingen. Mrs.
John Champion. Mrs. J F. Christian,
Mrs. R. H. Eakes, Mrs. J. H. Mixon, Mrs.
J. E. Johnson, Mrs E. A. Cason, Mrs.
T. H. Murray, Mrs J. T Dennis, Mrs. B.
S. Thornton. Mrs AV AV. Adams, Mrs. H.
K Gairdner, Nora Jones. Mrs Harry
Cleveland, Mrs. AV. o. Jones. Mrs. 11. E.
Hawes, Mrs. L. M. Heard, Mrs. AV. T.
Shannon, Mrs. M. C. Blackwell, Mrs. Car
rie L. Heard, Mrs. AV. C. Smith, Mrs.
8. AV. Haslett, Mrs. J. O. Harper, Mrs.
E. AA’. AA’est, Mrs. J. P. Bailey. Mrs. A. J.
Cleveland. Fannie Henry, Mrs. T. O.
Tabor, Mrs. J. M. AA’ester. Mrs. Henry
Jones, Mrs. J. H. Seymore, Mrs. E. B.
Tate, Mrs. J. N. Worley, Mrs. L. M.
Heard, Mrs. George Haley, Mrs. AV. AV
Reese, Mrs. John Reese. Mrs. AA’ M.
Henry. Mrs. J. E. Asbury, Mrs. AVilton
Hortson, Mrs. J. M. AA’ebster, Mrs. A F.
Smith, Mrs. C. J. Almand, Mrs S. G.
Smith. Sallie Henry. Nell Proffit, Eliza
beth Swift, Nora Jones, Irene Burch, Mrs.
J. E. Brewer. Mrs. L. H. Turner, Mrs.
E. B. Tate, Mrs. Parker Smith. Mrs.
Hugh M. Campbell. Mrs. J. C. Hlggin
bothan, Mrs. AA’. L. Harris, Mrs. J. J.
Burch, Mrs. AA’illie Jones, Mrs. AV. A.
Rucker, Mrs. L. McGhlntz, Mrs. AA’. M.
Adams, Mrs. L. M. Stevens, Mrs. J. C.
Mattox, Mrs. E. Nock, Annie Peason,
Addle Brewer, Belle Burch, Mrs. B. H.
Kay, Mrs. T. M. Swift. Mrs. L. Hodge*,
Mrs. H. E. Hawes, Mrs. C. H. Smith,
Mrs. C. R. McCrary, Mrs. R. C. Collins,
Mrs. R. AV. Edwards. Mrs. A. S. Munro,
Mrs. F. F. Cheney, Mrs. R. M. Murphy,
Mrs. E. AV. Strange, Mrs H. J. AViliiams,
Mrs. R. E. L. Eason, Mrs. J. E. Stewart,
Mrs. R. C. Trammell, AVillie Childers,
Mrs. A. A’. Perry, Irene AA’all, Mrs. J. R.
AA’all, Mrs. J. C. Sears, Ruth Stewart,
Mary Strange, Mrs. Emma Hart, Mrs.
AV. D. Herring. Mrs. T. J. Myers, Dollfe
Allen, Mrs. J. H. Cheney, Mrs. E. L. Mc-
Gowen, Mrs. L. H. Peacock, Julia Pea
cock, C. C. McCrary, C. R. McCrary, R.
AA’. Edwards. AA’. AV. Lumpkin, AV. L.
Reid, C. E. Wimbush. C. C. Jordan, H.
M. Pilcher, L. E. Tondu, C. M. Rainey,
E. AA’. Strange, AA’. H. Collins, T. F. Rai
ney, C. L. Battle, R. E. Hill, J. E. Short,
S. A. Royal, A. J. Hill, Grady AA’lmbish,
I. J. Hart, Arthur Hill, Rogers AViliiams,
Mrs. J. R. Jordan, Mrs. M. B. Thulkeld,
Mrs. G. AA’. Dillard, Mrs. C. H. Rainey,
Mrs. H. AV. Sellars, J. C. Higgins. A. S.
Harp, Mrs. C. L. Battle, Mrs. C. G Jones,
Mrs. R. F. AA’illlamson, Maude AA’illiam
son. Mrs. A. AV. Livingston, Mrs. H. F.
Dixon, Mrs. R. E. Hill, Mrs. N.
E. Dozier. Mrs. A. Royal, G.
M. Snipes. E. T. Snipes, D. A Snipes,
Mrs. Richard Brooks, Mrs. B. AA’. Martin,
Mrs. Eugene Booth, Mrs. John B. Pen
dergrast, Mrs. S. M. Dean, Mrs. B. M.
Zettlio, Mrs. AV E. Austin. Mrs. Lewis
D. Lowe. Ethel Hodnett, Mrs. Minnie E.
Hogan, Ruby Felder Ray, Mrs. A. H Al
friend, T. P. Cleveland, M. R. Hutchins,
AV. M. Jennings, J. N. G. Miles, Mrs.
J. G. Brantley, Nettie Mills, N. Baker,
I Mrs. E. S. Buchannon, JI. S. Buchannon,
Grace. Sherritt. J. C. Jett, Mrs. D. A.
I Smith. Mrs. AA’. T. Thornhill, D. H.
Thornhill, M. G. Glenn. L. J. Glenn, N.
B. Cash, E. C. Pike. Mrs. Henry Bauer,
Mrs. Albert Kaumann. Mrs. R. A. Soun.
Mrs. A. M Kreigshaber, Mrs. Sigmund
AA’eil, Mrs. B. Goldberg, Mrs. L. B.
Clark. Mrs. Isaac Schoen, Daisy Landaur,
Mrs. J. Buford Greenfield, Mrs. Leo
Grossman, Mrs. H. D. Fellheimer, Mrs.
J. Bigler, Mrs. Morris Benjamin, Mrs.
Henry Eichbelg, Ruby Eichbelg, Mrs. Car
rie Lang. Mrs. P. Hemreich, Mrs. D.
Klein, Rai Klein, Mrs. M. J. Goldstein,
Mrs. J. Bloch, Nettie Asher. Mrs. D.
Llebermuth, Mrs. Ralph Rosenbaum,
Mrs. David Marx. Mrs. J. E. Somnter
field, Mrs. Jacob Selig, Mrs. S. Plnkus
sohn, Mrs. Caroline Eichbeig, Mamie Ber
kele, Mrs. James T. AVikle, Mrs. C. A.
Tappan, Mrs. J. S. Barnes, Mrs. Ashton
Harwell Parham, Mrs. G. G. Glower, Mrs.
Frederick AV. Bradt, Mrs John A. Man
get, Mrs. AA’. T. AA’ilson. Mrs. Harry Ram
saur, Mrs. AV. R. Carroll, Mrs. AVillie Tap
pan, Annie Bennett. Mrs. T. AV. Hender
son, Mrs. C. B. Reynolds, Mrs. R. F.
Lyon. Martha C. Duncan, Mrs. L. Save
Hardin. Mrs. M. D. Hope, Mrs. Jane F.
Carr, Mrs. AV. C. Mansfield, Mrs. F. M.
Hardin. Mrs. A. \v. CruikshanK. Mrs.
M. B. Chambers, Mrs. A. P. McClair, Mrs.
N. R. Hammond, Mrs. T.< P. AVestmore
land, Susie M. AA’elis, Mrs. F. B. Cole
man, Mrs. AV. O. Jones, Mrs. B. J. Davis,
Mrs. F. A. Crabbe, Mrs. Ellen Crawly,
Mrs. J. T. Goodrun, Mrs. Hi/nry S. John
son. Mrs. E. E. Langford, Mrs. T. M Ed
wards, May Hardin, M. A. Boynton, Mrs.
C. E. Boynton, Jr., Mrs. M. J. Argard,
Mrs. Harry G. Poole, Mrs. AA’alter H.
Booth, Mrs. Grace AV. Carter, Mrs S. J.
Saye, Mrs. A. L. Norris, Mrs. H. O. Reese,
Annie B. Tankersley, Lucile Dennis, Mrs.
AV. A. Albright, Mrs. J. L. Dennis, Mrs. T.
R. Finley. Mrs. J. H. Bradfield. Mrs. R.
H. McDougall, Mrs. Flugene T Booth,
Mrs. D. AValker, Mrs. s. P. Nuly, Flor
ence Dennis, Mrs. AA’ade Davis, Mrs. Ed
ward Brewer, Mrs J. J. AA’est, Fiddle
Hardwick. Maude Rhodes, Martha Blood
worth. Mrs. M. H. Bloodworth, Mrs.
A. AV. Martin, M. J. Hester. Mrs
Rhea Pearce, Mrs. 8. E. Bradford.
Anna Bennett. B. F. Bennett, Charles E.
Bennett. AValter C. Bennett. Leland Ben
nett Bass, Mrs Allie S. Benett, Louise
Bennett, Dorothy Bennett, Clifford Ben
nett Bass, Mrs Allie S. Bonnett Louise
Mrs. P. Roche, Mrs A. C. Wylly, Mrs.
J. A. Space, Mrs. T. R. Durham, Mrs. J.
A. Gardner, Mrs. AV. K. Gardner, Mrs. C.
AV. Parker, Mrs. Young, Airs. J. 8. Nich
ols, Bessie May Mobley, Anna K. Clark,
Mrs Ella AV. Hall. Minnie E. Cole. Eloise
Mobley, Daviddie Mobley. E. J. Hale, Mrs.
P. H. Flury, Mrs. 8. P. Muse, B. F. Ben
nett, Jr., .1. R. Harper, P. J. Torrence,
Cruger Macauley, Malvern Hill. Jr.. M.
Manasse. Paul Foster, J. L. Gregory, S.
S. Howie, S H Johnson, A. AV. Brewer
ton, G. O. Stallings, J C Henson, AVilbur
Johnson. Philip A. Hasyn, John Ryan. R.
R. Bradley, Miss AA’. H. Kecni, H. T. Mc-
Collum, B F. Benmtt Sr., Mrs. John
Hardwick, Mrs. E A. Hartsock. Mrs. S.
T. Griffin, Mrs. E. M. Chapman. Florence
T. Truax, Mrs. P. F. Manson. Mrs. AV D
Ellis. Mrs. J. Sid Holland, Mrs. W. C. Ed
wards, Mrs. AV. D. Coleman, Miss AA’innie
Nichols. Mrs. David AVinburn, Mrs. J. R.
Mell, Mrs. J. L. Mayson. Mrs. Allee Ren
ard, Mrs. Frederick Bradt, Mrs. John
•lames Simpson, Mrs. D. R. AA’ilder, Mrs.
L. C. Matthews. Mrs Adam L. Eichel
berger. Mrs. T G. Russell. Mrs. M. Mc-
Laughlin, E. McLaughlin, Mrs. AVill L.
Hancock, Mrs. Harry H. Ellis. Mrs. Rob
ert Blackburn, Mrs. AA'. S. Coleman, Annie
Randolph Howard. AVilliam M. Glenn, S.
F. Howard. C. L. Clark, E. AVhelan, Mrs.
AA'illiam H. A'eandle, I. V. Banderson,
Henry D Capers, Mary E. DeLong. D. A.
Baker, AV M Hanson. Furlow Anderson.
George AA'. Glenn, < tgle Swindel, Sadie
Cromartie, H. AA'. Norman. T. J. Norman,
Fannie E. R Howard, B E. DeLong.
AViley C Howard H A Bitner, Mrs. Hoyt
Bitner, Mildred Tarver. Nina Hornady,
/Annie Hornady. S. Rucker. Clifford Cow
art. C. B Davis. Mrs. C. B. Davis. Mrs.
O. E. Horton. Mrs. S. B. Stuart. Mrs. M.
A Bray, Mrs. R. M Baker. Mrs T. B.
Higginbotham. Mrs. Claudia AA’elch Bass,
Nettie V Howard. Clvde Daniel. AV. L.
Thornhill. H. T Hildreth, John AV. Bell,
Mrs A. O. Granger. Mamie Jones, Mrs.
Lem D. Munford. Annie Jones Byron. Mrs.
Annie Hopktna Daves. John AV. Jones. AV.
T. Hunnicutt. C M. Greene, Fl. E. Adair,
J M Field. Jr , Earl Scheuer, P F. Ren
froe, A. D. Reeves. Robert 11. Renfroe. L.
Legal Notice.
G. Hardeman, Sara Snow, Esther Turner.
C. M. AA’right, Chester Carson, , Della
Langford. Mrs. L. O. Shannon. J. M. Mize, j
Mrs. J. M. Mize. Minnie AA’. Caskey. Ora
Carson. Luvie Carson. Mrs. T. Q. A’arner.
Mrs. T. L. Bellamy, D. O. Shannon, T. L.
Bellamy, J. I Turk, R. L. Johnson, R. S.
Hutcherson, Garland Carsib, AA’. AA’. John
son. Mrs. A. Langford, A. C. Lang- ;
ford. G. C. Glasufe, Mrs. Myra Glasure, I
C. C. Rainey. A. L. Lane, R. E. L. Ea- I
son. C. G. Tones, Mrs. E. L. Bridges, '
Mrs. AA’. H. Collins. Mrs. J. B Smith, I
Mrs. E. M Duncan. Mrs John O.
Knight, M. Gena Dozier. Mrs. AV. D.
Sears. AV. D. Sears, Claire Greene. Fan
nie Lee Leverett. Mrs. AV. B. Wing
field. Mrs. S. T AA’ingfield, Mrs. M. M.
l«amdin. Mrs. Joseph Turner. Annie AV.
Nisbet, Mrs J. N. Leonard. Mrs. AA’. M.
Dennis, Mrs. T. G. Greene, Mrs. B. R.
Beck. Mrs. A. L. Supple, Mrs. E. B.
Ezell. Sallie Prudden. Mrs V. H. Talia
ferro, Mrs C. M. Davis. Mrs. E. H. Reese,
Mrs. N. E. AA'are. Mrs U. A'. AVhipple,
Mrs. AV. I'. Fleming, Mrs. J. H. Church
well, Mrs. AV. F. Markert, Mrs. J A.
Lasseter, Mrs. John B. Ryals, Mrs. H. B.
Brunson, Mrs. A. I. AA’ebb, Mrs. E. M.
Green. Mrs. 8. AA’. Coney, Mrs. R. B.
Smith, Mrs. M. T. Payne Mrs AA’. A.
Rowe. Mrs. H. M. Bird. Mrs. T C. Da
vison. Mrs .1. B. McAA’hirter, Mrs. J.
T. Comer. Annie Comer. Reba McCurdy,
Lizzie Evans, Susie McKenzie, Ollne
Grimes. Maud Long. Eloise Davison, Ada
McConnell, Laree Power, P. M. Davis. T.
M. Sullivan. I L Goss. C. C. AA’helchel.
J. G. Eberhardt. A. J. Grlffeth, L. FT.
Roper. J. AV. Power, W. E. Henslee. J.
I, McCurry, C. A’. Ridgway, T. C. Hutch
erson, H. M Bird, A. M Scarborough. 11.
AV. Dyar, AA’. T. Moon. Joe Comar. Rob
ert Graham. T. AA' Hinton, Alice M.
Taylor. Mrs. E. C. Elder. Mrs. J. B. Hud
son. Mrs. A. T. Grimsley, Mrs. J. P.
Meadows, Mrs. J. H. Mulles, Mrs. E.
Cook. Jr., Mrs. AA’ H. Chapman, Clarice
Brooks, Francis McCullough, Sallie E.
AVashburn, Maud Gruzard, Mrs. Jack
Thompson. Mrs J. P Peacock, Mrs. John
AValker. Mrs. T. S. A’lnson, Mrs U. N.
AVyme. Mrs. J. N. AVyme, Mrs John
Purser. Jr.. Mrs. N. L. Taylor, Mrs. J.
E. Cook. Nina Thompson, Mrs. R. J.
Morgan, Mrs. A. J. Yearty, Mrs. Charles
N. Taylor. Mrs T L Bailey, Mrs. H.
B. Bailey. Mrs. J. R Garner. Mrs.
Mrs. Carlton I. Stacy, Mrs. T. G. Willis,
Mrs. J. H. Duncan, Mrs. Rachel Auld,
Mrs. C. D. Auld. Mrs. E. P. Harris, Mrs.
George T. Maxwell, Mrs. Mav Gaines,
Mrs. John H. Sayer, Mrs. J F. Stilwell,
Mrs. W. M AVllcox, Mrs. AV. L. Skelton,
Mrs. O. R. AValker, Mrs A. J. Little, Mrs.
F. AA’. Brock. Mrs. J. T. AA’hiteslde, Mrs.
R. J. Allen, Mrs. J. F. Reeves, Mrs. Dud
ley Sheppard, Mrs. AA’illiam Hoffmeyer,
Mrs AV. N. Auld, Mrs. Howard A. Payne,
Mrs. Sam W. Thornton. Mrs. AV. H. Irvin
Jennie Irvin, Mrs. C. E. Fisher, Mrs. R.
J. AA'ard, Mrs. AA’. B. AVhltaker, Mrs. H.
A. Payne, Jennie Rae Auld. Mrs. G. E.
Carithers, Mrs. Rebecca Hudson, Mrs. A.
E. Roberts, Mrs. H. J. Tribble, Margaret
Eakes. Nell Proffitt, Maude Brown, Car
rie Rogers, Eleanor Oliver, Glenn Cleve
land, Winnie May Smith, Carrie S. Big
ham, Florence Brown. Elizabeth Swift,
Nell Almand. Eugenia L. Christian, Hilda
Meadowy Lillyan Manley, Bessie AA’ester,
Elizabeth AA'illis, Chessye Cornwell, Janet
Christian, Norma Conwell, Ursula Harri
son, Jennie Rae Auld, Ruth F. Wester,
Emma Roden. Mrs. J. AV. Tippens, Mrs.
B. A. Lang. Miss Ruth McArthur. Mrs.
John Ash Pearson, Mrs. AV. T. Arnold,
Mrs. AV. B. Adams, Mrs. M. C. Blackwell,
Mrs. J. C. Brown, Mrs. L. Y. A. Black
well, Nonie Burruss, Addle Brew'er, Irene
Brewer, Mrs. J. T. Dennis, Mrs. S. 8.
Brewer, Darllna Bell, Mrs. Charlie Allen,
Mrs. J. A. Cauthen, Mrs. H. K. Gairdner,
Mrs. AA’illie Gaines, Mrs. R. E. Hudgens,
Mrs. S. C. Hawes, Mrs. Harry Hawes.
Mrs. George Haslet, Mrs. J. E. Johnson,
Mrs. Henry Jones, Mrs. W. O. Jones,
Mrs. AV. F. Jones, Nora Jones, Mrs. John
Mattax, Mrs. Jim Mclntosh. Mrs. Tom
Maxwell, Mrs. AV. J. Mathews, Mrs. Char
lie Parker, Mrs. H. A. Payne, Mrs. 8. P.
Rompley, Mrs. AA’. L. Skelton, Mrs. A. 8.
J. Stovall, Mrs. AV. D. Seymour, Mrs. Tom
Thornton, Mrs. E. B. Tate, Mrs. Dozier
Thornton, Mrs. T. O. Tabor, Mrs. J. E.
Thornton, Mrs. J. M. Webster, Mrs. J. N.
AA’orley, Mrs. J. L. Strickland, Mrs. D.
AV. Meadow, Mrs. Raymond Gaines, Mrs.
Reeves, Mrs. C. J. Almand, Mrs. J. T.
Arnold, Mrs. J. B. Anderson, Mrs. Char
lie Auld, Jennie Ray Auld, Mrs. H. J.
Brewer. Mrs. John C. Brown, Nell Burch,
Mrs. E H. Cason, Mrs. J. H. Champion.
Mrs. H. E. Deadwyler, Mrs L. P. Eber
hardt, Mrs. R. F. Eakes, Gertrude Fort
son. Mrs. Leila Gardner, Mrs. Alybert
Haws, Mrs. S. O. Haws. Mrs. C. P. Har
ris, Mrs. Y. C. Hays, Mrs. E. B. Heard,
Mr». AV. F. Jones, Mrs. H. J. Lit
tle. Mrs. J. R. Mattox, Mrs. Chris
tian, Louise Earle Sheats, I. H. Sheats,
Hattie Lee Sheats, Emma H. Sheats,
James M. Durden, Mrs. James M. Durden
Thurman Durden. Mrs. Thurman Durden
Grady Durden. Mrs. Grady Durden, J. AV.
Palmer, Mrs. J. AA’. Palmer, Sallie Chas
tain, B. V. Shellnut, Aurelia Shellnut, AV.
H. AA’ood, Mrs. W. H. AVood, Mrs. Lou
Whitehead, AV. H. AVood, Jr., Mrs. W H.
AA’ood, Jr., D. AA’. AVood, Mrs. D. AV. AVOd,
C. C. Hannah Mrs. C. C. Hannah, 8. M.
Hannah, James Jenkens. Mrs. James
Jenkens, Lizzie Jenkens. AV. S. Jenkens,
Amos Green, Fannie McCart, Professor L.
I J. AA’ood. Mrs. L. J. AA’ood. J. T. Kennerly,
Mrs. J. AV. Robertson, J. AV. Robertson,
Mrs. M. P. Robertson, Mrs. Susie Carter,
J. S. Brooks, Mrs. J. S. Brooks, H. J.
Boss, George AV. Boss, AA’illiam Bird, Mrs.
AA’illiam Bird, O. S. Shelnutt, Mrs. O. S.
Shelnutt, Mrs. John Woodruff, Mrs. J. E.
King, Mrs. C. M. Chamber. Alice Dyar,
William Evans, Mrs. AA’illiam Evans,
Charles Evans, L. B. Guy, AA’. T. Evans,
Mrs. L. B. Guy, N. E. Stewart, Mrs. N. E.
Stewart, B. K. Farrar, Mrs. Lizzie New
ton AV. H. Elliott, G. L. Newton, B. R.
Beasley, Eben Beasley, John Avrett, I. A.
Freeman. AA’. F.> Anderson, Mrs. B. R.
Beasley, Mrs. Eben Beasley, Mrs. Charles
Penington, Mrs. Recy Penington, Charles
Penington. Mrs. Charles Penington, Mrs.
John Avrett. Mrs S. H. Freeman, Mrs.
AV. F. Anderson, J. S. AVhite, J. AV. Gar
ner, L. T. Green, H. R. Saul. AV. H. Rob
erts. T N. AA’ebb. AA'. M. Brinson. Ethel
Crew, Robert Harris, AA’. B. AVood, T. P.
Mitchell. AA’. S. AA’alker. R. H. Harris, A.
E. Chandler, H. A. AA’rench, Mrs. H. A.
AA'rench, Amanda Perry, G. D. Perry, Mrs.
G. D. Perry, James Reid, Mrs. James
Reid, AVilbur Gresham, Mrs. AVilbur
Gresham, AA’illiam Orr, Frank Richardson,
May- and Eva Harris, Elizabeth Harris,
James A. Kendrick. N. AV. Shields. AVillie
Henry, Vannoy King, C N. King. Flor
ence Lowry, Nettie Campbell, Aloe King,
Billie Cole, Mrs. C. A. Anderson, Mrs.
M. AV. Anderson, Malinda Shields, J. M.
Bagly, Smith Treadwell, R. O. Bates,
Katie Keister, L O. Brooks, Dr. Joseph
M. Tribble, Mrs. AV. M. Rainey, C. H. Mc-
Donald, T. J. Love, J. A. Farmer, J. P.
Anderson, A. L. Hailey, W. H. AA’atson,
J M. Murphy, Mrs. H. AA'. Moore, J. S.
Keister. Murray King. Pansy Heartselle,
Nettie Steed. Frankie Anderson, Buell
Cox. R. P. Jlufstetler, O. U. Dickson, Nora
Kiester, R. O. Rouse. 11. AV. Moore. C. AV. I
Brown. L. F. Peeples, J. L. Fowler,
H. AA'. MorelancU G. L. Moore, H.
H. Anderson, R. Nail Steed, AValter
T. Kener, Hull Kerr. R. A. Davis,
O. K. Bates. S. B. Carter, A. J. Patterson,
Lawson Fields, Mrs. Lawson Fields, Mrs.
Lawrence Kearney, F. E. Massengale,
Mrs J R. Garner, Lina Garner, Mrs.
M. .1. Ray, Dora Kiser AA’ebster, Harriet
AA’ebster, Sarah AA’ebster. Daisy Tlcknor,
Mrs. L. Renean, Mrs. T. AA’. Newborn,
Mrs. J. N McClure, Mrs. R. E. Skinner.
Mrs. J H Christian, Mrs. J. E. McEl
roy. Mrs. John A Griffin. Mrs. H. J. Rey
nolds, Laura AA’ilson. Ruth Johnson. I/ola
Key, Mrs C. A McDaniel. Mrs. T. E.
Johnson, Mrs. R A. Myers. Mrs. S. A.
Martin. Sophia Myers, Plckette Myers,
Mary McA. Myers, Mrs. AV L. Roy, D. D.
Kinnett. Mrs. H. J. Reynolds, Ora Cope
land, Mrs Henry Harp, Henry Harp, T.
J. tineal, Mrs. T. .J. Oneal. A. AV. Oneal,
Lizzie Oneal, AA’alter Osburn, Mrs. AA’al
ter Osburn, John Roberson. Mrs. John
Roberson. AA'. L. Roberson. Ethel Cope
land. R. A’. Paulk, Mrs. D. D. Newberry,
Mrs. J. J. Moran, Jennie Denmark. Nan
nie Denmark. Mrs. C. G. Denmark, Mrs.
D. C. Denmark. Mrs. J. B. Tillman. C.
G. Denmark, E. R. Denmark. Mrs L.
AA'. Branch, D. D. Newberry, AA’. A. AA'al
ker, G B. Garwood, G. D. Dorough. AV.
T. Horne. Bennett, Mrs. Michael
Baum. Mrs, J. B. Rountree, M-s. L. Chap
man. Mrs. J. M Tyler, Mrs. AV. AV. AA'ade,
Mrs J. P AVade. Mrs. H. B. McFarland.
Mrs. Samuel S. Rountree. Edna Cain,
Mrs A. J. Rountree, Mrs. H McDonald,
Mrs. D. J. Blasingame, Mrs. AV. T. Horne.
Mrs AV. AV. AValker. Mrs. AV. H. Long.
Mrs. Charles AVright, Ida R. Badger, Re
beccah Badger. Mrs. S. E. McGowan. G.
AV. Averett. Charles AA’right, L. J. Ty
ler. A. Tyler. J H. McKelvey, J. D. AA’ade,
J. F. McCall, Grover C Edmondson, Sam
T. Harrell. Stanley S. Bennett. AVilliam
H. Long. Mrs. S. S. Bennett, Mrs J. M.
Cartwright. Mary Powers, P. L. AVright,
T. M. Ross, Euia B. Bass, G. R. Whit
field, N. P Alexander, Mrs. Milton Oels
ner. Mrs. George D. Raysor. Mrs. George
AA’ Averett. Mrs I. J. Faircloth. Mrs. Jo
seph Mabbett, Mrs. AVallace. Mathews,
Mrs. G. D. Dorough, Bessie *'"d, An
nie McLeod, Mrs. J. AA’. Mrs.
F E. Lumpkin, Milton Oelsncr, L. T.
Creech, Mrs. u. F. Laldlee. Mrs. J. W.
Legal Notice.
Evans, Mrs. E. D. A'’hltehead?~Mrs E*
E. Gardner. Mrs. J. H Blackshear. Mrs.
AV. E. Smith. Mrs. 8. 8. Brown. Mrs Co
lin Mcßae. Mrs. M. L. Carter, Mrs. I-en*
Smith, Mrs. AV. B. Edwards, Mrs. J.
AV. Perry, Mrs. Loam Brown, Mrs. J. T
King. Mrs. Maude Retd. Mrs. 8. 8 Fry
ar, Mrs. E. C. Settle, Mrs. H. B. Vlss
cher. Mrs. H. P. Lane. Mrs. J. A New
born. Basil M. Lonneau, Mrs. F. G Moss,
F. G. Moss. Rebie Moss. Mrs. Ollus Mc-
Connell, Ollus McConnell. Mrs. D A Be
ker, D. A. Baker. Mary Baker. Mrs. W
C. Hill, Maggie Brown. Mrs. Henry
Mashburn. Mrs Rebecca E. AVlnn. Katla
Settle, Berdfe Brown, Tea Smith, Mrs.
Lucy Smith. Helen Reynolds, Alice Futch,
Mary C. Mashburn, C. A Warnock, J.
A. AA’arnock, Jr., L. O. Rushing, F. P.
Register, Jr., Sallie Daughtry, C. C.
Daughtry. J. L. Johnson. J. E. Collins.
K. E. AA’atson, R. N. AViliiams, J. T.
Vaughn. AA’. E. Hawkins. D. F. Nevlls. S.
Corey, J. C. Kinry. Joseph Tillman, E. S.
Kennedy. D. M. Rogers. Mrs. Robert Reid,
Mrs. Samuel R. Fenn. Mrs. C. D. Mcßae,
AA’. L. Abbott, AA’. L. Abbott. Jr.. K H
Awtrey. O. Awtrey, Jr., George AV. Bar
rett, C. W. Burtz, J. E. Carnes, D. H.
Collins, A. J. Durham. H. Harrison. F. G.
Hull, AV. C. Humphries, John B. Jacobs,
J N. Johnson, J. C. Mays, L. L. McMil
lan, Pendleton Mitchell. L. L. Newell.
C. C. Phillips, L. A. Rainey, E. AV. Ray,
Robert Shipp, AV. M. Webb, AA’. F. West
brook. Mrs. L. A. Rainey, Mrs. J. A.
Reed, Mrs. G. A. Stanley,. Mrs. N. B.
Terry, Mrs. D. J. Tippin. Mrs. AV. M.
AA’ebb, Mrs. W. F. Westbrook, Louisa
Awtrey, Mrs. E. M. Bailey, Mrs. George
AV. Barrett, Nolla B. Barrett, Julia Bate,
Lou Bate. Mrs. J. E. Carnes. Mrs R. H.
Carnes, AVinnle Chastain. Mrs. E. L Col
lins, AVlnethel Daniel. Emma Dismukes,
Mrs Claude G. Durham. Idelle Collins
Durham. Mrs. F. G. Hull, Mrs. AV. C.
Humphries, Maybelle Johnson, Mrs. H.
M. Lemon, Katharine Logan, Nellie May
Kitchen. Mrs. J. E. Malone. Mrs. J. L.
Matthews. Mrs J. C. Mays, Annie Mitch
ell. Fannie Mitchell, Hattie Mitchell, Mat
tie Mitchell, Mrs. Pendleton Mitchell, Mrs.
M. M. McGee. Nettle Belle McMillan, Mrs.
Robert L. McMillan, Mrs. J. H. Perklnaon,
Mrs. Joe B. Rainey, Mrs. J. L. Rainey,
Mrs. Isaac H. Haas. Mrs. Ralph ATctor,
Mrs. L. Bodenheimer, Martha Ray, Ce
cile Kay, Addle Stefnheimer, Mrs. Wil- ’
llam Bauer, Mrs. A. Shulhafer, Mrs. D.
Stefnheimer. Mrs. M. Oeisner, Mrs. AV.
AV. A’isanska. Mrs. H. Edward Cohen,
Mrs. J. J. Drummer, Mrs E. E. Shyer,
Sylvia Spritz, Clementine 8. Haas, Mrs.
J. H. Rinard, Mrs. E. 8. Andrews, Ella
Everlll, Miss H. M. Avis. Alice Bailey,
Mrs. C. G. Bradt, Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs.
D. R. Boots. Mrs. Wm. Baird, Mrs. Wm.
Bishop, Mrs. C. H. Bowers, Mrs. D. I.
Carson, Mrs. H. S. Chalmers. Mrs. J. 8.
Cook, Mrs. W. R. Cummings. Mrs. Har
old Cummings. Mrs. 8. A. Darnell, Mrs.
AVlills Everett. Caroline Elchburg, Mrs.
C. H. Fairbanks. Mrs. C A. Foster, Mrs.
O. C. Fuller, Mrs. J. J. Freeman, Mrs.
C. L. Gates, Mrs. W. C. G‘U, Mrs. C. R.
Haskins. Miss Haskins. Mrs. M. Jones,
Mrs Jay Kling, Mrs. AV. B Miles, Mrs.
AV. E. Mansfield, Mrs. L. W. Moore, Mrs.
Oscar Ragland, Mrs. L. AV. Rogers, Mrs.
J. V. Reade, Mrs. Ed. Ropers, Mrs.
James Rinard, Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs.
AV. Howard Smith. Mrs. D. E.
Spencer, Mrs. J. T. Street, Mrs.
G lx"Forest Wood, Alice A’ar Dyke,
Mrs. Charles Pallle, Dolla Baugh, Julia
Brand, Maud Lavender, Mrs. W. J.
Peeples, Mrs. W. A. Cunningham, Mrs.
Morton Hodgson, Miss Coates Benedict,
Luella Brand, Mrs. E. Jackson, Mrs. H.
B AVey, J W. L. Stovall, Beatrice W.
AVinter, Mrs. Lee F. Dreyfus, Mrs. George
D Mlles, Lillie Stelnheimer, Kate Verdel,
Mrs L. W. Clark Mrs. R. J. Haynie, Mrs.
J. H. Harwell, Mrs. W. A. Owen, Mrs.
D. J. Baker. Mrs. E. D. Thomas, Mrs. C.
A Baker, Mrs. Nora Gone. Mrs. A. Straut,
Mrs. C M Kenlmer, Mrs. M. F. Jones,
Mrs. A D. Quarles, Mrs. Lillian Ballard,
Mrs. AVilliam N. Hudson, Mrs. H. Blount,
Mrs. C. M. Caldwell, Mrs. E. P. Crenshaw,
Mrs. AV. D. Bivins, Mrs. M. A. Woods,
Mrs. M E. Felton. Mrs E. B Smith, Dita
May West, Mrs AV, D. Bivins, O. O. Fan
ning. Mrs. J. Paul Green. Mrs. W. P. Sax
on, Mrs. Corine Campbell, Mrs. B. F.
King, Mrs. AV. E. Beall, Mrs. C. J. John
son. Mrs. B F. King, J. Paul Green, Mrs.
A. McD. AVllson. Mrs. E L. Connally. Mrs.
Ira Fort. Mrs C. Helen Plane. Mrs. W. P.
Pattillo, Mrs. E. G. McCabe, Mrs. Edmund
Berkeley, Mrs. James Jackson, Lillian
Slckels AVeddell, Mrs. Paul G. Rauschen
berg. Elizabeth H. Hannah, Alice Baxter,
Mrs. Robert C. Stephens, Mrs. J. P. Bar
ron. 7-19-5
SAVANNAH. GA., Aug. 9.—Notice
that a bill in the legislature making the
office of recorder of the police court
elective by the people, instead of ap
pointive by council, as at present, is
about to pass, has caused the alder
men to go on record against the bill and
to send a delegation to Atlanta to op
pose its passage. H. E. Wilson, city
attorney, and Neyle Colquitt, secre
tary to the mayor, were chosen to rep
resent the administration in opposition
to the bill. They are notv in Atlanta.
The provision is a part of the omni
bus bill introduced by the legislators
from this county. The bill has been
passed in the house and is now in the
senate, where it has been put upon Its
second reading and held up until next
CORDELE, GA., Aug. 9.—ln view of
the report which has gained currency
that a shortage of $lO6 was found in
the accounts of Crisp county’s tax col
lector, AA’. J. Musselwhite, by auditors
employed by the board of county com
missioners to audit the books of all
county officials, his friends assert that
the matter will be finally checked up
and adjusted, showing that Mr. Mus
selwhite is clear of any intentional
wrong doing.
The auditors have been called back
by Chairman J. M. Tomlinson, of the
board of commissioners, to be here to
morrow to more thoroughly go over the
tax digest in an effort to make a more
satisfactory’ accounting for the ap
parent shortage.
MACON, GA„ Aug. 9.—That her hus
band forced her to walk 22 miles, from
Milledgeville to Eatonton, with a three
months-old baby in her arms, is the
charge made by Mrs. Berta May Pitts
in a divorce suit filed against her hus
band, Evans H. Pitts.
Mrs. Pitts is deaf and dumb. She
was married less than three years ago.
Her parents are well-known Macon
people, and she is now living wjth
them. She states in her suit that the
came to her assistance as soon as they
learned of her plight.
The Second battalion of the Seven
teenth infantry left camp at Anniston,
Ala., today to hike back to Fort Mc-
The soldiers expect to reach the fort
by a week from tomorrow. The itiner
ary of the march includes Oxford Lake,
Heflin. Fruithurst and Tallaposa. Ala.,
and AVaco Range, Temple, Douglasville
and Austell, Ga. The marches on va
rious days will be from 61-2 to 23