Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 10, 1912, EXTRA, Page 9, Image 9
GLOBE CLOTHING CO GLOBE CLOTHING GO !!!«! ® II /VI PM* St you , ? eed an ? ther fl ig IVICI !• Suit > lets § et down g| gssg to business and ex- change time.JHL Bl Then is when we y C. g|g| will show you that we '// '% Jgss know more about y ,g Y' - y clothes than we do 'jl |f about advertising; more about how to l gg serve you with clothes 11 you ought to wear; gg more than we do about printed words jMfc' !K®W|| \ ff and pictures. IbWMMI \ S This ad is written ylwWMn II \ .11 ini v.y, ySsmi | V to get men here, but 1 I Wl j||« g® it is the Globe clothes . I I |h||| SI that keeps them com- H jng. The man who ®® buys a suit at the wW s»® Globe is a come-back '•fflk MIX MIX 1 eg customer, always. —— . wRwR N J H SEE WHA T HAPPENED TO PRICES 8S S!JS!S IIHII gg $lO, $12.50 and sls Suits now $7.50 S MWJIM M If sls, $16.50 and $lB Suits now $11.50 II « Ills g $lB, S2O and $22.50 Suits now $15.00 g I GLOBE CLOTHING COl EIGHTY-NINE WHITEHALL STREET MONEY SAVING SALE!! During this second week in August we are offering you a sale that for this time of year is almost marvelous. Prices no object. MILLINERY Hundreds of untrimmed shapes, worth up to $2.00 f0r..59c Panama Hats, the very latest styles, $8 and $lO values for $4.69 12 and 14-inch Plumes $4.50 DRESSES House Dresses, in all colors and mixtures. Handsome and beautifully finished, reduced from $3.98 to ... $1.50 I ■ Wash Dresses, in all colors, that sell anywhere for $6.98, for $1.98 SKIRTS One lot of white. Whipcord Skirts, the latest styles, reduced from $2.00 to 98c Another lot of Skirts in blues, blacks, tans, and grays; exquis itelv trimmed and hand-finished $6 and $7 values for $3.75 Black Silk Underskirts that were $5.00. now $1.98 $1.50 Waists—these will delight you-—for 89c | SALE NOW ON | I. SPRINGER 95 WHITEHALL STREET ————— Reasons Why Our Trunks. Bags and Suit Cases should be in your possession. We make 'em ourselves. We guarantee them for one year. Their quality and price. That’s all. LIEBERMAN’S The House of Guaranteed Baggage 92 Whitehall St. - THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1912. IsewellT! 113=115 Whitehall St. Madam, we save you from 10 to 50 per cent by retailing everything good to eat at | H Wholesale Prices. FRIDAY and SATURDAY BARGAINS SOLID CARLOAD of Peaches, li’X. 91-2 c SOLID CARLOAD of Lemons, dozen’ 1 OC I SOLID CARLOAD Extra Fan cy Irish Potatoes, Oft per peck . fcJFC II SOLID CARLOAD Fine Ferm I Tomatoes! large I basket ’ wC SOLID CARLOAD Poultry ! i and Eggs at lowest prices in 1 Atlanta. : FINE DRESSED Poultry, || I i dressed fresh on premises | ' daily. WESSON'S SNOWDRIFT II I Cooking Salad, Q I full quart fc*TV i j Big Friday and Saturday | . [ bargains in our Delicatessen ) | Department. Sewell Commission Go. ?, 113-115 WHITEHALL ST. Bell Phone Main 3939. W: | I Vanderbilt University 1124 STUDENTS 125 TEACHERS CAMPUS OF 70 ACRES, ALSO N»w r(«*N f«r dtpartmcata of Medidoe and DaoHatrr ■ Exornaet low. Literary courses For graduates and undergraduates. Professional courses in Engtneer -1 inf. Law, Medicine, Dentistry. Pharmacy, Theology. Send For catalogue, namiog department J. E. HART, Secretary, Naabeille, Tenn. I I FINAL I CUT I OF THE I SEASON H ' S Must get rid of I I ’em. Any two- I I piece Suit in the I I house for the next I TEN DAYS ONLY $18“ Blacks, Blues, Ei I Grays, Browns, I G in light and me- I I dium and heavy I I weights. The very I I stuff forth a t I || business suit. An I i $18.50 Suit from I FORDON’S is a 8 gift pure and sim- I 8 pie. Formerly I I S3O, $35 and S4O | || cu^B< Must make! H room for our S2O H i FALL and WIN- ■ H TER LINE. Bl I All $7, $8 and s9l I Pants at I I $4 75 Ifordonl THE TAILOR (Two Stores) | 5 Auburn Avenue, Corner || Peachtree 8-10 North Pryor Street (Kimball House) I . . I WALTER M’ELREATH IS A CANDIDATE FOR STATE LEGISLATURE To the Voters of Fulton County: I announce myself a candidate for re election as representative from this county, subject to the primary to be held on August 21. I have served In the legislature for two terms, and I have tried to do so faithfully, diligently and efficiently. The experience I have gained from past service has fitted me to serve more efficiently In the future. To properly represent so great a county as this, with its many and com plex Interests, Is a difficult task, and legislative experience will be especial ly necessary during the next term, when Fulton county will not furnish a sen ator. I am at a disadvantage In presenting my candidacy, because every moment of my time will be taken up with du ties in the legislature until so near the date of the primary that I will be able to see but very few of the voters. 1 trust the public will take this into consideration and will not let my per formance of duty work to my disadvan tage. WALTER M’ELREATH. •r » - GEORGIAN Want Ads BRING RESULTS. Semi-Annual Sale of REGAL SHOES FOR MEN Don’t miss these remarkable shoe bargains. Come early as the sale will last a few days only. Clearing out some of this season’s Oxford styles for men at greatly reduced prices. (wk. $3.50 Grade .... $2.75 $4.00 Grade .... $2.95 $4.50 and $5 Grades $3.75 k 1 hese are all this season’s models and . genuine bargains. Price stamped on every pair. Regal Shoe Store L. J. Wing, Proprietor. 6 Whitehall St. j| M. Rich & Bros7coT| | The m R e e „ a 's D t ore art ' 11 M. Rich & Bros. Co.| S For Tomorrow’s Half-Day’s Selling We have crowded some brilliant bargains in the compass of a half- Jj* day’s selling, and our superb offerings are of sufficient merit to crowd the second floor and tax its selling force to the utmost, ft will be gj- GJ® impossible to read this ad and not respond to the invitation it extends JG !yw to save you money on many needfuls. it 35 = : 5g i Beautiful Lingerie Waists at 1 Half Price | 2 ... 2? We’ve planned a prefit Lingerie Waist sale for tomorrow's half-day selling that is of sufficient merit KjST "'jeul IgV'yr y to bring ever}' woman in Atlanta to the second floor el? II lx / y /y' / f°r a shar6 in these splendid values. These gar- ’"'jj I ments are in upwards of 50 different elaborate de- I / Isignsl signs of all-over lace, embroidered and insertion, \ wC' They are crisp, sheer, bright, snowy white, new / / / WSk Mct stock, arid vou ought to come uj> and buv a dozen of “’MB / I I ftT-M •C ' |jp them, just as a real good investment. Amongst IjC S 1 these are a large lot of the new Auto Lawn Waists, I fill So 1' k nia d<‘ "( sheer, fine quality material. Made plain jC te 1 "'th low. rounded collar. Cool and y** 55 lljil iBAiL pretty These values are all $1 and rll Il t £1.25. Tomorrow's clearance 3 |W)P-—-V' : SE IK Tgii, m <)lir half-day Waist sale will also include a ft II i' Ts lot of very choice garments in elaborate and varied ’-5? jl i | I I designs. Positive values (I*l |j I ‘ ' $2 to—at 1 .VV I' - •| Great liah'Dav Skirt Messa pe t e ti J"aJ affeta I ' S Stile* A sparkling variety of these Silk vj? . T . Petticoats in all the modish col- gs 'Mg Linen and Pique ors an j delicate* shades. Dandy 35 Skirts values at $4.00. For tomor- Sq jJW A very choice lot of these stylish staples row’s 1 OQ in front and back panel button trimmed (dparanoo 1 •i/O 2 ■ styles—fresh, new, bright stock. Regu- lar values $2.50 and $3.00. (? 4 QQ 1 a.l 1 35 Halfdav quick selling . AIJHJC Snetl(lll(.l aj' > Vpik 2b Fresh, New Pique Skirts jjj- Splendid quality white Pique Skirts. F °r tomorrow’s half-day’s selling 5: !•* Plain and large pearl button trim. Two we will have a very special value J months wear ahead for these admirable in “made” Shetland Veils —in •£ va7neTsl S V 1.50 89C navy, white and black. Originally I— Priced at | . Verv special half-day sale of Lawn. .. ,c IN P <l"d 2> -5 M. Rich a Bros. Co. si-w 9