Newspaper Page Text
Surgeons to Operate for Re
moval of Bullet From Spine
Today or Tuesday.
Continued From Page One
and that it wa- fired at 5
o'clock in the morning and not at
11 o’clock. as Mrs. Grace had de -
clared. Solicit oi General Dorsey <
resided on the same st tert and Just
across from the (Jraces in Atlanta
“I don't care what Mr. Dorsey
said.” Mrs. Grace answered. "8n
far as lam concerned. I wish never I
to discuss my trial again. It is
something that is in the past So
long as 1 think of it I always must
think hnw Mr. Grace endeavored to
harm me. and that is something 1
wis hto forget. For the present I
shall devote m\ life to to my baby •
Her friends were not backward
in asking about ail the details of i
her trial but to all she gave the
<ame answer
“I want tn forget It.”
Just once she show ed h* r temper
w hen one of her men friends made
an uncomplimentary remark about »
Gi ace.
“You will kindly slop talking in
that manner.” said Mrs. Grace
‘ Please remember that he Is my
husband and he is a cripple at
present, but I hope to him well
before s great w hile.”
Philadelphia Papers
Have Different Story.
On the other hand, statements pub
lished in Philadelphia papers make no
reference to the reconciliation story and |
quote Mrs. Grace as foliowk:
"No: 1 am not going to take Im
mediate steps tn get a divorce. I
have not given It a thought. What
will happen later I can not say
First, 1 must consult with my |
friends and attorney Rut before
that 1 am going to take a rest. It
has been a trying ordeal for me,
and 1 am going to take my boy to
my home and devote my whole life
tn his care and upbringing."
Mie. Grace was told that there
was a report In Atlanta that she
had sent a postcard to her injured
husband. Eugene Grace, congratu
lating him on his thirtieth birthday,
and saying. "I will be with you on
your next, if you ®iy so.”
"That is positively ridiculous,"
she declared emphatically. "I never
sent any such postcard The whole
story is absolutely false."
Her attention was then called to
the dispatches from Atlanta quot
ing Solicitor General Hugh M. Dor-
W'hen Mrs. Grace read the dis
patches containing this news she
sat for some time thinking Then
she seemed to hesitate and finally I
she flushed In anger.
"1 was acquitted by a jury, which
heard the whole testimony,” she de- |
elated. "I do not know whether It j
was more unethical for this man to I
suppress supposed evidence during
the trial or to make it public after
ward. However. I was acquitted,
and that s all there is to it. 1 will
not discuss the matter further "
Grace Here to
Go Under Knife
Eugene H. Grace, who was shot tnys
terlously last Match, is again in At
lanta — this time for the put pose of un
dergoing an operation at the Georgian
sanitarium Dr. R S. Moore and Dr. J.
S. Clifford will probe Grace's spine for
the bullet
Grace still Is cheerful and optimistic.
The litter bearing the wounded man
was brought to the city from Newnan
yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock by
S. L. Hill.
"Mr Graces condition Is the same as
it was when he was here before." said
Dr B. S Moore "He is strong enough
to undergo the operation, and I believe
his chances for recovery will be greater
once the bullet imbedded in his back
, is removed."
Grace and his family ate confident
that once the bullet Is removed life will '
return to his deadened limbs
The latest X-ray photographs of the I
wound show that the bullet is half im
bedded in the spinal canal.
BOSTON. Aug. IThe harbor p<»- !
Mee toda\ dragged the ba\ at the -pm '
where the motorboat Pippin o\ iinid d i
last night with JI abn.ini in an ♦ •
to recover the bodies .w <. »n» t '
thought to have bt-.-n . ‘owned
Heroic ire u* - >ivv hi - < ;<nd
ntn. m< n in t It. |.n : x
RICHMOND. \ \ Vug 12 Mnji '
Charles S Stringfelow ~f it,.,
leading attorneys of It. iimoi,, . ltl '
ther of Stuart I’ St ingft .m of \ I
lanta. died at his h no in- . .
Blai B St: ingft .ow ;r. in. son
a member of the stock brokerage ti m
of Scott A Stringfellow of this . by
VIDALIA. GA Aug I. Toombs
county will well represen •
Twelfth District fair, which \x
held in Dublin tht- fa T ■ ta ■
are already making ptepa ttrnn- in’
win a good sha ■ of the priz< mm x \
Vice F t sjdenl Simmons, of ih>
asiociatiou. p in aclixt <haige of ■ '
work, tn Toombs count.'.
Pride of Lawmakers Has Birthday
•Jiilin T Boifciiillet. ~ ~
tii pride of two legis
oul lellinu auybods /
• -A
.-• ifr- ffjflffly'
■K \ / //
T i /I * //
'fflsLd i 1 <//
House Lets Momentous Occa
sion Pass Without Celebra
tion. for It Didn't Know.
Clerk of the House John T. Boifcuil
let (pronounced 800-so-lay, if there is
anybody left in Georgia who doesn't
know that!) had a birthday last week,
and it has Just leaked out.
Xot that tlie gentleman is ashamed
of his 3H unless the pestiferous lino
type operate gets the figures trans
posed tears, but that he doesn't make
any |.n i t leiila r point of birthdays any
more, and long ago ceased y> shout
them from the housetops. It's even a
As a matter of fact, the birthday
came around last Friday. aI1( j the hotise
overlooked It! Had it bwn wise to
w hat was going on It w ould have made |
Friday a ItolfcuiU'et holiday -or some- I
thing -for the hotire is fond of John T i
| Boifeuillet, and often points w ith pride i
Ito the wealth of snow y hair crowning
Ibis px 11 aordlna l lly high brow, and it I
I loves to Join with him now and then ini
I defying Time and bidding the old gen-j
; I lemon do his w orst!
Pride of Two Legislative Bodies.
I John T. Bi Ifeulllet is the pride, of
two legislative bodies lite Georgia
house of representatives and the I’nited
States senate In the one. he is the
chief clerk; in the other, lie is the most
conspicuous ornament
in Atlanta, he Ist the house of repre
sentatives bureau of information; in
Washington, he is Senator Augustus
Octavious Bacon's private secretary,
and is often mistaken for the senator
In the matter of distinguished looks.
John T. Boifeuillet is the glorified hub
about which and with which the Geor
gia legislature revolves, w hile in Wash
ington he is as regularly one of the
sights pointed out by rubberneck wag
on artists and capital guides as is the
Washington monument or the six-toed
Indian in one of the capital rotunda
When the Georgia house of repre
sentatives finds that it has overlooked
one of John Boifeuillet's birthdays,
it will be mighty sorry! It will hate
to think it could have done a thing so
lacking in tact and astute discretion.
But such is the ease, for yesterday
was the happy oecasion-that-should
have-been. and the house adopted no
ringing resolution of congratulations
land good wishes as it undoubtedly
j would have done, had it been w ise and
right on the Job. as it should have been.
Mt Boifeuillet has been clerk of th»
house for fourteen tears, and likely
will be for fourteen years more to < nine
at the end of which he will be just
as hem biummelesque and as sarto
rially up to date as ex er
Hi is a satisfied citizen, is John T |
I BoifviiiUet. and his very proudest po- ;
i session Is a two-year-old granddaugh- [
SAVAX ,X A H GA . Aug 12 Fra me i s
lof the Savannah charter bill ate en-
Gomageii Io ihe icceipt of j telegram
|:iom Ib'i is.uiative I Randolph' \n-
I dersun announcing that the measu'e
I has pa-sed th. Inwet house of 'he gen
era . ■ ■ Maj< W w Wl lan - I
■•on. elial'man of t>. gem-ral >onimi-
I-lon form of government committee. I
''.« ■ I ell ;i lette flom Ml. Andv'Son. ’til
which he pledges Ills support of th< I
I im asme
JA> KStiX. GA Aug 12 The Jack- |
j -on Rifles have im t leturncd from theii |
.mgi whirr th< > havi been practicing |
| o>r tin pa t few .lai s. Some splendid I
••••>:•■ wci,■ ui oil < .iptain fa pet luni I
' ' " I I'l i < . ornpany on Ihe i ang. sot I
Itht... liar I
Vote of Employees Will Be
Known August 24 Demand
30 Per Cent Wage Raise.
MAt'tt.X, GA Aug. 12. The greatest
strike of conductors, trainmen and
yardmen in the history of Southern
railroads is imminent if other employ
ees throughout the South share* the
sentiment of the Macon workmen and
vote as tlie latter are doing in favor
ot a walkout. Nineteen railroads south
ot the Ohio ami east of the Mississippi
rivets are affected.
. Ihe employees of these companies are
i now casting their ballots bv mall "for"
■, or "against" a strike, and the result
j "111 Im known on Saturday. August 24.
| rite result will then be communicated
I to the railroads as an ultimatum, and
j if the 'proposed new wage scale is not
i granjed, the strike will be called.
Ihe conductors, trainmen and yard
men have demanded what amounts to
an average raise of 30 per cent, in
wages, and in the reply from the gen
etai managers of the railroads refusing
the increases it is declared that the
roads will be bankrupted if the de
mands are granted. It is said that the
im leases, if granted, would amount to
mole than $4,000,000 a year
A final conference of the commit
tees from the workmen was held here
Saturday afternoon, with the result
that the blank ballots were ordered dis
ttibuted among the employees through
out the South. The Macon employees
•"e openly stating that they are voting
"•I a Strike unless their demands are
granted. If a strike is called, railroad
men do not hesitate to say the entire
bomb's traffic will be tied up to a great
'■xtent. and passenger transportation
"in be seriously handicapped, for a
while at least. Some 8.000 railroad em
ployees are affected.
" • M Hamilton and H A. Fox. of
Macon, are chairmen of the two com
mittees from the Brotherhood of Rail
toad Trainmen and Order of Railway
'■ondui tors. which met here Saturday
afternoon and perfected plans for the
THOMASVILLE. ga \ ug 13
' ' is will have about
■ ' yard of ticket to handle at the com
ing prtma v as. besides the state offi
cers. all county officers are to be voted
I lib' toll ticket to be voted on here
| tor county officers is Solicitor south-
■ ,r Git. H. .1. Maclntyre. .1. \
I Wilkes, judge eitv court. W. H Hain
i' 1 "' 1 "'- -"li'itoi eitv court. Roscoe
Luk. clerk superior court. \y.
I'Moove. \\ H Braswell; ordinary
I"• Al -lones. J. s Montgomery; tax
' "b' .'toi P S. Hveth; tax receiver F
s Xoi ton. .1. i' Robison, treasurer, .1
rilt T. S Sing
I'. Hazewoith; S. T Gandy:
surveyot \. J. representa
tlves, R W Hopkins. B <’ Reese. R
|R * liastain. county commissioners, E
i M Smith. .1. J Parramore. <>. a Thom,
as. It c' Johnson. W. I. Adams. J p
ii’hason and E E. Wilkes.
et John E Schwarz, having secured a
j'eav. of absence frpm Acting Mayor
Hv h..s gone to Atlanta in th. inter
. st of th. bill to make the office of re
< ■ der elective, which the city .ulmin
• ' r.,> ion s oppo-ing Mr. S. h" .ir:-. vv is
j 'n't iimen>.-' ii waving th. bill pri
st ni.'d in tn. legislature.
White Men Patrol Section of
Rome Following a Killing.
Score Under Arrest.
ROME. GA., Aug 12. -Fea ing a
fresh outbreak as the result of the row
Saturday night on "Settlement Row,’
i/i which .James Bolt, a white man, was
killed and two negroes. Henry Arm
strong and Fondren Johnson, were se
verely wounded, officers patrolled the
scene of the shooting all yesterday and
last night, reinforced by 50 o ■ fib white
I men
Early last night it was reported that
I the negro men of the Settlement, who
id .' c shortly a ftei the
Jieturned and were armed and ready
) for trouble Sheriff Dunehoo at once
deputized a number of yvhite citizens
and went out to see that no double was
started. There was no outbreak and It
is now believed that the trouble is over.
Although for a while a race clash simi
lar to the recent Plainville affair was
Neatly a score have been arrested,
th'ee being white men. Saturday nignt
after the Settlement row Cicero Wood,
a negro, was passing the Anchor Dm k
mills, when he was fired upon by white
men and injured in the leg. The sher
iff investigated and arrested H. H
I Smith, A M. Shaw and A. D. Goodwin,
all whites.
The coroner held an Inquest and the
evidence showed that Cicero Wood was
probably the one that fired the shot
that killed Bolt. He has fled, but the
she: iff is confident that he will capture
The Settlement row started when a
crowd of white men asked a negro girl
for a match. It is alleged that the
negress replied impudently, whereupon I
they began throwing locks. Oohet ne
groes joined in the encounter, out
numbered by the blacks, the whites re
peated, with the negroes in pursuit.
Already crippled, Bolt could not run.
and. when he was struck by a bullet in
the bat k, he fell. He was brought to
Rome on a street car and expired
, shortly after reaching the city.
I he shetiff is looking for others and
the indications are that ten or more
blacks will be lodged in the jail within
Ihe next 24 hours. *
WASHINGTON. Aug. 12. Charac
terizing thi' present conditions of health
1 on Indian reservations and in Indian
r schools as "very unsatisfactory.” Presl
i dent I aft has sent a speciaj message
' to congress urging the passage of the
measure now before the house appro
priating $253,350 for an Indian medical
1 "In many parts of the Indian coun
■ try." said the president, "infant mor
-1 tallty. tuberculosis and disastrous dls-
I eases generally prevail to an extent ex
ceeded only in soine of the most in
sanitary of OUT xiiifte rural 'districts
and In the worst slums. of our large
• cities.
1 As guardians of the nation it is our
immediate duty to give the race a fair
t chance for an unmaimed birth, healthy
‘ childhood and a physically efficient ma
AGRAM. HI’NGARY, Aug. 12.—One
tnan was Sentenced to death today and
seven were sent to prison for the at
‘ tempt to assassinate the governor of
Croatia in the streets of Agram last
June. Tlte prisoner condemned to death
is I.oka Jokiteh. a young law student.
Os his accomplices, five were sentenced
1 to five years imprisonment each, one
1 other got six y ears and the last got six
Four othei prisoners who had been
field in connection with the plot were
discharged, no evidence being found
against them Several shots were fired
at the governor while he was riding In
his carriage.
VIDALIA. GA.. Aug. 12.—The Mont
gomery county list of candidates will
be lessened in the August election by
the passage of the hill to create the
new county of Wheeler from the west
half of Montgomery. C. D. Adams,
who was a candidate fhr county com-I
missioner. has issued a signed card de.
dining to run in Montgomery county
and giving as his reason that he will be
a citizen of W heeler presently and does
not believe that a citizen of one county I
should hold otlice in another. Ail can-I
didates who live west of the river will
piobablx retire from tile races for:
•Montgomery county offices.
MADISON GA Aug. 12. l*liarles G. j
Brooks. tIS years old. died at his home
in Madison after having be. n confined!
to his bed for five years with rheutna-l
tism. Mr Brooks was the owner ..f,
valuable veal - st. t in this county. He'
is survixed by two sist.ts. Miss Lizzie |
I Brooks, of Madison, and Mis. Austin,
iof College Park. He was unmarried..
The funeral was held this afternoon at ‘
the Baptist church,
JACKSON. GA.. Aug. 12. The Butts'
■toiinly Farmers union ha's called al
' meeting so; Aug st 20 for the purpose!
I "f organizing ■< live stock and poultry
association for this eountx \ < ounty
fair p:obably will b. Io : i during the
i fail.
Mrs. Geo. Brown. Bleckley's Heroine
Mr.-. George Brown, wife of Repre
-1 sentative George Brown, of Fulton, isn't
i a registered lobbyist, but she is some
• more or less lobbyist, any way, and the
| city of Cochran has testified hand
•somely to that!
Mrs. Brown went down to Cochran
Saturday to attend the jubilee and jol
lification over the creation of the grand
young county of Bleckley, of which
Cochran is to be the proud county seat,
along with Representative Brown and
Jack Slaton, president of the senate,
and when the day’s festivities had been
concluded Mrs. Brown found herself the
heroine of the occasion and the re
cipient of unexpected honors.
You see, Mrs. Brown had busied her
seifi mightily about the capitol in be
half of Bleckley' county when it looked
as if the legislature might give that
piopqsition the marble heart, and when
friends in need were friends indeed.
Shje had no material interest in
■ Bleckley county, to be sure. It wasn't
VALDOSTA. GA.. Aug. 12.—M. L.
Young, a Clinch county' young man who
was convicted of forgery at the last
term of the superior cauiT here, was
, prevented by Jailer Lofton from saw
ing his way out of his cell. Young had
obtained a gapped knife blade which he
stuck into an improvised handle and
used as a saw. With this he had sawed
nearly half through the bar that held
the cel] door when the jailer discov
ered it. Fo: two weeks' Young had
been feigning insanity. The sheriff and
jailer thought for several days that he
was really crazy, but they became con
vinced that he was shamming when he
attempted to escape. Young was con
victed of forging checks on a local
A vast amount of ill health is due to
impaired digestion. When the stom
ach fails to perform its functions prop
erly, the whole system becomes de
ranged. A few doses of Chamberlain’s
Tablets is all you need. They will
strengthen your digestion, invigorate
your liver, and regulate your bowels,
entirely doing away with that miser
able feeling due to faulty digestion.
Try it. Many others have been per
manently outed- why not you? For
sale by all dealers. **•
Our examination of the eyes is not
what is usually termed “testing eyes."
Our examination does not consist
simply in placing a trial frame on the
face of a patient and adjusting lenses
before the eyes, with the familiar ques
tion. “Does this make it better or
Our examination, with perfect equip
ment, is absolutely scientific in every
1 particular and Is made without the use
1 of poisonous drops or drugs.
The world’s best medical authorities
are responsible for the statement that
drops or drugs are not only dangerous,
but bring about a condition in the eye,
in many cases, making it impossible to
determine the refractive error.
Our examination of the eyes is so ex
act that vve absolutely guarantee all of
our work. I'nless you are completely
satisfied we will cheerfully refund your
• money.
■ We are in a position to positively <!••- 1
terniine. through our examination ,
whether or not a diseased condition ex
ists. In case of disease we do not pre- i
scribe glasses, but always refer the pa- I
tient to his family physician for proper :
You can feel sure of finding out here i
the exact condition of your eyes. Wei
will conscientiously tell you whether j
you need glasses or not, or whether you 1
■ need medical rar. You pay nothing
for this information.
Whether or not you wear glasses
come in and have us determine the con
dition of your eyes. Have us fell you
whether the glasses you are wearing fit
You will save your eyes and your
money by consulting us first.
Remember,, the examination is made
without charge. Hines Optical t'ompa
nv. Optometrists and Opticians, 91
Peachtree street, Atlanta. Ga. »•*
I Without perfect teeth one can not
[ enjoy perfect health. Many dangerous
diseases can be traced to decayed or
faulty tectn. I’he food can not be
properly masticated, germs develop and
are carried directly into the system
through the stomach.
Do not lake chances. Have your teeth
put in perfect repair. You'll'look bet
ter. feel better and live longer.
The fear of the usual torture in the
dentist's chair causes many people to
procrastinate; but that is no longer
The Atlanta Dental Parlors, with the
latest scientific equipment, are now
performing dental operations PAIN
LESSLY. Highest class of work. Verv
low prices.
These parlors are located at the cor
ner of Peachtree and Decatur streets,
entrance 19 1-2 Peachtree. Dr. <'. a'
Constantine is manager. •»>!
Patient loseph Allen. Manufaeturer 1
Collinswuod. Xtu lert-e>.
<’ase I'iabetes Meilitus
Diagnosis B\ four physkwans Said the
1 patient could not recover
Condition ITxtreme. weight :edue<<i
fr<»rn 210 to 150 pounds. Could hardly
think, sleep or talk. Cunki not attend t«»
I business I’he physicians were giving
I opium io keep patient <‘omf<»rtahie until
| the end catlie.
The recover)' of h wealthy lady in Phila
delphia who was also in the last stages
lot - the disease caused the treatment to be
I changed.
I A fine recovery resulted. This was all
| five years ago As showing the perma
; nence of the results obtained Mien is still
; well and attending to his manufacturing
( business at this writing <1911.)
'l’he agent employed in both cases was
| Fulton's Diabetic Compound
Diabetes <s now a curable disease in
I people of middle age and over who have
| recuperative power.
The Compound can he had in your ci tv
at Frank Edmondson & Bro 11 South
Broad street and ’os North Pryor street
We will mail literature from this offi V p
and desire to advise with ever.’ --ase not
yielding. Start letters- with the age Jno
.1 Fulton Co.. 645 Batter.) street. San
a vital matter, one way or the other,
to her. But she just naturally inclines
to lend the under dog in any tight a
heiping hand, and so. when Bleckley
county’s fate was trembling in the bal
ance. Mis. Brown got busy with those
legislators, and —well, Bleckley county
won out, with a whoop, and Bleckley
county Is fittingly appreciative.
During a pause in the gay' doings at
fochran Saturday, former Governor
Slaton mounted a convenient table and
called the crowd—there were more than
2.000 there —to order, and informed it
that he had a pleasant duty to perform,
and that he proposed performing it
right then and there.
Whereupon, he, on behalf of the
grand young county of Bleckley,
thanked Mrs Brown for all that fine
work she did in the legislature, and
presented her. "with the love and es
teem of the citizens of Cochran.” a
handsome silver chatelaine purse'
Then the former governor sat down,
and Mrs. Brown responded prettily.
VALDOSTA. GA., Aug. 12.—St. Johns
Masonic lodge will occupy its ne>v
home, formerly the Videttes' armory,
in a short while. The lodge has out
grown its pt esent quarters, and w hen
the Valdosta Videttes were recently
disbanded It secured the armory for its
lodge 100 m.
JACKSON. GA., Aug. 12. Butts
county shows an increase in taxable
values over 1911 of approximately $200.-
000, including the returns of the Cen
tral Georgia Power Company. Without
this tax. the returns show a decrease of
Drives Sallowness
from the Skin
Ladies, imperfect complexion it caused by
a sluggish livet. A few days treatment with
will do more to clean up
the skin than all the beauty
cream, in creation. I
Cures constipation, jKSjlliaravT'.rt. c *
unclogs the liver, ERj
ends indigestion, W* JTLE
biliousness and
di ” ine,, I
table —never fail.
Small Pill, Small Dote, Small Prica.
The GENUINE must bear signature
? * ln 3n * Gohl metallicvV7
er 7 s ’ * ith Blue Rii bnn. Vz
1/ - ■\* ko I<’»v of yoar v
I / ■JruSisGt. A*-k f>rCI!I.C'|(EB.TFR , N
years known as Best, safest. Always Reliable
A guaranteed cure
Troubles, Diabetes, Etc. #
! a liquid preparation thoroughly tested for ■ I
years by thousands of cures niad*- after all ■
else failed. Scalding, dribbling, straining, or I
I too frequent passag’e of urine; the forehead and ■
the back-of-the-h«ad aches; the stitches and ■
pains in the back ; the growinjr muscle weak- ■
i ness; spots before the eyes ; yellow skin: slug-- ■
; gush bowels; swollen eyelids or ankles; leg ■
cramps; unnatural short breath : sleeplessness ■
Rid despondency? SI I aHT S Bl CHI AND JI SI- E
5 PF.K COMPOUND, bv it* action on the Kidneys I
and Bladder, quickly docs rwrv with the above I
symptoms. We promise a prompt cure by tak- ■
! ing this medicine or your money refunded. ■
Druggists Si per large bottle. HaMPLF FREE 9
| M by writing to Stuart Drug Co., Atlanta, Ga. J|
Annual Mountain
Saturday, August 17
$6.00 Asheville, N. C.
$6.00 Lake Toxaway, N. C.
$6.00 Hendersonville, N. C.
$6.00 Hot Springs, N. C.
$6.00 Tate Springs, Tenn.
$6.50 Bristol, Tenn.
Final limit September 1.
Three trains to Asheville.
Morning Noon Night.
8:00 a. m. ! 11:15 a. m. 9:00 p. m.
The Exposition Lands an Export Order
A Shoe Merchant of Havana, on his wav to
New \ ork last week, stopped off a dav in At
lie took in the Exposition. and was so im
pressed with the Shoe exhibit, he called at onr
office and had a few sample pairs expressed to
his firm in Havana. ('nba.
Friday morning we received a cablegram order
tor thirty dozen Easy Street Shoes.
So widens the scope of the Atlanta market, and
the fame of K'El> SEAL Shoes.
Tremors Continue Along Dar
danelles. Wreckinig Towns.
15.000 Are Homeless.
Heavy damage was done along the
Turkish coast today by continued
earthquake shocks and reports to
Turkish officials increased the death
list to 1.200 as a result of the seismic
disaster. At least 5.000 others have
been injured and there are probably
15.000 homeless and in want.
Eight towns and villages along the
Dardanelles and the southern coast of
the sea of Mamora have been destroyed
or wrecked by the earth tremors. Be
cause of the Balkan troubles and the
war with Italy the government can not
spare enough soldiers to feed the vic
tims and clear the ruins.
At Gallipoli a number of buildings
which had been left standing from Fri
day’s shock were razed today
Inhabitants of the earthquake zone
have fled from their homes, taking
refuge in fields or up in the mountains,
and are in danger of starvation. The
scant supplies sent by the government
are inadequate to stay the suffering.
Call Main 1130.
Health is the foundation of all good
i looks. The wise woman realizes this
i end takes precautions to preserve her
health and strength through the pe
riod of child bearing. She remains a
pretty mother by avoiding as far as
possible the suffering and dangers of
such occasions. This every woman
' may do through the use of Mother’s
Friend, a remedy that has been so long
in use, and accomplished so much
good, that it is in no sense an experi
' ment. but a preparation which always
produces the best results. It is for
: sxternal application and so penetrating
in its nature as to thoroughly lubricate
' every muscle, nerve and tendon in-
I volved during the period before baby
j comes. It aids nature by expanding
; the skin and tissues, relieves tender
! ness and soreness, and perfectly pre
pares the system for natural and safe
motherhood. Mother's Friend has been
used and endorsed by thousands of
mothers, and its use will prove a com
fort and benefit
to any woman in
need of such a
remedy. Mother’s
- Friend is sold at C//
I drug stores Write for free book for
expectant mothers, which contains
much valuable information.
tjjjj ijgp ...
Ocean View Hotel
W.' H. Adams. Owner and
Pablo Beach, Florida.
Forty minutes from Jacksonville,
Florida, the most desirable seaside re
sort for the accommodation of Georgia
people. One night’s ride from Atlanta.
European plan, rates one dollar per
day and up: $.>.00 a week and up. Ex
cellent case in connection. Special re
dqeed rate to regular guests.
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