Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 13, 1912, EXTRA, Image 10

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Poultry, Pet and Live Stock. No one wood think of going into i ■ the mercantile oi the manufactur ing business as .1 . , recreation. bu /■' fnil) would be more 1 ' likely to take up poultry breeding y/. , or some other so- lilt called fad or sport to divert the min 1 /) and give it r< - rOHltl‘V f om the strain of strenuous bush ness activity / H twever 1 poultry business while it has lost none of its . harms ;o a recreation and diversion from hits! ness cares, has also becoim a profit.. 1... employment, and may not longer !>• counted among the side issues." but a stab'e business capable of .•■nd' t.i.e as large a pt-i cent of p "lit as mv other legitims'..- mil important line ot business nctivitv Time was when men and wom< n .>■ means Invested In the ponltrv busines betat-- indulge thems.'vi- in anything ha their heart desired, -.vincas the pool man had to go slow The pom man h.'s to go slow now in his investing in tn poultry bus n*but may be reason ably sure that his investment, ever so »m . fl" a ptofit as in tiny bnsiness. There is no limos business- vvhi" . has a firmer foundation than the poul try business, and y :. of course, fail ures are .lust as possible In the poultry business ns anv other, tint: not more so People fa; t; .. kinds of busines-. I' is not the fault ■ f the business A p actie.-- s.p-nilfi. i<now’odge of the poultry busines-- - "r* u ic-d in or der to Ruci-ee.'i The idea that the poultry business I just the one so :• -tired *".< 1 chant“. pro fessors. invalids ..nd the 'lk* to take up. who are not abb to follow their regula occupation, unless they hav<- had some p.;< liial experience and know ledg.- of the busines-, is a mi - taken idea Our advice to such is to invest modm .t. ■ until som. practical knowledge of the business is hail Orpingtons. FOR SALE <" ■ pet seven hen* and nne c<xk#T»>. .ill laised last year; par ties leaving city Bill phone Main 5.371-. I 71-S-10 BLAt'K <»R PI X<;T<»XS •• iv<’ b cockerels, pullets, summer prices. Hal Riviere. Kirkwood, Gh. 33-8-9 FOR SALE Buff Orpington pullets and cockerels. March hatching, at $1 each P 1 Leaptrot. Pinehurst. Ga 8-7-22 Plymouth Rocks. rriti: ni;t:i> nviti:i:i> rocks Thirteen hens, two cocks all laying, must sell, name your price and come after them H T Johnson. 51 Bonnie Brae avenue, West End 19-8-12 2 - ; ■... . . ' . . _ L.."'..’ ' ~ . R I. Reds. SF.VEX HEX’S ami <i •• rooster full bred Rhode island Reds. for sale cheap Mrs \V H Clements, 168 North lack eon street 8-12-14 Ducks INDIAN Runner Ducks fawn and white at special bargain this week. 26 East avt KirlCM I 8-8-9 Eggs. WHITE WYANDOTTE l'.( 11; s. FR< >M extra fine pen of the famous Fish el strain bred-10-lay birds, unexcelled for beauty and vitality $5 per fifteen Mrs Ella M Harrison, College Park 8 10-74 THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs. $1 per fifteen. 15 per hundred 126 Wind sor street. Main 3aBR 4-27-25 Real Estate For Sale. OWN YOUR OWN HOME IT CAN BE I X )NE, WE CAN ARRANGE IT, WE HAVE beautiful building lots on the north side. All city improvements and 10-ininutes ear service. Prices Iron) $1,200 to $2,000. WE WILL Bl’ILl) and make easy terms. Come and talk it over. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT' CO. 609-13 THIRD NATIONAL RANK Bl ’ 11.1 >1 N< i. A Residence Investment ON SOI 'l'll PRYOR STREET, near Jewish Synagogue, we have an eight-room, two-story house, in splendid condition, every con venience. piped for furnace. This place will rent for $50.00 per month. For quick sale, we can sell for a little less than $5,000. This won’t last EVERETT N: EVERETT 224 Brmvn-R<in<l<>lph Bldir. Phone M. 3392 WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BEiLDEItS FOEP.TH NATIONAL BANK Bi’ILDINa I'iimia 2106 Main TAKE 1 l.'H-K \ No 63 OLEBI’KN i' AVE This Na n»-w* double-floored and Btorm-Bheathed home; built of the very best materials; steam heat, tile floor on Iron* i . id. and '.!■ hath, hardwood ;:o<m, birch doors stone mantel exposed ceiling beams boo , uses, wall- • r.ted i- ii. >i 0010- - dressing r. on. w'itl large plate glass mirrors- m doors which giy 1., an! itn! effect. date rack lui'ler s pantry. I na closet, spl< .... et This is located directly in front <«? Judge Pal et beautiful I tie It 9 fret nd I■ v Ni ont ha's ■v< t lived in it. All "... to du Is . .< a lot at it and then conn to see us Our price :s r’ght at .■ terms . , SVRTI.E f IE! Here is a eight homerTocated~on a corner .o. „ ..p r. ; (X <bam-. will take vacant property u« cart payment. BARGAIN ‘ STEAM HEATED VPARTMENTS Jusi g< out tb No JOO W.»t l'..a. 10r... street and yon w:d tin. - me of the tdeed NEW apartments in the citv' ahsoiutelj ever? known convenience ti tht apartment Will rent you one ———————■ ■■ —’- Ar r i,— . . -- - ___ $12,000 PEI? YEA I? NET PROFIT ! ’ I ' ITL'ITT BI Y '’'’ s va,liabl< ’ commission business; guaranteed to be doing i *’•>0.000 bur ners |>. t f ar. w ith a not profit of $12,000 Don't take onr for this. It sounds too got e. mb s nees. we will paj you a monthly salary while you wat. l m.- re pt. shipm m- and nrii .■ of ... if we fail tn safisD .on ti n. it - ■■ • , • <.nnd. y. . don't b',y or lose aTh ng except your me. who «i ... is 1 1„.. y„, man with good horse sense can make g.»nd \.. ms-■ lli;i . n -\ ( ri ~u l ~x rr tl nh , ltll 1 WILSON BROS. 701 EMPIRE BLDG Money To Loan. Money To Loan. ~~ MONEY TO LEND WF ARE IN POSITION loan, from 6 to • >" y ; is. There is no . Ft I ’ H -ll* >■ • i. II RALPH O. COCHRAN CO. 19 SULTH HIDJAD .STREET. Pigeons. FOR SALE At a great sacrifice. 500 <’ar neau pigeons, guaranteed from imported Belgium -fork. W T Graves. Demopolis. Ala 8-10-69 Miscellaneous Poultry. *chl6ronaptboleum Dll’ aNd LIVE STOCK DISINFECTANT. GET RID of rhicken lice and keep your ponltrv healthy Chko'o-Naptholeum <i<>es ii><- w<rk, prevents roup, gape and • über diseases; one quart. 50c: one half gallon. 90c. one gallon, $1 50. West Dis infecting Company, 26 South Forsyth street __Mlar ta_ 7-23-2 ‘ 11 G. HASTINGS & co.. Seedsmen t‘.»r ’lie South. 16 West .Miti-liel! street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Siil" 9 a. m. Inman Perl, ami W ~t End 2 | . m. Pell I’liid. ’>!. 25’H. Vlaufa ‘’.fix [KI STS H.WEX .T.IM Vjv Itid P P11.1.S f.»r roup and pigeon di • • • Price 25c and 50e I crushed <>ysti-.i: siikt.i SI.OO per WO pounds. PoT’LTKS GRIT. IF ¥<’•!’ RAISIN PIGE‘»NS and want a good clean feed that Is free from coin give the ogemuw Pigeon F« < d a trial; pounds 20c. 100 pounds BEGIN if yon have alrcadv be gan feed ng >our > Nn* "Red ♦ ’-•mb” Ahat Mash This < a wD| bai- am-ed ir-uig rump<- •<i win at hr.-n. ■Hf.tif;- ,<af. shorts, .of o-raps, ■•’•tri ami •> small amount of charcoal. If ■•<,!! f< ♦ d it ••g'uiarb to hens you will notice lion t aids ’h»m along whlb* moulting and ■ . will ;ti. .. mu <<• 10-w ’i •• egg production will increase. \s a du< ’ feed you can t get an' »1 ug better for both \oung and old; 10 n< icds 2f>c; >o pounds. $1.20. 100 pounds. ,2.’> ‘MCKRY’S AX’D LEE S KILLERS, Lice Powders ar-’ Stock Con flit loners. A REMEDY f’< >R ALL DISEASES of poultry, hist phone us your trouble and w»* will toll ' u lie rerm <l.v you need for tliem Horses and Carriages VA v? T i d rent bj week, irr«si and harness for small horse; must be rea sunahle. Answer I ’<»•! • >fl ice Box 1265. 41-8-9 Hogs. FOR s.\Ll< Our entire herd of hogs cheap for quirk sale. Two as line boars as Georgia af fords. and a 10l of line'sows ajid pigs from I weeks old to 10 weeks old. ,\ II got to sell al once on account of farm not being large enough am! other business. Tliev are all registered, and a line type. Satisfaction guaran -1 eed on e\ cry hog K 1 hat we sell. \l. I). Mart in. I 'arters ville. Ga. S-10-41 Steers. WANTED 'l*o buy two large young bull steers broke single Call for Mr. Bui ton. Iv\ 700. 715 Forsyth Bldg. 8-12-1 Cows. CO\V, fresh In milk, with calf Can see her at 84 Grconsferry ave.. Battle Hill Business address, 71 North Pryor st. 33-8-12 Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. \\ . A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate. Ren ting and Loans. Bell Phones 3031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FOR SALE. IX OCR opinion. Maib tta street Is the next street to get enhance-, ment. It '-.ill naturally follow the !>\ > ■ al development* that are now being made on that street, together with the completion of the Bell vvood avenin viaduct, which is now being built, W< ..ill especial attention to 2 liTsm orn> r lots between the Via duct ami North avenue. ov< r a quarter of a million dol ts vv or*' of land has been sold on this tt..t v iihin the last week, ml it ■ le to pt edict that in the next ve;o over tvv o mil’ion dollats worth of ■ t . . : i.. .id on tns -•!•■ ' Tiii re are ,novv over i. in w buildings under ■ belli .<■ that the lots referred' " ibov. i,; i make you big money, l-'.i 'p. tlculrirs, see either .Mr. liv. or Mr. Hook. H- VOL II AVE MONEY Tt) LOAN. WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT FLATS < r !’;H !o. Sinclair av»-. (Sept. D ‘IO.OO <’-r. flat 13-G Williams <Aug 15). $30.60 ■ i' 15 Whiichall street . . 30.60 6-r. flat 328 Por.t.c DeLeon (Aug. 3D 35.00 ' i f'at 29 Piedmont pl (.Aug. 25>. 10.60 6-r. flat 79 Orme V L < Aug. 3D... 21.00 6 i 'ai 32-p Garfield p|. < Aug 31 i. 28.10 6-r. Hal 75 Orme (Aug. 3D 21.00 wi pcbi.isi; A WEEKLY RENT Bl’ I.LETIN, giving a gbod description of everything vze bav# for rent. Get a eopv. • JOHN .1. WOODSIDE. THE REX'TLNG AGENT. 12 Al'Bl RN AVENGE. PHONE .MAIN 618. FOR RENT BY’ E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY I’.ymn apartments, six rooms SBO.OO 121 E. Pine st . eight rooms 37 50 'St ('Juries apar|mcnts. six rooms.. 47.50 j.; ast ave , rooms 35.00 l.\cr« h apartments. li\«- rooms 37.50 . .. M ZVr . I(I . . , zi<rkt ‘.n ' G.mrtlarhl strut, ’' <■ r<-..n.-- 35.00 1 ‘ h * Merr,Hs a ' p <,,ghT 4? Williams. flvcYoorns 21.50 26 E Harris st., seven rooms d 5.00 t"'t ' Dfc.nur st.. 12 rooms. 32.50 40 Royston st., six rooms «4|0.00 27. .Moreland ave., nine rooms 35.00 54 West Pino st., seven r00m5.... 35.00 :>0 Angier ave , nine rooms 10.00 36ft Ponce DeLeon ave., six rooms.. 35.00 331 Euclid rfve., eight rooms 35.00 91 Sydney st., six rooms 27.50 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent Unfurnished Apartments For Rent Modern Apartments For Rent M< >ST DESIRABLE in Atlanta as to location and structure; just off Peach- In Eighth street; six rooms; tile porches, store rooms, etc.; In Lil- lian and Elizabeth. Vacant September Ist; $65.00. Al. Sit <me apartment in Wickliffe, Pea< htree and Eleventh streets. S<e janitor. .1. w. goldsmTth. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. ATTENTION! ' HAVE Y<tC maib connections vvitlt some reliable agent to handle your prop ertv for the coming season? , • WE SAVE Y<>C the trouble of collection make the necessary repairs, remit promptly and. above all. KEEP YOt'R PROPERTY RENTED. til'll E.\i TI.ITI ES for taking care of tents are unexcelled. Experienced men in this depart ment eliminate unneeessa rv wear and tear on your prop- > erty and reduce expense to a minimum LIST your store-, houses, apartments and lots with ns. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN 3113-8 EMPIRE BUILDING. I )ILUI N-M< )KRIS CO. Atliiiifa National Bank* Building . Phones 4'231, 4‘235. s"2<»n CASH. $25 PER MONTH. BEAUTY IN A 6-ROOM. FUR NACE HEATED P>l NGALOW. HAS EVERY MODERN FEATURE. PRETTY ELECTRIC SHOWERS. (’EILING BEAMS. PANELLED WALLS. (LIB GRATES. WINDOW SEAT. MIRRORED DOORS, PLENTY.OF BIG CLOSETS. 12-FOOT POR( 11. LEVEL. SHADED LOT .’>ox2oo. WITHIN BLOCK OF NEW CITY SCHOOL AND STREET CAR STREET TO BE CHERTED AT ONCE. NEW HOMES ALL AROUND IT. IT’S A GREAT CHANCE. LOOK AT THAT BIG TWO STORY. 9-ROO.M HOUSE. N0.~612 WASHINGTON STREET. IT HAS A SLATE ROOF. THE ROOMS ARE ALL LARGE ANJ) NICELY FINISHED. IT HAS FA ERY CONVENIENCE. AND IS ON THE.BEST PART OF THE STREET THE LOT IS .’>ox2oo TO A '2O-FOOT ALLEY. THINK OF THIS FOR s.‘>,'2.‘>o FOR A QI H'K SALE. AND ON TERMS TO SUIT YOU. ( R. .MOOR!-: & CO. REAL ESTATE, BUILDING AND LOANS. >4nt| t’VXDl.'ir: BI'II.DIXG PHONE IVY 497$ <.v.GO(l A close-in ccnir.'il cornel' lot 60x10(1. at a real sacrifice, (an you use a corner like this? s.>..>tlD Beautiful north side bungalow. 6 rooms, la rge lot. 11 's a gem. Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. TURMAN. BLACK & CALHOUN •-■'G-S EMPIRE BI'II.DING, Fol? SALE PIEDMONT A VENTE. OX r:.\,<T Sll’i: of the street, between Eighth and Tenth streets, we have a beautiful ht. 50 by 175 feet, and cheap at s:\soo. EAST TENTH STREET. EVI’.KY C< t.NVENI K\t ’|< m this house Two stories, seven rooms Lot l l»\ Iko Has been listed with us for >9.000 It is worth more NORTH BOI’LEVARD. W i: H W !■! a resident*' that is high class ■ •\• t \ wa' Garußt s. outhouses. IHe > si* mru pot. . |ot 52 In 175 ’■ at ibis is near Highland .* \ • n t t . W • H :I’lt »it w oi Mon \ to Loan on IL hi INtale. J _ 1 . j AD ■JG Houses For Kent. FoR RENT. 1-r . Whitehall st -5.00 7-r h . 61 Whitehall terrace $23.10 7-r. h., 26 Form wait atreet 25.00 7-r. h., 171 Oglethorpe. •• • 35.00 7-r. h.. 116 East Ellia 25.00 6-r. h.. 94 Whitehall terrace.,. 15.60 6-r. h., 297 <’ooprr street 15.60 6-r. h.. 31 Park street 30.00 6-r apt . 810 Peachtree street 30.00 6-r. apt.. Georgian, 215 Ivy rt-r. apt . Piedmont. Piedmont ave... 25.00 Hr. ;?pt . 290 East Linden street .... 35.00 6-r. h.. 700 Simpson street 16.00 6-r h . 24 South Warren street .... 15.00 6-r. h.. Peyton road 15.00 6-r h . 38 Da raison street 30.00 6-r. h , 8 Helena 12.00 6-r. h.. 21 Howell place 27.50 ■ G-r. h . 34 Greenwood 37.50 G’.-i b . 81 Candler street » i 6-r h.. Posey street 21.00 6-r. h, ,38 Curran street 9-00 • 6-r. h., 208 Fulton St... 2(L»" G-r. li., 77 Izflwton street 25.00 . \XD A !,<>XG i JS'r • 1 larger and smaller Louses. Come to see us ‘ FOSTER & ROBSON. LOK KENT. 4- Pat 403 Kawson street ....? 14.30 i 5-r Hat. 190 Juniper st 35.00 5- flat l’_ l Hast Fair street . "O 00 7- Hat. I ’Hi Juniper st., furnished 05.0 i 1-r h.. 32 Rogers st., Kirkwood. ne« • 15.09 5-r h . 14 I>oane st 10.00 r. h. 25 Cunningham place ..... 22.50 5-i h. 30 Cunningham place ..... 25.60 "-I b. 76 Avon ave 22.50 H-r h.. 71 W est Peachtree at 4.V00 8- h.. 200 Pulliam st 25 00 X-r h . 24S Stewai 1 ave 35 00 S-r h . >3 Ponce !>el,oon pla< e 40.00 S-r. !■ X 5 East Merrit is avenue < furnished 1 00 x-r li, »2* South Pryor street ... 37.50 I' . 140 Crescent avenue 57.50 h. so McLtunion avenue 65.00 r h 212 St* wart avenue < new 1. 40 mi 11 -1 h. 26 * ioi «|on plac* , .*»«» no 50 52 Auburn r.venue. 20 by 100. ♦Hfh ... 100 00 12 South Hr<>ad street, four-storv bra k. modern ■ i .ast \lahama ; 25 b\ 126 . 125.00 132 Marietta street. 20 b\ 30. heat included ■ ni. im >4 l\ \ sttce'. 20 h\ 35 |() no 65 Cast Alabama.. 20 b\ 60 third I n"'f ... 12 50 Real Estate For Sale. rhe Real Estate Habit • II SI ARTS many a young fellow on the right road, makes him save money, and shows him the advantage of owning land. i LOOK at those fine building lots in Decatur we sell at $800; terms. S2OO cash and S2OO a year for three years; sidewalks, water and sewer included. By the time these lots are paid for ■ they will bring $1,200 to $1,500; in fact, lots in adjoining block ; are bringing $1,500 now. SO I HERL is the money saved and the profit besides (or else a home site provided); but best o*f all. vou've formed THE , REAL ESTATE HABIT. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR ' “HERE'S A SAFE, SOUND BLY." °o." PK !. Alexan<ier near Fowler, we have 72 ft. bv 200. running , „!? Ugh to . Mi, . ls St ” " ith 3 houses on the lot: houses now rented. Here ~n oxteptional opportunity. Plenty room to build another house. No loan, and we avail consider your offer. c an give ypu term-. ... CHAPEL STREET QORNER. ' ‘ .. einonal station, good 8-room house, well rented. Price less than $!o0 a front foot. We have this for a feu davs on'lx LITTLE & GREEN Ivy 2943. •Iti.i I hird National Bank Building. SIM CASH AND $25 PER MONTH BUYS ORME WOOD fi-ROOM BUNGALOW. At I I HIN half block of car line we have a pretty K-rooin home, in good con dition. ami on level lot 60x164 feet. The price is $2,750, on these e asv * e . r . n h ': a ' •> S u, ial ! Ir>a D' Thls ls a s P lp ndid residence section, with good • within o blocks., Spp us about this. W’EST END HOM E SO(N>. RIGHT off the Gordon street car line we have a bungalow effect cottage of 5 rooms and hall, well arranged, well built, with all modern improve ments; east front*lot; good residence section, and we can make ease terms for you. INMAN PARK BUNGALOW .<5.25(1/ F»E I\\ KEN Inman Park and Druid Hills on Moreland avenue, which is nu < ( • becoming the most desirable residence -treet in that section Inis bungalow has 6 rooms and is practically new. Beautiful b»t ran higher y ° U termS ’ Buy on this street "here values are rapidly becoming THOMSON & LYNES 1S and 20 Walton. St. Both Phones 458. FOR SALE ™ ~~ JOHN J. E ’ Nice little home of four rooms and hall. ! WOO DSI DE „..TT 12 Auburn Avenue. i EDWIN P. ANSLEY ~~ REAL ESTATE—FO RSYTH BUILDING. $16.000 —LARGE, prominent, cor net* on Decatur street: three stores with apartment, above, bringing in splendid returns. Special prices for quick cash sale. Information at office. PIEDMONT AVENUE and Avery Drive. Corner lot 60x215, nicely elevated, facing east. In a growing section of Ansley Park. Price $2,000. Terms. — r - REFUSING PROFITS in PEACHTREE HURST LOTS ! SOME of out' purchasers of three weeks ago have 1 efused handsome profits on their investments. Why do you stand by and watch your neighbor get the benefit of all of this? Why don’t you investigate. LOTS S3Qo up Easy terms. No interest. No taxes * L. P. BOTTENFIELD, Owner Phone M, 12Hs ' 211 Empire Bldg. RALPH O. COCHRAN COMPANY REAL ESTATE RENTING AND LOANS. WEST PEACHTREE RESIDENCE. WE H.JVE HERE one of the most attractive homes on this prominent thor. oughf ire. with every modern convenience and a large, shady lot for $9 - 500, on very reasonable terms. HARRIS G. \\ HITE, Sab’s Manager. . A Real GRANT PARK HOME GREENE (Out Where the Breezes Blow) I) fJN A I A l'N r , fi . r °oms. newly painted, on a perfect- I V it, cX 1,1 I beautiful, elevated, shady lot, ear line and charted .street, out where the air is )N j r ~W, N l '" rc nnd heal,h ‘"' " nl -' s, '‘- us. REAL ESTATE. RENTINC,, LOANS. 511 Empire Building. Both Phones 1599. WAX'I’ Tu BUY—QUICK. \\ E HAW. A CLIENT who to pur, base at once a small six-room ~„t .’..hi,"™.,sr. Atlanta Suburban Realtv Company 31 INMAN BUILDING? ----- * THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not lie a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity Legal Notices. I’nder and by virtue of an order of the < hurt of ordinary of Fulton county, Geor gia. granted at the June term, 1912. I will sell at publu outcry on the first Tuesday •3d day* of September. 1912. before the front door of the Chamber of Commerce building. Xos. 4K and 48 South L’ryor sltSet. \tlanta. Fulton county. Georgia, now used as the court house of said county, within the legal hours of sale, those two tiacts or parcels of land, situ ated in land lot 84 of the Fourteenth dis- i trict of formerly Henry, now Fulton county. Georgia. ;,s follows: 1 Commencing on the northeast side of i Tatnall street (formerly Capers or Crapps I alley*. at the southeast corner of rir. lot | 19. known as the C. C Davis property. | and running ’hence northeast along Tatnall street, fifty (50* feet, and extend ing back northeaster!' the same width, one hundred and twenty-two <l22* feet, more or less, on the northern Hne. and one hundred an<l twenty (120* feet, more or less, .n the southern line of said lot 19. fro n Tatnall street to the property sold by c <’ Davis to William S Hver- i ■ -tt h\ deed du ’ed \prd 30 1902 :• < mded in I'ult- n \ h ‘al re< ord bonk 1• 2 p It>4. I •• ia •>!<•( be <ame prop-' «<>nvf\ed Ib\ I’.dwatd \\ Holland to c <• Davis bv Idl dated 15th Ma.v IV»x •.< .filed n Fulton cimy de 1 b. ok i:;, page j Real Estate For Sale. Legal Notices. ’eing* now No nan street: also ~ J at- "i.”, sx L’. known is ihp (' <’ n-viL , 1 ''"'nit'K- I’enee 'north' lain,ill sir. .’I life.-m. as l^ e r lot is. ixnoxv,, as me ( i . Davis propertx. an.l ov. , lending back northwesterl.v ‘ the --one l Waith along the northern line <>f <;.al i.’.i p. one hundred and twentx-four .121. feet mo'e ~r less, and one. hundred and txxen ty-two 1 1221 teet. more or l< ss, on the southern ni Tamall stteet o. it,.- property sold by C. <■. Davis t,, W’ilUani r- Everett b.x • :.■ -.1 th,tod April HO f9O” reeorued in l-ellon .-minty deed record book lfr2. cage IM. being part of it... saaie property e..nx. . e.i E.ixxatd XV Holland to C <•. Davis h\ ,|e .1 dated L'.tli May. ISSS, recorded in I ounlx deed 1e.0r.l hook I:;. |.ag. ■i n.- house ther. <>n l.eing now No ; ; • nail street. I'be same being propertx- <rf tlie est-.'e I . f '' Davis, dr.-ease.l ’r»' r ’ns “f ' - ''vsh W J Lf.MPKIN. Xdlnii, <i t:i : l ' I ...x is | I I LYSS.’S LEWIS. .rmy.' Real Estate For Sale. . gHARP & |)0 YLSTON WEST END. WE have for quick sale a beauti ful bungalow on Lucile Ave.; 'owner is leaving the city anti will sell for small cash payment and purchaser Io assume his payments which now amount to $26.50 per month. This place will rent for $35 per month. Looks good for either home or investment. •; - ' A SMALL CHICKEN FARM. IF you want something like this with a modern home on the lot, see us about a proposition we have on one of the best streets in West ! End. WE also have three new modern bungalows just being finished ion one of the best north side streets. Prices are all right and the terms are easy enough. Legal Notices. TAKE KOTIcT ” That Robert E. Saye has applied to the I superior court of Pulton county, for re- I moval of disabilities, fixed by the verdict ' in the divorce suit of Ruby Belle Saye ' versus Robert E. Saye, and the same will be heard at the court house. September I term. 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk. • LAVENDER It. RAY, Attorney. ! 7-1-14 808 JONES CHOSEN TO TAKE UP WORK OF LATE SAM JONES The tabernacle erected at Carters ville for the late Sam Jones’ revivals and which has not been used since his death, more than five years ago. will be used regularly again for evangelistic ; services. Eollowing the services last 1 night the 7,000 persons present voted I unanimously that Rev. Bob Jones, of i Montgomery, Ala., be chosen as the successor to the great Cartersville evangelist. I Revivals have been held with Rev. I Rob Jones leading, assisted by Dr. P. IV) . Munhall, of Philadelphia. So great success met Mr. Jones’ efforts that the decision was reached to make the serv ices a yearly feature as was done in the lifetime of Sam Jones. When the time came to choose the leader for next summer the widow of Sam Jones made the suggestion that a vote be taken. W hile Rev. Bob Jones resembles greatly his predecessor in his way of preaching and in the success of his re vivals, he is original himself and dif fers in many ways. OBSERVES BIRTHDAY BY GIVING $687,500 TO FAVORITE CHARITIES •’HICAGO. Aug. 12.—Julius Rosen wald celebrated his fiftieth birthday anniversary today. The manner of the celebration was unique. The birthday ptesents were all given by Rosenwald, not received by him, and they totaled $687,500. They went to his favorites. Here are the gifts: I Diversity of Chicago, $250.n0n. Associated Jewish Charities of Chi cago. $250,000, Chicago Hebrew institute, $50,000. * ountry club for special workers (to be established), $50,000. Booker T. Washington (for improve ment and elevation of negro schools) $25,00p. Marks Nathan Home for Jewish Or phans. $25,000. Chicago-Winfield Tuberculosis sani tarium, $25,000. Glenwood Manual Training school, $12,500. Rosenwald is head of a $50,000,000 mall order business in Chicago. COLLEGE PROFESSOR. ILL AND DESPONDENT, HANGS FROAI BRIDGE 1 GRANVILLE, OHIO, Aug. 12, Be- coming despondent because of ill health. Professor James Hays t’orev, 40, "f the department of Engli-h at Denni son univei.-ity. committed suicide earlj" today by 1 - hanging himself from the Iran caster bridge near here. ■'■he body was found dangling on a < lot-hes line by a ;aimer. Corox was last seen last night when he was car rying the clothes line. He leaves a Widow and young daughter. Mrs. Co rey is lying at the point of death, pros -1 rated by the news. TRAIN IS WRECKED IN ELECTRIFIED TUNNEL; FIREMEN TO RESCUE NEW YORK. Aug. 12. More than j».i>>engers <m the Heston Express | better known as tile ’Bank. is Special,’’’ narrowly escaped d.-a;,, w h n the train, running at high >'u jumped the trail; ;n the tunn. ’a; Eift.x-sixth street and Pai k a\ enu<>. The electric motor, tgine drawing the ■ U lin, a baggap.. ,ar ani i one Coach left iiheira.-l-, ti.< bagLi.ig. . .1 r . a I <liing fire . fron eonta t with the thi .1 rail as it over All < passengers in p "ere thrown from their . .-eats or l>. rtiis an.; t panic followed 1 5 ' 'n’ I tr Is |,, -; nuei s .-s< ;tpp(i from !*’■••• • 1 < in ting ladders low- l’ 1 ’ 1 nto th., tunnel , . tinmen who "i 1 • -; ■ nd. I to 1 1. ft,.y ■ • -i. iuu.iv. ■.. .. 1 ,i Kn |t e( K -1 rt rn-’ii- n d ,x nb dilß cult y.