Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 14, 1912, EXTRA 1, Image 12

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THE GEORGIAN AND NEWS. Poultry, Pet and Live Stock By J. A. DUNWIDDIE, New Market, Tenn. The secret of success in the 1 1 poultry business ICC is to keep flocks comfortably, con- j— < tented and happy r At no time of the year does the ap plication of this lllf secret apply with lUt greater force than during the sum- »-» i met Try/o keep Poliltf}' fowls and chicks comfortab e. con tented an 4 happy / Jnrfnr all the time If -< >"1 O" you have not al ready removed the windows from the poultry house, do so at once Take them out. thoroughly clean them and store away., until needed In some place where they <an not be damaged Give the fowls the comfort of an "pen-front house with an abundance of fresh air and freedom from the stifling heat of closed sleeping quarters In summer Or better still, if you have an orchard or other convenient trees, clean and close your poultry house and drive your chickens to the trees, first putting up long poles for them to walk upon into trees In this nature! roost you have no lice and mltej. to fight, which les sens the Bummer's work quite a good dead. Clean up the poultry house The poultry houses should be thoroughly renovated fiwesp the dust and cob webs from the celling and walls inside of the house. Scrape the (propping boards clean and give them and the roosts a good coat of kerosene or a liquid lie® killer Clean out the nests and bum the old nesting material Whitewash nests inside and out and dry tham In the sun Thorough spray ing of the whole interior of the house with thin whitewash applied with a compresaod air sprayer will sweeten things wonderfully If floors are of earth, remove the top six or eight inches and replace with fresh, new sandy ®otl If floors are wood or ce mant,,gcrape and sweep clean and then wash with a strong creolln solution. Allow to dry thoroughly, then cover ■with a few inches of sand over which straw litter may be used if desired. When you have the house cleati, keep It clean. In warm locations it 1s well to have a slide or opening In the north side of the poultry house to cool off the build ing in extremely hot weather The or dinarily ck»eed type of poultry house with email bare runs, and no shade, makes mighty uncomfortable quarters for fowls in hot weather Many losses among adult fowls In the summer sea son are the direct result of carelessness In thia matter of providing comfortable quarters Shade la Important Shade is essentia! to comfort and health quite as much as is sunshine Runshine, combined with fresh air, is one of the best germ destroyers and preventives of disease that we have It Is cheap and effective, and for that reneon It lx often overlooked for other agents which are more expensive and less desirable,. It is. however, possible under some con ■ dttlons to have too much of a good thing And abundant sunshine, with out shade for use when needed, may cause trouble In hot weather Fowls are often overcome by heat. and. when kept in bare, unshaded runs, not infre quently suffer from sunstroke The remedy la obvious Provide an abun dance of shade for use when desired by the birds When the runs are small and hare they should be scraped and swept frequently to remove accumu lated droppings All runs should ho spaded up often and seeded down to oats, rye or corn Corn grown In the runs tn hot weather makes rapid growth and furnishes not only fresh green food, but shade as well If It Is permitted *o grow, besides purifying the soil. Keep the runs clean and the soil well stirred M"hore 1t Is not prac ticable to provide shade of trees or by growing corn. burlap or muslin sun shields should be provided. Growing stock on range will be much more comfortable and profitable if dur ing the summer season they have an opportunity to enjoy the shade of fruit trees and bushes, as well as that of either burlap or muslin sun shelters. Colony houses scattered through an orchard make vary desirable quarters for growing chirks The Industrious Han Ducks. INDIAN Hanner Ducks. f»wn and white, at special bargain this week 26 East av® . Ktrkwood 28-8 9 Orpingtons. FO® BALE One pen seven hens and one oockerel all re l»ed last year, par tie® leaving city Bell phone Main 5371-J 71-8 10 BLdCCK OWlb’hi' 'Nb' Cocks. benp eoqkerels. pullets, summer prices Hal Kirkwood, Ga 38 8 9 Fdn SAI.E Buff Orpington pullets and cockerels, March hatching, at fl each B L Pinehurst. Ga 8 7-22 Furniture For Sale. Furniture For Sale. CLOSING OUT SALE 60 DAYS 60 DAYS ARE positively dosing out this stock On account of change in business a dandy, clean, new stock of Furniture to go at practically wholesale cost. H. A. MARTIN FURNITURE CO. 135 WHITE IIA LI, STREET. Business Opportunities. Real Estate For Sale. NEWLY PATBNTI D article that la nec- FOR SALE College Park home nice eesarv In every mercantile etore He shaded corner lot, seven room dwelling tail price within reach of every mer- West Cambridge avenue third door Roni chant Will sell huetier with satisfactory ear line, house in firsi - lass repair pm. references county rights and give ample $3,250. ~ asy terms, would < xchang. time to pat for same XV an* business f. r good propertv at Charlotte N c man only Address New Patent. erne w 1! Gaunt. College Park. Ga' 65-8-13 ■'■ • ■ MAN to take charge milk despot In bust few davs al. ideal home orv. •• lot ling town near Atlanta Will take S3OO < gi t rooms hardwood furnace to handle For information apply Hairy also grates hot water et»*> , . liven Farm Supply Company. 137 Whitehall st lener, easy terms of th. best see 3l‘-8-12 ttons of Atlanta IBM t'lebut ,e avenu. Phone Ivx 3 U S4 -I. S-134H Real Estate for Sale or Exchange WILL SEI.I. or exchange for city proper- rg m S 13-38 ' fy. beautiful country place, gas lighted , ~ ~. , house and bam; 20 acres and two I ' 1 I no ■ t the pr.d springs, on Marietta car 1:lie. i »t. ■ J 3.( . L U’" , s x ,in tin-j Call Main 2405-.1 Address .T; ft |.... it *. '' chiful sitburb. all cony ,*nien ; < s sn„- , Cook. 480 South Boulevard 7 31 ’.'.J 30 h * b * ,Bn< 3 monthly : - >1 ’akf :<it or automobile \\ H s 1 * i Hamilton. Decatur Decatur I’3 i Farms For Sale. s* s ... ItECATVR Fine nine-room house new i FOR SAI.E Fifty acre farm. I> s miles in b> st part of I>o.-.iou- , ■ .. x , from East Point, on Bryant road run cion..- it- sw.rtl mor. s’.'l.OO .mi ning watei about six acres good timber v< *y . as> will talc.* vacant I. * , fine fruit orchard Price. SIOO per acre t .bil W I! s Hamiltoi 1 J.ula Rogers. East Point, Ga. ** ■ * . o r 413 FOR SALE High-class Laurens county I' ll SALE lit. room bouse gas and farm of 5« acres. Reasonable pri. e and water g, ...| inve-tm.r* ■. j| r . i t easy terms Tht finest far: lands m two- per a w nor '< * ■ t <;e. ceria are to be found in lAturens W tow* .st pi*., vem low y . . . J. Gilbert. Dublin, Ga. 8-9-22 4 ■ , • • . - • R. I. Reds. SEVEN HENS and one rooster; full bred ■ Rho<i*» Island Reds; for sale cheap Mrs W H Clements, 168 North Jack s<>n street. 8-12-14 Pigeons. FOR SALE At a great aacrlflce 500 neau pigeons. guaranteed from Imported Belgium stock W. T Graves, Demopolis Ala. 8 Eggs. WHITE WYANDOTTE EC J GS. ‘ FROM **xtre fine pen of the famous Fish *1 strain bred• to-lay birds; unexcelled ; for beauty and vitality. *.5 per fifteen k Mrs Ella M Harrison, College Park ; 8-10-74 1 THOROUGHBRED Bust Orplngtor egg fl per fifteen. Bf> per hundred 126 Wird . w)< street Main 3*BB 4-27-25 Miscellaneous Poultry. CHLORO .XAPTHoI.FI M DIP AND : LIVE STOCK DISINFECTANT. GET RID of chicken lice and keep your poultry healthy. Chloro-Na pt holeum does the work, prevents roup, gape and other diseases; one quart, 60c. one-half f;allon. 90c, one gallon, $1 50. West Dlr nfectlng Company, 26 South Forsyth street. Atlanta 7-23-2? ~h~“g7 Ti?vri’TN(Tsir < -0.. Seedsmen for the South, 16 'West Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. in., Inman Park and West End 2 p. in. Bell Phone M. 2.568, Atlanta 2568. PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS BULBS Start them in water or soil now for early DiOMKMna All of OU! b Iba ar< large, strong and sure bloomers. Price 25c a dojsen. postpaid 40c. WHIT® ROMAN HYACINTHS should also be started Indoors for enrlj blns Roms Theae bulbs are also large strong bulbs Price 40c a doaen, postpaid 50c NOW IB THE TIM® to plant tun Ip seed We can supply you with all kinds Our turnip seed are all American grown LET UR MAKE YOU special quotations on the list of seeds that you are going to need for fall planting Write for a copy of our summer and fail seed cata logue DON’T WORRY about sick chickens Just phone ns your troubles and we will tell you what you need for them A renied.x for all poultry diseases CONKEY’S LAYING TONIC. I.«« s Egg Maker and Rust's Egg Producer are all good. and It will he a good Idea to begin feeding one of them now In order to help the lifiiiH while moulting and to start them to lax Ing earlx 25c and 50c sizes of each. Hogs. FOR SALE Our entire herd of Berkshire hogs cheap for quick sale. Two as tine hoars as Georgia af fords', and a lot of line sows and pigs from I weeks old to 10 weeks old. All got to . sell at once on account of farm not being large enough and other Business. They are all registered, and a fine type. Satisfaction guaran teed on every hog that we sell. M. I). Martin, Carters viUe, Ga. 8-10-44 Rabbits. FOR SALE Old and young stock Rufus Rod rabbits cheap t’all Atlanta phone 2625 32-8-13 Dogs. "NT p.i'r hTgfi Dm-.I fox hound pups cheap, these are beauties E B care Georgian 39-8-13 Horses and Carriages WANTED Tn hire a sur rey and gentle horse for two weeks. Address L. M.. | care Georgian. 66-8-13 The best Want Ad days in The Geor gian are Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturdax Try them ALL. The results will surprise you FOR ?^oni —WANT ADS—<JSEZ FOR RESULTS Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. I \V. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Renting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta I'hone 1881. FOR SALE. IN OUR opinion, Marietta street is the next street to get enhance ment. It will naturally follow the physical developments that are now being made on that street, together with the completion of the Bell wood avenue viaduct, which is now being built. We call especial attention to 2 large corner lots between the via duct and North avenue. Over a quarter of a million dol lars worth of land has been sold on this street within the last week, and It is safe to predict that in the next year over two million dollars worth of property will be sold on thia street. There are now over $200,000 in new buildings under way. We believe that the lots referred to above will make you big money. For particulars, see either Mr. Eve or Mr. Hook. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. XVE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT FLATS. 7-r fiat 186 Sfnrlalr ave ISept 1) $40.00 6-r. flat 23-C Williams 'Aug 15) $30.60 7-r fiat 345 Whitehall street 30.60 6-r. flat 328 Ponce DeLei.n (Aug 31) 35 00 fir flat 39 Piedmont pl. 'Aug 25) 40.60 6-r flat 73 < trine st. 'Aug. 31)... 21.00 fir flat 32-B Garfield pl 'Aug. 31). 28.10 6-r. Hat 7.’> Orme 'Aug. 31) 21.00 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent Get a copy. JOHN JI WOODS! DE. THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY Byron apartments, six rooms. . . .SBO.OO 121 E. Pine st., eight rooms 37.50 Kt. Charles apartments, six moms.. 47.50 115 East ave eight rooms 35.00 Everett ai”.r t n,rots, live rooms. .37 50 ~, M ,. rrlH s ave.. eight rooms... 32.50 754-/X ( ourtland street, five rooms 00 ...... --aa 42 Williams, five rooms 21.50 •• Harris st., seven rooms 50.00 | 4'*4U Decatur st. 12 moms 32 50 40 Royston st., six rooms... 30.00 275 Moreland ave., nine rooms 35.00 54 Wst Pine st., seven r00m5.... 35.00 200 Angier ave., nine rooms 40 (to 3G9 Ponce ave., six morns.. 35.00 331 Euclid ave . eight rooms 35.00 91 Sydney st., six rooms 27.50 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent Unfurnished Apartments For Rent Modern Apartments For Rent MOST DESIRABLE In Atlanta as to location and structure; just off Peach tree on Eighth street; six rooms; tile porches, store rooms, etc.; in Lil lian and Elizabeth. Vacant September Ist; $65.00. ALSO one apartment In Wickliffe, Peachtree and Eleventh streets. See janitor. J. W. GOLDSMITH. Real Eslate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. ATTENTION ! HAVE YOU mad' connections with some reliable agent tn handle your prop erty for the coming season'.' WE SAVE YOU the trouble of i ejection make the necessar* repairs, remit promptly, and. above all, KEEP YOUR PROPERTY RENTED. OUR FACILITIES for taking care of rents are unexcelled. Experienced men in this department eliminate unnecessary wear and tear on your prop erty and reduce expense to a minimum LIST your stores, houses, apartments and lots with us. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN 303-8 EM PI KE BUILDING. Ponce DeLeon Avenue A XICE. very slightly elevated building lot facing south, and just a few feet east of Ponce DeLeon Place. 60.9 feet front fop $3,400; i>n terms of $1,300 cash .balance one. two and three years. This figures a little less than $56.00 a front foot, which is way under present values in that locality. EMMETT HIGHT REAL ESTATE 513-514-515 Empire Building. RALPH O. COCHRAN COMPANY REAL ESTATE RENTING AND LOANS. HERE IS A LITTLE FARM IN TOWN. On Sells Ave. we have a large. le\el corner lot ami a good 5-room cottage for $3,250; all improvements down and paid for. The lot is 85x200. HARRIS G. WHITE. Sales Manager. Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN 203-8 EMPIRE BUILDING. FOR SALE. PIEDMONT AVENUE. <)N EAST SIPE of the street, between I Eighth and Tenth streets, we have a beautiful lot, 50 by 175 feet, and cheap at $3,500 EAST TENTH STKEET. '.EVERY CI'.NIEN’ E n t’ls louise Tw < w . ■. Bevel Lot 40 1 <IBO Has been I’sird with us f<-»r $6,000. It Is worth nu>r« NORTH BOULEV.AKD. i we 11 \VE a residence that Is high class In ever) wax Garages, outhmi-os. .hath*, sleeping p. es l.ot 52 h> 175 (Cheap at SS,S('O Ibis is rear Highland iavenue We Have Plenty ot Money to Loan on Reni Estate. Real Estate For Sale 1 BY OWNER. north side, extra swell two storx bi. uah'U . nnv and all e nveni- I <-n< cs bargain, terms Call Carmichael. I !v\ 3149-J £llslll ■ EoR .piick -ale. list your property with Ever* tt <N Everett, 224 Brown-Randolph ■ Bl . Marietta ai d Foray th THE IIOI'SE yon build, buy or r«ni will i.ot be a modern home | unless it is wired for electricity. FOR RENT. 1-r . 292*4 Whitehall st 6-00. 7-r h., 61 Whitehall terrace >23.10, 7-r. h., 26 Form wait street 25.00 I 7-r. h , 171 <>glethorpe 35.00] 7-r h.» 116 East Ellis 25.00- 6-r. h., 94 Whitehall terrace 15.60 | 6-r h , 297 Cooper street 15.60 6-r. h., 31 Park street 30.00 6-r apt., 810 Peachtree street 30.00 ' 6-r apt., Georgian, 215 Ivy 42.50- 6-r apt.. Piedmont, Piedmont ave... 25.00 | 6 r. apt , 290 East Linden street .... 35.00, 6-r. h., 700 Simpson street 16.00 i 6-r. h., 24 South Warren street .... 15 00 | 6-r. h., Peyton road 15 00' 6-r. h., 38 Haralson street 30 00, 6r. h , 8 Helena 12 00 6-r. h., 21 Howell place 27.50, . 34 Greens 1 •37 50 ( 6 • Candlei sti eet 25.00 6-r. h., Posey street 21 00 ■ 6-r. h.. 33 Curran street 9.00 6-r h., 19*8 I ult"n St 20.6 m 6-r h., 77 Lauton street 25.00 ANT) A LONG LIST «‘f larger and smaller houses. Come to see us. FOSTE’it * ROBSON. FOR RENT. 4- flat 403 Rawson street $ 14.30 5- flat. 196 Juniper st 35.00 flat. 108 Whitehall Terrace 14.60 5 ’' Hat 124 I<ast Eair street i 20.60 .-r flat. 196 Juniper st., furnished 65 00 32 Rogers st., Kirkwood, i . . new 15.0-) ;-i h.. 44 1 >oane st .»-r h.. 166 Lucile avenue 25 00 5-r. h.. 150 South avenue 2L\SO h . 25 Cunningham place 22 50 JO Cunningham place 25 60 7-i h . 76 \von ave 22 50 h 3SI Spring street ’ 45 00 s r 1 .(\\ . Peachtree st 45 00 s • h . 1 ’ulliam st. '. 25.00 '‘-r h . .is Sipwurt avenue, new. . 35.00 o" r !’• Pryor street . .. 37.50 1 11 p 8 East Merritts avenue 7 urt ?!^ h^ b SO an ' 1 n , ,tn ( rrsvpnt avenue 57 50 9-r h . so M< Lendon avenue 65410 O r h.. 242 Stewart avenue (new). 40 00 . I -r h 2u G.mMod place 50HO 1 4‘i». >.)uth Pryor street 3*) 00 ' . . 8f ' ' Merritts ave . ii ••0 Auburn ax-enue. 20 by 100. ~ ■■ 100.00 !_ South Broad street; four-storx - brick, modern. 165 East Alabama . 25 bx - 126 . . 10.- aa '132 .Mat’i Ma street. 20 by 90, heat’ Included mono I■ ’ 8t r ®et 20 bj 35 ........... 40.00 It s like getting money from home, for t s money e.i illy made by reading, using and answering the Want Yds In The Georgian Few people realize the many I•• ■•rt.itiltK s offered them ' among the small ads It's a good sign that If the peo. pie did not get results from the Want Ads of Tie Georgian that there would not be' so many of them. If. for nothing else, sit I down and cheek off the ads that appeal to i you You will be astonished how many of them mean money to you. The Want Ad - .■. bargain count In every l'>." ads are .-■■ conveniently arranged that tiny .an be picked out very easy. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. The Real Estate Habit Il SI AR IS many a young fellow on th? right road, makes him save money,-and shows him the advantage of owning land. i LOOK at those fine building lots in Decatur we sell at $800; terms. S2OO cash and S2OO a year for three years; sidewalks, water and sewer included. By the time these lots are paid for i they will bring $1,200 to $1,500; in fact, lots in adj ining block , are bridging $1,500 now. SO I HERE is the money saved and the profit besides (or else a home site provided); but best of all. you’ve formed THE REAL ESTATE HABIT. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR SIOO ('ASH AND $25 PER MONTH BUYS ORME WOOD 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. V\ 1 THIN half block of car line we have a pretty 6-roorn home, in good con dition, and on level lot 60x164 The price is $2,750, on these easy terms. Small loan. This is a splendid residence section, with good school within 3 blocks. See us about this. WEST END 11 ()M E $2,5,00. RIGHT off the Gordon street car line we have a bungalow effect cottage of ;> rooms and hall, well arranged, well built, with all modern Improve ments; east front lot; good residence section, and wo can make easy terms for you. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 XValton St. Both Phones 458. EDWIN P. ANSLEY REAL ESTATE—FO RSYTH BUILDING. $16.000 —-LARGE, prominent corner on Decatur street; three stores with apartment above, bringing in splendid returns. Special prices for quick cash sale. Information at office. PIEDMONT AVENUE and Avery Drive. Corner lot 60x215, nicely elevated, facing east. In a growing section of Ansley Park. Price $2,000. Terms. REFUSING PROFITS in PEACHTREE HURST LOTS SOME of our purchasers of three weeks ago have refused handsome profits ort their investments. Why do you stand by and watch your neighbor get the benefit of all of this? Why don’t you investigate. LOTS S3OO up. Easy- terms. No Interest. No taxes. L. P. BOTTENFIELD, Owner Phone M. 1298 211 Em nl) <- Bldg. • A Real GRANT PARK HOME, c'; ir p x E xJ i i w * v x *—v (Out Where the Breezes Blow ) w—w * -j ** >'ooms. newly painted, on a perfect ly* M I 11 I) beautiful, elevated, shady lot. car line x *■ A and charted street, out where the air is x—\ < ■» T ri A. MAX pure and healthful. Only $3,750. See us. COivl HA i\ A REAL ESTATE, RENTING, LOANS. 511 Empire Building. Both Phones 1599. THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phon® 2106 Main. TAKE A LOOK AT NO. 63 CLEBURNE AVE. This Is a new double-floored and storm-sheathed home; built of the very best materials; steam heat, tile floor on front porch and in bath, hardwood floors, birch doors, stone mantel, exposed celling beams, bookcases, walls tinted in rich colors, dressing room with large plate glass mirrors in doors, which gives a beautiful effect, plate rack, butler’s pantry, china closet, splendid basement. This Is located directly in front of Judge Palmer’s beautiful home. It is fresh and new. No one has ever lived in it. All we ask you to do is to take a look at it and then come to see us. Our price is right and terms easy. NO. 35'! MYRTLE STREET. Here is an eight-room two-story home, located on a corner lot; will either sell or exchange; will take vacant property- as part payment. BARGAIN ~STETaM-HEATED APARTMENTS—Iust go out to No. 300~West Peachtree street and you will find some of the nicest “NEW” apartments in the city; absolutely every known convenience to the apartment. Will rent you one. OWN YOUN OWN HOME IT CAN BE DONE, WE CAN ARRANGE IT, XVE IIAX’E beautiful building 1 ots on the north side. All eitv improvements ami 10-minutes car service. Prices from $1,200 to $2,000. WE XVILL BUILD ami make easy terms. Come and talk it over. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT CO. 609-13 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. RAMSEY. GREEN & ANDERSON 214-215 Empire Building. Main 66. Atlanta 344. BRAND-NEW colored renting property: first-class in every respect; rent sl6 per month; water and sewerage; only $1,400. A tine investment. NORTH SIDE vacant lot in a block of Piedmont avenue and Pine street ■ Tf"bv 132 to 20-foot alley; only $l,lOO, on easy terms. A close-in lot at a bargain price. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW in Inman Park, on oar line and a thornughfare~sonn to have bitulithic pavement; lot 50 by 100, at a sacrifice. Worth $5 500 ' but 54.800 will buy it. Terms easy. ' ’ HOME BARGAINS SB,OOO One of the prettiest country homes you ever saw; eight rooms, tile bath stone foundation, own electric light plant and waterworks; all the outhouses you want. 20 acres of level ground: oe ear fare. 10 miles from Atlanta near Hapeville. $5,000— Two-story bungalow, seven rooms; modern in every wav; close to Jack son and Ponce DeLeon. Can arrange terms $3,750 -Grant park section; six rooms afid every convenience and pretty; on Au gusta avenue. Can arrange terms $6,000- Inman Park bungalow This Is a beautiful place: side drive on Waverly way. Can arrange terms. See us at once about it. s3,7so—West End. one block of Gordon street; six rooms; a beauty. Just look at it. Easy terms Marrin-Ozburn Realty Co. Third National Rank Building. Phone Ivy 1276; Atlanta 208 Money To Loan. » Money To Loan, MONEY TO LEND Wte ARE IN POSITION to handle g >d, first-cl >rtgag< real state loan- from 6 to 7 per cent from 3 to 5 years. There is no delay in getting your money See us L. H. Zurline, manager RALPH O. COCHRAN CO. 19 SOUTH BROAD STREET. Real Estate For Sale. CHARP & gOYLSTON WEST END. WE have for quick sale a beauti- ful bungalow on Lucile Ave.; owner is leaving the city and will sell for small cash payment and purchaser to assume his payments which now amount to $26.50 per month. This place will rent for $35 per month. Looks good for either home or investment. A SMALL CHICKEN FARM. IF you want something like this with a modern home on the lot, see us about a proposition we have on one of the best streets in West End. WE also have three new modern bungalows just being finished on one of the best north side streets. Prices are all right and the terms are easy enough. ” 11 I II ..! I | Legal Notices. A PROCLAMATION. Submitting a proposed amendment to the constitution of the state of Georgia, to be voted on at the general state elec tion to be held on Wednesday, October 2, 1912, said amendment relating to the bor rowing power of the governor. By His Excellency, JOSEPH M. BROWN, Governor. STATE OF GEORGlA—Executive De partment. Atlanta, July 29, 1912. Whereas, the general assembly at its session in 1911 proposed an amendment to the constitution of this state as set forth in an act approved August 19, 1911, to-wit: An act proposing an amendment to the third section of the seventh article of the constitution by striking therefrom the words “casual deficiencies of revenue'' and substituting therefor the words "such temporary deficit as may exist in the treasury In any year from necessary de lay in collecting the taxes of the year:’’ and by striking the words "two Hundred thousand dollars” and substituting in lieu thereof "five hundred thousand dollars, and any loan made for this purpose shall be repaid out of the taxes levied for the year in which the loan is made.” Section 1. Be It enacted by the general assembly, that It shall be and is hereby proposed to amend the constitution of Georgia in the third section of the sev enth article so as to strike from para graph one the words "casual deficiencies of revenue” and substituting in lieu there of the words, such temporary deficit as may exist in the treasury in any year from necessary delay in collecting the taxes of that year," and by further strik ing from said section the words "two hundred thousand dollars" and substitut ing in lieu thereof, "five hundred thou sand dollars, and any loan made for this purpose shall be repaid out of the taxes levied for the year in which the loan is made,” so that the first paragraph of said section when amended shall read as follows; "No debt shall be contracted by or on behalf of the state, except to sup ply such temporary deficit as may exist in the treasury In any year from neces sary delay in collecting the taxes of that x ear, to repel invasion, suppress insurrec tion. and defend the state in time of war, or to pay the existing public debt; but the debt created to supply deficiencies in revenue shall not exceed, in the aggre gate, five hundred thousand dollars, and any loan made for this purpose shall be repaid out of the taxes levied for the year In which the loan is made." Section 2. Be it further enacted. That whenever the above proposed amendment to the constitution shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two houses of the general assembly and the same has been entered upon their journals with the ayes and nays taken thereon, the governor shall cause said amendment to be published In at least two newspapers In each congression al district In this state for the period of two months next preceding the time of holding the next general election. Section 3. Be it further enacted, That the above proposed amendment shall be submitted for ratification or rejection to the electors of this state at the next gen eral election to be held after publication, as provided in the second section of tins, act In the several election districts of this state, at which election every person shall be qualified to vote who is entitled to vole for members of the general assembly. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting the proposed amendment to the constitution shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "for amendment to constitution authorizing temporary loans," and all persons opposed to trie adoption of said amendment shau have written or printed on their ballots the words, "against amendment to con stitution authorizing temporary loans." Section 4 Be .it further enacted. That | all laws and parts of laws in conflict witti this act be, and the same are, hereby re pealed. Now, therefore, I. Joseph M. Brown, governor of said state, do issue this my proclamation hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution is submitted nor ratification or rejection to the voters of the state qualified to vote for members of the fun eral assembly at the general election to be held on Wednesday, October 2. 1912 JOSEPH M BROWN. Governor. By the Governor. PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State -30-1 I GE< IRGlA—Fulton County. To the Honorable Philip Cook, Secretary of State, for the State of Georgia. The petition of Hillyer Trust Company, a corporation of said state and county, shows: First. That it 1s a corporation char tered under the name aforesaid by the secretary of state under the general laws of this state for the incorporation of trust companies with the powers and character specified in such law. Second. Its charter Is dated August 19, 1910. No amendment has been made thereto. It now desires an amendment to raid charter changing its capital stock from two hundred and fifty thousand <5250,0001 dollars to live hundred thou sand <$500,000) dollars, consisting of shares of the par value of one hundred ($100) dollars each, and also changing its name from Hillyer Trust Company to At lanta Trust < 'onipany. Third. It files herewith a certified ab stract from the minutes of its board of directors (trustees), showing that this application for amendment has been au thorized bx the vote of a majority in amount of its entire capital stock at a special meeting called for the purpose, hv resolution of such board, notice of which meeting was mailed to the stockholders ten days before said meeting lIIi.I.YER TRI ST COMPANY By Henry Hillyer, President. -23-14 LEGAL NOTICE ” GEORGIA Fulton County Mose Berry vs Lutitia Berry Fulton So. perior Court. To Lutitia Berry, Greeting. Bv order o, co’irt you are notified that on .>n t h day Os July. 1912 M. S.. Berry filed 7, lit f<»T to the .\<>venihe.r term You are required to he at the Novem'br r Pt-n) 1912 Os said court, to be held J| t .-t M..n.lax in November, 1912, to answ.-r the plaintiffs complaint an-w.,r Witness tl; „ H „ n w n E||j said court, this .Tulv 20 1912 J K ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk 7-24-1