Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 14, 1912, EXTRA 1, Page 13, Image 13

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Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale FOR QUICK SALE WE WILL SELL 6-rooni bungalow in Kirkwood, lot 50x223; plumb-1 iD£ in ami city water: rents lor S2O nowj.we can sell for $2,250, [ on terms to suit purchaser. ATLANTA SI BI REAN REALTY COMPANY Trustee's Sale of Northeast Corner of Mangum and Thurmond Sts.; BEING the property of W. E. Feldman, BANKRUPT, and being the store and house fronting fit) feet on Mangum street and 50 feet on Thurmond . street. This semi-central property will be sold on August 20. 1912, at 11 j a m.. to the HIGHEST BIDDER for cash (purchaser to assume a loan, 1 represented by a mortgage, of $1,147.46), at the office of P. H. ADAMS,' ’ Referee, in Grant building. . NATHAN COPLAN, TRUSTEE. 7-23/-7 Home to Suit You !! F'’R A <ash Payment we will sell you (he prettiest level, shad' lot on .Moreland amine, and loan yon the money to build you a home to suit vour -lou build it yourself or select your own builder, and make vour own ar rangements w ith him just as if the lot and money were vours Isn't that fair ' enough? Get in touch with us at once. WILSON BROS. 701 EMPIRE BLDG — - ' FOR SALE A DAINTY BUNGALOW' <<»n West Sixteenth St.) TfATJ NT I HAS 7 rooms; strictly modern; hard- ■ I I I I I 'J I woo.d floors: nice, elevated lot, 40x, v ' A 1 X | • ifta feet. terms reasonable. Price.t 12 Auburn Avenue. SSOO Cash, S2O Per Month and N j Loan to Assume. *3.-»Cg < m ;i g»><»«i street we offer you an up-to-date 6-ronm cottage, all improve ment? and a big bargain at this figure. $25 Cash and $25 Per Month Hl iS a new 6-room bungalow, all improvements, on car line and in one block of pub’ic school. Price *3.inn. HARPER REALTY COMPANY 717 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING HELI. PHo.NE IVY 4286. , ATLANTA PHONE 672. DILLIN-MORRIS CO. Atlanta National Bank Bnildiii'Z Phones 4234, +235. 110 I’Ll M STREET Nice six-room house. <*n lot 50 1»y 200. and, listen to these turn’s: #".00 cash anti $?•."» per month, and no loan. Isn’t that a chance for a good railroad man. and right at bis work’’ <.»00 < XSII ami >3O per month will buy a north side six-room home, on a fine b’g lot. >in«l on a street where property is growing by leaps and hounds. This new Lome for $5,600 .*.OO i ASH and $2.» per month; two pretty new south side homes. Eurnace in ea< il Gvery’ihing modern and complete. s a i.i:s m i:\ : ’~(’iTTs r~~<Vm.ij.ns. eked c. \v< >< »dall _ ON MATHEWSON PLACE lfiO I' EE I from Lucile caj - line, (i-rooin bungalow: hot. ami cold water, combination fixtures, sidewalks and sewer; *niee lot. I his place is a neat little home lor some one. Remember this is an east front. Price $3,200JH), on eas\ terms. J. N. LANDERS 612 Aiistfdi Building. Phone 3422. HOME SEEKERS ARP. X• )! in the market for a home? If so. it will bp to yoitr interest to confer I with u< at once LISTEN! Ho you own a lot anywhere in the city or sub- / ■irbs paid ior or haif paid for? If so, lei us build a house on it to suit your ideas /. am) arrange ’erms like rent or easier Houses we build rang** second to none in 4 point of workmanship, material and beauty. Ask our customers. Plans and 4 spemfications will cost yo j nothing. Gate City Home Builders REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. So’> Third National Bank Buiiiling. Phone Ivy 3047. GROOM Bl NCALOW IN KIRKWOOD WITH ALL IMPROVE- MENTS. WE WILL TAKE YOIK EQUITY IN A VACANT/ LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT. THE BALANCE EASY PA V M ENTS. 'This house has water, sewer and electric lights on a lot 50x150. ami convenient to the car line; 7 1-2 minutes schedules early and late. Let us show you this house. Tribble & Harllee Glt> Third National Bank Building. Phone. Ivy 3746.: C- R. GROOVER & CO REAL ESTATE AND BI ILDING. Phone. Main 31S-.1. 614 Empire Building $4,501) ON El < LID AVENUE. Inman Park. One of the pret tiest bungalows in this section. If you are looking for a home this is the place. ’Terms. - HOLDERS’ESS STREET. West Eml. A nice six room bungalow, worth $4,500 Owner needs the money. It will pat von to look at this, ('an arrange terms. $3,850 V LSI l-.ND PARK. A beautiful six-room collage on a | nice lot. We can arrange attractive terms. $3.2->() ORMEWOOD PARK A brand new cottage with all / conveniences, on very large lot. This is a bargain, and we» would like to show it to you $3,000 OGLETHORPE A V ENI E. Vest End. A six-room '■</ tage mi lot 50x150. Make us an offer on this. $2.<50 IN IHE GRAN 1 PARK SECTION. A beautiful little cottage that will make some one a nice home. This is a pick- / up if there ever was one. Terms | ' . J READ FOR PROFIT- USE FOR RESULTS— GEORGIAN WANT AD/g WdE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NFAX’S. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14. 1912. SPINNERS CHECK COTTON DECLINE Sudden Upturn in Market After Early Slump- Offerings Find Ready Buyers. XEW YORK. Aug. 13. Despile 'lie covering by shorts prices were S to 15 points below Monday’s closing at thei opening of the cotton market today Au gust and September sold under 11 cents. But for the covering movement there I would have been a sensational break, as [ there was nothing in the weather nor crop news of a bullish nature. Weak tables was also a depressing factor. During the first hour of trading the market was under heavy selling, and suf fering from the consequence of heavy] hedge selling against long contracts in Liverpool and spot cotton, and prices made a further decline in most active positions of 8 to 17 points from the early range. A sudden buying wave prevailed during rhe late forenoon trading, headed by Eastern and Southern mills, also large spot interest, and through their agres slveness prices made a continuous rise, gaining the entire decline, and prices during the afternoon session aggregated 19 to 24 points above the opening figures. At the close the market was steady with prices ranging from unchanged to 6 points above the final quotations of Mon day. Warehouse stocks in New York today 97.412; certificated 86.991 SANGE5 ANGE_ OF NEW YORK FUTURES. Il I i ID "I V I‘o ! Aug 11.03111.12 10.96 11.12|11.19-21;11.14-15 Sept. 11.00 11 20 10.!>5 11.ju li.l'.t-21 11.15-16' Oct.'.t 11.07 11.35 11 :',5-36 11 29-31 1 Nov. 11.12 11.39 11 12 11.39 II 37-39 11.31-32 Dee. 11.22 11.47 11.11 11.30 11.3H-1;’ 11 36-38 ■lan. 1 1.21 1 1.35 11.114 11.33 1 1.33-35 11.2'.'-30 Feb t i 40-4:1 11.40-41 Mar. 11.32 11.48 11.16 11 17 U. 17-18 II 45-46 Max 11.41 II 57 11.27 II 57 11 56-57 1 I 53-7,5 Closed steady. Liverpool cables were due S : 2 points! lower ott March and to 11 points lowc.- on other position". Opened easy at 14 tn 15 points decline. At 12:15 p. nt . the market war quiet hut steady ala I net decline of 15 to 15 l 2 points. Spot ' cotton in moderate demand al 21 points decline; middling 6.62; sales 7.000 bales, I American 6.000; imports 4,000. none Amer lean. At the close the market was feverish ' with a net loss in prices of 17 tolll8 1 - ! points from Monday’s? closing figures. RANGE IN LIVERPOOL FUTURES. Futures opened easy Range. 2 D M Close. Prev. i < ipening. Prev. Aug. . , 6.41 -6.39V2 6.40 636 6.54 I Aug.-Sept 6.31 'a-H.JHU 6.31 «.27> 2 6.45'... Sept.-Oct. 6.21 -6.17'2 6.18 6.17'. 2 6.34 *i lift.-Nov 6.13 -il.llij 6.13 6.10% «.28' 2 Nov.-Dee 6.10 - 6.08 ' 6.09 6.05% 6.22 Dec.-.lan. fi.09%-6.08 ’6.08'2 6.05 " 6.23% ■ • lan.-Feb. 609 -6.07'2 6.10 ’ 6.06 6.24% Feb -Meh. 6.11 -6.0!'% 6.10 6.2.»'» I Meh - \pr 6lf -6 10% 6.11% .. .. 6.26 Apr.-Mav 6I; '--r.. 11'7 6.12 “ i;.08' 2 6.26% I Mav-.lune 6.13 -6.12 6.10% 6.ttj% 6.27'7. June-.lnly ' 6.27% Closed feverish. SPOT COTTON MARKET. Atlanta, nominal: middling 12- 4 New < »rleans. steady; middling 11 15-16. New York, quiet, middling 11.90. Boston, quiet; middling 11.90. Philadelphia, quiet; middling LLIS. Liverpool, easier; middling 6 83d. Augusta, quiet; middling 1”’ 2 . Savannah, qui* t; middling l-c. Mobile, nominal. ‘ (ialveston, quiet: middling 12V Norfolk quiet.: middling 12%. XVilmingt’on. liominal. Little Rock. t steads . middling ’2’ 2 . Chi a i les t on. Yorii na I Baltimore, nominal: middling 12%. Memphis, quiet; middling L2’ : St. Louis, qu'et: middling 12 s Hot.ston. stqr<dy; middling 12%. Louisville. fi»m; middling 13c. HAYWARD DAILY COTTON LETTER . \i:\\’ < >Ri .LAN’S, Aug 13. Weather! [conditions and developments continue fa- | \<,r3ble ovtslde of western pnd southern) Texas and central Mississippi, where it is: cloudy, generally fair weather prevailed i Temperatures are normal and rainfall • onfine.l to Last Tennessee and a few ! points iri Mississippi. Indications are fori unsettled and showery weather coming j lon wet;! Texas Oklahoma and northern; Xrkansas. while elsewhere generallx fair | weather will continue. X-large Texas spot house sent the foi hiw'i.tig “Think crop prospects in Texas I c<r>d Oklahoma on the whole best seen at 'tliis time of year.’ Liverpool developed further acute weak- j i nfc»ss with futures as much as 17 points ! itiwer . spots 21 points lower. However,: •there is encouraging feature in a slight (increase in spot sales, possiblv indicating! (hat mil! demand is readx to take hold. Spot people here reported more inquit' ■ from Eastern mills for early delivery. j Our market again strongly enterta ’he vieu that a reaction was due after! the big decline, and there was large bux ing to replace sold-out contracts in the initial decline of 12 points. It soon ap peared. however, that Liverpool os not yet through with liquidation ami that pressure continued at the New York end. Resistance here was overcome in the sec ond hour and October dropped to 11.16. There is no question, however. that technical < oh<iitions are sounder, and that ( mill demand is ready tn come in <»n the’ first sign of a change in the market. RANGE IN NEW ORLEANS FUTURES. | s i M 8 |S® j 3 j * o_|_® U u 1 ' II .63 1 I 62 6 Sept. 11.48 11.48:11.52 114!' I < >ct. 11.32 11.55:11.16'11.46 1 1.46-47 11 45-46 ! Not I 1.3: 11.47 1 1.16 11.47 1 1.46-47 11 45-47 I I 11.35 II .56 1 1.16'11.16’1 1.46- 17 11 '7- I!' Jan 11.41 11.59 11 21 11 50 11.4!'-5O 11 .71 -52 Feb ■ 11.51-53 11.17,3-55 Meh. 11.52 11.54 11.30 11.52 11 59-60 11 63-64 Xpr 11.61-63 I 1.65-67 Max 11.63 11.77 j 1.62 1 1.77 II 6!'-70 I I 73-74 Closed steady. Railroad Schedule. SOI rirLRN I,’AH.W AY. •IyREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH' ARRIVAL AM) DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA f The following schedule figure" are pub- ! lished cnlt as information, and are not i guaranieed No Arrive From No D< pa rt 'i. 35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am' 36 N York 12 15 am 13 .Jaxville. 5:20 am 1 30 (’ol’hiis 5:20 am 43 Was’toji. 5:25 am 13 Cim ! .... 5;30 am 12 Sh’port . 6:30 am 32 Li. Xal 5:30 am! 23 .laxvillc 6:50 am 3.7 Bl am 5 45 am •17 Toccoa. 8:10 am 7(*hal g.a 6 : 40 am 26 Heflin. 8:20 am| 12 R nmnd 655 am 29 N. York 10.30 am: 23 K. c,.. 7;l)"atn , 3 Chat ga 10:35 ami 16 Rruns’k . 7 47, ami 7 Macon.. I'l.uiain 29 B'ham io Lm 27 Ft Vai 10:45 am' 38 N York ITO! am 21 Cnl'bua .10:50 am 40i'h’lotte 12 00 n'n I 6 Cincl. 11:10am; '..Macon ir'ilhnr 30 B’ham.. 2:30 pm 30 N York f t., ~,, 40 B'ham 12:40 pm' 15 t'liatt’ga 3,<»i H 39 <.'li’lotte 3:55 pm! 39 B'ham 4-lor>ml 5 Macon. 4:00 pm|*lß Toccua 4 "() ten 37 N York 5:00 pm 22 Col'bus... 5 |i),„ n 15 Bruns'k. 7:sopm' OCinci. 5 '1) 11 R'mond . 8:30 pur 28 F. Vaih v -,-'0 t m 24 K City 9:20 pm 25 lb flint, 16Chatt'ga 9:35 pm lOMat on 5 :;o ten 2!'i'ol'bus '0:20 pm' 44 Wafh'n 845 mn 31 F' Vai. 10:25 pml 24 .laxvillc 9'30 >tn 36 B'ham 12:00ngt| 11 Sh’port.. 11 10 pm 14''ir. i 11.00 pml 14 .laxvill<- uio |, ln I j Train? marked thus <•> run dail' r» < r P' Puhday "ther Hains run dail,. r'entral rim | >' ty Ticket office. No. 1 Pea. htrec St I TODAY'S MARKETS - < COTTON. N’HW YORK. Aug 14. Firm cables [caused the cotton nuaiket todax to open uih‘hang«‘<l to 2 points better than Tues-| da.\ s ch»sing prices. After the call <ho . market weakened on favorable weather | conditions, which caused an unloading | movf inent by long and prices bail a tend ency to sag lower wuh most active posi ' lions declined aggregate 6 to 11 points from the early prices. : Futures In Liverpool firm, spots firm and in limiteii demand. NEW YORK. I Quottii inns in cotton futures: ' I i jUiOOi Trew j . IQpenlHighlLow lA.M.i Close. ' August 11.19-21 I September 11 19-21 ' .October 1 1.37 11.37 11 26 11.30 11.35-36 ! November j i .37-:;!' | December 11 3;i 11. u 11.33 i i .’.7 11.39-42 lanutir.t 11.35 16.37 11.27 11.30 1 1.33-35 I February 11.40-43 March 1 1.49 11 .50 11 .41 11.4 11 1.47-48 May . ■.. .|U.68|11.58|11 57 11.5? I j 1.56-57 NEW ORLEANS. ln ''niton futures: r iTTPrevT* I [<) penIHighjl^ow.lA.M.i Close. August. . . :... ....i~r: jfi.63 * September 11 52 October . .1 1.46 1 1.18 11.39 1 1.41 1 1.46-47 December .'U.48f111.48 11.40|1l .41111 45-47 January 11.50'11.50 11 .44 11 .14 11.49-50 rebruary 11.51-53 March.. . 11.6011 .60 1i . 56111 . 7,6 11 7,9-60 April 11.61-63 May. . . ■! ...11.69-70 STOCKS. By CHARLES W. STORM. , York. Aug. 11 Canadian l’a- c'fic, with an advance of 2 points, showed the greatest amount of gain at the open ing of the stock market at the opening! :«xiay. althoqgn strength pervaded the <ntir<‘ list and a number of issues rose • sharply. Ao.i,»y all the price changes during the first fifteen minutes were toward higher i levels with some issues selling at the highest figures of tin* present movement I ’ersistent buying of the Fries was again in evidence, the common selling at against at the close lasi night and .Hie preferred showing a gain of ; G up<»n I the first sale. Canadian Pacific's strength was chiefly due to a bull movement in I that issue in London (food buying was noted here also in Reading and Lehigh : \ alley. Lehigh X alley gained % ami 1 Reading 12 I Among the other advances in the in trading were I’nited Slates Steel, ’ H I .Xmalgamated Copper. ' s ; Smelting. ’*»; • Baltimore ami ohm. %; Atchison. ; K . an<l j I nion Pacific, • Buying in New York market seemed to <-ome from a number of sources. The curb was firm. Americans in London ( wore steady at improvements over last night's closing NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. I i II !•'-» lIYYA s Op'n I High;Low.' A.M . ,C:'s» VmaT Cbpper 85% 85« i SSM B;.' 'A. S. Relining 128 k I'.'Sh, 1 "8< 128 7 „ 128'*. I Am. Smelting B«'.. 86‘-> 8 86% 86 IA. U Fountlry 6ft •< 61', tlft", 61 * 60% I Anaconda . 43% 13% (3% 43% 13% Atchison . . . lift lift up iio 10:1% 1 A B. Sugar .71 *7l 71 71 70% IA. 'I an,l T . 146 146 146 146 1 45% R Steel . . 38 38 38 !{X 38 B 11 transit .i:F' s 93% :».:••« 92". R "I’d <I. . . 1t),... io.m 4 ift'.t.j IDX.% Pacific . . 281% 281% 281% 281% 279% anti . 82% 82% 82% 82% 82 I H ousel <las . 1t,... 147'.. 147'-. 147 '4, 148% U I- and Iron ::i% .% Hl % 32 31’, ■.. :i7- s 37% 37% 37% 37% North., pf.l 143 143 113 143 142% Interboro. pbl 61% ho % (jft% go K■a nd T.. . . 29% :.9 , -9 & 29 a '•' • Lehigh Valiev 17:!% 173', 172% 173% 172% I;, A- \ . I'% , 169 „ 11%% 1g.,1 1,%-h ■ Mis Pacific 39 39 L 39 3!H 4 38’ 4 I National Lead 59’? 51,1., 59 1 N'ertil. I’ae.. . 131 l 2 131 1., 13) % 131 % l::p j [leading ■IA:% 1%% 172 % 172% 172% , Rep. I A- S. 27% 38% 37% 38 2'7% i R 1 Al. pbl X!t% no 8|,.% ftft 89% 'South. I’acifiV. 113 113% 113 113% 113 South. Ry. . 3() :;o 30 30 .■>(> Soul 11. |{.v. pf.j 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% St. "aul los 108% 108 108% 108 Union Pacilie. 174 171% 174 174 1 73% , : U s Rubber .7:.% 53 52“ k 53 51 I I I al. ''upper 6.3% 63% 63% 63 |U s Steel . 73 73% 72% 73% 72% ' I" 11. >S'.. 'B'... 18%. 18% 48%. * r.x -in v.oend I % per cent. GRAIN. Clilc.\G<». Aug. IL XX'heat strong and 1 I ' s c higher at the opening with the ■bullish advices ho»n the < »|d world tin | leading influence. Weather in the United i Kingdom was reported as uufavorabn tor 1 harvesting and threshing Liverpool was ' higher ami strong. Corn up as much as for Sep [tpinber this morning on shdrts covering. 1 but part of this strength wast lost later I Moi<!' ic ( red months were \ u> ' higher < , ari\. but the\ dropped hack to I;■ level bohm the cL sing nf yesterdax <‘a 1 s acted in syn pathx with other grains. 1 Provisions were again higher under a good demand fr<rm shorts. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. < Jrain quotations: Open. High Low. 11 a. :n. WHEAT | Sf, P’ 93’ 4 Wi. 93’ 4 93U ("odtN oe'.’' u.: Mai 54% 51% 51% 51% DATS Sept. 71% .31% 31", 3|T Hee, 32 a 4 4 323 4 Ma.' 34\ 34 G PORK Sept. .10 IX. Io 1.8.10 18.10 Oct 18.17 Vs ’ s 7 : 1 s ’; ■.. ixi7'.. 1 lan IS RO IR.RO 1R Ro “ go j LXRH Sept .10.85 10.85 10.85 10 g;, 'oct. 10.92 G 10.92 U 10‘G’x HLOju, Lin .10.70 10.70 ” io HO “ 10 »;6 Rl I IS Sepi. . 10.871a, 10 g;i.. 10.90 oci 10 '> . jo 95 '" ■ •lan 9.95 10.00 9.95 10.00 ATLANTA LIVE STOCK MARKET. 1 (By W. H. White, Jr., of the White Pro vision Company.) Quotations based on actual purchases 1 during the current week < ’hoice to good steers, 1,000 to 1,200. 75 'u0.75: good steers. 800 t<> LOOO. .».25f<i 5 75; inedium io good steers. 700 to 850. 4 fi.25; good to choice beef cows. 800 to ’JOO, | 800, 3 75*f/ I .good to choice heifers. 750 10 850 I OO'ri 1 7;, m<(iium to good I heifers. 8.70 to 750. 3 75'n 4 50 The above represent ruling pri< es on ’ good qualm of beef tattle Inferior grades and dairv pes selling lower. Mixed common steers, if fat. 7ho to x( 0. 4.00'f/4.5'». mixed common cow.--, if fat GOO Ito 80(>. 50 z //1.00. mixed common bum ues to fa .1 600 to 80( [er hulls. Prime hogs. IGO io 200 average, 7 7.'>d • 8.25; goo«l butcher hogs. 140 to IGO, 7 50'o | 8.00. good butclMT pigs. 100 to 110. 7.00<u ■ 7.50. light pigs. 80 to 100, G 50fa7.00; heavy i rough hogs. 200 to 250. 7 <»O'u 7.50. I Above quotations apply to corn-fed I hogs Mash and peanut fattened hogs ; I 1 B <• lower Good run of medium cattle in yard this I w<-ek. although the suppl.\ of stricHx good I beef is short Several mixed loads of I Tennessee cattip were among the arrivals first of week. A few good steers were; : selecte<l from tl’.ese i .trs and brought the I : top pri< os for this week Grass cattle are coming more plentiful] [ from local points; quality not ypt up i lt I standard owing io heavy rainfall this -eas'in the grass has contained too much I moisture and grazing cattle are not vei ( fat Market is cousirkr* <1 strong tn >, higher •'■■■■ grades at ah . itead> on [medium L gh* ami < <»mm..u .’aiile ■ are >lo\a at G''’ %, under quotation of l a wopk Pg". SOUTHEI BOIDS STOCK IN DEMAND Market Holds Up to High Lev els— Proft-Taking Sales Have Little Effect. By CHARLES W. STORM. N'L\\ YORK. Aug 13. Although there was evidence of continued realizing at the J opening of the market today this move- I ment did not extern! throughout the list • and some stocks, notably Amalgamated I Popper ami Missouri Pacific advanced. I gaining \ Strength in American shares in Hip Eondon market helped here at the outset. Speculative interests were diverted for a time to a number of the low-priced rail ways, including l%ri. and Southern Rail way. For the first time in a long time there were enough demand lor Erie com mon to cause a wide opening. Initial prices ranged from 3G” S to 3G“ S . as against j 36 at the close last night Among the other gains recorded were t hese: Steel common ’ 8 - American Smelting Xichison Reading ’ M . Union Pacific Canadian Pacific ’ 4 and Lehigh Valle\ G > Southern Railway opened at 30. a gain of 'h. ami later moved up higher Southern Pacific was unchanged on the first sale, but later made gains American railroads in London reflpcte<i bullish sentiment al gains over New York parity. Denver and Rio Grande and Ca nadian Pacific were active in London There was a moderate degree of ir regularity about price movement during the forenoon. Fractional gains were re corded in Lehigh X’alley. Inion Pacific and St. Paul, while others were in brisk demand and moved up to new high fig ures. The greater part of the buying orders came from London. Stocks were freely supplied at conces sions in the midafternoon when nearly eevry thing «>n the list yielded to some extent Lehigh Valley, which early i’ l the day had sold as high as 174. fell to 172'x. and similar reductions were noted in many others. ’The copper stocks Geld ed less than any toher group in the late pressure Stock quota'ions: i Cloa.lPrev S r< H JKS IHgi, Ijow Sah Bid. Cl st \mal (:opp< - st- i 84 ''iG 85. H 83% Am. Ice Set... 26 ' 26U Am. Sug Ref 128\ 127’ R I2R- H Am. Smelting 85\ R' i G R 54 86 85‘> Xm. Locomo . 45 l R 44 7 R 45 443* 44 1 Am. (’ar Fdy 61 60 60"4 60*£, GO’4 Am. Cot Oil 54 54 54 Amer. Woolen 37 27 Anaconda 43% 42% 43% 43% 42 Atchison .110 109% 109% 109% 109% A <’ L . 148% 147% i 47 % 147% 146% Amer. Can .. 41 % 41 41 . . j 41% do. pref .... 120 . Am. Beet Sug 71% 70% 71 ...J 71% Am T and 'l'. 146 146 146 1 ....145% Am Agricul ... ’ 58% Beth Steel . 38% 38% 3.8% 38% B. R T. 83 82% 83 92% 92% B. and < • ... 108% lOR’o 108% 108% 109% <’ar Pacific 279% 278 [279% 279% 279X 4 Corn Products 15 15% <’ ami o 82% 81% ( 82% 82 81% ( • nsol. GAs . . 148 •< 148% 148%'!4R% 148% t’en Leather 27% 27% 27% 29% 28% Colo. F. and I 32% 31% 31% 31% 31% • ’olo. Southern . . 40 40 I and II . 171 % 171 % 171 % 169 171 % Hon. and R. G. 21 21 ’ 21 22 20% Histil. Socur ?•■ s 3% 3* 8 3% 3‘* Erie 3<-% 36% 36% 37% 35% do. pref. 55% 54% 55% 55% ; 54 Gen. IJectrir 183% 'B3 183 183 181% Goldfield Cons . . . 3% 3% G. Western . 1.8% 17% IS 1 ., 18% 17% G North., pfd. 142% 142% 142% 142% 142% G. North. Ore 4 4 43% Int Harvester ‘ .... 123% 123% 111 Central . . 131% 131 % 13G% 131 % 131 % Interboro 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% do, pref. . 60% 60% 60% »0% 60% lowa Central 11 10 K. C. South.. 26% 26% 26% 27%' 26% K and 9’ I 29% 28% do. pref. . 63 63 63 62 " 62 L. Valley. . .1 74 173 173 172% 171% L and N . 169% 167% 169 168%;166% Mo Pacific 39 38% 39 38k, 38% N Y Central 119 118 118 117%!11R% Northwest . . 142% 142% 142% 142% 142% .Nat. Lead 59 I 59% N and XV . .119 118% 11S% 118 G 118% No. Pa- itic . L3l 130% 130% 131% 131 '>. and \V . 33 32% 32% 32% 32% Penn . . 124 ‘ 2 1.23% 123% 124% 124 I Pacific Mail . 31% 31% P. Gas Co. . 117%*H7% [ P. Steel Car . 37% 37% 37% 37 37% Reading .171 % 171 % 172 172% 172 Rock Island 26 % 26% 26% 26% 26% do. pfd 52 52% R. I. and Steel 28 28 28 27% 27% do. pfd .89 ; 89% S -Sheffield. . ... 56% 57% So Pacific 112 112% 113 113 113 So Railwax 20% 29% 29% 30 29% do pfd. 80% 80’a 80% 80% 79% St Paul 107\J0« 108 107% Tenn. Copper 42% 42% 42% 42% 42 Texas Pacific 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% Third Avenue 36% 36% I nion Pacific 174 1 73% 173% 173% 173% I S. Rubber 52% 52%. 52% 52% 51% Utah Copper 63 62% ♦G , %. 62 62% * S. Steel *3 k (2% 73 72 ‘n 72% do. pfd . 112% 112% 112% 112% 112% X -c Chem. 48% 48% W I'nion . 82 81% 82 Rl% 81% Wabash 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% do. pfd . 15 15 15 14% 14% W Electric . 88 87% 87% 87% 87% Wis Central .' . 60 61% XV. Maryland 57 56 Total sales, 476,782 shares. MINING STOCKS BOSTON Aug 13 Calumet Xriz-ua 77; old Colons, 9%; I'niled Fruit 192 C and H.. 533 LOCAL STOCKS AND BONDS. Bld Asked Atlanta & West Point R R 140 445 Amer ■an Nat Bank . 220 225 Atlantic Coal A- Ire common 100% 101 Atlantic Coal & Ice pfd 90 yj Atlanta Brewing & lr* Co 170 Atlanta National Rank 325 Broad Riv Gran Corp 25 36 do. pfd 70 72 Central Lank & Trust Corp. ... 147 Exposition Cotton Mills ... 160 if,s Fourth National Bank . 265 270 Futon National Bank 12 7 J3l 1 Ga Ry. & Flee stamped 126 ?27 Ga. Ry . A Power Co. common 28 30 do Ist pfd 81 85 2d pfd .. 46 4 Hillyer Trust Company ... 125 127 Lowry National Bauk 248 25a Rcalfv Trust Company 100 105 I Southam lee common 68 70 The Security State Bank ... 115 i?n I Third National Bank 230 235 Trust Company of Georgia 24* 250 j Trawlers Bank A- Trust C 0... 125 126 BONDS Atlanta Gas Light Ist s. . 102 Broad Riv Gran. Corn Ist 6s 90 95 Georgia State 4%5. 19*5, ss. 100% 101 1 '- I Ga a- Eh c <’< 5s 102% 104 * I Gi Ry. A- Lire ref 5s .. JOO “ 101 Atlanta Consolidated 5s 102% nta ’■ • '■' ■ 1913 91 ' Atlanta City 4s. 1920 98 99 Atlanta Cit> 4%5, 1921 102 103 1 x- Ex-rights. NEW YOR GROCERIES NF.W YORK. Aug 13 -C<iff<>e Ktea»l\ ; No 7 Rio spot 14. Riee steady . domes- ! tic ordinary to prime 4%<;i.'>% Molasses i steady ; New Orleans open kettle 36ft< 50. I raw quiet; centrifugal I 0.’.. mus -I ci vadO 355 molasses sugar 3.30. refined i quiet standard granulated 5 15. »ut loaf 5.90, crushed 5.80. mold X 45 eiibes 5.2.5. ■ powdered 5.20, diamond A 5.10. confec- [ t!< net r I 95, Ni 1 4 95. No 2 490 No i 3 4 85, No 4 480 I BUTTER. POULTRY AND EGGS. ■ NEW YDIIK, Aug 13. Pressed poultry i -leady turkeys 14'</23. chickens i . • - • .■ ■ | Live poultry unsettled prices nominal Butter weak «reamrr> specials i creamerx extras 26%4/27. state dairy’ itubsi •..’l'f/ i 25% process si>ec is Is 24<?iL’% ' Ugg firm ncarbx white fancy I i'«nrb\ brown fam x extra firsts ::4 I "5. firs 1 s _()'</ JI ‘Tteesr Him; whole milk specials 15% u Imb- milk fanev 15% kirns specials 1?% «kims fin 10%-f/!1%, full skims 6'2 </ S ’.. AND GOSSIP\ Os the Fleecy Staple NEW Y<»RK. Aug 12 Carpenter. Bag got Co.: We should have a good reac tion from present level good class of buy | >ng and scattered longs having been elim inated. Mitchell. Hentz, Craig good buy ; ers t hroughout the da> Lehman. Wilson. Lee. Mitchell bought January. .Shearsun. McFadden, Hicks. 1 Gwathmoy sold. General wave of selling caused early decline. Gwathiney. Riordan Schley. I Springs. XVeld led sellers. Following are 11 a. m. bids: October I 1 LlO. Hecember 11.18. anuarx 11.10, March! 11.18. Gumoens. lin ks. Stack. Lee. Hentz. . Hutton, Gifford. Wilson good buyers of I tec-ember Schill. Freeman. Springs. Munds. Me- i Elroy sold freeh. Seidenberg. Wiggin! bought August Wilson. Schill sold Hubbard. Lohman bought September Seidenberg sold. It was reported that Spinners wore among the buying crowd, the first evi dence of it tor some lime. Manv local traders anticipate a good reaction is due. This came true after the opening, when the sudden buying wave prevailed. Estimated receipts Wednesdav 1912. 1911. New Orleans ..... 350 to 450 369 Galveston 2.500 to 3.000 6,354 i ‘alias wires: ’ Texas San Antonio cloudy, warm: balance generally clear and pleasant Oklahoma—Generally clear and pleasant.’’ The New < >rleans Times-Hemocra t sum mary. The ease with which yesterday's cotton market declined nearly $2.50 a bale on confirmation of recent favorable crop progress, and the absence of a reaction ary force even after a decline of nearly 200 points, gave manv non-bearish opera tors something to think about. If the market can be weak in spite of a spotted and late crop, in spite < f record-breaking consumption, and in spite of the heavy de cline that has taken place during the past two weeks, ihe bearish argument, favor ing still further declines. would seem to merit more careful consideration and an alysis than has thus far been given it by the high price faction, which <on lends that, notwithstanding recent and current favorable weather, the outturn does not promise tn reach 14,000.000 by a wide margin All during the spring and during .lune and July the strength of the. contract market was predicated, first, on thr strength of the actual stuff, which was In an unprecedented demand, and next, on the existence of many outstanding loan contracts, which are still held as hedges, and. third. <>n the conviction of many traders that poorly prepared fields and an unfavorable start on a reduced acreage promise a smaller crop than will he required to meet the needs of the mills another year. Environment cooperated with the bulls, and the market danced day after day and week after week, almost without check or reaction, until October In Neu Orleans had reached 13.34 Ip to that time the bullish cart had been hitched to a star Since then the bull ish star seems to have been hitched to a cart. COTTON SEED OIL. Cntton sped oil quotations; I Opening, t closing." Spot 6 20?ci6?40" August ..... September .... October 6.29fa6.30 6.38(0 6.39 November .... 6.14faG.16 6.22<h6.25 December .... 6ior«/6.11 January 6 February . , . . .. d o ; 6. Closed very steady , sales 18.8W~barrelB? NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. Coffee quotations: I Opening. ] January 12 80 1.2.75*0 12.76 February. . . . 12.70(<i 12.80 12.73f?i 12 74 March 12.83 12.79(512.80 April 12.8541,12.90 1 2.81 <u 12.83 May 12 86 12 844/12 86 •lune 12.8010,12.85 12.a 12.83 July 12.76 89@ 1. 90 l August 12.40(0 12.60 12.4810 R: 50 , September . . . 12.57/0 12.63 12.53(0 12: 54 October 12.57 12 59/0 12.60 November 12.71 12.65(0)12.67 Decern bet . 12 75 12 74 4/ I 2.75 Closed steady. PORT RECEIPTS. The following table show’s receipts at the ports today, compared with the same day las* year: 19T£ j 191 L New Orleans . . . 147 I 734 Galveston 5,035 1 7 594 Mobile 7 ’ ] Savannah 232 963 Norfolk 79 5 Bost >n 44 Total. . 5..5G0 %21l ‘ ’ Established 1861 The LOWRY NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA Designated Depository of the United States County of Fulton, City of Atlanta. I Capital . . . $1,000,000.00 I Surplus . . , $1,000,000.00 Accounts of Individuals, Bank and Corporations Solicited dzx—-,,.,,,,,, xJ : To Manage Your Affairs I TS the llillver I rust ( 0.. prepared to manage my affairs tor me while I am absent from home? Yes; the trust de partment ol the bank is equipped to manage your property, collecting rents, interest, dividends, etc., and remitting the proceeds or crediting your account, or investing the balance j as you may direct. No amount too large or too small. HILLYER TRUST CO. Hillyer Trust Bldg. Atlanta, Ga. o— - SMRCORN LEADS GRAIN RISE Covering by Shorts and Bull ish Foreign News Cause En tire List to Advance. ST. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. \Yiiahi x„. 2 red ... 10Lfet04 < orn 7sg. mi ''HIU.AGO. Aug. 13. Wheat was under pressure hi the overling today and prices were % 4/lower. News from abroad was rather bullish with the ac cept.inet's smaller for cargoes and parcels Northwestern and Canadian wheat re leijits were amaller than a year ago. Si tileiritier corn was up to "Or on shorts billing, showing an advance of ' 2 c over last night. The December and May were a shade lower under liberal offerings ' tats were a shade better for the Sep tember. while December and Mac were fractionally lower. Hog products were up a trifle on the strength in hogs at the yarns. There was a bullish feeling In wheat todtt.i and the market was strong and ac tive. The export demand for wheat was greatly improved and this helped the en tire market. There was an advance all around, with closings showing upturns of 3 4<'_ to - R v. t’nrn closed ',r tn U s c higher. The eash trade was better in corn. Oats were ',c to ( s c Higher. Provisions were better. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Free. Open. High. Low. Close. Close. WHEAT Sept. !'2', '>.??„ 92 93i< Dec !);!'„ 9;u s 92 M #2 «k May 95% 9fi% 95% 95% 95* g CORN - Sept 69',, 71 69% 7] 69% Dee 54% 55% 54% 54% 54% May 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% < >ATS Sept 31% 32 31% 31% 31% Dee 32% 32% 32% 32% 32% " 47 * S4 ’* 346 » PORK Spt 18.87% 18.00 17.85 18.00 17.»5 < ict 17.95 18.05 17 95 Jgftfi 17.92% Jan 15.52% 18.77% 18.52% 18.77% 18.50 LARD Spt 10.72% 10.77% 10.72% 10.77% 10.70 Oct 10.80 19 87% 10.80 10.87% 10.80 Jan 10.52% 10.55 ' 10.50 10 55 10.50 RIBS— Spt 10.70 10.82% 10 67% 10 82% 10.67% Oct 10.70 10.82% 10.70 10.80 10.07% Jan 9.85 9.90 9.82% 9 90 9.82% LIVERPOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat opened %d higher: at 1:30 p. m. was unchanged for December to %d higher for October. Closed %d tower Coin opened unchanged to %d lower; at 1:30 p ni %d higher on September and %rt lower for December. Closed un changed to %d higher CHICAGO CAR LOTS. Following are receipts for Tuesday and estimated receipts for Wednesday: JTuesday. IWedn'sday Wheat " 53 274 ' Corn 178 149 oats 441 • 278 Hogs . . ' 10.000 I 23.0ft0 I——-■ - ■ ~ CHICAGO CASH QUOTATIONS. CHICAGO, Aug 13 Wheat—So. 2 red : 1.00(1 1.04. No. ;; red #B® 1.02. No 2 hard J winter No. 3 hard winter . !‘4‘ 4 . No 1 Northern spring LOO to 1.65. No. . 2 Northern spring 97-01 03, No 2 spring Corn No. 2 75-4*o No. 2 white 77’ 2 ! G7BL No 3 yellow • ! "bite 77t077U. No. 3 yellow 77t077 l -2, No. 4 74t07n%. No. 4 white 75 to7s’ s . No 4 yellow 76’ 2 t076 1 4 Oats No. 2 new 30’ 2 . 2 white new 32'4(033, No. 3 white old 32 new 3112 33. No. 4 white old 32. new ?J @3D 4 , standard 32*0-32*2 INFERIOR MOVEMENT. ~f 19i 2 1 ~nii~ Houston .... 2.073 4,414 Augusta 265 1 Memphis 27 301 St. Louis 2W (’incinnati. ... 86 2 Tot id . I __2. 466 4.951 13