Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 14, 1912, EXTRA 1, Page 7, Image 7

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KONEYMAKES 'NO ERRORS IN 481 CHINCES ST. l.iil’ls, MO., Aug. H.— Dur ing these busy days, when things of much note are hap pening. the performances of one player have been ove look< d bj the dope sharks This player is Ed ward Konetchy, the Wisconsin boy who first sacks for the Cardinals. Koney has handled 481 straight Chances without a<; error. He has playofi 44 games without a slip. Koney is going along trying to make a name for himself as king of the first sackers. Some term him that now. There are a few better, one of the most notable of these being lake Daubert, of Brooklyn. Nevertheless. Koney’s record of no errors in 44 games is something worth while. Kciney's great record is all the more remarkable considering the fact that he has many chances to make errors relaying balls to the plate. The big first sacker not only does duty in his territory, but when a ball is hit to the outfield Koney is right on the Job to take , the relay and peg it to the plate or any other base. In this way he has good chances of making errors, but t us far. a; least tn the last 44 games, has escaped a black mark. Then, many times he saves the in fielders from black marks when they make hurried throws b\ mak ing one-handed stabs for high throws or digging ’em out of the turf The big t ain is one of the most valuable assets to the lo.pal Nation al league erftry. and he should make a modern day record of straight games without an error. Ever since Koney has been in the Tom Lynch organization he has been right up with the leaders in fielding each season, and this year is out to land at the head, which he stands a good chance of doing. To prove the assertion that Koney is a busy individual is true, it will be said that he has made 29 as sists in the 44 games. His busiest afternoon was on June 21. when he got tour assists. <>n more than me occasion he has been credited with three assists in a game, while the twos come as regular as the ones. The other 152 chances he has. been credited with have been put outs. VIRGINIA LEAGUE. Games Today. Petersburg in Portsmouth. Norfolk in Newport News Richmond in Roanoke. Standing of the Clubs. W. L. P.C. VV. L. P.C. P'sb'rg 64 I- '-04 P sm'th 15 49 .47!' Norfolk 54 i!: .524 R'hm'd 51 56 477 R'anoke 49 47 .510 N. N'ws 41 61 .402 Yesterday's Results. Richmond 3. Roanoke 0 (first game). Richmond 4. Roanoke 1 < second game). Norfolk 4. Newport News 0. Portsmouth 3. Petersburg 2. TURN DOWN CUBS' OFFER. TERRE H.M'TE. IND. Aug. 14. The Cubs offered S3,ot'O for Catcher Har grove, of the Terre Haute Central league team. He is nineteen years old and is batting .295. The offt*r was de clined. S ///I z 1—77I —77 *1 V 4 Reduction on Clothes When our summer stocks are reduced, they are of that class 11(113 which stands not on the order of r»s eoing. but literally “GITS!” DiIOCS Xow. don't yet late and depart dissatisfied because the choicest ijiril l have flown, for they certainly lUI 11 will! Come early and look icliinac quickly! isnings dt Parks=Chambers=Hardwick Special harpins in 31--3 b Peachtree Street. Children’s Department [boxing I Late News and Views L I ' * Porky Flynn is in good shape for his ten-round engagement with Gunboat ' Smith in New York tonight Willie Ritchie is doing light training for his four-round contest with ’’One Round”! Hogan in San Francisco next Friday, riight. If Ritchie is returned the winner he should have little trouble securing matches with some of the best 133 pound- i ers on the coast. Jim Flynn stopped over in Los Angeles ! Monday on his way to San Francisco I where he is booked for a 20-round en counter with Cl | rley Miller September 2. You have to slip it to Dan McKetrick Hv has just turned down Hugh Mein- | tosh's offer of SIO,OOO for Joe J-eannette to, battle in Australia Dan says he has I signed articles for Joe to tight Sam Lang- ; ford in Los Angeles and the only thing I that will make him run out of the match ! is a bout with Jack Johnson. Frankie Conley and Harry Thomas are scheduled to go ten rounds in Los An geles Friday night Thomas is being managed by Jimm> Johnson. ■ M • Rawhide Kelly who is managing Frank plcato. has matched his fighter with Wil lie Beecher for a ten-round bout in Goth am tonight, and the following Tuesday he will hike to Boston to meet Matty Ba hl win. • ** • Johnnv Kling, the Chicago lightweight, is going to Gotham with the intention of securing a mtfich with Jack Britton. Jack White entered the ring at New Orleans Monday night a 7 to 5 favorite over Frankie Russell and lost the bout. Much, money changed hands on this en gagement. as fans Had figured White an easy winner Russell will probably meet Joe Thomas in New Orleans within the next two weeks. • ♦ • An exhibition was staged at the Fort Leavenworth Federal prison a few days ago, the first time in history that such an event has been permitted Several notable pugs took part in the entertain ment. among whom were" Wildcat” Ferns. Tommy Dixpn and Soldier Miller Jim Kendrick, the classy KnglisN ban tam. has been matched to meet Frankie Burns at the Atlas Athletic club, Rock away beach. August 20. Eddie Powers, featherweight champion «.»f Brooklyn, is training Kendrick. • • • Eddie Murphy and Mickey Thomas are matched for a ten-round contest to be staged :n New York next Saturday Freddie Welsh, the former British champion, and Phil Knight, of Kansas City, have signed to box twenty rounds at Winnipeg August 20. Welsh boxed a twelve-round draw with Grover Hayes recently. COTTON STATES LEAGUE. Games Today. Greenwood in Columbus. Yazoo City in Jackson. Vicksburg in Meridian. Standing of the Clubs. W L. P.<’. W L. P C. (• mbits 27 IX G'nwood 25 20 55 i M’idian 22 15 J'ckson 24 23 511 V’ksb'rg 25 19 .568 Y City 533 .132 Yesterday’s Results. Jackson 6. Vicksburg 5. Columbus 4. Greenwood 2. CAROLINA ASSOCIATION. Games Today Winston-Salem in Charlotte. Spartanburg in Greensboro. Anderson in Greenville —— Standing of the Clubs. W. L PC. W L. P.C. A d**rs n 57 34 G'sboro 40 50 444 C rlotte 52 37 .565 S p’b rg 42 49 402 W.-S'm 51 42 .549 Gnville 31 61 .337 Yesterday's Results. Greensboro 7. Spartanburg 4. .Anderson 5. Greenville 4. 1 Charlotte 2. Winston-Salem 2. APPALACHIAN LEAGUE. Games Today. Cleveland in Asheville. Knoxville in Bristol. Morristown in Johnson City. Standing of the Clubs. W L. P.C. AV. L. PJ ’ Bristol :’,l .597 C’vTnd 39 39 .500 K xville 42 38 .525 A eville 36 16 .439 J. City 40 .u» .525 M’t<»wn 33 4G .418 Yesterday's Results. Cleveland 3. Asheville 0. Knoxville I. Bristol 2. THE ATLANT A GEORGIAN AND NEWS. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14. 1912. I THE BASEBALL CARD SOUTHERN LEAGUE. I Games Today. Memphis in Birmingham Standing of the Clubs. 'Y L l> ’’ w. i. p c n nam hb 42 .bll C’nooga. 50 51 .495 Mobile 61 50 .550 Mont 49 58 |SB I IN. <>r . .54 50 .519 N'ville. .48 57 4571 ; M inphis 52 52 .500 Atlanta .42 62 404 1 Yesterday's Results. New Orleans 8. Atlanta 1 Memphis 2. Birmingham I , Montgomery 2. Nashville 1 t hattanooga-Mobile, off day SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. | Games Today. Columbus in Albany. I . Columbia in Macon. I Jacksonville in Savannah. Standing of the Clubs. | VV. L. P.t' I \V. L p p C bus. .25 15 .1125 | Macon 20 21 4SR Sav'nah 24 15 .615 I Albany . 16 25 .390 .1 ville. .23 16 .561 | Col'lL 14 28 .333 Yesterday's Results. Columbua 6, Macon 2 Savannah 9. Jacksonville 1 (first game 1 Jacksonville 1. Savannah 0 (second game ) Columbus 4. Albany 1. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Games Today. Chicago in,Washington. Detroit in New York. St. Louis In Boston. Cleveland In Philadelphia Standing of the Clubs. 'V L P.C. w 1. pc Boston .73 34 .682 Detroit .54 56 491 Wash. . 66 43 .606 ("land 51 56 477 Phila. .63 43 .594 S. Louis 35 71 .330 Chicago .53 54 .495 N York 33 71 .317 Yesterday's Results. Chicago 5. Washington 3. Now York 3. Detroit 2. Only games scheduled. OTHER GAMES YESTERDAY. Texas League, Austin 5. San Antonio 3. Houston 5. I'alias 3 Hirst game' Houston I. I'alias 2 (second game). Waco 4. Galveston 2. Fort Worth-Beaumont: off day. g i Yachting and a John Ruskin Cigar |sj I—J Compare John Ruskins with the best 10c. cigars. !■ ■ Ruskins are better and they’re only half the price. If you're accustomed to smoking 10c. cigars, you’ll en- £ ’■ joy John Ruskins. If you are in the habit of smoking t| sc. cigars, you'll find John Ruskins a rare treat. The Havana tobacco used is the finest grown. (7ic biggest and best cigar | | | value in the world for sc. g | Buy them by the box. Each box contains a profit £ [* <4| sharing voucher. G I I. LEWIS CIGAR MFG. CO., Newark, N. J. . The Largest Independent Cigar Factory in the World B J. N. H IRSCH. ( Distributors I E. L. ADAMS & CO. ) Atlanta. B ’ S Dr. E. G. Griffin’s D S R C X, Over BROWN & ALLEN'S D RUG STORE, 24'/ 2 WHITEHALL ST. $5 Set 01 TBBtil $5 COMPLETED D„Y ORDERED SjßffEr 22k 6old Crowns ' Special Bridge Work, $4 AH Dental Work Lowest Prices. R PHONE 1708. Hours—B to 7. Lady Attendant. I $lO ATLANTA TO PENSACOLA AND RETURN via The WEST POINT ROUTE Tickets on sale every Thursday up tn and Including August 22, 1912. Return limit ten days. Sleeping cars, dininq cars, coaches, CaH at Ticket Offices: Fourth Nationa' Bank Bide, and Terminal Station. Annual Mountain Excursion SOUTHERN RAILWAY Saturday, August 17 i $6.00 Asheville, N. C. ■ $6.00 Lake Toxaway, N. C '56.00 Hendersonville, N. C $6.00 Hot Springs, N. C. $6.00 Tate Springs, Tenn. $6.50 Bristol, Tenn. Final limit September 1. Three trains to Asheville. Morning Noon ! Night. 8:00 a. m. 111:15 a. m. 9:45 p. m MAKE RESERVATION NOW SUFFERED 14 YEARS WITH ITCHING PILES. TETTERINE CURES THE CASE Mr. J. T. Slitipt.i inc. Savannah, Ga Bellaire. Midi . Nov I‘.«, 190 S About sixteen years ago I had a ease of itching piles I fried first one thing and then another, until I had tried all the remedies I had heard nf A clerk in the Economical Drug Store, on State-st . Chicago, sold me a box of Tetterine I did not us.- moi.* than half the box be- , fore I n.M en’itel* cured and after four tetn buttering • •• GRADY G WILSON. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Games Today. > Philadelphia in Pittsburg Only game scheduled. W. 1. PC. W. L PC. I N York 73 29 .716 C'nati . 49 57 .462 1 Chicago 68 36 654 S. Louis 47 59 .443 I I’'burg. .61 40 .604 Br'klyn. 38 68 .358 1 Phila 50 50 .500 Boston .28 75 .272 Results. ' 'hicago 4, Boston 2. Pittsburg 3. Brooklyn 1. Cincinnati 7. Philadelphia 6. St. Louis-New York, off day.. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Games Today. Milwaukee In 'i ledo. Kansas c.ty .n Il.anapolis. Minneapolis in Columbus. St. Paul in Louisville. Standing of the Clubs. W. L. P.C W< U P C. M'apolis 80 43 .651 M'w’kee 56 64 .431 C'bus . 78 45 .634 S. Paul. 54 72 .397 Toledo . 73 48 .601 I.'ville .46 74 .383 K. City 59 63 .484 lapolls. 45 82 .351 Yesterday's Results. St. Paul 15. Louisville 13 (first game.) Louisville 9, St. Paul 4 (second game.) Columbus 4. Minneapolis 1. Milwaukee 6. Toledo 0 Indianapolis 2. Kansas City 0. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Games Today. Montreal in Baltimore. Buffalo in Jersey City Rochester in Providence. Toronto in Newark Standing of the Clubs. W L. P.C. W 1.. P.C. Roch. 68 44 .607 N'wark. 55 59 .482 Toronto- .64 48 .571 Buffalo . 51 60 .459 B’more 60 50 .545 M'treal. 51 66 .436 .1 City. 56 59 .487 P'dence 47 66 416 <* Yesterday's Results. Baltimore 5. Montreal 1 (first game.) Baltimore I.'Montreal 0 'second game.' Toronto 6. Newark 0. Rochester 8. Providence 4 Jersey City 6, Buffalo 3 HADDOW IS BLACKLISTED. CHARLOTTE. ’N. C„ Aug. 14.—John J. Haddow. third baseman on the Char lotte baseball team, has been fined SIOO and blacklisted for statements made on the field to Manager Osteen that he had thrown gamesand would throw mote. HOTELS AND RESORTS. j Ocean View Hotel !W. H. Adams. Owner and Manager, Pablo Beach, Florida. Forty minutes from Jacksonville. Florida, the most desirable seaside* re sort foi the accommodation of Georgia people One night's ride from Atlanta European plan, rates one dollar per day artd up; $5.00 a week and up. Ex cellent case in connection Special re- I duced rate to regular guests. MARTIN MAY X? ' 19% PEACHTREE STREET UPSTAIRS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL UNREDEEMED PLEDGES , X FOR SALE A [SANTAL-MIDY Q Relieves in 24 Hours Q Catarrh of the Bladder All Druggists Hrtiar? oj Counterfeits SANTAL-MIDY Fhe Big Race how the “Big Five” of the American league are hitting the ball, the averages including yesterday’s ! games: PLAYER. A.B. H. P.C. COBB 405 170 .420 i SPEAKER 427 171 .400, } JACKSON 405 156 .385 ’ | COLLINS .382 127 .332 | ' LAJOIE 266 81 .305 Cobb boosted his average two points yesterday by securing two hits in three times at bat. By the way. the Detroits only made three hits against the New York team yesterday. T. Raymond gar nering all but one of ’em. Boston, Philadelphia and Cleveland didn't play yesterday, and, therefore, Jackson, Speaker and Lajoie didn't get a chance to boost their figures. ALABAMA POLY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE IS ANNOUNCED Al BintN. ALA.. Aug 14 —The football schedule of the Alabama Polytechnic In stitute for the coming fall is as follows: October 5 Mercer in Columbus. October 12 Open October 19—Clemson in Auburn October 26—Mississippi a. and M in Birmingham November 2—Georgia Tech in Allanta November 9—L. S. I', in Mobile November 16- Pniversitv of Florida in Auburn. November 23 Vanderbilt in Birming ham. Thanksgiving Georgia in Athens The Distribution of the 45-Piece Dinner Sets starts today. Present six coupons clipped from our Premium Announcements, Aug. 7 to 13th, and the set is yours for $3.50. K - ( ‘i’ K tIF T| •I’J ‘V q % ' 'X- I ' '-Jr' J ' JOT ''' Kv (• Jr 1 W k *£ ® I * > iB ' -v • Jkf ■ mF WIMm Mil i ■' mT tjErfellf?' tv Al Atlanta Georgian Premium Department 20 EAST ALABAMA STREET OPEN EVEN7NGS UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK Dishes will be sent to out-of-town <»ustoiiiers, express charges collect. - Correct Proverb Solutions Picture No. 21 Picture No. 22 /VTtTTT'X FmE FAOOE£T“" “ ' / FP <JO J —— I Mttnnt.v? AMp’l i fek fv ' AKE ' s ' rou I SSfe I eo-rs ' \ Jir’uPwbK ) z.£?^ so uat£ -r o | , 3 1 SAt/rvov; LITTLC ■ SCMOOi - TM£ tSoW J —T— > -,"* , '*'OHsr 77 / ALcSKK / hl •’ i Eve? | : aealii d Drowning Men Will Catch at a Straw. Bad Excuses Are Worse Than None CORRECTlON—Yesterday's Solution, No 20. should have read ASK THY PURSE WHAT THOU SHOULDST BUY I Here's How Crackers Are Hitting the Ball Right Up to Date These averages include all games I'iayed to date: | Players. g. ab. r. h. av. Becker, p. . . in _’i x | 6 286 Harbison, ss. . 51 171 19 48 .281 Bailey, if .106 368 67 luo .272 Alperman. 2b..106 398 56 His .27! Graham, c. .. 48 144 1 6 3< .264 Aglet'. Ib. ... 42 135 23 :’.3 .241 Callahan, cf. 64 250 ,25 6i> .241 McElveen. 3b..110 396 16 91 .230 Johnson, p. .. 3 5 o 1.200 Reynolds, c. 9 27 3 5 185 Brady, p. . .18 55 2 9 .1641 Sitton, p. . . 22 52 9 8 .153 1 Lyons, rs. . . 14 39 3 3 .077 Waldorf, p. .. 6 17 I) 0 .ooi- Wolfe, utility . 4 12 0 I 0 .'too SENATORS SELL ROACH AND PELTY TO ORIOLES WASHINGTON. Aug. 14 The W ash ington (American league) baseball tt‘ain has sold outright to the Baltimore team of the International league Piteh*. Barnet Petty and Infielder “Koxv” Roach. Roach and Pelts have been with the Nationals but a short lime. Do you want to change jobs'* Perhaps the one you have doesn't suit your taste. <»r surroundings are disagreeable* Or salary isn't large enough. Or there’s n<» chance for advancement. If so. your chance to change is offered t<»day in The Georgian’s Classified Pages TOM SHARKEY WANTS TO GET A CRACK AT BURNS NEW YORK, Aug 14.—“ Sailor Tom” I Shark* once a leading heavyweight pu i gilist. with a record of standing 25 rounds I before Jim Jeffries, and giving the then < hampion one of the hardest battles of his career, announced himself today as a “contender for the white heavyweight championship of the world.” Sharkey looks to gain ibis distinction after a long period of retirement by taking the ore of Tommy Burns, whose defeat by lark Johnson gave the latter the world's title. Sharkey says he has been led to believe that Burns wants a return match with Johnson and expresses his own willing ness to arrange a match with Burns "under any fair conditions the latter may name." MORPHINfc Liquor and Tobacco Addictions Cured Within Ten Days by Our Naw Painless Method. Only Sanitarium in the World Giving Unconditional Guarantee. ' >ui guarantee means something. Not one dollar need be paid until a satis fui-tory cure has been effected. We control completely the usual withdrawal symptoms. No extreme nervousness, aching limbs, or loss of sleep. Patients unable to visit Sani tarium can be treated privately at. home. References: The Mayor of our City, the President of any Bank, or any Citizen of Lebanon. Write for Free Booklet No. 2. Address CUMBERLAND SANITARIUM F. J. SANDERS. Mgr., Lebanon, Tennessee 7