Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 14, 1912, EXTRA 1, Page 9, Image 9

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11111111111111111111 l | We Present | | The Lily of France y r | | Corset / ‘ | gj The Perfect Corset for LiTSC?2 g ’ Every Woman I S H 1 hese lovely Corsets—, well known , / § tor their unusual gracefulness, / / ]n|||l j j slenderness while affording "‘t- 7 I;I | W H absolute ' com fort--are now | Oil s in our corset department. Illi I is 1 heir superiority is now being shown gby our expert fitters who are thoroughly O| §7 i g versed in the needs of the human form. ' We cordially invite your inspection of the latest imported models of the Lily of France Corset I J.M.High Company. ] I MEN AND RELIGION BULLETIN NO. 12 I | “The Houses in our Midst” “The Man Higher Up” The “man higher up’’ may not be known. He need never be seen. Annas, of Jerusalem, was pastmaster of the art. Politicians were alarmed. But Caiaphas, mouthpiece for Annas, said: “Ye know nothing at all —it is expedient for you that one man die.’’ And they dragged Jesus to Pilate, the Roman official. “I find no crime in Him,’’ said the Roman. Annas, unseen, here struck with the club of practical politics. His heelers roared, “Crucify! Crucify! If thou release this man thou art not a friend of Caesar!’’ Loss of office, vanishing graft loomed horribly before Pilate. Throttling conscience and law, he sent Jesus to the cross. Simply a tool in the hands of Annas, the wretched man, like An nas, thought only that he had overcame another obstacle by practical expediency, the sacrifie of one who had neither friends nor influence. They saw not higher up, above all, God! Father forbid that we be so blind! “What is this history of Fantine?’’ asked Victor Hugo. “It is society buying a slave.’’ “From whom? From misery.’’ “The sale of a soul for a bit of bread.’’ Mouthpieces sneer, “You know nothing at all; it is expedient that some girls fall that many may be pure.’’ “Whited sepulchers” poison the air with their expediency. And without Pilate’s battle with conscience, public officials are saying, “Neither laws nor morals justify the houses; their sacrifice of girls is frightful; but it is expedient we have the houses in our midst.” The pressure of unseen “men higher up” is felt. Sepulcher-born expediency finds utterance. Hear it! “Mothers bid your daughters be pure! “But forget that more than forty four houses, dependent for ex istence upon making girls impure, wait for them with open doors! “Officers touch not our landlords and the men living by buying and selling women! “But arrest yonder little street-walker; slaves may not be seen out of bounds! “We have provided a district, a public market place, where the select may buy and sell. “Efficient policemen patrol it. “These will see that spenders and buyers suffer no harm at the hands of our white slaves.” Surely God, above all, has been forgotten! Will we -shall our city endure the continuance of this unspeaka ble shame? In Christ’s Name, No! Atlanta should and will close the houses in our midst. The Executive Committee of THE MEN AND RELIGION FORWARD MOVEMENT. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEYt 8. WEDNESDAY. AlTH’S’i 14, 1912. E JACK MURRAY MAKES |! BIG HIT AT THE COOL BONITA SHOW IJOUSE : Jack Murray, who is playing the lead- : j ing comedy role In the "Misfit Pressing ; ; Club" at the Bonita. 32 Peachtree street. - this week, is proving to be one of the ; i most popular comedians that have ever : | appeared m a popular priced house in j ! Atlanta. His appearance on the stage ; [ is always the signal for laughter and 3 applause The Murray-Jones-King • Company is one of the best in the busi- X ness. and "The Pretty Girl Chorus” is ; the most delightful imaginable Mo ; tion pictures in addition. Children sc, » adults 10c. Afternoons and evenings. »* • * = "Hines" Invisible Tri | Focal Lenses Give perfect vision for the dis- * tant. for the intermediate as well S as for reading There Is no lost vision as in bifocals. This lens S is made in one solid piece, with three distinct focal powers, and is considered from a scientific and mechanical standpoint to be one of the greatest achievements in the Optical industry. They are made, sold and fitted only by us and can not be bought else- S I where. I HINES OPTICAL COMPANY 91 Peachtree St. E Pelween Montgomery and Alcazar Theaters s i | PRESENT INDICAT- IONS PROMISE UN= PRECEDENTED FALL BUSINESS Are you. Mr. Business man. preparing now to re ceive your full share of this great increase in trade? “Shopping by Wire” is today recognized as the! most modern and direct me dium between merchant and I customer. Adequate trunk linos and departmental stations se-| cure this profitable phone trade. Cali 309. Atlanta Telephone and Telegraph Co. A. B. CONKLIN, fien. Mgr. 1_ 1 ONLY 4 | Iss Gold I I SI. 00 YOU GET ■ r of 15-year gold- ng rames and a pair ® taline Lenses that B y sell at $5.00 sands of People been fitted with w lasses. Come and H inced ses Saturday Night gl WEEK OF SALE lumbian B ical Store g Whitehall I lumbian Book Co. B W I* ANNUAL MOUNTAIN EXCURSIONS SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1912 Low Round-Trip Fares as Indicated in Following Table: Rrnm f&SK*- Asheville, ' Bristol, Mender- Hot Lake i Tate 1 IV/111 ID N C Tenn sonville. Springs, Toxa wav, I Springs, N- C. N. C. N. C. Tenn. ATLANTA. GA 86.00 86-50 86.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6 00 Al STELL. GA 6,00 . . . 6.00 600 600 FAYETTEVILLE. GA L2O Y7 “ FLOVILLA. GA 7.60 8.00 7.50 7.50 - 50 FT VALLEY. GA 7.60 , 800 7.6,0 7.50 7.50 LSO GRIFFIN. GA 7.50 .. . . 7 60 7XO 7.50 j JACKSON. GA 7.60 7 60 7 50 7 7.0 * MCDONOITGH. GA 740 7.40 . 7,40 I ~ KOCKMAKT. U \ 6.00 600 6.00 | HOO 800 6.00 I FINAL LIMIT -Tickets will be limited to return on any train and date up to midnight of September 1. 1912. THREE SPECIAL TRAINSFROM ATLANTA MORNIXG NOON. NIGHT. ! */' MwA 1 '” ■ 8:00 am. Lv. Atlanta 7. ... 11:15 a7"nf LvTYftlanta. 900 p m Ar. Herfdersonville 6:15 p. m Ar. Hendersonville ... 8.17 pm. Ar Hendersonville 600 a m Ar. Asheville « ~0 p in Ar. Asheville 0:26 p. m Ar Asheville 7 10 a m Ar Brevard , 41 p m Ar. Brevard Ar Brevard 7 11 a m h a^ e c T< l’ awav ! '* Ar 1 Toxaway Ar Lake Toxawav SlO a m • Ar. Hot Springs 8:16 p. m. Ar. Hot Springs Ar. Hot Springs.. . 7:JO a. m. j Day trains will carry through parlor carp, coaches and dining cars. Night trains will carry Pullman sleeping cars and through coaches For further Information and sleeping car reservation address James Freeman, Division Passenger Agent City Ticket Office, No. 1 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ge. Phones. Main 142-143, Atlanta 142. H. F. CARY. JNO. L. MEEK, JAMES FREEMAN, Passenger Agent. Aset. Gen. Parwenger Agent. Division Pnseenge- Agent. T SX ""—" —— A L Southern Suit & Skirt Co. / J Watch the Pap ers For Announcement Os L Our Big Remodeling Sale-, A Which Starts Soon i In a short time this building goes into the hands of the / | contractors and thousands of dollars worth of dependable H ’w merchandise will be sacrificed. K Watch The Papers E * % Southern Suit & Skirt Co. < ■ ■ “Atlanta’s Exclusive Women’s Apparel Store” 43-45 Whitehall St. ij=ji_. =ll—ll —ii , =ll ii— H Z|f= ii I REGENSTEIN’S REGENSTEIN’S ! GREAT REDUCTIONS J ON ALL SUMMER 1 READY=TO=WEAR GARMENTS [ | ON SALE WEDNESDAY MORNING = Linen Coat Smits, $4.00 = Stylish linen Coat Suits; white only. Plain and jg Norfolk styles. Values up to SIO.OO. REDI'CEI) to *?■ UU Lfinen Amto Coats, ss o oo Natural linen Auto ('oats with Leather Collar. Cuffs and ItE flfl _ buttons. Kull length; all sizes. $8.0(1 value. REDUCED T() ZpOavU Fone Auto Coats, SIO.OO Stylish Shtipard Checks and blue Serge Auto ('oats. Several prettA fl A styles. Worth s!.">, $lB and S2O. REDUCED I'o | UaUv ' Wash Dresses, $3.00 -J One lot of dainty Summer Dresses Linen. Madras and Dimity. EO Aft All colors. \ alues up to $7.,>0. RED! ( El) TO Summer Dresses, $4.00 One lot of pretty Summer Dresses; Lingerie, Linen and French Tissue. jg ftA ! in white and all colors. Values to $8.98. REDI '('ED TO = Lmen Dresses, $6.50 L I’retly. pure Linen Dresses. Several styles in white, pink. blue, lavender, fl'C* EA rose and leather shades. Vallies to $13.00. REDUCED TO Whflte Serge Dresses, SIIO.OO Extra tine While Serge Dresses Two pretty styles, with Irish 0* *f A ftft Crochet Collar and Cliffy SIB.OO values REDI’t'ED TO I WaWV Wool Skirts, $3.50 One rack <>f sl.vlish Wool Skirls in serges and Worsteds. EO EA Black, blues and light color'. Values io $8.9,b REDUCED TO «Pv.vU Tito Skirts, 75c J One rack of white Liueue Skirts Several good styles. Values ” to $2.98. Skirts are slightly soiled. REDI (’ED To IwC ~ PFfi FIIN 9 = FORTY WHITE HA ILL 9