Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company.
20 EaFt Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga
Entered at Atlanta Post office as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year. mail, nostaee prepaid $5
Six months. mall, postage prepaid. 50
Three month*, mail, posfatre propa d. 1
One month. mail, postage prepa 1. <•*
S-ibscriptions P r yable 1n Advance
Delivered by carrier, ■ •
Delivered hv carrier, six monil M ... 2
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1 30
Delivered hv carrier, one month <
Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10a
Help Wanted—Female.
wanted Yi>u> k women to •■> ’er ut
tered school foi I 102"
Candler bfiiltiing. between 3 at..s .. p in
iF“y OU DESIRE I ■ employ! rent at
good wages, requiring no canvassing
ano nothing to sell Send stamped en
velope for particular:- Address N T
Lindsey. 67 South Boulevard. Xtlanta
_ • 8
NF'. •
Phone Lieutenant Hollida' Main 2062
WANTED Xn experienced laundress to
do washing on the lot Apply 786 Pied
niont hv e nue 8-13-44
WANTED Good ■ References r<
qulred. Apply 786 Piedmont avenue
WANTED—Operators on
pants and overalls. 'Eight
hours a day. Light, cool
work room; union wages:
permanent positions. Good
operators earn $lO to sls
per week. We will teach
yon. Apply Annually A
McCrea. 41 E. Mitchell or
corner Marietta and Alex
ander streets. 8-13-17
WANTED ■ ■ • * .. ncuni-
brances need not apply 95 Angler ave
8- J
GENTLEMAN wishes go<>d laundress If
ing near 12 E. Kimball st 8-18-28
WANTED Young lady • ashler, one to!
assist in keeping books I’ o Box 255. I
W.W'Fj > ■ ; ■ .
after 5 p m IS Trinitx avenue
Press fee<hr Apph Dorman
& XI<• S Bro.t (| -,t
MorelarU ave Do nut telephone Ap j
plyjn person ut once 36 8-13 |
WANTED—Woman «>r girl to do house
cleaning md laundry on lot 315 S i
Boulevard 8-13-111
v\' a\’ ■;' | era
work Xpph 507 \\ »-st I Va.-htn
• __ s ’ 2 9
W ANT ED X general hous<
work 183 North Moreland avenue l\\
1250-. I v-12-27 I
ANTED \\ 1 ■ • nurse • r<
qulred \pi 561 V. .-t p achtl
phone Ivy 1198 31-8-1? |
\\ \NTEI • \
colored woman tk. also experienced
maid. Xpply at once «'apitol ave
nue 8 10-62
wxx■' i. i > ' ;<■
Best wages paid. Xpplj at once. 210
WANTED Experienced coni >• not
incumbered; room on lot. good « iges j
25 Elizabeth st x in-.’X '
• »|;a Di Vi I:s of wonen .- . oih g< »h«
hove had three or mure \ cars’ expert
ence a’ executive work are wauled to <ll
rect the efforts of a large number of
women workers salarx M. 500 a '•;<».
Applicants will be interviewed in Xtlanta :
Address Exceptional. car< Georgian
1 i 8 10
WANTED At once .I white lad> as
houaekf epet and cook foi onl> two in
family l ? 1 Leaptrot. Pin* h irst. <*a
8-7 -23 1
Help Wanted—Male.
4NTED While boy not under fifteei
scars old. with wheel Apph at mo.
47East Hunter streei 8 ■
WA.NTi:i»" _ whiw mi..,;i ..if,... htPi GJ
ply 701 Empire building ,t op. . M.iin I
<Oll-J- 8-13-32
MEN WANTEI' to si ll sowing machines
on salarx or commission. Sew llmne
Sewing Machine Compun.'. ground 11...0
E'lultabli buildins 8-13 18
"\N I’t.l* Steno-bookkeepei \ppl> in
own handwriting, references le.rure.i
* i, ' x care Georgian. 8-13-42
w NT I:i' Bright offii ■ hot about
5 ears old Apph lt‘3 South Eorsvth
street ... 8-|:j
WANTED A putter to go to work ...
once. Bring references \p|v Buelil-
Mea<mr Company, 52 Peachtree 8 13 33
At AN 1 Ei> Benclt men; also one window
and door frame machine man. \\ I.
Traynham. 173 Humphries st s 13 24
WANTED- Young man with high school
education with view studying law
with or without knowledge .1 stenogru
ph' Answer Opportunity .ai r < rg'ian
WANTED A-i shipping clerk, 1.,
strictly sober ami energetic; do not a|.
ply unless you can furnish best of r,.|. i
ences. Gerstion Bios 17-21 Stewirt ,ve
f 13-In
U ANTEIt Tint four first class , al.
inet makers Willinglinm-’l'ift I.timber
Cd- 8 13-16
WANTED Job pressman Dowman N
-.■.’oimsoit. 11 S Broad st 8 13-10
WANTED Mei an 1 vs to lean auto
mobile business. We operate the best
equippt d shops, am it ns open foi
graduates t’ar..lin.< ’ Auto School I'lia.
lone N C 70 -..'0
It A N'l El * T1 ree first .ss walters
ply Adair Hotel. 20f> I’eaclitree stret
8 12 12
MEN \t \NTED to !• rn '■ ■ 11. on
You can’t appreciate our ..ff... wnlm 1
our cutal. Kite: mailed fret M 1 Bart..-.
College. 38 Luckie streei r
ARCHITECT! RAI. draftsman want.
Must be absolutely sober and reliable
■Well up on reinfort e<l concrei, and 1 ■
proof cot struct ion. also good 01
hotel design. \pplv giving ag. ex;.,,
ence. references and salary expected
With the earliest rep. rt Tot duty r
ranged with :t l\.i x 'lacKat <■
' I
WANTED ' ng pha
acy this fail Dem..nd f.r grads
ales ,x ■ • - supply Nex session begins
October 1 Smnhert »' .heps <.f p| ... , x
81 Luckie -.tree’ M ■ • I',a 81 t
WANTEI) Bright, stroi •
boys to deliver ronies in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance lor pi’omolion.
Cal! at circnl.ii ion depart
ment The Atlanta < loorgian.
2<* East Alabama street.
<■' j: r!. a , ■ ■
♦»o on short f all ( .f
ppntpr work ’’ o <:»-id'»-i n. p. *
BandrAnv Bldß. Phon M.i u 4”1
tanta '3;’
w x \”rti
flrood re< , ornni?i'.iHt;ons to lake < : tg.
rtid inanHKe retail pt < I>us!t.< - tr.
Invest SSOO. or v ■ jl<l !<.•:-» L;• •
light party; excHh nt opportnn t- y..
Gru* ♦ rie*. < at> Goorg'.ni
WANTED Idea* Inventors v.rlG • ;
li*t of inventions wanted and pr •« *
sered by manufa* inrors Als< , how g.
x our patent. Sf-nt free to an -, address
Randolph < patent aiG.rf<\
Washington. D C7-] °
YES. Professor G D Brann,-ng will fe;u »,
you the barber trad* fit’s easx > W<
teach in om half time c* «>th« - - dL ;;<>
Cours<. and position in our - l <q.
only *3O Wbv pa> more ’ nvi nr-d* -•<"
ou” graduate? running ■ g
p'Oil wag**s \tlar a Earbei Colbe*. 1'•
East Mitchell street. 5-11-17
Help Wanted—Male.
| ST’ Pat Hilburn hotel, heart of city,
Walton strc' i. ; t \<u want a clean, quiet
Doom .ars’ent (qnri all night
| ;
’ • - - • cutfl sbav<
<1 atnp<“>s \D bnrbrr work (’ban
!:<»n VL'in a P-irD'-r < ’• :<‘ge, 10 P’ast
Help Wanted- Mate and Female.
H?I\L to ;ill, our prat-lk-e
depa rl meat. Remingt <m
Typewriter’ <>..,’•> N. Broad
st reef. 8-13 2f i
W \ \”|'l.’H a ! 1 : i ■ f s'i who
»» xl-LN I r-iIJ W |, [now why they
stammer and how to quit The Eon-Li.u
Institute, 2516 Indiana avr., (’hioago, ill
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTEI' \n ♦ xporionced salesman 1o!
travel state of fioorg a, to sell a fine line |
D»f candies; must have host of rHorenees (
Address S, 205. < are Georgian.
38-8-13 |
> SELL TREES I ruii trees, pecun trees,
shade trees. r<> .-•<••«, ornamental, etc
East io sell. Big profits Write today
| Smith Bros , Dept. **!'. Concord, Ga
105 - 8 - 3
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS No experience required, earn
S2O to S4O weekly selling household spe-
<-laities B«-x '•! Potts < amp. Miss
Situations Wanted—Female.
Po tlon l- lady of three
\ears experience in suit department;
lu st of retri.-nces iijmished. Phone Main
•11'1'9-.I _ 8-13-35
EXPERIENCED aaleHladj In suit de
parini«-nt. at present employed, desires
io change about September | or sooner;
want to locate position as early as pos
sible Box . r . . 25 8 3
DRESSMAKING, BEV\ ING b.) tl e day or
week alterations \ddreas Dr< ismak
Ing, can Georgi 53 8-10
POSITION in office; aeveral years’ ex
perience in handling <•<»! respondnme;
rapid <«n typewriter ami some knowledge
of shorthand; best i ♦•ferencc M. D. cure
’ ;>•<>t Kia ii 66 x ;o
VANTED position bj experh need
lads musii lxn; six years experience pro
fessional pla\ inc Phone lv\ 105. 54-8-10
\V<'RK \VXX’TED at '• p. m. on Tuesday,
Wednesday, brldas an<l Saturday nights.
Will attempt anything .Miss Eloyd X’eal.
Gem ■ - • 6-8-10
DR! SSM \KING of rll kind*; fittlng an<
woi guaranteed Prices i•••..-<jna ble
19 11 unnlcui f. Iv.\ 87'.'-.1. 8-13-47
Situations Wanted—Male.
•'ll \I ’ I’l El’ll, white. wishes position
with private or coiiumr eial parties. G.
■ Mien < •. Perell Gai age 38 An
I.urn avrnm 60-8-13
SITI \TI< >.\ W X.X’THi) !•'. married man;
sober and willing to work W ill <<onsid
er an\ auswi i i ne* »l and must have
work al om-e .1 li . < are Georgian.
52 8 [3
V< i NG MAN fron Virgli i de Irlnj
make Atlanta bis home .seel s emplox
mein where alnliD is ale. lately es«en
tiai. experiema-d in all kinds of office
work. al>o A l sten.,-grapher, but prater
• ■ 11 1• ■ i ,;,: ■ ntri to ..!'•■ \ ui, •• ? -
Virginia. Box <af Georgian. 52-8-13
Y«»I X’G MAN, 27, desires position with
m*-r< miilo (tons.- as traveling sales
man Well educated Good address and
•an deliver the goods. Aihlivss Salesman,
I 66 : \ I 63 8
KN’i’l I ■ .• in.til ng of books to keep <n
night. < xperit need tiookkeeeper; good
'■ ' Xddt ••- ■ H I B . Box 1.00,
• Georgian 50-8-13
W \.\TED Position b\ reliable colored
man: willing to do most any kind of
u*»rk. can furnish r<fer<‘m-es. \ddress
•». I’ .44 Spenc< r street, div. 46-8-12
W K.NTED White •haiitTeur wants posi
tion; have had three years experience;
best »d r» lerences. Address Allen Me
I .♦••••!. 151 Spring .-iro' i 17-8-12
\\ \NTED Position as an assistant book-
1 f ami <olle« or. with chances for
proiin.ition, b> prominent soring man. ’’an
inrnish good rft« rem-es if required. .1 M.
1) . 1 • * • I n .. : r ;. . , . i.'. s . |2
l’l< >N W \ n ri: I ’ In hotel mana
g»r oi cleik. Can build up business.
In < it\ or' iduntrx. Long experienct ami
■ • ■ ■ • Box in
Georgian 34-8-12 ]
V\ ANTED H once, as traveling sales
man, job with some good hoiisi Eight
.soars expori.nve Best of re ferences fur
nished \mln ss \ it Holland. Brass Iton.
'Ja 36 8 i ‘
W ANTED P<»<itlon. proof loader in
union ofti< « W Box 200. care Geor
i I‘l Itl E\« I.D all rouml office man de
• sires ohange; would invest sufficient to
guarantee interest. G II <»fis. General
D.liv<’\ 26-8-12
W \NTEI> Position h\ young man as
bookkeeper or general office work. Have
mi ,i Southern Business
• ’olleg- Best references Box 480. care
Georgian. 77-8-I’l
WAX I KI) To l omniunicHti with
in• !•• h;i111 hi north Georgia town
who will iii'cil a hustling salesman
this tall. Aihlfi ss Salesman, care
I,elaml 11oi i ! !)0-8-10
WANTED \ position bj a first ■ lass I
lathe, milling machine or l'niversal|
gt imh-r hand, tool or manufacturing work. |
Box 17. rare Georgian. , 8-10 |
W \.\T! .D \ position ;!*< housekeeper by |
\oang n an. about eighteen months ex- t
1 pcrivm \dd:- -s Box D 6. care Georgian. I
5 ; s- in
I .\'<' ’N EI d ; and machinist good on re- i
pan- work. Good, shad) titan H. \ .
I i.\ 2'd. I ’ t'-i 1 ’oint. «la 2»> 8-1(1
I W \XTE_b B\ thoroughly reliable young
in ■ i hig! ■• 1 . ’ ethical ion and se\
D ial years ♦ xper em e in office ami detail i
i work, position of tn« :it . rm furnish \-| j
' tetrt •■nee Address Box :‘M. Atlanta. Ga.
POSITION wanted by man experh
ffiee work
I biisiiirss <<»rrespom’ence ami collections;
-at rofrrem es. Box 2. . are
i Georgian. 2 ' 8-9
i W KN EED 11,I 1 , sltion as assistant book
kreper or inn clerk by young man.
I Employed ut prosent, but would llkr to
i ohange Br>i of reference. Address l
W \ 261 White t street, ci
''’l IKI 1 I I i ' . . • whit, .
ami capable ntvebanic wants position as
' * .'u’Trm on ptixair or common. ;il <a
iho Chambers. s I.iilr\ar.i 5 ’ x x
|Y> d' N’G ma li. . w.-thl lik'c position o(
an\ ;;imi. rxperiemgrocerx man.
W \N”!'l'D Position as Iravrlict; <ales
mar., drugs pnt.-rred. o\ September 1
Willing • *; t >n nH.d»rate -mlum ami
•■xl• i-e s a h 11. t \ > pri> \r 11 Sales-
• ’ I • E x <"I r Sc’ -»7 -x
Job Work.
Wi. »’A?\ SAKE xon uiom y <n repair
"mm. delving, tables ;t ml t or.nterc. We
1 ’ ' " ’ ’ I’o.ij r» pa i lyg. bri< v
.x.di uni !■•'. paintirm ami pla<trr
, ‘.ji„ s Eors’ th s’r. ct Bell 1187'
A’Dnta i"x.-M
Lost and Found.
'■aipo., w ill, setting ’D iitru ’ ix.;
1 I’• a« '.: n » t r «a II Iv' • I b va rd
L< »ST • m mix t. an < id-ms; ■ n, • ~n .
am* h'd Dj four b|o, shan-'d
■ Garnett •i , i • im .v: ..
•♦ w »•. > I • . t ' -
A Nsw Lis
11* ’hr Room. Apartment or Ho»t«e
horn* Itk* and cool?
If ;! is. stay where yon ar#*- if not.
ble place for rent tn the city and subui
fm•!. d. y »o list every desirable place ■
.rn;e!<. o f its readers. You save mon*
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
.XICELY furnished, coo), airy
room. Every modern conven
j ience. Gentleman. Very near in.
Xorlh side. Phone Ivy 12X1.
62 8 13
One com f< tai < neat)
nishm! room, r* isonabb . gentlemen*
i only 19 Hunnicutt street Ivt 879-.1.
j L’JAil 6
, !•’'H HIiNT Largo, cool, front room;
: also single room with excellent board.
1 1 ■■• ■ 8-13-4
FOR • ' TI .EM JNicelj ■'urnlshi<J
room, adjoining bath, (lose in; meals if
desired ever modet n com enten’ e. I\ ■
3280 x-13-21
TW<» connecting rooms, furnished rom-
; l< tely for iiou.-< kce|)ing; hot water.
I f ... s: J g ■ > ,
i' ii: oLj j » rooms in strlctlj prh ate
!'• i: Han I 8-13-29
THREE < onnecting rooms for housekeep
ing, furnished; gas and use of phone;
sl2.uU per month, close in, at 220 Easi
hair st 8-13-25
■ I ’d; HEXT To nice young man, newly
furnished front room all conveniences,
w ith ow i er. I• . 2211 ■l. 8-13 30
NEWLI i trnished rooms; nice location
295 Washington st. Phone Main 27’8.
4(i-X - 12
'l’W'» or three furnished rooms for rent;
all * onvenlem es Atlanta phone 5863-F.
l i RNISHI6D rooms; ail conveniences;
adjoining bath; north side; private fam
ily references exchanged. Phone Ivy
THREE connecting rooms furi ished com
plete for housekeeping; no children. 73
w illiams sti eel 8-13-8
A NICELY with or with
out inra 1. 231 s. i■; yor st. s ‘ :
ICELV furni hed rooms; all con ven -
i»*ii(es. steam lea’; second floor apart
ment Ivy 5039 II \V*st Baker st
NICELY ' rnished room with board; also
table board; desirable location 17 E.
''■•oih • 2.-X-I::
11 \ N DS' »M i ;ly furnisher] front room;
private hath. gentleman preferred
9; r. - . . are (Jeorgian 29 8-13
NICELV furnished cool rooms; hot bath.
• •'•■•it. ’"1 I \ \ si i <•<■!. 8-]2-30
■" r • eh gantl fmnlshed ftoht
room; five windows; all conveniences.
66 110 iston ' t ••••' 8-1 ■ J 8
> E \TI.) furnished room; close in. No. i
192 • ’■•iirtland Rreet 8-12-26
NEATLY furnished rooms; all cot .
ulema s, close in 58 East Harris street.
i. I 8 [2-29
NEAT LV furnished rooms for light house
1 • p 42 Houston Close in. 45-8-12
FOR RENT Nicely furnished upstairs
room in beautiful suburban home; meals
in private boarding house, very close;
half b! »< k from car line, ’’all after 8:30.
Main 2460. x -12 19
!••!; RENT Front roon handsomely
furnished; very rea«mabl* close in.
iawsot Ma in 1238-.1 8 12-18
FOR RENT T\\ o furnished rooms cheap
• 'll) before 7 a. in. or after 5:30 p. m.
’.II'’'''-T'-’’"! 1 '’'''-T'-’’"!- x-12-10
1- 1 • el furnit hed rooms privat<
home, ail «-ou . niences Apply 223 <’api
iol Hviiue, "i‘ call Bell phone Main
2958 I X-pMi
NICELY furnished room; twin beds; for
young men only. 205 Spring st. Ivx
2168 1 8 12-5
T'\'i» furnished first floor front light
housekeeping rooms, (lose in. 117
wait I’trnne 6137 - \ 8-12-3
F( •I: RENT Nicely furnished rooms,
with or without board. 16 Cooper
Hreet -x‘-i : (
DELIGH tT'T I. rooms in refined north
side home; reasonable Ivy 1294-.1.
8 10-76
For RENT’ Extra large furnished room
bi one, two or three nice business
•'ii- Ise of parlor. Breakfast and light
supper if desired. 26 W’« st Pavilion
-i' •■■ near (Irant pat k .8 x- io
Ft >R RENT in private home, oi two
furnished rooms, north side, hot water;
private bath; furnaci heal, gentlemen
■ ' ■ ' • •i• ■! ' 'a II 1 \ -•! • I 8-10-32
HOUSEKEEPING root - and single
rooms; hot bath. Bell phono Main 886-J.
276__ Whitehall st 8-10-6
• T’» nie“ y oung man newly furnished fron.
room all conveniences, with owner
iX ' :•’ 11. 8-10-9
NICELY furnished room with sl< eping
porch ami steam heat on Ponce DeLeon
<i \• * 1. \ i.. d x-10-10
CLEAN ami nicely furnished rocm; pri
vate family, no children Bell phone.
hoi bath, just off I’liiehtree 29 'Test
THREE conne< ting rooms with bath fur
nished for light housekeeping. Private
’-I .1 i I .s • I X . '•
F( R r Nicely furnished rooms;
Hose in: refined home. 335 Central ave
Atlanta phont 1506 8-7-41
NICELA furnished parlor bedroom: all
• amvonmneos. for tw young men. Main
81 1 . Central axenue. 8-7-6
L\RGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
Imt ;«iul ( «)I<l water, baths and excellent
• abb board, under new management. 4
W' -t P» a< biiae st. B“ll phone ivy 6790-. L
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
|R’hi.\|; close in town: private family pre
ferred; nano Kites. Address Box 502.
I care G. oridan 42-8-1'!
| =: x=l= =; : =
. Furnished or Unfurnished Booms
For Rent
KoR RENT Light houseke* ping looms,
two furnished and three or four unfur-,
nished. nice: all conveniences, ("lose in
and cheap Apply 88 Pulliam street
X I'-
ll- ’ »i. REN’i two nice, large, airy r< 10ms;
hot and cold water bath and all privi
leges of home: rate \< ry reasonable. Ad
dress Box 17. < »re Go ugian 8-10-75
FOR RENT" one furnished room and
unfurnished kitchenette Close in. 59
• East Ellis streei 8-10-29
STI L\ M- H EATEI' rooms for rent. no
I children taken I’honv I\\ 1202 I.
Boarders Wanted.
.W \N IED Room a: d b< ard; five oi el
. minutes walk «i St»w»»-; avenue and
| W hite ! ’.tll si ! »■« i ’ 'all at •>m < Shari*.
Main • 'e2 SS-.8-1 3
i W \.\ TED Beard or fiu r.isheii rooms for
, light housekeeping in privat* home for
‘ ■ ng » <’Uph- Give Kites am! telephone
i number, with full p.irtieiilars. when icplv-
I im: -x Idress H..\ .. I . <re Georgian ‘
CoI’PLE ree j ■ in get
j two lovely eonnei :ii.g front rooms;
-k »:ii b« at : • . Jlef t table; private fam-
'dx north side, references t? 6 Forrest
•avenue. Phone Ivy LTaD-.l 8-13-39
$1 50 to $ 2 "a' day 00 to >12.50 week lx
; American p'.-in *n, ( n $1 ;,y day; $3.00
<7.00 weekly Lu: ••p<-a u. References
V\<-Longed .8-13-36
i Ge i’ CLASS i « . ( t.,i b. ard: n-> otlu
1 l‘oard«-r> north >tideal home. Pb.'me
jlv' 1D.2-I. 8-13-22
1 ’ Wl:s r PIIACH IHI i : Ph asant fur-
’•l K-otu in private modern home
, AV.i king distance t - business center
YOt’NG MAN a•• ■ b<MU*<}
'' • - < • ■ •.’) G t • > m - ’ I'h<»tu
’ I
D ■ ,• • - ..j,- v up •' -I th able
1 ■ it\<. i.i i ... -had' \ai .1
j u • • . . r» |\ x < m
s Rent Bulletin” |
>t Each tay l|
on now live n desirable, Comfortable.< |
. • -ons.iit this complete li-t of every desira-(i
irbs. The Georgian has two men searching),
that is for rent fcr the I er.♦’fit and eon-z
time and trouble bv consulting thisc
' Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
AV ANTED By two business women by
September 1, two rooms and kitchen
ette. furnished or unfurnished; steam
heat preferred; must bo close in. modern 1
and dean. Box 24, care Georgian.
30-8-13 I
~ - - 11 . •
' Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE large, cool and elegant rooms,
with ball, dressing room and den. elec
tric light; use of bath and telephone: rea
sonable terms to congenial couple or
three young men. 74 East Merritts ave
13- >
I’d: RENT' Three Yin furni shed rooms for
light housekeeping: sink in kitchen; fine
location. 269 Lee street, AA'est End.
8-1:-. 7
FOR RENT First and second floor rooms
and kitchenette; conveniences. 202
•'■■‘•iith lt ;• >r street 40-8-12
ill RENT three connecting rooms or
my cottage, reserving room for myself.
18 Howdl place, West End. 4 1-8-4 2
F()R RENT'—Five nice rooms for house
keeping: north side; no children; desir
able location; references exchanged. Phone
Ivy 2080-J. 8-12-13
THIIEE unfurnished connecting rooms,
hot and cold water; close in; all con
veniences. 158 E. Georgia ave., corner I
( ’ a Pit oL 65-8-10
FOR IIENT—Four largo upstairs unfur
nished rooms, with wide hall; gas, bath
and telephone, ivy 4353-. I 193 Highland
avenue; iwo block* from Boulevard.
Furnished Apartment,.-, For Rent.
TWO or three connecting rooms with bath
for light housekeeping; suitable for
couples or business women 345 , /fc Pea ch
it.-. st
THREE beautiful rooms; modern conven-
iences: separate entrance; north side;
best neighborhood, no children. Ivv 2478.
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
IN the Nicholas, 234 Forrest avenue, un
furnished apartment; first floor, six
rooms; all modern conveniences. (’all
Dy 2.583. 5:12-35
I'• *1: 1: 17 \ T ' a part mmt in the
Nicl io la s. <’al I_l v y_2 58 3. 8-10-59
!■'• )R RENT \n itt active six-room flat
on north side. heat, water and shades
fi’ruisht d; price low t<» desirable party
with references. Phone Main 1019.
FHE most up-to date apartments with
four rooms and bath in Atlanta, located
at 324 and 326 Forrest avenue; ready for
by September 1; ran be seen at
any time; price, $lO per month office
ph*-nr. Main 2102. home phone Ivy 508-. I
I B Sander . <bw ner 8-9-29
FOR RENT The new apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bozco
bel, consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience. and renting for $32.50 tn $35, is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on
premises <>r Fitzhugh KnoX, 1613 Candler
Bußding 5-9-57
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED Couple to shale small apart
ment with couple. Address Box 299.
rare Georgian. 49-8-13
\' \ NTT'.D Small apartment in good
residence section. Call Main 137 before
5 o’clock 28-8-10
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR R ENT’--Ten-room completely’ fur
nished house: good north side location;
tine for large family, boarders or house
keeping apartments Immediate posses
sion for sls until September; then $65
per month Call Ivy 993-.1. 8-10-52
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
MODERN 10-room house on corner lot;
furnace heat; best pari of city’. 438 N.
Jackson street. Apply J. 11. Estes. 514
Ternple ’’ettfl Bell phone 4256. 8-13-40
FOR RENT September 1. modern eighth
room brick residence. 65 E. Cain. Phone
U y 3834 l x : 1
FOR RENT 129 Cooper street; modern
6-room cottage, nice neighborhood: close
in. Apply 133 Cooper street. 8-10-8
NEW six-room cottage, modern con
veniences. large lot. 14 Howell street,
V' ■ • 1 i j 25-8-8
PHONE •■! win-- us for <rir rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rate*. Turman, Black A* Cal
houn._2o3 Empire Bldg. 6-29-66
F('ll RENT', HoI’SES Call. write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
• T-'-hran. 19 South Broad street 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
renl will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
W.\ NTED—Two-stcry riven or clghi
■<><>m houre. near car line, within fif
<<‘<'ti minutes wain of Oeorxia ’lecli
school \nswer, giving street anti num- 1
her. firice. etc. Box 298, care Georgian i
64J 13
\\ A\ i :-.l i By September 12 six to eight - I
room house; gas connect ions for two
families on car line south side Main
3171-. T, 8-7-7
Office Space For Rent.
OFRICE SPACE, show window, ground
floor, central location, tor rent cheap
13 South Broad street. 51-8-13
For Rent—Miscellaneous.
IVX ALID ROtLTNG < ’ll A I its. .sr;, t > |1( .r
month. Ivy 2352-.1. 8-13-41
home. apartanenL r
mg by saving lime, temnor and tramping
consulting The Georgian Rent Bulle-
Boarders Wanted.
SELEt’T boarding at 16 1 last Baker, un
tie' ncu management, cleanliness our
motto; Inspection invited The best ta
ble in the city at moderate prices Rooms
" ><> !•: :V.< <. :■ ■ll Ivy 2666-.1 8-10-63
SINGLE room suitable for coupieTalso~a
few Sf!e,-t boarders can secure l>oar<l
at Rest Haven, 197 s Pryor Atlanta
I'bone t> ' _ 8-10-22
H-‘ :.ou ; |>preciate cleanliress trv us. St
’ *•> " <<<4 123_< - apltol avenue 8-10-7
HBVE PI.EASANT room with eonnect
, if: small • oot.i at..l boatd. 7.13 p.. ;Ich
' 58-8-7
* *ll I*I.AZA Central looctfoii; summer
ratts. < <k>l front rooms ;86 Peachtree.
Board Wanted.
• G XNTED Board for family of four All
m-'wn Two ruoms. in private fatniix
; or sma’l boarding hoiis-. Address M. B
i'»os Cannier Bldg . Atlanta. Ga 8-13-1
Summer Resorts.
Pure spring water, pure air. mountain
crerx ’.«<■' miles fiom Atlanta on 1. and
’ N R R Rates. $7 to M 0.50 pet week.
I'ack m, pi n urping ’rains I— k ing A’
1 lupta at x’ oThick 33-8-1(1
i'.AM IN MARKET for second-hand piano
i standard mak«, if not damaged.
I Phone or call on A. L. Miller, Room 550.
, Kimball House. 41-8-13
(WANTED —By responsible adult family
I the use of furniture for five-room
a l‘ a LL rnPnt - 31-8-1?.
j WANTED— Twelve <l2> tables sealing
four (4> and four dozen chairs suitable
for case; will pay' cash. Address Table,
. 8-13-6
IIOLD'GOODS. office fix
DROP A CARD— Will bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestiare, 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
i BI Y MEN'S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. J. Bock. 32 Bell street.
. 5-J -14
W ANTED - -We pay highest cash prices
nn household goods, pianos and office
furniture. Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer’s Auction House. 35
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, piano« and office furniture.
Cash advanced on consignments Centra!
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
S ”_T P, _ ' ' i "' • '•’•*.!>) 2424 8-26-26
WE BUY bld accounts, notes, judgments
616 Temple Court Bldg. Main 3992
For Exchange—Miscellaneous.
WANTED—To sell or exchange a Cole
make grist mill; 36-inch rock, for band
saw. O W. Prather, Hogansville. Ga.
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE—Solid mahogany Indies' writ
ing desk, with drawers, mahogany chlf
forobe and Singer sewing machine. Pasty
leaving city next week. I luxe onlv been
used six months, and will sell at a bar
galn. Telephone Ivy 2104-1,. 45-8-13
BIG BARGAIN—S67> drophead Singer sew
ing machine; good as new;
order; ail attachments. 96 Love street
FOR SALEFine upright piftno, account
leaving city, very cheap. I’bone Alain
I<o - .34-8-1;:
MAJESTIC RANGE; fine condition:
handsome oltl sideboard; upright folding
bed; plush sofa; hall runner; very cheap.
Phone Ivy 1495. ‘ 8-10-64
b t >R SALE—Flrat-class hairdressing par
lor in heart of city. I> O. Box 812.
Atlanta. 8-10-73
FOR SALE—One invalid chair in first
class condition. Can be seen at 43
t'arnegie way. Atlanta phone 641, Roll
phone_Main 455. 8-10-58
ONE RANGE—One gas stove; parties
leaving city. Bell phone Main 53,1-.1.
__ _72-8-J0
FOR SALE—Cheap: three bed room suits.
consisting of bed complete, bureau and
washstand. 130 Park street. West End
FOR SALE —Furnishings of eight-room; all in first-class condition; at a
bargain; parties going to leave cltv. 95
FOR SALE SIOO grade Parker hammer
less gun. bat little used: good as new:
16 gauge; 26-inch barrels; weight about 6
pounds. Excellent quail gun. including
leather ease. $45. F. I Stone. 814 Atlanta
National Bank imllding, 8-10-35
1 OR SALE—Cheap, two wall cases, one
desk. Remington typewriter, Carey
safe, five gas lamps, rotary mimeograph,
cutting tables, chairs. Singer power sew
ing machine, two-horsepower electric
motor. tObg West Mitchell st., third floor.
Aliß'i'it-q 11 ' l! registers everything.”
x *'ll’ 111 "HI Latest improvements.
(’ncL (, hl registers exchanged.
' 11 All sizes; easy terms
HpoisfpiX Atlanta Cash Register Co.
St l, 1 * *■ 34 East Alabama street
POPE'S SPECIAL—Best dollar watch in
the world sent prepaid, only 86c. Fully
guaranteed to keep correct time two years
ey refunded immediately if you are not
free if it breaks A more serviceable
watch can not be had at any price. Mon
ey refuneded immediately if von are not
highly Pleased Order today without fail
pope Watch ami Diamond Company. 1514
Main street. Dallas. Texas. 6-1-14
AN assortment of chinaware, odds ami
ends from our premium stock room, to
be closed out at very low prices. An op
portunity to secure some very beautiful
pieces of china at little expense. Can be
seen at our premium parlor, 20 East Ala
hatna street. The <R-orgian.7-29-18
WOOD. 7- ’ KO 7,
National Cash Register.
$35. SSO, S6O. $75. SIOO. $l5O and up to suit
your needs. Terms easy. Liberal ex
change for cash registers in use. Bell
phone Ivv 4155. Atlanta 594.
60 North Broad St re el. 7-20-5 2
One Price. No Commission
; LET us make von an estimate on
yonr work. Old pianos made
new again at moderate prices.
The only complete piano shop in
the city.
(?level;tn<l-Mantiiiig Piano
< 'onipanv,
SO N. Pryor Street.
Bell Phone I\ y 2240.
SECOND-HAND SAFES-—Small, medium
and large home safes, sls; Hall’s bank
and fire-- roof safes, vault doors, etc. C.
.1 Daniel, 4)6 Fourth National Bank Bldg
HID il- ESSi ilf LA VOUX
•SPIRITI AL MEDIVM. cl ervovant and
palmist. Parlors, 74 W'alh n streei. I.a-
< ps ma n attendance
iREVEXIS P\ST, present and future
I Can b»‘ consulted on all affairs of !lf<
j Headings 25c. . L7 E.isi Miirh -II sirct
, (in tent >
I IS N’»\\ L’.h’ATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted on
all atfairs of life Charges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed 6-25-13
DR EDMONDS’»N'S Tansy. Pennyroyal
and CoJLt n Root Pills, a safe and re
liable ireatment for painful and sup
i pressed menstruation, irregularuies ami
i ■'’mila’- < i’s! rod i-»n< Trial Dex !»' mail.
.»•»< Frank Edmondmn ;.»•«. nvinufa'’-
i xtlan'a. Ga 2-17-14
Auction Sales.
I NOON AT 2:30. AU-;
STARTS AT 2:30 P. M.
25 S. Pryor Street.
Decatur street. \Ve buy and sefr’anv
and everything. Atlanta phone 2285; Beil
phone Main 1434. Main 187. 7-29-20
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new
management: will accept your surplus
stuck of any kind on consignments; cash
advanced; settlement on date of sale.
14.3 S? Pryor st. Bell phone Main 1434.
Main 187; Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30
WANTED—To get in toucli with a goofl
private school in Atlanta for boy 13
years old. Address Mrs. .1. B. Stinson.
Talbotton. Ga. 8-13-14
DROPSY CURED—Relieves shortness nf
breath in .36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing in 15 to 20 days. Write for particu
lars. Cullom Dropsy Remedy Company,
512 Austell Building, Atlanta. 5-25-11
ORDERS taken fur embroidery and mon
ograming. ('all Main 5165-. J. 8-13-23
’GI-A. .!.\i'kS".\'V!!.Li:. FLA. 8-10-18
SERIOI S RESULTS come from tru
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit
you. and it means insurai ’ 4-19
cial method for adults commencing music.
Enables you to play well in three months.
All monotony of practice avoided. Even
ing lessons if desired. Music, Box 777.
vare Georgian. 48-7-23
refined, homelike; limited number of
I patients cured for; home provided for in
fants; infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T.
Mitchell, 26 Windsor st. 6-22-12
RI CHA R I >S<’» N’ S A tian ta SdecFSchool;
both sexes; summer school in session.
Pupils prepared for Tech, university, col
lege, West Point, Annapolis. 300 Spring.
FOUND -The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
CER. ’’all and see Dr. Reynolds Coin
-1 pany, 21 Inman building. Atlanta, Ga. ]f
{ you can net call, write. 6-7-36
I LADIES —Ask your druggist fo»* Chlches
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble: buy of your druggist. Take no other.
Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by druggists werywhere. 5-2-1
The Jinny Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corsetieres is mani
fested in selecting the model that be
comes yon host. Compsmy headquarters,
84 East North avenue. Ivy 6176. 5-28-36
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood fioors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in ihe Soufh. Write or phone W. it. Cal
laway. manager 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310.
NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are ready
for this kind of work, phone Ivv 1436.
Memorial building 5-6-33
WE have a 70-horsepower racing roadster
that is wortli much more than we ask
for It. You know a car must be right
when we offer it. Travis <t Almond. 26
■lames st,, thir.]_tlom^_l vy 48.32. 8-13-21
FOR a two or four-passenger iluto, 50
acres unincumbered land, six miles from
Hazlehurst: values rapidly increasing.
Value, $6,000. I need an auto anti will
give good value. Call East Point 178, or.
after 6 East Point 309-L. 33-8-13
NEW 1912 Everett 36 touring car ~with
every known equipment on it for SSOO.
Less titan regular price. Part cash and
terms. N. C. McPherson, Atlanta. Ivv
3339 28-8-13
FOR SALE Mode! K seven-passenger
White Steamer, in good running condi
tion; equipped with brand-new first-class
tires all around. Price $250. Address Z.
M. Eloyd. Pelliom. tin. 8-10-46
ONE 50-horsepower Thomas roadster;
first $475 offer will buy it. Auto, care
Geo’-gian._ , 27-8-10
FOR SALE Cheap for cash. 25-liorsc
power Maxwell. in fine condition.
< >wn’r._llnx 201. care Georgian. 8-6-19
BURETOR work a specialty. We rive
careful attention to electric auto and bat
tery work. Hartrampf <*;- Yarbray Co.
PhoriPi Main 3810. 56 Edgewood avenue,
just below Equitable building. 4-22-5 (
i FOR SALE 1910 Racycle motorcycle, in '
No. 1 shapu; n<»w in daily us**: will sell
chrtin for < csn. Write Box 425, Thomson.
'’ •; . i partirulai 8-13-12
toreycle dealers in the South: exclusive
S< nthern distributors for Indian. Eh ea- |
Austell ’ ’ompanv. 35 North I’ryor street. |
1-21-!' |
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
ROUNTREE’S 77 'X 1 r^ AbL |
I PHONES: Bell Mnin 1576. Atlantu 1654
| r FT, ,
j Stove and Range Repairing.
I SELLS second-hand stoves. \\ «• sweep
< hitnn» ys. We take down heaters \\ .•
sell wick anti oil stoves. \\ ♦ :» H
gasoline stovos and ranges. Atlanta phone
2235. 121 W hitehall street 801 l phot ” i
Main 2699 4 4 7
Sewing Machines.
w e Ri;a T n< '■ ma< hine- v > > plet<
■et of pt’a. Linen’s for $2 per uk i 'ii i
I i’sn nta'hine 4 -' repaired, p'lin'it •' ' •«.
I 801 l phones 1893. s • • ’
' ’'bint ’’..tup k,'. . ?:■ Wi. • ( .di | f < t
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
Hn* l rent a word each insertion
No ad taken for less than the
of ten words. Ads in larger type,
i 12c a line ’4 words to the line).
Out-of-town a »1 ve r t I semen’s
must be accompanied with cash
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not he respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue.
All ads must he ordered out
writing or nt office. No’ discon
tinuance notice taken over phone
Every word in th* advertisement,
including the name and address,
is counted. Each initial counts one
word mi < und words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones SOOOi when
it is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, s**nd a duplicate of
Building Materials.
AUSTIN BROS., Atlanta, Ga. 8-8-36
Fire-Proof Storage.
WE STORlTHOUSI?H6LD“goods'~'a’nd
pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-241
Edgewood ave. Ivy 2037. John J Wood
side Storage Company.
Painting and Tinting.
EMBRY. Main 1455. 318 FOURTH NA
Public Baggage and Transfer.
and ship. Main 3657-J, A. 1319. 42
Madison ave 3-12-7
Monuments and Stone Work.
All kinds stone work.
17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3540.
Window Cleaning.
National Window Cleaners
Dwellings or Store Fronts; Carpets Vacu
um Cleaned: Floors Oiled or Waxed.
All Work Guaranteed.
47 E. Hunter St. Main 1175, Atlanta
Phone 1051. 7-5-24
Contractors and Home Builders.
IT WILL PAY YOU to get our estimates
on steam heating and plumbing before
letting your work; 35 years’ experience
in city puts us in position to give you
best work at minimum cost. Bashlor
Heating and Plumbing Company, 43 Car
negie Place. M. 455. 7-20-48
Money To Loan.
The Prudential Insurance
Company of America
can make you a 5, 5 1-2 and
6 per cent loan on improved
property through their
loan correspondents.
203-8 Empire Building.
AND OTHERS, upon their own names;
cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden
tial. D. 11. Tolman, 544 Austell building.
WE can make loans on Atlanta real es
tate and farm lands. Apply to Ralph
O. Cochran, 19 South Broad. 7-10-20
MONEY' on hand lor immediate loans on
property in or near Atlanta. J. E. Van
Valkenburg, 501 Equitable Bldg. 6-6-22
Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3
WE HAVE plenty of money to
lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
and nearby property, either for
straight or monthly payment
plan. Also for purchasing pur
chase money notes. Foster &
Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave.
jewelers and brokers
""-JU UD' ,01 pete *’
/ rYi— bldg.
loan (y
amount; 6 per cent. Wriie or call. S
W. t’r.rson. 21 South Broad st. 4-1-17
FAI’.M 1.0 ANS placed in any amount 7>n
, Improved farm lands in Georgia Tl e
Southern Mortgage Company, Gould bujld-
; In e 7-13-1
ithoiii I iidorsi'mcut
Without Collateral
Without Real Estah
Money loaned at
’’OI’NT (’()..
3(11-2 Fourth Nation
al Bank Building.
'"• ' '■ ;<»' i■ ■ hang, jobs'? Perhaps
>oti it.t\« d< . -rl i suit your'tas'"
' ' “ 1 .'ft. to; .it. disagreeable <>r
'■ 1 1 liras enough Or there’s
”'"<■< sot advancement If go you l
; • ". "' ' "C" • d today f n 'The
j •*<•’, JI S ’ ', I " ' II , I J \ q.ty
• «