Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Con p«r.y,
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga
Entered at At.’Fnt’a~Postrdtlce as second -
c!aw matter
Subscriptions Payable In
Cne year. mall, nostage
Fix month* mail. n*‘«’ace prep* d. -
Thr» e month? mall, postage prepaid. 1■»
Ona month. mail, postage prepai ’ <»
Subscriptions P- table In Advance *
s Del!vered by carrier, one yearsS 20
Delivered by cerr’er, six months .... 260
carrier, three month*... 1 *0
P*i‘vered bv carrier, one month 4
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week
Help Wanted—Female.
ft. WANTED—At once, two first class «■<•)-
orcd cooks. «>ne colored nurse also
colored maids Feders, Randier annvi;
WANTED Stenographer; Smith Premier
machine. Applv 131- Empire Bldg
g 42-8-16;
WANTED An <\p* • n ».< »-d • ■•■«>k it 7».
West r*,-.. : •
Wanted im <ii.-tomers.
several stenographers.
Applv L. G. Smit h A Bros.
Typewriter < 0.. Ki N. Broad
and room on lot; reference* requ • ■
At ■
V> XNTED Girl- to barn g-»«»d 11 :•
good pa? Mlanta Hat Franu 66’
Routh Broad si 8-1»»-l2
WA Ml El» \ oung lad 1 ■ ■
nography and bookkeeping • < do office
work; good chain- f«»r p.-on.-otion Xpply
Saturday belwun !_ and I. Bl.u k Bros
7 I*. \\ liiivl all •• 8
WANTED X < »|ored girl single as ,
good wages and good home. Apply im
tred ately 1? < • rntg< s• I 5-/5 i
W 'NTEF> A good cook. W illl.g to help)
with nursing 19 Uttrr •r si Phono ivv I
4793 x-if,-jni
WANTED Gi l io run sowing m:i< him
Southern I *;•!•♦ Isierirg Company. .lei i
fersdn end Echo streets ’B-15-15 I
WANTED St< no-b.»okkeeprr. must h
accurate. r« liable and c apable of |o< 1<- |
Ing nfier <o»r»i spondence ?1 ist not be .
one thal v al.lns the < lock. State salary
and apply m . V vn ndwriting Address.
1 ’ "
\\ A- T 1 ’ • • • ,i . mbei lid
jon< o- required. Applj ;<i 632 I’cmh- :
tree sii > e! s-:5-2
\\ ’ \ i: i ■ ■. Io gel
ei.i! house work AppL Kenneciv. 1
jve Ivy -
• p • . .
lot. rcfctenci required \p>y 777 1
Ponce DeLeon Phon** iv\
W\<i ' n • ■
maid 30 \V- - N-u-il) r u-i.i i s-11 15 j
M X 'I LD I . i m Hem* < i I;', d \ op« Ia t o|>’ j
to work on l.i<i ■ s and children's dros’-t >• |
53 Dt c.ltur st rec t ,< -it j:• ;
XX .-XVI ED \ .t i: vrn <n’ to < ni. i
lered school for in; Apple iul?
Cannier buiidinc .i■. . : ami ‘
x 31 ;
VAN I'EI) < I; mt;ii m .- mi!
pants ami o\ < i alls. Eiidit
hours ada ■.. Liglil, <*ool
work room: imion wav-es: |
jiermimmi positions. (>ood
operators earn $lO to sls
per week. We will leach j
you. Apply Xmmally X
Met rea. ! 1 E. \litchell or
corner Marietta and Alex
ander streets. S-13-17
Help Wanted- -Male.
WANTED One < hair drivei < \p< -
rienced man preferred Spratt t’liair'
Company. s p;
WANTED lor customers,
several stenographers.
Apply L. ('. Smith A- Ih os. ;
T.AI"' u r!11 ' 1 ' ( ompaip 8 16-5
"A XT I*. 1 1 Position ;t s collectci ex peri
eneed in newspaper and fnrnhuri busi
• ness R.,x .pio. [-are i;wiri;i;<ii 38 8 16
WA.X’l’la > Five tn -1 clas •a 11 . r l . a
ihe corner eleventh str.-et and Crescent
avenue. Hi ng tools n adv for work best
<rf Wages 8 It
WANTEI* Mtm win. can make folding
box forms also a pressman. Knipire
Printing and Box < 32-8-18
11 a' a .i. go
out of town, begin o;t small s;.lat> Ap
pl> Momiax t.(t. Ilmpire l.ite Building
\VAX”taa> eaten.■: makers steads work.
Smitlicrn I ri "Isteting C nnpanv. corner
Jefferson «. .. i:a.. sire.os x i.'.-tc
M\X" I t,,11. 1 taw i >ff .i st • >.< gra .
pher. salat, -to. Address ■; T \\ i
care Georgian 2!t-8-14
MI-..X WAX'! •to sell sewing maeliines I
on salar. <>■ • ..mmis-i. > Xcv llome
S. ninc Machine Comnanv. gi ttnd floor i
Ehultabln .i - s 13-48
WA XTi a > ; . . w foi
inrt n.tkets Villingham- i' fi l.nnib.-r
C<l 8 p 3
M l-:.X' WAXT',:i > i.. learn barbi ■ trade
lon . an' »p|.-c. ia’e our oh. . a itln.-at
our catalog.-, ; u ml,,| n, M..|.u Bai tier
Vollege. 38 I. Im- street tn s-io
AIIi'IIITI .' lit: -trallsauin wanted i
„ Must b, aI • sober and reliable I
Mell -in on I-.-infore-d c.inet-.-te an.l tti-n
pioof . .nslrui ...■ also good mi in.idern
hotel I. gs \npb gn :ng .. ... .-xnci i
erne, refene... ..nd s.ilan .-xpeeted
XX ith the . .xrbe.-t rep ii-i f..i dun if ar
ranged .nth '! 'v > * Macb.iv < mala
Fla 8-7 21
wANTEn ' ng men leal trr.i
aey this fall. Ucnmnd for >.iir gradu
ates exceeds mpr X st session begins
i i ■ n, n c.,n, r . ~f K
8‘ Lik-I.ip -1 •• “! 1 1 ' ' '’ ■ S-1 1
V\ AN i El) Bright, strong
boys tn deli ver r< mtes in
afti'i'ix ><m >. Guild wuyes
and ehanep I'm- prmnotion.
Cal! al cii'culaiinn depart
rnent Hie Atlanta Georn'iaii.
20 Ea st AI aban i< ee t.
RPEVi I-:c.s Comps tent m*ti furnish- I
ed on Short 1 >t ee f..- ~ti rias-. - ..f c!l . .
renter work -I u sir- p .
Randolph JT.ig Phon.- Main 4’l \-
lanta 2332. 7-1-5 1
W XXG .t ' > . . . .. .
good it >uis take > ■
and manage retail g:• -r. 1.-: ■• . . , v! .
Invest SSOO. o. v ltd ..... I. , - ...
right nait> ex. . lb-nt tx \d
dre~s Groceries cat. it...ig ..n ~ -j <_■
\ v-rr- ■ ■ . i- .. . ■
list of invent ms want
sered bx manufnrturci
your patent Sent free ■ . • ...
Randolph A- Briscoe, r ••• -it .
wasl u gton. P. C
yesT ■ " • •
you the barber- trade <>t < t A ,
teach in one half time of mli< •
Course. and position in
only Why pay more” T’ - • f
vur Graduates running simp
rood’wages Atlanta Bar ber <
Eas’t Mitchell street ’-17
STOP at Hilburn hotel. h<a*’ n* citv. 1
Walt<>n sti• • 1 * ■
room; iransient 50c. Open all r gbt
FREE MASSaTu” hair exit*. shaves,
shampoos. An barber work free. Clean
Hnen. Atlanta Barber College. 10 l.ast
Mitchell 3-27 16
Salesmen Wanted.
SEUE TREES- Fruit trees. P>' -'U >'• r
shade trees. r<.ses, <>i tui"ienf.ii
Eaay io sell. Big nroflfs «'i lu t--<li. >
Smith Bros , Dept. W, Concord, Gn
Ivo•» o
Help Warted—Male ar.d Fcraalc. 1
. «;« m pr« -s f -<cr Apply Bennttt
I’rin’rng )!<>;;••. _'l Soutu Broad.
-16 33'
EREE t<» all. Hi!]- prat-lice
depa :-t ment. Remington
' pev. riter < 5 N. Broad
street. 8-16-21
Situations V-’anted—Female.
'' i •!/ »l: El • \\ <>M a N wants sowing to d»>'
out l»\ the <!a\ Can references. 1
, A'kircss XX iliif. i»;7 avenue, <’;tv.
. -
• ' ’*'!.»'i; El ’ girl «ant n lid or m i i» or
at »>r!<. I’inolla Jones. H t-A Fulton st.
S I EN< t<; j»f ’t | |.j’ with about !♦ inonths
• •xper once «l< sires p<is;;i< n with <1 i
i firm I srs Remington typewriter Ad-I
dress D. N care Georgian 31-8-15 ;
XX ANTED Position as musi<- tea'-her l»> i
refim <1 y.iung l.oiy. will take moderate!
amount of pupiß: have ii <»| i xp'-rienre; *
references iz . )'..n ;
• ‘ he 8 -15-9
I DESIRE a position as private teach<
>n i f.imilv Specially qualified to teach j
first five vf-urs; also music ; largo expert- i
>ul« : di<l references Mish Allee
•e» !. 1);: Eighif «-ui l< si . Birming-|
ham, j\ia ._ 47-8-14
IVx \.\i’i;i» B> a coion ■ 1 a posiHon I
in doctor's < tfi< e. having ability and
’ i>oToi;/.’ii knowledge «•? business. Ad- i
; dr<-ss 277 Fort si. !.- •
•.1 ’ i • It ion »tet grapht
an experienced •/oung ladv Addre-sC
- Xut hI! P-i.w 31-« I i
’a \nsi .1 • Position > lad threej
tears t -ype i< r- t jjt <uit department;!
of refer enc««s furnished Phone Main;
-1 ~35
H\l-I Hi • ,\CED saleslady in suit de- 1
partmeni, al present employed, iles ies I
I <1 <!ia;.;-. al»nli1 , s -1 • ( . H’U) i »»r 1 Os SO< JU I”, j
wani t" lo'-.iie iiodiion as »arl\ as pos-
i ’!• Box ".**•, f are Georgian. 25-8-13 !
Situations Warted—Male. . p
! Xt ( I lt.'.TE cotton buye r and grader
van!- position. \-l references. \.l-|
' 1 - ' I • • -Il ' I.: - x ir.
i‘i;i,\’i i :i; 'h i ound job pi inter wants
i tHisiiii i ai <>n< --. m.i afraid of v ork.
■ will a< < ep: p. Hun as piessman; will
, cheap at start for a chance of ad-
Xfito <'. ’l’ E . care Georgian.
■ X‘ M NG married man, five .’.'ears’ <*xpe-
i ‘ • a <■ -taut shipping <!< rk. wishes
. ’•■ ' i c. " Im .-; ref! .Xfldress Box
'' ' ;.’s x d;
1 ‘ 1 Gl l <N< i,D \«>img man stenographer
tlon with h firm \\ i ei ■
I * ar < < for promoiion; A-l ref£r-
•I - ■ c.qmbh-; energetic. Box 53::. care
|G»Oi;;.an 46-8-15
j A ANT'.D Ho-Hion in wholesale grocery
b\ S' pt« tuber I; best of refer-
*' • .inlet- to ph a -e. j. ]Sullivan,
• ■ 36 ' 15
‘Hi.: . •: l; ,ji v j , in . ; j., f, urH j || rit
'' '■ • ' • 27.-8-1.5
. ■ ll • ■ . - 1 • '■ • i ’ i on
i'f»’em » furnished. Address Drug-’
I. 3C, 1 h l'!!’-w icl , G,' 2'»-8-1 | I
j | D’ < mmtry Lo. willing to where}
c’.ancr <.| ptomoi’oji is good; mechan
, ” 'ID mejirid; ; 16 What have you to
: "be; <* • I; , B".x !06, Sb-ne Moan I
I ’•■Hu. 10-8-l | j
' X ?•»»<(» I’< sil mn a s oiii bina I ion office ;
mail .Go shipping eicri-; l \ ymmg man'
‘ wlm 1.1 had foui \ ear s ♦•xperience and is i
! well recommended: would lake place as |
' I'il'p -d-. < lcrk or a-, lug if future would ’
pping (’let , Th
8 ll 'i
i . ition • • oung nan with I
two•.-.•« experience as bookkeeper and I
I cashier ami Ihroe years as stenographer.!
| Employed al present, but w ish to make a
'!.>■> >’• Ct . • : ■ x. | j
Yt’l’NG M\N from Virginia desiring to
make Atlanta Ids home seeks employ
1 1 • I)l wli• ' a bll. i \ is a hso| ■ll e! essen- |
' tial: ■ \p. : .<l in all kim!< « f office i
Wink abo X I sb imgi a pin r. but prefer j
soiiieihmk C. nirai x to Jailor. Address I
I Virginia. Box 305. care Georgian. 53-8-13 |
' at
>uif.t • xa- ri. ra ed l-oi kkeeoper; good
\rl< H | H., Bos 100,
.'i c < i*oo; gia u 50-8-1.“.
\\ XNI'EI’ Posh mn as an assistant book
'<*epi ; ami c< ,||('<: or. with chances for
■’'* • i | >! oiniix’iit young man. Can
•" ’■ " ! elercm es if required .1. M.
N.H-’. ■ I . .. • . 12-8
'' x ’ hl reliable young
11 'ii of high S' bool education and sev • 1
experience in * and detail
■ " is. i-'--.'am of ineri! t -,in furnish \-1 ’
cfer'i <<■ Address Box 281, Atlanta (la !
l(»Sll'()N wanted b\ man •-x po’-ienced j
in Up-to-dutv methods of offie< work;
business <-oi resp< mdem-e and collections;
satisfactory referonms Box 2. i-are'
Job Work.
WE i'AX SAVE uni money on repair
ttork. sh, i-, ing. t.i'iio ; ,n,| counters. We
mnio- tln-m io oriloi Hoof repairing, brick
wo'’ , nail lintin;:, painting .mil pla t.-i
mg S. Forsyth street. R,.|| ||B7;
Atlanta 6087-M
PROFESSOR |..\ \ r ol’X.
I SPIRIT! .\l. .MEI'II 51. clairvoyant anil
palmis' Pallors, 71 W alton strrmt la
:>■ att, ndanco. 8 6.7
t:i-'\ t:\t s PAST, present and fiitur.-
, t’un b, consulted on all affairs of lit,-
llb ading- !5c Ml. E Easi Miiclmll Mr.-et
Hin 1 ent >
IS No\\ I .oe.XTI '.l» in tent, corner For
syth and L'ickio. 4an b< consulted on
all affers »>: life Ci arg‘ s mod«-rate
Satisfaction guaranteed ■ . .3
Boarders Wanted.
R< " »MS wmi meals fo\ those desiring a
| 'tuii't place, 131 JYasnlngtom 33-8-16
l*■ YOl want cool rooms, nice home and
excellent board cheap, call at 18 ,'apltol
■ 35 8-16
'■'"'l. pleasant rotims with or without
board 31s Central live Atlanta 3168-!•'
8- ’ e 8
81< ELt furnished room with board; also
table Ijourd. desirable location. 17 E
av. . 'j;.B-i:t
I.AltiiE. delightful private room, close to
bath; best location: alt mooern conv®-
; menees; good table 241 West Peachtree
. Ivy 1858-L. 12-8-14
I COP PLE without ,'idldi *i. «to ar, board-
■ ' n< arlj make expenses bj iook-
I inf Utter a few rooms, . lose In Call
I g- It 30
SELECT' board ar«l rooms: mat be had
\ : i. ri h side 10. up. ti This is reason-'
able and tlrst-class. F M, ,>are I'.nor
| Eiilli SJ 4 -4
$1 50 SJ 50 da> $7.00 to 812.50 iv ekb
American plan. 50e to SI 50 dav shoo
’ wrekb % an Ib’bmvucrs
1 ' v ’ ! ' B* ' 8-13-36
! .US’'* ‘’LASS i"<»m and hoard. n<» other
l> trdtrs; north skL hlcal home I’hone
ND'E. large room with ijoartL tiorth side
!X x . i s !■■ .
■-•..LL' 1 ht-ai tling at 16 East Baker, un
• *■’ m w inur,- g» ii’ppt < leanlin»‘SN our
' motto, tnspyc ti(»n invted The best ta
l i»‘ in lit* citk at moderate pHces. Rooms
Willi private hath |v\ J666-.J 8-10-6::
>u : - I•>> \ LI »l .\ c, shady xard
■ ■ "" P nelyx 6634. ?•, s-iu
[SINGI E room sultalile tSr . .mpl. , al io a
j lew -ele« t l•'»a|■»i♦ , r - ' .in secure boar<i
at Rest Haven, 197 S Pr\ or Xtlanta
J plrnne 18ft 8-10-22
IF \oti app e< Lite el* anllness trx u
>’• ” < k I < .. r i av< » -I. X G,.;
I I*lll' i’L \Z. \ r ■ I■■ ..H.p Simmet
riiio, <oy| fror f roou . Fcachtrrp
5- > 7
The Rent BmOetm” 1
A New List Each Day . S
Is • ■ !;>•- ii. A Ginntit or House you r.ow Iht in desirable, comfortable,'
> Lorn.-like and cm!?
’, f it i.-. • w .re you arc if rot, ■ ,r. •*jlt this complete list of every <iesira-k
ib- pl.iee for .f nt in tlm <ity and suburbs. The Georgian has two men searching'
«a< h • f > li.-; cvrrx d< sirable place that is fo~ f< r the benefit and con-t
• nirrt * <*f readers > »>u save money, time and tro iblr L' consulting this
IS bulht.n. ?
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
W ANTI-.D .Nice redned < ouple to share
■ ia ' nice n£igh-
1 • !h< ■ ih voupg < ouph ; bv Septem
; Lei 1 An<;:e.-s H. G J>.. Box 200, care
' ’ X-16-24
i 'd: KENT Three new unfurnished con
necting rooms for light housekeeping,
H ikw bungalow; mooern conveniences.
70 Gia< . place. XX ••si End. 8-1.6-25
Two or thre luini ’• d
rooms. clofc in; housekeeping .! East
_ -x-16
LL i ■ i':. iit i. i • vent Ila ted i ront
io<»iu- . houseket pmg connecting rooms;
' orth side, reasonabu', close in. 19 \V.
C’ain ::;-x-i..
■ • x■• iEI One oi two gentlemen to oc
cupy large, nicely furnished room;
steam heat, electric lights; private farn
ily. north sicie. !vy 1294-L 1-16-10
LARGE breezy rooms; near in. 30.3 South
Pryor st, 8-16-7
I‘<>R REN’I Nicely furnished room; three
• •locks from Candler Bldg., all conven
iences; reasonable. Apply •.» Williams st.
I’hone Ivy 2 359-,). 27-8-16
O.NE large ind on< small > urnishi <1 room
lor rent, young men preferred; reason
abb rent and desirabh hration. A. Y..
Box top, rarr (; e< g 8-16-2
I*OR RENT To rouph without children
two looms for light housekeeping; close
in. •to;ii ll heated apartment; north side.
.\<jdr< ss N. N., Box 200, care Georgian.
: -8-15
The marti.xkji e.
I’ 1 RN'ISIIED rooms with private bath, by
<ia> . week or moniii; gentlemen onlv.
■' 11 LB s and JB y streets, 8-15-30
AMERICAN. PLAN, $1.25 CP. Weekly
'■* ’ 44-8-15
NICELI furnished rooms with good board,
hath and all convenience-; close in.
Under new management l':n Ivy street
‘ _ 8-15-31
room. $lO. West Peachtree, near T’hini
i\ ' i ' • 8-15-2.'!
rOR hi. i Large, cool front room* two
«»i“> a half blocks from Aragon hotel;
m< ('••rri conveniences; private familv. 101
East I,IDs street p, n phono )v\ 3841-.1.
x i 5 - 12
PE\CHTREE Pleasant fur
...n(* 1 n( Hn in private modern home.
Walking distance to business center
* VVO iiiccH furni hed front rooms corn
plop* for housekeeping; first or/Second
floor; private entrance, hot hath; P.eJl
phorn ; parin'; wiihout. children; best !o
--•-••'•■ ri 21'0 Washington. B*l4-33
J’EAI HFI ’L double room On two young
! '”‘ >1 "!• •ouple; Hl private home, just off
i i’hone fvj 30: 16 8-14
! } ’ XR.'i'GiE W.\X’ Nicest location,
I L.ige iooii L. boarel if desireel; com
} pi°tei\ furnished hoii.-ekeeping apart
i no nts, with private baths, hot and cold
water and steam heat. D. E. Evans, Pro-
, priotor. Phoms Ivy 5558-.1. Atlanta 3900.
1 J • I SHED front bed room; second
floor; for one, two or throe persons;
pecl.H price. lv\ 1515. 23 East Harris
■ ±-‘- ’ 8-14-23
l ( ’R RENT' B\ owner - of home, north
, side, one nr two ple-asant front rooms,
imm shed oi unfurnished. Ivy 2477.
Nl< 1.1 ,x furnished rooms for light house
keeping o; sleeping rooms with private
ontrame; hath; very near in. 345 U
IW<> rooms ami small kitchen; furnished
for light housekeeping 357 Capitol ave
i :c - ,s - i i
•■ \ R‘. i . first-floor connecting rooms;
« onvenienccs. 246 Pulliam street. 8-14-7
IBM SEK EEPING and single rooms,
fui ni fin 1 276 Whitehall j 8-14-10
rwo connecting rooms, furnished com-1
plctply for housekeeping'; hot water. 80
-15 ■ .
'■ 1 RNISIII I > rooms in striotly private
•’orne. 16 E. Harris st. 8-13-29
JI \NI >S« >M ELY furnished front’ room;
| private bath; gentleman preferred,
an >;• orgian 29-8-13
i'•*’■ • i ■' i irnished cool - hot bath
! yerj close in. 104 Ivj street 8-12-30 1
' 11 ' 1 ' ;1 '> • h gantij furnished from
• room, live windows; all eonveniences.
,' 1 ’ street 8-12-28
B’ICEIjY furnished room; twin Beds- for
young men onlv 205 Spring st. Ivy
_ 8-12-5
I r I R Hi: i'cmi.'ii : i,g rooms with Bath, fur
nished for light housekeeping. Private
• XL - i I."»>•• J 8-7-19
- LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
I hot and cold water, baths and excellent
i table board, under now management. 1
West Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivy 6790-. I
_ ‘ 8-6-36
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
\ YOUNG WOMAN holding responsible
pnsnuin wants room and bath in pri
vate hoim Address I' 11. Box 86.3, t'iix
WANTED )ly man, wife ami two chll
• ii'-n. t»o or tinea rooms, furnished fur
b« it Imiisok! opii r Pom e DeLeon or
Xoitli avenue iireierred. Phone Ivv 687-.1
\\ A.XTI7I' Furnished room and 11kitchen”
ettr b\ couple without children' prefer
privin. faimli Address Box 22 care
Gem-Kia t L 48-8-1 I
I \VA.\-|’l-:d lit young married couple a’
I large, comfortable, furnished room pref
lurably with bath. Either with table board
| or convenient to some nice place where
-!'• o can secure meals North side re
ferred: reasonably close In Address .1
B. S . P O. Box 1535 8-14-12 I
Do you want to change jobs'? Perhaps
the on- ton have doesn’t suit your tasio
Dr sin roundings are disagreeable <i r
salary isn’t large enough. Or tl.ire's no
chance for advancement. If so. your
chance to < liange is offered todat in The
Georgian's Classified Pages.
Board Wanted.
rd for famil ■ \ll
grown Two rooms, in private famih
i or small boarding house for several
months. Address M . 160.5 (’andler Bldg .
■ A Banta. Ga 8-13-1
W’ANTED Young man desires room am
I board with private family in nice locnl
u I: u ■.i i. <l< orgian. 40-8-15
t ( J E NT'LEM A N with little box and girl,
ages !» and 7. desires Imtm* with settled
• •ouple «»r widow .1 (' Martin, 23 White
hall Main 144' 8-14-11
Summer Resorts.
, i T'l RNERX’ILLE. G.\. nearby T'ailulah
■■ Falls Cool. 'l’Het and comfortable ex-
■ * ■ 44-8-16
I DROPS! CURED short ness of
breath in 36 to 4S hours Reduces swell-
* j ing In 15 to 20 days. Write for particu-
i lars Colloin Dronsv Remedy Company.
( • 5i2 Xuatell Building. Xtlanta
j | r - -
! DR. I:DM • DS( »N S Ta risv . Pennx rnv a!
. . and t’ution Root Pills, a >.H» and re ■'le t rat.mut fm painful and xup
r||”e-'**i m<n traaimn. i’* • gid<» rit o < and
j -miiLG t <»ns Tt a! h>.\ bv mail,
i •" F' < sth Edm«‘V<t "it v i>> manutac
i ”ninr chemists. 14 South Broad street.
7 1 A lap , Ga 2 17 14
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT Two newly papered connect
ing. first-i’oor, front rooms, in private
famil’. ; i wne: ; cheap to refined couple
:.C0 Nortli Boulevard. 8- 6-26
• - * g .1. tiont upstairs room; all convrn
m ■ . •
Full KENT To couple without children,
first floor; three rooms. References.
*‘3 Courtland street, corner Pine. 8-15 17
HALF of Rat; • patetc entrance, opening
on veranda; porcelain sink. Ivv 93.
TW’<> rooms and kitchenette, two doors
from Peachtree cars. Phone Ivy 2352-. T,
TWO large rooms and kitchenette; close
in. 8.5 'rew street. 8-14-9
FOR RENT Three nice rooms, suitable
for light housekeeping, with adults.
Appl.v to 233 South Pryor street.
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
XX ANTED Three connecting second floor
rooms suitable for light housekeeping.
-X . <are Georgian. 46-8-1 J
W.XNTED Three unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping; all conveniences
Phone[yy 508-. L 51-8-14
THREE connected rooms with private
bath: Hose in; good neighborhood. L.
B ' ’ <.! i. < ;<-<uglan. 8-14-28
WANTED Four rooms for light housed
keeping by mother and daughter; north
std» preferred. Ivy 3370-3. 26-8-14
Furnished or Unfurnished Booms
For Rent.
i ( *R i:EN’r Light housekeeping rooms,
two furnished and three or four unfur
nished; nice; all conveniences. (’lose in
and cheap. Apply 88 Pulliam street.
FOR RENI’ one furnished room and
unfurnished kitchenette. Close in. 59
East Ellis street. 8-10-29
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
1 PSTAIRS apartment, four rooms; all
conveniences. Owner. 233 Moreland a ve
nt l e. 8-4 6-27
FOR RENT Beautiful furnished apart-;
ment, at a sacrifice, as I am going
cwav : private phone; electric lights, bath,
hot and cold water. Call Ivv 5480.
8 16-23
’rwo b.autiful Boulevard apartments;
steam heat; modern. I’hone 3698-. J Ivv.
IN the Nicholas, 234 Forrest avenue, un
furnished apartment: first floor, six
rooms; all modern conveniences. Call
1X>12583. 8-12-35
For RENT Six-room apartment in the
Njyholas Call Ivv 2-582.8-10-59
TH E most up-to-date apartments with
four rooms and bath in Atlanta, located
at 324 and 326 Forrest avenue; ready for
occupancy by September 1; can be seen at
any time; price, $lO per month. Office
phone. Main 21.02, home phone Ivy 508-. L
i. i: Sanders, Owner 8-9-29
FOR RENT The new apartment house
at 8.3 Hurt street, known as the Bozco
i' 1 consisting of three ami four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience, and renting for $32.50 to $35, is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on
premises or Fitzhugh Knox. 1313 Candler
Building. 5-9-57
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT' Ten-room furnished house:
good north side location; possession
September 1; price $55 per month; owner
would keep three rooms and pay liberal
price for same Call Ivy 993-L. 52-8-16
- L -
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT My home; twelve-room
house; nice. Applx on premises. 10&
West Harris street, or phone 80 Ivv.
! 101 F.AST AVE., one and one-balf blocks
off North Boulevard; six rooms; .$25
37 LARKIN, cottage, five rooms; sls: 22
East Alexander, first floor apartment;
sls. 21 Fortress. Rooms and apartments, i
Fill: RENT 'in premises, 108 West Har
ris; vacant September 1: nice. Phone
80 Ivy. B-14-2
EIGHT-R< >< i.M house; north side; will sell
12 months' lease or exchange for board.
This is in A-l location. M., care Geor
gian. 8-14-3
FOR RENT 12!i Cooper street; modern
6-room cottage, nice neighborhood; close
in. Apply 133 CooperjstreeL 8-10-8
I’HONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates Turman, Black & ’fal
hojun. 203 Empire Bldg 6-29-66
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O.
Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
ront will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
\\ ANTED Five or six-room house by the
month, on north side with hath and fur
nace heat. \ddress Box 422, care Geor- '
gian. 41-8-16 |
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
For Rent.
XE\\ HOME; for rent or sale; furnished
or unfurnished. 169 Cleburne ave. Ivv
3984-L 8-16-13
Lost and Found.
LOST Ont brown cow from 134 Glenn
street. Answers to the name of Daisy.
Butt-headed with white spot in flank and
rmar the back. Reward tor any informa
tion of the same. 134 Glenn street
DOST Automobile casing, T by :u.,; near
Lakewood. Call West 56.5. Reward.
8-16-25 '
LOST Wednesday afternoon, small en
amel and gold pin. a pearl center. Re
ward Phone Mrs. R. S Woodside, Ivv
; i ' i >
LOST Black dog? Finder
notify Kimballville Farm. Iv> 4159-.1.
8 ■ |
LOST Ladles' hat In hat box at Union
station waiting room. Return to 106
i' Ca ui st R< w ard 26-8- 1 6
L< »ST A female collie, white nose and
whit_e feet: I<»st Monday night. (’ail
Ivv 6177-1. or 1$ Colquitt avenue. 1 ib
eraj t< ward 8-15-33
Lost Wednesdav morning at Terminal
station, small black pocketbook, con
taining sl7. Reward if returned to 6
I Peachtree place. Phone Ivv 2087-. I
’ 8-15-36
I LOST A bunch of Levs between 133 De
| catur street and W and \ freight of
fice; name Rohl L Est<s, 137 Decatur s’..
Ibeward 1-14-31
I.'‘ST <iold-filled watuh on West Fait or
ofiam l streets Finder please call Main
. 420. .1 P I.or 14 South Broad 53-8-14
! =s
Fire Storage.
' Wl' -4 11'RE Hol SEHOLD g. n<l. a n<l
piunoH office and ttarehmise. ;’39-24l
' ug, :i>, li v 20:17. John l Wood-
I > e Storage C'.'ini'uni.
WANTED Address*, of all STAMMER-
ERS who are willing to pay $lO for a
certain cure. The Fon-Lin Institute. G..
■:7U6 Indiana avenue. Chicago, 111. 8-7-4
fly screens, fly screens - FLY
SCREEN'S—Wood fly screens, metal flv
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather snips furnished am w here
in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
laway, manager, 1403 Fourth National
Bank Building, Atlanta. Ga. .Main 5310
1114-A, JACKS! INVILLE. -10-18
•~’l.i:i''i S Kes’ULTS come from trus e
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit
you, and it means insurance. 6-24-1 H
cial method for adults commencing music.
Enables you to play well in three months.
All monotony of practice avoided. Even
ing lessons if desired. Music, Box 777.
are Georgian., 48-7-;.’3
refined, homelike: limited number of
iniients cared for; home provided for in
fants; infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T.
Mitchell. 26 Windsor st,6-22-12
FOI' ND—The successful I reel ment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
pany. 21 Inman building. Atlanta. Ga If
you can not call, write. 6-7-36
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corsetieres is mani
fested in selecting the model that be
comes you best. Company' headquarters,
84 East Noriii avenue, ivv 6176. 5-28-36
NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are ready
for tnis kind of work, phone Ivy 1436.
Memorial building. 5-6-33
For Sale Miscellaneous.
XVILL SELL at a bargain or
exchange one two-barrel
Bowser tank, complete with
pump, automatic register,
etc. For further informa
tion applv to P. (). Box
1673. 8-16-1
Foi: SALE S7OO worth Whitfield Medi
cine Co. and Bullard Car Door stock:
Whitfield stock will pay 10 per cent divi
dend this year. Bost cash offer gets it.
Box 142. Austell. Ga. 8-16-17
For Friday and Saturday.
Leg of Lamb, whole . ...121-2c
Lamb (’hops 15c
Lamb Stewloe and 12 1-2 c
Veal Stew 10c
Veal Roast- 121-2 c
Veal Steak 12 l-2c
Pot Roast 10c
Prime Rib Roast.. 12 1-2 c and 15c
Spare Rihs 12 l-2c and 15c
Boiling Beef 7c
Come early and avoid the rush.
89 Decatur Street and 150
Marirtfta Street.
move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets,
floors, etc.; vacuum from $32.50
up: vacuum sweepers, $9.75. C. J. Daniel
A- i'o.. 416 Fourth Nat. Bk Bldg. 12-2-11
NEW, beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service;
plain or designed: any size Catalogue
free. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore.
Nd. B-16-31
FOR SALE —One baity carriage, nearly
new. cost $25; will sell for sls. One
Oriole basket cart, cost $8; is as good as
new; for sale for $3.50. Phone Main 573.
Atlanta 573. 51-8-16
Furniture Specials.
Step Ladderssoc
Mission Tabourettes ...49c
Oak and Mahoganv <'outer
Tables '....51.98
Hassocks 49c
Reduced prices to close
Refrigerators and Porch
Life-Time Furniture. Rugs
and Draperies.
62 Peachtree.
FOR SALE New Kelsey printing press.
6x9, with extra type, complete $1,500
cash. E. M. Martin, 203 Empire Bldg..
FOR SALE One Radiant Home heater
No. 6 and two stoves; all in very best
condition; at 306 South Pryor street; on
account of moving to steam* heated house.
WILL exchange a 5-passenger touring
car. high-grade 1912. in perfect condi
tion. for part payment of city property.
IL. Box 613. 8-14-27
A lliorii 1 ) 11 7” registers every thingU
a\III< I H <lll Latest improvements.
1,1,1 registers exchanged.
1 Ml si’/.cs: easy terms.
<t <»!•< Mlanta Cash Register Co
lit Llt I. 34 j<ast Alabama street
POPE’S SPECI XL Best dollar watch in
the world sent prepaid, only 86c. Full
guaranteed io keep correct time two years
ey refunded immediately if you are not
free if it breaks. A more serviceable
watch can not be had at any price. Mon
ey refuneded immediately if you are n »t
highly pleased. Order today without fa ’
I’ope W'tch and Diamond Company 1514
Ma in street. Pallas, Texas. G-1 -1 4
AN assortment of chinaware, odds arid
ends from our premium stock room, to
bp closed out at very low prices. An op
portunity to secure some very beautiful
pieces of china at little expense Can be
seen at our premium pvlor, 20 East Ala
bama slimi, Thr.r( ieorgin j 7-29-18
new rubber tires pct <«n* your
National Cash Register.
$35. s’.«». S6O. $75. SIOO, $l5O and up tn suit
> our needs. Terms eas> Liberal ex
change for cash registers in use. Rp||
I i\ ' 4155. Atlanta 594
60 Rr< U<l S’rr-rt ‘-20-52
For Exchange—-Miscellaneous.
W XNTEP I’o sell <>• exchange a Cole
make grist mill; 30-in<h rock, for band
I "’rl, H \ ill. •SA
S 10 u
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
!\\ ANTED— Second-hand gas stove in
good-Condition. Prop a card now to
J B<»x 217. care Georgian. 49-8-16
i I’.T Y MEN S old clothes and shoes.
Prop a card I. Bock. 32 Bell street.
' I 1 RE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
broke ,Salrs Co.. 143 South Prvor St.
Be’J phones Main 1434, Main 187, Atlanta
’ 8-15-12
PROJ> (’ard wjj] bring cash for old
i clothes and shoes. The Vestiare. 166
ppratiir street. 6-27-42
I \\ AN’I ED—We pay highest cash prices
■ on household goods, pianos and office
i furniture. Cash advanced on consign
, meets Springer's Auction House. 25
i South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526
' 4-10-10
' HIGHEST cash prices for house
| « hold goods, pianos and office furniture.
i Gash advanced on consignments. Central
1 Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
; street. Bell phone ATain 2121. 8-26-26
old accounts, notes, judgments
61b Temple Court Bldg. Main 3992
Auction Sales.
| STARTS AT 10:30 A. AL
Decatur street. We buy and sell anv
and everything. Atlanta phone 2285; Beil
phone Main 1434. Main 187. 7-29-20
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new
management;, will accept you? surplus
stock of any kind on consignments; cash
advanced; settlement on date of sale.
143 ft. Pryor st. Bell phone Main 1434.
Main 187; Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30
WILL exchange fine building lot at East
Lake, valued at SSBO. for automobile
worth $350 io $750 and pay or accept cash
difference. Box 30. care Georgia11. 38-R-15
141 Peachtree St.
MITCHELL 1911 Touring.
Fine condition. Fully equip
ped. $600.00 for quick sale.
BUICK MODEL 10. 4 Passen
ger. Fully equipped. Good
condition. $400.00.
WINTON SIX. Good Running
Condition. Fully equipped.
$1,000.00. Just the car for rent.
gain at $700.00.
Fine running condition, but
needs paint. $575.00.
111 Peachtree St.
WE have a 70-hors< power rac i g roadster
that is worth much more than we ask
for it. You know a car must be right
when wp offer it. Travis <Sr Almond. 26
■lames st., third floor.lvy 4 832. 8-13-21
FOR SALE—Cheap for cash, 25-horse
power Maxwell. in fine condition I
Owner, Box 201. care Georgian. 8-6-19 j
BURETOR work a specialty. We give
careful attention to electric auto and bat
tery work. Hartrampf A- Yarbray Co. I
Phone Main 3810. 56 Edgewood avenue, I
just below Equitable building. 4-22-5 ’
torcycle dealers In the South; exclusive
Southern distributors for Indian. Elyea-
Austell Comnany, 35 North Pryor street.
Trunks, Bag's and Suitcases.
PHONES: Bell Main 1576, Atlanta 1654.
Stove and Range Repairing.
SELLS second-hand gas stoves. We sweep
chimneys. We take down heaters We
sell wick and wickless oil stoves. We sell
gasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta phone
2235. 121 Whitehall street. Bell phone
Main 2699 4-4-7
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M. C. FURNITURE transfer; we pack
and ship. Main 3657-.1, A. 1319. 42
Madison ave 3-12-7
Building Materials.
AUSTIN BROS, Atlanta. Ga. 8-8-36
Painting and Tinting.
EMBRY Main 1155 318 Ft iI’RTH NA
Monuments ard Stone Work.
All kinds stone work.
17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3540.
Money Wanted.
SI,OOO WANTED for a few months; good
proposition to familx boarding Box 26.
( are <l ■ irgian g i
Furniture For Sale. Furniture For Sale.
w E AKE positively .-losin" out this sio.-]< <) n amount of chance
in business a <laiuly. dean, new stock of Furniture Io go at
practically wholesale cost.
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
I— ■ -
Ore cent a word each insertion,
j No ad taken for less than the pricO
of ten words. Ads in larger type.
12c a line <4 words to the lire).
Out-of-town advert i semen t?
must be accompanied with cash.
, Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
’ cent.
Tne Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue.
AH ads must be ordered out in
writing or at office. No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone.
Every Word in the advertisement.
Including the name and address,
is counted Each initial counts (»ne
word; compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 800 U) when
if Is more convenient to do so, and
collect ion will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
laker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed in care cf The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Money To Loan.
The Prudential Insurance
Company of America
can make you a 5, 5 1-2 and
6 per cent loan on improved
property through their
loan correspondents.
203-8 Empire Building.
AND OTHERS, upon their own names;
cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden
tlal. I’. 11. Tolman, 544 Austell building
WE i-an make loans on Atlanta real es
tate and farm lands. Apply to Ralph
O. Cochran, 19 South Broad. 7-10-20
MONEY on hand for immediate loans on
property in or near Atlanta. J. E. Van
Valkenburg, 501 Equitable Bldg 6-6-22
Mort gages on Real Estate. 4-1 - 3
WE HAVE plenty of money to
lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
and nearby property, either for
straight or monthly payment
plan. Also for purchasing pur
chase money notes. Foster &
!Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave.
■\T, 301 PETERS
1 bldc
Rhone main jjs
amount: 6 per cent Write or call. S.
XX'. Carson. 24 South Broad st. 4-1-17
FARM GOANS placed tn any amount on
improved farm lands in Georgia The
Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build
Without Indorsement
Without Collateral
Without Real Estate
Monev loaned at
301-2 Fourth Nation
al Bank Building.
Business Opportunities.
FOR SALE- Yatesville telephone ex
change. See W. M. Jackson, Yatesville
Ga. 45-8-16
FOR RENT- Cheap, if taken at once,
meat market in fine town: will make
S2O to S4O week. Market, Box 5, care
WANTED A good paying grocery busi
ness. Address B. Wolf, 111 Foundry st
WANTED- Party with SIO,OOO to $20,006
for real estate proposition in Florida
Answer by letter. Thomas ,J. Morris,
IJOB Empire Building. 34-8-18
An extra fine coal mine proposition. lo
cated on iwo railroads, in a thriving
town m Kentucky. 3,500 population, splen
did markets, good prices, fine physical
condition, mine in tirst-elass repair: will
stand close examination; age of mine five
years; owners will sell at a great bar
gain and give exceptional good terms, ac
count retiring from business. Address
Hercules Coal Company. Evansville In
diana 8-15-7
"Ho \\ A N I S a first-class boarding and
rooming house, all furnished and doing
good business? Sickness cause of sell
ing. Terms to suit purchaser. Address
FhjCLJBox 195, Atlanta. 8-14-16
$750 WILL BUY established pacing gro
. , ' rl .'-' ll ril " : ” business; fine' location.
hum] ihing, Box |o, care Georgian