Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 17, 1912, EXTRA, Image 11
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. READ FOR PROFIT-GLDKGIAS WZAIN 1 Alib-USE FOR RESULTS Poultry, Pet and Live Stock NASHVILLE, The XX 'thirty-sex 6 - AdZ'ICC enth annual con vention of the j-a American Poultry 1 7'07)1 association goes on record as the most successful j/fz’ and largest at- llllr tended meeting of the kind ever held < . In the United rOUltrV States. All of the states were rep resented with the / exception of three, x-'l/liU/ Arizona. Utah and Maine, and the delegate body comprised over 500 of as great poultry enthusiasts as ever gath ered together. Genuine Southern hospitality marked the reception of the visiting delegates and nothing that could be thought of was left undone in carrying out the social program of the convention period. Entertainments included such features as a grand reception at the Hotel Her mitage, a lawn fete at the country home of Percy Warner, president of the Nashville Railway and Light Company, a bird fancier who owns some of the rarest specimens in the country; a grand banquet Wednesday night at which President Reese V. Hicks pre sided, an automobile ride to the 40-odd press representatives who attended the meet, an especially staged play, "Dark ies’ Life in the South’’ and “Fifty Years Ago.” at the Auditorium, and the con cluding special feature of the social side, a visit to the Hermitage, the home of Old Hickory Jackson, on Fri day. Friday the officers elected last spring were installed at the exercises held at the state capitol. Those installed were: Reese V. Hicks, president, Topeka, Kans. S. J. Hopper, first vice president, Dallas, Texas. W. C. Cleckly, second vice president, Augusta, Ga. C. M. Bryant, treasurer, Boston, Mass. S. T. Canfield, secretary, Mansfield, Ohio. Those comprising the new executive board were: U. R. Fishel, Hope. Ind.; C. M. Bryant, Boston; Grant M. Curtis, Buffalo; E. E. Richards, Iowa; T. E. Queensbury, Mountain Grove, Mo.; Earl Hemenway. South Haven, Mich.; Geo. Rudy. Illinois; L. C. Byce, California. Election commissioner, C. L. McCord, Danville, Ohio. In the discussion of the proposition of a permanent home it was found that the places that would contest for the permanent headquarters were Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit and Nashville. There was a spirited contest for the next annual meeting and the citiescon tending at the session Friday were At lantic City, Detroit, Indianapolis and Milwaukee. Provisions were made during the ses sion for the publication of the 1915 Standard. An important Innovation was the adoption of a standard for eggs and commercial poultry. “Everything For Everybody” You Can Find Her* at a Glance Many Things of Interest and Profit to You. Watch This Page as These Ads Will Be Changed and Appear Each Friday. Motorcycles. Motorcycles. Gasoline and Oil. JOHN D. MILLER 42 WALTON STREET. Opposite Postoffice. Always Open. Both Phones. Supplies and Repairing. 4-26-23 Jewelers. VOLLMER MFG. CO., 605-6-7 Gould Building. JEWELERS. DIAMOND SETTERS, ENGRAVERS, WATCHMAKERS EXCLUSIVE PLATINUM DESIGNS. Bell Phone Main 4126. 4-26-16 Printing. COMMERCIAL PRINTERS East Point, Ga. Atlanta Phone 31. P. O. Box 26. WE SAVE YOU MONEY. GET our prices before placing your or ders. High-class color work our spec ialty. 4-26-20 Shoes. PEACOCITT“I)RENNAN; 222 Marietta Street. NEW SPRING OXFORDS. LADIES' Colonial Pumps, with silver buckles $3.50 Men's Lace and Button Slippers..s2 to $5 Complete line of children shoes 4-26-35 It was back in the olden times that they had to have a person go crying it out if any one had anything to sell or wanted to buy, or to notify the people that so and so had lost this and that. The way was the only one available. It's different now. Your wants can be told to an audience of over 50.000 in this section through a Want Ad in The Georgian. No matter what your want is an ad in The Georgian will fill it for vou. Georgian Want Ads buy, sell, exchange, rent, secure help, find lost articles and countless other things. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. A Real GRANT PARK HOME. GREENE VJ 1 v aw x *■_4 (Out Where the Breezes Blow ) T -»t -a A T 'T'XT 6 rooms, newly painted, on a perfect- and charted street, out where the air is J ■’y pure and healthful. Only $3,760. See us. REAL ESTATE, RENTING, LOANS. 511 Empire Building Both Phones 1599. ?CR QUICK SALE WE WILL SELL 6-room bungalow in Kirkwood, lot 50x223; plumb ing in and city water; rents for S2O now; we can sell for $2,250, on terms to suit purchaser. x ATLANTA SUBURBAN REALTY COMPANY. FOR RENT—HOUSES. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED <)N very best part of West Peachtree a beautiful furnace-heated home, consist ing of to. .‘ft :on hall. library, music room, dining room, kitchen, four bedrooms and 'baths, .ill large and room'. also garage, two servants rooms, large base merit ami a beautiful shad' lot All In A-l condition and handsomely furnished Never rented before Price $55 unfurnished or SIOO furnished. WILSON BROS. 701 EMPIRE BLDG Orpingtons. BLACK ORPINGTONS—Cocks, hens, cockerels, pullets; summer prices Hal Riviere, Kirkwood, Ga. 33-8-9 Anconas. BARGAINS—A few pAlrs of four-month old Anconas; $1.25 each; superior stock. Cole & George, Atlanta, Ga. 8-15-6 Pigeons. FOR SALE—At a great sacrifice, 500 Car neau pigeons, guaranteed from imported Belgium stock. W. T. Graves. Demopolis. Ala. 8-10-69 Eggs. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs. $1 per fifteen, $5 per hundred. 126 Wind sor street. Main 3588. 4-27-25 Miscellaneous Poultry. AND LIVE STOCK DISINFECTANT. GET RID of chicken lice and keep your poultry healthy. Ghloro-Naptholeum does the work, prevents roup, gape and other diseases; one quart, 50c; one-half gallon, 90c: one gallon, $1.50. West Dis infecting Company, 26 South Forsyth street. Atlanta 7-23-22 H. G. HASTINGS & CO.. Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2568. Atlanta 2568. QUOTATIONS ON POULTRY FEEDS, based on today’s market, f. o. b. At lanta; “Red Comb" Scratch, 50 pounds, $1.20; 100 pounds, $2.35. “Red Comb” Baby Chick, 50 pounds, $1.25; 100 pounds. $2.50. "Red Comb" Meat Mash, 50 pounds, $1.20; 100 pounds, $2.35. "Red Comb" Pigeon, 50 pounds, $1.25; 100 pounds. $2.50. Alfalfa Meal, 50 pounds, $1.15; 100 pounds, $2.25. Ovster Shell, 50 pounds, 50c; 100 pounds, SI.OO. Charcoal, 50 pounds, $1.75; 100 pounds, $3.50. Granulated Bone, 50 pounds, $1.75; 100 pounds, $3.25. Mica Poultry' Grit, 50 pounds, 50c; 100 pounds. SI.OO. Ogemaw Pigeon Feed, 50 pounds, $1.65; 100 pounds, $3.25. Swift’s Beef Scraps, 50 pounds, $1.65; 100 pounds, $3.25. A GOOD IDEA to start a patch of rye or rape for your chickens. ■ CONKEY’S AND lee’s Liquid Lice Killers and Lice Powders. HAND SPRAYERS for spraying liquid lice killers and disinfectants, 90c and up- CANARY. Mocking Bird, Squirrel and 1 Parrot Cages. Bird Seed, Gravel, Manna. Cuttie Bone. Bitters and Song Restorers. Dogs. I BEAUTIFUL marked male fox terrier, five months old, $5. 65 Crew. 50-8-16 Carpets. CARPET cleaning and Laying ALL kinds of rugs cleaned. AND fringed to look like new. TAKING up and re-laying matting. REPAIRING and re-upholstering furni ture 145 AUBURN AVENUE. IVY 3135-J. 4-26-10 Umbrellas—Parasols. MADE TO ORDER RE-COVERED, REPAIRED HARRY BRIGGS. ‘ Successor to Paul Burkert. 5 VIADUCT PLACE. MAIN 5100. Samples and prices mailed on reauest. 4-26-61 Millinery. VERY LATEST CREA TIONS IN SUMMER MIL LINERY. M. RYAN & CO., 14 E. HUNTER ST. MAIN 690. 4-26-31 Employment Agency. OUR™EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT DOES MORE THAN FURNISH YOU A STENOGRAPER. IT SUPPLIES A CAPABLE ASSISTANT. Remington Typewriter Co., 56 N. BROAD STREET. 4-26-23 Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. \V. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate. Renting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FOR SALE. IN OUR opinion. Marietta street is the next street to get enhance ment. It will naturally follow the physical developments that are now being made on that street, together with the completion of the Bell wood avenue viaduct, which is now being built. We call especial attention to 2 large corner lots between the via duct and North avenue. Over a quarter of a million dol lars worth of land has been sold on this street within the last week, and it is safe to predict that in the next year over two million dollars worth of property' will be sold on this street. There are now over $200,000 in new buildings under way. We believe that the lots referred to above will make you big money. For particulars, see either Mr. Eve or Mr. Hook. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN, WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT—APARTMENTS. NO. 312 RAWSON ST. We have several very desirable four and five-room apartments with every convenience. They are up-to-date and modern in every respect. Prices range from S3O to $45 per month on lease. WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. i JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY Byron apartments, six roomssßo.oo I’2l E. Pine st., eight rooms 37.50 PvJ?J r L™^ Par, T* ,n J 1 S ’ SiX rooms " 115 Kast ave., eight rooms 35 00 Everett apartments, five rooms 3i.00 ~ ... . .. „„ .. 254-A Courtland street, five rooms.. 35.00 127 E - Merritts ave., eight rooms... 32.00 42 Williams, five rooms 21.50 26 E. Harris st., seven rooms 55.00 494% Decatur st., 12 rooms 32.50 40 Royston st., six rooms.. 30.00 275 Moreland ave., nine rooms 35.00 54 West Pine st, seven r00m5.... 35.00 200 Angier ave., nine rooms 40.00 369 Ponce DeLeon ave.. six rooms.. 35.00 331 Euclid ave., eight rooms 35 00 91 Sydney st., six rooms 27.50 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent Unfurnished Apartments For Rent Modern Apartments For Rent MOST DESIRABLE in Atlanta as to location and structure; just off Peach tree on Eighth street; six rooms; tile porches, store rooms, etc.; in Lil lian and Elizabeth. Vacant September Ist; $65.00. ALSO one apartment in Wickliffe, Peachtree and Eleventh streets. See janitor. J. W. GOLDSMITH - .■- • , . Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. RALPH O. COCHRAN COMPANY REAL ESTATE RENTING AND LOANS. HERE IS A LITTLE FARM IN TOWN. On Sells Ave. we have a large, level corner lot and a good 5-room cottage for $3,250; all improvements down and paid for. The lot is 85x200. HARRIS G. WHITE, Sales Manager. 1 " I .. I. .11! I - I H. I OWN YOUR OWN HOME IT CAN BE DONE, WE CAN ARRANGE IT, WE HAVE beautiful building lots on the north side. All city improvements and 10-minutes car service. Prices from $1,200 to $2,000. WE WILL BUILD and make easy terms. Come and talk it over. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT CO. 609-13 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. EDWIN P. ANSLEY REAL ESTATE—FORSYTH BUILDING. GO UPON those elevated lots on Peachtree Circle between Sev enteenth street and the Pra do, observe the beautiful outlook. Select your home lot, then call me up and I will make the price just right for you. List your property with me. It means that it is listed with all agents. EDWIN P. ANSLEY. Ansley Park SB.7SO—AN ELEGANT HOME of eight rooms, tile bath, sleeping porch, tile porch, hardwood floors. Every convenience, garage, servant’s room, furnace, laundry, east front, it is elegant, and the lot is large and has beau tiful lawn. SI,SOO—VACANT LOT near Piedmont avenue, 50x90. Cash talks GEORGE R. MOORE 1409 CANDLER BUILDING PHONE IVY 4978 Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN 203-8 EMPIR E BUILDING. FOR SALE. PIEDMONT AVENUE. ON EAST SIDE of the street, between Eighth and Tenth streets, we have a beautiful lot, 50 by 175 feet, and cheap at $3,500. EAST TENTH STREET. EVERY CONVENIENCE in this house Two stories, seven rooms. Lot 40 by 180 Has been listed with us for $6,000. It la worth more. NORTH BOULEVARD. WE HAVE a residence that Is high class In every wa\ Garages, outhouses, tile baths, sleeping porches. Lot 52 hv 175. ,'heap at $8,500 This Is near Highland avenue I . _ . _ _ We Have I’lcntj of Money to Loan on Real Estate. FOR RENT. We will give you the first month's rent. 403 FRASER ST. ON the right going out Fraser street, between Bass and Little, we have a good two-story, eight-room residence, with cabinet mantels, gas, bath and sink in kitchen. This house is nicely arranged for two families, has a good back lot and a nice front yard, conve nient to Fraser Street school, and is just one block from Capitol avenue car line; a very reasonable house for S2O per month. We will move vou in this house free 26 FORMWALT ST. ON the left going out Formwait street, just off Whitehall street, we have a seven-room cottage with gas, bath and sink in the kitchen. This house is con venient to schools, churches and car line, and within short distance of the business portion of the city. Prive $25. AND a long list of other houses. FOR RENT. 4- flat 403 Rawson street $ 14,30 5- fiat. 196 Juniper st 35.00 5-r. flat, 108 Whitehall Terrace 14 60 5-r. flat 124 East Fair street 20.60 i 7-r. flat. 196 Juniper st., furnished 65.00 4- h.. 32 Rogers st., Kirkwood, ' new 15.00 5- h., 44 Doane st 16.00 5-r. h., 166 Lucile avenue 25.00 5-r. h , 150 South avenue 22 50 5-r. h., 25 Cunningham place 22 50 5-r. h., 30 Cunningham place 25 60 7-r. h., 76 Avon ave 22 50 7- h , 381 Spring street 45 00 8- h.. 74 West Peachtree st 45 00 8-r. h.. 206 Pulliam st 25 00 8-r h, 248 Stewart avenue, new... 35 00 8-r h . 429 South Pryor street 37 50 8- h . 58 East Merritts avenue (furnished) 80 00 9- h , 140 Crescent avenue 57 50 9-r h., 80 avenue . ... 65 00 9-r. h . 242 Stewart avenue inewi. 40 00 11- h., 26 Gordon place 50 im 12- h , 406 South Pryor street ... 35.00 12-r h , 85 East Merritts ave 60 no 50-52 Auburn avenue, 20 by 100. •ael ’.oooo i 12 South Broad street; four-story brick, modern 65 East Alabama. 25 by 126 . 125 00 I 132 Marietta street. 20 by 90. heat Included 100 no 84 Ivy street, 30 bjl 88 4n nn Real Estate For Sale. CITARP & DOILSTON O D WEST END. WE have for quick sale a beauti ful bungalow on Lucile Ave.; owner is leaving the city and will sell for small cash payment and purchaser to assume his payments which now amount to $26.50 per month. This place will rent for $35 per month. Looks good for either home or investment. A SMALL CHICKEN FARM.. IF you want something like this with a modern home on the lot, see us about a proposition we have on one of the best streets in West End. WE also have three new modern bungalows just being finished on one of the best north side streets. Prices are all right and the terms are easy enough. Real Estate For Sale DECATUR—New six-room bungalow, beautifully finished and all conven iences; $4,000; terms very easv; will lake vacant lot or automobile W. H. S. Ham ilton, Decatur Phone Decatur 413 ’ ONE five-roomed house; three and a half acres; .n heart of Jenkinsburg for sale at sacrifice; about ten acres vacant lots in Lovett. Apply to A. K. Chamlee. Owner, Warthen. Ga. 8-15-26 FOR SALE Beautiful new 9-room bunga low; large lot; Grant park section; a bargain. W. G. Gable, 53 Logan avenue or phone Main 5561 1., 30-8-15 WILL sell largo lot at East Lake for $56 cash and $lO month. Owner, 29, carel Georgian. 29-8-15 . TWO ACRES, 8-rwm> house, water anil sewer, on Highland avenue near end of car line, $25 per month. Either phone 5408.8-15-11 Fol! SALl'j—Desirable vacant lot 50x143 feet, alley on south side and rear; level, east front; all improvements; Lakeview avenue, near Ponce Price low for immediate sale. Address Owner. Box 711. Atlanta, Ga. 8-15-4 FOR SALE—Five-room house, gas and water; good investment; will rent for . twenty dollars per month; owner leaving town; must sell; price very low. Apply 45 Loomis ave . City 30-8-12 BY OWNER, north side, extra swell two story bungalow; new and all conveni ences; bargain; terms. Call Carmichael. Ivy 3149-.1, 8-10-13 FOR quick sale, list your property with Everett & Everett, 224 Brown-Randolph Bldg.. Marietta and Forsyth 7-15-27 THE HOUSE you build, buy <Yr rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Real Estate Wanted. WANTED—A genuine bargain in real es tate; $5,000 or under. G., P. O. Box 341. Phone M. 5330-. J. 30-8-16 Real Estate for Sale or Exchange. WILL SELL or exchange for city proper ty, beautiful country place; gas lighted house and barn; 20 acres land; two springs, on Marietta car line; price $3,000. Call Main 2405-J Address Charles R. Cook, 480 South Boulevard 7-31-27 , Farms For Sale. 700 ACRES, two miles from Warthen, five from Chalker, on public road and on railroad; has side track: six houses beside barns, etc.; telephone, free delivery mail; about 500 acres open, balance good tim ber; strong lands, lays well; accessible to town: must sell. A. K. Chamlee, owner. Wart hen, Ga. B-15-27 ONE of the prettiest homes and best farms in the state is on the market. Two hundred and ten acres lying along public road and railroad from Wart hen, Washington county, to Marvin sidetrack one mile out. in sight and hearing of leading Baptist ami Methodist churches and Warthen high school: an eight roomed dwelling; well built, plastered and painted, porches running three sides, three large substantial barns and about forty handsome shade trees surrounding the scene where the Sparta and Davisboro 1 public road crosses the Sandersville and Mitchell public road. Four good tenant houses, public ginnery, private shop, side track and good business location. One hundred and sixty acres in culti vation; just broken enough to drain, has been owned, petted, rotated, fertilized ami farmed exclusively by one man for THIRTY YEARS. IT KNOWS NOT FAILURE IN PRODUCTION. One hun dred acres of this land is superior to the average gardens of Georgia. Three miles of fences inclose good pasture and a dozen small fields connecting narns with run ning water. It’s about twenty miles south of the “RED HILL SECTION;'’ has a stiff red clay subsoil, light grey surface, which combined the virtues of these two sec tions of Mother Earth—good water ami lands easily cultivated, .loins the farm where Warthen set the worhi'-H record for production of cotton to single acre. It's i • dear of stumps and rocks amt has no objectionable grasses. Has been offered ' for sale but once in THIRTY YEARS and then at administratrix sale. Surrounded by Jamis that haven't changed hands . three times in half a century in a com munity of high-bred, intelligent people! who have lesl the state in agriculture a hundred years Under the pressure of the hour fifty dollars per acre will buy it. A. K. (’barnlee. Owner, Warthen, Ga. 8-15-28 Timber For Sale. ' ForT SALE 10.0(.0<»0 f<■ t |OI.g 177 i ’ "7• ■ f I<»v\ pine; prices, terms, etc. Address J M L , Bainbridge, Ga. 25-8-16 Legal Notices. STATE OF GEORGIA Fulton County. Vera Smith vs. Walter Smith. Superior Court. September term. 1912. I To Walter Smith, Greeting order of court you are hereby noti- ; 1 fled that on July 2nd. 1912, Vera Smith I i tiled suit against you for divorce, return- 1 I able to September term, 11'12. of said ' I court. You are herein required to be an ap ' pear at said September term. 1912. of su'd 1 I court, to be held on the first Monday in ; I September. 1915. then and there to an-, !s«er the plaintiff's complaint Witness the Hon John T Pendleton, I Pldgp of said court, this July 2nd. 1912. I | ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk. I J-tAL I GEORGIA County of Fulton Annie May Latham vs Henry T Latham, i I To the defendant. Henry T Latham, Libel f<u Total Divorce Greeting lou are hereby required person* 1 ally »t by alterne;. t.. be and appeal at the next superior court, to | l( . held In and Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. Plan Your Own House ME ARE PREPARED to build in onr Stewart avenue subdivi- sion a house according to your own plans. Maybe the houses you have looked at do not exactly suit; you want something a little different. Give us your ideas, and we will build just the kind ol house you wish, and arrange terms of payment. In this subdivision we have many fine lots to select from. All near the new Tenth ward school. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR ACREAGE FOR SALE 30 ACRES OX JONESBORO ROAD. 6 1-2 miles from citv. Will sell cheap or exchange for vacant lot or automobile. Balance easy. C. R. GROOVER & CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING. Phone Main 1804. 718 Empire Building. DILLLN-MORRIS CO. Atlanta National Bank Building . Phones 4234, 4235. 129 COOPER STREET Six-room house, on good big east front lot. This little home is close in and certainly is a bargain at $3,000. No loan to assume. SSOO cash and $25 per month gets it. WE HAVE two beauties in new furnace heated bungalows that we can sell on S2OO payments and $25 per month $3,700 and $4,000 each. s4.Bso—North side. 6-room bungalow. This is a very high class home; has fur nace heat, hardwood floors. If you are looking for a good north side home don't fall to see this. Terms. SSOO cash and S3O per mtrnth. Will rent for S4O. Salesmen—FßED WOODALL. CHAS, R. COLLINS. FOR SALE INu (121 Atwood.) T f A T TAT T Nice little home of four rooms an 4 111 I I INI I hall. Lot 40x237 feet to alley. Easy J v 1 J -i- x J . terms. Price only' $1,900. WOO DS ID E TH, “ ! u SNty MBr ■ WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phone 2106 Main. NEGRO INVESTMENT- We offer for quick sale three negro houses rent ing for $24.00 per month for $2,400. Room to build more houses on lot; sewer down. These houses are in unusually good shape and we feel sure that you will like them if you are looking for this kind of investment. See us. FOR SALE CHEAP—A nice 6-room bungalow on Sixteenth street. Terms easy. A NICE LOT in Highland Ave. section for SBOO.OO. Onother one for $1,500. Let us show you. HAVE you a vacant lot? Let us build for you. Will build your home on easy terms. Take a look at some of our work. It speaks for itself. I ...... . . J.!!! ! . 1......- 1.111.1.... ! N JJ|| Vacation Days Are Over AN INVESTMENT in PEACHTREE HURST lots will bring you sufficient profit to cover your next vacation. Low prices. Easy terms. No interest. No taxes. 60 LOTS SOLD IN 30 DAYS. For plats and information see L. P. BOTTENFIELD, Owner 211 Empire Building. Phone, Main 1298. " . ■■■■■■■■.■■Jl H.l»l ■ ■■■■ ___J.IILII ■■■■_■ JU.. 1 . . SIOO CASH AND $25 PER MONTH BUYS ORME WOOD 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. WITHIN half block of car line we have a pretty 6-room home, in good con dition, and on level lot 60x164 feet. The price is $2,750, on these easy terms. Small loan. This is a splendid residence section, with good school within 3 blocks. See us about this. W-EST END HOME RIGHT off tile Gordon street car line we have a bungalow effect cottage of 5 rooms and hall, well arranged, well built, with all modern improve ments; east front lot; good resilience section, and we can make easy terms for von. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458 THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. Money To Loan. Money To Loan. MONEY TO I.END WE ARE IN POSITION to handle good, first-class mortgage real eslate loans from 6 to 7 per cent from 3 to 5 years. There Is no delay in getting your money. See us. L. H. Zurline, manager. RALPH O. COCHRAN CO. , 19 SOUTH BROAD STREET. Legal Notices. for said county, on the first Monday in September, 1912, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s complaint, as in default thereof said court will proceed, as to jus tice shall appertain. Witness, the Honorable J. T. Pehdleton, Judge of said court, this Ist day of July, 1912 .RUIN’ H. JONES. Dept. Clerk. Tll< >MAS B BR( >WN, N 46 7 2 ST \'i i: OF GE( 'Rgi.x <iountj of Fulton* Bill for Injunction. Receivership and Equitable Relief l-ulton Superior Court, September Term, 1912. No. 24351. Mrs. Sallie J. • >’Kelley vs. J Wylie Smith, Georgia Trust and Realty Company, Transferee; R. B. Deavuurs, Mrs. E. MB’ Adamson. The defendant. J. Wylie Smith, is here by required, personally or by attorney, to be and a pear at the superior court, to be held in and for said county, on the 2d day of September, 1912. at the September Term of said court, to be held on the day aforesaid, to wit: On the first Monday in September. 1912. to show cause. If any be has. why he should not be made a party defendant to the above stated case, and why the said receivership should not be made permanent, and the injunction be granted as prayed for. as in default thereof said court will proceed, as to jus tice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable John T. F’endle ton. judge of said court, this the 2d day of Jiilv, 1912. ARNOLD BROYI ES, Clerk Superior Court Fulton Co., Georgia 7-2-16 The best Want Ad days in The Geor gian .ire Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday. Thtirs«\ •’ Friday, Saturday. Try them ALL. rtu u Ls will surprise yuu. 1 1111111 ■■■ ■■■■■ Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN RAILWAY "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH" ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: No. Arrive From— I No. Depart To— -35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am! .36 N. York. 12:15 am 13 Jaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col'bus... 5:20 ant 411 Was'ton. 5:25 am' 13 Cinei 5:30 am 12 Sh’port.. 6:30 ant; 32 Ft. Vai.. 5:30 am 23 Jaxville. 6:50 am, 35 B’ham.. 5:45 am •17 Toccoa... 8:10 am 7 Chat’ga . 6:40 am 26 Heflin . . 8:20 am! 12 li’mond.. 6:55 am 29 N. York.lo:3o ami 23 K City.. 7:ooam 3 Chat’ea 10:35 am! 16 Bruns’k . 7:45 am 7 Macon.. 10:40 am 29 B’ham... 10:45 am 27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am 38 N. York. 1101 am 21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40i'h’!otte 12:00 n'n 6 Cinch . . 11:10 am' 6 Macon 13:20 pm 30 B’ham. . 2:30 pm 30 N York . 2:45 pm 40 B’ham 12:40 pm! 15 Chatt'ga 3:00 pm 3!> Cli’lotte. 3:55 pm 39 B’ham. . 4:10 pm 5 Macon. . 4:00 pni'MS Toccoa 4:30 pm 37 N. York 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus... 5:10 pm 15 Bruns’k. 7:50 pm sClnei.. ~ 5:10 pm UR’mond 8:30 pm 1 28 F ' alley 5:20 pm 24 K Citv. 9 20 pm 25 Heflin . . 5:45 pm 16 Chatt'ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon... 5:30 pm 29 Col’bus 10 20 pm 44 Wash'n . 8.45 pm 31 Ft Vai 10:25 pm! 24 Jaxville. 9.30 pm 36 B’ham tl’oOngt It Sh’port. 11:10 pm Iti’lnel 11.00 pm II Jaxville 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•) run dally, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run dally Central time. City Ticket Office, No. 1 Peachtree St.