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Model 6gT Completely Equipped F. O. R. Toledo
Se/f Starter no-inch Wheel Base Warner Speedometer
30 Horsepower Timken Bear in ss S3O Mohair Top and Boot
3-Passenger Touring Car Presto lite Tank $23 Clear Vision Windshield
Center Control S3O Remy Magneto All Bright Parts Nickel Plated
40,000 Cars a Year Make this Value Possible
HERE is the car we have asked you to wait for. Those
who have heeded our advice will profit. Those who
have not will lose. You were duly warned, advised
and notified, and those whose better judgment
directed them to delay their automobile purchase,
until we made public our 1913 facts, are now in a position to feel
no little amount of keen satisfaction.
This car, at this price, smashes all previous records. It even
totally eclipses our 1912 values, which a year ago baffled the world.
40,000 Overlands will be made in 1913. This enormous jump in
production makes possible this new car at this new price. As our
production goes up, our prices come down, as has been shown in
each preceding year.
Now let's take this car and carefully analyze the value.
First take the remarkable and exceptionally complete equipment
of standard accessories. The Warned speedometer is conceded by
practically every manufacturer in the world to be the best made.
It is the speedometer you find on all of the $5,000 cars. We could
have put on a speedometer that costs just half that of the Warner
but we wanted the best. The price of this speedometer is SSO the
world over. Then take the top and boot. This top is made of the
MOTOR —Four-cylinder, cast
separately.* Bore. 4 m Stroke.
4' 2 in. Horsepower, 30.
IGNITION —Remy Model R. D.
Battery and Magneto —two
sources of current.
COOLING —Water cooled.
Thermo ■Syphon Cellular Radia
Overland Southern Motor Car Company
Ivy 1477 Atlanta, Ga. President General Manager
ir~mHIMWW Mil M X. XX ‘‘fW -
* i
\ f" - s^SK^J 1
OlLlNG—Splash system for
crank and cam shaft bearings.
Cylinder and timing gears oiled
with Kinwood force feed oiler.
CAM SHAFT —Carbon Steel
drop forged, three bearings.
CRANK SHAFT—Carbon steel
drop forged, five bearings.
Steel drop forged.
PUSH ROD —Crescent drill rod
finest mohair. You could not buy it for less than SSO in the open
market. The clear vision windshield is handsome, strong and
serviceable. Besides being an ornament to the car it adds that
touch of completion The retail price of this anywhere is $25.
Then there is the well known Prestolite Tank, the price of
I which you know from past experience is always and to everyone
the same. The Overland self-starter cannot be purchased for less
than $25. This car carries a SSO Remy Magneto which has an es
tablished reputation all over the world.
We can touch the big subject of the car itself but slightly.
Th* specifications above tell the story. Here is detailed the most
remarkable automobile value the world has ever been offered.
Not particularly such high-grade features and fineness in the con
struction as the famous Timken roller bearings on the front wheels
and the equally famous Hyatt bearings on the rear axle. Note
more carefully the long wheel base and big motor. The wheel-base
of 110 inches gives ample leg room in both seats.
The selective transmission, too, is fitted with fine annular
bearings. Read carefully the spring and brake dimensions. Com
pare these spring and brake facts with cars that cost twice the •
price. Do this without fail. You’ll find no difference. The three-
FRAME—Channel Section
Cold rolled steel. No. 9 U. S. Ga.
(.156). Depth Side Rail. 3 3 4 in.
Width of Flange Face, I'4 in.
SPRINGS —Front; Semi-ellip
tic. Length. 36 in. Width. 1 3 fl
in. Rear; three-quarter elliptic.
Length, 42 in. Width, 1 3 4 jn.
All springs have 6 leaves, steei
bushing eyes.
Three speeds forward and re
verse. Annular Bearings.
REAR AXLE—Three-quarter
floating: bearings, Hyatt: Axle
i. Shaft Carpenter Samson Steel.
quarter floating rear axle is another big and important feature.
Have you ever heard of an equal value for less than $1,200?
Why, as a matter of actual fact, you can find $1,500 cars that have
practically no more to offer than this one for $985.
In this age of rapid progress it is sometimes difficult to grasp
the full significance of an important, progressive manufacturing
step, such as this car exemplifies. But when you sum up the
extraordinary cold dollar for dollar value which this car offers, as
compared to any and all competing motor car values, the giant
economical manufacturing strength of the huge Overland plants is
realized and recognized. It only proves the ability of this most
powerful and efficient automobile factory. It only proves the
economy of producing over 49,000 cars a year and the big money
saving it means to you.
We can make the positive statement, without any kind of a
condition, that this is the automobile industry’s record value.
This car can now be seen in any city in America. Over
2,000 Overland dealers are waiting to give you your demonstration.
Look up the Overland dealer in your city today. Phone for a
demonstration. We will give you all the time, at any time you want.
Act quick and you’ll get a prompt delivery.
Propeller Shaft. Cold Rolled
Steel. Main Driving Shaft. Cal
umet Steel.
BRAKES Contracting and
expanding on rear wheels. In
side diameter Brake Drum 13 in.
Width bf brake shoe 2' 4 in. Out
side diameter Brake Drum 13 3 «
in. Width Brake Band, 2*4 in.
Timken Roller Bearings.
FRONT AXLE—-Drop Forged.
Clearance 10 ! 2 *n.
TIRES—32x3'2 Q-
COLOR —Body. Overland blue:
wheels, gray; ajl bright parts
nickel plated, with black trim.
EQUIPMENT—Mohair top and
boot; Warner Speedometer;
Windshield; Prestolite Tank;
Self-Starter; Five black and
nickel Lamps; Tire-lrons; Robe
Rail; Foot Rest; Tool Kit and