Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 17, 1912, LATE SPORTS, Page 16, Image 16

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16 > THF ATT,ANTA GEORGIAN AND NTWS, REAP FOR PROMT — CyEQIROI WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS For Sale—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE—Fine upright piano, account leaving city, very cheap. Phone M:rr. ITS. 34-S-l? WILL SELL at a bargain or exchange one two-barrel Bowser tank, complete with pump, automatic register, etc. For further informa tion apply to P. (). Box 1673. ‘ 8 16-1 frOR SA LE—< me baby carriage, nearly new, cost 125; will sell for sl6. < 'i> p Oriole basket cart, cost JS. Is as g.m.i as new: for sale for $3.50. Phone Main ..73. Atlanta 573.51 s -1' ; FOR SALPJ- New Kelsey printing |u ■ 5x9, with extra type, completi cash. E. M. Martin, 203 Empire Bldg.. 8-15-32 FOR SALE One Radiant Home heater No. 6 and two stoves all in verj best condition; at 30k South Pryor street, on account of moving to steam heated holts -32-8-15 WILL exchange a 5- passenger touring car, 1912 perfect tion, for part payment •! city propern H„ Box, 643.; * J t nmniaan " ll registers everything." . Milt lit <4ll Latest Improvements. f't n „l, Gid registers exchanged. " HSU All easy terms. Atlanta Cash Register Co. nCglSlCrs 34 j; a st Alabama street POPE’S SPECIAL Pest dollar watch In , the world f»rnt prepaid, only 86c Fully guaranteed to keep correct time twn years ev refunded immediately if you are n««t , free If it breaks A more serviceable Match can not be had at any price Mon ey refuneded Immediately If you are not highly pleased. Order today without fail. Pope Watch and Diamond Company. 1514 Dallas. Texas.l -14 AN assortment of chinaware, odds and ends from our premium stork room, to he closed out at very low prices. An op portunitv to secure some very beautiful pieces of china at little expense Can be seen at our premium parlor, 20 East Ala bama street. The Georgian. NEW RUBBER TIKES PUT <*»N ' l R BABY'S CARRIAGE PHOM ’VY 8076. ROBERT MITCHELL. 229 .E- WOOP c -15 National Cash Register. 135. SSO. S6O. $75. SIOO, $l5O and up to suit your needs. Terms easy. Liberal ex change for cash registers In use. Bell pbnne Ivv 4155. Atlanta 594 THE NATIONAL CXSH REGISTER CO.. 60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52 Automobiles. WILL exchange fine building lot at East I-ake. valued at SSBO. for automobile worth $350 to $750 ami pay or accept cash dlffcreni e. Box 30. i-ii: Georgian 28-8-15 WE haw a rat ing roadstet that is worth much more than we ask for it. You know a ear must he tight when we offer It Travis <V Almond, 26 .fames st., third floor Ivv -1b32. FOR SALE- Cheap for cash. 25-horse power Maxwell, in line condition Owner, Box 201. care Georgian 8-6-19 AUTOS REPAIRED. MAGNETS AND STORAGE BATTERIES RECHARGED MAGNETO ANU CAR BURETOR work a specialty. We give careful attention, to electric auto and bat tery work. Hartrampf A Yarbray Co. Phone Main 3810. 56 Edgewood avenue, juat below Equitable building 4-22-5 Motorcycles. ALL MAKES. SSO AND I’P largest mo torcycle dealers in the South; exclusive Southern distributors for Indian Elyea- Auetell Company, 35 North Pryor street 1-21-9 Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt delivery. ' Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma i chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Public Baggage and Transfer. M "c'FURNITURE transfer, we pack and ship Main 3657-J, A 1319. 12 Madison ave « 8-12-7 Building Materials. 'Yt Et.L IJEAAIS FOR BUILDINGS. AUSTIN BROS, Atlanta, Ga 8-8-36 Painting and Tinting. FOR THE BEST PRICEa CALL R K EMBRY. Main 1455. 318 FOURTH NA TIONAL BANK HIIIJtING 5-11-24 Monuments and Stone Work. ATLANTA GRANITE COMPANT AU kinds stone work 17-19 Fraser street Phone Main 3540 Contractors and Home Builders. IT WILL PAY YOU to get our < itimai on steam heating and plumbing,betoi i letting your work 35 years' expeiu'ne. In city puts us tn position to give vou best work at minimum cost. . h|. ■ Heating and Plumbing Compant ' : I'.t: negfe Place. M 456 :'O-4S Business Opportunities. SMALL meat market for cash, terms <»r rent7o_ Houston street 8 17.51 COTTON EXTORTERS, buyers, graders and all interested, semi address to Na tion*] Cotton Companx 8 17 54 Splendid opportunity to buy boarding house, full of boarders, near in; fine location. Washing ton street. 119. 8-17-1 FOR SALK V;iics\ i!lc teL ephone exchange. See W. M. Jackson. Yatesville, Ga. 60-8-17 WANTED Partner with some bus ■ ability and a little money. In g.....: m,,. cantile business E. R. .1 , care <h ..rglan FOR SALE Drug store and ~.i nt with first-class fixtures, con., t so,nd doing good business; reason for selling owner Is not a druggist Address I. c <• 135 Unlde-rneHS st. 44. x 17 SIOO WEEKLY PROFIT Mari m t ness for yourself Don't worn ah. it capital. No experience Boyd H Brown Omaha, Ncbr. 4;.'-8-!7 WANTED To buy for cash, small meat market or grocery Must be a harp Box 855. care Georgian. 5. x-17 FOR RENT ~Cheap. If taken nt meat market In tine town, will n . S2O to S4O week Market, Box . ..,. Georgian. S-1 • ix WANTED- A good paying 1 ness Address B Wolf. 11l I :•.. \ . 8 jg-, I 3D S-1 < WANTED —Party with slo.non to for real estate proposition tn I ■ Answer by tetter Thomas .1 M. • 1208 Empire Budding FOR SALE COAL MINE 'An extra fine coal mine prnpo- rated on two railroads, in a tin t ng town In Kentucky. 3.500 population did markets. go<sl prices, fine pin ■ condition, mine in first-class repair w ' stand close examination, age of 11 n<- \ years: owners will sell at a great ..t gain and give exceptional good tern -, count retiring from business. Addr. Hercules Coal Company. Evansville. It diana ... $750 WILL BUY established paying gro cery and meat business; line 1.-cation. Good Thing, Box 10. one Georgian. Palmistry. t FORTUNE TOLD. Man of mystery, i | Tells past, present, future. His pre dictions will surely amaze you. Three 2c - stamps birthdate, gets wonderful horo ’ scope. Professor Raymond, Peoria. 111. ■ ■9B-8-17 PROFESSOR L.\ VOEX. I SPIRITI’AL MEDH'M clairvoyant and j palmist. Parlors. 74 Walton street I.a . '<i'cs.' mni.l in attendance. 8-8-7 . PALMIST AND LIFE READER. REVEALS PAST, present and future Can be consulted on all affair:- of life : Headings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street , (in tent). (Tydsy QI'EEX IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For syth and Luckfe; can be consulted on all affairs of life. Charges moderate Sat Gf ; .(••;..n guaranteed 6 2 > '■ PROF. LA VOUX SPIRITUAL MEDIUM, CLAIRVOYANT AND PSY<’HIO PALMIST. WILL GIVE another lecrure and <h*mon strations of his wonderful gifts ami power natural born Second Sight in his parlors, 74 Walton street, Sunday night at 8 o’clock. FREE TO THE PI’BLIC. PROP’. LA Vol N having 26 years of continued and practical >»<?xperience in these particular bram bes of Mediumship i ami <’lairvoyance and being naturally gifted in the <n-cult Art, he can unhesi tatingly say that he can convince beyond reasonable doubt, the most skeptical that I 1 e does know the PAST, PRESENT AND Fl TI’RE. PROF. LA VOUX meets the public prl- I vat»-ly in his parlors, 74 Walton street, for private readings daily. Does bad health, business affairs, family difficulties, legal coinplk:ations or laboring under evil fn- RRY ¥• >1 " PR< »i- LA VOU '- can aid you to attain your utmost hopes and desires and guide you into the realm of life’s blissful harmony and happiness. PROP LA VOUX w<! tel’ ou just wha you want to know, just at the time when it will do von the most good. CLAIRVOYANCE DJSPEUS DOUBT. Every day the immens# practical value of Clairvoyance is being demonstrated by its aid. Secrets of the heart are reaxi; the plots of enemies; avenues to success ami happiness are clearly pointed out, your true vocation and destiny. DIFFK’I LTIES ARE OV ERCOME. PROF. LA VOUX’S reliable and won derful predictions ano h'a marvelous rev elations are certainly paramount If you are interested in the affairs of life for Letter achievements. If l<|ve, marriage, travels, changes, divorce, sickness, death, law suits, reputation, business transac tions. patent rights, wills or testaments, mortgages, deeds, lost or stolen property, storks and bonds, hidden treasures or absent friends interest you. If friends be false or true; if trouble or danger threat ens; If fortune is to smile or frown; if good or ill awaits you why not know it and he, prepared for all such emergen cies? All business sacredly and strictly con fidf ntlal. l»o not fall to attend PROF. LA VOUX’S FREE LECTI’RE and demonstrations Sunday night at his parlors, 74 Walton street, at 8 o’clock. PROF. LA VOUX meets the public. In his parlors, 74 Walton street, from 9 a rn. to 9p. m Sund ij 11 to i For prhat< readings $1 00 this week only. MAID IN A TTE NI) ANC E. PROF. LA VOUX accepts no fee in ad vance and expects none if you are not well pleased. Guarantees all of his work -17-58 Money To Loan. TIIE PRUDENTIAL IX SI’RAX( 'E ('(). of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents. Tunnaii. Black & Calhoun. 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 LOANS made on real estati Pure a e money notes bought ami sold. F. M Lo\.h-ss, 1321 <’.)ii'!l<'r building X 17 10 i 11 \Vi 'i.. 1 ." no to lend at ■ per cent on Atlanta property. YV. C. Cousins, 416 Kiser Bldg. 5D '\i \. f6R SALARTED I’l ? ‘PI d : AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheat) rales, easy payments Confiden tial.D II Tolman, 514 Austell building. WE can make loans on Atlanta real tnte and farm lands. Apply to Ralph O. Cochran. 19 South Broad. 7-10-20 MONEY on han< foi lmrne<d!ate loans on property in or near Atlanta. J. E Van Vai'io i.n .: i'. 501 Bduitable Bldg 6 • WEYM xN A CONNt dis, ESTABLhSHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave. lF>-\ JEWELERS AND BROKERS i AU'r - 301 PETe ' i ’ J blpoo IOA.N "<? <V X. STRICTLY PRIVATE "--Tg ' SPECIAL HOME FUNDS to .VT>. any amount; 6 per cent Write call S W. Carson, 24 South Broad st. 4-1-17 FARM I.OANS placed tn any amount on Improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build- Ing 7-13-1 Without Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Monev loaned at LAWFUL RATFS. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO.. 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. v Monev Wanted. ANr 1 U ]<> b< >rr ow S6OO for on© \ git n: 9 per cent, good indorsement: worth $*00,000; answer at once. <’ B \| caro . c.vorgian. ' 8-17-23 Real Estate Wanted. WOULD buy n bargain In acn g ■ . >r or on car line suitable for subdivision Name location, with best terms and price. Address Tom, care Georgian .. . g . WANTED tn purchase from owners ..nly. ’ a bungalow of six rooms and bath north side only, large lot: price. ’:’.,50(l < ash payments each year: n<> cash pay ment now Address Slues. Box 7x.. c: .'-e . Georgian. 49 . }i. 1- WANTED \ genuine bargain tn real es tate; 55.000 or under G . I’ <> l:. \ :;<t I Phone M 3330 J JO-8-1 Real Estate for Sale or Exchange • WILL SELL <»r rxc’inng? for city p» >per- L ty. beautiful country place, gas lighted > hctiae and barn 2” acres land two . | • ■ . ■ • Call Main 2405-J \ddre-•< CbarL - R I Uvoh, 480 bvuth Boulevard. 7-31 Beal Estate For Sale. ■ |»FX>R QUICK CASH SALE froni owner, 2 I lot in suburbs; worth $600; for S4OO. r Phone Main 2160 after 10 o'clock. 8-17-45 - !•< it SALE Prettiest location for coun- try home and <!<>irable farm in Georgia. 7 Fine springs, good well. Less than 16 I - miles from Atlanta on railroad; I<>n trains | I" r day Electric car will soon be there, i i Will sell stock, crop, etc. Address Coun- ' Home can Gi $:; ■ • I' -' LE Fif '• • h .ore - ill <’•; <ge 1 I’ark, one block from chert road; one j fror. stone and two mineral springs, also | swimming pool. Will sell for $15,000; ' 'ake h<ct * and lot in Atlanta as part ' payment. Give terms U> suit purchaser.) Swimming poo) now paying well. Also! ; two-story seven-room house, fronting ;<’olonel Brewster’s resilience. Price $3,- - 500. hut worth $5,000. <’»oing to Florida, , reason for selling. W. T. Johnsen, Col- __ __ ■’ V ( Iv l'H J\< Pine P< r focl modern home: never occupied. j Owner will give rate bargain, ('all at promises. 65-8- 17 l»E<’.\’ri R country home, with city con veniences; 7 acres, suitable for sub division; ten-r< om house; every variety of Pult; oak i -ha<ie. on terms, at a bar gain Telephone Frank A. Dougbman, ■ Decatur, or 206 Postoffice building. At- 1 i larta. BzfclZ ’ i (’IIoJCE LOTS for sale in E. A. Neely j sub-division, in East T’olnt: each lot , lies perfectly; beautiful shade; sewers, ’ 1 J wat»*r and electric lights; ssso to S7OO. ; j Terms DO to SSO cash and $lO per month, i ( I A sure and quick prol t here. R. F. . Thompson, real estate and Insurance, Main street. East Point. Phone East ■ 286. 73-g .7 UNUSUAL pick up in Kirkwood Small > house on large lot in good neighborhood. Modern conveniences. Phone Decatur 255. 77-8-17 NORTH SIDE cottage in growing section and renting well; t»uy cheaply and hold 1 a while for appreciation. Phone Ivy 309. S- 17-20 FOR SAI E Five-room house, three acres, right at Mt. View; 5c car fare. also two hits, south Georgia farm and timbre lands. Badger Real Estate Agency, Fores«_ Pf'XL- G?t 38 8-17 . 28 1 acre:;. <'<>bh county. $1,300. 45 :otps, Cobb county, $1,500. sho acres, near Ben Hill, SSO per acre. 341 acres, Cherokee county, S2O per acre. 760 acres. Cherokee county, $25 per acre. 226 acres, Milton county, S2O per acre. 400 acres, Milton county, S4O per acre. .110 acres, Milton county, S2O per acre. 260 acres, Milton county, S2O per acre. 50 acres, near Duluth. S7O. 75 acres. Peachtree road, $l5O per acre. 290 ‘' res. Milton county, S6O per acre. Box 27, care < leorgian. 8-15-8 Drj'A'i I I .1 r i i • room house; n< in best part of Decatur; all conve niences. 'Phis is worth more; $5,500. terms I very easy: will lake vacant lot or auto mobile. W. II S. Hamilton, Decatur. Phone Decatur 413. 8-13-2 DECA'i’FL New six-room bungalow, beautifully finished and all conven iences. $4,000; terms very easy; will take vacant, lot or automobile. W. H. S. Hain- * ilton. Decatur. Phone Decatur 413. -H_-1 ' ONE five-roomed house; three and a half acres; ;n heart of Jenkinsburg for sale at sacrifice; about ten acres vacant lots in Lovett. Apply to A. K. (’hamlee. < ‘wri<■ r, Worthen, <Sa Bj> 26 FOR SALE Beautiful new 9-room bunga- low; large lot; Grant park section; a bargain. W. G. Gable, 53 Logan avenue or phone i, . ' - WILL ell la rge lot a' Eaf t Lake for %50 cash and $lO month. Owner, 29, care Georgian. 29-8-15 FOR SALE Desirable vacant lot 50x143 feet, alley on south side and rear; level, east front: all improvements: Lakeview , avenue, near Ponce DeLeon. Price low ~ for immediate sale. Address Owner. Box 711, XXili'.i ' S-15-1 FOR SALE Fi v»■ r<.. >m im! water; good Investment; will rent for twenty dollars per month; owner leaving town. must, sell; price very low Appl\ 45 Loomis ave., (’ity 30-8-1 2 BY OWNER, north side, extra swell two story bungalow; new and all conveni ences; bargain; terms. Call Carmichael, Ivv J149-J. FOR quick sale, list your property with Everett N- Everett, 224 Brown-Randolph Bldg. Marfetta and Forsjrth 7-15-27 THE HOUS® yon build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Farms For Sale. FOR SA LE—- 145 3 ,-acre farm six miles ’ from Bainbridge; 100 acres open la mi. practically stumped; six-room house, barns, stables, etc. Pebbly soil. Fenced and cross fenced. Bearing pecan trees and fruit in abundance. Excellent neigh borhood. Price $3,250, on easy terms For further information address W. O. Flem ing, Bainbridge, Ga. 39-8-17 FOR SALE Fifty-acre farm, IVe ;ntles from East Point, <>n Bryant road; run ning water; about six acres good timber; tine fruit orchard. I Tlee, SIOO per acre. Lui.l Rogers. East Point. Ga. 37-8-13 700 ACRES, two miles from Warthen, five from Chalker. on public road and on I railroad; has side track: six houses beside I barns, etc., telephone, free delivery mail: about 500 acres open, balance good tim ber; strong lands; lays well; accessible to town, must sell. A. K. Chamlee. <_» \\ •m‘ i■, Wart hen, Ga. 8 -15-2 7 ONE of the prettiest homes and best farms inathe state is on the market. Two hundred and ten acres lying along I public road and railroad from Warthen, , Washington county to Marvin sidetrack one mile out. In sight and hearing of lending Baptist and Methodist churches and Warthen high school; an eight roomed dwelling: well built. plastered •and painted, porches running three sides, three large substantial barns and about forty handsome shade trees surrounding , the scene where the Sparta and Davisboro ’ public road crosses the Sandersvilla and Mitchell public road. Four good tenant ’ houses, public ginnery, private shop, side track and good business location. 1 one hundred and sixty acres In culti -1 vation; just broken enough to drain; has been owned, petted, rotated, fertilized . and farrncMi exclusively by one man for THIRTY YEARS IT KNOWS NOT ' FAILURE IN PRODU<'TIoN. One hun dred acres of this land is superior to the average gardens of Georgia. Three miles of fei’< rs inclose godd pasture and a dozen small fields connecting barns with run ning wafer. It's about twentv miles south of the -RED HILL Si:<’Tl“N: ’ has a stiff red clay subsoil, light grey surface, which combined the virtues of these two sec* tions of Mother Earth good wafer and lands easily cultivated. Joins the farm where Wart hen set the worlds record for production of cotton to single acre. It's clear of stumps and rocks and has no objectionable grasses Has been offered for sale but once in THIRTY YEARS and then at administratrix sale. Surrounded by lands that haven’t changed hands three times in half a century. In a com munity of high-bred, intelligent people who have led the state in agriculture a : hundred years. ITuFt the pressure of the hour fifty dollars per acre will buy it A ,K. Chamlee, Owner, Warthen, Ga. 8-15-28 t ——- - Timber Lands For Sale. SALE ' 5 ed and thhtj fiv< acres pine t:mh r; 1 ever cut over, and one fifty thousand capacity shingle mil’ complete; will sell cheap for cash, or 'I party can assume Df’cen hundred dollars J worth paper Address Shingle Mill, care 1 . Georgian 25-8-10 GEORGIAN ■- Want Ads BRING RESULTS. I Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Ren ting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. il Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FDR SALE. 286 t»AK STREET, corner Bunker; nice fiv»-room cottage with eight-foot hall; • lot is 51x150 to an alley. Remember thia • a corner. Price, |3.5C0 on easy terms. • A Lo\ Ei/Y HOME of six rooms in KirkA w<>od. The lot is perfect—three street fronts, beautiful shade, 1.96x350; house . fronts east. This is a bargain; good rea- I son for selling: will take $2,500 cash to handb ilm. 1 ’?;•»■. 8 FT.7<> .-■ < Mr Dews, ox ci diiH .X A'i xi. XT at<l a goo<l .-.r ner, we have a dandy six-room bun galow: ju f completed. Price. $5,500 on terms. See Mr. White. < LN’ * VANN<» Y STRl7ETr~c!ose to South Decatur and East Lake car line, a little home; no improvements, but are coming soon. Nice east front lot 50x117. Price. $1.300: easy terms. See Mr. Dews. ON EAST FI‘FTI-r~STREET“ W(~~h'ave~ lovel.v house of eight-rooms; has all improvements and furnace heat. The ' house is artistically finished inside; large j closets. Price, $6,000; easy terms See i Mr. Dews. i ON W. I‘EA(’HTREI-3, close in, wo have a splendid home of nine-rooms; beau- ; t'ful lot; everything in perfect condition. Price, $11,090. See Mr. Eve. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT—APARTMENTS. NO. 312 lIAWSON ST. We have several very desirable four and five-room apartments with every convenience. They are up-to-date and njodern in every respect l 30 to $45 per month on lease. WE i’I'BT.ISH A WEICKLY i.HXT BI'I.I.KTIN, giving a good description of everything vze have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 61S. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY 208 WEST PEACHTREE STREET—(Byron Apartment E-3) Between Baltimore Block and Linden street, on the west side of West Peachtree street, we have this beautiful six-room, third floor front apartment. Gas and electric lights, electric bells, house telephone, stea mheat. hot and cold water, gas rang>e. refrigerator, hardwood floors, dust shute, clothes shute, garbage shute. passen ger and freight, elevators. This apartment is “up-to-date’ in every respect. Price SBO per month. Vacant August 31. Unfurnished Apartments For Rent Unfurnished Apartments For Rent Modern Apartments For Rent MOST DESIRABLE in Atlanta as to location and structure; just off Peach tree on Eighth street; six rooms; tile porches, store rooms, etc.; in Lil lian and Elizabeth. Vacant September Ist; $65.00. ALSO one apartment in Wickliffe, Peachtree and Eleventh streets. See janitor. J. \V. GOLDSMITH ’ Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. BUSINESS IS GOOD. EVERY WEEK in Atlanta people are buying lots and building homes. There is no special time for doing it. BEAFTIFI'L HIGHLAND YHAV. CONTAINS the prettiest lots at the most reasonable prices. Ten-minute car service. AU city Improvements. ASK any leading real estate agent for prices, maps, etc. WE will furnish plans to suit and finance building. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT CO. 609-13 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. FOR SALE TfA T TNT T (Opposite Inman Park.) ill I —l INI I BETWEEN Hardee and Main streets; INV Ijl Y | • elegant location for manufactory; „ _. fronts about 600 feet on Georgia rail- \A / / > I >C. I a\ La road: desirable terms if wanted. V V VJVJ lA) 1 LJ LL THOSE. FINNEY. Salos Mgr., 12 Auburn Avenue. RAMSEY, GREEN & ANDERSON 214-215 Empire Building. Main 66, Atlanta 344. NORTH AVENUE Half block from Moreland avenue, level lot, only $1,350. This lot would be a bargain at $1,500. MORELAND AVEXI’E home, two story, eight rooms, large lot. cast front; (Price cut from $6,000 to $5,350 for quick sale. See us at once for this bar gain. 15-ACRE FARM IN DEKALB COUNTY. AVE HAVE this well improved farm in high state of cultivation. 4-rooni house, barn, orchard, etc., convenient to the new car line to Stone Mountain, for only $2,750. Can arrange terms. 60 ACRES FOR ONLY $50(160 CASH. WE H AVE here 60 acres of good laud, heavily timbered, good orchard, small 3-room house. This place is on the Tucker and Stone Mountain public road, and about one-quarter of a mile from the Georgia Railroad and the Stone Mountain ear lino survey. The price of this land is S6O per acre; SSOO cash and the balance SSOO a year. 7 per cent interest. sl\ AND ONF-QFARTF.R ACRES FOR s7(M. COXVEXIENT to Decatur and Druid Hills, we have 6 1-4 acres for only S7OO. This place is surrounded by good homos, schools ami churches, and if you want a piece of acreage buy this. Can arrange some terms. fribble & Harllee 616 Third National Bank Bldg. Phone Ivy 3746. HOME BARGAIN 95.250- I’lli rTY e itagp between the two I’eachtrees. Five rooms, with every conveuieitee, furnace and servant's room. This house is beautifully fin ished. Can arrange terms. J__ M | :i;| IITTS ;iv. f. :. s tw.> ut.uis ,>f large lot. every .■ This is a semi-central proposition. The lot Is worth the money. A good buy sure. “jOOO- BUNGALOW: North sMei 6 room s, with furnace and everytring close in the way of .ottvenicnce; large lot. Easy terms. You should sei- this. -i.. h u Anman Park Bungalow - x tooms and a beauty on Waverly Way.. ’We will trade this and take a small piece of property in exchange. Some class. I Look at it. I ~577250 '-WEST ENI' Bungalow Six rooms with everything that goes in a house to make t convenient and comfortable Stone front and foundations, l.arg. east front lot. Van arrange easy terms Martin-Ozburn Realty Co. Third National Bank Building. Plnjne Ivy 1276; Atlanta 208. THE HOVSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. ol'R long list of houses has about • been exhausted. We have never experienced such a great demand for houses for rent as we now have. , People are moving here from all over the country, and ail must have houses; and they want to locate before September 1. If you have a house for rent or will have one by September 1, come in ami list it with us. We have automobiles, sur ries and buggies to show our pros pective tenants houses for rent. Our facilities for renting property can’t be excelled, and we only ask you to give us a chance by listing your property with us. Thanking you in advance, we are, Yours very respectfully, FOSTER & ROBSON. . Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. Plan Your Own House A\ E ARE PREPARED to build in our Stewart avenue subdivi- sion a house according to you r own plans. Maybe the houses you .have looked at do not exactly suit; you want something a little different. Give us your ideas, and we will build just the kind of house you wish, and arrange terms of payment. In this subdivision we have many fine lots to select from. All near the new Tenth ward school. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR ■ WEST PEACHTREE HA A E here a beautiful modern, 8-roont house, with every improvement, servants’ rooms and bath. Big. wide porches, fine elevation, and lot 50x 235. The owner has gone to Virginia to Live, and for a cpiif’k sale will accept SIO,(XX), on terms. See us to morrow about this. Turman, Black & Calhoun 203-8 EMPIRE BUILDING. THE E. C. CREEN CO. ~ (Successor to Little & Green.) 305 Third National Bank. ON HOUSTON STREET, between Jackson and Boulevard, well built, modern home, consisting of 9 rooms. Lot 52x149 1-2. This lot. runs through to Cain street, and owner wishes to sell quick, as house is too large. AVe can make you a low price and easy terms. Easy walking distance to center city. ON SOUTH PRADO, ANSLEY*PARK, we have a beautiful 2- story, brand-new. 8-room house, on lot 90x240, with 2 baths, servants’ room, •furnace heat, and a home in every sense of the word. AA T e will be glad to show this. No trouble. AA E AVILL BE PLEASED to have you call on us at our new offices in Third National Bank Building. Ansley Park Bungalow ON one of the prettiest drives in Ansley Park, on a large lot, 50 by ‘’oo feet, only a half block from car line, we have a beautiful six-room bungalow, with brick fireplaces, beamed ceilings, furnace heat, servant's room, and all modern conveniences, which we can offer for only $6,000, on terms. This home faces east and is among some of the prettiest homes in the park. Best bargain in Ansley Park. See us at once EVERETT & EVERETT f 224 Brown-Randolph Bldg. Phone M. 3392 EDWIN P. ANSLEY REAL ESTATE—FORSYTH BUILDING. GO UPON those elevated lots on Peachtree Circle between Sev enteenth street and the Prado, observe the beautiful outlook. Select, your home lot, then call me up and 1 will make the price just right lor you. List your property with me. It means that it is listed with all agents. EDWIN P. AXSLEY. A Rare Opportunity IN the very prettiest part of the mountains of western North Caro lina, where nature has extended herself in creating the Snot Ideal, 1 am offering an opportunity to any one seeking a combina tion of health and pleasant, remunerative business. This is in the nature of a 30-room hotel, in good condition, fully equipped with ♦ very city convenience. It is located in a growing town of 1 SOO people, and is netting the owner $2,000 a year, which amount with a little judicious advertising, could he materially Increased. Th<- price fully equipped, is $9,000, and can be bought on terms ’ EMMETT HIGHT REAL ESTATE 513-514-515 Empire Building. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND NEGRO INVESTMENT—We offer for quick s ale three negro houses rent ing for $24.00 per month for $2,400. Room to build more houses on lot’ sew. r down. These houses are in unusually good shape and wo feel sure that you will like them if you are looking for this kind of investment. Set us. FOR SALE CHEAP—A nice 6-room bungalow on Sixteenth street. "Verms easy. A NICE LOT in Highland Ave. section for $800.0(1. Onother one f(»r~8i Too Det us show you. ’ HAVE you a vacant lot? Let us build for you. Will b u qd V our hTme on easy terms. Take a look at some of our work. It speaks for itself, Money To Loan. Money To Loan. MONEY TO LEND WE ARE IN POSITION to handle good, firstlass mortgage real estate loan- from 6 to 7 per cent from 3 to 5 y,-,rs. There is no delay in celling your money S. e us. L H Zurline, manager RALPH (). COCHRAN CO. 19 SOUTH BROAD STREET. SATURDAY, AUGUST 17. 1912.