Newspaper Page Text
PubKfthM by Th* Georgian Company.
20 Alabama Street
Atlanta, Ga
fcutered at ACanta PoatoffJce as second-
. ' class
Buoscr:ptfons Payable In Advance
ne year. mail, nostage prepaid. $5 n 0
JJ rn °Dtbs. mall, postage prepaid, * .IM
nree months, mall, postage prepaid. 1 26
* month. mail, postage prepaid. 46
n»iivlro7l ptions p ' - rab ’e I" Advance
ue ver»d by carrier, one yearss.2o
lelI e 1 carrier, six months 2M
tea k gag; stsr- :: ; >•?
Help Wanted—Female.
At once '
to operate local branch school Must I
have business ability. Address Christen
se y cr a I stenographers
Apply L. (’. Smith & Bros.
Type write i- Co. 8-17-14
, cook: be first
’’ass. clean and neat. Bes: wages tn
Hghi party. ~Call RelT phone 237 East
<>u ! • 8-17-38
" '' x TED—-Colored woman tn cook and
'UI. general housework. Room on lot
1” West Sixteenth street. 8-17-37
W ANTED Good cock. 155 Peeples street
- 18-17-18
o»rXh[’~ T^? r, ” ,ghly experienced sten
ographer. Who can take rapid dicta
tion and use typewriter rapidly Must I
furnish first-class references. A good
opening and a permanent position for
the right man. Address Box 812 care
Georgain. 8-17-11
ADDRESSING w rappers. 's l ’ 5 o~per - thou
sand; pleasant office wdrk Address
- _' ?'_S' ar b..Georgian. 58-8-17
STENOGRAI’II ER Familiar "with com
inercial work, permanent position. Give
extent of experience in reph Box 40
care_ Georgian. 57-8-17
COLOREII Hgents — $2“dafiv? Write - for
particulars. Taylor Remedy Co., Louis-
~ 35-8-ltt
"ANTED—Salesladies at once: three
bright, capable ladies more than twenty
er«’ , 'i < A rave b. demonstrate and sell deal
r? 'I * 6 2 R er WPek - Railfead fare
paid. Goodrich Drug Company. 1308-1310
Hurney street, Omaha. Nehr. 104-8-3
U ■'?'X K D—Stenographer; Smith Premier
machine. Apply 1312 Empire Bldg
-- 42-8-16
WANTED- A good cook, must be single
a an > .V?P n J ~n • references required.
- 1 JjY. ?- 3 Wash!ngton st. 4-16-11
WANTED—A colored girCsfngieTas'cook.
hood wages and good home Annlv ini
mediately, 19 Orange street. 8-15-35
" \\ Tl ' : D- A good cook billing to help
'vfth nursing. 19 Currier st. Phone Ivv
"ANTED Girl to run sewing machine.
, b y uther h I Pho'stering Company. Jef
rerson and Echo streets. R-15-15
U » K- -f- . • r ,
" ANTED -\oung women to enter char- !
tered school for nurses. Apply 1O"7 i
Candler building, between 3 and 5 p in
AN rid) Operators on
pants and overalls. 'Eight
hours a day. Light, cool
work room; union wages;
permanent positions. Good'
operators earn $lO to sls ;
per week. We will teachi
you. Apply Nunnally <fc
McCrea. 41 E. Mitchell or
corner Marietta and Alex
ander streets. 8-13-17
Help Wanted—Male.
START a home business that will bring
you SIOO monthly. I made $8,500 first
year with same business Spare time
No canvassing I will show vou how
instructive hook free. Voorhfes, Desk
•U 6. Omaha. Nebr. 107-8-17
x N l l-J® < >ne I en to try our
new crown razor, FREE. Write at
once for full particulars. Champion Bar
ber Supply House. 2823 Colorado avenue.
( hicago. 111. 102-8-17
WHY longer endure inside drudgery? He
our representative. doing outside
healthful work own boss. S2O daily
profit not unusual. Experience unneces
sary. Davis Toilet Co.. 908 Davis build
WANTED Ni ws agent t<> run ..i, pas
senger trains. Give age when writing.
Union News Co.. 56 W. Hunter street.
WANTED You with clean records, grit.
confidence and enthusiasm to help us
in a big business proposition in which
there is money to he made. Information
free. Andrews & Co.. Peters street.
Atlanta. Ga 100-8-17
BE EXPERT detective and investigator
Manx waiting positions at big pay.
Stamp for particulars. National Detec
tive Agoncx. Dept. 439. Chicago. 113-8-17
WANTED ’rh< roughiy experienced and
commended shipping clerk for large re
tail grocery store: salary 865 per month:
in answering, give full details and refer
ences. Address Box 759. care Georgian.
SALESMAN WANTED for high class
specialty company: almost every auto
mobile owner buys al sight. SIOO a week
easily made. No experience necessarx
Address N S Co. Box 796. Atlanta
WANTED —Inside electric wire man.
Take Inman yards car to Swift Fertil
izer Works. Marietta road 80-8-17
WANTED First-class meat < utter, with
exnerience in the grocery line. Address
with references and salary expected
Butcher. Box 41. care Georgian 8-17-16
WANTED First-class all-around railroad
locomotive machinist. <’. Hill, master
mechanic. Port, St. .Joe. Fla. B-17-5
% WANTEI' Men to learn the best busi-
ness in the world, the barber trade: can
have your own shop or earn big wages;
few weeks required; wages while learn
ing. Call or write Moler Barber Col
lege, 38 Luckie street3s-8-17
1 WILL START YOU earning $4 daily
at home in spare time silvering mir
rors; no capital: free instructive booklet,
giving plans of operation. G. F. Red
inoml. Dept 85, Boston, Mass. 30-8-17
>lO PEP 100 upward paid tacking signs.
distributing booklets, samples, etc.: semi
6c stamps for price list paid secure ter
ritory Shepard’s Agency, Lebanon. N.
IL 29-8-17
LIVE MEN wanted in each locality to
co-operate with me in new business:
immense profits; whole or spare time at
home: free particulars. 11. E. ■ Rogers.
Dept. AS, Boston. Mass. 28-8-17
MAN WANTED The undersigned wants
an honest, ambitious man in each city
and town not already sufficiently repre
sented. Previous experience unnecessary.
We will teach you the business thoroughly
by mail and assist you to start in busi
ness for yourseli as our local representa
tive. Splendid opportunity for a man
without capital to get into big paying
business for himself and become independ- '
ent for life. The National Co-Operative
Realty Company, C 949 Marten Bldg..
Washington, I >. C _53-8-3
over 360.000 protected positions in U. S.
service. More than ‘O.OOO vacancies every
year. There* is a big chance here for you,
sure and generous pay, lifetime employ
ment. Easy to get lust ask for booklet
0412. No obligation Earl Hopkins. Wash
1f D ' ’ - ;
I ( ;< >VERNMENT W x
clerks, carriers, railwax mail clerks,
internal revenue and custom house clerks i
clerks in patent offices, agriculture, |
treasury, army, navy and other depart
ments at Washington, excellent salaries;
no "lay-offs." annual vacations; position
would be yours for life. Atlanta examina
tions soon. - ominon education sufficient:
thousands of appointments coming "pull '
unnecessary Write immediately for
'•ample questions and large illustrated
bonk, telling dut •-* hiul giving full par
ticular* Franklin Institute, Dept 52 It
Rochester, N Y 61-7-6
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED—Fixe first-class carpenters at
the corner Eleventh street and Crescent .
avenue. Bring toolsveady for work; best '
■ Man who can make folding
i box forms; also a pressman. Empire!
I F. rlnt * n g an d Box Co. 32-S-16
' b’AX’i ED—Young man stenographer; go
out of town; begin on small salarv. Ap
pl.x Monday 607 Empire Life Building
—. 8-16-3
WANTED—Cabinet makers; steady work,
southern I pholstering Company, corner
Jefferson and E<;ho_streets. 8-15-16
WANTED—In law office a bov stenogra
pher. salary S3O. Address’G. T. W..
'■ire tieorgan 29-8-14
MEN WANTED to sell sewing machines
on salary or commission. New Home
Sewing Machine Company, ground floor.
' Suitablebuilding. 8-13-48
W ANTED—Three or four first-class~cab
inet makers. Willingham-Tift Lumber
1 8-13-16
! ARCHITECTURAL draftsman wanted
; Must be absolutely sober and reliable
i Well up on reinforced concrete and fire
i proof construction, also good on modern
I hotel design. \pply giving age. experi
l »m<-e. references and salarv expected.
.With the earliest report for duty if ar
ranged with. Mclver & MacKav. Ocala
WANTED—Young men to jearn “pharEv
acy this fall. Demand for our gradu
ates exceeds supply. Next session begins
October 1. Southern Collegg of Pharmacy,
81 Luckie street. Atlanta. G\.B-11)
AXI El)—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Cal! at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian.
20 East Alabama street.
CARPENTEfts—Competent men furnish
ed on short notice for all classes of car
penter work. Jim Stephenson. 226 Brown-
Randolph Bldg Phone: Main 4251 At
lanta 2332. 7-2-5
WANTED- Young man of experience and
good recommendations to take charge
slid manage retail grocery business: must
invest SSOO. or would lease business to
right party; excellent opportunity. Ad
dress Groceries, care Georgian. 7-12-42
WANTED Ideas. inventors write for
list of inventions wanted and prizes of
fered by manufacturers. Also, how to get
'our patent Sent free to any address
Randolph & Briscoe, patent attorneys.
Washington, D, C 7-11-23
YES. Professor G. ~ Branning will teach
you the barber trade Gt’s easv). We
teach in one-half ti'me of other colleges.
Course. and position in our shops
only S3O. Why pay more 0 Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages Atlanta Barber College. 10
East Mitchell street. 5-11-17
STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart - of city. lOhj
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room: transient 50c. Open ail night
FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos. All barber work free Clean
linen. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell. 5-27-16
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
good income corresponding for newspa
pers. Experience unnecessary Address
Press Correspondence Bureau. Washing-
D. <’ t B-17-41
i good stenog
raphers al once. Reming
ton Typewriter Co.. 56 N.
! >!•<>ad strc> i. 8-17-43
\V \ VTI.’I) ADDRESSES of all who
> . 1 I^l/wish to know why they
stammer and how to quit The Fon-Lin
Institute, 2516 Indiana ave., Chicago. 11l
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS—Just coin money selling NEW
IMPROVED HOSIERY direct from mill
with our big advertising offer. You can
make $25.00 daily. Everybody buvs.
Credit. Samples in leatherette case free.
New Improved Knitting Mills. Chicago
MEN AND WOMEjJ niake money as
agents for the Waits handy case. Slip
in the dress, waist, spit or overcoat: keeps
them fresh and clean, easy to get in, easy
to get out. All purposes, ideal room
saver. Can be laid or hung anvwhere.
LOW' prices. Three sizes. 40c. 50c and 75c.
.Send anywhere, not sold in stores. Any
body can sell Waks eases. They all want
it. Sells itself. Sell 10. 20. 30. 40. 50 a
day. Goulding sold 2.000, Gridley 560. Mrs.
Webster 20 in three hours. Quick sales;
large profits; no experience. Free sample
offer. Send postal today for full descrip
tion agents’ selling plan. Waks Manu
facturing Company. 10 Miller building.
Cincinnath_Ohio., 8-i 7-25
WE want to hear from you if earning less
than $35 weekly. New agents article.
Riley Specially Co., 2531 Guilford ave..
Baltimore, Md. 43-8-17
EXPERIENCED canvassers, semi quick
for high-grade proposition. Liberal
commission, best terms. UnuSual oppor
tunity. Making S3O weekly. Tarheel
Compant . Desk L, Raleigh, N. C. 41-8-17
wanted; good pay: fine positions; pay
for instruction after you receive posi
tion. Liberty Institute. Dept. 49. Roches
tcr, N. Y. 26-8-17
WANTED Live agents, eacli town, either
sex. to sell ladies’ and children's ready
to-wear apparel, materials by the yard,
gentlemen’s shirts; attractive samples:
exclusive territory: large profits National
Cloth Co., St. Louis. Mo.
AGENTS—Here's a proposition which
sells itself; the agent-don't hold the
bag: we guarantee the sale: wonderful
new invention: sells like fury at 75 cents:
on market few weeks; swamped with or
ders now; everybody wants territory; poor
salesmen making $lO daily: good ones
coining money: write quick Lyon Salas
LM.. Waterloo. 111. 32-8-17
BE INDEPENDENT Start a man order
business in your own home. We
tell you how. and furnish everything
needed wholesale. An honorable and
profitable business for a man or woman.
Particulars free Many make $3,000 a
year Murphy Mfg Co . South Norwalk.
Conn. 5-11-5
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED—LocaI or traveling salesmen
making small towns to handle our new
attractive pocket sideline. Quick ship
ments. prompt commission, no collecting.
State territory covered. For particulars
address G. A. Johnson. 210 Siegel street.
Chicago, in 112-8-17
SIDE LINE: pocket samples; ten minutes.
$lO commission: high grade men only;
no other need apply. Advertising Novelty
Company, Newton, lowa. 104-8-17
NEW TRADE boosting specialty; coni
mission. SIOO weekly. Box V-452. lowa
City,_losva. 105-8-17
SALESMEN—Do"you want $lO a day side
or main line deal? Five combined
proposition. Snappiest ever sprung
American Pottery Company, SI. Louis.
GAPABLE SALESMAN to cover Georgia
with staple line; high commissions; SIOO
monthly advance .and permanent posi
tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co..
Detroit, Mleli. 27-8-17
WANTED Sab'innen who are busnu-ss
producers; others need not apply Ad
dress Loan Dept.. Georgia Loan A- In
vestment Co., Tifton, Ga. 40-8-17
Situations Wanted—Male and
KI’KK to all, oiii’ practice
department. Remington
Typewriter ('<>., 56 X. Broad
street. 8-17-42
Tl.r bos! W ant Ad s in Thr Gem
gmn are M-iiuiav, Tue»da.\, W><ln<sda.\.
I hurjuia v, Frida*. Saturday Ti > them
ALL The reaulia will surpri-e
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word eacli Insertion |
No ad taken for less than tlie price
of ten words. Ads in larger type,
12c a line <4 words to the lire)
Out-of-town a<lv fr t I semenK !
must be accompanied with casl
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per :
The Georgian will not be respon- .
sible for more than one incorrect
Insertion of any ad ordered more :
than one time.
Closytg Hours: To secure prop- |
er classification, ads must be tn
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock ;
the day of the issue.
All ads must be ordered nut in
writing or at office. No discon- I
tinuance notice taken over phone. I
Ever.y word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
is counteil. Each initial counts one
word; compound words are counter
as two words.
Telephone y our Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones SOOO'i when
it Is more convenient to do so. and
collection will be made at your
home nr at your office the follow
ing dax This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrnns and payment :
should always be promptly made I
on presentation nf bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy nr assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts glxen In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The i
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Situations Wanted—Female.
WANTED—Position by young lady as in
termediate teacher; normal training:
first grade license and four years' expe
rience as principal of public school. Ad
dress Teacher. Perry, Ga. 92-8-17
WANTED—Position by widow as house
keeper or companion in good family,
country or suburban home preferred.
Mrs. H., P. O, Box 1453, Atlanta. 8-17-50
"ANTED—A position in doctor's or
dentist’s office; references given. Ad
dress Mrs. G„ care Georgian 46-8-17
\\ ANTED-—A position as housekeeper in
hotel or college; references given. Ad
dress Mrs. 11,, care Georgian. 4 7-8-17
MIDDLE-AGED I.ADY, now employed
desires more active employment: po
sition housekeeper for widower, children
and home where one servant is kept C
care Georgian. 54-8-17
COLORED WOMAN wants sewing to do
out by the day. Can give references.
Address Willie, 167 East avenue, Citv
COLORED girl wants maid or nurse work
at once. Pinella Jones, 254-A Fulton st
STENOGRAPHER witli about 9 months
experience desires position with good
firm. Vses Remington typewriter. Ad
dress D. x . care Georgian 31-8-15
WANTED Position as music teacher by
refined young lady; will take moderate
amount of pupils: have had experience;
references. Write Box No. 104, Zebulon,
Ga. 8-15-H
\\ ANTED Position by lady of three
years experience in suit department;
best of references furnished. Phone Main
4999-,L 8-13-35
EX I’Eltl ENCED saleslady in suit de
partment. at present employed, desires
Io change about September 1 or sooner:
want to locate position as early as pos
sible. Box 499, care Georgian 25-8-13
Situations Wanted—Male.
POSITION WANTED with manufactur
ing firm or business corporation by man
experienced in up-to-date methods of of
fice work, business correspondence, col
lection, etc. Energetic, systematic, re
liable. Not afraid «»f work. Satisfactory
references as to ability and integrity. Ad
dress Box 488. care Georgian.ll6-8-17
WANTED Job by young man 18 years
Anything with a chance for promotion.
B. R. J,. care Georgian. 10!‘-8-17
i WANTED - A position as cashier of coun-
I ti*y bank, one year's experience, (’an
j furnish references. Age 32. Married
| Address Box 26, Grayson, Ga. 110-8-17
I ALL-AROI ND office man and bookkeep-
I er; uses typewriter and other office ma
chines; steady, neat, accurate; well •rec
ommended. Call J, A. V., Ivy 5255 or Ivy
| 2833-. L 60 Boulevard place 8-17-63
I Si’CCESSI’T L SALES and collection
manager of large business desires light
er work on account of health. Small
salary. Prefer outside References. Ad
dress Producer, bare Georgian. 95-8-17
I AM 23. married, and have three years
clerical and bookkeeping experience. I
hustle. C. L. Lester. General Delivery
City. 82-8-17
r HEIGHT RATE expert, with twelve
years railroad experience, desires posi
tion as traffic manager with commercial
enterprise or as rate expert with com
merce attorney Address Box 821. care
Georgian. 70-8-17
YOUNG MAN 25 wants to learn ~ the
hardware business. Would like to have
Job witli some good hardware man. Will
start at bottom and come up. W£ite W.
I " ■ 29 Larkin street. City. 59-8-17
I WANTED—-Position as cojiector; experi
| enced in newspaper and furniture busl
| ness. Box 460, care Georgian. 38-8-16
ACCURATE cotton buyer and grader
| wants- position. A-l references. Ad-
I flrpsS - 1 C. Jones. Anderson, S, C 43-8-16
i PRINTER All-round Job printer wants
position at once: not afraid of work;
will accept position as pressman, will
work cheap ar stari for a chance of ad
vancement. C. T. E., care Georgian
YOUNG married man. five years’ expe
rience assistant shipping clerk, wishes
Io change: besl reference Address Box
207, care Georgian.2B-8-16
EXPERIENCED young man stenographer
desires position witli large firm where
there is chance for promotion; A-l refer
ences; capable: energetic. Box 533, care
Georgian. tt; - s -15
WANTED Position in wholesale grry
house by September I; best of refer
ence: guarantee to please. .1. L. Sullivan.
14 Norcross st.. City 36-8-15
■ PRESSER wants position: all-roundTnati".
26 Crumley Place, City 27-8-15
1 LICENSED druggist desires position,
references furnished. Address Drug
gist, Box 302. Brunswick. Ga. 39-8-14
BY country. boy willing to work, where
chance of promotion is good; mechan
ically inclined: age 16. What have you to
offer? C. F. H . Box 106, Stone Moun
talm 40-8-14
WANTED- Posithbn by young man woh
two years experience as bookkeeper and
cashier and three years as stenographer.
Employed at present but wish to make a
change, E. M-. iUrr Georgian 34-8-14
' YOUNG MAN from Virginia ib siring to
make Atlanta his home seeks employ
nient where ability is absolutely essen
tial: experienced in ail kinds of office
work: also A-J stenographer but prefer
something contrary to latter. Address
Virginia, Box Jtos. care Georgian. 58-8-13
•A '• NT I J i Small Set of books to keep at
night, experienced bookkeeeper; good
references. Address H T H . Box 100.
care Georgianso• 8-13
WANTED ~ Position as an assistant book
keeper and collector, with chances for
| promotion, by prominent young man. »’an
I furnish good references if required .1 M
■ 11.. I’. O. Box 631. Douglas. Ga 42-8-12
Job Work
| WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters We
makekheni Roof repairing, brick
'work wall tinting. i>alntlng and plaster
ng 6JI„ s Forsyth street Bell 1187,
Atlanta 6687 - M
Window Cleaning.
National Window Cleaners
Dwellings or Store Fronts; Carpets Vacu- '
um Cleaned; Floors Oiled or Waxed
All Work Guaranteed.
47 E. Hunter St. Main 1175, Atlantal
Phone 1051 7-5-24 ]
Boarders Wanted.
191 EAST FAIR—Room with board, to
couple or gentlemen. All conveniences. I
8-17-53 I
TRY BOARD at 308 South Pryor: home- '
like; references. Main 2456-L. 86-8-17 i
NICE ROOM and board in exchange for [
diamond, motorcycle, piano or type
writer. Small cash payment. Piano. Box '
10, care Georgian. 8-17-30 1
TWO BUSINESS men or women can get
loom and two meals wltlj refined adults'
in Grant park home. Separate entrance.
Car service. 256 Grant street. 62 8-17
Hi’tiMS witli meals for those desiring a
quiet place. 131 Washington. 35-8-ln •
IF YOU want cool rooms, nice home and
excellent board cheap, call at 18 Capitol
Place ; _ 35-8-16
COOL, pleasant rooms with or without
board. 319 Central ave. Atlanta 3168-F.
NICELY furnished room with l>oard; also
table board; desirable location. 17 E.
North ave. 27-8-13
COUPLE without children who ar.' board*
ing can nearly make expenses by look
ing after a few rooms, close in Call
Main 1668-.1, 8-16-30
SELECT board an.l rooms: max - be had.
A-l north side location This is reason
able and first-class. F M.. care Geor
gian. 8-14-4
$1.50 to $2.50 day; $7.00 to $12.50 weekly;.
American plan, 50c to $1.50 day; *3.00 1
to $7.00 weekly European. References
exchanged. 8-13-36
FIRST-CLASS room and board; no other
boarders; north side; ideal home. Phon •
ivy 1762-L. 8-13-22
NK’E, large room witli board, nortli side
Ivy 2423-J.- 8-12-4
SELECT boarding at 16 East Baker, un
der new management, cleanliness our
motto; inspection Invited. The best ta
ble in the city at moderate prices. Rooms
with private bath, ivy 2666-.1. 8-10-63
SEI/ECT BOARDING, large? sb, vard
647 I’eaclitree. Phone Ivy 6631. 76-8- 10
SINGLE room suitable for couple; afso a
few select boarders can secure board
at Rest Haven, 197 S. Pryor. Atlanta
phone 4843, 8-10-22
IF you appreciate cleanliness try us. $4
to sG_weelc£23 Capitol avenue. B-10-7
THE PLAZA. Central location: summer
rates; cool front rooms. 286 Peachtree
Board Wanted.
COUPLE wants board in small private
family, outskirts of city preferred State
particulars. Box 747, care Georgian
WANTED—Board in private home: walk
ing distance of state capitol: references
exchanged. H. W.. care Georgian
WANTED—Young man desires room and
board with private family in nice local
ity. F. E. F.. care Georgian 40-8-15
Summer Resorts.
Pure spring water, pure air, mountain
scenery; 90 miles from Atlanta on L and
N. R. R. Rates, $7 per week. Hack meets
morning trains leaving Atlanta at 8
o'clock. See pictures of hotel and folders
in window of Foote & Davies Co.. 6 North
Broad street 33-8-10
TURNERVILLE. GA. nearby Tallulah
Falls Cool, quiet and comfortable; ex-
I cellent fare; climate unexcelled 44-8-16
Lost and Found.
LOST Pocketbook on Woodward ave
nue or car. between Connally street
and town: 6:45 a m. Saturday. Finder
will call Main 3704-J. Reward A Co
hen, 306 Marietta street. 89-8-17
WANTED Lady ihat attended dress ball
at High’s return parasol and avoid
further trouble, to 18 Doane street. At
lanta phone 4865. 8 17-48
LOST- Near Conley. Ga.. one liver and
white pointer dog Reward if returned
to Grady Moore. Conley, Ga.. or J. K Orr,
Jr , Atlanta., 8-17-29
LOST Thursday nTght, on Peachtree
street, between Edgewood avenue and
Alcazar theater, ladies’ belt buckle. Find
er please call Ivy 6244-. I or Mrs Johnson.
273 Euclid avenue. 75-8-17
Lost a lor.g fine jink gold chain with
slide and c arm having ’’Drawing" on
one side and initials on the other. Lib
eral reward. Return to 58 Hood st. At-
phone 5440. 71-8-17
L< 'ST Wednesday afternoon, small etc
amel and gold pin, a pearl center Re
ward Phone Mrs. R. S. Woodside ivv
6119-.1. 8- I6GJ
LOST -A female collie, white nose and
white feet; lost Monday night. Call
Ivy 6177-L or 48 Colquitt avenue. Lib
eralreward. 8-15-33
LOST Wednesday morning at Terminal
.station, small black pocketbook, con
taining sl7. Reward if returned to 6
Peachtree place. Phone ivy 2087-1
INVESTIGATE Mrs. Georgia Summers’
Common Sense System for Fat Reduc
tion and Health Promotion, which is the
combined effort of specialists and the per
sonal experience of twenty years test
ing the methods of others. The system
is scientific, thorough, up-to-date anu I
complete. We are making cures where 1
others failed. Our guarantee is. No cure,
no pa > Sold subject to approval of your
family physician. Price low For free
booklet address Mrs Georgia Summers
Company, Mena, Arkansas 8-17
WRITERS Let us secure
your copyrights, prim and place your
books on the market Morton Publishing
Company. Dept. ATG, Morton building.
New York. 7-11-26
I,aT>IES -Ask your druggist fo r Chiches
ters Pills, the Diamond brand, for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble. buy of your druggist. r ake no other.
Chlchesters Diamond Brand .‘ills are sold
by druggists everywhere. 5-2-1
rl y sc Rehns', fly screens, fl y
SCREENS Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W R Cal
laway. manager, 1403 Fourth National
Bank Building. Atlanta. Ga. Mam 5310.
1434-A .1 M!KS(ENVILLE ii. \ 810 18
SEiii'H s RESULTS come from trusses I
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it i
will cost you no nvore to have him fit J
• 1 ■
cial method for adults commencing music. ;
Enables you to play well in three months, i
All monotony of practice avoided Even- j
tng lessons if desired Music, Box '<77. I
care Georgian. 48-7-22 I
refined, homelike; limited number of:
fotients cared for. home provided in-,
I fants; infants for adoption. Mrs M 'l'. |
Ml 1’ ‘!2 26 s L ,r _ s 1
FOUND The •- ■ ■ 1 tree
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN-
I CER. Call and see L'r Reynolds Com
lpan>. 21 Inman building Atlanta. Ga. If
you «-an tv ; calk wii’« 67 86
The Jinny Spirella Styles.
J INCLUDE a style for overy woman, the'
genuine skill of out corsctieres is mani- ;
fested >n selecting the model that be
comes you best < ompany headquarters,
84 Ea • • ■ ■
' .\(Aik TTrnEiHo
NOTHING but first (lass work and I
prompt ser\ i< »=• When you are ready j
so» tnls kind of work phonr l\' 1436
*M c LETTER <'• >M i‘dNY, 117 w • de) '
Memorial building 5-6-33
Tj One Georgian’s Rent'BnflfletDn===A New Lost Each Day
lr Boi-m. Apartment or House you live in desirable, comfortable, home-like and cool?
i.hJ ® tav . w " e J’ e you are not< , consult this $ omplete list of every desirable place for r#»nt in the citv and sub
1 Georgian has two men searching each day to list every place that is for rent for the benefit and convenience
or its readers You save money, time and trouble by consulting this bulletin.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
I W O housekeeping rooms in new apart
ment, first floor. 205 Woodward ave
nue, I w<> blocks^frenn Capit _8 -17-64
1 hrve nicely furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. Only $16.50. with illumi
nating gas for good company. Near
Grant Park. 26 W. Pavilion street.
- 8-7
I W o nicely furnished front rooms com
plete for housekeeping; first or second
floor; dressing room; private entrance;!
hot bath; Bell phone; best location; with I
J 5 i9h jtgton st 8-17-60
FOR RIAT Twit nicely furntshed rooms
tn private family, \tlanta phone 3129-M.
104 East Georgia avenue 8-17 49
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in
private home. Gentleman only. 213
y _ 3205-L _ _84 -8-17
FOR RENT Nice smafl room; hot ami
cold bath: telephone; close in. $6 per ,
month. 17 Pulliam street. 85-8-17
NICELY furnished, furnace-heated, front
room, with all conveniences. Druid
Hills section. Private family. Board if
desired. Gentlemen or couple. Box 989,
• arc <ieorgian si-8-i;
FOR RENT furnished room private
bath. Facing Piedmont Park. Ivy
FURNISHED room for r*»nt. cheap, to
steady young man. Convenient to
Tech. References Ivy 1244 8-17-35
ONE furnished "rrWT' room, all con
venlencps, close in, ('all Ivv 6288-. I
’ _B_-JJ_-32
FOR RENT -Two front rooms, furnished
for light housekeeping; $3.50 per week:
close tn._ 2’66 Whitehall street 63-8-17
HOTEL WILLIAMS, corner Fourth and
Mulberry streets. Macon, Ga The
handsomest up-to-date European hotel in
the South for $1 per day is now open.
Try it when you go to Macon. 66-8 17
For RENT—One lovely front parlor for
sleeping; one or two gentlemen; cheap.
242 Central avenue. Phone Main 1827-1.
BEAUTIFUL double room for two young
men,or couple; in private home, Just off
Peachtree, Phone Ivy 309. 8-17-22
FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished cmv
meeting rooms and kitchenette Gall
Atlanta phone 3254. 8-17-21
ATTRACTIVE, well furnished room,
steam heat; near in. 79-A Spring st.
ONE furnished room for rent. 39 Car
negie way. Close in. B-17-8
ONE extra large room, completely fur
nished for light housekeeping; also bed
rooms for gentlemen; modern conve
niences: close in. 81 Brotherton st.
WANTED Nice refined couple to share
l»art of seven-room cottage; nice neigh
borhood; with young couple: by Septem
ber 1 Address H. G. D., Box 200, care
Georgian. 8-16-24
FOR RENT- Three new unfurnished con
necting rooms for light housekeeping,
in new bungalow; modern conveniences
70 Grady place. West End B-16-25
FOR RENT— Two or three furnished
rooms, close in; housekeeping 79 East
Harris street. 39-8-16
WELL FURNISHED ventilated front
rooms: housekeeping connecting rooms;
north side; reasonable: close in 49 W
Cain 5t.33-8-16
WANTED—one or two gentlemen to oc
cupy large, nicely furnished room;
steam heat, electric lights; private fam
Uy; north side. Ivy 1294-L.4-16-10
LARGE breezy rooms; near in 305 South
Pryor st. 8-16-7
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; three
blocks from Candler Bldg.; all conven
iences; reasonable. Apply 9 Williams st.
Phone 1vy_2359 -.L 27-8-16
ONE large and one small furnished room
for rent; young men preferred; reason
able rent and desirable location A. ¥.,
Box 400, rare Georgian. 8-16-2
FoR RENT To couple without children
two rooms for light housekeeping; close
in. steam heated apartment; north side
Address N X., Box 200, care Georgian
FURNISHED rooms with private bath, by
day. week or month, gentlemen only.
Uorner Ellis and Ivy streets. 8-15-30
AMERICAN PLAN, $1.35 UP Weekly
rates. 44-8-15
NICELY furnished rooms with good board,
hath and all conveniences; close in.
Under new management. 130 Ivy street.
PRIVATE home steam heated; furnished
room. $lO West Peachtree, near Third
Ivy 2742-L._ 8-15-22
FOR RENT Large, cool front room, two
and a half Mocks from Aragon hotel:
modern conveniences; private family 101
East Ellis street Bell phone Ivy 3841-J.
DROPSY < t RED—Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours Reduces swell
ing in 15 io 20 days. Write for particu
lars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Company,
512 Austell Building. Atlanta 5-25-11
like boy since cured of very severe case
of constipation of long standing send a
dollar. I will tell you how to cure your
self Win. S. Phillips, 160 Oglethorpe
axe., Atlanta. Ga 51-8-11
DR EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
50c. Frank Edmondson A tiro., manufac
turing chemists, 14 South Broad street.
Atlanta, Ga 2-17-14
Removal Notice.
REMOVAL NOTICE We have moved
our plumbing establishment to No. 10
Equitable place (between Auburn and
Edgewood avenues) Bell phone ehanged
to Ivy 493. David W Yarbrough
Auction Sales.
Decatur street We buy and sell any
and everything Atlanta phone 2285; Bel!
I,holie Main 1434. Main 187. 7-29-20
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new
management: will accept your surplus
stock of any kind on consignments; cash
advanced; settlement on date of sale
143 S. Pryor st. Bell phone Main 1434.
Main 187; Atlanta phone 2285. 8 6-30
Timber For Sale.
FOR SALE -10,000,000 feet long leaf yel
low pine; price® terms et< Address
I M i Bainbridge, Ga 25 8 16
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos. office and warehouse. 239-241
E<lgewo<xl ave Ivy 2037. John J. Wood
side Storage Company.
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
ROUNTR Eft’S "^!U2et all
PHONES Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654
Stove and Range Repairing.
SELiaS se<ori'l hand gas stoves. We sweep ’
chimneys We take down heaters We j
»dl wi< k anil wickl' -s oil stoves We sell
r. i i.luM stox r.s au<] ranges Atlanta plume
”35 .! Whi'thull street Bell phone 1
Main 2699. 4 4 7
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
152 WEST PEACHTREE Pleasant fur
nished room in prix ate modern home.
Walking distance to business center
TWO connecting FoorniT furnisned com
pletely for housekeeping, hot water 80
West Peachtree street. 8-13-37
bl RNISHF'D rooms in strictly private
home.__l9 E. Harris st. 8-13-29
:H A I >si ).\i ely furnished from room;
private bath; gentleman preferred.
I care <Georgian. 29-8-13
NICEI/Y furnished cool rooms; hot bath:
jwycloso i’ 1 ( " Ivj street. 8-12-30
NICE, laiut elegant!} furnished front
room; five windows; all conveniences
66_11 ouston st reel. 8-12-28
NICELY furnished ronrrE twin beds for
young men only. 205 Spring st Ivv
2168-L. 8-12-5
LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, baths and excellent
table board; under new management. 4
West Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivy 6790-J.
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT -Four or five unfurnished
rooms, light housekeeping; three
adults; or would share house with couple.
Address H. T._M.. care Georgian. JM)-8-17
FOR RENT—Three large rooms for light
housekeeping to couple without chil
dren. tine neighborhood. Cars conven
ient References required. Price very
reasonable. Phone Ivy 5465-J.B-17-56
FOR RENT—With owner, three, four or
five rooms Apply 356 North Jackson
street. Atlanta phone 78 Heat and wa
if r 8 17-55
FOR RENT Three unfurnished house
keeping rooms, with hath ami gas. with
private family 313 Centra! avenue
FOR RENI' One nr tun connecting un
furnished rooms. All conveniences
North side, Druids Hills section. Apply
Box 1718 or 920 Highland avenue. 79JL17
TWO very large unfurnished rooms, all
conveniences, close in; suitable for
light housekeeping (.’’all Ivy 6288 J.
FOR RENT Four large rooms and hail;
all conveniences; second floor. Call at
’ “ Forrest avenue. 74- 8-17
TWO or three unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping; cabinet mantels: large
pantry; sink; quick car service; good
neighborhood; references exchanged. 385
Easi • let ’i gia ba e 48-8-17
FOR RENT Two newly papered connect-
• ing, first-floor, front rooms, in private
family: owner; cheap to refined couple
200 North Boulevard. 8-16-26
LARGE front upstairs room; all conven
fences. 90 Ira st. 8-16-9
FOR RENT To couple without children,
first floor; three rooms. References.
443 Courtland street, corner Plm s-15-17
TWO large rooms and kitchenette; close
in. 85 Crew street. 8-14-9
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
tie girls, nine and eleven, want three
1 or four unfurnished rooms, suitable for
light housekeeping. State, location and
price. W. E. S.. Box 408. care Georgian.
• WANTED—Three connecting second floor
i rooms suitable for light housekeeping
’ A., care Georgian. 46-8-16
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
! For Rent.
FOR RENT Light housekeeping morns,
• two furnished and three or four unfur
' nished, nice; all conveniences Close In
i and cheap. Applv 88 Pulliam street.
? 8-12-17
FOR RENT- One furnished room and
unfurnished kitchenette Close in 59
> East Ellis street. 8-10-29
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
BETWEEN Peachtree and Juniper, on
North avenue, one block from Georgian
Terrace hotel There will probftbh be
’ for lease on September 1 or October 1
, apartments ranging in price from S6O, S7O.
$75 and SBS per month. Phone Ivy 657 or
call at 29 Ponce DeLeon avenue.
114 8-17
FOR RENT Steam-heated apartment,
partly furnished, close in, north side;
good location. Ivy 6033-J.B-17-26
FOR RENT—-Beautiful furnished apart
ment, at a sacrifice, as I am going
away; private phone, electric lights, bath,
hot and cold water Call Ivx 5480
8 16-23
WANTED Bird’s eye maple chifforobe or
chiffonier Must have good mirror. Call
Ivy 5070-1 or address H . 45 Orme street
WANTED Second-hand gas stove in
good condition Drop a card now to
Box 217. can* Georgian 49-8-1*
I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co . 143 South Pryor St.
Bell phones Main 1434. Main 187. Atlanta
DROP A (’ARD Will bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestiare. 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
WANTED We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture (’ash advanced on consign
ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526
- HD 10
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture
(’ash advancen on consignments. Central
1 Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street Bell pnone Main 2424 8 26-26
BUY old accounts. n<>D g ent®
616 Temple Court Bldg Main 3992.
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE A sweet toned upright piano
in splendid condition is being offered
at a bargain Call Bell phone Ivy 4465-.1.
FOR SALE —Cheap, one scholarship in
best business college Cail Ivy 1935-J.
FOR SALE Millet Monitor range; used
two months. 52 West Fourth street.
Phone 5373-J. 8-17-62
GOAT, wagon ant gentle and
kind; one cockerel, nine Brown Letfmrn
pullets, ready to lax-, all at bargain
James E. Armour. Greensboro, Ga.
FOR SALE. CHEAP One single iron
bed. springs and mattress, parlor set
and small hat rack 12 for hatrack if
taken at once 129-B West Peachtree
street 8-17-47
FoR SALE. CHEAP -One Edison rotar*
mimeograph, practically new; one du
plex doth sponging machine, one No. 6
Remington typewriter, two large wall
cases with glass doors, 600 wire spring
skirt hangers West Mitchell street,
th i r<i tiooi. s 17-46
Al Gl SI and September
delivery. Block, nice and
iclean. $1.50 per ten. Round
'lump, for grates and stoves
I $4.25 per ton. Address
J I Janie], care (3 orgian.
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT —In best section of College
Park; only a few steps from Cox col
lege. in beautiful resident section, splen
didly arranged apartment of three large
rooms, summer dining room and large
dressing room, a delightful place to-live
East Point t’J-J. 8-17-52
WE HAVE for rent in the Corinthian,
136 W Peachtree street, or the Nicholas
234 Forrest ave., four, five and six-room
apartments. Apply Chas. P. Glover Realtt
Company, _Walton st. B-17-2
UPSTAIRS apartment, four rooms; all
conveniences Owner. 233 Moreland ave
nure 8-16-27
IN the Nicholas, 234 Forrest avenue, un
furnished apartment: first floor, six
rooms: all modern conveniences. Call
IVY 2583. 8-12-35
FoR RENT Six-room apartment in the
Nicholas i ’all Ivy 2583. 8-10-59
THE most up-to-date apartments with
tour rooms and bath in Atlanta, located
at 324 and 326 Forrest avenue; ready for
occupancy by September 1; can be seen at
any time; price, S4O per month. Office
phone. Main 2102. home phone Ivy 508-J
L. B. Sanders. Owner 8-9-29
FoR RENT The new apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bozcn
bol. consisting of three and four rooms
eacli, with every known modern conven
ience. and renting for $32 50 to $35. is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on
premises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler
Building. 5-9-57
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FoR RENT-Nicely furnished cottage,
all conveniences, in block of two cat
lines. Nice neighborhood. Reasonable
rent 112 Loomis avenue. 87-8-17
FOR RENT Ten-room furnished house;
good north side location; possession
September 1; price $55 per month; owner
would keep three rooms and pay liberal
price for same. Call Ivy 993-L. 52-8-16
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Splendid ’en-room brick
steam-heated house: near in; north
side; $45. ivy 4676. 93-8-17
FOR RENT Near-in six-room cottage:
modern improvements; large lot 149
Walton street _£all_lvy 6212-L. 77-8-17
SIX ROOMS, one of the nicest locations
in West End, near Peeples street school.
, near Gordon street car line and Howell
Park. S3O. Call Webster, M. 2106, 807-808
Fourth National Bank Bldg 8-17-19
FOR RENT—My home; twelve-room
house; nice. Apply on premises. 108
West Harris street, or phone 80 Iw
i IxARKIN, cottage, five rooms; sls; 22
East Alexander, first floor apartment;
sls. 21 Fortress. Rooms and apartments
, EIGHT-ROOM house; north aide; will self
. 12 months’ lease or exchange for board
This i> in A-l location. M . care Geor
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at.
moderate rates Turman. Black & Cal
houn. 203 Empire Bldg. 6-29-66
: FOR RENT, HOUSES— CalL write or
I phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
! THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
! unless it is wired for electricity.
j - ■- ■■ n
• Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
. WOULD LIKE to go in with an agree
a tile couple and share house Refer-
1 ences exchanged. 8. R. 8.. Box 408, cars
Georgian. B-17 27
L WANTED—Unfurnfshed. by two adults?
i four or five-room cottage or small
* apartment, on good car line; permanent.
1 Address M., 350 Highland avenue or pho'nft
; Ivy 1958 8-17-17
WANTED—Five or six-room house by the
month, on north side with bath and fur
nace heat. Address Box 422 care Geor
gian. 41-8-16
1— ■
Garages For Rent.
FOR RENT —Private garage; electric
lights and wash. Rear corner Merritts
avenue and Courtland. See M. D. Eise
man, 1 Whitehall street. 8-17-44
FOUND-If you lose anything, and will
advertise it here, you will surely recover
it if found by an honest person. A three
time ad seldom fails Remarkable recov
eries are brought about every day
through this column
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
EOR SALE $65 Majestic range; good as
new; also kitchen cabinet; reasonable
price. 184 Spring.6B-8-17
EOR SALE Iron bed. springs and mat
tress. $5. 24 W. Alexander st 8-17-24
EOR SALE Hand carved solid mahogany
parlor suit; cost, when new. $460; will
sacrifice at $150: also dining room suit
with leather chairs, etc., at a bargain
Call 139-A Capitol ave. 45-8-17
EOR SALE—Girl’s bicycle, boy’s roller
coaster, sewing machine, couch, parlor
heater, garden tools, etc 712 Highland
live 36-8-17
EOR SALE—Two very fine antique man
tel clocks cheap; can be seen at 1524
1 an< ller Bldg .or phone Ivy 4815. 8-17-3
EOR SA LE— Household goods; cheap
_pr ice. PboneA. t lan ta 1818. 53-8-77
FOR SALE Four million feet yeFlow pine
round timber, two thousand merchant
able white oaks; all in Jasper and New
ton counties, Texas; three miles railroad
Joseph Ereeman, Blakely. Ga. B-10-3
One Price. No Commission
LET us make you an estimate on
your work. Old pianos made
new again at moderate prices.
Tile only complete piano shop in
the city.
Cleveland-Maiming Piano
80 N. Pryor Street.
Bell Phone Ivy 2240.
I'.;; S\|J thin «,,rth Whitfield Medi
cine <and Bullard t’ar Dour stock;
Whitfield stock will pat 10 per cent divi
dend this year Best cash offer gets it.
Box 142, Austell Gaß-16-17
NEW. beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service:
plain or designe.; atty size. Catalogue
free Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore
Md 8-16-31
SECttND-HANP SAKES- Small, medium
and large home .-afe» sls: Hall’s bank
and tire- roof safes, vault doon, etc. c.
J Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank Bldg