Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 19, 1912, EXTRA, Page 3, Image 3

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Streets Committee Recom
mends That Work Be Done.
Oilier Improvements.
S Big street improvements will be put
up to the council for approval at the
meeting this afternoon.
The leveling of the grade of Ivy
street will be recommended by the
streets committee. Councilman Orville
Hall, Aiderman John E. McClelland and
several others are opposed Jo this
project, on the grounds that there is
other work more important. But the
indications are that the council will
approve the plan.
A petition from property owners will ;
be presented requesting that Whitehall !
street be paved from Trinity avenue to I
Cooper street. This matter will be re- !
ferred to the streets committee. The |
, city has no >r su
whether it will be done at once depends
on whether the property owners will
advance the money for the city's part,
as the Ivy street property owners have
agreed to do.
The establishment of a permanent
building line for Peachtree street, mak
ing it an 80-foot street its entire length,
will be considered for final action.
Council already has adopted an ordi
nance establishing a building line, but
J it has no authority to enforce it. Al
bert Howell has begun the construc
tion of a $500,000 apartment, house at
the .corner of Peachtree street and
Ponce DeLeon avenue, plans for which
were madd before council established
the new building line. He offers to
change his plans, giving the citv a
ten-foot strip of land, for $5,000. The
property owners' declare that if the
city will provide this sum it will insure
all other buildings being erected on
the new property line and remove all
.doubt of the widening of Peaehtri ? !
NILES. MICH.. Aug. 19.—Estimates
of property damage caused by yester
day’s cloudburst are placed today a' ,
$1,000,000 and two persons are de.’"’
from lightning. The storm was con- |
( fin hin radius ol three miles
outside of N'ili s.
Tiie storm washed out seven . ailway
bridges, destroyed miles of railroad .
tracks, stopped street car tr i lie in ;
Niles and other towns, held up all ,
train- of the Pig Four and the Michi
gan Central and did much damage to
small huilibne.-.
Fourteen inches of tain fell in seven
houi s.
The mi’lion-dollar Jam of the Chapin
Power Company, on the St. Joseph riv
-0 ’. Which .vus -reeled recently by Chi
c iso capitalists, threat, ns to br. ok an 1 :
huhdrerls of men with sandbags are!
working tn sate it.
Herbert Di t tier, young Atlanta violin’
virtuoso, today receive' 1 , the plaudits I
of his admirers on the magnificent .e
--ception he received on his first anpinr- i
finer in his home city since 1 is return i
f i i study ibl’or.rl. H< ip] ’’ <1 at
the Sunday concert at tin Auditorium;
and his playing vas’Ve':' jin in]
evi n his most enthusiasH
i Percy J. Sta had
Massenet program for thp afternoon!
and more than 3,001) persons attended.,
Th<" young violinist received tremen- ! applause after each i-uiuo r and
- f’ .ently ■ 11 . ■ . . : -
/ c . the numbers he play, '■ wee
Starnes’ “Aria Romantico,” "Mt Illa
tion,” from Thais; "Ballade <’ Polo- t
naise,” “Vieuxtemps.” >t ienta It" and:
‘‘Cesar Ctii. ’
ELGIN. II!.. Aug 19 Elgin's com- •
• mission government scratched its head
over an entirely new public pr >b]em.
“How can a. city stop the flight of
honey bees?” is the puzzle. The com- ’
mission received a c mmunieation i
' S'. ■ tv. nt > o -
southeast end of the city asking that ;
immediate steps be taken to keep bees
out of ’be vi.ney.-i.rds. The petition sets
f Pili iiat ur, .-- tin bi s ai. yenned
up they' will ruin th" < i op.
SAVANNAH, Aug. 19. —-Thai :he le
’’ velopnu nt now under way at Fallulah !
Falls in utilizing the wall rfiills for pow
er purposes will not destroy the natural !
beauty of the scenery in t1; t > • etion i<
the declaration ■ f Rawson Colli :. i on- j
trading agent for the (!■ orgia Railway
& Power Company, witch is '. . lop
ing th" project As to ; ’em of til' ;
Georgia section. National Electric;
Lighting asset itlotl, lu- has be. nbl S j
vannah att tiding the annual meeting of |
f the a-S’>< in t ■
George K vy. secretary < f the At
lanta T’aic s’' unn i.. is looking for tb.p ■
« relatives of Arthur Clausen, 4.: \<-ars
ohL a ! 'V? ■ « a:ne I - \tlaira fi< !i !
(' lunib’is revvi il uays ago and who died
Cluuson \v»s taken sick in the depot
t , >■ . | -O' ” • ■ ■ I
v luTi' ho ! w tli-i'H giving th* ;,ti e .
„ r any r . He ha-’ ,v„ ’ -I it.
j.,, t'it\ illu «** ' * .s' 1 aigorn c»t ■ <
S. Wallace Campmeeting Pioneer
• MTV . 4 ■ . V-’T . . . ’... 4 .-. ■. ■■
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lat ti" > ■ . • i .. ~i nv.etiii-i just i i
dost >. . i ■ f>;ri >i, j- inter-’ ,
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I i. t . ;.t| , tJj. u.
j asked a \ '. .-
“Th j
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Ilgl; . f . . ill! Illi ■.—
didn’t 1
WH ‘
WAAT -C..EA J FOLitlCS 5 ’
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merit ;
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r. b < ■ * - *?
•.Vt'j - ; t 'l,»
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■ • lie ex-
-nut more
... know
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A fV
ok ■
• -f you
'I « ■ ■}« gr>ps
: •. you
” 1P ■ ■■’;'■• ;• bout
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•' .• rail-
' ‘ r . n<h-rs
■ ! .
< ’ on -■'
' ihe
■ (!’<•
Hm mbore
Assistant Clerk of the House is
Victim cf Sneaking Feeling
for Teddy.
"Bismarck” .Moore, assistant clerk of
the hous —' Bismateit” of the booming
laugh.and the mci ; co.::’ ■ nance -is a
-near Bull Moo> t ., and has air ut reached
' point in his mental gyrations where
he doesn’t care a boot who kt.uws itl'
| “Bismarck" has . i> a lixtm ein Geor
tlls for many turnons.
| Old John B' ifenillet rem lied away
down in Dark, s' l’:i ke one ha-opy day,
isna’cied “Bisma: ik" from liativ ob
c"’ i: . . an.’ plaatt I hi .■ . ■-m ely in
i the limelight of 'm:'" and mighty leg’s-i
affairs in,’ ever sine that time!
■’Bismarck" trn.- t een th.’ to;, fil lad.
■ Ban C ’ 1 >’m never ■!:■. i. u that
i "Ristm-1 .’.»■• V o eonsidi t u ring Pull
■ .’d'l’'-. 1 'l’om.’i I . . the litir a;
, countt im; ’on v. mid si iy put ■n-
I’.’ it,!i ’ of I> m >ctar.ic
| trainirs whntev. r »’.<-<■ unde, the sun
imi ht h.i;)]. n f • ■■ hen be heard that I
’"I mt ’.k' w ■ i ptb.ions'y talking!
! that • nil ..1,„.5, ’ pi ..... and -eem- I
ii.M.i’ii.; thi T B. band
Iwa • ■•:. lie ■ !ir,i ' I'i -ma rck." and i
in 1 •■ ■ ■ How, no , and like
this I ’ i a- con
ic’ ning ’’OU . . ■ T My 1
I'l’ ' P" i’ .'. ■•' ’ eiiak. i and side
, '’,’ i hat bo ■ ! | f O i which
ihe is i -lie fart fron Rabun Gap
■ . " Ili ’iohr-
! ■’. ’l’’, v ’. ~r’ ■ 'll. . hl : lie ,X-
I will be. '. lid si . I thought
' m l 1 do.
; I It) lee I;. I I. .' :hl Ink- < .ff .’1 f' es
■ ■i’lh if t i:■ -Stir, .mt ■ ■ ■■... g. lut
|’ am not s im, b will get to bo that
ti ’ li th ’ I mt to be
; It's 1 am
I iisst ni' t'ali. -. red I sb..ill awake
1 ■ i . I am, vvliet b- r
: ■ . ' : thre th’ house of
I re: . -tit' s )< ov \ hel'mingly
'l> m ■ I. ie :) v, oui’i ha!" to get
■ with the mtmbership.
■ ‘if x’-l'it-i: i with .1
’ ‘ 1. H .* .1. ; ih un<;- ! standing.
■ ■> " 1 k >f n- 1 - • '.f• Inr -elf
' i!V,n• ’t> in lily lit rt of a
i • -eng '• !l !( . bC Ball Monse
■l l >-’i i'dp it. <in I? I may he a muir
[ Mill Mnosm. but I am- not y ■ : the real,
-.1 I Old John r. if. uiilel,
■".ii'’ e sci'iHinttlv is somi hmg oov"r>
fully f - im ting t<> >ome folks in this
business, but don’t do an ■ -
tfting fi" lish ‘Bismarck;’ don’t,do any-
■’■mi ' ■mi '■ do all : i>:bt, a.;d
laC cod
s' : iitim’s'- to get t!',.’’ Full M ",.- f,-, ;.
1 ny out of his st -tern.
| MARLIb'HO, N. J.. Aug. 1!'. By ex
aa la "ge . fro nt Ids ear phy.-i
--eians relieved Jahn P"!lish, a farm
plat’d, from pains in hit head that at
p’t".-'. a o\. the man ins nu
>1 h d f 1-
; ’ to .he Marlboro freight station
lend while waiting his turn to unload
■nt to sb ep in ;> nearby field. He
. ■. oka with t’" ri.ii pains in the lift
': i !<• of his head.
!’’ i". ’ 1 ' i i’. rs timuget P.TI —h had
v gone ci azy ted him to
i-“ li’ietor. The phy -i. in i:. with forceps,
,”ill'’.l out die ini buzzing despite
iu.-i v. ixed < ondit ion.
ALI " f00K;
:: 'n-n service asked
CHECOTAH, OKLA., Aug. 19.--lndi
a’ .’ . il' .’•l'.’. |y. Cj; •.■ota| ! ; i: is
• '■ ■ )•. ;■: lowri. All th' t. 1 "phone
i’ crs in town are down .-is a protest
i> ms v!:.. th, patrons of the tele-
" ’tiy ( araoierize a- poo.
’■t'entiaPs >i < : sedui live words ut-
■ ” .In an 1 ■' t o •-•.( i the subscribers
■ 'I: -m’ up o: .inswer ■ :ii - have b. en
■■f no dl and the eitizi insist that
ill. not . .., I- e
■ d until imn. nu its in the sei \ ice
POLICE Tn canada~bar
SASK.'.TO')N. SASK., Aug. 19.--
, Hi’, .im’ tin", hud several American
Ha-- mi th; i « gons the Sellg-Floro
i ■ ■ e'l ■ ’i id up by the police until
i'niiin in ’.: were substituted fur the
Sii ..n l S’ ■s. S. P. Alien, a citi-
Z'r. ■ ' . tin ieirmnst: a lion and b.j.
: and his scj.i- ■ -a ere loudly hiss d
\i i ■ • ) I.■ i • t’ana-
’■ -Joan
i - ’ on >' a ,■ v of : ibor' rs un-
i n«vi>. iu t he Rr-ad-
. ■ ‘ : >m -• 1. ’‘. j ■ . ' < : . n
lIY ( ' •(■!, ilfl’J S; . I -<i. . . !]] ■■ (;n : y-
’ '. ' ' . ’■ ■ >f the
1 ' b<!X t ;.ul such ,’i Ldf t hilt
' • xplodt-
given check for si,oso
WASHING L< )N ■' Mi . Kate
• • I. \v:» . \ of John I ■ I, ii i • -< :•
bureau "f
M■ i < O . I . •
NEW YORK, Aug. 19.—Here is
“Jack” Ri se’s confession of the killing
.of Herman Rosenthal as he wrote it
for District Attorney Whitman;
"About the time Jack Zelig was aj>
rested on a charge of carrying con
ceal'd weapons some of Zelig's fri' mis
told me there were some nasty rumors
associating my name in th" jobbing of
Zelig. 1 became alarmed and cu.llAl
Becker. He told mo it was a fact that
Zelig had been ft aml d.
"I explained t" Him what danger it
meant to me. 'W. 11,' he’said, 'find out
Zelig’s frier's and tell them if they
want toraic Zelig and themselves that
Rosenthal is tie mqi that is stirring up
ill . t. ■ ’’ ' in ’ Y'■ k ml i \ , ,
him nniiY red. shot liis throat cut. any
way that will lake him off the earth.'
Promised Immunity.
"He went furt" 11- said if any
body will murdei aß'al imtiiing can ’
happen to him: I v. ill take care of’
that. And if t;> ; nr n down town!
don't accept the-job tell them that not i
one of them will b 1 lelk on my round- i
-ips. i will ti’iil wis'ie they hang out
' nd I wil’ frame every one of them up'
i and send th u up the river for carry-:
I ing cum < -1. d weap ms.
’’No’.’., 1" .ii'l ii'i-- one (him; m '.no
! other. Ro ■ all il to !>• <•■ 'ii l :-d or the!
! fellows down 'own to b ■ framed.
! "First 1 mci I, airy Valb-n ..’’.d I’a idgii 1
w . 1 tub . ’.a m .if i ; .ill a.. ■ . >■ y
lagreed. It was :> scriott matter, so we j
| loo:’ 111 ■ ■' f Li ft y'
Louie and Whitey. W. yarned tin m !
ijf Becker's tin :'t to f ’.:m v.-rybody.
’’The next day Z’ lig vi s it-l ‘used ( n ■
| b.mds and 1 net aim. I told him it,
1 was only ‘ lie b ginning of a long eani- ’
! idm of r.i -in-.'. !■ !?■•< Im' ami his!
I mi n mil',-.- Rosenthal was murdered, i
I Z ■■! V. < 1 '■l n t have anything to do
i with it.
‘ I san I. r and he asked me wliat i
| I had iteeomplished. I told him every- '
i’i.’ . .’.s . , i.ige.l and the men were
■ m l en th' Job,
"1 thou il everything Mould blow
o'. ■ bin 11. ' koi- k-pt asking demand-i
inn win Rosenthal wasn't dead yet '.' 1'
'.red (iib- '’-.‘"i ■ aftei anoth' i. until
oil ally he said I guess you can't make
! med on that proposition 1 wil. bat"
■ ' Ii ii myself. He lie n started to work
lon l-’ridgm Webber.
Bscker Urged Haste.
, I ile -ai'l all this <l. lav was getting’
. 'laagi-rous .i« now bad inter-j
jested Hist. Atty. Whitman and tliev 1
. i w< re get'ing alter him through Dis'.
] At I. I’neV W hitman.
"I nu t Jack Sullivan who I- Id im
that Beck r said lie wanted word go; to
• , Dollar John and i man by the name if
. Aide tlm I’.iiblu ;• a.’-'j a m.m by the
. j name of Abe Hal . that gr ind jurx were out for them and to tlx
; "'in ’.ip as to what testimony they
would give.
. 1 I rceeiv’. d a ne sage on .Monday'
| ili ill iroiil l!"' ki i. lb said if the
; would only get croak’<l tonight
how ha;i|,.'.’ he W(.ul ( i be.
i "I ' ;: .i ""nd i■ the Sam p.< i<
. lub wli re 1 .ic- J.i. k Sullivan md 1
talked with him. I ol< , for An
Illi mm bile ami Sulli':" ask’M m, t >
! lake him to Mail: mn S|. Rarden to the'
ti’.l'is wlii re lie fid an appointment
with Pe-cker wbicii 1 did 1 left Sullivan
at the Garden and went to Gilbert’s
’ house.
“1 took the entire party including
Seh pps, Plitt ind Vallon to 14th Si.
nt. .’ s igge.xted to
S ■to telephone io the Boulevard
i’or another m.ichine which ne did th”
Gray ear with Shapiro arrited.
'1 i I ■i' Sitin’! i’s and Vallon to ac
company me up town. We stopped at
V. > bber.s w hen quit" a crowd was g.ith
irid at th- door we all went
• in.l sat around a tai,l- ordering sonm-!
thing to cat and drink some one came
.ii anil reported Rosi nthal was at the
Metropol'.- . verybodj start' d out o f the
Ths Murder Reported.
“I r ' '.lined behind and insisted that ’
Slu-pps remain with na- which ile did
i after a w.hile Shepps wnt out. 1 wait- '
! ed around when "on one .aim- in with i
, the Report Rosenthal had been
v\ t bl" I SUg s’( dlli i. nlloUe R. . i
'r. I - pok. io 1 K. r 1 asked him if
he heard th,, news he vail yes some!
new si, i per min t a pl. ned him 1 aid
My tied I’harlie this is awful, h.. f -, t id ,
jnow (I sn't worry no harm will come to
■an. one. lie said where an ;.(ei 1 said
at Webbers he said 1 will be downtown
' right away.
“I went back and told W, ,■ ,n i n> .
waited a long while hi ame along all
smiles and we walked down tc, < d. ir
wa v started to 4.'lk; Sullivan
was there and walk'd down with us
as we got in the door way a man catia
ainiig whom ■ .■ km \ ana .)... k S,. Ii- •
van (lidnt want him to sc- Be.ker to
left B' , k'. : Webber and tht re while
he went away to talk to this man.
"! opened the convtq's.:’.ion by -a ing
.'.My God t'harlle this is Horiible.’ T . z
be Hell < play taid what is
! the matter dont worn leave nil tn it
to me I' 11 i<e(l I:av- you -, < n hiai aim
; he said yes i saw the squealing Bas
t-anl I would of 'iked to taken my knife
out and rut a piece of his. tongue out
and hang it up .is a warning to possible
I’ ' 'I’I s.m :11, 1 J "4'l -9
saved the trouble doing it my.-elf
said I l>(':iri tiled waiting for you
fellows to ■: ’ th' yatiu to ii.. it so b •-
elded tonight to do '' myself.
"1 asked him how, v- 11 he said uftei
1 left Jack Suili'-a” I it;-'triieted otto to
‘drive by the M-impoie and to slow
down witiio": si-ppiiig I intended, if
Rosenthal w.'.i th, re to take out my ■
Gun blazi aw hr at hill, and then tell
; otto to k<- p going but he wasn’t tiiere.
"I said wall wile; about thesi fellows
h< sal ! 1 will take good ear- of ( very
body i oiK • rm d to 'A ''uber Ik said se(
th t: i’’. -" fellow.' got enough ir.orie.' to
get out of to -ay about a I'hoiisami
'Dollars between them which Webber
said he would which makes fifteen
Hundred from Webber.
Money For "Those Fellows.”
"He instructed ns to wait while he
'vent to tb.c .-: iifon hou- • ■ see how
m :tt' \\ .
fur a loti* tint' finally I s’iv ■ man!
go past in an automobile and I i ked
i him to com- back and take mi down
town. which he did. I got out-at Four
teenth Street at S' mill's ho’.lSe, Wole'
them and found V.-illori and Si’hepps in
"I went home to One Hundred and
Tenth street ill in mind and body. I
remained at the l’"ir-y until 1 rcceiv c
:: message from Shepps saving the peo
ple were waiting for me at the Garden
Iti statiranl. I refused’ to come down.
Schepjc*- said Webber had money io
i.ive me to give to thost fellows for
- !/’.-■ . :.. get it
: meet im at I'i'tietli street and Eighth '
i avenue.- When I met him and Webber,]
■ >' two of th- nii’ii who were in Web- j
ii ’t's tile right previous. Webber hand- i
!• a mi some money. He said it was :i
I thoiisaibl dollars. I handed it to these |
j fellows and told them Becker said to j
:i\ low for a while and everything j
I ’.mild be O. K.
”1 left tl.i’lll' :i' ( Olllpamed by Sehepps,
■.■■ lit to I'olocks house where I vol-!
■ I '.psed. I was put to bed and asked
Seliopps to go out 'tid get word to
a > ’■ I n i ' to have him
,<e';i im- up. >. aieh he die: He laughed
~ nd jokvil ar.l said iloti’t ’Aiirry. just a
, i 0..’ I■ of .. and i V'(". thing will be
’ (>. K. That night Becker called me i
- aiti . nd said \. .1. l.< vy to look !
■ :: ' let' |he iiilfe.’i’St of I Ile liri ver.
Becker Glistered Him Up.
. ‘1 si a'l' J S' li"pps nut io gei in
’ touch with A. J. I. \■ . I I" - r received
laii'itlii m ' ”ti’ that Levy liu'l been
]•! ■■' a i i:■ .: IL ■ut in eonstunt e,un-
: m tnii .’t ii n with ill” illlier by tele-
I plmm "1’ ihi em;’,! Si’hepi'S. chi . ring m
i- Fimillv mi W ’i'm- ‘l.iv morning 1 ,
' ■ -eived a ieh’i’hoiui lie -«i” ■ from him j
I advising me f, :. : vr mvself up, as they I
I wee. asking fu me in Connection with !
tile Gilbert . t!id:i v■ t.
’ I said, "file I am almost crazy !
il am sick in mind ami body. 1 don't,
' , trust 111 -I If !■ o’. i|U. S'ioiiel!. I
i. m thinking of you and I will surely]
i.u :e .i 'iii’-: - ii. Il- said. ‘Well, I I
; gtie-s on are rigiit ■ lest and stay there |
: a whtl< until I phone ton' I reeoived
jall'Chc:’ me:-:-:”, e biter ’ll tin- day tell- I
ing me to com' to Lawyer 11 ’' t's of- i
'le I- ile V. "11. - to See me. I told :
him I ■ s: 100 Sick. H” said, ‘Well, 1 ■
j w ill and him to you.’
j "About Hi o’eliH-k that night Lawyer
'i art .mil a noun', cam- to so. me and
began questioning 'me.
'■.-li’ln-pi's came in when they left anil ,
1 s.i-id to him, ‘Bam, I hav- be-n .tricked i
.•nd duped: it look I'ke ek- rls try- !
ini to mike nu tl- t.” ‘ Sehepps I
’ 's only my nervous
'I. • said, 'I had i talk with Becker and
■■■ ■ ' id ’■■. ■. • t - is O. K. Just sit ]
■ -.11.. you and evt ry body else w ill be I
H■l : > .
Cave Hirttself Up.
"Tim .- la’, a ’:. I get a newsp.ip. I
,tiiul ii ol A. ,1. levy's statement about'
ihe, ami I re.‘ilizeil at once that there:
.s. h ; |,s anil told bill! 1 was going tu]
S I gi\ ■ .f Up I’l.'l
”1 ai. la I ~i and started lown
. tot ii. Si henp> ill th- whih accom-*
ihii ■ ■ in- .. I be ii. me not to do
it la f- • I< ■ isult-d ... ith Bet k. :. but I
s deb . 'lit ' i. and Vint to hi: 1-
quar: rs and waited the at rival ot
■ . . im 1
ar; 1 Hughes and .m Honed about Hie
| turned and lel'i tlm ib.or o|x n, .'it,':
.o r app. '>. in :u- , oorwri\. pc
I - . .1,0-1 I loir 1..., ’V -aid, Shut F
'- eker. Tim trick oThavin;- E-ekt a; •
: iu tht il iorwuy ha 1 its etf-et. Jy
lu .c i went out to ’ cii and I denied any
i' I’, i tiship w iih him.
■ ■ to tlm mm ■ i i of Herman Rosen
h il. I w. ■ tai;- ii from there to the
' 'vi riot num in- '- ollli c. I met ,\lr.
Wikitn in. I was taken to the Tombs,
"ii ■ I ’ ■ ;.t <in ■ i ■ ’.o f,;.
1' ier thrm ;li I’H‘t idv i ing m to sit
tight and no worry, as he was looking
; : ■ ■ ■• everything, including tny family.’
■• ' " •'- . ■
..■ A '.».>*.■ ■> s*-• \ \ . * >
■s. • . '
’ i 7'- ■ - ' ‘ > <- -
V '-—A ' Life fczzfc,*-
Women who bear children and re
main healthy are those who prepare
their systems in advance of baby’s
c.tning. Unless the mother aids
>v;ture in its pre-patal work the crisis
1! ds her system unequal to the de
mands made upon it, and she is oftr n
left with weakened health or chronic
ailments. No rein ly is so truly a,
heh; to nature as Mother’s Friend,
and no expectant mother should fail
t “ use it. It relieves the pain and
discomfort caused by the strain on
ihe ligaments, makes pliant and elas
tic those fibres and muscles which
nature is expanding, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam
mation of breast glands. The system
b< mg thus prepared by Mother’s
Friend dfspcls the fear that, the crisis
may not be saf< ly met Mother’s
I' lend assures a sp< >dy and complete
recovery for the mother, and she is
left a healthy woman to enjoy the
rearing of her
ski., Thft.
drug stores. yr-i • „ ..-si
Write for our free la
book for expect
ant mothers which contains much
vamable information, and nwny sir-;-
stic ms of a helpful nature.
liLjULAWu iiO,, odußia, Ga.
President of Senate JStill En
gaged at Capitol Signing
Bills Sent to Governor.
John M. Slaton, pi” idont of the sen
ile and candi : ite for governor, still is
m regale h: hi s vis’ s .. the capitol as
" , prior to 1 legislature’s ad-
iourmnent Wednesday.
I’li’ I" gi" - the gow > five days
’fter in which to read and
’"i’'! H 'I: •>!. : and the senate
nd 1> - i both .”iH: <■ it the engross-
ni-’ comi it in r nain in session
iv< 'lay.' HTer adjournment, in order to
’ 1 " I' I ■ » nts to- the
■xei'uti'.e iii i. |‘ i , md form. Aa
h" .- u i ui' .t ii- i ■: ent is an in
' iispensabl ■■■ ’ m t ( , every bill
| ent to th' govern" . i’i ddent Slaton
, remain.’ . or suintb. apftol. anil
bills are pre
j sented to him. he sia.i'-’ th. m promptly
I ind immedii't’ ly b ■ t .. transmitted
| to Hie executive department.
Aft’ Slat-on. b. re u. n of his legisla
| ive duties, has been able of late to
i levote praetii’.illy ii">n of his time to
• ds campaign. H. an oum .d in the be-i
tinning of light that b. would not
oermit polities to interfeie with his leg
islative duti' s. ii'. 1 it is ri’called that
In- purposely o.eiiti I to leave Atlanta
lie day iftrt the Tioiins bill passed,
■ Ithough the senate aS not in session
j hnlzda'. bci auSe im i.. d to be able'
I o sign Hie bill protniitly upon its en- x
; trossment, arid 'end it along to the
I governor. Had Mr. Slaton desired to
"lay polities, he might have delayed his
.signature to tin- Tippins bill until after
’li,’ filial dit, for zui"- notorial entries,
mil thus have beaded off one of his op
ponents. at least.
Vlr. SI uon's b ”i ■ live duties will
j m- hav. In ••!’. i oini bie i until within
I on, da of the primary. His two op
' lonents, also member-' of the legisla
'lll''. both iti on the -lump and have
. H'l’ii sim-i adjourpmi m, i they are not
bound down to iiost-b .is' -ive work.
The gubern'i' m nil primary will bo
I held Wednesday, August 21,
f"i. i ■ ■ - ' th Is due to
■ mpaired di,”.stion. When the stum
ch fails t ts ft ’ i tions prop-
( erly, the whole aysti m becomes de-
:i’’ '_d As, a dm i 9 of Chamberlain’s
Tablets ts all y.. i m d. They will
'trength'n your digestion, invigorate
i '-our liver, and regulate your bowels,
, titirei’. doing av.ay with that miser
ble f. i 1 ii:mie to faulty digestion.
fry it. Man. others have been per
nently < I;. iot you? For
; 'ii.le by hll dealers. »*»
,r.. , s--’-i’,wt—tyii-.r-rTii—i
”et»_ .1. lx,.. • ..Jgjß.iv',
Vi lei t r lies
I-.. -
Side step purgatives—their I rsh action &
li.-dde to injure th . bowels. Why not use
a purely vegetable remedy
that has been successfully
used by millions for aS? '’’ iT-JlSt *
half a century. Acts
y '.tly but surely yt ? nSj
and not onl z ■« i j■*.
'■ ■ '
the misery ol’* '' a-.
constipation. .‘-e them b- dizziness, indiges
tion, sick headache ai d all liver troubles.
Smail PF:. Sma:: Soso. Smell Prico,
the GENtiANIi must bear siguatura
».ataasKrePttW ..? • ■. 'mpr■’,».■ ■ - - ,r v- t .-i
I "Bines" Invisible Tri-'
: ,hd
.: ■■ ■.■.!..■ .'I.. • ! th. dis- j
tun!, for the internr diate as well I
t- : ; ri ling. Thi is no lost s
j .ision as in bifocals. This lens I
: _ is r .nlr in one solei piece, with
dir. ■ distinct powers, ami
li.- considered f. 'in n scientific
■ < tn! m ■ >i tl st: r.dpotnt to be
in." oi the creaicht achievements
in tin OpUeal industry. They
ar ni de, sold and fitted only by
u:- nd can not be bought else
where. j •
91 Peachtree St.
Between Montgomeryand Alcazar Theaters 1
A- rwarr «■ :tp- ■
, /.‘A
-iquer and Tobacco Addictions Cured
V/ithin Ten Days b/ Cui* New
Painless b.e iod.
Only Sanitarium in th" World Giving
Unconditional G ...a ran tee.
■ . .. re'thing. Xot
fht* o il.o- ii I!■ . ei-cynd a sutis-
’ factory eur< tan em i ted.
'<•! c’ir..''i . the usual
vitlidt.<v. il ■. >■■•. X’o extreme
icrviii, -ii. - .’iib'.: limbs, or loss of
lei I’it i in: / ■ > visit Sani-
ariuin > ..u l> ■;,. privately at
iimr-. Ref ■’S’ Mayor of
>ur <T ■ ... ,*. s( lon y ~oy Rank, m
iry <:: > > el; Write for
r’l-i e Booklet No. 2. Address
i-. J. &ANUERS, Mgr., uebanon, Tennessee