Newspaper Page Text
Gee, Jeff Is Lucky: He Hasn’t Any Money in the Bank :: ;; •• ;; By “Bud” Fisher
7 AKfc ra, CRxwg? /" 600 «oo! £ xGtu.»«rl / 800-woo I ( Ov« Monty '5 r
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Birmingham. Aug is. Th*
Ciackers open a three-game
series with the Barons here
this afternoon The Atlanta team
pulled In here from Mobile, where
they dropped the final game of the
series with the Gulls to the tune of
10 to S
The home team intends to In
crease its lead at the exjiense of
the Gate City boys ? hut the lowly
tailenders may cause ’em more
trouble than they expect.
The Crackers have finished the
first week of the ixiad trip They
have two more weeks on foreign
pastures before returning home. As
soon as they finish t'.efr visit in
this burg they travel to Montgom
ery for a three-game series. Chat
tanooga and Nashville will be the
stopping places of the Crackers
next neck.
On Labor day Alperman will take
his team home when a double
header is scheduled with the Mem
phis Turtles. Nashville and Chat
tanooga follow in succession at
Poncey park, winding up the season
in Atlanta
The Crackers close the season
away from home, playing the last
three days of the schedule In Mem
phis While there doesn't seem to
be any chance of them finishing
better than last, the Crackers will
tight their hardest to get into sev
enth place.
Here's How Crackers
Are Hitting the Ball
Right Up to Date
These averages includt till games
piaved by the Ciuckers to date:
Players. g. ab r. h, av,
Harbison, ss. S 5 ISB 22 53 282
A'perman. 2b.110 415 47 11 4 275
Bailey. If .110 353 70 1114 272
Agler. lb. . . 45 148 28 39 .284
Be< ker. p . .12 27 2 7 259
Graham, c. 51 15ti 17 4<i .256
Callahan, cf. 6S 265 26 64. .241
McE ! v*en lb 114 41 1 46 98 225
Reynolds. > in 4 >; .iss
Johnson, p. 4 6 a 1 ,167
B ady. p. . 19 5S 2 9 .155
Sitton, p. .23 55 in \ .145
Wolfe, utility 6 16 11 1 lfi3
Lyons if 18 52 3 3 .I'sß
Waldorf, p. 6 17 a (i uno
XEW YORK Aug J e J< 11
nette. the colored heavyweight who h:>s
been signed up to meet Champion Jack
Johnson in a ten-roun 1 bout .it Madi
son' Square Garden on September 25,
will be in action her- tonight when h"
will box Jeff Madden, of Boston at th<
Garden. This a ill lie ,1.- innette’s ti’st
appearance here tip- year, and then
is considerab 1 ! int. :.«t in p., ’ mt. -
It will give a line on the aspirant s cot
dition Luther McCarthy, th. S). ring
field (Mo.) white
. Pelker. of Chicopee Mas- in ( ten
round bout.
<>n Wednesday ntgm .0 s- x ... ~.
ink. lyeacii Cross the B-m-ry ,<-ntlst
will meet Tommy O’K-er a I’h . el
phia lightweight.
The Davis A Freeman golf '• phy ■
nil! be the next one ,n be i-«nt>- n t..t
o. >he golfers of th* Atlanta Athh-ii
-1 ii> T!,ig cup Is a three-yea: ass
; has I>een contested for evet sinn
I • Eh» lygke course UHstuiened
< '■'■ npio., has wor the cup twice and
V. p. Tichenc r once
Th- qualifying round of this tou’r.i
--r-ent w<’ 1 he play ■».; Saurda v A»tv -
T< »>rr - and seron • ,tnd« f
11. r. *r h pa - ' nm s: ue 1 x - :I 1•- \ m;u s t
th- -n.-t - hi a. ;-t 31 al.'i
■he flgala t>v Septetnbei 1
Dame Fortune Favors Murphy,
But Gives Ward Cold Shoulder
By. \V. J. Mcßeth.
S< >-<' ALI .El> "luck" of the game
Is doubtless responsible for
the superstitions of the gen
eral run of players. Few, indeed,
of all the great army connected
with th' national pasilme are those
who reasoti after the fashion of the
unemotional Connie Mack.
"There Is no such thing as luck."
says Connie, "or If there is, it cer
tainly equalises during a cam
paign No one team Is favored by
luck, I mean. You will win Just as
many games through 'breaks’ as
you lose and no more during a long
schedule. The championship team
sometimes looks luckier than its
rivals. That is because Its players
make their luck good Just as a dis
couiaged array always makes Its
luck bad.”
Connie Mack is a pretty wise
general and In all probability
knows exactly what he Is talking
about Anyhow, he can get away
with it so fat as we are concerned.
There may be no such fortune as
good link from the playing and
managerial ends of the nation’s
summer'sport Yet. how about luck
in baseball promotion?
The fingers of the two hands
wouldn't be enough to tell the lucky
magnates of the National and
American leagues. Unfortunately,
there Is always the exception that
proves the rule. We will consider
for a moment one of the "tough
luck” disciples of diamond dives,
John Montgomery Ward.
Mr. Ward has but recently sev
ered his connection with the Bos
ton National league club. He was
president of the luckless National
league ta 11 -enders for less than one
year Ward sold nis holdings to
Jim Gaffney, majority stockholder,
whom Ward had first Interested in
the Hub proposition last December.
He is through with baseball for
good. If Ward had had absolute
control of the Hubhltes it is doubt
ful if anything could have driven
him to cover. He would have bung
on until he built up a better club
and that would have meant the
guatest imaginable financial suc
Not another man in the United
States merits more from baseball
than John M. Ward, retired from
the Boston club Here is a man
who has been a great credit to the
game. One of the most formidable
pitchers and Infielders of the old
days, he served his appt enticeship
also as manager. Yet. he retired
voluntarily at the height of his i
prime to study law He became a
very fine lawyer and built up a
wonderful practice in New York,
where lawyers are said to find the
toughest sledding In the whole
country John M Ward has worked
hard at his practice He deserved
a rest and some of the good things
of baseball. That he is again on
the outside looking in. simply
proves beyond question that there
is luck and all kinds of it in base
ball promotion.
Takes Charles W Murphy, of
lite Cubs, in direct opposition to
Ward .Murph) is a millionaire to
day He owns several tlieuteis In
Chicago as well as rich real estate
prop*- ly. Ml this has been ac
cumulated within the past seven
• the outlay of a peu
li) Murphy was just luck) enough
i 1 • get the tip that the Chicago
club was t.r sale He got the back-
Biocklyn team is stocking tt| again on
|S.:ithern leaguers and ex-Southern
| a .goers it has grabbed Enos Kirk-
I Patrick, former Cracker, and Pitcher
’K- i' fortm ' of B: mineham. Sonit rs
' . from Nas - ~• | \• ■•.
1 . .a. and Sting'.'-. of Montgomery
• Kirkpatrick will report on August
Ing from Charles P. Taft and
bought for $105,000 a club that at
that time was worth fully half a
million. Murphy tumbled right
into a pennant his first year. Frank
Chance has made history with the
club Sellee built up. Yet, Murphy
was, the lucky fellow to fall into
such a capable manager for such a
capable club. Murphy doesn’t be
gin to have the business intelli
gence or baseball acumen of John
M. Ward.
Luck made Murphy - a howling
success; John M. Ward to put it
as mildly as possible—a disappoint
Football Season Closing in Fast; Dixie Teams Will Be Out for Practice Soon
By Percy 11. Whiting.
JUST two weeks from today va
rious broad-shouldered young
gentlemen will assemble at cer
tain of our institutions of learning,
battered garments of blood, and
mud-stained moleskin will be dealt
out and the football practice for the
1912 .season will begin.
Os course September 2, the same
being Labor Day. is not the formal
reporting day for football players.
But in the South, football activity
usually gets its start the first week
in September. This year the open
ing day of that week will find the
University of Georgia football play
ers doing light work and the Tech.
Vanderbilt, Auburn, Mercer. Clem
son and Alabama candidates as
sembling or making plans for the
first formal gathering of the can
• * ♦
Tlie greatest interest of the sea
son in the South will center around
the Vanderbilt and Georgia teams.
<>f all the elevens In the South,
those two have the brightest pros
pects and the most ambitious
The Vanderbilt team has bit oft
a tremendous schedule. After an
easy opener on September 28 and
another (inch on October 12. the
Commodores take on Rose Poly
technic for the third game. October
19. Now. Rose is some college, and
has always had a team that gave
Vanderbilt trouble. The following
Saturday the Commodores buck
Alex Cunninghams University of
Georgia eleven, the team wjiich,
next to Vanderbilt, ought to, rank
the strongest in the South. The
next game |s with Mississippi
always a Tartar and always set to
beaj Vanderbilt. Then come a cou
ple of Lulu games—University of
Virginia at Nashville and Harvard
at Cambridge. The Virginia game
offers a big problem Vanderbilt
has long been rated the strongest
team in the Southern Intercollegi
ate- Athletic association But Vir
ginia is not in this organization
and has a lot more latitude than
the Commodores in reeruting play
' era.
<>f course the Harvard gome Is
counted a sun- defeat for the Com
modores Inn then you never can
tell The Commodores handed
Annapolis and Vale a surprise
apiece and they don't issue an)'
guarantee that Harvard will not be
Heated likewise
Thon come on the Vaud) sched
ule Central of Kentucky, likely to
be not wry troublesome. Auburn,
always i contender, and Sewanee,
the anti climax game of the sea
With Ray Morrison. "Rig Un"
Freeland and "Frog" Metzger gone,
Dan M.Gugtn will have an awful
time building up a strong team, hut
be has a good i aptain iru Lewie
Hr dago and a bunch of good nut
, leria!
The Big Race [
Here’s how the "Big Five" of the
American league are hitting the ball,
the averages including yesterday’s
C 088419 173 .413
SPEAKER 440 174 .395
JACKSON 423 159 .376
COLLINS 397 136 .343
LAJOIE 286 90 .315
Ty Cobb fell off over seven points
last week. Saturday was a bad day for
his average, as he failed to connect once
in four attempts. Speaker is now with
in eighteen points of the “Georgia
Peach.” The most remarkable hitting
during the past two weeks has been
done by Collins. Just about fifteen days
ago his clouting average was a little
over .300. Today h« is hitting .343.
No games were played in the Amer
ican league yesterday as the Western
clubs were all in the East.
Z" EORGIA, of course, has no such
schedule as Vanderbilt, but it
has considerable schedule for all
that, and the fact that the Athens
team plays Tech and Vanderbilt in
Atlanta will make its doings of ex
ceptional Interest. Coach cunning
Diamond News and Gossip
The Pelicans will carry over some good
material for next season—Hendryx.
c ancy. Haigh, Cullop. Swindell and Mills
< lancy in particular looks good He Is
bitting 429 for the last 19 games.
* * •
The gambling In New Orleans has be
come open and flagrant, but the baseball
association has promised to go after it
strong and to wipe it out. For all the
season they have tolerated a "Gamblers’
Row.' where anybody could get odds on
• • •
Connie Mack blames the automobile
mania for the poor showing of his team
He says that the speed hug put by Cy
Morgan out of major league ball arid has
rendered Bender almost useless.
Bill Viebahn is pitching pretty fair ball
for Jersey City
• ♦ •
Ban Johnson may sign Umpire Groe
schow He has but one arm The other
was "bit off” by a band saw
• • •
The Phillies have bought a pitcher
named Horne, hut he’s park shv He has
been sighted in New York. Pittsburg and
Philadelphia, hm has never vet shown
up at the ball park
• ♦ *
They're still talking of the Davis-Sto
vall trade. To outsiders it isn't apparent
that either man has developed a team
that is fighting very hard for a pennant.
v * «
George Paskert was quite seriously in
jured when hit in the face by a batted
ball the other day. He was left at home
when the Phillies started west
Pitcher Leonard Cole has been rein
stated by the Pirates and has gone to
work again
Mobile has finally latched up the salarx
difference between Catcher Omar Vance
and the Roanoke club and Vance has re
• • «
The South Central and the Texas-
Oklahoma league are talking of consoli
dating tor their backers are anyway c
And this with the Sherman anti-trust
law still in operation:
• • •
Tt Cobb hasn't scored from first re
cently on a single Rut he keeps right on
trying and will land after a bit
• • •
Tlie reason T) Cobb didn't plat In a
recent New i ork-Detroit game was that
he was late in reporting and was not in
uniform when the battle began
Harr) Wolverton caught bis suspension
b) Han Johnson for a run-in with Um
pire Egan i base took over the team
w hen he was relieves!
• • •
Eddie Holinltorst lias dislocated his
shoulder again and is not with the Toledo
team at presen'.
• • •
in a recent game at Hurlburt. Ind . be
tween the Hurlburt mid Boone Grove
teams Ray McGinley. a ten-vear-old lad.
was struck on the forehead and killed bv
a ball hit by Ins father. Robert McGinlev
• • •
IM* Criss, of pinch-hit fame, has been
dronped bv the Louisville club and taken
on by Houston, Texas
• • •
Roger Bresnahan is sore as bruise It
' seems that he arranged a trade b\ which
j Huggins and Ellis were t > go tn the Reds
I f<»i Mil hell and McDonald \nd then
Mrs Britton refused to stand for it.
Going! Going!! Gone!!! All Our
White Hopes Now White Jokes
By W. W. Naughton.
by one they wander
I I from us," is the refrain of
an old song that treats of
the desertion of the old homestead
by successive members of the fam
ily. With a few simple changes
the ditty would adapt itself to the
white hope situation.
First, Carl Morris, and now Lu
ther McCarthy, whom Billy McCar
ney, with flashing eyes and swell
ing breast, declared would one day
grow so famous that his name
would become a household word.
The New York critics let Luther
down easy. When Jim Stewart out-
ham has a lot of fine men this year,
with one real STAR—Boh McWhor
* • .
r t ERE in Atlanta it Is about the
“ same old tale —Tech ' hasn't
much material or much hope, but
with Coach Heisman in charge
there is sure to be a well-trained
team which will make a creditable
showing. That’s all Atlanta has any
right to hope for. Technical
schools don't turn out great teams.
They never have—and they never
will until some method is discov
ered by which football candidates
can do laboratory and shop work in
their sleep.
The Tech team will play much its
usual schedule, with Sewanee, Au
burn and Clemson as the feature
games, and with the big climax, the
Georgia contest, coming as usual
in mid-season instead of at the end,
where it should be.
The new rules aren't going to
make things any easier for Tech
this year. Last year they rather
favored the Yellow-jackets. They
made it possible for a team of
light, fast men who knew football
to cope with most anything. The
rules committee, by performing a
back flip and allowing four downs
instead of three, have automatically
brought the big husky back into his
old, proud position in football. This
year quick thinking and quick run
ning will give place to weight and
brue strength. This will hurt Tech,
for they don't seem to send big men
to the Georgia School of Technol
ogy these days.
♦ ♦ •
QOACH Stroud, of the Mercer
team, will be back in Macon
early fn September. He has been
summering in Exter. Cal., but will
leave there in a couple of weeks.
The candidates will assemble about
mid-September, and will buckle
right down to work, for they have
a game September 28.
Mercer has a pretty hard and a
peculiarly badly balanced schedule.
After opening with a prep school
game a thing that no self-respect
ing college team is expected to do
these days the Baptists take on
the tough Auburn team on Octo
ber ft. Then comes an easy game,
with Howard. Then tlie Tech team
invades Macon for a game with
Stroud's men. This is set for Oc
tober 19. Then comes an easy game
with Columbia college (of Florida),
a doubtful contest with Tennes
see. a hard game with Clemson and
the usual antl-climax with Univer
sity of Florida.
Stroud will return most of last
year s men and expects for once to
have a team at Mercer that will
rank right with the best in the
South—barring only Vanderbilt
Mercer has long been in the dol
drums. athletically speaking but
gradually it is working its way out.
and this xear it ought to make the
loudest noise of its career.
fought the big novice at every stage
of a ten-round bout they said Mc
j Carthy held out promise of im
Avaunt and avast with such in
sincere twaddle! The white hope
who has failed under trial, but who
Is “going to do better, when he has
a fight or two under his belt," is
in a class with a jaded champion
who is “going to the mountains to
recuperate." He is a mighty un
safe proposition.
It goes to show that after all
fighting is a trade. The fighter
who is born, and not made, is a
scarce specimen of humanity.
In the light of what is happen
■ ing. the sayings of Philadelphia
Jack O'Brien and Jack Johnson
seem epigrammatic.
“I can lick any man whA has
not had two years experience in
the professional ring," remarked
J Philadelphia John prior to his San
Francisco go with Al Kaufman.
“Palzer is not ripe yet," said
Champion Johnson, when asked at
Las Vegas whether he regarded
Palzer in the light of a possible op
ponent. There was that in the tone
which suggested that Johnson con
sidered Palzer an easy mark, but
felt that the big lowan would have
to be coddled along a bit further
to stimulate public interest and in
crease the prospects of a large at
The trouble with white hopes is
that they are exploited mainly on
their dimensions, and before they
have accomplished anything to
speak of. Size and strength and the
power to smite are merely funda
mental qualities for a cub heavy
weight. They are next to useless
until he has acquired a ring edu
cation. which, during almost any
generation of pugilists, is a hard
thing to acquire.
The woods are full of men who,
while they lack real championship
requirements, are plenty good
enough to shatter the dreams of
the hopes. A dozen years ago Joe
Choynski. Kid McCoy and a few
others were the watch dogs and
trial horses of the heavyweight di
vision. Today we have Jim Flynn
and Jim Stewart.
They are hard fellows to get by.
A beating by one of them has a
double effect inasmuch as it sets a
novice back and at the same time
discourages him. This is made ap
parent in the ease of Carl Morris.
Before he tackled Jim Flynn there
was no such word as fail in the
bright lexicon of tlie stalwart
Oklahoman. Since then he has
been a mark for every man tie
boxed. ,
ATHENS. GA. Aug. 19, —Although it
has not been officially announced, the
news has leaked out here that Arthu:
Maddox, for four years a member of
the University of Georgia football team,
has been engaged as assistant coach
for the coming year.
This news will be heard with much
pleasure by the students and alumni of
the institution, as the big tackle was
one of the most Jiopular men that evet
played at Georgia, and during his
course at the institution was most ac
tive In all phases of college life.
Due to the largo number of men that
turn out for football and the amount of
work needed to whip the new material
into line, an assistant coach is an abso
lute necessity, and in Maddox local
supporters of athletics feel that the
light man has been secured for the
('Hit'AG'). Aug 18 - Nation# League
Umpire Clarence Owen- nearly lost an
eye Saturday night in a shooting gal
llery. While knocking over the little
| birds the liflc becalm i logged and on,
cartridge burs’ in (he breech of ih>
igun. bowing tlie powdei back into
Owens' eye.
Rome. ga„ Aug. 19.— bhi gu.
bert, of Atlanta, riding an
Excelsior twin, lowered the
track motorcycle record here by
two seconds. Also Gilbert marie a
clean sweep of the events in which
he started. He captured two three
mile match races and made a grand
showing in another three-mile
event. He was clocked in one of
the miles in 35 seconds. The for
mer record was 37 flat.
Gilbert was easily - the hero of
the biggest motorcycle meet ever
held here. His daring spurts around
the turns and in the stretches were
sensational, and at the end of each
event he was cheered to the echo.
The summaries:
Three-Mile Match Race—H. M.
Gilbert, Atlanta, Excelsior twin,
first; John Veal, Rome, Ga.. Mer
kel twin, second: Ollie Roberts, At
lanta. Excelsior twin, third.
Three-Mile Match Race—V. Moss,
Thor 5. first; Howard Lewis.
Excelsior twin, second; Jack Bry
ant, Merkel twin, third.
Two-Mile Race—O. Roberts, At
lanta, Excelsior twin, first; How
ard Lewis, Rome. Excelsior twin,
second; Jack Bryant. Rome, Mer
kel twin, third.
Three-Mile Race —H. ,M. Gilbert,
Atlanta. Flanders 4, and V. Moss,
Rome. Thor 5 (15 seconds handicap
for Flanders 4), Thor won by 25
Three-Mile Final Race—H. M.
Gilbert, Atlanta, Excelsior twin,
first; Ollie Roberts, Atlanta, Ex
celsior twin, second; John Veal.
Rome, Merkel twin, third.
Brady, Becker, Bailey
And Waldorf Are Left
With Atlanta Team
Four players belonging to big leagut
clubs, but placed in Atlanta under op
tional agreement, will not be, recallec
tomorrow when the final gathering ir
of farmed players is pulled off by the
ring masters of the big show.
The four players now owned by At
lanta because, of the refusal of big
league teams to exercise their option
to repurchase are Huck Becker, King
Brady. Harry Bailey and Rudolph Wal
Becker is the only one who was not
left under th* terms of the original
contract Griffith wired that if the At
lanta cluli would come through with a
little more, money it could have Becker
I 'l'he young left-hander has looked so
(good this year that President Callaway
lat once wired an acceptance of the
Brady . Bailey and Waldorf were left
in Atlanta on the strength of the re
fusal of the major league clubs to
waive The fact that Bailey was not
recalled was a big surprise. That chap
has hatted well for the Crackers this
If the Cubs leave Agler In Atlanta
Hill Smith’s problem of building a team
for next year Is vastly simplified.
NEW York, Aug. 19 The troubles
of Hal Chase, th,, baseball player, and
his H '•base, are not over
as It was announced they were s „me
Weeks ago, when a motion for alimony
an,| cotimel r.-< s made by Mrs-. Chase
«,-.s withdrawn, foi today Justice Du
gto signed an ordei allowing the at
torneys or plaintiff t „ n ,„ a ( . lllll|)|lllrit
in tin, ease in the -minti t lerk> office
unde, a date of a w ~,.g
The reason given bi th. attorneys
for not filing the complaint al the
prop,., time mu that <’ha , alshed to
HVt.I.I lhe publicity which would attach
ik “ r1 u,,tiercwt1