Newspaper Page Text
To Succeed Himself as Rail
road Commissioner.
‘ 1
KY ■
©8 :•■
Give Him Indorsement of
Another Term So Well
Deserved by His Charac-1
ter, Good Work and So
Plainly Needed for the
Public Safety.
There are two factors
In the cost of pntntlng
what you pay for the
paint itself, and what
you pay the painter for
putting it on.
Roth of these items
may be considered fair
ly costly, and yet there
is no expenditure that
you can make that will
l>e more wisely appro
priated than the proper
application of good p tint
at the right time.
When you use poor
paint, you subject yom -
self to a double loss It
means that you must re
paint within a year or so.
and you tuiv.- the second
cost of both paint and
painting which would
otherwise be unnecessary
T’aint wisely
Georgia Paint &
Glass Co.
35-37 Luckie Slreei
Branch 54 N. Broad
w < i
\ ■'•■■**• -■% . ;
V \ V
' V J
iJtk. J
I am a candidate for commis
sioner of agriculture, and am run
ning as a practical fanner.
I am not the candidate of the
fertilizer manufacturers, and I
have never asked them for a dol
lar or promised them anything.
Nor have they asked anything of
I stand lor the upbuilding of
Georgia, and for a fair and just
administration of the affairs of
the agricultural department.
No living man can say that I
have promised him anything for
his support. I am absolutely free
and unpledged except to do
everything in my power for the
development of state.
I am not a railroad lawyer, am
not riding on free passes, and
have never owned or operated an
Koil mill.
Special Value in
Sterling Silver Vanities
$12.50 Value for $6.50
4jEH This picture shows (half size)
a brand new Sterling Silver Van
ity Case, which we are offering
HMMBRwffl at a s P' !,, ' a * r, b’ while on
-111 display in our window.
11 ’ s :UI '•>>tfine-turned, hand-
11 engraved vanity, leather lined,
JV n with mirror, memorandum tablet,
V I" pencil and two compartments for
* * money and cards.
This vanity will continue to be sold at the regular price
of $12.50 as soon as they ore taken off of this special sale.
See this and other special values we are displaying in
our North window.
Hand-engraved card eases selling regularly at $15.00 are
on sale at SIO.OO. $5.00 cabinet size oval picture frames
are on sale at $3.50.
Mail orders filled.
Gold and Silversmiths
Established 1887
31-33 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga.
A Silent, Faithful Partner
If you had an oppoHunity to secure a
partner in your labors or business who would
work for you every day in the year, and agree
to give you all his earnings, would you not ae
eept th;ti partner at mire! Certainly you would
And yet you have lost many opportunities of
h;i\ing such partners.
Tour spare dollars invesled in our Sav-
ings Department would be just such partners.
4 Per Cent on Savings
Let OUR Bank Be YOUR Bank
• ■ ■•‘ik’tei.sxajp-
I.' r
b-- - rmfirh ~ J
111 ■" ■■ - ■■■■■■■■ ■ . WU^»l»|,|„ I -a———,,
Gv/fZ//?/)' in Va/ue Awn its You Here
. The buyer, depending to quite an extent on the mer
chant. it is most important that the house should be of
undoubted responsibility. Lt is, therefore, only fitting
that your purchase should be identified with this estab
lishment. The value that you gel for your money is by
far the more important than the price you pay for a
diamond As an instance: the better grades have ad
vanced continuously until their worth has more than
doubled what they were seven or eight years ago. Prom
the fact that our facilities for handling thejn are as eco
nomical as it is possible to 11 ake them, we are in a posi
tion to supply von at as little cost as the same grade
stone can be sold anvwhere.
We invite you to see our splendid display, al which
time, if you wish to take advantage f it, we will ex
plain to you our partial payment plan.
Selection packages sent anywhere on approval.
Bell Phone, Main 1115. Atlanta Phone 329.
■ ' • ■'«• ■I ■ •!! I IMMI MMI. MIMMM. .!■■■ »——M— IH—MI 111 o——<T —I— W - |~<I»I— 1» M— I M— MM. W— MK
—Bg?.~>ai --rs?'■ aig <i«dwwicrfc<aL~ taiicm'MWitw
Are received by telephone.
! Ask for 8000, both phones. !
Some Passing Thoughts and Some
Reports of Cases
II is almost a daily occurence to have some one consult me
and, after examining them, to hear them say, “Oh. my trouble
is so slight that I hardly need treatment,’’ and these are often
the ones that need the most
fcj •iM
Brown - Randolph Building,
56 Marietta Street,
Atlanta, Ga.
thing as a mild case of this
disease; that while one patient might be a mass of sores, and
from his point of view, in a serious condition, yet from my ex
perience I could promise that it would readily respond to treat
ment. and could easily be controlled, while another patient
might have seen no signs of the disease scarcely, and very slight
lesion might come on a valve of the heart and ruin the patient’s
health forever. This gentleman laughed and said: “Well, so
long as this is no worse, no doctor will fill me up with dope. ’
Four months later he walked tn my office, one side almost totally
paralyzed, and while I could promise him an ultimate cure, yet
il would be a long time before he would be himself again. He is
today in good condition, but it will be months yet before he is in
perfect health. "
Again, a man will often say he is in perfect health, eats and
sleeps well, and has a robust appearance, but some little flashes
ot pain, or slight disturbances of certain functions warn him of
the beginning of trouble, but he pays no heed until 100 late.
The little things, lhe mild symptoms, are often warnings of
the oommencement of the most serious affections, and if taken
in time may often be most easily cured.
To those of us who have to deal with those subtle and often
intractable cases of chronic diseases, how often, too, do we find
that the ravages of organic disease will often go on for months
with scarcely a symptom, and the first symptoms will be exceed
ingly serious ones. This is especially true of kidney and nervous
diseases. To illustrate: Some twenty years ago a friend said to
me one day :“ Doctor 1 have had a couple of attacks of dizziness;
think my liver is out of order.- What shall I take for my liver?’’
1 told him I did not care to advise him without analyzing his
urine. He thought this,very unnecessary, but at last gave me a
sample, and I found serious Bright’s disease. nervous affections are exceedingly liable to
have slight symptoms, often variable and at intermittent pe
riods. and if left to go on. or if treated for symptoms as they
arise, inevitably terminate in exceedingly serious troubles often
difficult to control, and yet, when taken in time, easily controll
ed and amenable to treatment.
Consultation free. Office hours S to 7 daily Sundays and
holidays 10 to 1.
Brown-Randolph Building. 56 Marietta St., Atlanta. Ga.
F amily Washing Done
Better Than at Home
We do every kind of laundry
work from collars, cuffs and
shirts to lace curtains, etc.
Whatever the materials are you
will be satisfied with your laun
dry when it comes back from our
j store.
We employ the best kind of
’ help, we use only the purest soap,
; plenty of water and common
i sens.- in handling your linen. We
I deliver the finished work to you
; fresh, sweet, clean and perfect.
Tr\ iis on your collars, cuffs
and shirts.
Piedmont Laundrv Co.
83 Trinity and 145 Central Aves.
Phones. M. 857, 858; Atlanta 2960
prompt and radical treat
ment in order to cure. A cou
ple of years ago an old ac
quaintance stopped me on
the street and said Doctor,
see this little spot on my
face? I was going to get
some ointment for it. What
shall 1 get?’’ I saw at a
glance that it was the com
mencement of a serious dis
ease, and told him he needed
prompt and effective means
at once, hut he thought
lightly of it. Recently I read
of his death, due to the same
trouble, which had been left
unattended to until too late
to be cured.
A couple of years ago a
young man came in with a
friend who was being treat
ed. and in the course of the
conversation called atten
tion to the fact that there
was slight evidences of
blood poison in his case, and
asked if I thought it best for
him to have treatment of so
slight a case. I explained to
him that there was no such
When WE Print
Your Vacation
Pictures We
Print them
the paper that is
made especially
Amateur Negatives.
If You Do Your Own
Printing, let us give
you a free copy of
"The Velox Book"
Glenn Photo
Stock Co.
117 Peachtree
Kodak Dealers. Atlanta, Ga.
About the City Warden.
■ it
* AitWwi
Candidate for Re-election as
City Warden.
“By their fruits ye shall know
them.” Tom Evans has made good in
this difficult office. It doesn’t pay
enough for an expensive campaign, so
the good people should take up his
fight. Mr. Voter: Read what a large
number of your fellow citizens say
about him:
We, the undersigned citizens, in
dorse the candidacy of Mr. Thomas
Evans for City Warden of Atlanta.
He has performed the duties of this
difficult office to the satisfaction of the
people, and in a manner especially
pleasing and acceptable to the poor
and dependent. None could do more
---few can do as well.
Asa G. Candler,
W. S. Witham,
P. J. Baker, cashier Farmers &
Traders bank,
W. D. M-anley,
G. B. Greenlee,
R. J. Guinn.
T. K. Glenn,
J. T. Rose,
Dr. J. H. Conway,
C. E. Thompson,
W. R. Hendrix.
E. L. Osborn.
Walke-- White.
G. E. W. Robertson,
E. F. Marston.
B. B. Crew,
H. B. Wey.
D O. Dorouohty,
A. P. Tripod.
J. D Robinson,
R. F. Maddox.
C. T. Johnston,
O. R. Penn,
C. S. Morris.
• W. L. Haygood,
A. C. McHan,
W. A. Speer,
S. D. Skinner,
T. F. McGahee,
L. L. McGahee,
J. C. Logan.
W. H. Terrell,
John Terrell,
A. L. Richards,
F. D. Mosely,
W. E. Carnes.
R. N. Fickett. Jr„
M. L. Thrower,
W. B. Wilkerson,
Dr. W. B Sharp,
Dr. T. O. Longino,
W. L. Peel.
E. L. Barnes,
John R. Mobley.
C. E. Ouarles.
H. M. Patterson,
J. E. Sommers,
E. R. Ware.
J. A. Ware.
Courtland S. Winn,
Glen B. Jones.
Rov C. Jones,
J. Percy Jones.
R. H. Standard,
W. E. Newill.
P. S. Arkwright,
A H Van Dyke. z
A. D. Thompson.
D. J. Baker,
Claude C Mason.
Aldine Chambers,
A. H. Baskin.
S. A. Wardlaw,
C. D. Knight,
Carl N, Guess,
Orville H. Hall,
C. J. Vaughn,
J. J. Greer,
J. D. Sisson,
Jesse M. Wood,
J. H. Andrews.
Roy M. Abernathy,
I Charles W. Smith’,
A. J. Johnson,
Use Georgian Want Ads
J. W. Maddox,
J. R. Nutting,
F. J. Spratling,
J, S. Candler,
I. N. Ragsdale,
J. H. Johnston,
W. W. Scott,
W. B. Cody,
H, A. Alexander,
H. Y. McCord, Jr.,
F. B. Coleman,
S. C. Glass,
M. C. Strickland,
C. E. Bowen.
Harvey Hatcher,
Ben Lee Crew.
W. T. Tomlinson,
S. K. Bohler,
C. M. Turner,
R. S. Robertson,
Randall Bros.,
T. C. Burford,
Dr. W. A Upchurch,
C. A. Upchurch,
William B. Parr,
D. Davis,
A. P. Morgan,
George P. Howard,
W. L. Saye,
F. D. Nichols, at P, O.
John M. Miller,
C. T. Hicks,
F. M. Brotherton,
W. L. Gilbert, M. D.,
Wesley Hirshburq,
F. L. Hunter,
R. A. Matthews,
Paul Burkett,
L. H. Zurline,
F. H. Licthnwathe,
W. M. Stephenson,
J. C. Greenfield,
Dr. Horace Grant,
H. G. Martin,
Tom H. Pitt,
Paul Miller,
W. T. Stephens,
C. L. Wooddall,
J. B. Gordon.
H, L. Clotfelter,
L. S. Bauknight,
A. C. Burton.
L. A. Holling SW orth,
K. A. Thompson,
A. F. Campbell,
W. C. Brogdon,
J. L. Milam,
W. M. Poole,
L. H. Fain,
R. I. Barge,
W. H. Cherry,
H. H. Green.
Adamson & Son,
A. H. Reese,
John J, Woodside,
J. L. Carpenter,
C. H. Girardeau,
J. K. Orr,
J. O. DeLong,
G. K. Dennis,
A. A, Fletcher,
C. W. Cochran,
W. E. Suttles.
A. A. Withe’s,
George N. Crane,
Charles R. Foster. »*,