Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 22, 1912, EXTRA, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Travel in Luxurious Ease on “The Olympian" Chicago to the Pacific North Coast The observation cars *>n this splendid train are masterpieces of the car build er's art—the embodiment of every ’ I known travel luxury and comfort. Have commodious observation lounging room and roomy platform—writing room and library—'buffet smoking room —barber shop and bath Afternoon tea is served in lounging room, daily without charge Telegraphic news bulletins and telephone service is provided enroute. “The Olympian" leaves Chicago daily at 10:15 p. tn., I jlil arrives Seattie 8:00 p. m., Tacoma 9:30 p. m. third day. L "The Columbian, "companion train of ‘‘The Olympian," leaves Chicago 10.10 a. m. daily —the route is over the shortest line—the II 11 i Chicago,Milwaukee & St. Paul d and > Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound j ;i'j Railways I! Special excursion tickets to the Pacific Coast sold on certain daUh in May, June, July. August and September. For dties of s.tie gnd full information jppty to M. 8. BOWMAN. Commercial Agent, 904 Fourth National Bank Bldg, Atlanta, Ga. F A. MILLER, General Passenger Agent, CHICAGO 'la '' l ■ <— • ■ "I- 1 --- - ■ ■ ■ ■ • . 1.1 Could The following recent want I OU “ad” was worded upon the sug- gestion of good business sense: Apply? WANTED —Young man who has a bank account for a responsible position. Apply In the business world the kind of man whose services are in demand is the man who gives evi dence of “making good,’’ and a bank account is a prettv sure sign that he is. , - This bank invites young men to open an account in both commercial and savings departments. Central Bank & Trust Corporation ASA G. CANDLER, Pres. Candler Building Branch, Corner Mitchell and Forsyth Streets PUMPS FOR EVERY SERVICE DUNN MACHINERY COMPANY, Atlanta Healthy People Perspire Dainty People Use HID to Destroy Unpleasant Odor It Never Injures Large Porcelain Jar 25c FOR SALE BY All Jacobs’ Store AND DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. HUNDREDS GO TO S •THE WOMAN DOCTOR’ AT BONITA THEATER If you want to set an up-to-date, high-class musical comedy, with plenty ot fun. dancing, singing, g 0,.; , tn, dians and pretty chorus girls, go to th, Bonita. 32 Peachtree street, this w < , k and see "'rite Woman Doctor' 'Pin play is presented by the King Muri ,v Jones Musical Comedy Company w’iu i is without doubt the best aggregation of polite entertainers that has been seen In Atlanta in months. This litth theater Is rapidly becoming known as the leader of all the popular priced houses In the South. Continuous p> r forma rices afternoons and evenings with motion picture - between times Adults 10<, t iiildn ii .">■ ••• jm'iji. ———...— READ FOR PROFIT USE FOA RESULTS. GEORGIAN WANT ADS _ • HEAT ENDANGERS LIVES • • OF ELDERLY FOLKs J • Sickness and Misery Follow e Inattention to the • Minor Ills. • : --- : Older people should be especially careful of their health during the hot months, as high temperature has a pe culiarly enervating effect that tends to disarrange the entire digestive system. The Slightest indiscretion in diet is al most sure to be followed by bowel trouble and indigestion, but if care is taken to keep the bow els open by using a gentle laxative stimulant at tile first sign of any irregularity, a great deal of the misery and distress can be avoided. Strong, harsh and drastic physics h >uld be avoidt d bet au f the shock to th, system following their use. An excellent laxative, and one that Is easy and natural in Its effect on tin stom ach, bowels and liver, is found in Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin, a compound ot simple laxitlvi herbs with pepsin that is pleasant to the taste and posi tive in it- action. By cleansing the bowel tract and removing the foreign mailer that irritates and inflames the tissue, a dos. of Syrup Pepsin will quickly check the summer diarrhoea that is so prevalent. Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is sold In drug stores for fifty cents a botth . large family size, one dollar \ fret trial bottle will be sent, postpaid, if you will write to Dr. W. B < aidwell. 4m. Washington St, Monticello, Illinois. GEORGIAN WANT ADS FILL AL L WANTS BOTH PHONES bOOO. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANT) NEWS.THURSDAY. AUGUST 22. 1912. department or Savings ■ wUI J; M £ jOs - : i - | B r. '''©•'l I 1 I , !■ ■■■! .11l || II ■ , „„„ , , The illustration shows a section of our convenient and spacious department for Savings, where ac counts of SI.OO or more are welcomed, and where deposits draw a liberal interest. Come in and see what has been done to attract YOU as one of our Savings depositors. Notice the convenient, business-like arrangement which has been provided in order to make it a pleasure, as well as a profitable convenience, for you to deposit your spare money here. And in addition to this, we have a neat, handy little bank for home savings, which will help you to make good use of your stray coppers and nickels and dimes. ’ This department is on the ground floor, where are our great Safe Deposit Vault, Individual Coupon Booths, Depositors’ Private Consulting Room and Ladies’ Reception Room. THIRD National Bank Capita! and Surplus $1,700,000.00 FRANK HAWKlNSPresident R. W. BYERS. . .Assistant Cashier jns A McCORD. Vice President A. M. BERGSTROM Asst. Cashier JOHN W. GRANT Vice President W. B. SYMMERS. Asst. Cashier THOMAS C. ERWlNCashier A. J. HANSEILAsst. Cashier UNIVERSITY SCHOOL LOR BOYS STONE MOUNTAIN, GA. rn'l- ' - /wOwk ''A * < T K 7. A UNIV ERSITY SCHOOL FOR EOT S ’« a regular school where boys are taught and not just compelled to attend classes. A school fashioned after the old style system of tutoring where in dividual instruction is tfiven each student; where the finer attributes of a gentleman, not taught by books, are inculcated; where a sound, healthy body is developed coincident with a broad, quick mind. A school where boys are transformed Into men equipped, mentally and physically to take up Life’s duties or Riven a firm foundation on which to build their education in the higher institu tions of learning. This is done by limiting the students to 96; one instructor for every ten boys. More than Ttvenfy percent.of the student body, each year, are brothers of former students. Give us u boy; wr’tl give you a man. Handsome illustrated er dog and information furnished. Address SANDY BEAVER, Principal. Box 5 J STONE MOUNTAIN, CA 1 % A High Grade Institution For Young Women. Beautifully h eated near the Mountains, in the most healthful section of f tile South— not a death in the College during the forty years of its A existence. Every convenience of modern home. Only two girls to fHJ ■ 5,1 a room with large study between every two rooms. Every building "i re-enforced concrete, absolutely fire-proof thoroughly modern, ’Cjjfrqft 1 «' 155 acres in grounds and campus. Faculty chosen from finest _k American and European Universities. Full Literary Course lead gf*' ? ingtoA.B. degree; unexcelled advantages in Music. Art, Expree 'i\v\ sion. Special attention to Physical Development. Catalog on re . 4'- "A to, i SA quest. R. < a - w - van HOOSE, President, Rome, Ga. ■m, »•- ♦-av* ■avrorav •- • ea«r- rrosr ■ ■-«> - -a——a «r -r ■«•••* wn- .tv t.--rfsrw II HIIIMITO—W—TO >—WTO eai - -to». HAT SALE These hot days call for a. light, cool “lid.” We have them, and are almost giving them away. All white Hats under size 7 All white Hats over size 7 Khaki and Linen Hats— were 75c, now selling atTT*/C Brown, red and gray Hats— were $1.25, now selling at i " Gray and tan Silk Hats— CL 1 OO were $1.75, now selling atA. edfew fei in Line-They Won't Last Long King Hardware Company 53 P eachiree Street --V- 1 'T- -TT.-T -"I*-":'; ~j—iniwr ' 711 MR I R JdST I Hat Trunks. I liuy tit right into the scheme of com fortable travel. A y ear guarantee label on all our baggage. $6.00 to $16.00 LIEBERMAN’S The House of Guaranteed Baggage 92 Whitehall What is Castoria. is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhcea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ‘‘Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. H®''' — itei E'fyy j ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT _ M/." Vit AVcgetable PreparalionforAs- 14 sibilating thcFoodandßegida liable Siomailisaiulßowdsof Em $ . ~~~—— v Promotes Digesh'on.Cheerfiil ncssand ResLContainsncitlicr g2o .. OpixnuMorphine norrliueraL Not Narcotic. R'ij Ij: jfutpeofUldikSM'miTfSlß Pmipii'it Sttd~ jtbi.Snrm * | ■SHlrf - 1 '! JHtcMitSdts- I - * I '•ajifi®! PrpiKWitd- > tY I : Bil'anmi.ikSjda* ( ■OCT*; | »' I nfflljjii Aperfect Remedy for Consflpa »*>t ion. Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms,ConvulsionsTevcrish ness and LOSS Os SLEEP. i Jlac Simile Signature of = He The Centaur Compact, Ki NEW YORK. Guaranle ed under the Exact Copy of Wrapper. AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE Takes High Rank Among Institutions For Women DECAUSE of the high standards and the efficiency of its instruction and student life—because of the thoroughness and progressiveness of its curriculum-and methods—because of the completeness of its plant and equipment— AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE is one cf the three colleges for women south of Pennsylvania admitted to member ship in the “Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Southern States,” and whose graduates are admitted to the “Southern Association of College W omen.” Agnes Scott College is delightfully located six miles from Atlanta, in a beautiful residential suburb. Its dor mitories, library, gymnasium and laboratories are com modious and modern. It is a standard college in every respect, as to entrance requirements, curriculum, faculty and character. Resident students limited to 300. Next session opens September 18th, 1912. For Catalogue and Other Information, Address F. H. GAINES, D.D., LL. D., President DECATUR, GA. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. IL Fletcher. Dr. Albert W. Kahl, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: “I have used Castoria in my practice for the past 26 years. I regard it as an excellent medicine for children.” Dr. Gustave A. Eisengraeber, of St. Paul, Minn., says: “I have used your Castoria repeatedly in my practice wit ii good results, and can reeom« mend it as an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children.’’ Dr. E. J. Dennis, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I have used and prescribed your Castoria in my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of yearg and find it to be an excellent remedy for children.’’ Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: ‘‘l have used your Cas toria in the case of my own baby and find it pleasant to take, and hava obtained excellent results from its use.” Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago, 111., says: ”1 have used your Castoria in cases of colic in children and have found it the best medicine of its kind on the market.” Dr. R. E. Eskildson, of Omaha, Neb., says: “I find your Castoria to be a standard family remedy. It la the best thing for infants and children I have ever known and I recommend it.” Dr. L. R. Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria certainly has merit. Is not its age, its continued use by mothers through all these years, and the many attempts to imitate it, sufficient recommendation? What can a physician add? Leave it to the mothers.” Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of New York City, says: “For several years I havs recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, as it ha» invariably produced beneficial results.” Dr. N. B. Sizer, of Brooklyn, N. Y, x says: ”1 object to what are called patent medicines, where maker alone knows what ingredients are put in. them, but I know the formula of your Castoria and advise its use.’’ GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of , Die Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY