Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 26, 1912, EXTRA, Page 9, Image 9

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Paint Insurance There is no way whereby you can so cheaply insure the preservation and salability of your prop erty as by keeping: it al ways well painted. To do this, you do not need to repaint every year, if you will put on good paint at the right / time. Masury's or Lucas' paints insure protection . at the lowest cost. Paint wisely. Georgia Paint & Glass Co. 35-37 Luckie St. Branch 54 N. Broad M 7 I X i AV Always on Time We call for vour laundry at the right time. We do your laundry to your satisfaction. And we deliver it on time every week. Satisfaction and reliability. Those are our mottoes. We have made a success with every one of our customers through our method of doing business. May we not try for you? Send us a week’s collars, cuffs and shirts. We will prove it. Piedmont Laundry Co. 83 Trinity and 145 Central Aves. Phones, M. 857, 858; Atlanta 2960 Don’t Wait for The Storm Signal before you think of keeping the house warm. Order your coal now. There will be a number of “cold waves” be fore the winter is over. When your bins are full of coal, you can laugh at the cold weather outside. We have the best grades of coal from the Shawmut and Lehigh districts—the highest heating coal you can get. Orders by mail or telephone receive prompt attention RANDALL BROS. PETERS BUILDING, Main Office. YARDS: Marietta street and North Avenue, both phones 376. South Boulevard and Geor gia railroad. Bell phone Main 538. At lanta 303; Ml [tanlel street and Southern railroad. Bell Main 354. Atlanta 321, 64 Krogg street. Bell Ivy 4165. Atlanta "06. 152 South Pryor street, both phones 936 GEORGIAN Want Ads BRING RESULTS VELVOTON E ■ FLAT WASHABLE WALL FINISH CAN BE APPLIED OVER PAINTED SUR FACES, KALSOMINE, WALL PAPER AND CEMENT VELVOTONE CONTAINS THE SOFT, RESTFUL TONES OF KALSOMINE. YET HAS THE WASHABLE QUALITIES OF AN OIL OR VARNIBH PAINT 'I IIE ATLAN TA GEORG L'viX A.M) 2X hVi b. .ihfap.m. ,u m i ju. mrj. F LAN D E RS If You are Paying More than SI2OO for a Car,You are Entitled to a Six. THIS, REDUCED TO A FEW WORDS, is the keynote to the 1913 announcement of the Flanders Motor Company which will appear in this and other dr.ily papers of every prominent city in the United States about September fifteenth. TO TELL YOU MORE at this time would be to tell our competitors - and that we do not desire to do, for we have a surprise in store for them as well as for you. TH T S MUCH WE WILL SAY, however Sixes exclusively will be the Flanders slogan from now on. The perfection of the electric self starting device has made the Six in any size and at any price the logical, the ultimate —the inevitable car. WE'VE BEEN IN THE BUSINESS since its birth watched every change—led the way in most of them. And since a man can’t have two religions and worship sincerely at both shrines, we pin our faith in the future to Sixes exclusively Sixes. AND WHILE WE WON’T PROMISE to give you a Six at exactly the figure mentioned because the Flanders Six must be a complete and an up-to-the-minute Six in every last detail we will give you one at a price so little above that figure it will be within your reach if you can afford a car of more than 35 horsepower at all. NO! NO! — YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN. Don’t jump to conclusions. That isn’t the price nor the horsepower. Guess again. But you won’t get any nearer to it than our esteemed competitors who always wait for us to show the way and then try to get on the band wagon can guess what this Flanders organization has up its sleeve this time. IF IT WILL INDICATE ANYTHING to you we will say there will be two Flanders Sixes. One of these will be a five passenger model of such size, power and quality and at such a price you’d be foolish to buy a four at any price. IT’S HARD ENOUGH TO SELL FOURS NOW for everybody sees the writing on che wall. It will be a lot harder to sell your second hand Four a year from now —when you will certainly w*nt to sell it and buy a Six. EVERY MAKER KNOWS Fours are now obsolete and Sixes inevitable. But the others can’t afford to admit that fact until they have cleared their floors of Fours and changed over their designs and equipment to make Sixes. They must all come to it -we are as usual a year ahead. SO THIS AD IS JUST TO WARN YOU. After reading it you will have only yourself to blame if you buy an obsolete Four and pay a price for it that entitles you to a better car and a Six. FOR WE PROMISE YOU the immediate future has such a car in store for you —a Six of the quality you expect from Flanders and backed by the name and guarantee of Flanders. YOU KNOW THE MEN back of this product -Everitt, Metzger and Flanders; Kelly, Paul Smith, Pelletier —the same group of men who four years ago revolutionized an industry and set a pace in prices and quality that others are following yet and haven’t caught up; the men who made E-M-F “30” the greatest car of its time. THESE MEN, NOW HAPPILY RE-UNITED and supplemented by specialists of equal skill and experience Fred Hawes, for ten years chief engineer of the Cadillac Company; Bruce Ott, admitted by the entire trade to be the greatest body designer- “the tastiest milliner that ever dolled up a car;” Richard Miles, the foremost metallurgist. A. BURWELL, Jr., District Manager, Charlotte, N. C. FLANDERS MOTOR COMPANY, Detroit, Mich. 565 East Milwaukee Avenue Diseases of Me n MY experience of 85 years has shown me that more human wrecks are ca used by a chronic local disease than . by any other No | disease needs more I careful or scien tific attention to | effect a cure. 1 | also know there la I no quick cure for I specific blood pol- I ion. Temporary I removal of symp- I toms is not a cure I Experience. care- I fu) attention to de |f tails and a thor- I ough knowledge of I how and whan to I use the remedies I known tn be ber.e --| flclal tin the tr*at- I ment of this dis ease, produce ra- ' suits Honest bus Iness methods and rnnsrjentlnus treat- IHF 1' fi |Bt’| DR WM M BAIRD Brown• Randolph Bld< Atlanta. Ga. ment are features of my office Exam* IniHoni free office hours X to 7. Run <ift> * and hnilrtn\> 10 t< 1 M' mono* ciapha free in pialn. iiealsd wrapper. THESE AND THE HOST OF EXPERTS- -topnotehers all coo. stitute the Flanders organization, have contributed to make the forthcoming Flanders Sixes incomparable in all those point* dear to the hearts of fastidious motorists and satisfying to the eye and Ae standards of experts. WE SUBMIT that, if these men do not know how to moke and to market automobiles and to take care of their customers afterward, then no group of men doe* know. If history doesn’t repeat deelf in this case then skill counts for naught, experience i* a waste of time, there is no strength in unity, and business is not an exact science. BUT BUSINESS IS AN EXACT SClENCE—experience it an accurate guide —skill i* an asset —the united skill and experience es experts m ust produce superiority— and history wsW repeat itself. tp« the Flanders policy and the Flanders product for the comtirg year wth work a revolution in the automobile industry us great as the appearance of E M F “30” four years ago and of rise beomriM Fbmdees Electric more recently. THESE MEN, HEADED BY FLANDERS, have letboo taog tttey bevy forgotten how to follow —if indeed they ever knew. Thaw record is a series of successes. Failure has turned tn success wader duor magic touch. Their reputation is world wide and ttoew finewds are legion- and they are found wherever autotnoWtes are found. Per every car they have ever made has made a friend. WE ARE NATURALLY EAGER to tell you all now W urn refrain for the reasons given. We refrain save to say there’ll be two models of Flanders Sixes. One a luxurious seven-passenger car of high power, exquisite body design and complete equipment of the highest order and to the last degree of faddishness as weH as of utility, and to sell at a price that will make it impossible for you to excuse yourself for paying a higher price for any car on earth. READ THAT LAST PARAGRAPH AGAIN Ft’s a tritie htvoftred and there’s more in it than appears on the surface. THE OTHER FLANDERS SIX will be a five-passenger car, an exact duplicate in every detail of design and finish and equipment—but smaller of course —and will sell at a price that justifies our headline. THAT’S ALL FOR THE PRESENT. Surmise all you will. Piece rhe fragments together. Let your innagination have full sway. You know Flanders and the Flanders organization try to forecast what they will produce. Try to anticipate the most you can hope for and then you will still be far short of the splendid reality. That, in full detail, will be announced about September fifteenth. WATCH FOR IT HERE. And if you desire to lead instead of follow — if you want a car of the future and not of the past —wait for it. DEALERS -THIS FOR YOU The Flanders Motor Company will make six thousand Sixes for 1913. That sounds a trifle modest for us, but remember these are big, luxurious cars — and this number makes the Flanders Motor Company the Largest producer of Sixes in the world. Deliveries will commence immediately after the an nouncement. Quality, reputation and price guarantees there’ll be no competition. Live dealers everywhere have anticipated this, so we have thousands of applications on file already. Being able to pick and choose, we are carefully selecting the best. We want dealers who will properly re present us and our product locally. And we are selecting those we think will go farthest with us. For we are building for permanency and for the benefit of all, customers included. Do you think you are that man in your territory? Then get in touch with our district manager his word is law there. He is s partner in this business tried and true and his whole interest bound up in its future. Better see him at once before he closes up for your territory—at his head quarters, address given below. nfcSMl w 1 Palmer's Skin Whitener W ill Bleach Your Skin Try it and pp* the marvelous re - .■‘tilt Price 2’><, postpaid anywhere. FOR SALE BY All Jacobs' Stores AND DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. * JIX i,-.-- t L - _- Delightful Auto Run to Griffin I Always Good TUF METI M C flu,omobile Things to Eat at ■ ■■ ■“ tLi?l Headquarters i I ' > .... ■ ATLANTA COLLE GE OF PHARMACY I w»-ot\ years of temarxably suceeasf til work Greater demand for out gradu* ate- than we <an Htipply Best attendance south of Philadelphia Begins October 1. Address THE ELECTRIC HOTEL AT BONITA THEATER ALL OE NEXT WEEK Anothe- bright. snappy tnu«i<al com edy will h« presented at the Bonita theatri U I’eaclitre* st eet, on next Mund i»' th* p.q.nlai King Mttr-a) Jones <’nmpan\. ThiF pay Is one o the most entei talnit g *’f their entfr# roporl e ami will be presented con tinuoush »'/»' h afternoon and *venint du'ing al of next week, nexx an ffloinatliik: morion pictures betwee times Th* Pretty Girl Chorus" an th- bunch of fun-making comedian wi be mm tn evidence. Adult* lb* \ hlldren •• . 9