Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta. Ga.
Entered at Atlanta postoffice as second
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year. mail, postage prepaid. $5.00
Six months, mail, postage prepaid, 250
Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 125
One month, mail, postage prepaid. .45
Subscriptions Payable in Advance.
Delivered by carrier, one year $5.20
Delivered by carrier, six months .... 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months.. 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month .. .4,5
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c
Help Wanted—Female.
EARN $lO weekly addressing postcards
at home; bunch of cards and particu
lars 10c. G. W. Keena, 54 Monroe ave..
Grand Rapids, Mich. 49-8-26
\\ ANTED Experienced trimmers on tai
h»red hats. Department F. Ernest L.
Rhodes Company, 67-69 South Prvor
street. 8-26-24
'VANTED Washerwoman. Phone Iv v
3 <66. 4 4 - $ - 26
A\ ANTED— Healthy, experienced woman
for the cooking and general housework
f '* ~a small family. Room on lot. Ivy
5265-3. 132 Peachtree circle. B-26-22
WANTED Settled stenographer with
some knowledge of double-entry book
keeping. Light work. Attractive town
and pleasant surroundings. State expe
rience and salary. Manufacturer, care
Georgian, Atlanta. 8-26-19
W ANTED—First-class washerwoman at
once. 36 Washita avenue. B-26
\\ ANTED—Good cook. References re
quired. 786 Piedrnjjnt avenue. 8-26-14
EXPERIENCEI) help wanted on
and children’s dresses. Apply 53 Deca -
tur street. ‘ 8-26-3
WANTED—Cook and general housework
er, small family. 481 Cherokee avenue.
WANTED—A neat, reliable maid; refer
ences. 41 E. Cain st. B-26-5
FIRST-CLASS nurse, not under 20 years
old. Apply at once, 281 Rawson st.
WANTED—lmmediately, by the
Morris Fertilizer Co., Third
National bank building, A-1 ex
perienced lady stenographer. Call
after 5 p. m.. today. 8-24-75
WANTEIh A g«»od servant girL 29m
Washington st. 39-8-24
WANTED—Colored woman to cook and
do general housework. Room on lot.
10 West Sixteenth street. 8-24-62
WA NT El)—Cook ; small family 26
Peachtree circle. _8 1-8-24
WANTED- Young lady for office who op
erates typewriter. Address, stating
salary expected. P. O. Box 557. 8-24-45
WANTED Unincumbered white person
to cook two meals a day; treated like
one of family; comfortable room. Ivy
1734-J. 7 St. Charles ave,37-8-24
X\ ANTED—Mammy nurse to stay on
premises. Must be neat. Apply 1209
Third National Bank building 63-8-24
WANTED —Good colored girl for house
work. Apply 58 Bass. 51-8-24
WANTED Nurse. Must be steady. Good
pay.4J_ Bass Street. 8-27-28
WANTED—Lady steno-bookkeeper; per
manent position; state salary expected;
reference. Address H.. Cartersville, Ga.
WANTED White woman: must he good
cook, three in family. Come at once.
Mobile Market. Marietta. Ga 28-8-22
STENOGRAPHER- For permanent posi-
tion in wholesale house. In reply, please
give record of experience and salary ex
pected. Box 707, care Georgian. 39-8-21
WANTED—A lady for assorting in laun
dry. Box 51, care Georgian. 8-20-1
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED—A good male stenographer;
permanent place for right man; give
age, experience, references and state sal
ary expected. DeSoto Abstract Company.
Arcadia. Fla. 46-g. 2 6
80, between aged of 14 to 16. m do si tn”
pie clerical work. Must be hustler; a
chance to learn telegraphy. Apply be
tween 7 and 8 a. m., Postal Telegraph-
Cable Company. B-26-10
WANTED —Help in finishing room.
Southern Upholstering Co., corner Jef
ferson and Echo streets. 8-26-17
WANTED Young man about seventeen
years old to learn making frames and
working a die. Department E, Ernest E.
Rhodes Co., 67-69 S. Pryor st. 8-26-23
WANTED —A man to work on dairy farm
for six weeks or two months; general
work. Dairyman, care Georgian. 25-8-26
WANTED —Clerk who can use typewriter
rapidly and take some dictation: excel
lent opening for a young man of good
character. Box 222. care Georgian.
WANTED—Foreman for planing mill;
give reference and salary expected with
application. Walker Dumber and Mfg
Co.. Carrollton, Ga. B-24-43
WANTED- New s agents to run on pas
senger trains. Give age when writing.
Union News Company, 56 West Hunter
street. 66-8-24
WANTED- At once. one first-class
frame-maker Pattillo Dumber Co.
WANTED Eight good plasterers (whiter.
50 cents per hour; work nine hours.
Apply by letter to Read-Parker Construc
tion Co., Arcadia. F1a.84-8-24
good man. competent to handle several
small telephone exchanges, and who can
keep our men at work Apply with refer
ences. Blakely Telephone Company.
B1 akel y, Ga. - _B-2 4 -56
WANTED —Two young
men to press shirts 1951
Marietta Street.
WANTED —Men tn learn the barber
trade; few weeks completes; tools
given; wages while learning; you can
join us with assurance you will succeed 5
we have received praise from thousands
for our beneficial course: investigate now.
Moler Barber College, 3* Luckie st
WANTED—Hustler. Man understanding
grocery business, who can talk groceries
and get results. Apply between 2 and 5
p. m 271 Piedmont avenue. B-27-29
WE NEED a crew' manager to handle
new and exceptional proposition. You
need not apply unless you can organize
and manage men. Address Crew Mana
ger. care Georgian
WANTED-Thoroughly experienced sten
ographer, who can take rapid dicta
tion and use typewriter rapidly. Mu*
furnish first-class references. A good
opening and a permanent position for
the right man. Address Box 812. care
Gco rga In. 8-17-11
WANTED —Young men to learn pharm
acy this fall. Demand for our gradu
ates exceeds supply. Next session begins
October I. Southern College of Pharmacy.
81 I.tickle street. Atlanta. Ga. B-1-1
WAN T E D —Bright, stron g
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Call at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian.
20 East Alabama street.
< ’ MtPENTEKS men furnish
ed or short n dice for all classes of car
penter work Ji.n Stephenson. 226 Rrown-
Randolph Bldg Phone: Main 4281, At
lanta 2332. h 2-5
\\ A NTED Young man of experience and
good recommendations to take charge
and manage retail grocery business: mti«t
Invest 8500. o. would lease business to
-ight party excellent opportunity. Ad
dress Groceries, care Georgian 7-12-4?
W ANTED - ideas Inventors write for
list of Inventions wanted and prizes of
fered bv manufacturers Also, how to get
vour patent Sent free to an> address
Randolph X Briscoe. patent attorneys
‘ n . ’’
HTtYf’ at I lilburn hotel, heart "felly. lO'j
Walton stre<' If you waul a clear. <|Ulet
room, iianaient 50c Open all J9
Help Wanted—Male.
YES, Professor G. O. Branning will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easv). We
• teach tn one half time of other colleges.
t nurse. and position in our shops
only S3O Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages Atlanta Barber College. 10 I
' East Mic hell street 5-11-17 '
, FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves, J
shampoos. All barber work free. Clean
linen. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East I
i Mitchell. 5-27-16
i ~ 1,1 • ■■■..,■ _— —- '
Teachers Wanted.
W A NT'ED—At once, literary teacher to
take charge of private school on its ;
merit. A., care Georgian 42-S-26
GO()D literary teacher”and fi7m~~rliscip* ;
linarian; also capable to teach piano.
' care Georgian. 43-8-26
Salesmen Wanted.
homa town lots at $12.50 each; special
sale. Address Ingrain. Delaware. Okla
... 58-8-26
commission or salary. Send for free
instructions in salesmanship. THE HOL
BROOK MFG. co., 6523 Lexington ave
tme_._< ’lll ea go. Ilk 78-8-24
XA ANTED—Two or three live wire sales
men to sell Scarborough maps and At
lases. Liberal contract with sure guar
antee. Reference and persona! bond re
. quired before your application will be ac
, cepted. Address P. O. Box 160. Atlanta.
Agents Wanted.
WRITE US— We can interest you. The
Baxter & Tenca Company, Indianapolis,
■ ln<L. Box 61, 54-8-26
EXPERIENCED canvassers, send quick
for a high-grade proposition. Liberal
• commission, best terms. Unusual oppor
tunity. Making s3O weekly. Tarheel Com-
, pany. Desk L. Raleigh. N. C. 41-8-17
j —————— ■■■■'■ .
Situations Wanted—Female.
WANTED—A position by young lady
stenographer, with fifteen months ex
perience. Prefers a place where there is
but one stenographer. Call Atlanta phone
*204 3M-26
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires
permanent position September 1; best
. references. R. L., Box 70. care Georgian.
' t 35-8-26
\VAxNTED—To do house cleaning by the
day and curtain work. Applv 17 Sol
oinon st. 26-8-26
; MUST’ HAVE work; have fifteen vears
• experience as saleslady; will work in
grocery store.j\\v 4985-J.B-24-35
WANTED Position as teacher in a pri-
I vate school in .Atlanta by a graduate
• of Winthrop Normal college of South
i Carolina: English or history work pre
! fer red. Box S. C. 40-8-24
WANTED Position as bookkeeper, sev
eral years experience; 'reference given.
Address A IL. care Georgian.s4-8-23
1 LADY, two seasons out as milliner, de
( sires place in small country town or to
> assist in larger place; mountain town pre-
I I ferred. W’rlle M E. \., Box 31, Jerer-
I son, *Ja 43-8-23
; BY young woman of experience and abll -
, ity. position as traveling saleswoman
for good line; references. Address A. R.
1 i Ep< Georgian. 48-8-23
: WANTED To do sewing b> the day by
I first-class dressmaker. Will sew for
$1 and car fare a dajk Address Dress
, maker, 65 Central Place. Atlanta, Ga.
’ •34-8-23
P(’SITTON WANTED Experienced, first
■lass lady bookkeeper, with five years
. experience with large concern, desires po
-1 sit ion as bookkeeper and general office
work. Best references. Miss F., Box 110,
1 I f .' are Georgian. 58-8-22
i WANTED— Position as housekeeper for
widower by lady of intelligence and
refinement. Address Housekeeper. 1004
I psl Monroe. Jacksonville, Ela. 55-8-22
HOI r.K EEIT'J;, capable for work and
practical management hotel. small
’ I growing town, or exclusive refined pa
: ! tronage; particulars for reply. Loyald
’ i Taylor, Macon, Ga. 30-8-19
Situations Wanted—Male.
!I CH Al' FFEUR wishes position with pri
vate or commercial parties. Cleve Al-
I Davis st. 48-8-26
. YOUTH, seventeen, good education, wants
i position with possibilities; willing to
I work for advancement. Hustler, care
Georgian. 27-8-26
; W A NT’ED I ’osition in Atlanta as shoe
i salesman; have had ten years’ experi
i ence and can give rhe cer\ best of refer
l ence. Address 51 W. Cain streel. city.
• k. D. Twif< htL 57-8-24
CHAUFFEI R Permanent first-class
driver vxants position in private family;
first-class references from last employer;
i of first-class people; casn keep up auto
mobile in cleaning and repairs. Address
i <;erni;in - Box 10. care Georgian.. 65-.8 24
WANTED—On or before September 1. a
: position as collector, city or traveling
salesman, by an honest and industrious
man; references given. Address .1 P.,
care < Georgian. 49-8-24
BOOKKEEPER. Ojzht years’ ex
perience, would appreciate con
' sideration. Want position with
company who demands ability
and character. Phone Ivy 1856-1.
1 YoI’NG German electrical engineer just
1 now out of position wants work; will
do anything honorable. Box 593, care
, 41 -8-24
A-1 STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly ex
perienced. now employed, will accept
position meriting the services of a good
, man. Salary $75; excellent references.
Address Permanent. Box 500. care <Jeor
gian. 35-8-23
IT RST-(’I;ASS stock salesman wants good
selling proposition: preferably in South
1 Carolina. Address Stocks, Box 10(). care
i Georgian. 50-8-23
LICENSED, experienced druggist needs
work at once. Address W. E B , 6
Howell st., city. t?-S-2 3
I’AI’.XBIaE young man. 19. desires position
as assistant bookkeeper or office work
by nr before Sept. 1; A-1 references as to
character and ability. Address J. W. L..
I B• • x ~>7l Covington. Ga. 41-8-23
W A NTED -Position as collector or s7
licitor; have had laundry experience.
will do anything *.hat is reasonable; must
have a position at once. Aged 30: good
I references. Address G. T. .L, 125 Deca
■ tur street. 27-8-23
AVA NTF7D—-Bookkeeping position by
young man with two vears experience
Good reference. Address C. C. <’., Box
’ 200. care Georgian.s9-8-22
WANTED- Position as collector by
young man. Good references. Address
Charles. Atlanta phone 1468 62-8-22
lating. voicing and repairing. Bell.
1 phone Main 2254-L. East Atlanta. Drop
:i p. st al. I _wHl_ean 6-19-24
Job Work.
1 WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters. We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing 62U S I-’orsyth street. Bell 1187;
Atlanta 6087-M
Lost and Found.
: I i.< Cst ' i )lam<>nd stud last Saturday aft or
( noon, one karat. Please return to 242
. Central avenue and receive S2O reward.
• i 40-8-26
L<>ST Al Litl.i.i Springs, Ga , A jgust 25,
small diamond ring Finder will please
■ return to I- <» Woodson 70U Peachtree
street Atlanta and receive 1: bora I reward
? y 31 8- 26
! i L'’ST Gohl wai< h ?i»’d fob Left’in bar
bel -h«*p Fourth National Rank imlld
)I mg l-'ii <ler plea>• ■HI Main 113.’ 82*8-24
' Boarders Wanted.
; DESIRABLE rooms with good table
I board: good service; will also furnish '
i meals. Phone Main 1978 178 Washing- 1
I ton st. B-24-60 |
TRY BOARD at 308 South Pryor; home-
I references. Main 2456-L. 8-26-2
LARGE rooms; excellent board at 18 !
; Capitol Place; $4 per week. 72-8-24
1 HAA’E ONE small and three large, beau”
i tiful. connecting rooms with board,
j suitable for party of six or more. Good
' price expected for same. Box 466, care
YOU,NG men to board in private family
of adults; close in; on north side. 56
E. <’ain st. Ivy 5520-LB-23-24
117 E. NORTH AA’E., room with bath;
something extra fine; excellent meals.
1 nner in evening. 39-8-23
i NEAT, cool rooms and homelike coo io
ing. 173 Luckie street. Atlanta phone
2437. 51.22-38
NEATLY furnished rooms with board. 25
AA’est Baker. Ivy 501-. I 8-20-37
Jost Off Peachtree
SELECT rooms with or without board:
reasonable. 19 W, Cain st. S-20-36
ROOMS and board; also table board;
north side. Ivy 2423-.1. 8-20-26
THREE gentlemen or couple can secure
delightful room; good meals: home-like.
26 E. Cain st. B-20-11
PRIVATE family in West End desir one
or tw*o couples to board; everything
first-class. Bell phone West 568-. T.
SELECT boarding at 16 East Baker, un
der new management: cleanliness our
motto; inspection invited. The best ta
ble in the city at moderate prices. Rooms
with private hath. Ivy 2666-. I 8-19-31
NICE ROOM and board in exchange for
diamond, motorcycle, piano or type
writer. Small cash payment. Piano, Box
10. care Georgian. B-17-30
$1.50 to $2.50 day; $7.00 to $12.50 weeklv;
American plan. 50c to $1.50 day; $3 00
to $7.00 weekly European. References
exchanged. 8-13-36
IF you appreciate cleanliness try us. $4
to $6 week. 123 Capitol avenue. 8-10-7
Board Wanted.
WANTED—By two young ladies, large,
airy, upstairs room and board, with pri
vate family: prefer the south side. Must
be close in. Address L., Box 2, care Geor
gian. 8-24-5
WANTED -Addresses of all STAMMER
ERS who are willing to pay $lO for a
certain cure. The Fon-Lin Institute. G..
2516 Indiana avenue. Chicago, 111. 8-7-4
SCREENS -Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank Building. Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310.
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit
you. and it means insurance. 6-24-19
ciaI method for adults commencing music.
Enables you to play well in three .months
All monotony of practice avoided. Even
ing lessons if desired. Music, Box 777,
, care Georgian. 48-7-23
refined, homelike; limited number of
: rntients cared for: home provided for in
fants; infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T.
, 1 Mitchell. 26 AATndsor st. 6-22-12
i■, , ,
: FOUND—The successful treatment for
• | skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
; pany. 21 Inman building. Atlanta. Ga. If
. you can rot call, write. 6-7-36
The Many Spirella Styles.
I INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
I genuine skill of our corsetieres is mani
| fested in selecting the model that be
comes you best, company headquarters.
i **4 East North avpnuc. Ivy 6176 5-28-36
STOCKMAN, 42. worth $30,000. would
marry. J., Box 35. League. Toledo,
Ohio. 51-8-26
: FrofessorTZU 'vorx?
. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM, clairvoyant and
palmist. Parlors, 74 Walton street. La
ri ics' maid in attendance. 8-6-7
REVEALS PAST, present and future
Can be consulted on all affairs of life.
i Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
I (in tent).
1 IS NOW LOCA’ITCD in tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted on
al! affairs of life. Charges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
DROPSY’ CURED—Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing in 15 to 20 days. Write for particu
lars. Cofiom Dropsy Remedy Coinpan-.,
512 Austell Building, Atlanta 5 26-11
DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy-, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
• similar obstructions. Trial box by mail.
50c. Frank Edmondson <Sr 2>ro„ manufac
turing chemists, 14 South Broad street.
Atlanta, Ga 2-17-14
, WANTED Twelve or fifteen school desk<
at once. Address A. 8., care Georgian
WANTED Second-hand barber .chair
> Must be a bargain Kelly & Leslie
CASH PAID for all kinds salable
MAIL LIST. Phone 1822 Main, or better
; still, bring books to store
71 Whitehall St. (Cavan's.)
WANTED Second-hand Bach< chair
Must be a bargain Kelly & Leslie.
i 8-24-54
; 1 BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. 1. Bock, 32 Bell street <
Fl’ftN IT’I’RE and household goods-, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind,
accented on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pryor St
Bell phones Main 1434 Main 187, Atlanta
2285. ' 8-15-12
DROP A CARD Will bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. 'ihe Vestiare, 166
Decatur street 6-27-42
WANTED Wo pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office i
, furniture Cash advanced on consign- i
. ments Springer’s Auction House. 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526
_ _ 4 -10- 1 0
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture
Cash advanced on consignments, t’ontra!
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street. Bell phono Main 2424 8 26-26
Business Opportunities.
FDR SALE Small hut well eatahlished
' grocery busines.- good stand. < heap
rent, owner leaving cit> Address W T
1a r * * 28 * 24
' F< »R SALE- General moi chan<flMo bu»l”
ness in good country town. There 1s
connected lumber, shlngl*. building tna
' terial. ice, .■«> ' . garage and meat market
N', u does *2'-.oon u, <IO,OOO pet vear ('an
,I’o doubled Will dear $5,000 to $6 000
. \l -ut «5,000 will handle Box 143 \o-
• tell, <»a 8 19-27
Want Ad Rates and Rules
i in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each insertion
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words. Ada in larger type, i
12c a line (4 words to the line).
Out-of-town advert! sementa
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
i than one time
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be 'n
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the da}- of the issue.
All ads must be ordered out In
writing or at office. No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone.
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
is counted Each Initial counts one
word; compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly madß
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad he re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that It has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
i occurring in telephone advertise-
, ments.
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed In care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
For Sale Miscellaneous.
1 »IAM< )NDS~~
THEIR value is constantly increasing, ami
you can turn them into cash instantlv.
plan allows you to select a stone from
our stock and pay for it by the month.
You wear the stone while paying for it.
Write for our catalogue todav.
434 East Bay. Jacksonville, Fla.
MAKE O. A. Nix. Carrollton, Ga., best
offer on complete architectural drawing.
all text-books and drawing outfit com
plete; course originally costing sl2l in
best correspondence school in U. S.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS for sale cheat'.
Owner leaving city. Applv 148 Auburn
avenue. Atlanta phone 18188-26-12
WANTED—An elevator boy. Apply at
once. 1.7 West Caln street 8-26-9
f’oß SALE—One dining table, sideboard
and six chafrs. S2O; bed room suit. $5.
other pieces cheap 248 Ivj st 37 8-26
HIGH-GRADE sample piano for quick
sale at factory price. W. T. Malcom,
, Factor}’ Representative. 32 Houston st
• . 29-8j26
FOR SALE—New cabinet tool chest: can
be seen at 26 Capitol ave2B-8-26
1 SMALL meat market for sale. 70 Hous
; ton st. 8-24-65
50 SHARES of stock in the above com-
> pany at 43 and 45 Whitehall street. Ad-
dress George a. Flodlng, 56 Hurt street.
Atlanta. 8-24-63
. F< >R SAI .1 ’ \ rnercai t ess in a
> good south Georgia town good reason
• for selling. For further information,
write to P. O. Box 195, Vienna, Ga.
FOR SALE -Fixtures and shelving, one
1 iron safe, four counter show cases, mir
: rors » at 170 Peachtree street. 8-22-34
1 high -ora i' i< icii> '<-r'eam~<?<snes7~
• Nunnally’s ice cream department, Atlanta.
_Ga. 18-21-28
FOR SALE—Double walnut wardrobe.
good condition: cheap; leaving citv
M , 175,8-20-47
1 FOR SALE Fine upright piano; sweet
tone; cheap; leaving citv M.. 175.
Amprir-qn “ H registers everything ’
jijiiv.i m <lll Latest improvements.
C’qtzli ( M registers exchanged.
• ' <’• 11 All sizes; easy terms.
I Atlanta Cash Register Co.
I. 34 East Alabama street
POPE’S SPECIAL Best dollar watch in
the world sent prepaid, only 86c. Fully
guaranteed to keep correct time two years
ey refunded immediately if you are not
free if it breaks A more serviceable
I watch can not be-had at any price Mon
ey refuneded immediately If you are not
highly pleased. Order today without fail
Pope Watch and Diamond Company 1514
Main street. Dallas. Texas. 6-1-14
National Cash Register.
$35. SSO. S6O. $75. SIOO. $l5O and up to suit
your needs Terms easy. Liberal ex
change for cash registers in use. Bell
phono Tw 4155. Atlanta 594.
60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52
F<»R SALE- S7OO worth Whitfield MedL
<-lne Co. and Bullard (’ar Door stock;
Whitfield stock will pay 10 per cent divi
dend this year. Best cash offer gets it.
Box 143. Austell._Ga LIUI
NEW. beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service;
plain or designed; an\ size. Catalogue,
free Orierttaf Rug Company, Baltimore.
Md _ •
move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets.
floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32.50
up: vacuum sweepers. $9.75. C J. Daniel
& Co., 416 Fourth Nat Bk Bldg. 12-2-11
Life-Time Furniture, Rugs
and Draperies.
' Giuiranleod Brass Bods $lO up.
National Springs $3.98
’Felt Mattress $7.50
Dining 'Fables . . $11.50 and up
I Dining ('hairs $1.98
Sideboards $16.00 and up
If it’s Furniture, we have it.
and at the right price.
Pay for your Furniture while
yon use it. “A little at a time.”
Life-Tinie Furniture, Rugs
and Draperies.
62 Peachtree.
Stove and Range Repairing.
SELLS •■•nd hand ga s xtov«*x W* hbp<»p
• hhnn*>s Wc tHk* down heater* Wo*
►ell wick and wi< khss oil atovls We well
(gasoline qn.ehand tanges Atiuntfj phone
2236 21 Whitehall street Bell phone
Main 3699 4 4 7
“The Georgnan’s Rent Bufljetm” >
i A New List Each Day * i
Is Is the Room. Apartment or House you now live in desirable, comfortable.!
I > home-like and cool? s
I< ki E’* is ’ s,ay wll<? re you are—if not. consult this complete list of every desira- <
j> ble place for rent in the city and suburbs. The Georgian has two men searching;
t ? each dax to list every desirable place that is for rent for the benefit and con- ?
<) venlence of its readers. You save money, time and trouble by consulting this I
S bulletin. ?
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
KURNISHED rooms at 11 W. Baker st.:
steam heat, hot and cold water; second
floor apartment Phone Ivv 5039.
NICE, bright rooms adjoining hath; large
closet; private home; close in. Ivv
6 381. 8-25-27
ENTIRE second floor of four pleasant
ro<»ms and bath. Adults only; hot water,
gas and electricity. 251 Crew street
TM O rooms for housekeeping; private
home. 520 Central avenue.3B-8-26
LARGE, nicely furnished room, steam
heated. electric lights, north side, prl
vate family. Ivy 1294-L. 8-26-11
NICELY furnished room for rent; near in;
call Main 3900. or Atlanta 1620. ask for
bookkeeper. 8-26-25
TWO front rooms, nicely furnished; prefer
renting to young men or trained nurses;
easy walking distance of business center.
IN I’eeatur, suite of two furnished rooms
with private bath, beautlfullv located.
345 Candler street. Phone Decatur 294.
■ _ S - 24 J
FRONT bed room'in private family; three
blocks from Candler Bldg. Phone Ivv
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light
housekeeping at 31 East Harris street.
- 24J 0
NICELY furnished room, adjoining batli
in steam heated apartment; electric
lights and phone. Call at Apartment No.
2, 387 Peachtree st., or phone Ivv 3584.
CLEANEST, cheapest rooms; near in; all
conveniences. 174 South Prvor st.
Phone Main 4695. 8-24-70
FOR RENT—Two elegantly furnished
rooms. $4 and $5 per week. Apply 485
Peachtree. Phone Ivy 6103.100-8-24
For RENT - Two or three rooms, fur
nished for tight housekeeping. 79 East
Harris. 75-8-24
BEAUTIFUL double room, well furnished;
every accommodation: just above
Peachtree_Place.Phone ivy 309. 8-24 10
FOR RENT—Pleasant room; modern con
veniences; in steam heated apartment,
close in. North side. Phone Ivy 6033-1.
NEAT; cool room; close in; good neigli
borhood Capitol ave. 8-24-31
STEAM HEATED room In private family;
every convenience. 140 Trinity ave.,
Apt. No. 1, ■B-24-20
IN PRIVATE home, close in. one nice
furnished room for gentleman or busi
ness lady. Phone Ivy 3540-L. ?-24»23
Newi.y furnished rooms for rent, good
location. Phone Main 2768. 295 Wasli-
Ington st,
FOR RENT—Two rooms. Can be ar
ranged for housekeeping, if desired.
All conveniences. 231. Courtland street.
FOR RENT Neat cool room on second
I floor; $6 a month. 59 East Ellis street.
FOR RENT—Three rooms for light
housekeeping; completely furnished; all
; conveniences; reasonable; no children.
Phone Main 2383-.1 49 Milledge avenue.
' 51 8-23
NEAT, cool front room; close in. 174
; Ivy 5t.44-8-23
i FIiIINISHED room; screened and cool;
; private family; good neighborhood; gen
' llcmen onb'. 53 E. Cain st. 45-8-23
nicely furnished front room; gentlemen.
Phone Ivy 2979-. L 8-23-13
. TWO elegantly furnished front rooms,
Complete for housekeeping, either front
j or second floor; no children taken; private
- entrance; porcelain sink in kitchen, elec
tric lights hot bath. Bell phone; best 10-1
1 cation. 290 Washington. 8-23-8
TWO completely furnished rooms for
; ligiit housekeeping to couple without
b children. Atlanta phone 3424. 49 Broth
■ erton st. 8-23-9
I VERY desirable, large, cool front corner
room, second floor, private family, north
side, steam heat. Trained nurses or busi
; ness women preferred. Call Ivy 3570-.1.
’ 31-8-23
1 NEWLY furnished rooms, close In. cor
, ner Piedmont and Armstrong streets.
• Phone ivy 4986-.1 26-8-23
1 AMERICAN PLAN, $1.25 UP Weekly
rate?. 63-8-22
FOR RENT One upstairs furnished room
at 117 West Baker street Atlanta 4555.
NICELY furnished cool rooms; hot bath;
1 vvr - v close * n - 10* Ivy street. 8-22-15
NEAT, cool room in private family; con
venient to bath: walking distance. 200
; w son. 8-22-1.6
FURNISHED rooms in strictly private
i Ihome 19 East Harris street 8-22-17
21 HAST <’AIN STHFI/r Wanted, a
' ro«rmmate fur gentleman. 50-8-20
, F()R RENT Nice cool front rooms; all
conveniences; close in. 276 Whitehall
: FOR RENT N*>atlj furnished rooms
(’an be arranged for housekeeping 202
South Forsyth 8-19-20
F( »R RENT Furnished rooms for house
keeping; close in; all conveniences. 161
South Forsyth 8-19-22
FoR RENT -Two or three rooms, fur
nished for housekeeping; no children
73 Williams st re et. 8-19-15
; LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, baths and excellent
table board under new management. 4
West Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivy 6790-J.
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED By man. wife and two chil
• dren two rooms for light housekeeping
, and use of bath; north side preferred
Phone Ivy 687- J 8-26-1
WANTED By two quiet young ladies a
large, airy, upstairs rnoni. with private
1 family and in walking distance of Third
I National Bank building Address K . Box
1. care Georgian B-24-6
. WANTED—By young man furnished
room in private home close in. J. R .
care Georgian 28-8-23
FOR SALE At about one-third of coat
price, a National touring car, late 1911
model, full equipment: mechanically
sound. Address or apply to Owner, 7
Carnegie way. Telephone Ivy 902.
' FOR SALE Cheap for cash, 25 horse
power Maxwell. in fin< condition
Geor glan
I recharged magneto and CAR
BURETOR work a specialty We give
I careful attention to electric autn and bat
* trry work llartrampf & Yarbray Co
Phono Main 3810. 58 Edgewood avenue
just below Equitable building 4-22-5
FOR SALE At sacrifice, brand-new s24<>
Curtis motorcycle. Direct from sac tory
Phone VI X I’mio-r p, •, l, g
WANTED Bargain In motorcycle; prefer
twin or four-cylinder late model, good
condition; describe fully; date purchased
and number • 1 machine Name lowest
• ash price* Farrar Lumber t’oniparn
Bainbridge. GA
fl AX’E a good Pope motor< yc-le w ill sell
for IM, Tree engine 430 cash. 127 a
month Vidros* Motorcycle, 220 Court
am • i
WANTED A second-hand motorcycle,
num bn •'• ui tot spot ca b) I, H
Bftih ; l' r afreet | |
F<>l R h n Indian helf drive motor
<}cle. nearh new owner leaving cir
is ill make pi ue r ght Addre*-- I- i H
’<o3 Atlanta National Bank Bldg <8 a■' ’■
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
TO GENTLEMEN—Ni elv furnished or I
unfurnished steam-heated room, bath; I
Bell phone; electric lights; five minutes of
business center; north side. Call in per- i
son. 79 Spring street, tup floor. 8-26-8
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms;
for light housekeeping: private family,
close iq. 233 S. Pryor st 24-8-26
TIHIEE unfurnished connecting rooms;
sink in kitchen and bath. 159 Kelly st
Atlanta phone 5037. Bell phone Main
THRICE nice rooms with conveniences for
housekeeping 210 Angier avenue.
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms and
kitchenette. Apply 85 Crew street.
FOR RENT- Four unfurnished rooms
with bath, in perfect repair. Ivy 961-L.
Rents $22.50 per month. 11 Baltimore
block. 8-23-19
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR RENT —To couple two connecting
rooms, furnished or unfurnished; all
: conveniences; close in; reasonable .For
information call Bell phone Main 3582-J
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—By young married couple,
■ four nice connecting rooms for light
I housekeeping with modern conveniences;
West End preferred. Address Box 462.
1 care Georgian B-24-24
I AVANTED—Three or four rooms by cou
i pie with baby, private entrance pre-
I ferred. Good neighborhood and car serv
; tee. Must be reasonable. C. I. C . care
Georgian. 33-8-23
1 : - -
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT—I 96 Juniper street, near
Seventh; seven-room furnished apart
ment, by the year. S6O per month. Ivv
FOR RENT Three beautiful rooms and
bath: modern conveniences, north side.
Ivy 2478. 8-19-14
Furnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED—Furnished cottage with im
provements at East Lake October 1. by
couple; no children. References. Phone
Decatur 578. 8-26-30
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
THREE attractive rooms, bath and mod
ern conveniences for housekeeping, no
children; north side. Phone ivv 2478.
TWO close-in four-room apartments;
bath, hall and front porch to each apart
ment; rent reasonable. Chas. S. Robison,
27 E Hunter. Bell phone M. 1181.
ber 1, three steam-heated apartments,
in the Stafford. 82 Carnegie place; very
desirable location; new, well kept; ail
■ conveniences. Apply Janitor, or phone
Ivy 61.09-L 61-8-24
BETWEEN Peachtree and Juniper, on
North avenue, one block from Georgian
Terrace hotel. There will probably be
for lease on September 1 or October I
apartments ranging In price from $65. S7O
and $75 per month. Phone ivv 657-J,
or call at 29 Ponce DeLeon avenue.
114 8-17
THE most up-to-date apartments with
four rooms and bath in Atlanta, located
at 324 and 326 Forrest avenue; ready for
occupancy by September 1; can be seen at
any time: price, S4O per month. Office
phone. Main 2102. home phone Ivy 508-.1.
L. B. Sanders. Owner. 8-9-29
FOR RENT —The new apartment bouse
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bozco
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience. and renting for $32.50 to $35, is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on
premises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler
Building. 5-9-57
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—I 64 Highland avenue, seven
rooms; all conveniences; large yard,
527 W I’,-di Iyy 5499-J 8-26-4
is HOl.i ierness st , new six-room
bungalow: beautiful fixtures, tile bath,
gas. electricity; $25. Call Barge, West
(43. 105-8-24
FOR RENT From September 1. modern
brick residence: 65 East Cain street.
Phone £vy 38.14-.1 8-24-61
five-fj >i >m house; $lB month: :i; Hail
street, corner Simpson. Phone Ivv
2807-D 53-8-23
MODERN 6-room cottage for rent. 420
East Georgia avenue, lot 50x200. Six
room cottage, porcelain bath, one of the
most desirable locations In Atlanta, $25.
A. J. A H. F. West, 218-219 Atlanta Na
tional Rank Bldg. 8-23-7
37 Larkin, c0ttage77777777777775T5
22 East Alexander, first floor apt 15
21 Forrest avenue, rooms cheap.
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates Turman, Black A Cal
houn. 203 Hhnpire Bi<ig 6-29-66
FOR RENT, HtJITSES- Cali, — write 5?
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O.
Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Stables For Rent.
FOR RENT -Brick stable, private en
trance; reasonable. 104 South Pryor
street. 8-22-14
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for S 2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company. 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Monuments and Stone Work.
All kinds stone work
17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3540
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M <’ FI RNITI’RE transfer, we pack
arid ship Main 3657-. J, A. 1319. 42
Madison ave 3-12-7
Painting and Tinting.
EMBRY Main 1455 318 l-’OIUTTi A-
- BANK Bi IbDING. 6-11-24
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
I< HIM I.El? AND 'rkpairkd~"~~
PHONES Bell Main 1576, Allahla 1654
Fire Proof Storage.
Wl STOKE Hol EHoI.D goods g,7<|
p an* t rffice and war ehmif*e. 3.19 ’4l
l.d#f*<»<H| a w hv ’o;h John J Wood
aide Htor «gt Company.
MO.X DA Y, Al (H ST 26. 1912.
Auction Sales.
COMMENCING at 10 a. m., Tuesday, we
will offer to the highest bidder sev
eral real fine brass beds with springs
and fplt mattresses, feather pillows,
fine blankets, chiffnrobe. dressers,
chiffoniers in oak and mahogany and
bird’s-eye maple, kitchen cabinet, hat
rack, genuine leather library chairs,
Vernis Martin beds, fine lot of rockers
in mahogany, fumed oak, early Eng
lish, some of them upholstered in gen
uine leather. three-piece genuine
couch mahogany parlor suit, uphol
stered in genuine leather, cost S2OO,
and Is comparatively new . mahogany
library table, elegant buffet, box seat,
leather dining chairs, large Turkish
leather rocker, cost $65; center ta
ble-. table and bed linen, imported
Oriental rugs. Brussels art squares,
Wilton hall runners, matting, hall and
stair carpet, lace curtains, sheeting,
couch covers, hall draperies and many
other things too numerous tn men
tion. This is a nice, clean, up to
date lot of furnishings that you can
select from to be in keeping with
anything in your home. Absolutely
to the highest bidder, commencing
promptly at 10 a. m. Tuesday, Au
gust 27. You can look them over
Monday all day. Glad to show you
12 E. Mitehell Street.
Decatur street. We buy and sell any
and everything, Atlanta phone 2285; Bell
plume Main 1434, Main 1877-29-20
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new
management; will accept your surplus
stock of any kind on consignments; cash
advanced; settlement on date of sale.
143 S. Pryor st. Bell plume Main 1434.
Main 187; Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30
Stock for Purchase Money Notes.
IF YOU HAVE and want to sell some A-I
purchase money notes and you will con
sider in full or part settlement shares of
stock in a sound corporation that will
pay a 7 per cent dividend at its annual
meeting February next, communicate
with us and investigate. Address Real
Estate, P. O. Box 470, Atlanta 8-22-44
i ,
i Money To Loan.
LOANS made on real estate. Purchase
money notes bought and sold. F. M.
i Loveless, 1321 Candler building. S-17-10
SURANCE CO. of Ameri
i ca can make you a loan on
Atlanta improved property,
through their loan corre
spondents. Turman, Black
6 Calhoun, 203-8 Empire
Building. 6-7-12-1
AND OTHERS, upon their own names;
cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden
tlal. D H. Tolman, !>44 Austell building.
WE can make loans on Atlanta real es
tate and farm lands. Apply to Ralph
O Cochran. 19 South Broad 7-10-20
MONEY on hand for immediate loans on
property in or near Atlanta. J. E Van
Valkenburg. 501 Equitable Bldg. 6-6-22
Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-2
WE HAVE plenty of money to
lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
and nearby property, either for
straight or monthly payment
plan. Also for purchasing pur
’ chase money notes. Foster &
Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave.
jewelers and brokers
30> PITI«S
' bldg.,
LOAN --C <y
amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S.
W. Carson. 24 South Broad st. 4-1-17
FARM LOANS placed in any amount on
improved farm lands in Georgia The
Southern Mortgage Company. Gould build
Ing 7-13-;
Without Indorsement
Without Collateral
Without Real Estate
Monev loaned at
301-2 Fourth Nation
al Bank Building.
Every day is a good day to read the
Want Ad I'ages of The Georgian. New
opportunities are there today that did r.ot
exist yesterday
Special Notice,
Bl 'l LEH The triends and relatives of
Mr and Mrs Samuel Irving Butler,
I>r and Mrs. George W Butler. Par
nainbtv ... Brazil Mr and Airs Willie
Bnlh r. Memphis. Tenn . Rev an«l
Mr Walter Hudgins t'bhugo, 111 .
Mt and Mt>- <’harlee Moore, Mt and
Mih WilDam M» <’rowky; Mr. and .Mrs.
V I Stewart Mr and Mrs R F Le
|{.- Mt and Mt- I \V Hodo, H; .Mr
atu< Mt* H I’JIL* Butler. Mrs Emma
• uart Walith, Mias Ulen Stewart,
<•»»• te«iuF4ted in attend the funeral «»f
Mi Samuel Irving Butler Fueidiv
iKorning at II * h»rk at the old fam*
Uy «< ineiett, Rueaell.