Newspaper Page Text
News of
AT the regular week-end dinner
dance at the Piedmont Driving
club Saturday evening, the guests
incUded several charming visitors, in
wh«e honor informal parties had been
Hrs. Lawson Stapleton, of Americus.
th< guest of Mrs. Charles E. Sciple, was
th' central figure in a party including
Mi and Mrs. Sciple, Mr. Martin Amor
otf and Mr. E. P. Mcßurney.
dis*Ethel Ray, of Philadelphia, was
tie honor guest at a dinner party com
posed of Miss Bessie Woodward, Miss
label Kuhrt. Mr. Lynn Werner, Mr. O.
J. Young and Mr. Rob Ryan.
Others present included Mr. and Mrs.
joughty Manley. Mr. and Mrs. Carle
on Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin John
lon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sisson.
Dr. and Mrs. Willia J. Blalock. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Lee Cooney, Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Cosgrove, Mr. and Mrs. Ulric
Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hartnan,
Misses Gladys LeVin, Bessie Woodward,
Emily Winship. Messrs. W. S. Guthrie,
R. W. Hunt. James J. Goodrum. Hugh
Scott, J. C. Colquitt and Mr. Butters, of
One of the largest dinner dances of
the season was held at the Country club
at East Lake. Among those present
were Misses Lilian Logan, Julia Rich
ardson. Clifford West, Margaret North
en, Laura Ansley, Elizabeth Morgan,
Aurelia Speer. Sarah Coates. Mary Hel
en Moody, Helen Jones, Elizabeth Raw
son. Nell Prince, Alline F'elder. Gene
vieve Morris, Elvira Westmoreland,
Carrie Dallis. Kate Wheatley, of Amer
icus; Ethel Dunham, of Baltimore; Lee
wood Oglesby, of Quitman; Julia Mead
or. Isabel Kuhrt. Lillian Williamson,
Elise Brown, Sarah Bell, Messrs. Rem
sen King. Charles E. Sciple. Jr.. Clar
ence Knowles, George Plant. Rudolph
Gelssler, Archie Lee. John Morris, Jr..
Archer Davidson. Cleve Simms. Hughes
Roberts, Ben Daniels, Edward Barnett,
Winter Alfriend. Bockover Toy, Frank
Spratling. Dixon McCarty, Arthur
Wynn, Bowie Martin, Leslie Forbes,
Henry Hull. Charlie Meador. Moultrie
Hitt, James Ragan, James Callaway,
Ernest Ramspeck, Carl Ramspeck. Dan
YateS, Julian Prade, Horton Matthew
son, George Walker, Lieutenant Bur
dett, Dr. John F. Denton, Dr. Charles
P. Hodge. Dr. J. V. Pierson, Dr. G. R.
Moore, Mr. Worthey and Mr. Cook.
The Brookhaven club was visited by
many club members and their friends
Satuday afternoon and evening. Among
those having supper at the club were
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Andrews, Mr.
No young woman, In the Joy of
coming motherhood, should neglect
to prepare her system for the physi
cal ordeal she is to undergo. The
health of both herself and the coming
child depends largely upon the care
she bestows upon herself during the
waiting months. Mother's Friend
prepares the expectant mother’s sys
tem for the coming event, and its use
makes her comfortable during all the
term. It works with and for nature,
and by gradually expanding all tis
sues, muscles and tendons, involved,
and keeping the breasts in good con
dition, brings the woman to the crisis
in splendid physical condition. The
baby, too, is more apt to be perfect and
strong where the mother has thus
prepared herself for nature’s supreme
function. No better advice could be
given a young expectant mother than
that she use Mother’s Friend; it is a
medicine that has proven its value
in thousands of
cases. Mother’s MfiTljrrVc
Friend is sold at Lsay)! FIILK3
drug stores.
Write for free 0&T RIEpiD
book for expect-
ant mothers which contains much
valuable information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nature.
We do not believe there is
a house more painstaking or
that is more rigid in the
placing of the different grade
stones in the class to which
they belong than ours. For
instance, if a diamond shows
the least trace of yellow, we
do not hesitate to mark it off
color, or if any one of a
number of things is present
which tends to reduce its
cost, we invariably mark it
in accordance. As a conse
quence. it is possible for one
to go through our stock, and
however little they may
know of diamonds, make as
satisfactory a selection as an
We invite you to see our
splendid display, at which
time, if you desire it. we
will be glad to go over our
partial payment plan fully
with you.
Selection packages sent
anywhere on approval.
tuiwj - ST WWTCMU; s*
Miss Edith Howe McCool is visiting
*in Kentucky and Tennessee.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Clayton and Miss
; Adelaide Clayton are at Warm Springs.
Master Albie Malone, Jr., leaves
I Monday to enter school at Bellbuckle,
I Tenn., for the winter.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ella Donald, of Green
wood, S. C., is the guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. A. E. Arnold, in West End.
Mrs. Edith Colling Fisk, of Cincin
nati, will remain for a few days longer
with her sister. Mrs. William C. Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Chapman and
family will .take possession of their
new home on Hurt street, Inman Park,
next week.
Mrs. Sarah J. Purtell. who has been
confined to her apartment at the Adair
for the past week, is improving and
will soon be out again.
Miss Sallie Cobb Jackson will re
main several weeks longer at Wrights
ville Reach, where she will be joined
by her mother. Hrs. J. L. McDonald.
Mrs. John Morris, Miss Mary Morris.
Mrs. Edward Quinn and. little daughter,
and Mrs. William A. Speer, Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Allen, Messrs. F. A. Coker,
C. A. Johnson, F. A. Watts and Philip
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L, Bishop had
as their guests for dinner Mr. and Mrs.
Chessley B. Howard. Mr. Fred Patter
son entertained a party, including Miss
Kate Wheatley, of Americus; Mr. and
Mrs. John DuPree, Mr. Turner Carson
and Mr. L. W. Wright.
Dr. J. Cheston King had as his guests
Mrs. George Wright, of Lakeland. Fla.,
and Mr. V. Clarke Williamson enter
tained Mr. P. O. O'Keefe at supper.
Others visiting the club were Mrs. J.
T. Crass. Mrs. Lowry Porter, Mrs. Wil
liam J. Garrett, Miss Lucy Harrison.
Mr. L. S. Montgomery, Mr. Charles Wil
liams. Mr. Ed Terrell and Mr. N. E.
Parties For Visitors.
Miss Frances Bailey, of Savannah,
and Miss Madge Pollock, of Rome, are
being pleasantly entertained as guests
of Miss Dodo White. Miss White's
motor party was a compliment to the
visitors, and they were honor guests
at a swimming party given at East
Lake by Miss Marie Cobb, the other
guests being Misses Marian Neal,
Princess Watts and Louise Dobbs.
Tea For Visitors.
Miss Dorothy Traynham entertained
informally at tea at the Georgian Ter
race in honor of Misses Allie Hughlett.
of Cocoa. Fla., and Elizabeth Jones, of
Danville, Va.. the guests of Miss Leland
Hughlett. The other guests were
Misses Leland Hughlett, Harriet
Haynes. Ida Winship. Faith Johnson.
I Ruth Reid. Caroline Briggs and Ellen
Mrs. Edward Traynham chaperoned
the young guests.
For Mrs. Harrold.
Mrs. W. R C. Smith entertained in-
I formally at tea at the Brookhaven club
this afternoon in honor of Mrs. Frank
Harrold, of Americus, the guest of Mrs
Clayton Callaway. Tea was served on
the piazza overlooking the lake, the
party including Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Calla
way. Mrs. Joseph McCrary and Mrs.
I Harrold.
i Informal Tea.
i Miss May Clarke was hostess at an
informal tea at the Georgian Terrace,
Iter guests Including Mrs. Garnett Quil
lian. Misses May Cunningham. Sadie
Workman, Josephine Rogers, Annie
' Brown, Esther Brevard. Willie Farrar,
Ella Brown .and May Sykes.
Informal Supper Party.
Miss Margaret Scully entertained In
formally at supper last evening in hon
or of a group of friends from Louisiana,
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Peypascham. Miss
Villars Peypaschamp ano Mr. Henry
Peypascham. The table, with covers
laid for twelve, had for a decoration
four tall cut glass vases of goldenglow.
The bonbons and ices were yellow and
the pretty color scheme was carried out
in detail.
Parties For Miss Hooper.
Miss Florence Hooper, of Athens, the
i guest of Miss Helen McCarty, is being
pleasantly entertained during her visit.
This afternoon Miss Margaret McCarty
gave a matinee party, followed by tea
at the Piedmont Driving club, in her
honor. Last evening she was the honor
guest at an informal dinner given by
Mies McCarty, the other guests includ
ing Miss Louise Broyles, Messrs. Win
gate Battle. Robert Baugh, Dixon Mc-
Carty and Edwin McCarty.
Miss Louise Broyles entertained in
formally at supper at the Brookhaven
club last evening in honor of Mies Mc-
"Were all medicines as meritorious
as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, the world would be
much better off and the percentage of
suffering greatly decreased," writes
Lindsay Scott, of Temple, Ind. For
sale by all dealers. •••
The Atlanta Conservatory of Music
will open Monday, September 2. Pupils
who wish choice of teachers should ap
ply at once.
Without perfect teeth one can not
enjoy perfect health. Decayed or im
perfect teeth are not only painful and
continuously annoying, but a positive
! menace to health and even life
Do not neglect your teeth, I'pon the
first sign of decay have them treated
and save suffering. Or. if the teeth are
already In bad condition, have th<;m at
tended to at once.
The modern scientific painless meth
ods in use by the Atlanta Dental Par
lors mb dentistry of its former terrors,
and the most difficult operations are
performed quickly and without pain.
I This handsome establishment Is lo
■ated at I > corner of Pta.hfree and
I Decatur street*, entrance at IS 1-2
I Pt •••
Carmel, have returned from Indian
Miss Kate Wheatley, of Americus,
will remain for some time longer in
Atlanta, dividing, her time between
visits to her grandmother. Mrs. Merrill
Callaway, and to Mrs. John DuPree.
Mrs. William C. Rawson and Miss
Elizabeth Rawson have returned home,
after spending several weeks at High
lands. N. C. Miss Sarah Rawson will
remain in the mountains of North Car
olina for some time longer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Oglesby, whose
marriage was a recent event, and who
spent the past several days in At
lanta. have returned to New York. Mrs
Oglesby was formerly Miss Kate Ogles
by. of Quitman.
Mrs. Roscoe Hearn, who is the guest
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Park
Woodward, will be the guest of her sis.
ter, Mrs. Thorn Flagler, after Wednes
day. returning later to spend some time
with Mr. and Mrs. Woodward.
Mrs. H. E. Bryson and her daughter,
Miss Mary E. Bryson, have left for
Cheyenne. Wyo.. where they will re
main until about October 1 visiting
Mrs. Bryson's son. Captain J. Harty
Bryson, and his wife at Fort D. A.
Mrs. Anthony Murphj’ and her sis
ter, Mrs. C. W. James, of Birmingham,
are spending several weeks at the St.
Charles, Atlantic City. Mrs. Murphy
will visit her daughter, Mrs. Boykin
Robinson, in New York before return
ing home October 1.
Mrs. Albie Malone and children, Al
bie, Jr., and Emily, have returned home
after spending the past two months in
New York with Mrs. Malone's mother.
Mrs. Clark. Miss Lalia Clark accom
panied Mrs. Malone home and will
spend some time with her.
Mrs. E. M. Chapman. Miss Rose Belle
Chapman. Mrs. E. W. Rowbotham and
Miss Ruth Rowbotham have returned
home after a week s stay at Tallulah
Falls. Mrs. Rowbotham and Miss Ruth
Rowbotham will spend a month with
Mrs. Rowbotham's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Chapman, before returning
to their home in New Orleans.
Mr. and Mis. W. S. Richardson.
Misses Annabelle and Mattie Lou Rich
ardson, Miss Jennie Broadus. Miss Jes
sie Bledsoe and Miss Frances Craine
have returned home, after a delightful
visit to St. Simons Island. Miss Bled
soe and Miss Craine leave Monday for
Augusta, where thev will be the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Kelly.
Drives Sallowness
from the Skin
Ladies, imperfect complexion is eeused by
a sluggish lives. A few davs treatment with
will do more to clean up
the skin than all the beauty
creams ta eteatioa. I
Cure, constipation,
un’logs the liver, EjQ
ends indigestion,
biliousness and S CT t
diz z ' ne ••
Purely vege
table—neves fail.
Small Pitl, Small D 0.., Small Price,
The GENUINE must bear Jignatur*
Are the only glasses in the world
that will give the Distant. Read
ing and Intermediate sight. Sold
only by us.
' EYE GLASSES will stay on any
nose, can not slip, tilt or fall off
Sold only’ by us.
If you want the highest grade
optical work, the best lenses and
a perfect and scientific examina
tion, then come and see us.
91 Peachtree St.
'tween Montgomery and Alcazar Theaters
DAILY AT 2:10. 7:45, AND 9:15
Ocean View Hotel
Pablo Beach, Florida.
After August 18, Until Close of the Season
Will Put On the Following Special Rates;
30 Desirable Rooms, European Plan.
Daily rate: 11.00, one person; $1.50, two
Weekly rate $5.00, one person. $8 00,
two person
Lower rat**s In tw > bed rpoms for three
or nu»re persona.
Special rateH in young ladles' dormitory
for wp’-k-end. or weekly parties with
Excellent <’afr in < <uinertion. I'Wm
Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday
Miss Perdue Is the
Bride of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Albert Perdue an
nounce the marriage of their daughter.
Caroline, to Mr. George Jacob Yundt,
the ceremony having been quietly per
formed this morning at 10 o'clock at the
home of the bride’s parents in Inman
Rev. M. J. Cofer was the officiating
minister and there was present only the
immediate family.
After the ceremony Mr. Yundt and
his bride left for a wedding journey
and on their return they will be at
home with the bride’s sister, Mrs. John
Boykin, at 289 Myrtle street.
Miss Alma Hood, of Baltimore, and
Mr. John G. Alexander, of Atlanta,
were married Saturday afternoon by-
Rev. Gaston R. Buford, of the’Central
Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Alexander had been visiting
Misses Josephine Bradford and Lillian
McHan for several weeks before her
marriage. She is pleasantly remem
bered by friends in Atlanta, this having
been her home up until two years ago,
when her parents removed to Balti
After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander left for a short trip to the
East and on their return they will make
their home in Atlanta.
Mrs. Charles Remsen left today to
visit her parents in Dennison,.lowa, and
will be away one month.
Lady in New York
■■■■■■■ nss ■■■■■» MHEnnmnsi
IMIIIMWIIMIIIIMHiI IWIiWI uTi -litnil iTHD I iH ■'niTfi r '"''
I’T'HAT she prefers STODDARD S work to AXY Dry
Cleaner s in New York, is evidenced by a telegram
we got from a lady in Xew York, reading as follows:
”1 gent box of articles to be cleaned. Please clean sanie
at once and return to me to St. Regis Hotel, New York— Sb®
and charge to my’ Atlanta account.”
R 2 n P Dh Chtre i eSt^ et Dixie’s Greatest
tOCtCLCIKCI Atlanta Phone 43 Dry Cleaner and Dyer
PRESENTED BY THE ® OUnd in Si,k ' Colored Maps Os
Finished \ Every Country,
Think of the convenience o f «]. 5
ways having a handy Atlas at
your elbow ! Its small enough for "v'a •: ’* efl
bandy use and large enough to .r.y
of every country, state, and prov- 7 $
ince in the entire world, it con- xxvi;. ■ "j.’i'it
tains special features that have
never before appeared in a similar V
work It’s the handy Atlas that $
.just ftts where you put it and is ?'•; •"
always there just when you need •'
Six Headings Like This: ®
Atlanta Geor4 1 3 $
L'-ZZZZZq r.iv f::i aV-
clipped daily lip* .<•'••••
of l’i." Georgiai nd pr -
the business office wilh the small <v'.V?
e j p * nse fpp Fssc W=s ®
to defray the necessary W OOMjB
distribution. REDUCED ILLUSTRATION-Actual aiza 8 3-4x7 inch.,.
FIRST PAGE HEADINGS Address, the Georgian, Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. and Mis. A B. Jones, of Latti
more. N. ('., announce the engagement
of their daughter, Ola, to Mr. Edgar
Acree., of Atlanta The wedding will
take place at the home of the bride on
Wednesday evening, August 28.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H Stearns have an
nounced the engagement of their
Flying Men Fall
victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles just like other people, with
like results in loss of appetite, back
ache, nervousness, headache, and tired
listless, run down feeling. ■ But there’s
no need to feel like that, as T. D. Pee
bles. Heney, Tenn., proved. "Six bot
tles of Electric Bitters," he writes, "did
more to give me new strength and good
appetite than all other stomach reme
dies I used.” So they help everybody.
It's folly to suffer when this great
remedy will help you from the first
dose. Try it. Only. 50 cents at all
druggists. •••
TRACTS have no equal Sold every
where 10c and 25c the .bottle, at your
The King-Murray-Jones Musical
Comedy Company, with the complete
cast of the company, consisting of Boh
King, Happy Gibbs. Jack Murray. Rob
ert Jones, George Bromer. Dorothy- Ver
non. Viola King. Adella Anderson. Iva
Genette, Joy Filmore, Corinne King
and Midge West, will present this aft
ernoon. for the first time in Atlanta.
"The Electric Hotel.” one of the best
musical comedies of the season It’s a
big hit; don't miss it. Remember the
place—Bonita Theater. 32 I’eachtr- e
street. Adults, 10c; children. sc. Con.
tinuous performances and motion pic
tints afternoons anil evenings
daughter. Edith, to Mr. Charles Loyal
Walker, the wedding to take place Sep
tember in at West Boylston, Mass.
Mis. Charles E. Sciple will give an
afternoon bridge party one day this
week in honor of her guest, Mrs.' Law
son Stapleton, of Americus.
—— - - ■ ■ ■
We are still selling all of our Sum
mer goods at greatly reduced prices.
Our very best me- i REVERE
tallic hose:
3-4 inch. 25c, Tkp
no w 18 1-2 c ft, ' ‘''“A’ ' AX‘ ( i. i. 1 Gt- UCSI
1-2 meh. 22c, 1 1 L
n°w ..17 I.2cft. jfel W/J /-plynose,
-K iß , ful| y § uar_
3-4 inch. 16c. A'vfejW • L OA
now ,i2i-2cft. inch ZUc,
1-2 inch, 15c, 1 C r~.
now .. 10c ft. now Ibe Ft.
14-inch size, now $4.50 High-wheel, ball-bearing, the
12-inch size, now 4.00 best lawn mower made:
10-i.nch size, now 3.50 20-inch size, $12.00, n0w....59.00
JEWEL Ball-bearing: 18-inch size, $ll.OO, n0w.... 8.00
18-inch size, SB.OO, now $6.00 16-inch size, SIO.OO, n0w.... 7.50
14-inch size, $7.00, now 5.00 14-inch size, $9.00, now ... 7.00
No, 6, $3.00, cut pries $1,95 I No. 9, $5.00, cut price $3.45
No. 7, $3.50, cut p ice 2.45 No. 10, $6.50, cut price 4.95
No. 8. $4.00, cut price 2.95 ■ No. 12, SB.OO. cut price 5.95
Prices good long as they last.
King Hardware Co.
53 Peachtree St. 87 Whitehall St.
Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer living
near Fleming. Pa., says he has used
Chamberlain’s Colie. Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy in his family for four
i teen years, and that he has found it to
■ be an excellent remedy, and takes
pleasure in recommending it. For sale
by all dealers. ”•