Newspaper Page Text
read for profit—GEORGIAN WANT AOS—USE for resultsthursday. AUGUST 29, 1912.
Published by The Georgian Company.
20 blast Alabama Street.
Atlanta, Ga
Entered at Atlanta as second
class matter.
Bubs< ript ions Paj - n Kch an< e
One year. mail, postage prepaid. $5 on
Six months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid. 1 25
One month, mail, postage prepaid. .45
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
Delivered by carrier, one year ...$5.20
Delivered by carrier, six months . . 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months.. 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month . 45
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
n t a wot eacl . 11« r.
No ad taken for less ti an th» price
ofter words Ads in larger type.
12c a lire (4 words to the lire)
Out-of-town a»’ ver t J
must hr accompat ied with cash
Agenci discounts 16 and 5 per
The C < gian will rot be respon
sible for m- re than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one tin *
Closing Ho rs. To secure prop
er classification, ads mustj be in
TH Georgian oTco before 1 o’clock
the <ia> of the issue
Ail ads must ho o dered cut In |
nr at office. No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone
Every word In ’I e advertisement. '
Including tl . nanu and address, j
is counted. Each 'nitial counts one
word: compound words are counted
as two words
”’rler’ one y >ur Want Ads to The ’
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
hr nr or at y<,ur ofTce the follow
ing day This if an nccomn *sie.
tlun service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
•' • ■ alway> b< promptly i.- rde
cn presentation of bill Always
ask (bat your telephone ad be re- I
nested hack tn you by the ad
a\er to make sure H at It has hern
taken correctly. The Ge< rgi.nn can
not gt i■ an tee accuricy ( i une
resnoi slbllity for errm of any kind
occurring fn telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceiptt given hi payment foi Want
\ds < r the office counter, i s mis
takes can not be rectified v ithout
them. In answering advertise
•*nts addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted- Female.
XI ED J..*i) book keeper Elyea
A■i * ; * 1 I '' >: i l l >< <t. \ 8-29 55
' 1 r wanted for a >
w’ olesale office State experience and 1
salat \ \ddr< ss Box 950, care Georgian
"WANTED Experienced voting ste
nograph. r; salary S6O. Apply in own
handwriting \ddress Manufacturers.
Box 400. cate Georgian 58-8-29
WA \ I I.i > i -.J! Sear
borough's Atlases in Atlanta.
Call on .Mr. Kindi. 527 Austell
building. 72-8 29
" '■'! >•' ■ Stenographer gm full par
titular.', salary, etc Box 20'.» care
Georgia n
COI ' I.l>mu <♦ ~ t \,, 12 M .
-_n ue 55-8-29
V\z\.\’| ED -/\t once, good cook. also
nurse Apply 36 West Alabama, fourth
flooi g
WANTED Nurse; munt be stead) Good
I itg g go
WANTED White countr’ xxoman. mid’
di. aged pr« ferred, to do housework and
look after old lad) Two in family. » nit
of town Jir.s B \ r 616 Washington
st reel. Main 5155 L 43-8-29
WANT! D \ mng lad) typewriter” some
knowledge of bookkeeping, place must
be tilled today .375 Capitol avenue
"ANTED a good rook at once \nnk
Mrs E 8 Hall. 101 West Tenth street
_ _ 8229-14
Mrs G., Ha vis. August 29. 11*12.
CH A M BI<REA IN -.1 ohnson -Du Bose Co re
quire the services of sewers in their
upholster), draper) and carpet depart
ment Apply fourth floor of furniture
store 8-29-1
" ANTED Experienced bindorx girls at
on. e. Blosser Company. .38-40 Walton st.
WANTED Suit and shirt
waist salesladies that !
< l onie direct from Suit De-1
partuu 111. <; r<>ssnian’s.
W.\XTEf>. Sook f.>r famUy of~four
ply .>9.> North Houh-var.l 8-28-38
ntlr-1 -< LASS waTtres- fur dining roonF
Apply at once. 241 West p. aehtree
_- ..... . . . 50 8-M
WAN TEO Several bright girls to sell
hosiery and undent .., .s2to <. ~e r , hn
C. A Hairston, 309 Temple Court.
a I t j 8 - 28- 4 .
SEX ER AL ambitious girls to work in
high grade candy stores onlv refined
and intelligent applicants < onsidered.
btate age and business experience Ad
dress Candy, care Georgian 47-8-26
"ANT ED \ first-class w hite servant to
do housework; live in house, good wages
to right person Call Main 42ti«-.l 8-£jt-i
WANTED Woman for all round house
work. 10 live on lot Mrs Corex 61? I
West Peachtree street Iv\ 5635-. i"
"AN I ED General hmisogirl Must know
how to cook Apply 61-A West Baker
street 8-27-”8
cook, room on the 101. small famih
Call Ivy f>l7. 8-27-1
EXPERIENCED help wanted on ladies'
and children’s dresses Applv 53 Deca-
8 • 3
<Colored u oman tk and
do general housework Room < n lot
10 W* st SixteenthMtreet g 24-62
WANTED White woman, must be g?»7»d
cook; three in family Come at one*
Mobile Market. Marietta. Ga 2S > 22
Help Wanted—Male
WANTED Press feeder and compositor
R Moore. 76 Garnett street Mau
3864-J 49-8-29
WANTED At once job p»ess feeder Call
South Broad street 8-29-13
WANTED An office box who is not going :
to school Apply 716 Empire Bldg
b _ 8-29 11
ng • ■ w
dry goods, manufacturing plant, posi
tion would he a minor one; salary appr< x
imately $lO week Address in handwrit
ing < f applicant. giving references. I’ <»
Box 1729 8-29-2
Mr- JW Dalrymple August 29. 1912
a- •
.o’i,» wen recommended. Apply 607
Rhodes Bldg.. between 7 and Ba. rn. At
-lama ..ju I’rod .o i < ,• n pany 8-28-80
<’Ak ’ ! ' i ERS wat t'. long job; best
DC '■; pl) N» x\ Court House. Pryor
«' • 3.5-8-26
BjL'V' 1H n< * ’»>< frame maker;
, # ibirci •’ . ! Pattillo Lum-
" a 5 : St eno-bookkeeper and general
offi-'- man h\ September 1 Prefer
young m?n < < dring g<o,. cham-« for H <l
vancenur.t Ex, .. , . • . r than train- .
P. O. 801
•3, Bowden. Ga. I
Try Your Skill at Writing Want Ads and Se=
cure Tickets Free of Charge to the
Forsyth Theater Each Week.
The Georgian W ant Ad Man is giving away ten (10) pairs of re
served seats ea<-h day to the writers of the ten (10) best written Want
Here is how to secure Free Tickets to the Forsyth:
It makes no difference whether you have written a Want Ad or not,
you ran try your skill at writing them and win some tickets.
For the best ten (10) written Want Ads each day there will be given
a couple of tickets to the night performance.
If you have never written a Want Ad glance over the ones on these
pages. Then see if you can’t write a few that will .make the ones you
have read look like back numbers.
It makes no difference what kind-of Want Ads you write, whether
they are for positions, wanting help, or desiring to rent, buv, sell or ex
change. -lust so it is a Want Ad.
The Georgian Want Ad Man will be the judge, and will give the
tickets to the ones that richly deserve them. There will be no partial
ity shown to any one.
Ads will be taken up until 1 o’clock each day.
The winners’names will appear in the next day’s issue among the
Want Ads. and all you will have to do is to find your name, bring vour
Want Ad receipt ami that issue of the paper to The Georgian Want Ad
counter (so that you may be identified) no later than four (4) o’clock the
next day, and get your tickets to that night’s performance. Remember
they will come in pairs so that you can enjoy the show with a friend.
Don’t wait, start today, and try your skill at writing Want Ads, and
win some of the tickets to the Forsyth theater that are waiting for you.
Help Wanted—Male.
XX’ANTi.D One guod -diert metal worker
and four men who understand Installing
XXhici Air Furnaces. Don’t apply unless
\ou can nil the r< <iuir< ment-u Moncrief
Fumaci Companj 8-27-17
YOUNG MAN wiahci nice room” u Ith or
without adjoining bath, in modern north
side close-in apartment, with very few
people State particulars. Would take
ni'<<is Box '.»77. care Georgian. 68-8-29
WANTEp Ai onc< one good carpenter
>8 Trinit> avenue 8-29-53
XX’A.X’TIID A good male stenographer;
ptrmanent place tor right man; give
age. experience, and state sal
ar\ expected. DeSoto Abstract Comnany,
Arcadia, Floa <6 x 26
XX AX I l\ I>- Two you i) g
mi'll t<> press shirts 195 1 ..
Marietta Street. 8-24-22
k Nn ED Men to learn the b&rEer
trade; few weeks completes; tools
given; wages while learning; you can
Join us w ith assurance you will succeed:
we have received praise from thousands
foi our beneficial course; Investigate now’.
Moler Barber College, 38 Luckie st.
\x \.\ ri i> \t once, job printer state
experience and salary; no boozer
wanted. McCutchen Printing Co., Winder
Ga 8-29-37
XX XX’TED Competent, sober dry cleaner.
lake charge of dry cleaning plant, con
sisting full equipment; state sa,iary want
ed. Xddress Albany Laundry Co., Al
bany, Ga. w B-29-8
XX !\ NEED a crew manager tn handle
new and exceptional proposition. You
need not apply unless you <an organize
and manage men Address Crew Mana
ger, care Georgian. 47-8-22
WXNTED Young men to learn pharm
acy this fall. Demand for our gradu
ates ♦‘xrteils supply. Next session begins
October 1 Southern College of Pharmacy.
81 streo:. Atlanta, Ga. B-1-1
XX AN'l'lhl)--Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good ' wages
and chanee for promotion,
(’’all at cireulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian.
20 East Alabama street.
’ENTERS Competent men furnish
ed on short notice tor all classes of car
penter work li.n Stephenson. 226 BroWn-
Randolpb Bldg. Phone: Main 4261, At
lanta 2932 7-2-5
is Inventors write for
list of Inventions wanted and prizes of
fered by manufacturers Also, how to get
your patent Sent free to any address.
Randolph & Briscoe, patent attorneys,
Wad-ington. D. C. 7-11-23
STOI tI 1 HB'II I; hotel, heart of City, 1 OKj
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room: transient 50c. Open all night
\ J S Professor <; i) Brannlng will tench
you the barber trade (It’s easy). We
teach in - ne halt time of other colleges.
Course, and position In our shops
only *3O Why pay more ’ Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages Atlanta Barber College, 10
MJ treets-11-17
'' ' cuts. sha \ es,
shampoos All bather work free Clean
bnen Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Help Wanted—Made and Female.
XX AX IT.I)— Several good
stenographers at onee.
Remington Typewriter Co..
• »(> X. Broad si reel. S-29-23
W \ \T |.’ 1 I ADDRESSES of all~who
' ' 1 1 ■ 1 W '< to know why the\
stammer and how to quit. The Fon-Lin
Institute, 2516 Indiana ave . Chicago. 11l
8 6 88
Teachers Wanted.
■ ■ .. ndeigu •er teat h
er, Meih.>.;:s’ IGorkla position, salary
eachert \geno> . Athens.
•' PlAN'i TUNER Action, regu
> ik. \ "icing and repairing Bell
’ ■ V * it. 22'u 1. East Atlanta Drop
» ''.' ' '..J "-dyall 8-19-24
Salesmen Wanted.
■ A 1 J 1 I n>.nance stock salesmen;
’ ’ ' I' l ■‘“ ti ever "fl’ercfi to men of
‘ I'f'irance on reform basis. A«i-
p llpfis I- A Kui . North fourteenth
54-8-3: 1
'A ■ ■I I 1 I fto or three live wire sales*
' ■ gh map* and it-
, T "ifirio - with sure Kitar-
* •" oersonal bon,! re
' q'"p'- ’• • ' • >tr ati, „ wi ll be ac-
cepted v K-ss 1’ <>. b ox ]( jo Atlanta
Fire-Proof Storage.
WE BT< IRE H< fl .s ,|oG T' U* '"7
; slios (Iffli ,
] EdgeYotxi ave lw : j.hnJ WoJfi.
1 slue btoragc Uompanj
Agents Wanted.
SELL something new In connection with
what you are now selling by a house to
house canvass. This is meritorious and
needed In every home; a sure repeater
and you make 100% profit. Money re
funded if you are not satisfied. Send 25c
for a sample prepaid. The W. & T. Co.,
708 (’andb-r Bldg, XUanta. Ga ‘>B-8-29
Situations Wanted—Female.
WANTED—Powitlon as house cleaner and
launtlferer on -lot, bj- day. bv colored
woman Address Lula Shorter, 35 North
Boulevard, 70-8-29
WANTED Position by young lady ste
nographer with about fifteen months ex
perience; references If required fail At
lanta phone 5204. 40-8-29
WANTED Position as assistant booiU
keeper or general office work; refer
ences given. Address A. H , rare Geor
gian. 8-28-40
Mrs, Virgil Jones August 29, 1912.
PI ISITION W ANTED Experienced,’ first
class lady bookkeeper, with five years
experience with large concern, desires po
sition as bookkeeper and general office
work Best references. Miss F , Box 110.
care Georgian. 58-8-22
WANTED Position as housekeeper for
widower by lady of intelligence and
refinement. Address Housekeeper. 1004
West Monroe. Jacksonville, Fla. 55-8-22
Needle Work.
EMBROIDERY, designing, fine sewing. 13
Baltimore place Ivy 5268 8-28-8
Situations Wanted—Male.
WORK WANTED by young Englishman,
28 years old; tall, strong, willing; ha«
lately been butler: willing to work at any
thing R. Crump. 169 Central avenue.
A£l a 1 Ma • 48-8-29
YOUNG MAN. recent college graduate,
office experience, wants position; any
honest occupation. Address R. A . care
Georgian. 31-8-29
\XA.\”ri:D Position as salesman In retail
dry goods store; well experienced; good
references. Address J. XV. 8.. 26 Clarke st.
_Mt> M I, I n..» '•■><! August 29, 1912
Man. 2 f , is open for position as salesman;
salary or commission, with expenses. If
you need a hustler address Hustler. 25
l.aiixln street. Atlanta 32-8-28
WANTED A position as chauffeur; had
three years’ experience; have best of
reference. Address Allen McLeod. 151
ITLS_1 T L S _ M l: 36-8-28
BOY wants to learn a trade; big. strong
sixteen-year-old boy; willing to work
Walter Corey, 619 West Peachtree. Ivy
5635-J,£3 -8-£7
WANTED Position on some country
newspaper as a typo; 52 years old and
haxi 36 years’ experience in the business.
Chas E. Looney, Bowersville. Ga
XVANTED Work by reliable colored man;
will accept either of the following
store porter, elevator, janitor for apart
ment, driver for store Address C. H. t
care G®or<l<n. 38-8-27
YOUNG MAN with several years’
rience tn office work; at present with
large corporation; is anxiqus to make
change with chance for advancement.
F. C., 183 Cooper street. 40-8-27
BOOKKEEPER and general utility TrfiTc
man proficient in detail office work;
open for employment at once; saJary rea
sonable. Utility, Box 400. care Georgian.
POSITION wanted by fully experienced
office man; business correspondence,
collections, etc.; progressive, capable, en
ergetic; satisfactory references Box 414.
ca re Georgian2s-8 -2 7
WANTED A job ns chauffeur by young
colored man. experienced. Address 176
Juniper st. 26-8-27
\v-AN’S ED Position as bookkeeper or as
sistant or other office position by young
man; can use typewriter and am accurate
in figures; can give references, had expe
rience J. T. J., Box 103, care Georgian.
UHAI FFEUR wishes position with pri-
vate or commercial parties. Clevc Al
len. j>6 Davis st. 48-8-26
\\ aNTI:d i 1 n Atlanta ta
salesman; have had ten years’ experi
ence and can give the very best of refer
ence. Address 51 W. Cain street, city
L D. Twifords£-8-24
Cfi AUFFEI’R Permanent first-class
driver wants position In private family,
first-class references from last ernpl \er:
of first-class people, can keep up auto
mobile In cleaning and repairs Address
German. Box 10. care Georgian 65-8 24
A-1 STEN()GRAPHER. thoroughly ex
perienced. now employed, will accept
position meriting the services of a good
man. Salary $75; excellent references
Address Permanent, Box 500, care Geor
gian. 35-8-23
Window Cleaning.
National Window Cleaners
Dwellings or Stori Fronts Carpets Vacu
um Cleaned: Floors Oiled or Waxed
All Work Guaranteed.
47 E. Hunter St .Main 1175, Atlanta
Phone 1051 11.5-24
Job Work.
IWE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters We
make tliem io order Roof repairing, brick
; work, wall tinting, painting and piaster
ling 62U S Forsyth street Beil 1187;
I Atlanta 6087-M.
Boarders Wanted.
'I'AP.LE BOARDERS wanted at 57 Cooper
street. Also one furnished room.
SEVERAL boarders wanted, also room
mate for young man. 1.31 Washington
street. 8-29-47
A COUPLE without children. or two
young men, in private family; modern
conveniences Call XVest 494. 8-29-39
ROOMS and boar*!; also table boarSj
north slde L Ivy 2423-J.B-29-51
’Jost Off Peachtree
SELECT rooms with or without hoard;
reasonable. 19 W. Call) st.lß
NICE ROOM and board in exchange for
diamond, motorcycle, piano or type
writer. Small cash payment Piano, Box
10, rare Georgian. 8-17-30
LARGE, delightful room, close to bath;
best location; steam heat; good table;
home comforts. 241 West Peachtree, ivv
'A s .®_T i? - 8 - 28
NICELY furnished rooms with excellent
board in private boarding house. West
End. Gentlemen only. 143 Ashbv street.
Phone West 174. 8-28-28
-Mrs ll S llattfe. August 29, 1912.
ROOM and board for a couple of young
men; close In. 102 Ivy st,B-28-18
LARGE front room and good table board
for couple. 102 Ivy st. B-28-19
BOARDERS and mealers wanteiUat 20
East Ellis. 8-28-2
DELIGHTFUL front room, close?; well
prepared meals; In pleasant home; table
board a specialty. 26 E. Cain. 53-8-27
BEA I TH 11. front room with board, con
venient to bath; furnace heat; refer
ences. 222 West Peachtree. Ivy 5784-J.
LARGE, well furnished room, with or
without private bath; good table; ideal
location. 442 Peachtree street. Ivv 4562.
SELECT boarding at 16 East Baker, un
der new management: cleanliness our
motto: inspection invited; the best table
in the city at moderate prices; rooms
with private bath Ivy 2666-. J 8-27-42
DESIRABLE rooms w’ith good table
board, good service: will also furnish
meals. Phont Main 1978. 178 Washing
ton st. 8-24-60
I tUX BOARD at 308 South Pryor; home
like; references. Main 24_56-L. 8-26-2
17 E. NORTH AVE., room with bath;
something extra fine; excellent meals;
dinner in evening 39-8-23
NEAT, cool rooms an<| homelike cook-
Luckie street. Atlanta phone
-2? ::x
$1.50 to $2.50 day; $7.00 to $12.50 w’eeklv:
American plan. 50c io $1.50 day; $3 00
to $7.00 w’eekly European. References
exchanged. 8-13-36
lb a p;>:-. - .ate < T-a nl i cess try vis, $4
to $6 week. 123 Capitol avenue $-10-7
Board Wanted.
WANTED—Room with private bath and
board in private family or private
boarding place on north side bv voting
couple. References required anil given.
Aildress W., Box 206, care Georgian.
W ANTED—Board in private home: no
objections to suburbs: must be reason
able. Address O. M . care Georgian.
Lost and Found.
LOST -Child's gold bracelet yesterday
afternoon. Name inside. Marv Sue
Print. Lost on Peachtree or Whitehall
street. Return to 305 West Peachtree
street 8-29-52
LOST Motorcycle tire with tube, be
tween Candler Bldg, and Alabama
street on Forsyth st. Phone West 57.
LOST—The best pair of glasses I ever
ha<l. If they are found please return
them to the Hines Optical Company. 91
Peachtree street, who made them for me
lou will know them by their neatness
and remarkably clear lenses, as well as
their Dixie mounting, which will stay on
any nose. 8-29-18
_Mis. .1 s Murrow AtigusTt" 29, 1912~'
LOST 1 a.lies' gold watch; *\\ aj tham
movement; hunting ease, with name
"Nannie c. Ijenz" in back. Return to 715
Atlanta National Bank Building. Reward
LOST Two hair braids, either on the
Capitol ave. or Decatur street cars,
Wednesday. 21 If found, call Ivv 5921-J
LOST l adies' gold watch" on""Deeatv.r
car which arrived In Decatur at 12
o'clock, noon. Marked L. S. Gold fob
Finder will receive reward. Phone De
catur 22. ,8-27-45
LOST At Llthia Springs. Ga.. August I's
small diamond ring Finder will please
return to 1. G. Woodson. 70b. Peachtree
street. Atlanta, and receive liberal reward
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M C FURNITI RE transfer; we pack
and ship Main 3657-J, A 1319. 42
Madison ave 3-12-7
Stove and Range Repairing.
SELIGS second-hand gas stoves We sweep
chimneys We taiie down heaters We
sell wick and wtekless oil stoves We sell
gasoline stoves and ranges. Atl.mtu phone
2235. '2l Whitehall street. Bell phone
Main 2699. 4-4-7
‘‘The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Rent-ng Through This Bulletin.
ter whereST’la nr’w’hlthUJL l ? B * ® ach * ss H e of every desirable place that is For Rent in the city and suburbs; no mat
ter ’Vhere it is or whether it is furnished or unfurnished. They are all here below.
rounding each day ft/°d«Yrable e ptacw. Patr ° n " The GeorKian em P 10 -'’ 8 a s J’ eciai mhn to search the city and sur-
This bulletin will save you time, money and worry. It is for your convenience, so take advantage of it.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR UENT—Beautiful double room, well
furnished; every convenience; just
above Peachtree place. Phone Ivy 309.
i family, big comfortable room, with
hoard; house large, with two bath rooms,
i large porches, shade trees and nine acres
of ground, with vegetables, chickens and
cow. South Kirkwood. Decatur
38 J 8-29-60
IVY HOTEL. 98 Ivv Street. •
AMERICAN PLAN; $1.25 UP. Weekly
I rates - 69-8-29
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, with
sleeping porch, on Ponce DeLeon av<-
i nie. Ivy 4558.8-29-56
j fcOR RENT—With private family, in close
in, steam-heated apartment, large fur
| nished room, with all conveniences. Ref
j erence “- 8-29-59
t NICELY furnished room; al! conveniences;
private family. 236 Central avenue.
. I'bone Main 3817-J. 8-29-46
I HANI S< iMELY furnished front room in
private home, for gentlemen only;
iSieam heat; all conveniences; references.
\pl._No. I. 164 Ivy st. 8-29-50
COOL rooms and board; close in. 24 W
, Raker, ivy 1788. 8-29-49
i I i>., Ist 1 r,i >hi »i >MS— Steam heat, new
| ly furnished, in mahogany, bath ad
joining: all modern conveniences, private
Vest Peachtree home; close in; excellent
meals next door. Phone Ivy 1258. 52-8-29
FOR RENT—Neat, cool, nicelv turnished
room to young man, in private home,
south side; with or without board. Phone
Main OJ2B-J. 8-29-32
FOR RENT—Two or three upstairs
rooms; light housekeeping allowed.
, ,S. i i t . part of Gra nt street. Phone Main
LARGE, nicely furnished room, steam
heated, electric lights, north side, pri-
I vate family, to gentlemen. Ivy 1294-L.
holt RENT Nicely furnished room with
1 . A PPIy 485 Peachtree. Phone
Iv> 6103 45-8-29
FOR RENT- Rooms, furnished or unfur
_nJs,leF _49_Terr.v street. 47-8-29
I'iiß RENT - Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; near in; convenient; ref
erences exchanged. Apply 18 East Pine.
FOR RENT—Room close in; private fani
j u> :ju ice reasonable. Main 953. 8-29-31
I FOR RENT Pleasant room, close to bath,
in steam-heated apartment; close in;
I north side. Ivy 6033-J. 8-29-25
FOR RENT Three nicely furnished
rooms, close in, cheap: all, conveniences;
nice neighborhood. Apply 88 Pulliam
street. 8-29-20
NICELY furnished room, private family;
steam beat; all modern conveniences,
suitable for one or two gentlemen. Phone
Jv> 42-8-29
FOR RENT Large beautiful rooms in
quiet, refined family, $lO to S2O. 11l
East Fifth street. 35-8-29
THREE or four nicely furnished rooms
for light housekeeping; close in; private
family; no children. 205 South Forsyth
street. Atlanta phone 2559. 37-8-29
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front
rooms; all conveniences. Apply 5 Well
ington Apartments, 124 Ivy st, ’ 28-8-29
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms with
all conveniences; in private home, to
young men only. Main 4568-.1. 8-29-10
T\\ o nice upstairs furnished rooms for
gentlemen. Call Ivy 3983-L.B-29-3
FOR RENT—To nice young man or busi
ness woman, newly furnished front
room; all conveniences. With owner. Ivy
2211 -L. 8-29-5
ELEGANTLY furnished, large front cor
ner steam-heated room; three windows;
nice closets; adjoining white tile bath;
hot and cold water; opens on delightful
large porch; close In; second floor apart
ment; every modern convenience. Phone
Ivy 5078. 190 Ivy st. 8-28-49
ONE room on Crew street, connecting
bath; all conveniences. Main 4805-L.
169 Crew* street. 8-28-41
EXTRA large, delightfully cool front cor-
ner room, second floor; large closet:
steam heat; north side; private family;
business women preferred, ivv 3570-J.
TWO nicely furnished cool rooms: all
conveniences; close in. 44 East Caln.
NICE, cool rooms; table board a specialty
in private home. Atlanta phone 2595.
37 East Fair street. B-28-37
front room; gentlemen. I'hone Ivy
TWO or three nicely furnished front
rooms for housekeeping: private en
trance: sink in kitchen; dressing room at
tached: two rooms for sl6; three for $18;
no'children taken; hot bath: Bell phone;
best location. 290 Washington street.
NICE, cool front room; hot water; pri-
vate family. Main 4945 and ask for
Mrs, Starr. 286 Washing lon st. 8-28-35
ONE furnished room with private bath:
nice location; all conveniences. Phone
14T_216ik_ 8-28-27
HANDSOMELY furnished room; steam,
heated and adjoining bath; in Atlanta's
most modern apartment; best of refer
ences req lire,; I' ivy 6729. 8-28-22
BEAUTIFUL front room; private bath;
gentleman preferred. Address Peach
tree. care Georgian. 41-8-24
NICELY furnished steam-heated room in
private family; near in; reasonable. 28
E. Alexander. Apt, A, Ivy 4068 8-28-13
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room; a'.!
conveniences; close in. Apply 9 Wil
: limns st, 33-8-28
i NEW, clean rooms for men only. 74 Wal-
ton street. Ivy 5606-.1.8-28-3
IFOR RENT Two beautiful front rooms
in tine locality; just fifteen minutes’
walk to center of town. 303 Rawson st.
I Atlanta phone 3335. 51-8-27
I YOUNG MAN would like roommate; lias
beautiful steam-heated loom. Apt. 305
in Corinthian. 136 West reachtree.
ONE or two nicely furnished rooms in
private family to gentleman; electric
lights, furnace heat, hot ami cold water.
Ivy 6228. Colquitt ave.. Inman Park.
I F'OR RENT Two lovely furnished rooms
for housekeeping; close in. 242 Central
avenue. Pimm 1827-.1. 8-27-30
ONE furnished room; furnace heat; sep
arate beds; gentlemen only. Ivy 433-L.
73 West Peachtree street, j $-27-13
WANTED By settled couple, three or
four nicely furnished steam-heated
rooms for light housekeeping: private
batli; prefer private home in vicinity of
Peachtree or Ponce DeLeon. Address D.,
I'. o. Box 167118-27-6
ENTIRE second floor of four pleasant
rooms and hath Adults only; Hot water,
gas and electricity. 251 Crew street.
NICELY furnished room for rent , near in
call Main 3900. or Atlanta 1620. ask for
1 bookkeeper 8-26-25
FOR RENT Neat cool room on second
floor: $6 a month. 59 East Ellis street.
"Tvy HOTEL, 9S ivy st;
AMERICAN PLAN, sl*s UP. Weeklv
FOR RENT One upstairs furnished room
at 117 West Raker street Atlanta 4585.
NICELY furnished cool rooms: hot bath;
■ • ■ \ h so in 'O4 Ig-22 ’5
NEAT, cool room in private .family;
venient to bath; walking distance 200
Rawson. 8-22-IE
FURNISHED rooms in strictly private
home. !?♦ East Harris street. 8-22-17
I'«‘R RENT Two or three rooms, fur-!
nished f<»r housekeeping; no children. |
73 Williams street. 8-19-15 |
LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
h-it and cold water, baths and excellent '
able board, under new management 4!
West Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivv 6790-J. i
8-6-36 I
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
bOR RENT—To couple, two rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished: all conveniences;
close in; south side. 28 Pulliam street.
(Jail Bell phone Main 3582-. J. 8-29-19
TWO second-lloor rooms with larg» pri
vate porch; electric lights; hot water:
all conveniences. Phone Ivy 2160. 8-28-26
TWO adjoining front bed rooms; con
venient. to bath, furnished or unfurnish
e<|. Phone Ivy 5824. 8-2 S-31
Furnished Rooms Wanted
REFINED lady, with two children, ages
ten and five years, wants two or three
nicely furnished housekeeping rooms with
bath, at once. Box 71, East Point. Ga.
WANTED—Young man to room with
gentleman. Give phone number. R. D.,
care Georgian. 28-8-28
WANTED—Two furnished rooms for light
housekeeping, near Druid Hills pharm
acy about September 1. (’all Dr. Alex
andrr. Ivy 186, 8-28-39
’ ’Ot’PLE, two children, two or three
furnished rooms. Phone .Monroe, Ivv
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
F'OR RENT—Four rooms and reception
hall; private bath; hot water; near in.
251 Central avenue. Phone Main 5052-J.
I M <) or three unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping; modern ’ conveniences;
near in. 84 Williams street. 8-29-38
TWO connecting unfurnished light house
keeping rooms; modern conveniences.
Inman Park section. Phone Ivv 1994-L.
For RENT—Three connecting rooms
with modern conveniences; West End:
near cars. 15 Dunn street. 557-L West
THREE beautiful rooms for light house
keeping September 1. 179 East Pine
street 43-8-28
TWO unfurnished* rooms for housekeep
ing, close in on South Prvor. No. 202
FOR RENT—Two nice connecting rooms,
modern conveniences; close in; between
two car lines. 48 Simpson street, in
bouse with owner. 8-27-21
FOR RENT—Three large, cool and deT
sirahle rooms, suitable for light house
keeping or three young men. 74 East
Merritts avenue. 8-27-26
IN WEST END, four or five large rooms
w’fth private bath and veranda; all con
veniences for housekeeping: private home.
Phone West 668-L.' 34-8-27
FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms and
kitchenette. Near in. Call Ivv 3718-L.
TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, unfurnish
ed. for light housekeeping. 238 Oak
street, West End. Phone West 230-. T.
FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms reas
onable.l29 Kelly street. 8-27-10
THREE connecting rooms in West End,
near street; every convenience
for housekeeping. Phone West 668-L
HALF’ of flat; separate entrance, opening
on veranda; porcelain sink. Ivy 99.
Mrs, C. C. Wayne. August 29, 1912.
FOR RENT—Four first-floor rooms; pri
vate bath; sink in kitchen. 275 Oak
street. West End.3l-8-28
THREE unfurnished connecting rooms
with couple; private bath, gas and
phone. Ivy 5427-.1,8-29-15
WANTED—By young couple two unfur
nished rooms or one room and kitchen
ette, close in, by Ist of month. Box 75,
care Georgian. 34-8-29
THREE rooms for light housekeeping on
September 3. 247 South Pryor street.
UNFURNISHED rooms for rent; two
connecting rooms; one large and one
small, for light housekeeping; private en
trance; adjoins bath; cars convenient: 15
minutes’ walk to center of town; $8 per
month: no small children taken. 371
Glenn st., between Washington and Pul
liam sts. » 8-29-4
FOUR rooms with bath on first floor,
$11.60 per month. 156 Simpson street,
near Luckie. Phone Ivy 2807-L. 30-8-28
For RENT to couple without children,
three rooms; private bath; references.
443 Courtland street, corner Pine. 8-27-18
FOR RENT—Four nice second floor con
fleeting rooms; could be used for offices.
Apply 112 Whitehall st. 8-27-7
THREE nice connecting rooms in private
family; good neighborhood. Cali West
T< > GENTLEM EX -Nicely furbished or
unfurnished steam-heated room; bath;
Bell phone; electric lights: five minutes of
business center; north side. Call in per
son. 79 Spring street, top floor B-26-8
THREE unfurnished connecting rooms;
sink in kitchen and bath. 159 Kelly st.
Atlanta phone 5037. Bell phone Main
1911 : 21.24-67
THREE nice rooms with conveniences for
housekeeping. 210 Angier avenue.
FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms and
kitchenette. Apply 85 Crew street.
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
I^HACfITR' Eleventh
streets in the Wickliffe, one
apartment for rent September 1.
Best and most modern in At
lanta. See or phone -I. W. Gold
E HAVE for rent in Corinthian. 136
West Peachtree street, one five-room
apartment. Apply Mr. Kelley. Walton
street. " 8-29-29
F’ ’R RENT 180 Woodward avenue, near
Washington street; four-room upstairs
flat; close in. No carfare. Ivy 1930-.1.
ONE beautiful rive-room apartment at 333
N. Boulevard; steam heat; modern. Ivv
3698-J. 37-8-27
IN the Boscobel apartments. 80 Hurt
street. Inman Park, there are left .‘wo
three and four-room apartments. $32.50
and $35 each, with steam beat, hot and
cold water. Apply to Janitor or Fitzhugh
Knox, 1613 Candler Bldg. 8-27-19
_Mrs. F. R- Harper. August - 29. lOjfi
ENTIRE upper floor of six rooms and
bath on Peachtree street near Four
teenth street. Address Peachtree. Box
500, care Georgian. 8-27-2
THREE rooms, steam heated apartment;
for rent September 1: all modern con
veniences. Apply 46 West Baker.
Ivy 3167 8-27-5
TWO close-in four-room apartments;
bath, hall and front porch to each apart
ment: rent reasonable Chas. s. Robison.
27 E. Hunter. Bell phone M. 1181.
TH E i'< tLONIALi :
BETWEEN Peachtree and Juniper, on
North avenue, one block from Ceo'-gitm
Terrace hotel There will probably be i
for lea- on September 1 or i fetober 1 I
apartments ranging in price from $»;5. S7O ,
and $75 per month. I'hone Ivy 657-.1, I
or call at 29 Ponce DeLeon avenue
THE most up-to-date apartment; with,
four rooms and bath in \tlanta. located
at 324 and 326 Forrest avenue, ready for
occupancy by September 1: can b.. -e-m at
any time: price, S4O per month. tiffice
phone. Main 2102. home phone Ivy 50S-.I
L. B Sand. :Owner. 8-9-29
FOR REN I' The new m«rtm»nt house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Roz, ...
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience. and renting for $32.50 to $35, Is
now ready for occupancy. Apply ’on
premises or Fitzhugh Knox. 1313 Candler
Building. 5-9-57
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Three unfurnished rooms;
north side: close to table board. J. M.
S., care Georgian. 27-8-27
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
\\ ANTED-—By a physician, one furnished
bed room and two unfurnished rooms in
same house, to be used as offices; the lat
ter to be on ground floor; must be rea
sonable and within a few blocks of Grady
hospital. Reply, stating terms and looa
tion. Dr. Davis. 167 Capitol ave. 25-8-29
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
T\V() or three connecting rooms with
bath; private entrance; for light house
keeping; couples or business women. 345 ! .
Peachtree st. 8-28-14
EOR RENT—I 96 Juniper street, near
Seventh; seven-room furnished apart-
I???*’ by the year. S6O per month. Ivv
THREE attractive rooms, bath and mod
ern conveniences for housekeeping; no
children; north side. Phone Ivv 2478.
Furnished Houses For Rent.
For RENT—Ten-room fumikhed house.
Mo per month. 25 Baltimore place Ivv
993-L. 8-28-46
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT-Five-room cottage; corner
oo!? I '. Hi S h!an d avenue car line. Call Ivy
3g15 -J- 67-8-29
MODERN 10-room north side house ev
ery convenience; furnished or unfurn
ished. Call Ivy 1619-.1,8-29-45
FOR RENT—One two-story eight-room
house on Washington street; furnace
heat and electric lights. Call M. 4113-J
FOR RENT—Six-room house, suitable for
one or two families. Rent reasonable.
I^ ast Georgia avenue. Phone Main
FOR RENT—S3O. 6-room cottage, north
side, 447 Courtland street, near Peach
iY. C ' Tf ,1 ? er L. 8 ? 4 Atlanta National
Bank Bldg Main 2683. 41 -8-29
F('R RENT-164 Highland avenue, seven
S o?°R O n mS L SH conveniences; large yard.
s2coo. Call Ivy 5499-J. 30-8-29
Mrs. L. B. Thompson. August 29, 191$.
FOR RENT Two new six-room bunga
lows, near car line, in East Point; water
and electric lights, tiled walks and bath
rooms; one six-room cottage on two-acre
chert roa<l an <l car line, in
F.ast Point; servant s house and stables,
electric lights and water. Address B. M.
Blount. S. Forsyth st., City, 27-8-29
F< in Two acres, eight rooms, on
.. tilg P„ l ? nrt av cnue anq near end of car
line, s2o per month. Call at No. 9 Au
burn avenue. Both Phones 5408. 8-28-5
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates Turman, Black & Cal
hflun, 203 Empire Bldg 6-29-66
4" OR RENT, HOUSES—CaIi; write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
I'JIE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Unfurnished Houses Wanted
WANTED—To rent from owner, a five or
six-room cottage, in walking distance
from business part of city. Address
Home, Box 10, care Georgian. 71-8-29
XX ANTED—-To rent from owner four or
" v ~nA Oorn house near Grant park. L..
Box 120, care Georgian. 32-8-29
WANTED—To rent four or five-room
house near Grant park. L., Box 720.
care Georgian. 49-8-28
XX’ ANTED r nfurnished house by~
tember 20, five or six rooms and hafi;
good locality; prefer south side: rent muse
be reasonable. Box 715, care Georgian.
x 54-8-27
Store Space For Rent.
FOR RENT—Part of store with largo
window: will partition off if desired 88
North Pryor st. 37-8-28
Storage Room For Rent.
FIVE Rot IMS for storage; good refer
ences. 455 Courtland street. Ivy 3707-. I
~ 8-28-45’
ONE room for storage: close in, on Crew
street. No. 168. Main 4805-L. 8-28-33
Stores For Rent.
STORE for'7<ENt'~at~~7B
street. 17 feet by 55 feet; fine location
.or drugs, fancy groceries or soda fount.
Apply Charles S. Robison, 37 East Hun
ter streei Bell phone Main 1181. 8-29-17
Barn For Rent.
FOR RENT—Nice barn with private e)o
trance; suitable for garage. Ivy 3707-J
' 8-28-44
Stables For Rent.
FOR RENT Brick stable, private en
trance; reasonable. 104 South Pryor
street.• 8-22-14
Railroad Schedule.
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as information, and are not
No. Arrive From— I No. Depart To—
X? rk ..5:00 am: 36 N. York. 1215 am
13Jaxville o;2oam 30 Col’buß. 5 -flam
43 Was ton. 5:25 am 13 Cinci.... s : 3oarn
12 Sh port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft. Vai. s : 3oam
23Jaxville. 6:50 am| 35 B'hatn Z. 5 : 45am
*li Toccoa... 8:10 am 7 Chat’ea ?!!!
26 Heflin .. S:2oam| 12 R'mond'' 6 : 55aS
10:30 anti 23 K. City.'. 7:00 aS
3 Chat ga 10:35 ami 16 Bruns'k. 7 4 r , am
(Macon.. 10:10 am 29 B'ham 10 W, am
27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am 38 N York ll'niaS
21 Col'bus 10:.-0 a „,i 40 Ch'lotte' 12 : 00 nS
6 Cinci... 11:10 am 6 Macon US
30 B'ham... 2:30 pm; 30 N. York 'ui? p "*
40 B’ham 12:40 pm| U Rhatf ga" ‘ S
39 <ll lotto. 3:.,5 pm 39 H ham icnl S
5 Macon 4:00 pm 1 •18 Tocca.'.'.' 4-30
N. York L .;Wpm 22 I'.,l'bus... 510 nm
10 Bruns k. , :;>0 pm! 5 I'inci ?in km
11 R tmm.l. ...30 pmj 28 F Valley s“'O US
24 K. City. 9:20 pm 2' Heflin ' D" US
16 Chatt'ara 9:3." pm U' Maron ’ ’ ?’4n nm
36 Uhatn.'. &50.? r I
_lU’J2£.'l4.lMe' lliwgrn
Trains marked thus (•> run daily, ex
cept Sunday
Other trains > in dally, central time.
City Tic-v.t Office. No 1 Peachtree St.
Are you busy this evening? Even if
you are. lake a few moments off and read
'he great list of bargains fn every line on
:he Want Ad Pages of this paper. You
will be repaid many times.