Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, August 29, 1912, EXTRA, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOMAN SCW WE® * Eases’ L9ITLD W. S KARNS'WOK TH Little Jeff Refused to Tackle Anything at Catchweights :: :: :: :: By “2ud” Fisher L? ‘ f I ( 1 Pavers • ] >=<sh I YUH L —? fc A2ooPouo> DF ™ j cu rj cebs than j G O 16j’ . I 'AY ano pullin’ IOF th, s m j j r- i J ur' J ■ '''*"•'' yo “ N/\ < ’h fc T) : _y ~'< 1 {//•) VxT WIN Dqn<> A_ B <O > > test ’• _ /SB .wWiliw OfcwT ® / A^K^T’*T7 r • f* aW-i laMS&La .. 2_ n ■ ■' fyU- -1 - *”“ ' x ~——'■■!■ i * ' Bill Smith Has the Southern League Guessing May Spring Old Trick to Evade Salary Limit By Percy I’. Wliil iiitr. H]7 ■■ "■ "" "" |V i ■ Si. t . .nr■ - ■ sir . Southern league—<’hut lex Fi.nik and Rill Smith. In an effort to Jiv<- up to this precept, Bill Smith has grabbed on< of t barley Fl <nk pet ideas, and ha. allowed it to be rumored that mxt he mix be. for it blind, president of the At lanta Baseball association. If he took this office he could appoint a playing manager, end thus keep down the salary roll. For, with a playing manager, only half his * tl aty counts against him in figuring tile total salary for the month Thus, for examt>le. hi could get one SSOO a month man. slip him in as phony managet and only hare $250 appear on the ; a; roll. Smith may liaxe -prung this scheme just to get a little talk stirred up. At tin nine time he max right now have i high-priced man hi plans to get for next year, whose salary h<- Intends to split up in this manner • • • OF course. If Smith put through such a deal it would be nec es-ary to acemint for Presi dent Frank Callaway. who Is th.' big mogul foi next y. ar m.-t .is ho has been for this. It would he tin easy matter, however. to makt him chairman of the board of directors or to give him some other phon; title, leaving aP authority In his hands ’yHE chief drawback to this scheme of milking Bill Smith president is that he could be kept off >he bench. However, at home this would be no hard-hip at all, for Smith eould sit in the next box and direct the players Just is well as though he sat among them, on the road the problem would be more delicate. At the same time, it is always possible to keep in eotn munioui n. in one way o; another, with the team And Pili Sm>th max chance it. S' thing He will give Atlanta a team n> xt year made up neither ex clusively of youngsters nor < xelu sively of <>ld-timers but 1 ithei of a wi 11-b.tlani ed mixture of both. Hid Smith had his till of old-tim ers in Chattanooga year. He figured that season that it didn't matter how old a man was. so long a.s he was i ball player He found out. however, that it was one thing to have boon a ball player am! unite another t b. a ball play - er. Atlanta fans .-aw the workings of that under Hemphill this year. TICHENOR. BLOCK. AND OSBORNE STILL IN FIGHT Mate h play in the three (lights for the liavis A Freeman gold trophy have just about reached the s. mi-final stag. s. I’wo rounds of matches will hav. b.. n ' ompletv ; at the conclusion of to day's play. He-. ~r. the matches that w. r. p ayed Tuesday aid Wednesday: First Flight. First Round- H. Bio, k deb ated < P. King, 3up and 2top ,x . 11 p <>. bene defeated H. J Hopkins. 1 •> R. Tit henor defeatt .1 I • Eby, 2 I tip and 1 to play Second Round -H Block defeat. ': E G. < tttley. 5 up and I to play Second Flight. First Round .1. (' McMichael c ffated T. P. H nman bv defau’.i H G. Rittler d. f. ..ted E. It. Jones. I ip S.-< end Round R. J. Jone-. Ji , d feated J. M. Mt. hard, .'. up and I to play. c,. t Ni< itolson. Jr. defeated 1' E. i'ora In. 1 up. H. G B it', r defeated I h T. <’ Fleming. 1 up. 19 holes. P Third Flight. F F r.-' It n T. I. ■ o >p. 1 ~t. .md B M Asli.- 3up and to play . P y i M right def. iti'd H. L Itix, 3up and ■ to I iv. R. 1> Gresham defeated \\ c ’ Spiker by ..fault, x V.. Hodnett de-i featei'. U Her’z by default. | rt Just because it man had batted .321 in the American league tn 1901 didn't prove to be any sign that he ..mid hat better than .230 tn the Southern In 1912, This year Bill Smith is "getting his gorge - ' of youngsters. He sxvitched to the other extreme at the first of this season and tried to toek up entirely with kids. It didn't work well, as the averages demonstrate. N< xt season Hill will return to the right principles. He will have a team made up largely of young sters. but with enough old-timers on the job to steady down the kids. Most of the successful teams of the Southern league have been built on that principle. • • • A Nt 'TH ER thing that Atlanta fans can look for mxt year is a changed attitude toward umpires. Bill Smith believe.- that a certain amount of word-beating and intim idation is necessary to keep the umpires giving a reasonable num ber of close decisions his way. He knows that the arbiters hate to be tongue-lashed, and he certainly knows how to apply the tongue, when the occasion arises. Bill Is a peppery individual and isn't above jumping on an umpire if the circumstances seem to war rant it. He showed that the day of the Justly famous "Shuster inei d< nt " -when an umpire of that name called a game on account of darkness, (hough it was still broad daylight. Bill went after Shuster like a terrier dog after a rat. and if players hadn't Interfered would have hammered him sure. Bill has been In Atlanta long enough to know, however, that the public and the pre-s is opposed to anything bordering mt rowdy ball. <>n the road, however hi does not fe. I himself in the |e Ist restrained, and be gets all out of the umpires that ho can. Strange to relate, however, the umpires seem to like Bill, and he gets along nicely with them. • • • ANOTHER tiling Rill Smith Is going to do for the Atlanta club is to pitch overboard the tank ar tists. Bill Smith doesn't mind an o< . asional glas- of beer Rut he will not stand for a drunkard. If a playei gets to drinking on Bill Smith's club—off goes his head. Bill realizes that a drunkard is al ways an Inefficient ball player but more than one drunkard can alway - put the te tin on the blink by creating other drunkards. ANOTHER tiling that will depart with the coming of Smith will he indifferent playing. Under the ! NATIONAL. COMMISSION APPROVES MANY SALES <’IN(’!NN \TI. Aug 29. The national i'ls- h tll cummu-ion has announced the ' ■ - ave been ,”i ' by m.ijo’ 'vague clubs from igue clubs si net August 20, ’Oil uiab : Hgr' vmvnts filed with and I pioxt tl b\ th* t HinnUsslon. National League. .phri Krom Atlanta. Maye'. X.w y k I’ om Mobile Dem i et . Dm' s. I’.mß . . American League. !•> ’’hi. <igv Krom Ma» on. Douglass; • A otiii M I \ and Tay’or. Birmin<- .hduisvn. I 1 '’H.s I' om Houston. Rige.-. B Sloan w .. . ,i . , . ry, *M. \llistf’ an ’ Johnson J I Brist VVaftce J '* • «ns. X ige!<, n and Clancy I •>Di - •:t I'»• »Ui'oattono<»ga. Burp . ■A -a !; \ . •Ji . B< •kt Javkson, Dial; Da ’. , <; >w. : Vit'ksburir. Ab*<»r:.-• .I. 1(■ i. ■* > n <* 1. :I S S By I’ olelphi.i -From Memphis \ ’ I' tltimon . ’Walsh and *Mur i Bx -ingt n From < Tiattanoog.i. 1 Moran; At’anta, ' Agler. •Agreements not received and, • tile.efoi i, -abject to appt oval. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND KEWS. TIIT’DSDAY. AUGUST 29. 1912. Smith regime a man will have to play his level best or get out. Bill’s w hole heart Is in the game, and he expects those of his players to be right in the same spot. Bill has various of uprooting in difference. He gives presents tn his players, he pays them all the salary the law alloyvs (and, It is to be sus pected, more sometimes); he in spires them with his own enthu siasm; he bawls them out and fines them if they are stubborn. Then, if they don't come around, he fires them. Which is as it should be. Gloom Hangs Heavy in Capital When Browns Defeat Great Hurler JOHNSON FAILS TO BREAK liIARQUABD’S RECORD UT ASHINGTON. D. C„ Aug. 29. ' —Old Jack Powell's glass Wrm was good enough yes terday to cheat Walter Johnson out of getting up to or passing Rube Marquard's winning record of sev enteen straight victories. Having won sixteen in a row, all Washing ton turned out to see Johnson beat Hie lowly Browns. It looked like i cinch for him, after the way he has been handling all the first division clubs. But it was not to lie. Today disappointment hangs low and heavy over the village. Even the president is not wearing his usual happy smile. Casey fanned in the pinch at Mudviile. but gloom in that burg never compared with the layer of it that blurs Pennsylvania avenue today on account of John son's defeat. Johnson only allowed four hits, against seven off Powell, but Wal ter was wild and his support was of the bush league brand. The Browns copped the argument, 3 to 2. Rut Johnson is game. Although the season Is getting late, he Is going to go right out and try again to break the record. Greatest Pitcher of All Time. I'nitssuming and quiet, Walter Johnson is today the most wonder ful pitcher baseball has ever pro duced. Notwithstanding the fact that he had broken the record made by Jack Chesbro four years ago. when he defeated Cleveland for his fifteenth win. Johnson walked to the bench after that game as modestly as though he had done nothing more than what was in direct line with his duty. There xvas not the least action signifying that he even thought of his great accomplishment, and instead of waiting to receive the congratula tions of the players who started to crowd around him. he grabbed His sxxeater off the bench and hurried to tile club house He had but done what he considered was his work, and he could see little need for the wild, huzzas coming from the stands. It is a fact that Johnson, al though he has been a brilliant per former since the first day he stood in a major league pitching box. was released by two or three minor league clubs before coming here. He started his baseball career in the West and was tried out by clubs in the Pacifl ■ Coast and Northxv' stern leagu* -, H> let go as being us. les . Probably the catchers had little use for him with that tremendous speed, and maybe they were at fault. But. anyway, somcltody failed to recognize the jewel and he was allowed to drift away. Trims Tigers in Debut. About th. middle of the year he came to Washington, and as soon as he got here was shoved in against I'.'trolt, then the hardest hitting and most fear.d club in the American league Jennings' Tigers ; JOE WOOD CAPTURES : : HIS 14TH GAME; HAS 2 ’ WON 29 AND LOST 4?I ® Joe Wood, the speed hurler of • • the Boston Red Sox, is on his way • • to pass Rube Marquand's record of • • nineteen victories. Now that Wai- • • ter Johnson has gone down to de- • \ • feat, Wood is the White Hope of • • the American league. Yesterday • • he won his fourteenth straight • • game. Also it was his twenty- • • ninth victory, and as he has lost • e only four games, his winning av- • • erage today is .879. Right now it • • looks as though Wood would • • break Marquard’s record. Also • ® that he will wind up the season • • with the biggest percentage of vic- • » tories ever earned by a hurler. • <»•••••«••••••••••••••••••• FACTS CONCERNING JOHNSON’S RECORD OF 16 WINS IN ROW ' A.B. R. H I July 3. New York2s 1 5 Retired at end o* sixth, with game won, 9 to 1, Musser replacing him. A B. R. H. 2-July 5, New York 43 2 4 Pitched 12 2-3 innings of sixteen-in ning game, replacing Engel in fourth with tscore 3 to 2 against Senators. A.B. R. H. 3 July 9, (’leveland33 3 8 4 -July 13, Chicago 34 2 7 5 July 16, (Chicago 33 2 7 Eight innings; called bv agreement. A.B. R H. • July 20. St. Louis 6 0 0 Einished for Hughes, pitching 2 1-3 innings, (lame ended in a fie A.B. R. H 6 .lulv 22. Detroit3s 3 7 7 July 25. Detroit 34 5 6 8 July 28, Cleveland 32 1 6 !* August 2, Detroit 32 0 7 • August 4. Chicago 2 0 0 Relieved Hughes in ninth, that pitch er getting credit for game. A.B. R H. 10 \ugust 15. Chicago 8 0 0 Relieved Cashion in eighth with score tie<l. Senators won tn tenth. A.B. R H II August 7. Chicagol9 0 2* I Retired at end of sixth with game won. 9 to 0, Engel finishing it. A.B R H • August 10. St. Louis 3 0 1 Relieved Hughes in ninth with SJ. Louis in lead, pitcher named losing game. A.B. R. H 12 Xugust 11. St. Louis 39 2 4 13 August 15, Chicago 6 0 2 Relieved <’ashion in ninth with score tied, and Senators won in tenth A.B. R H 15 — August 20. ('leveland34 2 10 16- August 23. Detroit 33 1 6 • Does not figure in the record. figured an easy time with the awk ward-looking Western recruit, but they had reckoned wrong. Such speed as Johnson sent across the plate they had never seen. He had them backing away from the ball continually—-he was wild enough then* to" keep the batters scared— and when the ninth inning was over Johnson was the victor over the most tried club in the circuit and everybody knew that the Senators had picked up a wonderful pitch er. . Even with a losing club, one which has be“n seventh and eighth so continuously that no other place was ever figured for it, Johnson has been a winning pitcher. So exceptional has his work been re garded that whenever the Wash ington club was on the road the papers in the citits would print ad vance accounts something like this: The Walter Johnsons will be here next week and." etc. Jonnson ha.- had but one poor year since he has been in the ma jor league, an I that was due more than anything < Ise to the very poor work of his club. His record that year, 1909, was 13 won and 25 lost, y>t he finished the season with a percentage of wins almost a hun dred points better than the stand ing of the club. Here is J hnson’s record since coming to Washington: Success of Lookouts’ New Managei Doubtful +•+ +•+ -2-a-l- fre-i 9 . : . Elberfeld Rank Bloomer as Yankees’ Leader By W. S. Farnsworth. LOOKOUT fans won't get a pennant winner next year, but they will get plenty of action nevertheless. Anywhere Kid Elberfeld hangs his hat there is al ways a heap of life. But how. where and why the owners of the Chattanooga franchise ever signed the Kiri as manager is beyond our wildest imagination. Elberfeld, of the rowdy type of ball player, made a dismal failure of his only out as manager. That was with the New York American league club in 1909. After having a i pennant )ead in May the team Year. Won. Lost. Pct. 1908 14 14 .500 1909 13 25 .342 1910 v .. 25 17 .595 1911 23 15 .605 1912 (so far).... 27 8 .771 May Excel All A. L. Records. It will be seen by the above rec ord that Johnson stands a pretty fair chance of excelling anything that has been done in the Amer ican league under the present re gime. Joe Wood is the only man In the whole circuit who really leads him in the percentages, but even at that it is doubtful if his pitching has been as effective as that of Johnson. Wood has had a pennant-xvinning club behind him all the year and has been in shape since the beginning of the season. Johnson has had neither. Ask any player in the American league which of the two men he had rath er face and he xvill answer "Joe Wood." Johnson is undoubtedly one of the most popular players in the league, especially in Washington. Any time the score is close around the last couple of inningk the fans, from the' president down, call for the man they consider invincible. The great pitcher has no more stanch adherent and no more ar dent admirer than President Taft. The executive rarely if ever misses an opportunity td see him work. Txvo years ago, when Johnson beat the Athletics in the opening game of the season by a score of 1 to 0. President Taft was in a box, and after the game was finished had Johnson brought to him and in troduced. The president warmly congratulated him and autographed the ball with which the last inning xxas played. That ball is one of Johnson's most prized possessions today. Pitches Without Effort. Johnson is not the Johnson of old. Instead of the axx'kward Westerner who began service with the Amer ican league, there is now the tall, graceful, perfectly poised figure. Every action on the diamond is almost perfection itself, and xvhen -I he pitches it is with little nr no apparent effort. So little does he appear to exert himself that it is often wondered hoxx he develops his wonderful speed. In all his time in the American league Johnson has never been known to grumble at an umpire's decision. No matter hoxx- things go against him. he never lays the blame on the poor work of the ar biter. In the box Johnson does not stand back of the rubber to get the signals and thus waste time, but he pitches, and as he is walking back to his position gets the signa! from the catcher, steps in the box and immediately pitches again. When asked once why he did not take more time and get more rest while pitching. Johnson looked sur prised and answered. "That's not baseball." The games in which Johnson works are about the short est. from the point of time, played dropped in less than five weeks to the very bottom of the ladder. El berfeld treated Hal Chase so badly that the great first baseman jump ed the team and went back to his home in California. And when the Kid was finally disposed of he left such a wreck of a machine that Ownet Frank Farrell had to build up a complete new outfit. Here is what the Spalding guide of 1909 has to say about Elberfeld: “Nothing in the season of 1908 was more remarkable than the ca reer of the New York Highland ers. With a good getaway from the starting line, the hilltop team set out to make what looked like a runaway race for the flag, and before the middle of May they were so firmly intrenched in first place that the general opinion was Griffith had a pennant win ner after many years of effort But the belief xvas not to last long, for before May was ended the team started a slump which car ried It down without stopping and at such speed that in a little over five weeks, the Highlanders hit the bottom never to rebound. "Before this happened the res ignation of Manager Griffith xvas announced and the appointment of Norman Elberfeld was made to the vacant /position. But dissen sion continued to grow in the ranks and finally resulted in the desertion of the crack first base man, Hal Chase, who jumped to the California State league. From these combinations of tough luck the team as a whole ryever recov ered.” And from the Reach guide of 1909 xve print the following concerning Elberfeld’s “success" with the New York team in 190 S: "• * * The appointment of Elberfeld as his (Griffith's) suc cessor led to factional troubles, which resulted in First Baseman Chase's desertion. Stahl's release [news from rintside BOXING NOTES SPORTS Jack Johnson retires one dax and the 1 next day he is back in the ring. John son says he lias not heard of a $.10,000 offer for him to box Joe Jeannette in Paris. However, the champion said he would accept such an offer under favor able conditions. Emil Thiry, Paekey McFarland’s man ager, has the auto bug. He recently purchased the ear that Packex- won w hen he defeated Owen Moran in New York. * • » Harry Singer, one of K O. Brown's sparring partners, has secured a match in Springfield. Mo., his foe to be \rt Maglrl. Jack Epstein is training Singer for thi match. * * » With the Joe Rive -Joe Mandot fight less than a week off the . .Ids are g to 5 in favor of the Mexican. • • ■ Cyclone Johnny Thompson and George K. <i. Brown are scheduled t<. h-x ton rounds at Peoria September 10. jack Pil lon was originally carded t.. fight Brown but ditched the elub when the jxromoters would n.'t come across with his demands. Paekey McFarland says be has no in tention of passing up his six-round fight with Young Hirst, scheduled for Pliila.i.’i tibia Friday. Paekey savs Wolgast know this bout was already carded before hi What S S.S.Stanos For The familiar letters, S. S, S., stand for Siwl’s Sure Specific, a name honestly and fairly earned by a great blood retuey. It is’worthy of its title because it really CURES every ailment from impure blood. 1 he majority of physical afflictions are caused by bl blood, because a weak, polluted circulation deprives the system of its neceiary strength and dis ease-resisting powers. S. S..S. cures every dialer which comes from vS s s ’’a 4 troubles of a deranged circulation. Write for free bog on the blood aud | any medical advice. No charge for either. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.ATLANTA, GA. and conseqient shifting. The de moralizatiot was so complete that in one month the team- slid from he top of ".he heap clear to the tottom. xv.'iere it remained contin- Ipusly without hope of redemption lr the balance of the season.” IN N JOHNS! >N is quoted as saying that Walter John son’s winning streak was bt"ln Monday by St. Eouis. He is aiged to have slid: "The win ning’un was made by the St. Louis teanivhen Johnson was in the b x and te game will be recorded as a defea for him. Johnson made a wild T,ch and a St. Louis batsman hit hit for a .-ingle that sent home the deding run." NN'he. Johnson took up the pitehin, burden there were two men on’.he paths. This alone ex cuses h(i from a defeat. He had gain and everything to lose. A| in such a case he can not be cLged with defeat. Harry ’.ulliam. former National league prudent, rendered a verdict on this q»stion yea s ago and it sure dope, too. He claimed tlj the pitcher who was xlithdrawntrom the game be held its ponsiblefor all runners who were on th paths when the relief hurler was jshed to the rescue. I’lierefo: eJohnson eould not he charged fort, run until the two mon on thebases when he went into the bo had "ashed. Any. others that s>red after that would have been fchtfully charged to him. But I do qt believe Johnson ever gave outueh a .-lat. merit, it is too good aioost for his league to have Johns, in lin" for a rec otd. And B. ,rr>n is one of our b 1 st little presligents. signed to meet the lampion and that he won i pass ft up, ev| at the i ost of 1 the Gotham go. I.'ldm Reddy, wh is managing Mike Gibbons, denies hehas signed articles for Mike to light I,lie MeGoorty in m New dork Septcjber 25, or m ar.v other city for that after. Reddy says he received an offerfrotn Gotham pro motits. but the off made was about yi.OOO shy the lowest .ssible mark he has decided upon forth st. Paul middle weight to box McGolty. » « * Mike Sullivan, sgng himself welter weight champion oft» world, says he ‘3 keen tor a match wit Jimmv Clabbv to be staged at some eb near Chicago. ‘“V? be ,s w ’ll ! g to lake on any ’be ttghti i-s right . p, and includin'’ the middleweight elas Grover Hayes. Cniphus lightweight. Who fought hi this < • .. \e-al times la-t year, sailed fir Misti! , M.mdav to box .n several ■fuc f. ■ a , .ntres Hay«s has five 30-round 1 . Hmong those he will tight ■-.■■■ , : i e> Mehagan, ■ lack (. arroll and J«,. ; , . . p The referee rphbed t o foster of a de cision in No. f>rhai, a few nights ago when J>. rar. d l-'r.-i t •• Imssell's hand after the t\v> had f'H.jht ten rounds, ac cording to riporis fr<»h that cit\. weak or diseased blood, it ones un and regulates every portion of tue systemnnd creates an abtiu dant supply of nourishing p.perties which fill the \ circulation and bring he dtho the body. S. S. S. lis made cutin ly of livn ing, leansing roots, herbs I and barks, which arc also pojessed of great tonic / properties. It does not contai a p tide of niin f eral or other harmful drug, at is therefore the pu- rest and safest blood medicii for young or old. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Ctarrli,' Sores and Ul cers, Skin Diseases, Scrofula. Jalaria and all other