Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta. Ga.
Entered at Atlanta postoffice as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year. mail, postage prepaid. $5.00
Six months, mail, postage prepaid. 250
Three months, mall, postage prepaid. 1.25
<me month. mail, nosmee nrena’d 45
subscriptions I’ayaoie in Advance
Delivered by carrier, one year $5 20
Delivered by carrier, six months 2 00
Delivered by carrier, three months.. 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month4s
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One rent a word each insertion
No ad taken for less than the prico
or ten words. Ads in larger type,
12c a line (4 words to the lire).
Out-of-town advert i sements
must be accompanied with cash
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per.
.J’he Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
nsertion of any ad ordered more
than one time
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue.
All ads must be ordered out In
writing or at office No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone.
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
is counted. Each initial countsone
word: compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian tbotn phones 8000) when
it is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
h< me or at your office the follow
mg day This is an accomrroda
’’ ' n service rendered Georgian
v ant Ari patrons and payment
should a’wavs be promptly made
cn presentation of bill. Always
that • our telephone ad be re-
Plated back to you bv the ad
‘•aker to make sure that ft has been
taken correctlx. The Georgian can
uot guarantee accuracy nr assume
responsibility for errors of anv kind
occurring in telephone advertise
AT>\ ELTISERS should
oe P’s gr.en tn payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can rot be rectified without
them in answering advertise
menis addressed in care of The
Georgian. if the advertiser' requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted- Female.
" ! ' fii'st-cta«B cook.' Cali Lvy
•>"1 aji . aftern-.ons No. S Dixie
s_Y£__ Inman Park. 8-30-31)
MANTED seven:) experience:! and hr
xp€*rieTic€(i retire. »-!• • atives for leading
Northern publishing house. Will be in
Atlanta <»n Tuesday \ddress, giving
telephone, Publisher. Box Jo<». Geo»-
fi*n. 62-8-30
M \.\TED -For genera’ office work, ste
nographer and typewriter 57 Central
. 56-8-30
WANTED Woman to wash and j ron.
.Apply Saturday morning ready to work,
la Eleventh street. 49-8-30
W A.'.'i iu > \t once, ten experienced
trimmers fm wholesale millinery. Apply
a. once to Sii verman-Lonsberg Co.. 44-46
w est Mitel ell st. 8-30-33
WANTED- \t once, a first-class woman
cook Agpb 614 I’pachtree_st. 45-8-30
W A TEI » lUhablr •<>]ored woman. at
•_ ■•nyft. < 'all at 408 J’nlliani st. 46-8-30
V A N’t ED A cook: references; room and
: 17 E. Eleventh st. B-30-28
AX \ N’T ED- A first-class cook with refer
ences; room on lot. Mrs. Lewis Ghol-
Ffin, 176 West Peachtree st. 8-30-26
STENOGRAPHER wanted immediately.
t' Rhodes building 8-30-20
M ANTED -flood cook to live on lot Ap
ply Saturday morning. 36 East Tenth
street_. 8-30-17
WXNTED At once, young colored girl
• • k and do general housework.
Good wages. Must live on place. Apply
* -'ey Park. 8-30-4
uuoKkeeper. Elyea-
Austcll Company. 8-29-55
COMPETENT stenographer wanted for a
wholesale office. State experience and
salary Address Box 950. care Georgian
WANTED White country woman, mid
die aged preferred, to do housework and
look after old lady. Two in family. Out
< f town. Mrs. B \. P.. 616 Washington
street Main_slss L._ 43-8-29
WANTED —A good cook at once. Apply
Mrs. F. s. Hall, 101 West Tenth street.
<"H AM BE Pd>A IN-Johnson-Du Bose Co. re
quire the services of sewers in their
upholstery, drapery and carpet depart
ment Apply fourth floor of furniture
store. 8-29-1
WANTED —Suit and shirt
waist salesladies that
come direct from Suit l)e
--]>a rt meat. (J r< issman’s.
WANTED —Cook for family of four. Ap
ply 59.'- North Boulevard. 8-28-38
FIRST-CLASS waitress for dining room.
Apply at once. 241 West Peachtree.
WANTED—Several bright girls to sell
hosiery and underwear: $2 to $5 per day.
C V. Hairston, 309 Temple Court.
SEVERAL ambitious girls to work in
high grade candy stores. Only refined
and intelligent applicants considered.
State age and business experience. Ad
dress t'andt. care Georgian 47-8-28
WANTED—/\ first-class white servant to
do housework; live in house; good wages
to right. Person. Call Main 4249-J. 8-28-1
EXPERIENCED help wanted on ladies'
and children’s dresses. Apply 63 Deca
tur street.rß-26-3
WANTED —Colored woman to cook and
do general housew’ork. Room on lot.
in West Sixteenth street 8-24 62
Help Wanted—Male.
TWO all-round first-class white shoe re
pairers; must be sober. Max M. Her
bert, Athens, Ga. 55-8-30
COLLECTOR for installment house
Peoples Supply Co.. 120 Edgewood ave.
WANTED. A reliable, competent butler.
766 Peachtree st. B-30-30
WANTEI > An office boy State age. sal
ary, experience and references. Ad
dress P. O. Box 986, Atlanta. 8-30-21
WANTED—CIerk in European hotel;
young man with experience preferred.
Wages small to begin. Must give age and
experience. 1... care Georgian. 8-30-9
WANTED—White boys who are not
afraid of work as messengers. Apply
early. Postal Telegraph-Cable Com
pany. corner Broad and Alabama streets
WANTED Brass bed buffer and polisher.
Atlanta Metal Bed Company. 90 Means
street. 8-30-2
WANTED Press feeder and compositor.
11 Moore. 76 Garnett street. Main
.’.864-2, 49-8-29
WANTEI > —Two good tile layers; must
come well recommended. Apply 607
Rhodes Bldg . between 7 and 8 a. m. At
lanta Cement Product Compan' 8-'.'B-30
< A RRENTERS ~wanted; long job; best
pay Xpply New Court House. Pryor
end Hunter 35-8-28
Help Wanted—Male.
" ANTED—At once, one frame maker;
also one cabinet maker Pattillo Lum
berjCo. 8-28-11
" A-S^ED —Steno-bookkeeper and general
office man. by September 1. Prefer
young man desiring good chance for ad
vancement. Experience other than train
ing not necessary Address P. O, Box
<3. Bowden. Ga 8-27-29
WANTED—One good sheet metai worker
and four men who understand installing
'' arm Air Furnaces. Don’t apply unless
you can fill the requirements. Moncrief
Furnace Company. 8-27-17
W ANTED—A good male stenographer;
permanent place for right man; give
age. experience, references and state sal
ary expected. DeSoto Abstract Company.
Arcadia. Fla. 46-8-26
WAN r l El)—T woyo un g
men to press shirts 1951/o
Marietta Street. 8-24-22
WANTED —Men to learn the barber
trade; few weeks completes: tools
given: wages while learning; you can
join us with assurance you will succeed;
we have received praise from thousands
for our beneficial course; investigate now.
Moler Barber College. 38 Luckie st
WANTED—At once, job printer; state
experience and salary; no boozer
wanted. McCutchen Printing Co., Winder.
Ga. ’ 8-29-37
WANTED—-Competent, sober dry cleaner.
take charge of dry cleaning plant, con
sisting full equipment; state salary' want
ed. Address Albany Laundry Co.. Al
bany, Ga. B-29-8
WANTED—Young men to learn pharm
acy this fall. Demand for our gradu
ates exceeds supply. Next session begins
October 1. Southern College of Pharmacy.
81 Luckie street. Atlanta. Gaß-1-1
WANTED—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Call at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
CARPENTERS—Competent men furnish
ed on short mtlce for all classes of car
penter work. .Ti n Stephenson. 226 BroW’n-
Randolph Bldg Phone: Main 4251, At
lanta 2332.7-2-5
l>r. Davis, 167 Capitol ave., Aug. 30. 1912~
WANTED —Ideas. Inventors write for
list of inventions wanted and prizes of
fered by manufacturers. Also, how to get
your patent Sent free to any address.
Randolph &- Briscoe, patent attorneys.
Washington. D. C. 7-11123
STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, 10V4
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room- transient 50c Open all night.
__ .TJVI?
YES. Professor G. O Branning will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy). We
teach in one half time of other colleges
Course, and position in our shops
only S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages Atlanta Barber CSllege. 10
East Mitchell street. 5-11-17
FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos All barber w-ork free Clean
linen. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Mitchell. 5-27-16
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
XX ANTED—Several good
stenographers. Come at
oner. Remington Type
writer Co.. 56 N. Broad
street. 8-30-12
EXPERT PIANO Ti'NEß—Action, regu
lating, voicing and repairing. Beil
phone Main 2254-1,. East Atlanta Drop
a postal. 1 will call 8-19-24
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS to call on white people only;
must be experienced; good commission.
Peoples Supply Co., 120 Edgewood ave.
AGENTS-—sr>o weekly easily made; sam
ples free. J. Irving Prier, Richmond.
N Y. 32-8-30
AGENTS WANTED—S6O per week. No
investment or experience necessary.
Write for my big tailoring proposition.
P. W. Goodman, president. Fifth avenue
and Congress street. Chicago. 29-8-30
SELL something new in connection with
what you are now selling by a house to
house canvass. This is meritorious and
needed in every home; a sure repeater
and you make 100% profit. Money re
funded if you are not satisfied. Send 25c
for a sample prepaid. The W. & T. <’o..
708 Candler Bldg. Atlanta. Ga. 58-8-29
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED —Position in office: any kind
of clerical work; have several years ex
perience in office work. Now employed
in railroad office this city. Address Of
flee. Box 10, care Georgian 63 8- 0
WANTED—Position as bookkeeper or as
sistant or other office position by young
man; can use typewriter and am accurate
in figures; can give references: had expe
rience. J. T. J.. Box 103, care Georgian.
WANTED —Employment; anything hon
orable. I am hard worker and am of
good habits. Gall J. E C. Bell phone
Main 3-J.28-8 30
WORK WANTED by young Englishman,
28 years old: tall, strong, willing, has
lately been butler; willing to work at any
thing. R. Crump. 169 Central avenue.
WANTED - Position as salesman in retail
dry goods store: well experienced; good
references Address J. W. S . 26 Clarke st.
MAN. 27. is open for position as salesman;
salary or commission, with expenses if
you need a hustler address Hustler. 25
Larkin street. Atlanta. 32-8-28
W ANTED —A position as chauffeur; had
three years' experience: have best of
reference. Address Allen McLeod, 151
Spring 5t.36-8-28
POSITION wanted by fully experienced
office man; business correspondence,
collections, etc.: progressive, capable, en
ergetic; satisfactory references Box 414,
care Georgian 25-8-27
WANTED—Position in Atlanta as shoe
salesman; have had ten years' experi
ence and can give the very be9t of refer
ence. Address 51 W. Caln street, city.
L, D, Twiford.s7-8-24
CHAUFFEUR Permanent first-class
driver wants position in private family:
first-class references from last employer;
of first-class people; can keep up auto
mobile in cleaning and repairs Address
German. Box 10, care Georgian 65-8-24
Miss Beulah Pickett, 493 W Hunter st.
Aug. 30, 1912
A-l STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly ex"
perlenced. now employed, will accept
position meriting the services of a good
man. Salary $75; excellent reference.”.
Address Permanent, Box 500, care Geor
gian 35-8-23
Situations Wanted—Female.
WANTED —By refined young lady, posi
tion as housekeeper in widower's home,
or maid in small hotel; willing to go any
where If transportation is furnished. An
swer quick Address Box 981, care Geor
gian. 38-8-30
WANTED Position by young lady ite
nographer with about fifteen months ex
perience; references if required. Call At
lanta phone 5204, • 40-8-29
WAN T E D—Posi 11 on as assistant bonk -
keeper or general office work; refer
ences given. Address A. H., care Geor-
POSITION WANTED—Experienced, first
class lady bookkeeper, with five years
experience with large concern, desires po
sition as bookkeeper and general office
work. Best references. Miss F, Box 110.
<-are Georgian 58-8-22
Twenty Tickets Each Day to
the Forsyth Theater for Those
Who Write the Best Want Ads
Did you ever try to write a Want Ad?
I hen why not try your skill at writing them and get a couple
ot tickets each week to the Forsyth theater at the expense of the
Want Ad man.
Here is how you can secure free tickets to the Forsyth:
Read over the Want Ads on these pages. You plainly see
that some of them read better than others. Now you know that
you can write better ones than these, can’t you? Get a couple of
pieces of paper and scribble off a few. You will find that the more
you write of them the better you will get.
For the ten best written ones each day the Want Ail man will
give a couple of tickets to the Forsyth Theater. He will judge the
Ads and give the tickets to the ones that have written the best.
There appear among the Want Ads in this issue the names of
the ten lucky people that have secured tickets for tomorrow
night s performance. Your name will appear in this style.
Get in the swim this very day with the jolly throng that are
writing Ads. Your skill will surely get you one of the pairs of
tickets that are being given away each day.
Ads will be taken up until 1 o'clock each day.
The winners’ names will appear in the next day’s issue
among the Want Ads, and all you will have to do is to find your
name, bring your Want Ad receipt and that issue of the paper to
The Georgian Want Ad counter (so that you may be identified)
no later than four (4) o'clock the next day. and get your tickets
to that night's performance. Remember they will come in pairs
so that you can enjoy the show with a friend.
Don’t wait, start today, and try your skill at writing Want
Ads, and win some of the tickets to the Forsyth theater that are
waiting for you.
Needle Work.
EMBROIDERY, designing, fine sewing. 13
Ba't it- >re place. lw 5961 8 8 8
Salesmen Wanted.
ESTABLISHED proprietary medicine
company wants experienced salesman,
well acquainted with drug trade in the
South* Write, giving references, etc., to
Rox 478. care Georgian. 8-30-22
Boarders Wanted.
ROOM AND BOARD: also first -class
table board. 2!) East Harris street.
[dione_ I v\_374 ’ L. 8-30-16
GOOD BOARD with first-ciass people.
Private house. Near in. 282 Courtland
street. • 30-8-30
TABLE BOARDERS wanted ai 57 Cooper
street Also one furnished room.
66 -8-29
SEVERAL boarders wanted, also room
mate for young man. 131 Washington
•treat. s-29-47
A COUPLE without children. or two
young men. in private family; modern
conveniences. Call West 494._ 8-29-39
ROOMS and hoard; also table board;
norib_si<le lvy 2423-. I 8- 29-51
Jost OH Peachtree
SELECT rooms wiih or without board;
reasonable. 19 W. Cain st. 8-29-48
NICE ROOM and board in exchange for
diamond, motorcycle, piano or type
writer. Small cash payment Piano. Box
10, care Georgian. B-17-30
LARGE, delightful room, close to bath;
best location: steam heat; good table;
home comforts. 241 West Peachtree. Ivv
NICELY furnished rooms with excellent
board in private boarding house, West
End. Gentlemen only. 143 Ashby street.
Phone West 174.8-28-28
ROOM and board for a couple of young
men: close in. 102 Ivy st. B-28 18
LARGE front room and good table board
for couple. 102 Ivy st. B-28-19
BOARDERS and mealers wanted at 20
East Ellis. 8-28-2
DELIGHTFUL front room, closet; well
prepared meals: in pleasant home; table
board a specialty. 26 E. Caln. 53-6-27
B. M, Blount. S. Forsyth st. Aug. 30.
SELECT bearding at 16 East Baker, un
der new management; cleanliness our
motto; inspection Invited; the best table
in the city at moderate prices; rooms
with private bath. Ivy 2666-. I 8-27-42
DESIRABLE rooms with good table
board: good service; will also furnish
meals. Phone Main 1978. 178 Washing
ton st. 8-24-60
TRY BOARD at 308 South Pryor, home
like: references. Main 2456-L. 8-26-2
17 E. NORTH AVE., room with bath:
something extra fine; excellent meals:
dinner In evening. 39-8-23
NEAT, cool rooms and homelike cook
ing 173 Luckie street. Atlanta phone
SL.SO to $2.50 day; $7.00 to $12.50 weekly:
American plan, 50c co $1.50 clay, $3.00
to $7.00 weekly European References
exchanged. 8-13-36
IF you appreciate cleanliness try us, $4
to $6 week. 123 Capitol avenue S1 (L 7
Board Wanted.
WANTED —Room with private bath and
board in private family or private
boarding place on north side by young
couple. References required and given.
Address W., Box 206. care Georgian.
_25-8 2 28
Lost and Found.
LOOK at 83 Garden street; see 23 Con
nally street, between Fair and Wood
ward avenue; Connally street home con
venient co schools; will give terms on
both places; splendid renting property
Apply Room 201 Equitable Building iCtv
LOST—Motorcycle inner tube, between
Candler Bldg and Alabama street on
Forsyth street. Phone West 57. 8-29-34
LOST—In the direction of Terminal Sta
tion and Marietta street, black and tan
rat terrier. “Trixie Davidson. 30 Angier
ave.'' on collar. Reward. 8-30-25
FOUND —The neatest and daintiest pair
of glasses I ever saw. with unusually
brilliant and clear lenses and a remarka
ble nose piec e. It must be the “Dixie, as
no other will stay on my nose. Apply
file Hines Optical Company, 91 Peachtree
street. 8-30-24
LOST Thursday night, key ring with
four keys. Finder return to 1115 Em
plre. Reward 8-30-19
LOST -Thursday afternoon, la.iier,' gold
watch, heavily carved and with ruby
setting in back. Liberal reward if re
turned to 331 Candler building or 198 Ivy
street. Ask for Mrs. Pearl Caldwell.
Phone Ivy 1928. 8-30-11
LOST —On Soldiers Home car. silver eye
glass case; on car leaving town at 7
o'clock Wednesday evening Monogram
E H Liberal reward to finder Return
to Bell phone Main 2173 8-30-3
LOST —Child's gold bracelet yesterday
afternoon Name inside, Mary Sue
Prim. Lost on Peachtree or Whitehall
street. Return to 305 West Peachtree
street Reward t B-9-52
LOST—Ladles' old watch: Waltham
movement; bunting case, with name
"Nannie C Lenz" in back. Return to 715
Atlanta National Bank Building Reward.
LOST-- Two hair braids, either on the
Capitol ave or -Decatur street cars,
Wednesday, 21. If found, call Ivy 5921-. I
8 28 12
Job Work.
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters. We
make ti em io order. Roof repairing, brick
work, > all tinting, painting and plaster
ing. i'.2'- S Forsyth street. Bell 1187;
Atlanta 0087-M.
Pe M sonal.
\X \N i ED—To buy fifty shares of the
Equitable Casualty company stock: will
either pay the cash or will trade a good
piece of renting property; want this stock
this week. Address I’ O. Box 580. At
lanta, Ga. 59-8-30
DO PH ILA NTH RoPISTS. big <»r IM tTe’
read personals in the want columns of
The Georgian? We should get $25 to
complete a fund of SIOO with which to
start a blind man in business, if they do.
This man has a wife and two small chil
dren. Associated Charities, 705 Gould
LADIES! Don’t forget to buy the Titus
darner. Save your stockings and bank
your money. Instructions free. 49 White
hall street. 33-8-30
WANTED Addresses of ail ST A AIM ER -
ERS who are willing to pay $lO for a
certain cure. The Fon-Lin Institute. G..
2516 Indiana_avenue, Chicago, HI. 8-7 4
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywnere
in the South. Write or phone XV. R. Cal
laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank Building. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310.
SERIOI S RESULTS come, from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him flt
you, ar.d it means insurance. 6-24-19
cial method for adults commencing music.
Enables you to play well in three months.
All monotony of practice avoided. Even
ing lessons if desired. Music, Box 777.
care Georgian. 48-7-23
Mrs. X. XX’illink. 236 Central ave., Aug. 30.
refined, homelike; limited number of
Vi’tients cared for; home provided for in
fants; infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T.
Mitchell. 26 Windsor st,6-22-12
FOUND—The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
CER. Cali and see Dr Reynolds Com
pany 21 Inman building. Atlanta. Ga. If
you r• an rot ra!l. wriu■. 6-7-36
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a ?tylo for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corsetieres is mani
fested in selecting the model ’hat be
comes you best, company headquarters.
84 East North avenue. Ivy 6176 5-28-36
SPIRITUAL MEDIUM, clairvoyant and
palmist Parlors. 74 Walton street. La
tlles' maid in attendance. 8-6-7
~PAL.\iIST A.XD LlPib ’
REVEALS PAST, present and future.
Can he consulted on all affairs of life
Readings 25c, 50c 17 East Mitchell street
(in tent )
IS NOW LOCATED In tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted on
all affairs of life Charges moderate
Satisfaction -25-13
DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Boot Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions Tria! box by mall.
50c. Frank Edmondson A ->ro.. manufac
turing chemists, 14 South Broad street.
DROPSY CURED Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to <8 hours. Reduces swell
ing in 15 to 20 days Write for particu
lars. CoUom Dropsy Remedy Company.
512 Austell Building. Adama 5 25- i 1
Fire-Proof Storage.
W«•'. STORE HOUSEHOLD goods and
pianos office and warulio.ise. 239-241
Edgewood ave Ivy 2037. wohn .1. Wood
side Storage (Company.
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M C FURNITURE tranafei we pact
and ship Main 3657-J, A. 1319. 42
Madison ave 3-12-7
Stove and Range Repairing.
SELLS second-hand gas stoves. We sweep
chimneys. We take down heaters We
sell wick and wickless oil stoves. We sell
gasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta phone
2235 121 Whitehall street. Bell phone
Main 26994-4-7
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired, prompt delivery.
Roth phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company. 79 Whitehall 9-14-44
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
It contains a complete list each issue of every desirable place that Is For Rent in the city and suburbs no mat- >
ter where it is or whether it is furnished or unfurnished They are all here below. sunurns, no mat t
ror the benefit and convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a special man to search the citv and sur- <
roundings each day for desirable places. me city ana sur ;
This bulletin will save you time, money and worry It Is for your convenience, so take advantage of It.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NEAT, cool front room in private family;
reference required. 388 Peachtree.
RESIDENCE free to reliable couple until
September 8 “North." care Georgian.
STEAM HEATED, newly furnished In
mahogany, front room, three large win
dows; bath room adjoining; private West
Peachtree home; close in; excellent meals
next door; for gentlemen onlv. Phone
JyV 125852-8-29
FOR RENT—Three very desirable rooms
for housekeeping on Pulliam street; rent
very cheap Apply 817 Austell Bldg
HANDSOMELY furnished room; steam
heated and adjoining bath; in Atlanta's
most modern apartment; best of refer
ences required. Phone Ivy 6729. 8-30-34
ONE furnished room furnace heat; gen
tlemen preferred. Ivv 433-L. 73 West
Peachtree st. 8-30-29
ONE front room, nicely furnished; close
in and all conveniences. 2 Williams st.
Ivy 4204-.1. 40-8-30
FOR RENT- Pleasant room, close to
bath, in modern steam-heated apart
ment, close in. north side Ivv 6033-J
-30 18
FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms, liv
ing room, dining room and kitchen, on
first floor Phone Ivy 2560-L 183 East
FOR RENT—One furnished front room in
private family; meals optional. 205
North Jackson. 8-30-14
FOR RENT—Nice, cooi rooms, table board
a specialty Near South Pryor. Atlan
ta phone 2959. 37 East Fair street.
FOR RENT—Beautiful double room, well
furnisrled. every' convenience; just
above Peachtree place. Phone Ivv 309.
FOR RENT—In suburban home, private
family, big comfortable room, with
board, house large, with two bath rooms,
large porches, shade trees and nine acres
of ground, with vegetables, chickens and
Jersey cow. South Kirkwood. Decatur
_ 8-29J10
IVY HOTEL, 98 iw Street.
AMERICAN PLAN. $1.25 UP. Weekly
rates. 69-8-29
I’OR RENT—Nicely furnished room, with
sleeping porch, on Ponce DeLeon ave
nue. Ivy 4538.8-29-56
FOR RENT—With private family, in close
in, steam-heated apartment, large fur
nished room, with all conveniences. Ref-
WjW 1- s
NICELY furnished room; all conveniences;
private family 236 Central avenue.
Phone Main 3817-J. 8-29-46
HAadm>MElD furnished front room in
private hofne, for gentlemen only,
steam heat: all conveniences; references.
Apt. No. I. 164 Ivy St. 8-29-5 Q
COOL rooms and board: close in. 24 W.
Baker. Ivy 1 788.8-29-49
For RENT -Neat, cool, nicely rurnlshed
room to young man, in private home,
south side; with or without board. Phone
Main 5228-J. B-29-32
FuR RENT —Two or three upstairs
rooms; light housekeeping allowed
Best part of Grant street. Pnone Main
UGG I 8-29-27
LARGE, nicely furnished room, steam*
| heated, electric lights, north side, pri
vate family, to gentlemen. Ivv 1294-L.
FOR RENT- Nicely furnished room with
bat i) Apply 487. Peachtree. Phone
Ivy 6103 45-S-2’
FOR RENT Furniiihed rooms for light
housekeeping; near in; convenient, ref
erences exchanged. Apply 18 East Pine
FOR RENT—Room close in: private farn
ily; price reasonable. Main 953. 8-29-81
I Mrs. C H. Stamps. 318 Washington si .
Aug. 30,_1 912.
FOR RENT Pleasant room, close to bath,
in steam-heated apartment; close in,
north side Ivy 6033-J. 8-29-26
FoR RENT —Three nicely furnished
rooms, close in, cheap; all conveniences;
nice neighborhood. Apply 88 Pulliam
street. B-29-20
NICELY furnished room, private family,
steam heat: all modern conveniences,
suitable for one or two gentlemen. Phone
IY'.PA 4 : 42-8-29
FOR RENT i.argf beautiful rooms in
qu’et, refined family, $lO to S2O. 111
ITa/R—F 'ifth _street. 36-8-29
'PUREE or four nicely furnished rooms
for light housekeeping; close in; private
family; no children. 205 South Forsyth
street. Atlanta phone 2559. 37-8-29
frOR RENT .\icely turnished front
rooms; all conveniences. Apply 5 Well-
Ington Apartments. 124 Ivy st. 28-8-29
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with
all conveniences; in private home, to
young men only. Main 4568-.1. 8-29-10
TWO nice upstairs furnished rooms for
gentlemen. Call Ivy 3983-L. 8-29-3
FOR RENT To nice young man or busi
ness woman, newly furnished front
room; all conveniences. XX’ith owner. Ivv
ELEGANTLY furnished, large front cor
ner steam-heated room; three windows;
nice closets; adjoining white tile bath;
hoi find cold water; opens on delightful
large porch; close in: second floor apart
ment; every modern convenience. Phone
Ivy 5078. 190 Ivy st. B-28-49
ONE room on Crew street, connecting
bath; all conveniences. Main 4805-L.
L^ ? L_ < rew street. 8-28-41
EXTRA large, delightfully cool front cor
ner room, second floor; large closet;
“team heat; north side; private family;
business women preferred. Ivv 3570-J.
TWo nicely furnished cool rooms; all
conveniences, close in. 44 East Caln.
Nh’E. cool rooms; table board special!
in private home Atlanta phone 2595.
37 East Fair street. 8-28-37
front room; gentlemen. Phone Ivy
2979-.1. 46-8-28
TWO or three nicely furnished front
rooms for housekeeping, private en
trance; sink in kitchen; dressing room at
tached; two rooms for sl6. three for $18;
no children taken, hot hath: Beil phone;
best location 290 Washington street
NICE, cool front room; hot water; pri
vate family. Main 4945 and ask for
Mrs Starr. 286 Wa g s 28-
ONE furnished room with private bath;
nice location, all conveniences. Phone
h> ■ '6O 8 26-2
HANDSOMELY furnished room steam
heated and adjoining bath; in Atlanta's
most modern apartment: best of refer
ences required. Phor.e Ivy 8-;.’B-22
beautiful front room; private Bath
gentleman preferred. Address Peach
-11 ee ca 1•• *leorgian 41 -8-24
NICELY furnished «team-heated room in
private family; near in; reasonable. 28
F. A1 ander.Ap t A. _lvy 4068. 8-28-13
Fo"r””RENT Nicely furnished room; all
conveniences, close in. Apply 9 Wil
liams st 33-8-28
- ■
NEW, clean rooms for men only. 74 Wal
ton st re et. Ivy 5606- J.B-28-3
FOR RENT— Two beautiful front rooms
In fine locality, just fifteen minutes’
walk to center of town. 303 Rawson st.
Atlanta phone 3335.51-8-27
f<Tr ri.‘ iv. lovely furnished
for housekeeping; close in. 242 Central
avenue. Phone L827-J.B-27-30 '
Wan'l'Elj By settled couple, three or 1
four nicely furnished steam-heated I
rooms for light housekeeping; private !
bath; prefer private homo in vicinity of
Peachtree or Ponce DeLeon Address D.l
P. O. Box 1679 8-27-6 I
biNTIRE second floor of four pleasant
rooms and bath Adults only . hot water,
gas and electricity. 251 Crew street.
Nit’ELY furnished room for rent; near in:
call Xlain 3900, or Atlanta 1620. ask for I
bookkeeper 8-26-25
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms in private
family: furnace heat, electric lights.
Spring street, near North ave. Phone Ivy
6622 58-8-30
FOR RENT—Neat cool room on second
floor; $6 a month. 59 East Ellis street.
FOR RENT—Two or three rooms, fur
nished for housekeeping; no children.
73 Williams street. 8-19-15
LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, baths and excellent
table board; under new management. 4
West Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivy 6790-.1
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR RENT—To couple, two rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished; all conveniences;
close in: south side 28 Pulliam street
Call Bell phone Main 3582-.1.8-29-19
TWt > second-floor rooms with large pri
vate porch; electric lights; hot water,
all conveniences. Phone Ivy 2160. 8-28-26
TWO adjoining front bed rooms; con
venient to bath, furnished or unfurnish
ed Phone Ivy 58248-28-31
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
YOUNG MAN wishes nice room, with or
without adjoining bath, in modern north
side close-in apartment, with very few
people. State particulars. Would take
meals. Box ‘.i77, care Georgian. 68-8-29
WANTED—Young man to room with
gentleman Give phone number. R. D.,
care Georgian 2S-8-28
WANTED —Two furnished rooms for light
housekeeping, near Druid Hills pharm
acy about September 1. Call Dr. Alex
ander. Ivy 186. 8-28-39
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
WANTED—By a physician, one furnished
bed room and two unfurnished rooms in
same house, to be used as offices; the lat
ter to be on ground floor, must be. rea
sonable and within a few’ blocks of Grady
hospital. Reply, stating terms and loca
tion. Dr Davis, 167 Capitol ate 25-8-29
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE nice connecting rooms in private
family; good neighborhood. M. 4694-L.
AM WIDOW’ without children, will rent
three rooms to couple or small family.
Take River car line, get off at Chapple
road, and inquire for Mrs, Westfall
FOR RENT—Four unfurnished rooms,
first or second floor; all modern con
veniences Reasonable rent. Close In.
Apply 302 Kawson street. 37-8-30
FOR RENT Four looms and reception
hall; private bath; hot water; near in.
251 Central avenue. Phone Main 5052-. T
TWO or three unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping; modern conveniences:
near in. 84 Williams street. B-29-38
TWO connecting unfurnished light house
keeping rooms; modern conveniences.
Inman Park section Phone Ivy 1994-L. •
FOIt RENT—-Three connecting rooms
with modern conveniences. West End;
near ears. 15 Dunn street 557-L West
THREE beautiful rooms for light house
keeping September 1. 179 East Pine
street 43-8-28
TWO uufurnlshed rooms for housekeep
ing. close in on South Pryor. No. 202.
FOR RENT—-Two unfurnished rooms and
kitchenette Near in. Call Ivy 3718-L.
HALF of fiat; separate entrance, opening
on veranda; porcelain sink. Ivv 99.
FOR RENT—knur first-floor rooms; pri
vate bath; sink in kitchen 275 Oak
street. West End, 31-8-28
THREE unfurnished connecting rooms
with couple; private bath, gas and
phone.lvy 5427-.1. 8-29-15
THREE rooms for light housekeeping on
September 3. 247 South Pryor street.
UNFURNISHED rooms for rent: two
connecting rooms; one large and one
small, for light housekeeping; private en
trance; adjoins bath; ears convenient; 15
minutes’ walk to center of town; 88 per
month; no small children taken 371
Glenn st., between Washington and Pul
liam sts. 8-29-4
FOUR rooms with bath on Arst floor.
$11.60 per month. 156 Simpson street,
near Luckie Phone Ivy 2807-1, 30-8-28
i-t >R RENT—Four nice second floor con
necting rooms; could be used for offices
•XP riy 112 Whl tehah st- 8-27-7
TO GENTLEMEN Nicely furnished or
unfurnished steam-heated room; hath:
Bell phone: electric lights; five minutes of
business center: north side. Call in per
son. 79 Spring street, top floor. B-26-8
THREE nice rooms with conveniences for
housekeepiro- 210 Angler avenue
FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms and
kitchenette. Applv 85 Crew’ street.
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
XX’ANTIaD -Four unfurnished first floor
rooms and bath. Good location. State
terms. Address P. O. Box 783, Atlanta.
8 30-10
WANTED By young couple two unfur
nished rooms or one room and kitchen
ette. close In. by Ist nf month. Rox 75,
care Georgian. 34-8-29
XX' ANTI!!’ Three unfurnished rooms;
north Bide; close to table board. J. M
S . care Georgian. 27-8-27
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
PEACHTREE and Eleventh
streets in the Wickliffe, one
apartment for rent September 1.
Best and inogt modern in At
lanta. See or phone J. W. Gold
AVE HA VE for rent Tn Corinthian, 136
West Peachtree street, one five-room
apartment Apply Mr. Kelley, Walton
street B-29-29
FOR RENT- 180 Woodward avenue, near
Washington street; four-room upstairs
flat; close In No carfare. Ivv 1930-J.
he Boscobel apartments 88 Hurt
street, Inman Park, there are left two
three and four-room apartments, $32.50
and $35 each, with steam heat, hot and
cold water Apply to Janitor or Fitzhugh
Knox, 1613 < '.jriiilcr Bldg 8-27-I''
ENTIRE upper floor of six rooms and
bath on Peachtree street near Four
teenth Htreet. Address Peachtree, Box
MM), care G<
TWO ciose-jri four-room apartments;
bath, hall and front porch to each apart
ment ; rent reasonable. Chas S. Robison,
27 i- Huntei BsU phone M HBl.
BETWEEN Peachtree and Juniper, on
North avenue, one block from Georgian
Terrace hotel. There will probably be
for lease on September 1 or October 1 I
apartments ranging in price from $65. S7O
and $75 per month. Phone Ivy 657-J,
or call at 29 Ponce DeLeon avenue.
H4 «-17
THE most up-to-date apartments with
four rooms and bath in Atlanta, located
at 324 and 326 Forrest avenue; ready for
occupancy by September 1; can be se**n at
any tfma*, pries, S4O per month, office
phone. Main 2102. home phone Ivy 508-. I i
L. B. Sanders, Owner. 8-9-21
Fbirnished Apartments For Rent.
TWO or three connecting rooms with
bath; private entrance; for light house
keeping; couples or business women. 3451*>
Peachtree st. 8-28-14
RENT—I 96 Juniper street, near
Seventh: seven-room furnished apart
ment, by the year. S6O per month. Ivy
™ T| - 8-24-36
THREE attractive rooms, bath and mod
ern conveniences for housekeeping: no
ch.ldren, north side. Phone Ivy 2478
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Ten-room furnished house.
s4o per month. 25 Baltimore place. Ivv
9<3-L. 8-28-46
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
118 VV EST ALEXANDER ST.; cl os ft in
and near car line; four rooms on sec
ond floor with all conveniences; separate
entrance; price $10.60. Apply Fitzhugh
Knox, 1613 Candler Bldg. 8-30-38
FOR RENT—No. 3 Angier
avenue. Two-story, 8-
room house. Four bed
rooms and one in basement.
Everything modern, and in
best of condition. Car in
front. Possession Septem
ber 1. $35.00. 8-30-37
FOR RENT—Six-room modem cottage;
porcelain bath; lot 50x200; beautiful lo
cation; fine neighborhood 420 East Geor
gia ave.: $25. A. .1 &H. F. West, Phone
1i54 Main. 8-30-32
W EST END, 15 Holdemeea street, new
six-room bungalow; beautiful fixtures,
tile bath; $22.50. September 2 Call Barge.
Main 4644.44-8.30
FOR RENT- September 1, eight-room
modern brick residence. 65 Earn Cain
Eight-room modern residence. 308 Spring
street. Phone Ivy 3834-J.B-30-6
FOR RENT—Five-room cottage; comer
lot. Highland avenue car line Call Ivv
8815-J, 67-8-29
MODERN 10-room north side house; ev
ery convenience; furnished or unfum
tshed. Call Ivy 1619-JB-29-45
f ( >R RENT—Six-room house, suitable for
one or two families. Rent reasonable
348 East Georgia avenue. Phone Main
1933-L. 8-29-26
FOR RENT—S3O, 6-room cottage; north
side, 447 Courtland street, near Peach
tree W. C. Tolbert. 824 Atlanta National
Bank Bldg. Main 268341-8-29
FOR RENT—I 64 Highland avenue, seven
rooms; all conveniences; large yard.
$27,50. Call Ivy 5499-J,3Q-8-29
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates Turman. Black & Cal
houn. 203 Empire Bldg 6-29-66
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rout will not bp a modarn homo
unless it is wired for electricitv.
Desk Space For Rent.
DESK SPACE for rent In the Grant
building Address Box 3. care Georgian.
Store Space For Rent.
FOR RENT—Part of store with largf*
window; will partition off if desired, xx
North Pryor st. 37-8-28
Stores For Rent.
126-128-130 Capitol ave. Fine location for
business in any line. Apply to Owner.
322 Atlanta Nat Bank Bldg. 41-8-30
STORE FOR RENT at 78 West Caln
street. 17 feet by 55 feet; fine location
for drugs, fancy groceries or soda fount.
Apply Charles S. Robison, 27 East Hun
ter street Bell phone Main 1181. 8-29-17
Storage Room For Rent.
Fl YE ROOMS for storage: good refer
ences 455 Courtland street. Ivy 3707-. T.
ONE room for storage; close in, on Crew
street. No. 168. Main 4805-L. 8-28-33
Garages For Rent.
FOR RlLNT—Garage; $5. 94 East Pine
street. * 8-30-8
Barn For Rent.
FOR RENT—Nice barn with private en
trance: suitable for garage. Ivy 3707-J
Railroad Schedule.
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as information, and are not
No. Arrive From— No. Depart To—
-35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. York. 12:15 am
13 Jaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus... 5:20 am
43 Was'ton. 5.25 am 13 Clnci 5:30 am
12 Sh’port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft. Vai.. 6:30 am
23 Jaxville. 6:50 am 35 B’ham.... 5:46 am
•17 Toccoa... 8:10 am, 7 Chat'ga.. 6:40 am
26 Heflin . 8:20 am| 12 R'mond.. 6:55 am
29 N. York.lo:3o am 23 K. City.. 7:00 am
3 Chat'ga 10:35 am 16 Bruns'k . 7:45 am
7 Macon.. 10:40 am 29 B ham. . 10:46 am
27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am 38 N. York. 11:01 am
21 Col'hus 10:50 am 40 Ch'lotte. 12:00 n'n
6 Clnci... 11:10am 6 Macon . 12:20 pm
30 B’ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. York.. 2:45 pm
40 B’ham. 12:40 pm 15 Chatt’ga. 3:00 pm
3i> Ch'lotte. 3:55 pm 39 B’ham.... 4:10 pm
5 Macon.. 4:00 pin *lB Toccoa... 4:80 pm
37 N. York. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus... 5:10 pnt
15 Bruns'k. 7:50 pm 5 Clnci.... 5:10 pm
11 R'mond.. 8:30 pm 28 F. Valley 5:20 pm
24 K. City. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin.... 5:45 pm
16Chatt ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon... 5:30 pm
29 Col’bus. 10 20 pm 44Wash'n .. 8:45 pm
31 Ft. Vai. 10:25 pm 24 Jaxville.. 9:30 pm
36 B’ham.. 12:00ngt 11 Sh’port.. 11:10 pm
14Cinci. . 11:00 pm 14 Jaxville 11:10 pm
Trains marked thus (•) run daily, ex
cept Sunday.
Other trains run daily. Central time
City Ticket Office, No. 1 Peachtree St.
It's like getting money from home, for
it's money easily made by reading, using
and answering the Want Ads in The
Georgian. Few people realize the many
opportunities offered them among the
small ads. It's a good sign that if the peo
ple did not get results from the Want Ads
<>f The Georgian that there would not be
so many of them. If, for nothing else, sit
down and check off the ads that appeal to
you. You will be astonished how many ■ f
timm mean money to you. The Want A<l
pages are bargain counters in every line.