Newspaper Page Text
■■■■■■■■HWWgMWMK iMMl—Mil..iLlllk IfIgSBWS IMIII LI BMI IM—I 111
A Good Store to Trade at Saturdays
Open ’Tili 10 P. M.
Ladies’ Furnishings, Etc.
Skirts, Waists, Dresses, House Dresses, Kimonos. Shoes, Hose,
Underwear. Neckwear, Corsets and Fancy Articles. All in
good assortments and at lowest prices. •
Men’s and Boys’
Suits. Pants, Shirts, Waists, Hats and Caps. Hosiery, Un
derwear, Shoes and Slippers, etc.
Piece Goods Section.
Silks. Wool Dress Goods. Mercerized Cottons, Ginghams, Gal
ateas, Percales. Outings, Lawns, White Goods, etc.
Marietta St. I
Street Cars Transter You Here From Ail Sections.
■ m ■ i■ n i... . ■■ Bin .in -a. «.» - i ..i.i mu r «■— „• mm aMa r-, „
Think of ATLANTA OPTICAL CO., 142 Peachtree St.
They Originate. Others Imitate. Perfect Glasses I
—■mmmmm—m— ■■■■■■■—
w 'Hli , u l V I ill WliilllWß WMMWiliii ßUI I WHHMMnHMHKMHWKMHwwHMBM
It is th p d''sire of The GEORGIAN to present to every family in Atlanta a copy of this
MODERN Atlas. It is filled from cover to cover with I’SEEUL facts concerning your
own state, your own country, ami the entire world.
Think what this means for the children at school—for all who want to keep up to
date. Eor a short time you may have a copy for a small expense fee and six head
ings clipped from
In addition to its wealth Silk Finish Cloth CONVENIENT
of other valuable informa Kinding SIZE
tion the Standard Atlas con
tains: / ?■ ~f-
T7T TT T PA C' T*" *•»
X X jTXvTXL •*•'*! ■**/ ••• *“''■*.'//* * i*t'A'.vv**. 1 * •••"• •Jit!:*’*;: *N' *' 1t *>» v'•/*(& >’•*< '*•
Th* following is a partial list of tn. yjtj
ninety paces of maps covering the I X c.\*. 7 X'-'jVv-.'i'-'-x ■ lafi-V'c.*•*<
TIRE world b\ countries. RtHle*. pro\ A’ *V*V '»!&*• ••••••• •• .*«
Inces and dlntrhiß Sjggag&H; fill*.*?.* 7. £
Wor,d Maps:
Equivalent P»u eJion :** *JMka* .* *b 1 *» ‘X*♦*. »!*V*7?.*?»*/%*>*.**.*■ *. ’ ;vJQ®.VA*;
Form* of Govei ••ment ?’• \\\jSSf*>•?•*•>*.•/.*/?< * *.;J
Timber Supply '******][ •’"*
United States Maps:
Acquisition of Territory •‘•* ' ‘ }jT** *•* *•** * * - * *.** ••
Insular Poicwohb J >’.*.* *.• .*f> f .’/!*• v/Jt-IV-
States and T.rr.tor.e. i £
Maos of Canada- —*mi '• £ $
iviaps o Canada, £
Maritime Provinces •'*.*.•.? ’.’X '**•’ '* Wf-SSFi?• • ‘sl l ’• • JpPWsL**’’*'4‘?••
Ouebec ic.Tj ;.*• .”. Ssyl. >
Ontario •’•III »••• ’• *ft}< <<£H• 7<«*el» *7fr jjfeMdy‘Jvi<>».*>.•»*» • *•>I *<- *• iff IvJF-' •*.’ ?•
Manitoba '.V/JI 7.- ***/ '•* j ** I* I * * ••*!• »*••
Alberta and Saskatchewan •’.*•’ | t* *’
Railroad Maps: :d'-ji;:
Countries of the World ***** * * ***-*- ’.‘."* *?
States of the United States /.V.’J’• *. *•••.*•.’■’.’• •.’•
Canadian Provinces .‘•’•’•'J ’•>’ !’• **^** *••
Maps Panama Canal: £3 £ $
('•■ORf: S« < ’lon Culebra Cut ;•’•!* •’.'.’ •*.••• if**
R.. 51... c.n.. .ys y-
Arctic 4 Antartic Maps:
Route, of Explorer, REDUCED ILLUSTRATION— Actual Size 8 3-4x7 inches.
You May Have It
If you will present six headings of consecutive dates from
the first page of The Georgian (clipped like the follow- TT’i H 71 i
in^: History of the World
ATI \\ ''\ Cmp? At a Glance
fro OottfUir ASP si«, ta,- tll»‘ USHft] tPAfIITPS COO-
br.. *’"* 1 tained in such a book
-LBS L’M*' —*x •-■ ——Xe 11
This Latest Atlas
(< lip out ft« abovp. :o s-.ovx in.- ..’y part of Iwading with
, r . , r , • Also Contains
and the expense fee to defray the necessary items of the
cost of handling, packing, shipping, cheeking, accounting, COLORED
AT} A Cand Chrono!ogica'i\'l 7 <X O ? F\ Showing at a dance all the im
/A 1 JU/A0 History of the ▼? portant events in the World's
(like illustration); bound m silk finishe<r'cloth, beautiful history from
Ennn YFARk R C 1
iJKJVjvJ I I_.rArx,.; D. V»,
of This character Present at to t ] )P
this offi.-e Six Headings hpßltSi
of ronseeutit. date- and the DOC f (t Present Revolution in China
• Special Train Finds Aged Sen
ator Suffering From Cold,
But in No Danger.
ESCANABA, Mli'H.. Aug. .30.—Re
ports received here today from the fish
ing i amp in the Northern woods, where
Senator ! ,iac Stephenson was reported
severely ill, say his condition is not se
rious. It is reported that he suffered
from a cold and acute indigestion, but
that he is nut In dangei.
The special train, witli physicians
and nurses, summoned against
wishes of the aged senator, has ar
rived and the patient is now in the
hands of the physicians.
If you like good music, pretty girls
I and catchy songs, with a lot of up-to
i date comedy thrown in. don’t miss
. I ’ The Electric Hotel" at the Bonita the
| ater. Peachtree street, this week.
The play is presented by the ever
| popular King-Murray-Jones Musical
; Comedy company and the famous
I "Beauty chorus" is almost continu
t ously in evidence.
Beautiful motion pictures of the
| highest class are shown between shows.
The p ice of admission is 10c for
'adults and 5c for children. ***
.. ■ ■!!■ I.! ■ 111 ! I ,| I |! I _ L 1...
1312 ■ CROP
St. Louis Speculator Believes
Total Will Be 3.500,000.000
Bushels This Year.
HT. LOUIS. Aug 30. —T. E Price, a St. I
Louis giain speculator and student of
crops, believes the corn yield of the Unit
ed States this year will surpass the total
output of any previous season. He esti
mates the j leld at 3.500.000,000 bushels.
Price .is confident his estimate is cor
rect and has already placed bets ag
gregating SI,OOO that the crop will run to
.3.000,000,000 bushels, and has SIO,OOO more
in < ash to wager on the issue The initial
bets were placed here and in Chicago and
the rest will doubtless be taken within
tlie next few days.
I Hiring the past decade Price has been
successful in a number of corn deals, both
on the long and short side of the market.
He has specialized in the Indian cereal
and has a goodly following of dealers
who place confidence in his estirpates and
i'he government crop report for August
1 c?? ~ h’ ’ Production of corn at
2.811.000.000 • bushels, but according to
I rice «the recent rains In Kansas. Ne
braska ar.d the southwest generally have
worked wonders and will,increase the crop
by fully 606,000,000 bushels o'Vef the Ee<l
eral guess.
Last year’s crop was only 2.531,000.000
bushels, the early bumper prospects Hav
'Bg been blighted by the drought. In
1906 the record crop was produced, 2,927.-
000,000 bushels having been harvested in
that year.
COLUMBUS. GA.. Aug. 30.—The Sis
ters of Mercy will celebrate their golden
jubilee in Columbus next Wednesday,
commemorating the founding of the
Catholic convent in this city In 1862.
Bishop Kelley, of Savannah, will con
duct the pontifical high mass at the
Church of the Holy Family.
Without perfect teeth one can not
enjoy perfect health. Decayed or im
perfect teeth are not only painful and
continuously annoying, but a positive
menace to health and even life.
Do not neglect your teeth. Upon the
first sign of decay have* them treated
and save suffering. Or, if the teeth are
already In bad condition, have them at
tended to at once.
The modern scientific painless meth
ods In use by the Atlanta Dental Par
lors rob dentistry of its former terrors,
and the most difficult operations are
performed quickly and without pain.
This handsome establishment is lo
cated at the corner of Peachtree and
Decatur streets, entrance at 19 1-2
Peachtree. »»•
Change of Schedule.
Effective Sunday, September 1. 1912.
Atlanta and West Point Railroad company
will make following changes of arrival
and departure of trains:
Train No. 19 for Columbus (via New
nan), leave Atlanta 6:45 am., instead of
6:30 a. m
Train No. 41 for West Point (accommo
dation), leave Atlanta 5:40 p. tn., instead
of 5:45 p. m
3’rain No. 20 from Columbus (via New
nan). arrive Atlanta 7:40 p. m . instead of
7:55 p. ni.
All trains between Atlanta and Colum
bus (via Newnan), will be improved in
service and running time reduced.
General Passenger Agent
Ch.ll Main 1130
"Initials Only," by Anna
Katharine Green, author of "The
Leavenworth Case,” "The Fili
gree Ball,' ’ one of the most ’en
thralling mystery stories ever
written, will begin in The Geor
gian next Tuesday. Be sure to
read it.
Dr. Hines has given his entire
life to the study of the human
eye and how to correct refracted
errors with lenses. With him
it does not matter how compli
cated or how dim the sight might
be. If the eyes respond to the
light he can uncover any and all
hidden defects, and correct same
with glasses in a manner that
gives pleasure, comfort and re
sults herebefore unknown. He
wishes ail to know- that his prices
are no higher than elsewhere,
and that there are no charges for
examining when glasses are
91 Peachtree St.
Eel ween Montgomery and Alcazar Theaters
-■M—N—anEMaM—M— h—i
Men and Women
of all chronic, nervous,
private. blood and
Y skin diseases I use
. the very latest ineth
xw “ od<. therefore getting
\ desired results I give
uerman preparation.
a + for blood poison, with-
idV cutting or Helen
a ’ V
% 'A? cure yoi or make no
‘Large Everything
confidential C >me to ine without de
lay. and let me demonstrate how
1 give you results where other
physicians have failed. I cure Vari
cocele. Stricture. Piles. Nervous De
bility. Kidney, Bladder and prostatic
troubles Acute discharges and in-
I flanunatlon anti all contracted dis-
I rases FREE consultation and exam
ination Hours. Sa. m to 7 p m
Sundays, 9 to 1.
Dr. J. D HUGHES. Specialist
opposite Third National Fank
16' 2 North Broad St.. Atlanta, Ga.
1 7 x I
“The Real Department Store”
I Your Dollar Will Be Worth Two s
fcp —■■■■ ■ . - W'
' Up '
i Tomorrow in Our Corset Parlors! ;
£ S'
It will be Dollar Day tomorrow, at least
jtaM till 1 o'clock—a sort of jubilee half-day sell-
ing, bargain doings, in Splendid New Models *'
of the Famous “IRIS;” a standard make, ele- S
Ug gantly finished, tine fitting garment, made of jT
beautiful quality batiste and cbutil. prettily \ S 7
trimmed and fastidiously finished. A dozen
different models to select from—supplied with /\
three pair supporters, front and side, and / \ g>-
draw string. ( \ \ S=-
g Absolute Values, $1.50: Tomorrow, £ J AA «
g “Dollar Day Sale” <pLvV v h 7 S
Then there is an assortment of tine mod- ||l|H
els. including the best $2.00 Collets in stock. umM U S’
in a host of styles—long hip. low bust effects, ‘V ’1 V **
finely made and daintily trimmed. ‘.Vi \l’
: 5 choice, tomorrow, “dollar day sale,” si.oo IBW j
g Our Corsetry (second floor) is in charge
of experienced Corsetieres, and we cordiallv L __
invite your participation in the great
■ £ “Dollar Day” Corset Sale j
S Tomorrow Till One 2
I— ; ]
opium and whisky
ir. ' P**!® 11 *'* f-howi these di*.
treat ed at their homes. Coa.
book on the subject Crt* DR. B. if
WOOIaLBY A SO®. So. £-A Victor SrjiiUrlma, A&au. flak
pYou’ll Like This
Blue and Gold Set
■i <? R * f 1- ■* 1 * a « 9
BNnx > \’ Lu tT. (r r / '
gEnk?- ... dkN - <a > v . - /•#, .V®
Kv ix v 'J? a.- 7 4 4 ®
W I & X W ; ' jir - r.
HE. v .11 Iki. «* f iW I®
Hl ® 9MB WmW
80 fJr "' rIW-H®
Hundreds of others, in all walks of life, have praised this set. h s beau
ty is of an nni-oinnion sort. And we’]] vouch for its utility The decoration
stays. It s tired into the ware by a new process, and it's underglazed It
can’t come off.
This is your last chance to obtain this set for $3.50 and the six Pre
minin Coupons cut from The Georgian (See uao-c •’ i \vi>,..
i -•' " in ii our present
i stock is exhausted the offer will be withdrawn. •
The Atlanta Georgian
i Premium Room 20 E.Alabama St.
“Initials Only,’’ by Anna
Katharine Green, author of “The
Leavenworth Case,’’ “The Fili
gree Ball,’’ one of the most en
thralling mystery stories ever
written, will begin in The Geor
gian next Tuesday. Be sure to
read it.