Newspaper Page Text
3ft. —Brady and Priest will
be the opposing mound men
In the second game of the series
between the Crackers and Look
outs. The fact that Atlanta lost
yesterday has not discouraged the
Gate City warriors in the least, and
for the first time in weeks they dis
played some fighting spirit this
morning as they lounged around the
hotel. They are confident of win
ning today, again tomorrow, and
thereby cop the long end of the
The Lookouts captured the first
gam*- of the struggle yesterday by
a••-ore of Ito 1 The home team s
Polish battery Covaleskie and Gid
do. proved altogether too good for
Whitey Alperman’s misfits It was
toe Lookout’' first vielo \ in ten
games too.
Johnson Pitched Wwll.
Lyman Johnson hurled for the
Crackers, and really hurled a very
useful game, but errors cropped
out in his sttppor. at critical times,
and when the Ixtokouts mixed some
timely hits with them, runs were
scored ,
The Crackers were a trifle too
daring on the base lines, and wrWild
probably have scored inor< than
one run had they not attempted to
stretch hits or go an extra station
on an error, good pegs cutting them
down. Joe Agler offended twice In
this respect. Harbison once.
The inteiest In the game was in
tense, and when it was seen that
the rival butters were twirling just
about the same brand of baseball,
the fans sat back and waited for
something to break The some
thing was the Atlanta support
Bailey's Work Feature.
Harry Bailey’s great running
catches in left field were easily the
feature of the game. He made a
critical error on a fly by Coyle, but
hr robbed Mickey of an extra base
hit a few Innings later, and electri
fied the crowd by racing to the flag
pole in left center and capturing
Gray's long drive that looked good
for a homer
Coyle's first base play was the
feature from a Chattanooga stand
The Crackers counted their only
tally in the second inning. McEl
veen beat out a slow roller to
third; Reynolds walked Humpty
was forced at third on Callahan's
roller Wolfe kicked in with a
timely blnglo and Reynolds scored
Barr's Double Costly.
In their half of the same Inning,
the Lookouts scored the runs that
really won the game With one
gone. Gldilo drew a ticket. Cova
leskie was retired by Callahan after
a hard run in deep center Coyle
flew to left, but Bailey dropped it
and both hands were safe. Barr
cut loose with a two-sacker, on
which the two runners counted.
With one gone in the sixth. Giddo
walked Covaleskie forced him at
second. Harry went to second on a
wild pitch and counted when Coyle
drove out a single,
in the seventh, again after one
was gone, a man walked. This
time it was Balenti. Moran went
out. but Jordan kicked in with a
single that sent the chief home
Macon. GA.. Aug 30 The trotting
record for a Georgia track was broken
here by Handsome Boy. owned by G. H
Kscob. of Athens, when he made the mile
in 2 in the third heat The previous
record was held by Lecco Wilks, owned
by Dan O’Connell, of Macon, and was
made at the state fair here last year.
A crowd of 1.000 people attended the
opening of the three days' race meet
yesterday afternoon and saw two good
The 2:20 trot was won by Handsome
Boy. in three straight heats, his time [
2:12*4. Veteran. owned by Morgan
Thompson, was second Clement. J. T
Morton. Gray owner, third, and Frank
lin, S. Wise. Atlanta, owner, fourth.
In the free-for-aJI race for a purse of
?150. Joe Wilks, owned by Dampier, of
Valdosta, was the winner in two straight
heats. Nellie Gentry, ban O'Connell,
Macon, owner was second, and l-uly
White, C H Escos. \thens, owner, was i
third The time was 2 16 <
NEW YORK. Aug 30. W ill,, a .-mis
sors grinder «a« busily .ngagi<l it:
sharpening cullerx opposite the .Mile
pole hotel. Jimmy Britt, the «x prize
fighter, sauntered up to a group of men
in the lobby, cast a casual glam . across
the street and said
“Holy smoke, but that's a dandx
"What do you mean?" some one in
"Why,” Jimmy replied in a confidt n
Hal way. "that’s Billy Burns the de
tective 1 used to know him In San
Francisco No make-up can fool m-
Instantly the group took life, and in a
few minutes the whole bunch wa«
across the stren They told others, and
m did Jimmy, Pretty soon the scis
sors grinder was playing to a gallery of
about fifty people, while Britt looked
on from across the street.
L Meanwhile Detective Burns was
strolling down the boardwalk at Atlan-
K Cl,y -
Billy Smith, Crackers’ New
Manager, Snapped on the Job
y'lrfX' ’ A . yb- T DURING PRACTICE
By/ '• ZSkSsw 4. ■
WET b k
Vi&r •■•'fejk v I’
''Wk.--uu F *
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Diamond News and Gossip
The Delehantys wore the greatest of
baseball families Four out of five broth
era were sent to the big leagues. The
rtf th played baseball 'l'he father was
lames Delehanty. Sr. a Cleveland me
chanic. The boys were I'd, Tom, Frank.
Joe and Willie. The greatest Bd
His most famous feat was that of knock
ing four home runs out of five times at
ba t.
• • •
Almeida has been directed to report to
the Red team at the close of the Southern
league season and will play his first game
in New York He and Marsans are ex
pected to draw out the entire Cuban
colony in the metropolis
• • •
I’oubt has arisen about the Ciants'
round-the-world trip Several of the
Giant players have decided they do not
want to go and some question has arisen
over McGraw s ability to finance it
• • •
The Browns will send three men to
Montgomery in return for first pick on
the Montgomery team next vear The
men Dobbs is to get are said to bo First
Baseman Joe Kutina, Pitcher Charles
Roy Broun and Outfielder Pietro Comp
• • •
Pitcher Schultz, of the Savannah team,
who has been bought by the Giants, will
report in New York just as soon as the
Sally league post-season games are over
• • •
Minneapolis recently won six games in
three days from Indianapolis There’s
one other team tn the world In Atlan
ta's class
• • ■
It is .said that Claude Derrick did not
take kindly to being traded to Baltimore.
But, shucks, that did nt get him anything.
• ♦ •
Oh. yes. here’s a new solution of the
managerial problems at St. Louis ami
Brooklyn Bresnahan is to be traded to
Brooklyn for Nap Rucker and Zack
NVheat And Miller Huggins Is to man
age the Cardinals
• • •
They're going to run a special train
from Youngstown for the world’s series
Jimmy M<Meer's trends in the Mahon
ing valley are Just bound to see his Red
Sox perform
Jud Dale\ has been called to his home
in Montgomery by the death of his only
child, a little- son born this summer
• • •
Here D the way tin- clubs finished in
the first half of the Sally league season:
CLVBS Won L< ' P.O
Jacksonville 3t, 17 k7:»
Albany 31 I j
Savannah si i
Macon -,-K 2’.» 473 I
t'olumbus . 25 30 455
Columbia is 35 324
• • •
’l ee reason Bf nir M<Cay let up in his
race for the Sally league pennant was
that the owners of the Albany club w ere
selling off all his stat players and then
kicking he wasn't winning the
• • •
\shevill.- is plugging hard for an all
i North Carolina league and wants Gre« tis
- boro and Charlotte in it.
• * *
Count out Mobil. It would take a
miracle now forth. Gulls to cop Thev
are more llkelj to pop
• • •
Also award Ins' place to \tlanta The,
Crackers could not pa-s a given point
much less Chattanooga
I’realdent William Gracson of the
la.uisvlll. . !:,! i. , • i , ■ i(iWn an
offer of Jbi.t'W lor 1 is outi t
Players Bill Smith Has “Sent Up”
Al Orth, pitcher, star with Philadelphia and Xew York
American team many years.
Dolan, infielder, several years with Louisville in old 12-
clnli league.
Ollie Pickering, sold to Louisville, afterward with Cleve
land Spiders.
Dan McGann, first sacker, sold to Boston, afterward first
baseman ol Xew York Xational World's Champions.
George Xill, second baseman, sold to Cleveland, where he
stuck several years.
Al Xewton. noted southpaw, sold to Louisville, and later
with Xew York Americans.
Gilroy, pitcher, sold to Washington.
Dummy I aylor. sold to Xew York Xationals, for which
club he pitched many years.
Bernard, outfielder, sold to Boston Americans.
Paul Sentell, shortstop, sold to Athletics by Maeon.
Kussell Ford, Xew York American's star pitcher.
Box Castleton, pitcher. Xew York .-Xmericans. Cincinnati
Ed Sweeney, catcher. Xew York American’s star receiver.
Rube Zeller, pitcher, sold to Xew York Americans,
now dead.
Dodo Paskert. outfielder, sold tfrCineinnati. now with
Philadelphia Xationals.
Bob Spade, pitcher, sold to Cincinnati, and a star for one
Jimmy Archer, star catcher of Chicago Cubs.
Sid Smith, sold to. Athletics, afterward with Cleveland,
now with Columbus.
Williams, catcher, now with Boston Americans.*
"Rube’ Benton, pitcher. Cincinnati.
"Hub" Xorthern. outfielder. Brooklyn.
Bob Higgins, catcher, Brooklyn.
Ro.x Moran, sold to Brooklyn for fall deliverv.
X UK 30 l-’lvr mutches w ere deckled
jestndav .it the Seagirt shooting tour
nament. Sergeant Perri S. Schofield,
of Massachusetts, won the Nevada tro
phy match: the field and staff of the
Third Infantry, New Jersej National
Guard, won the cavalrr team match:
the Manhattan Rifle and Revolver club,
of New York, won the revolver team
match A I’ Lam. of \, w York won
the a’l-eomei- squadded military
■natch: .1 II Snook, of <>hi. won th* 1
! all-comers squadded rapi<l-tii< match.
Shooting condition.- were excellent.
Slmplif) home. ipartment, room seek- i
ling tn saving time, temper and tramping I
I ' consulting riu Georgian Rent Bulk - ,
tin I
CHICAGO, Aug 30 Helnie Zim
merman. third baseman for the Cubs
and leading batsman in the National
league, hit what is said to be the long
est home tun ever made on the local
grounds m the game with St. Louis
here It was Zimmermans fourteenth
home drive this season and was made
.when one man w argon base in the first
The ball struck the lower left-hand
cornet of the score board in left field,
near the club house, and exports on
long drives estimated that the ball
I traveled 425 feet before striking th»
I board.
Last Spark of ■ Cracker Hope Now Extinguished
•Fa 4 n-ad- •!•••{• •:•••?
Smith’s Men Did It, But Nobody Blames Bill
j-j rj -tt-m • • Smith, sorely wounded by the pros-
lo\ I (‘Fey H. \\ lilting. pect of finishing worse this season
IF ever a faint hope existed that than ever before In his managerial
the Crackers might take a fall history. For in the seventeen years
out of Chattanooga, pass the he has been a manager he has never
Lookouts and escape the ignominy' before finished worse than sixth,
of finishing last, that hope is dead And only three times before has he
—dead as a petrified pterodactyl. finished in the second division.
It was assassinated yesterday aft- • * *
ernoon when the Lookouts downed A COUNTERPART of Bill Smith's
the Crackers handily in the first managerial career has proba-
game of the series in Chattanooga, bly never before been known in
I to 1. baseball. Certainly its equal is not
And thus is there another added to be found in minor league history,
bit of solace to the feelings of Bill In the first place. Bill started in
\ /*
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Inews from ringside)
Jack Dillon, who was scheduled to box
Cyclone Johnni Thompson in Memphis
Labor day, has wired the club he will
not be able to tight on that date owing to
an injury However, many fans believe it
is simply a case of cold feet, as Dillon re
cently ran out of a match with K. O.
» • •
Joe Sherman Is training-hard for his
eight-round encounter with Harry Tren
ilall at the Southern Athletic club in
Memphis Labor da> This will be a real
trvout for Sherman and he will be given
several good mateties provided he defeats
Trenda II
• * •
Buffalo will have several good bouts on
da,\. Jumbo Wells meets ‘ < hie
Round” Davis. k t» Brennan fights Jack
Barrett and .limm\ Duffv will be stacked
up against Bobb.' Wallace in what should
be one of the best shows staged in that
city this year.
* * •
Patsy Kline has improved so rapidly
that many believe he will succeed Johnny
Ktlbane as featherweight champion. The
latest victim to fall before the little He
brew was Kid Lenny. wh<> lasted four
rounds of a scheduled ten-round bout.;
staged at Newark a few nights ag-
• Terr.v Mitcheh and Joe Gans are booked
for a ten-round tight at the Surf Avenue
Opera bouse at Coney Island tonight
• •
Willie Purcell and Young \ttell are both
training hard for their ten-round engage
ment in Cincinnati Labor day. These two
boxers recently stirred up much trouble
in boxing circles in the Ohio citv by sign
ing to b< \ a 1 several difft rent clubs on the
same date
Articles have been signed by Cyclone
Johnny Thompson and IMdie McGoorty
for a ten-round fight to be staged in Cin
cinnati September 16. ’Thompson was
original!.' matched with Jack Dillon for a
Labor day bout at Memphis, but Dillon
was injured while training and will not
be able to appear.
• * *
Johnny Kling, the boxer who was kick
ing up such a' howl because he could
not get any one to fight him. lias at last
secured a match He is booked to meet
Harry Trendall in St Louis September 14.
Patsv Brannigan and l-'iankie Burns
have been practically matched for a ten
round bout to lie staged in Cincinnati uii
September 5.
• • •
Leo Kelly, who defeated Dan Cullen in
Memphis recently, is wanted b.v many
dubs for a Labor day engagement. Kelly I
is paid a weekly salary by his manager
for boxing and the manager runs all the
risk of galmbling on the gate receipts.
SAN ERANCISf’O. Aug. 30. —The
fight scheduled betw. n 'One-Round’
Hogan an,l Wi'i > Ritchie lightweights,
for s pteinbe :i. has been called off on
account of .in injury to Ritchie’s arm
received in training.
ttoau atm answer trie Want Ads tn The
Georgian A good ri b- tor every individ
ual who reads Make it vmiv rule and
y. q will be more prosperous and more
as a manager at the tender age
(speaking from a baseball slant) of
Stranger still, he secured his first
job as manager when he had been
playing baseball but two years.
Imagine starting "Dug” Harbi
son or ''Kid” Howard off next
spring as a manager. Yet they
have had two years experience and
they are nearly the age of Bill
Smith when he started.
Perhaps more marvelous still,
this Ohio kid bumped right into a
hot race in the Virginia league
and as manager of Lynchburg he
finished second. The next year,
his fourth in baseball and his sec
ond as manager, he won a pen
nant. Some managers have been
In baseball twenty years without
having the good fortune that came
to Bill Smith his second year out.
In all, Bill Smith has won five
pennants in seventeen years.
• * •
ttERE is Bill Smith's complete
A record as a manager, giving
the year, the team, the league and
the positions that Bill's team fin
ished :
1895 — Lynchburg. Virginia, sec
1896 — Lynchburg. Virginia, first.
1 897—Norfolk. Atlantic, third.
1898— Ottumwa, Western associ
ation, fourth.
1899 — Knoxville, independent.
1900— Albany, New York State,
1901— Davenport. Three Eye,
1902 Davenport. Three Eye,
1903 — Greenville. Cotton States,
1904 Macon. South Atlantic, first.
1905 — Macon. South Atlantic, first.
1906 Atlanta. Southern, third.
1907 Atlanta, Southern, first.
1908— Atlanta. Southern, sixth.
1909 Atlanta, Southern, first.
1910— Buffalo. Eastern, fifth.
1911 — Chattanooga, Southern,
• • «
A NOTHER record that Bill holds
is all his own and is one that
nobody will contest with him. Wil
liam has, beyond all question, con
sumed more tobacco during the
playing season than any living
Bill hasn’t any fixed amount per
day or per game. But he comes to
every game provided with two lib
eral-sized plugs. If his team is a
winner all the way, he will just nib
ble the edges of one of them. If
it is a close contest he will eat
most of both of them.
It would be a fair estimate to say
that Smith ruins one plug of to
bacco a game and one more during
the course of the day’s business.
Now. in the last seventeen years
Smith has witnessed or played in
something like 3,000 games, count
ing spring exhibitions, post-season
affairs and the like. On a basis of
two plugs of tobacco a day, this
means that he has worried away
close to 6,000 plugs during the
playing seasons.
Placed end to end, these plugs
would measure 500 yards—over a
| quarter of a mile.
| Stacked on top of each other,
they would rise to a height of 166
| feet.
They cost an aggregate of S3OO.
Their weight was approximately
750 pounds.
As a tobacco fiend, Smith stands
unequaled. It is his prize dissipa
tion. And he goes to it strong.
» • »
chanter in Rill Smith's
career Is drawing to an end.
It hasn’t been a particularly pleas
ing On October 1 he will
turn over a new page, take hold of
the team that brought him his
greatest glory and set out on a voy
age of two years duration—with
the destination Pennantville—but
with reefs, ledges, hurricanes, pi
rates and half a million sorts of
trouble between him and his tenta
tive terminus.
The Big Race
Here is the newest dope on how the
"Big Five” batters of the American
league are hitting:
COBB 455 187 .411
482 194 - 403
JACKSON 461 170 .369
E^VAic s 432 146 338
LAJOIE 328 105 ,320
Tris Speaker fell off a fraction over
two points yesterday when he failed to
connect more than once in four at-
Collins was up four times and
didnt secure a blooming hit. He lost
three points thereby. Cobb, Jackson and
1 Lajoie didn't play, as Detroit and Cleve.
land did not participate in battle.
BROOKLYN, N Y.. Aug 30 -It was
announced today that former Aiderman S
V McKeever and Fl. J. McKeever. Brook
n contractors, had purchased stock in
the Brooklvn baseball dub President
l-hi’dts needed .apftal to complete the
new F.bbetts field and the McKeeve:«
joined with hint in his venture
The amoubt of their investment was
not disclosed, hut at an election of offj
'■ ’"'veever was made vice pres
ident. < harles H Ebbetts, Sr., retains
i iintrol and continues as president, with
H’nri Memeus treasurer and C. H Eb.
Letts, Jr., secretary.