Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 02, 1912, EXTRA, Page 12, Image 12
THE ATT.ANTA GEORGIAN-AND NEWS. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. Published by The Georgian Company, 20 East Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga Entered at Atlanta postoffice as second - class matter Subscriptions Payable in Advance One year. mail, postage prepaid. $5 no Six months, postage prepaid, 256 Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 125 I one month. mail, postage prepaid 45 I Subscription, Payabh in Advance Delivered by carrier, one year . . $5.20 i Delivered by carrier, six months . . 260 ; Delivered by carrier, three months 130 ! Delivered by carrier, one month 45 1 Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and other cities, one week .10c J Want Ad Rates and Rules in The Atlanta Georgian One cent n word rarh Insertion No ad taken for less than the price of ten words Ads in larger type. 12c a line (4 words to th* line) Out-of-town advert 1 sements must be accompanied with cash Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per cent. The Georgian will not be respon sible for more than one Incorrect insertion of any ad ordered more than one time Closing Hours: To secure prr.p class!flea The Georgian office before 1 o'clock the day of the issue All ads must be ordered out In writing or at office No discon tinuance notice taken over phone ’ Dvery word In the advertisement, including tb« name and address, i is counted. Each initial counts <>n« ’ word; compound words are cdhnted ; as two words Telephone your Want Ads to The 1 Georgian (both phones 8000) when , it Is more convenient to do so. and collection will he made at your brine or at vour office the follow ing da\ Tnia is an accommoda tion service rendered Georgian Want Ad patrons and payment should always be promptly made # ' on presentation of bill. Always 1 ask »hat yr>ur telephone ad be re ’ peated back to you by the ad faker to make sure that it has been ■ taken correctly The Georgian ran not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors of any kind occurring in telephone advertise ments. ADVERTISERS should retain re ceipts given In nayrnent for Want Ads over the office counter, as mis- t takes can not be rectified without I them In answering advertise I ments addressed In rare of The Georgian. ■ • erri references, send a duplicate of same. Help Wanted—Female * _ _ HANTED At once, cook for small fam j 11 y. 175 Bass st. 8-31-68 WANTED <’oni|H'icnt white !i**iis«-l.*-p er for small family Phone Main 4836 J. : 19 Metropol; tm n .«x. WA.\Ti:i • ■ . good wages Appl\ inuned atelx. l. S'; Highland ave. 101 8-31 i WANTEI solutely m u proposition. g***>d pa \ Ap ply 303 Tempi* Court Bldg :*BB .11 ' WANTED Settled white woman to c«M»k and help with children and hoiisow G. , Can have a room .11, s • are Gmr , \\ \NTED Good cook to help with the children and housework D'pl} 202 Rawson •*4-8-31 GENERAL house work, white mother with babe, desire p sition in countrx Box 461. <a * • 'if gan 8-31 U A X I El 1 \ ... corner North ave S :•’ 36 '' Xl> I • \ go< ..J .. , ls \ ppj Courtland st No other need aj*pb WANTED A servant for general house i work, wages $3 50 per week. a black I settled woman preferred 74 Grrcnw •v<e. WANTED Ope rat ors on pants and overalls. Eight hours a day. Light, cool work room: union wages; pennaneiit positions, flood operators earn .$lO to sls per week. \\ e will teach you. Apply Nunnallv A Ylt-Crua. 11 E. Mitchell ori corner Mariella and Alex ander streets. 8 31 30 W ANTED Suit and shirt waist salesladies that come direct from Suit De-; partnienl. (Irossman s. - i.A io x•, i \TS A lad —. . es ' -| show It is a sale J,arg. profits Send for Hivulai I E I lax It. 1 Xot th \l 1 len street. Albany, x j 40-8-31 ’ a< ’ri x i: * i .... work at home S 3 dallx 'luring trial. I also premium Address National, Too Lakeside building Chicago :? s 31 WANTED • • >.••*: ■ nursery g \< • • Phone Iv \ 5 i r »6 .1 s3l 12 I AVaxtei > \ first . !.< ..h . Cail ivy 3275-.1. or applv afternoons No 8 Dixie] MVe . Inman I’ark 8-30 39 WAN'ITb >. . ■ . experience • • . Northern publishing h use \\ ill |» t tn Atlanta on Tursdax \ddress giving i telephone. Publisher I'• \ 10<\ *are u giai . s WANTED \t otic* ten experienced trimmers for wholesale milliner' Vpph at om-e to Silverman-Lonsb.rg Co. 4t 46 West Mitchell st X 30-33 w \I ■ ■ • . a ».,• *lass w<>inan ‘ cook .Apply 814 Peachtree st. 45 8 .'•(»; W ANTED R* h.ildr . -’loreil woman at , once • <i ’, .i' ■ 1 ■ x I . ~ x WAN’ II v •••.., • ~ ~ j bath. 17 I. st 8-30-28 WA"x : rri' “At . giri to cook and do g. neral L<-usework Good wages Must li\» <»t place Apply | “ v v ■■■:>' \t ■ x Dark X3O 4 | w v i i :i 1 1 ... . . per i ">ea Ausiell Company 8 20-55 COM PET E ? ’ ' . • ..,■■■ fora ' • experiei and salary Address 1: \ , ir . WAXT I D White a i die aged pr» icrmi. • • do housework and look after <dd lad.v Two m family «‘ut of town Mrs B \ P dp; Wa l ingfon ■tree • 155 L 13-8-29 WANTED ,v . Mrs F S • ■ S 29-14 i W\\ ?!.] ■ -A. ■ i brlgi girls an< • ierweai 12 to |5 ;>ei <ia \ C V Hairston. 309 Temple Court -28-17 EX I • I■:RI ENI :1 • 'hf IP 'Va nt fd .H |a ’.• s' and children s dresses Apidy 5: D. a- do general housework Room on lot 10 West Sixteenth str.-’ K 24 82 Help Wanted- Male. W It.v i. ;• I t c man: unmarried with pi- abilit) ~<■ • xi» rmnee Cast lliKlilat.'l I •»■;<t v Columbuß. (3a S-'i’-.t EAHN »30"u<.rkiv S.?. . ■ d.-> • t er r H \TI. ■ H< ■ ! 11l I- - I X B' fiRiENi i. ( \x>.•<.'!- \r\ ■ > i g Su.'. Ohio. . . S JI I Help Wanted—Male. l’<» sell Coca Cola at ball park Labor Day. Good money to hustling boys. Re port at ball park 12:30 Mon day. 8-31-59 IALC A .11 -Xh >R V ACI ’I ’M~ ’TeANEIi I has automatic adjustable nozzle and other features entirely original Sold with three years’ guarantee Retails for $3.50 Big profits and exclusive territory for live agents who art quickly A S Cahn, president. Desk 10, ::hg West Fiftieth stroft, N♦ • y. Yorl. ?5-8-31 WANTED <'oinied man to work in laun dry. must write a good hand. Apply Monday morning. Capital Cir j 8-31 -HI jS'IAHT a homo business that will bring you $l”0 ?• ntlily I made $8,500 first ,' with san ♦ bm-iness Spare time INo (<n \a<-'rg i will s'cu y«»u hou ; Instmn ’iv< l fre» Voorb ms. Desk • : 8 t x j 90-8-31 . 87 8 sl'k* Wl'EJvlA. E’b ’FIT Start in huai t »- • •• • f Don’t worry- about •. • .H Brown 85-8-31 pen el »r ■ •• m writ*, today , civil eni neei .rs< s taught by trAil. ? • Sei I tree civil man.ia •. d’f>- Carnegie College. Rog ers. <»ht 81-8-38 Bi. EXELUT ,ve and investigator Many waiting positions* at big pay. Nat lona I I>> tec live Agency. Dept -hG,J_’h»<-ago. 83-8-31 WANTED Coiiipcfent man cook; well r<-c.»mmen<ie<i \pply 277 West Pea< b- *, 4 a ; NTED M• ■ '' learn barber tradi Light, dean w< rk. An army of our graduah now running shops. Be one of them. Wages while learning Tools given Call < Barber College, 1 ■ . • . ■ ! x ,{t I'o GET TH I. i I l ION want A little book for ambitious men By mail, 12c. Circular free. G. F Campbell, 232 Plummer avenue. Ham- Il 8 81 BLACKSMITH WANTED for general repair shop, some horseshoeing: must be all round, good man; white shop; wages $3 50 Albany Blacksmith Co.. Al- I • Ga 38 8 31 W\' ri .1 • 1 Irst class butler ’ Apply 51 I »:..••• 8-31-43 FOOT DOCTORS needled everywdTere; • <t: u. ekly . pig - on talight by mail, diplomas; write for I’ree booklet; tills ho« Prof. Frazier. LED, 101 W. J • New York, 37-8-31 ' r 100 upv acking <iisl ributing booklets, samples, etc.; send »’.«■ stamps for price list, paid secure territory Shepard's Agency. Lebanon. N H 3»;-s :;i 1 w IIJ ST VRT YO|- earning M dally hi home in spare firm- silvering mir rots, no capital; free instructive booklet, giving plans of operation. G. F Red moi »ept 85 Boiton. Mass 35 x 31 eaci iocaTTtj co-operate with me in new business, immense profits, whelp or spare time at home, free particulars. H E Rogers, ’•Li. s 31-8 11 w NTED Accurate white wood workei Jloover. 92 Humphries st. 48-8-31 Mi E Hh 'c.tii. ; i.: 1 Jecat ui st Aug 31. W\xi ij i Th< •■ • ed w ints an honest, ambitious man »n each city and iown not already sufficiently repre sented. Previous experience unnecessary We will teach you the business thoroughly by mail and assist you to start in busi ness for yuurselt as our local representa tive splendid opportunity for a man to get Into lug paying business for himself and be ome independ- ! ent for life 'The National Co-Operative' Reale Company, C 'I9 Mardon Bldg , I ngn n. I • < . : x FREI 11 .1.1 ill \ i i<d B< )< )K tells about . • : 000 protei ted positions In U S ■ '•r\ Ge More than 10,000 vacancies every’ \ Then K a h’g chance here for vmi, ure and generous pay. lifetime employ ment Eas' tn get .lust ask for booklet] cilj No obligation Earl Hopkins. Wash ■!!l!D < ' . t X .7 TW < > all-round first-class white shop re” | pairets, must be sober. Max M Her- I *'• i:. \tl i • 55 s jjo W xx' l 1.1- \n office boy State age, sal- i ary. «xp« rience and references Ad- I’. < > Box 986, Vtlant» 8 30 21 W \NTED Pros feeder and compositor. 1 R Moor* ,76 Garnett street Main: J 864 I (9 8 29 W \NTED Steno 1 >okkeeper and g< neia 1 office man. by September I Prefer | \oung n. ui d< ’• Ing good chance foi ad- < vancemont. Experience other than train ing not necessary Address P <» Box Bow’den, Ga 8 ED •Hu good sh< metai w ork< r ' and font men who understand installing' Warm Au Furnaces. Don't apply unless you <an till tit requirements, Moncrief Furnace < ’omitany s •: | ; w \x i t.d \ good male stenographer; permanent place for right man; gl\e age. cxperie’tcv, leferem-es and state sal arv ( \ * »((| DeSoto Xhstract t’onip.tny, ' 46-8-26 \\ ANTED- Two you n g men to press shirts 19. M ~ M;i riei i a St reef. 8 2 I 22 W XN’I’I D Competent, sober <lry cleamiF, lake charge **f dry cleaning plant, con sisting full r iiiipment. state salarv want ed \ddress \ lhany I .aundry Co \i Ga 8-29-8 WtANTED K ing men to learn pharm ary this fall Demand for our gradu ates *‘xceeds supply. Nexi session begins c ictober 1 Southern College' of Pharmacy, fl ■ • ■ \' <: •. Ga s ’ 1 WANTED Bright, strong boys io deliver routes in afternoons. Good wages and' rhanee for proniotion. Call at circulation depart ment The Atlanta Georgian. 20 East Alabama street. CARPENTERS Competent men furnish ed on short n »tic«> for all classes of car t . titer work -li.ii Stephenson. 226 Brown- Rand*»lt>h Bldg Phone Main 4251. At s<i '.i ' • 7-2-5 WANTED Idea Inventors write for list of inventions wanted and prizes of fered by manufacture! s Also, how to get ] your patent Sent free to any address i Randolph x Brise* e. patent attorneys, W t - r ir». •’ D < ’ 7-11-23 heart o ■■ - \ ip > W’alton street, if y*»u want a clean, quiet room, > ansiev.t 50c Open all night 3 21-19 'YES. Professor G O Brannlng will trach you the barber trade 'its easy» W’e ; leach In one halt time of <nlier colleges I Course. and position in our shops Why pai n ‘ Tl ousands of » ur gradual* s runt ng shops or making good wage- Atlanta Harber College. 10 I'a *t MB •}•*•:’. street 1 I, FRI ' M KJSSAGE hall cuts shaves barber woi fret Clean ’ nen Atlanta Barber College. 10 East 37 18 Help Wanted Male and Female. \\ AN TED s.'\ oral good stenographers, male and I emale. ('< mm at <nice. IL miugum Tvpew l iter ( •56 \ Bia»ad st reet. 8-31-9 i ANA intelligent person may earn steady .m ome corresponding tor new spapers i l. \ i* ■’i * uiii'ii » ssun \d<lr<*ss I *r»*ss i'’■t •c - p*'tbi et. • » Bureau. Washington. D C 4 5 -8-31 ( \V\NTi:d Fhotopla.' - -ample pui\ t7e7~ • ’ !!'<•- big dema’ hlg I ’ X . WANTED ■ • . ", ;-'.nr. I- ~>•.! to -I I ' rile Eon llistttnte, -'■lt; Indiana ave. Chicago. 11l I > t>-;>S READ FOR PROFIT — GEORGIAN WANT ADS — USE FOR RESULTS Twenty Tickets Each Day to the Forsyth Theater for Those Who Write the Best Want Ads Did you ever try to write a Want Ad? Then why not try your skill at writing them and get a couple of tickets each week to the Forsyth theater at the expense of the Want Ad man. Here is how you can secure free tickets to the Forsyth : Read over the Want Ads on these pages. You plainly see that some of them read better than others. Now you know that you can write better ones than these, can't you? Get a couple of pieces of paper and scribble off a few. You will find that the more you write of them the better you will get. For the ten best written ones each day the Want Ad man will give a couple of tickets to the Forsyth Theater. He will judge the Ads and give the tickets to the ones that have written the best. There appear among the Want Ads in this issue the names of the ten-lucky people that have secured tickets for tomorrow night’s performance. Your name will appear in this style. Get in the swim this very day with the jolly throng that are writing Ads. Your skill will surely get you one of the pairs of tickets that are being given away each day. Ads will be taken up until 1 o’clock each day. The winners names will appear in the next day's issue among the Want Ads, and all you will have to do is to find your name, bring your Want Ad receipt and that issue of the-pap(>r to The Georgian Want Ad counter (so that you may be identified) no later than four (4) o’clock the next day. and get your tickets to that night's performance. Remember they will come in pairs so that you can enjoy the show with a friend. Don't wait, start today, and try your skill at writing Want Ads. and win some of the tickets to the Forsyth theater that are wait ing for you. Musical. JAMES A. BUCHANAN, EXPERT PIANO TI’NER Action, regu- 1 lating, voicing and repniring Bell ' phone Main 2254-L East A llama Drop ' a postal I wiH_ canß 19-24 Salesmen Wanted. WANTED Salesmen, earn $250 per i month, .sell dealers highly advertised article Samples not neeessarj. Elato Company, Station L, New York, N Y. 86 8-31 SALESMEN each state, to handl< con - venient. profitable specialty, very sala ble Side or regular line. Give present line ami experience. Willard, Dept. 20, lowa <’ity, lowa 91-8-31 Wanted a !• ■ traveling men who are making small towns and cross road stores tn handle our new and up-to-date pocket side line, pays a commission of $4 per order, a winner For full particulars ] address Burd Mfg Co., 212 Sigel st . Chi cago, 111 80-8-31 SALESMAN WANTED Hu<tl* r *>u p.Tst cards to dealers, all or part time; great line; sell everybody, good commissions; give references Ilarrv H Hamm, Erie. Pa 79-8-31 , SALESMEN Do you want $lO a day side j or main line deal? Five combined propositions snappiest ever sprung. American Pottery Co., St. Louis, Mo. 84JL31 i'AI'AUI.E SALICSMAN wanted'to cover ! Georgia with staple line. High commis sions SIOO monthly advanced and perma nent position to right man .less II Smith Compam, Detroit. Mich 32-8-31 ——— —— _—__ ( \\ AN'I'ED t’mierwear salesmen with es tablished trade, for men’s elastic closed crotch union suits, on commission New patent * Sells on sight Swiss American Mills. Grand Rapids, Mi-ii. _ _1 2 2L’21 ' EST \ BLlsi 11 :d proprietary medicine company wants experienced salesman, well acquainted with drug trade in the South Write, giving references, etc., to ! Box 478. care Georgian 8-30-22 Agents Wanted. \GE.NTS \\ ANTED S6O per week. No Investment or experience necessary. Write for my big tailoring proposition. P \\ Goodman, president, Fifth avenue ami treeL « t. >. u* • s; s ;n XGICNI’S .lusi coin monej selling NEW IMPROVED HOSIERY direct from mill with our big advertising offer Yol’ (’AN MAKE $25 DAILY E\HRYBoDY BI YS. t’redit Samples in leatherette case free New Improved Knitting Mills. Chicago 88-8-31 AGENTS \\ ANTED To commence work at once, experience unnecessary; our specialty sells on sight Write today. The Hamilton Mail Order Co., Easley. S <• 72-K -3 I XGEN’I’S This article proven good sell er Splendid Income assured Write today We will show you Record Sales Company. Box .591, Fori Lauderdale, Fla 8 McPherson Xuto Tire Co., 46 Xuburn ave Wig 31, 1912 EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY Specialties used in every home and office Sure winners for live agents. For particulars call on Summers. Shepherd Stealey Company. 803 Schmulbach building. \\ heeling \A \ 30 831 I’■ ‘ST< ’ARDS I »ea'• >o< pel 1,000 All kinds Write for special list Gross <>nard Company, 2149 \rthur avenue. New- York. -9-8-31 WE W \NT to hear from you if earning less than $35 weekly New agents’ ar ticles Rile.y Specialty Company. 2531 I • luilfoid avenue. Baitiinore, Md 831 5 i ■' I \RGE WELL KN(>W X COMPA N Y about to sp*'n<l SIOO,OOO on a tremondous I advertising campaign, requires the serv ices of a bright man or woman in each town and eit.y The work is easy, pleas ant and highly respectable, and no previ ous experience is necessary We yvill pav a good salary ami offer an unusual oppor tunity for advancement to the person yvho •an furnish good references In addition to this salary we «»ff**r a Maxwell Auto mobile. a Ford Autonmbile and over $3. 000 m prizes to the representatives doing the best work up to December 31 In your letter give age and references Ad dress IRA B ROBINSON, Advertising Manager. 2163 Beverly St . Boston. Mass -24 18 Xi'.ENTS Street men. to sell Taft, Wil son ami Tetid.y gold and silver plated campaign fobs. 100 per cent profit; go getters write Tittmann X- Herr. 206 Canal. New’ York, I>ept. \ 8 I '• 1 5. I X make money as agents for the Waks handv case Slip in the dress, waist, suit nr overcoat; keeps them fresh and clean, easy to get in. easy to get out All purposes Ideal room saver ('an be laid or hung any yvhere Low prices Three sizes 10c. 50< and 75c. Send anywhere; not sold in stores Any bodj can sell w iks cases They all want it Sells itself Sell 10. 30. 40. 50 a da> Goulding sold 2.000, Gridlej 560, Mrs Webster 3(» in three hours Quick sales; large profits, no « xperience Free sample offet Send postal today for full descrip tion agents >• ling plan Waks Manu factui ng C mpany, 10 Miller building, i t'incinnnti. <»hio 8-1 7-25 BK I NDEIT-'.NDI’NT Start a mat! order business in your own home We tell you how. and furnish everything reeded wholesale An honorable and protlt.ible business for a man or woman. I'ai' • ■i'..irs free. Manj make $3,000 a y ar Murphy Mtg Co, South Norwalk, Conn 5 H .• AGENTS SSO yveekly easily made, sam ples free I Irving Trier, Richmond. N Y 32-8-30 SELL something new tn connection with what you are noy' selling by a house to i ho;;s. ...ny.Ks ’This > meritorious and I no* d*'d n ev< r.y horn* a sure n peater and you make lOOE profit. Money re ! funded if you arc mu satisfied Semi 25c & Co.. I. 'X Candler Bldg \tlantii. Ga 58 8-29 Situations Wanted—Female. POSITION by well educated steno-book keeper with general office experience; rapid, accurate and experienced; refer ences. Address Miss M F.. Box 33. care Georgian. 109-8-31 WiNTEf) to do lace curtains at rea sonable prices; send card; will call. Ida Cnoper, 18 Kennett 5t.54-8-31 W ANTED Position by young lady dental assistant; refined, intelligent; can give best of references and recommendations. Address Dental, Box 80. care Georgian. W.ANTED Position by young lady ste nographer with about fifteen months ex perience; references if required. Call At lanta phone 5204. 40-8-29 Needle Work. EMBROIDF2RY, designing, fine sewing and darning 13 Baltimore place. Ivv 5968. 8-28-8 Situations Wanted—Male. WANTED Position at once by bright, industrious boy of 16, with experience; best references given, work with good firm desired. C. H . Box 100, care Geor glan, or Main 5459-J. 96-8-31 W ANTED Position by a building super intendent of ability; experience on all classes building construction, including government work, sober and reliable Ad dress E. A Gleason, General Delivery, Augusta, < ;<« 16-8 ’' WANTED Position bj experienced reg istered druggist. Phone Main 4650-L aft er ♦* !• Hl 7 1-8-31 YOUNG M AN who holds responsible po sition wants work for evenings, 8 to 11. Has broad business experience and am capable of doing real work Address Box 172. care Georgian. 25-8-31 WHITE CHAI’FFEI’R. tidy, careful and willing, familiar with every detail of cars, capable driver, college graduate, no booze or cigarettes, can do office work and typewriting, not afraid of work, wants position at once. Address Box 904. care g * ■• • i g ian 3::-8-31 WANTED Position as bookkeeper or as sistant or other office position by young man; can use typewriter ami am accurate in figures; can give references; had expe rience. J T. .1 . Box 103, care Georgian. 39-8-30 WORK WANTED by young Englishman. 28 years old. tall, strong, willing; has lately been butler; yy filing to work at any thing R (’rump. 169 Central avenue. Atlanta 48-8-29 I’OSITION w’anted by fully experienced office man. business correspondence, collections, etc.; progressive, capable, en ergetic; satisfactory references. Box 414, < are Georgian.2s-8-27 WANTED Position in Atlanta as shoe salesman; have had ten years’ experi ence and can give the very best of refer ence. Address 51 \V. Cain street, city. L. D. Twiford 57-8-24 CHAI’FFEI’R Permanent first-class driver wants position in private family; first-class references from last employer; of first-class people; can keep up auto mobile in cleaning and repairs. Address Gorman. Box 10. care Georgian 65-8 24 A-1 STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly ex perienced. noyy employed, will accept position meriting the services of a good man Salary $75: excellent references. Address Permanent. Box 500. care Geor gian. 35-8-23 Situations Wanted—Male and Female. i EiiEE to all. our practice (lepartnient. Remington Typewriter Co.. 56 North Broad street. 8-31-8 Job Work. WE CAN SAVE you money on repair work, shelving, tables and counters We make them to order Roof repairing, brick work, wall tinting, painting and plaster ing 62 1 2 S Forsyth street. Beil 1187; Atlanta 60R7-M Window Cleaning. National Window Cleaners WILL CLEAN YOVR WINDOWS. Towellings or Store Fronts; Carpets Vacu um Cleaned. Floors Oiled or Waxed. \ll Work Guaranteed 47 E. Hunter St. Main 1175, Atlanta Phom 1051 7-5-24 Fire Proof Storage. WE STOKE HOI’SEHOLD goods and pianos « »ffice and warehouse. 239-241 Igexv •■ < ave Ivy 2037 .John J. Wood side Storage Com pa ny. Public Baggage and Transfer. M C FURNITURE transfer; w< pack and ship Main 3657-J, A. 1319 42 Madison ave 3-12-7 Stove and Range Repairing. Mrs .1 H Sharp, "■> Cre.-cent st Aug 31. DAN THE El NEIL SI Ll.s seci'!'<!- 1 and gas stoves We sweep chitnr.e's We take down heaters We sell wick and wickless oil stoves We sell gasoline stovesand ranges Atlanta phene 22AA . I Whitehall street. Bell phone Main 26. h i. 4-4-7 “The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin” Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin. Tt contains a complete list each issue of every desirable place that is For Rent in the city and suburbs- no mat- S ter where it is or whether it is furnished or unfurnished. They are all here below For the benefit and convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a special man to search the citv and sur < roundings each day for desirable places. J This bulletin will save you time, money and worry. It is for your convenience, so take advantage of it. Furnished Rooms For Rent. FOR RENT Large, neat cool rooms; nice location. 38 West Peachtree. Ivy 3134,8-31-57 F<»R RENT Nicely furnished rooms with good board, bath and all conveniences; close in; under new management. 130 Ivv street. B-31 -51 FOR RENT Small neat hall room; all conveniences; $6 per month. 59 East Ellis street 8-31-53 FOR KENT- r l’o gentlemen or couple, well furnished, steam-heated room, electric lights, phone, hot bath; near business cen ter, 79 A Spring.s6-8-31 HOTEL WILLIAMS. Corner Fourth and Mulberrv Sts. MACON, GA. New building, new furnishings, steam heat, phone, fans and sta tionary washstands. Hot and cold water in each room. Private hath, and the handsomest equip ped European hotel in the South. In an ideal location, and only $1 per day. 63-8-31 Hines Optical Co., 91 Peachtree st. Aug 31, 1912. WILLIAMS II(MTSES, Atlanta, Ga. No. 2 — 34'/2 N. Forsyth Street. No. 3- 1.-)> 2 Marietta Street. WILLIAMS HOTEL Has no equal in the city for the accommodation it gives. Price considered. Steam heat, phones in each room, new furniture, neat and clean. (»•>• 2 W. Mitchell Street. Second Building from Terminal Station. SI.OO, ALSO 75c. FOR GENTLJCM HN— Nicely furnished room; furnace heat; private family; on Myrtle street, near Ponce DeLeon avenue. Phone Ivy 1495. 8-31-22 FOR RENT Nicely furnished cottage; every convenience and reasonable rent. 112 Loomis ave. 52-8-31 NEAT, cool front room in private family; reference required. 388 Peachtree. .STEAM HEATED, newly furnished in mahogany, front room, three iarge win dows; bath room adjoining; private West Peachtree home; close In: excellent meals next door; for gentlemen onlv. Phone Ivy 1258. 52-8-29 For RENT Three very desirable rooms for housekeeping on Pulliam street; large back yard; rent very cheap. Apply 81.7 Austell Bldg. B-30-36 HANDSOMELY furnished room, steam heated and adjoining bath; in Atlanta's most modern apartment: best of refer ences required.l fit one ly y 67 29. 8-30-34 ONE furnished room; furnace heat, gen- tlemen preferred. Ivv 433-L. 73 West Poiditree st. 8-30-29 FOR RENT Pleasant room, close to bath, in modern steam-heated apart ment, close in; north side. Ivv 6033-. L -30 IS FoR RENTThree furnished rooms, liv ing room, dining room and kitchen, on first floor Phone Ivv 2560-L. 183 East Pine street. 35-8-30 F< >R RENT One furnished front room in private family; meats optional. 205 Jackson. 8-30-14 F( >R RENT- Nice, coot rooms; table board a specialty Near South Pryor. Atlan ta phone 2959 37 East Eair street. -28-37 FOR RENT Beautiful double room, well furnished; every convenience; just above Peachtree place. Phone ivv 309. 4 'B-29-61 IVY II()TE1 j, 98 ivy Street. AMERICAN PLAN; $1.25 UP. Weekly rates. 69-8-29 FOR iiENT Nicely furnished room, with sleeping porch, on Ponce DeLeon ave nue Ivy 4538 8-29-56 F( )R REN I' With private family, in close in. steam-heated apartment, large fur nished room, with all conveniences. Ref erenct s 3868 Iv \ 8-29-59 NICELY furnished room; all conveniences; private family 236 Central avenue. Phone Main 3817-J. 8-29-46 HANDSOMELY furnished front room in private home, for gentlemen only; steam heat; all conveniences; references. Apt No . 164 Ivy st. 8-29-50 COOL rooms and board; close in. 24 W. Baker Ivy 1788.8-2.>-49 FoR RENT -Neat, cool, nicely furnished room to young man. in private home, south side; with or without board. Phone Main 5228-.1. 8-29-32 FOR RENT Two or three upstairs rooms: light housekeeping allowed. Best part of Grant street. Phone Main 8 27 LARGE, nicely furnished room, steam heated. electric lights, north side, pri vate family, io gentlemen. Ivy 1294-L. 8-29-28 F< >R RENT Nieelv furnished room with bath. Applj 485 Peachtree. Phone Ivy 6103. 45-8-29 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for H||ht housekeeping; near in; convenient; ref erences exchanged. Apply 18 East Pine 46-8-29 FoR RENT Ttoom close in. private fam” ily; price reasonable. Main 953 8-29-31 FOR RENT Pleasant room, close to bath. in steam-heated apartment; close in: north side. Ivy 6033-. L 8-29-25 FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms, close in, cheap: all conveniences; nice neighborhood. Apply 88 Pulliam street 8-29-20 NICELY furnished roorrL private family” steam heat, all modern conveniences, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Phone Ivy 1184. 42-8-29 FOR RENT Large beautiful rooms in quiet, refined family. $lO to S2O. 111 East Fifth street. 35-8-29 Til REE ur four nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, close in. private familx . no children. 205 South Forsyth street. Atlanta phone 2559. 37-8-29 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front rooms; all conveniences. Apply 5 Woll ing ton Apartments. 124 lv\ st. 28-8-29 FOR RENT Nicelx furnished rooms with all conveniences; in private home, to young men onl\.Mam 4568 .J 8-29-10 TWO nice upstairs furnished rooms for gentlemen (’all Ivx 3983-L.B-29-3 FOR RENT To nice young man or busi ness woman, newly furnished front room; all conveniences With owner. Ivv 2211 -LB-29-5 ELEGANTLY furnished, large front cor ner steam-heated room, three windows; nice closets, adjoining white tile bath; hot and cold water; opens on delightful large porch; close in: second floor apart ment: ever} modern convenience. Phone Ivv 5Q78. 190 lx x st 8-28-49 NICE, cool front room; hot water: pri vate famil} Main 4945 and ask for Mrs Starr 2*6 Was'nington st. 8-28-35 BEAI’TIFI’L front room; private bath? gentleman preferred. Address Peach '■ • • are__Georgiai 41-8-24 new. clean rooms for men only 74 Wai ton street Iv\ 5606-.1 ’ 8-28-3 ENTIRE second floor of four pleasant rooms and bath. Adults onl> ; hot water, gas and electricity. 251 Crew street ('LEANEST, cheapest r«»mns. all conve- I niences; must be seen to be appreciated. near in. 174 S Pryor st. Main 4695 8 31-50 ’ Furnished Rooms For Rent. NICELY furnished room for rent; near In; call Main 3300, or Atlanta 1620, ask for bookkeeper. 8-26-25 FOR RENT—Two lovely furnished rooms for housekeeping: close in. 242 Central avenue. Rhone 1827-J, 8-27-30 WANTED By settled couple, three or four nicely furnished steam-heated rooms for light housekeeping: private bath, prefer private home in vicinity of Peachtree or Ponce DeLeon. Address D., P. O. Box 1679.8-27-6 FOR RENT—In north side home, two furnished rooms, with private bath; would furnish for kitchenette apartment to desirable couple. Ivy 6164. 13!' East Tenth street.lo7-8-31 ROOM in West End. $6. With board for two, $36. Address Teacher, care Geor gian. 100-8-31 FOR RENT —Several nice rooms in the Vernon. 61 East Cain street; every con venience: gentlemen only. Telephone Ivy 3137; apartment 6. 8-31-63 WANTED—Young men or couple; pleas ant rooms, with or without meals; good beds; good meals; reasonable price. 64 E. Harris st 8-31-60 ONE or two nice front rooms for rent 191 E. Pine 5t.77-8-31 FERN I SHED rooms for rent: light house keeping if preferred. 22 W. Peachtree st. 8-31-31 FI’RNISHED rooms complete for house keeping. Call Ivy 6071.8-31-32 TWO nicely furnished rioms at 77$j Brotherton st., near Pryor. Call Atlanta 7605. 8-31-34 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room in private family; close in. 293 Raw son st.■ 8-31 -33 WE HAVE the prettiest, cleanest, most beautifully furnished rooms in the city; electric lights, steam heat, tile bath room, sleeping porches; come and see; table board; Northern cooking. 252 Ivv st. »8-31-40 ELEG/XNTLY furnished rooms in private family; furnace heat, electric lights. Spring street, near North ave. Phone Ivv 6622. 58-8-3'o FOR RENT—Two or three rooms, fur nished for housekeeping; no children. 73 Williams street. B-19-15 LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with hot and cold water, baths and excellent table board; under new management. 4 West Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivy 6790-J. -6-36 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. PLEASANT light housekeeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 24 E. Baker stß-31-44 FOR RENT—Desirable suite of rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with or with out board. 263 Ivy street. 8 31-56 FIRST-FLOOR room, furnished or un furnished; close in; convenient. 206 S. Pryor st. Bell phone Main 44)39. 8-31-7 FOR RENT—To couple, two rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; all conveniences; close In; south side. 28 Pulliam street. Call Bell phone Main 3582-J 8-29-19 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. WANTED—By a physician, one furnished bed room and two unfurnished rooms in same house, to be used as offices; the lat ter to be on ground floor, must be rea sonable and within a few blocks of Grady hospital. Reply, stating terms and loca tion. Dr. Davis, 167 Capitol ave 25-8-29 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FOR RENT—Five rooms and bath; use of phone; references exchanged. 319 N. Jackson st, 99-8-31 FOR RENTI—Three 1 —Three rooms and kitchen ette. Phone Ivy 1659-J. 388 Piedmont a vp 8-31-42 FOR RENT—Unfurnished suite of two rooms with private porch, to refined couple, without children: convenient to meals; excellent location. 58 East Ellis. Phone I v’2 2403-. L 8-31-54 FOR RF3NT—Four second-floor rooms for housekeeping; sls per month or two for $8 per month Apply 29 Walker street. FOR RENT—Two or three unfurnished connecting rooms; all conveniences: light housekeeping; to parties without children. Quiet location. 15 West Pine street. Phone Ivy 4975-J 8-31-18 FOR RENT North side; three connecting rooms, with private entrance; sink in kitchen; bath adjoining bed room; to de sirable parties; $12.50. 40 Boulevard ter race. Take Forrest avenue to St. Charles car. 8-31-19 FOR RENT- Two or three rooms, second floor; no children; north side. Refer ences. Atlanta 14ion_e 3163-M. 55-8-31 FOR RENT -Three connecting rooms at 465 Lee street, in house with family of three; all city improvements, except ‘gas. Rent $9.80 per month. Famil} without children preferred. 60-8-31 THREE unfurnished rooms. 15 Little st. -31-J6 THREE large, pool and desirable rooms, suitable for light housekeeping or three young men. 74 East Merritts ave nue. 8-31-14 FOR RENT —By owner, to couple with out children, three connecting first floor rooms; separate entrance, gas, por celain sink in kitchen; freshl} papered and painted. Call after 5:30, 430 Pulliam sLB-31-10 FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; close in; f*ri vate family.£3 3 S, Pry or st. 50-8-31 AM WIDOW without children; will rent three rooms to couple or small family. Take River car line, get off at Chapple road, and inquire for Mrs Westfall. 36-8-30 FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms, first or second floor; all modern con veniences. Reasonable rent. Close in. Apply 302 Rawson street 27-8 30 FOR RENT -Four rooms and reception hall; private bath; hot water; near in. 251 Central avenue. Phone Main 5052-J. 5-29-58 TWO or three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. modern conveniences; near in 84 Williams street. B-29-38 TWO connecting unfurnished light house keeping rooms; modern conveniences Inman Park section. Phone Ivv 1994- 1. 8-29-43 FOR RENT Three connecting rooms with modern conveniences. West End; near cars. 15 Dunn street. 557-L West 53-8-29 FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms and kitchenette Near in. Call Ivv 3718-L. ‘ Bj-29-21 THREE unfurnished connecting rooms with couple; private bath, gas and phone. Ivy 5427-J. 8-29-15 THREE rooms for light housekeeping o’n September 3. 247 South Pryor street. 36-8-29 I’NFI’RNISHED rooms for rent; two connecting rooms; one large and one small, for light housekeeping; private en trance; adjoins bath; cars convenient; 15 minutes' walk to center of town. $8 per month; no small children taken 371 Glenn st . between Washington and Pul- -29-4 FOR RENT Four nice second floorT’on nectltig rooms; could he used for offices ' Apply 112 Whitehall st. B-27-7 To GENTLEMEN --Nicely furnished or unfurnished steam-heated room; bath; Bell phone; electric fights; five minutes of business center, north side Call in per- 1 son 79 Spring street, top floor 8-26-8 j THREE nice rooms with conveniences f„r I housekeeping. 210 Angier avenue Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. "ANTED- Four unfurnished first floor] rooms ami bath. Good location State , I terms Address I’, e Box 783. Atlanta < 8-30-10 I Furnished Apartments For Rent TWO or three connecting rooms w bath; private entrance; for light hous. keeping; couples or business women 3is Peachtree st. 8-28-ij FOR KENT 196 Juniper street. “near .seventh; seven-room furnished anart ment, by the year. S6O per month. i\ -24-:ji; THREE attractive rooms, bath and ern conveniences for housekeeping t '., children, north side Phone Ivy 2475. -26-13 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent ONE five-room apartment, without heat one four or five-room apartment with, heat. Apply Owner, 35fi N. Jackson \> lanta phone 78. 8-31-71, FOR RE NT—To couple or familv J■' adults, very desirable five-room anaril ment; lower floor. Call phone Ivy 6793 - __B-3i-67 FOR RENT -An apartment with six rooms on each side; bath, gas and wa ter. shades go with house: near churches schools and street ears. Apply at 2" ar : >a2 Broyles; owner. g 31- m o FOR RENT t>ne~ beautiful five-room apartment, on shady lot, at 333 North Boulevard; large rooms: janitor se'rvi. .■ steam heat; all conveniences; rent rea sonable; now vacant. Phone ivy 3698-1 PEACHTREE and Eleventh streets in the Wickliffe, one apartment for rent. September 1 Best and incwt modern in At lanta. See or phone J. W. Gold smith. WE HAVE for rent In Corinthian. 136 West Peachtree stree‘. one five-room apartment. Apply Mr. Kelley, 2’6 Walton street, “ 8-29-29 ’ "A 1 ? ]SO Woodward avenue, near Washington street; four-room upstairs flat; close in. No carfare. Ivy 1930-J G St - 23 IN the Boscobel apartments, 83 Hurt street, Inman Park, there are left two three and four-room apartments, $32.50 and $35 each, with steam heat,'hot and cold water. Apply to Janitor or Fitzhugh Kn0x,1613 Candler Bldg. 8-27-I'l ENTIRE upper floor of' sfx rooms and bath on Peachtree street near Four teenth street. Address Peachtree. Box 500. care Georgian. 8-27-2 T"(> close-in four-room bath, hall and front porch to each apart? ment; rent reasonable. Chas. s. Robison 27 E. Hunter. Bell phone AL 1181. -26-16 THE COLONIAL. BETWEEN Peachtree and Juniper, on North avenue, one block from Georgian Terrace hotel. There will probably be for lease on September 1 or October 1 apartments ranging in price from $65. S7O end $75 per month. Phone Ivy 657-J or call at 29 Ponce DeLeon avenue H4 S-17 Furnished Houses Wanted, WANTED TO RENT FIVE or six-room cottage or flat; must have two bed rooms; nice part of city; rent must be reasonable to permanent party of three adults: best of reference Phone Main 168. 43-8-31 Unfurnished Houses For Rent. FOR RENT Modern six-room cottage; Central ave., near Richardson st. tinn er, 242 Washington st. Bell phone Main •6322. 8-31-61 lOR RENT Tw<i new six-room bunga lows, near car line, in East Point; water and electric lights, tiled walks and bath rooms; one six-room cottage on two-acre lot. facing chert road and car line. In East Point: servant's house and stables, electric lights and water. Address B M. Blount, 87U. S. Forsyth st.. City. 27-8-29 118 WEST ALEXANDER ST.; close in and near car line; four rooms on sec ond floor with all conveniences; separate entrance; price $10.60. Apply Fitzhugh Knox. 1613 Candler Bldg. 8-30-38 FOR REN T—Sl x - room modern cottage; porcelain bath, lot 50x200; beautiful lo cation; fine neighborhood. 420 East Geor gia ave.; $25. A. J. & H. F. West. Phone 1.;i4 Main. 8-30-32 M rs. i’-arl Caldwell. 331 Candler Bldg. Aug. 31, 1912. "EST END. 15 Holderness street, new six-room bungalow; beautiful fixtures, tile bath: $22.50. September 2. Call Barge, Main 4644. 44-8.30 FOR RENT—September 1. eight-room modern brick residence. 65 East Cain. Eight-room modern residence, 303 Spring street Phone Ivy 3831 J. 8-30-6 FOR RENT Five-room cottage; corner lot. Highland avenue car line. Call Ivv 3815-J. 67 -8-29 MODERN 10-room north side house; ev ery convenience; furnished or unfurn- Ished. Cull Ivy 1619-J. 8-29-45 FOR RENT-jSix-room house, suitable for one or two families. Rent reasonable. 348 East Georgia avenue. Phone Main 193_3 l L. 8-29-26 FOR RENT S3O. 6-room cottage, north side. 447 Courtland street, near Peach tree. W. C. Tolbert. 824 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Main 2683. 41 -8-29 FoR RENT 164 Highland avenue, seven rooms; all conveniences; large yard, $27.50. Call ivy 5499-J. 30-8-29 PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin; excellent houses all over the city at moderate rates. Turman, Black & Cal- B’<lg 6-29-66 FOR HJJNT, HOUSES—CaII, write or phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph 0. Co. Imu pi South Broad street. 4-1-21 Illi': HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not boa modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Hotels Wanted. WANTED -To lease first class hotel in good live town. Must he thoroughly equipped for transient trade. Address, giving full particulars, Box 628, care Geor gian. 268-?.’ Desk Space For Rent. DESK SPACE for rent. Public stenog rapher in office. Applv 702 Candler building. 8-31-25 DESK SPACE for rent in the Grant building. Address Box 3. care Georgian. Office Space For Rent. HALE or pleasant office for rent, cheap 327 Austell Bldg. 103-8-31 Store Space For Rent. F< >R KENT Part of store with large window; wifi partition off if desired 88 North Pryor st. 37-8-i!8 Stores For Rent. 126-128-130 Capitol ave Fine location f business in any line. Applv to Owner. 322 Atlanta Nat. Bank Bldg. 41-8-30 .Mrs. John Walls, 485 Peachtree-st” Aug 31. 1912. STORE FOR RENT at: '7B West Caln street. 17 feet by 55 feet; fine location for drugs, fancy groceries or soda fount. Apply Charles s. Robison. 27 East Hun ter street Bell phone Ma InJ 181, 8-2'.'-1 Storage Room For Rent. f ' street. Ivv 3707 ’ 8-28- ’ ONE s i storage; close in. on street 168. Main 4805-L. 8-28-0; 12