Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 02, 1912, EXTRA, Image 13
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: Real Estate For Sale. Ralph O. Cochran Company flncorporated) * Real Estate. Renting and Loans. bouUt Broad Street. ACREAGE WORTH WHILE. WITHIN’ a short distance pf Peachtree road and near Silver Lake we have a tract of over 200 acres of good land for SBO.OO per acre. This is in the right direction for enhancement, and will make a fortune for the owner in the near future. There are some splendid developments planned in this immediate section, and this tract has ahput one and one half miles of road frontage. You had better look into this. A HOME ON WEST PEACHTREE. WE OFFER here one of the pretty homes on this very promi nent thoroughfare on a large shady lot. for $9,500, on rea sonable terms. This place is up to date in every way. and is in the most desirable part of the street. CATHERINE STREET. IN THE STEWART AVENI'E SECTION on Catherine street, we have a nice, new ti room bungalow, on a large shady lot. for $3,750. This is an ideal little place, and the lot is espe cially prettv. Very easv terms. SIXTEENTH STREET HOME. HERE IS A BEAI TIFI L new G room bungalow, right at West Peachtree, and in one of the ven best home sections in the city, where values are climbing all the time. $5,500, on reason able terms SELLS AVENUE HOME. HERE IS A NEW Groom bungalow, on large lot. on a good . paved street, with all city conveniences, for $3,500, on easy terms GEORGIA AVENUE HOME. NEAR GARDEN STREET, on this south side thoroughfare we have a good 7 room cottage, on large lot. for $3,250. on easy terms. This will be worth more when this street is repaved, and that will not be long. BOULEVARD DEKALB. HERE IS A NICE G room bungalow, on large lot, with all con veniences except gas. for $2,750. on terms of SIOO cash and SIB.OO per month. LUCK IE ST RE LT. HERE IS A GOOD 9 room house on a goy<l size lot not far out Luckie street, for $->.OOO. Then; is no guesswork about ' what Luckie street is going to ( | l(; its future is fixed and en hancement is sure,. SALESMEN 11. \V. Grant. C. W. Cochran. HARRIS G. WHITE Soles Manager. FOR RENT ’ SEVEN ROOM cottage, water and lights, on half acre lot. in 1 the pines. $25.00. SEVEN-ROOM cottage, water and light, on half-acre lot. Is ideal. $30.00. NINE-ROOM residence, one acre lot. water and light. $37.50. FIVE Roo.M cottage, half-acre shaded lot. $15.00. SIX ROOM bungalow, lovely shaded lot. $20.00. SEVEN ROOM, two-story house $25.00. POSSESSION AT ONCE i. c. McCrory COLLEGE PARK. GA. Bell Phone 171 East Point Ponce DeLeon Avenue Corner 100x200 to 10-foof Aliev. A BARGAIN ON THIS BEAUTIFUL ST. No information over Phone, Gall in person at office. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, 609-13 Thtrd National Bank Building. FOR RENT PEACHTREE— Right at Merritts avenue. We will have ready for occupancy in a short while, an excellent double building. We have rented half of same to the Indian Motor Cycle Com pany. The other half you can get -25 b\ 125 feet Get a price now before some one gets it. TURMAN. BLACK & CALHOUN. ORM EWOOD BUNGALOW—S3,2SO. WE ARE SELLING these bungalow homes as fast as we build them. I his one is located right oppo site Ormewnod Court, the beautiful home of the Mo rines. It has <> large rooms and sleeping porch, is well built and well arranged. Has water, sewer and . electric lights. Good lot, car line half a block. Terms of S2OO cash and $25 per month. See us about this. It will make vou an ideal home. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458 | 2 gj ■■ | || ■■■■■■■ ■in BARGAINS IN HOMES $3,590 East avenue six room cottage lot 50 by 170 This is a classy little home Can arrange terms to suit You should see this s6.soo—North aide bungalow. close to Druid Utils has every cnnicnlence hard wood floors and a perfect beauty s6.s**—Gordon *tre*t; eg W story >. im; practically new ' ever? I ewuvenieuce. If you want a nite home at the right price and terms look *s,3*o—Edgewood avenue Inman Park section; t*.. stories has eight roams" every convenience This Is a good buy sure *4,l*o—West Eml bungalow has six large rooms, hall, two large porches fur nace it 1s a beauty stone columns Large east front lot Good terms Martin-Ozburn Realty Co. Third National Bank Building Phono Ivy 1276; Atlanta 208 HE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a. modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. EAST LAKE ROAD AGAIN WE COMMEND to investors property fronting on East Lake road, which runs through Druid Hills to the Country club at East Lake. WE OFFER lots at sl2 and sls a front foot—all with unusual depth, running back 300 to 500 feet. THIS LAND can go up in value $lO a foot and still be cheap. It is the place for bungalow craftsman, lot buyer and general investor. __ FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR Will build you a home just like you want, cash or terms. J. N. LANDERS Phone Main 3422. 812 Austell Bldg. APARTMENTS ELEVENTH STREET. THE new Eleventh street apartments just off of Peachtree. Six rooms and sleeping porch. Cool, quiet, comfortable. Ex clusively situated. Every modern convenience. Building just completed, and yon can move in now. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN. for salF 7 T z \ T T X T T RIGHT at Grant park; neat little home, Il I I—| |X] | cheap; 5 rooms and all city improve- | \ / 1 11 \ I . ments. No loan. Easy terms. Price. 'J only $1,900. WOODSIDE ■ DILLIN-MORRIS CO. 609-10 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Both Phones 4234. $5,200 Near Myrtle street we have a beautiful six-room bungalow, on large lot. Let us show you this place. Has everything it takes to make a real home. Terms, $750 cash and balance S4O per month. $3,800 WILL BUY a dandy good six-room, furnace-heated bungalow’, on lot 50 by in the best section of West End. This will not stay on the market long at the price and terms we are offering this on. Who will be first? $3,000 Near in <>n Cooper street, we have a real bargain in six-room cottage, on a large, east front lot.. If you want a good home in walking distance of the city, see this. Good terms. No loan. $5,500 WILL HUY a very high-class .six-room furnace-heated bungalow This is orc of the prettiest homes on our list. If you are looking for a sure enough bungalow, let us show vou this one. Good terms. SALESMEN FHEI» C. WOO HA LU CHARLES R COLLINS. If September Ist Is Your Moving Day DON’T BE FOOLISH and RENT another place, but be sensi ble and Bl'Y a' place from us at Jefferson Park. East Point, for small amount cash and balance monthly like rent. We have houses. COMPLETED NOW. so that you can move right in and stop being the slave of the landlord. We would like to show vou. \V. D. BEATIE BOTH PHONES 3520. 207 Equitable Building. FOR SALE RY ELEVATED, BEAUTIFUL LOT ( ' I? l-T IT XI IT (45 BY 2371. XI IX 17/ 11/ LN 12/ THIS SIDE of Druid Hills; right at At- kins Park Just off Ponce DeLeon ave- R| \ T A TA XT nue. the location difficult to surpass; fine 12/ 11 I car service. Owner says sell for $2,250 . It Is worth more now. Some terms / x ATTA 4 XT X T 511 EMPIRE BLDG PHONES 1599. v ) Ivl r A IN I REAL ESTATE. RENTING, WANS THE BEST BUY. WITHIN a block of the Georgian Terrace we are offering a good corner at S3OO per foot, worth S4OO right now. and will be worth SSOO within a vear. Remember tljat there has been nearly $2,000,000 spent near this corner re cently Buy this and get rich There is a fortune in it We have exclusive sale of this and are sure to sell it. WILSON BROS. 701 EMPIRE BLDG. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Phone 2106 Main NEGRO I.N VESTMENT—We offer for quick sale three negro houses rent ing for $24.00 per month for $2,400. Room to build more houses on lot; sewer down These houses are in unusually good shape and we feel sure that you will like them if vou are looking for this kind of investment. See us. EOF! SALE CHEAP -A nice 6-room bungalow on Sixteenth street. Terms ea ey A NICE LOT in Highland Ave. Action for SBOO.OO Onother one for $1,500 Let us show you. HAVE you a vacant lot? us oulld for you. Will build your home on easy terms. Take a look at some of out work It speaks for itself. For Rent—Soda Fount. For Rent—Soda Fount. FOR I(EXT-SOl).\ FOUNT Equipped Complete ATLANTA THEATER ALSO small stores in same building. Other tine loca- tions in same viciniH ( ;u’<‘ 66 Edgewood avenue; deep store, rear entrance. 35 Ivy street; IDO feet deep. Each of the above locations directly opposite the new office building just going up at Edgewood and Exchange Place. CALL MAIN 4971 Ob’ AT 231 EQUITABLE BLDG. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. ADAIR'S LIST. 660 Washington Street. Lot 50x200. A 2-STORY, 8-room residence in Washington Heights, near Jefferson street, new and supplied with all con veniences. Price $4,500. 1450 DeKalb Avenue. Price $2,500. THIS is a new 6-room cottage on main Decatur car line, nea ■ Clifton street, the type of place that usually sells for $3,250; we have marked It down to $2,500. South Boulevard. A Six-Room Cottage. THIS is just beyond Glennwood ave nue, in next block from Grant Park school, and in the desirable section, near the park, a good home for $3,250. 195 Davis Street, Price $1,750. A 5-ROOM house in vicinity of Davis Street school, and near electric light plant, a near-in west side place at a low price, good for investment pur poses. 248 Grant Street. Lot 80x130. THJS is a 7-room house facing Grant street car line, within two blocks of the park. We will sell this nice house for $3,500 cash. 55 Augusta Avenue. Lot 50x170. A 6-ROOM cottage on south side of Augusta avenue, opposite Grant street, in two blocks of the park. We will sell this place for $3,500 and give easy terms. ' .196 East Pine Street. Another $3,500 Place. IT IS UNUSUAL to find any near-in north side residence offered at $3,500, Here Is a two-story residence, lot 37 1-2x150 feet, with 20-foot alley in rear; house nearly new; on car line; easy walk from center; rents S3O; price $3,500. 82 Lake Avenue. On Easy Payments. THIS 5-room cottage is near Inman Park; lot 45x120; has gas. wates and plumbing; price $2,100; terms, SIOO cash and S2O a month. A 50-Acre Place Near East Lake. THIS tract lies on northwest corner of Candler street and Pharr, in the ter ritory lying south of Decatur, toward East Lake. Pharr road runs off the paved road that goes through Druid Hills, and road. Price, $15,000. A Tract For Sale With 900 Feet Frontage. ON MAXWELL ST., right at Oakview station, close to car line, 900 feet in a body, covered with oak trees; runs back -220 feet; has 20-foot lane in rear, all perfect building frontage; a good spec ulative purchase. Price $5,000. A Large Corner Lot on East Lake Drive. FRONTS 360 feet on the paved road, one block from ear line, runs back from 300 to 500 feet, another street in rear, the kind of place to buy for next season's trading. Price, $4,500. A Lot 100x600 On Paved Road. NO MAN ever regretted buying a lot; many have regretted not buying enough. We offer this fine lot at Oak view for $2,000; one-fourth cash, bal ance 3 annual payments. 6 per cent interest. -— A Large Tract on East Lake Road Near the Country Club. $9.750 —This is an entire block on the east side of the paved road, one block north from the Country club entrance, taking up the entire frontage between Fair and Tupelo streets, a distance of 730 feet. The land extends along Fail street over 1.000 feet. It Is an un equaled home site and lies well for subdivision. WASHINGTON ST. Corner Fair St. THIS tract fronts 192 1-2 feet, on Washington and runs back 227 feet along north side of Fair street; brick residence in center of lot; one of the largest near-in tracts In the city En tire property for $30,000. DECATUR STREET. Near Grant Street. NOS. 362 AND 364 DECATUR ST.— Lot 50x120, just a little beyond Fort street, in one of the busy spots on a busy street Price, $8,750. only $175 a foot 5 CASTLEBERRY ST. *3,7so—Many people like t,o buv near in property, but are deterred by high prices Here we offer an investment property barely without the half-mile circle and only 70 feet from Forsyth street The lot fronts 28 feet and runs back 93 feet, hut is 38 feet wide in the tear Terms, one-third cash. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. SATURDAY, AUGUST 31. 1912 Real Estate For Sale. EDWIN P. ANSLEY Real Estate. Realtv Trust Building. $6,000 BUYS valuable lot on Courtland, 50x140. Present improve ments renting for $35 per month. This property can be made to pay a handsome return on the investment. $5,700—0N HIGHLAND AVENUE., attractive cottage containing seven rooms; all modern improvements. Lot 80x175. Fruit trees and plenty- of shade. $4.500 —BUNGALOW in West End Park. new. containing six rooms; furnace heat, solid stone front. Lot 60x210. Owner wants home on north side, reason for selling. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US, exclusively. We will co-operate with other agents. EDWIN P. ANSLEY. < Ivy 1600. Atlanta 363. RALPH O. COCHRAN COMPANY REAL ESTATE RENTING AND LOANS. ACREAGE WORTH WHILE. " I I HIN a short distance of Peachtree road, and near Silver lake, we have a • tract of more than 200 acres of good land for SBO per acre This is in the right direction for enhancement and will make a fortune for the owner in the near future There are some splendid developments planned in this immediate section, and this tract has about 1% miles of road frontage. You had better look 111 tv ID 13- HARRIS G WHITE. Sales Manager. TH ER E’S A REASON WHY ' WE HAYE SOLD 125 LOTS IN PEACHTREE HURST TN FORTY DAYS. THEY ARE LOCATED In a select and coming section of the north side, just off Peachtree road, and a mile and a half this side of Buckhead, and are being sold at one-half their real value and on exceedingly easv terms. L. P. BOTTENFIELD, Owner 211 Empire Bldg. Phone, M. 1298. . Marietta Street Corner AT SIOO PER FRONT FOOT. Here we offer you an old established business corner on Marietta street. Now rented at SIOO per month. Terms ar ranged. HARPER REALTY COMPANY 717 THIRD NATION AL BANK BUILDING. BELL PHONE IVY 4286. ATLANTA PHONE 672. DECATUR RIGHT AT AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE, and just one block from the ear line, I am offering a home of eleven rooms, located on one of the most perfect lots ever endowed by nature. It faces 155 feet on College avenue, with a depth of 555 feet. There is a garden in the real' comprising about one acre of ground, that can not be surpassed. The owner is making a sacri fice, and offers this place for $5,250.00, on terms of $1,000.00 cash. EMMETT HIGHT REAL ESTATE. 513-514-515 Empire Building. Six-Room Cottage-—New AND NEVER OCCUPIED, for $2,250. On terms of $1(M) cash, S2O per month, and no loan to assume. Near car line. C. R. GROOVER & CO. Phone Main 1804. 718 Empire Building. NORTH SIDE LOT WE OFFER for quick sale a beautiful grove lot 53x170 feet, just off Ponce DeLeon avenue. All street improvements down and paid for. Price only $2,250.00. If interested see u 9 at once. W. L. & JOHN O. DuPREE Real Estate. 501-502 Empire Building. Bell Phone Main 3457. Atlanta 930. Money To Loan. Money To Loan. RALPH O. COCHRAN CO. (Incorporated.) REAL ESTATE. RENTING AND LOANS. 19 SOUTH BROAD STREET. HERE IS A BARGAIN t’N i ENTRAL AV f-.NI K, close in, we have a good eight-room two-story house, on a good sized lot for $3,750. on reasonable terms. It is cheap HARRIS G WHITE, Sales Manager. Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN 203-8 EMPIRE BUILDING. RETAIL STORES AND BUILDINGS. FORSYTH STREET —Three excellent stores at S6O each; right at Mitchell street, in the retail section. 132 MARIETTA STREET Between Spring ami Bartow: tine, near in and '•heap for 9100. Winter heat furnished. 50 AND 52 AUBURN A V tfNI r E—Ffn? place for some factory branch. Be tween Ivy an>! Pryor streets. Each store 20 by 100: 9100 per month. 12 SOUTH Bib >AD STREET Four stories Will rent all or sub-divide. Fine lease Retail district. 6 MADISON AVENTE Five stories and basement; fireproof, modern, concrete building Every convenience. Will rent as a whole or sub-divide to suit tenant. AUBURN AVENUE Just off Ivy street. Five-story building Best in the citv for manufacturing. Very close in. IVY STREET Big building. Mill con struction. Right at Edgewood avenue. Four stories 65 EAST ALABAMA STREET - ExTTY lent retail store. 25 by 126 feet, and basement same size. Water, gas. ele. tricltj . and piped for heat. i >nlv si 50 per month 84 IVY STREET Right at th- corner of Vuburn avenue An excellent little retail place. 20 by 35 feet, for S4O We Have Plenty of 31ouej to Loan on Real Estate. Real Estate For Sale. ROOMS AND HOUSES. Auburn avenue: one room ... $17.50 I 527 East Fair street, furnished; two rooms 12.50 i 5-r. flat 124 East Fair street 20.60 I 6-r. apartmem Eleventh street .... 80.00 4- h . 171 Rockwell street 14.00 ; 5-r. h., 25 Cunningham place .... 22.50 • 5-r. h. t 174 Fuimwalt street 17.50 ; 5-r. h., .14 Killian street 20.00 ■ 5-r. h. 63 Garden street 15.00 . 6-r. h . 200 Tift avenue: big lot .... 17.50 ■ 6-r. h., 30 Cunningham mace .... 25.60 8-r. h., 663 Highland avenue 40.00 8-r. h.. 272 Ashby street 20.00 f 8-r h.. 365 Spring street 45. b" , 8-r. h.. 242 Stewart avenue 40.0* 8-r. !>.. 58 East Merritts avenue I furnished) 80.01 8-r. h , 218 Stewart avenue tnewi. 35.01 5- h. 80 McLendon 60.00 10-r. h.. 140 Crescent avenue 57.50 . 12 r. h.. 640 Washington street 50.00 12-r. h., 510 South Pryor street .... 50.00 LOFTS I 127 CENTRAL AVENUE Second floor: BmOO square feet. Very . heap. 1 12 SOUTH BROAIi STREET All or any one of three floors. 1.500 square feet to r floor. WEST MITC iTuLL STREET Fine se“ • end story loft. 5.000 square feet.