Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 02, 1912, EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14

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    Real Estate For Sale.
ch Arp
WE HAVE on one of the nicest
street? on the north side one
of the best built homes in the
cit>. This is an eight-room
house, with every modern con
venience. and we «an make a
price on it that wilt make it
very interesting to the pur
THIS is a modern cottage of
six ro'oms on a lot that is
nearly an acre in size, and is
s good proposition for some one
who wants a nice home with
the advantages of the country.
WE HAVE recently had listed
with us a piece of property in
this section that looks to us
like it might be a good invest
ment. Come in and let us tell
you about it and see what you
think of it.
It’s like getting money from home, for
It's money easily made by reading, using
sn<l answering the Want Ads in The
Oorgian. Eew people realize the many
nportunities offered them among the
small ads. It’s a good sign that it the peo
ple did not get results from the Want Ads
of The Georgian that there would not be
-n many of then;. If. for nothing else, sit
down and cheek off the ads that appeal to
j..ii You will be astonished how many of
them mean money to you. The Want Ad
pages are bargain counters in every line.
The ads are so conveniently arranged that
they .an be picked out very easy.
Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale.
Turman, Black & Calhoun
ONE Ob I HE PRETTIEST six-room bunga
lows in the Grant park settlement, on
Killian street —one block of the park—big lot.
It has all city improve ments—-gas. bath and
electricity. Fine community. We can sell you
this place $250 cash and $25.00 per month. If
you haven 1 $250 cash, come and see us. and
we will take what you have, as we must sell.
It's as pretty as a picture.
M E 11A VE a beautiful six-room bungalow on
McLendon street. W<* have been asking
*•».•>(!() for this place, but owner has author
ized us to cut the price SSOO and sell it. Come
see us. and. let us show you this place. Right
at Moreland avenue. One of the best neigh
WE HAVE listed with us two beautiful new
bungalows on the north side, near Fourth
street. $5,750. on good terms will buy them.
If we can show them to you Monday this
price will hold. Line lot.
—3 fine lots —200 by SOO each, at $27.50
to $35.00 per (Tout foot. Don’t delay. Owing
to demand for lots on this beautiful boule
vard. these lots and prices will not keep.
FIVE A<'RES here, with 285 feet road front
age. Chertcd road and tine trees. Good
terms and cheap at $1,750. This, is between
Gordon road and Mason & Turners.
TEN ACRES, near Wesley avenue. Let us
show von this, and then make* us an
offer. It's cheap even at SI,OOO per acre, but
we can deliver it for less.
ARE YOU in the market for a home? If so. it will be to your interest to confer
with us at once LISTEN! Do you own a lot anywhere tn the city or sub
orbs paid for or half paid for? If so. let us build a house on it to suit your ideas .
end arrange terms like rent or easier. Houses we build range second to none in
P f, 'nt of workmanship, material and beauty. Ask our customers. Plans and
■Pecifleations will cost you nothing.
Gate City Home Builders
rea’l estate ani> bcilpeks.
SO9 Hurd National Bank Building. j’iiuuc l\y 3017.
Real Estate For Sale.
Fourth Nat’l Bank Bldg.
Atlanta. Ga.
Beil Phone M. 5214.
392 ACRES.
AN ideal dairy and farm proposition:
only 29 miles of Atlanta; 300 acres of
tine, level, bottom land; 100 head of
Jersey cattle; a modern, up-to-date
dai V. Wwner has a good and sufficient
reason for wanting to sell this farm.
Would have to b/> seen fn be appre
ciated. Special price for a quick sale.
150 ACRES.
of waste kind on the entire planta
tion, on two hard automobile roads; a
nice residence, tyro bans and other
out-buildings. Owner has agreed to
take $12.50 per acre for this place if sold
within the next 15 days. It is a cer
tainty that you can double your money
on this place.
138 acres.
AN idea! North Georgia bungalow; 9
rooms, practically new ; spring water
piped thiough house by hydraulic ram.
Belongs to a non-resident and wi’l sac
rifice the price if sold at once. Inves
tigate and make you; offer.
RED LAND; produced last year 40
bale*, of cotton. 400 bushels of corn.
Located in one mile of depot; two good
houses. For a quick sale $4,250 will
buy it; one-half cash, balance yearly.
withQUt interest. Buy this and let the
lent pay so it.
A NICK little farm, half in cultivation,
I balance in pasture and timber: orch
, ard, running- water. Relongs to a non
resident and will sell for SI,OOO eash.
The improvements atone cost this
! money.
9() ACRES.
A SPLENDID little Paulding county
farm, well improved, good land, nice
orchtfd. running water, convenient to
churches, schools and store. Price $1 -
' 250 ca-h.
Fourth Nat’l Bank Bldg.
Real Estate For Sale.
FOR sale.
A.E WILL OFFER for a few days some
beautiful lots un Plasters Bridge road,
between Peachtree and Roswell load,
prices ranging from $12.50 to $35 per front
foot. VVe also have two beautiful homes
on Peachtree street, They have every
modern convenience, one at $22,500, the
other $25,000. To appreciate these beau
tiful homes you will hate to see them.
They are very attractive* in every par
ticular. Nothing better on Peachtree for
the price We also have Just had listed
with us another beautiful home on Peach
tree street at $18,500. on a quick sale.
. 'This is your opportunity to get some
| Peachtree dirt at a bargain. These places
are furnace heated, with every other eon-
' venience.
ANSLEY PARK Nine-room house, stone
front, tile porch, furnace heated; brick
mantels: hardwood floors; birch doors,
with every other modern convenience;
price $7,600. Some terms if desired. Half
block from ear line Also an eight-room'
house, near completion, with furnace
heat, tile porch, brick mantels, hard
wood floors: corner 10. This is a beau
ty. and will please the most fastidious
buyers. See us for particulars and price.
williams st Brahd -new and
date in every particular; eight-room
’ house. 'Ehls will make someone a beau
tiful home. Price $6,750.
NEAR East Lake: 30 acres of land: price
$3,000. if you want a bargain see us
a t once.
SEE US for West Eml homes and vacant
WE HAVE some choice propositions in
central property at attractive prices
WE SELL farms in all parts of the
country. Also suburban property
WE WILL offer for next week, some
choice investment property paying from
( 12 to 15 per cent.
\V. E. Treadwell A Co.
Legal Notices.
TEMBER, 1912.
Will be sold before the present court
house door ‘old citj hall building," lo-
I cated at the northeast corner of South
i Pryor and East Hunter streets, the said
j I premises having been designated by the
l board of commissioners of roads and re\ -
| enues of Fulton county at the court house,
,in the city of Atlanta. Eulton county,
Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Septem
. ! her. 1912. at public outcry, within the
, legal hours of sale, to the highest and
best bidder or bidders, for cash, the
’ whole, part or parts of the following de
scribed property :
All that tract or parcel of land lying
and being in land lot one hundred and
thirty (130) in the Fourteenth (14th) dis
trict of Eulton county. Georgia, in second
addition of Eagan Park, and particularly
described as follows: Lot number four
teen <l4) in block "DN," fronting fifty
(50) feet on Eagan avenue, and running
• back west one hundred and seventy (170)
feet even width, located one hundred (100)
sept north of Bryarf avenue Sarne shown
in plat recorded in deed book 183, on page
- ! "04. of the records of clerk of superior
court of Eulton county. Georgia, levied
| on as the property of the estate <f Mrs.
Minnie Jmboiae. deceased, in the hands
of R. E. Thompson as administrator to
be administered, to satisfy a ti. fa is
sued, from Eulton superior court in favor
of Smith &■ Simpson Lumber Company
versus M L. Chapman, contractor, and
said R. F. Thompson as administrator of
the estate of the said Mrs. Minnie Du
boise, deceased, the tenant in possession
Mso at same lime and place the follow
ing described property to-wit: All tha’
tract or parcel of land situated, lying am.
being in the city of Atlanta, part of land
lot fifty <SO), of the. Fourteenth (14th)
district <»f originally Henry, now Fulton
< jmnty. Georg a. ami described as follows.
Commencing on the south side of East
North- avenue at a point three hundred
(300> feet casi of the southeast corner of
East North avenue, ami Myrtle street. and
running thence east along the south side
of East North avenue fifty (50) feet •
thence south eighty-five (85) feet, njore
or less; thence west fifty (Y>o) feet; thence
north eighty-five (85) feet, more or less,
to the point of beginning on East North
avenue. Said property is part of a lot
conveyed by ,1. p. Jordan to Ida E. Led
| better, by deed dated January sth. 1903.
I and recorded in deed book 164. page 291.
Fulton county records, this execution is a
i second lien on the above described prop
erty, and this levy made subject to said
lien of twelve ($1,200) hundred dollars,
given by J. e. Nix to Atlanta Banking
ami Savings Company said lien being a
mortgage, levied upon as the property of
the said .1. E. Nix to satisfy a fl. fa. is
sued from the city court of Atlanta t
favor of Calvin Shelverton versus said
J. f-L Nix. deed for the purpose of levy
and sale having been executed, filed and
recorded as required by law, the tenant in
Also, at same time and place (he fol
lowing described property, to-wit: Be
! ginning on the west side of Bradley street
(formerly Cornelia) two hundred and
thirty-six (233) feet north from Decatur
•street, and running theme north along
Bradley street forty-five (45) feet to cor
i ner of church lot. thence west one hundred
and twenty-two (.122) feet, more or less,
I to within one hundred and twent; -live
j «125) feel from Howell street; thence
I south forty-five (45) feet, them e east om
hundred and twenty-two (122) feel, more
or less, to the beginning point. Levied
on as the property of Mrs. Lula B. Plumb
to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from
I the superior court of Eulton comity, Geor
gia, ui favor of the Mutual Loan and
I Banking Company versus the said Mrs.
Lula B. Plumb. Tenant in possession no
Also, ai the same lime ami place, the
Pillowing property, to-wit: All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in land
lot one hundred and nine (109) of the
Fourteenth «14th) district of Fulton
county. Georgia, beginning on the south
side of West Mitchell street seventy-five
• 75) feei west of Jeptha street: thence
I running west along south side of West
I Mitchell street forty-six (40 feet, thence
south ninety-six (96) feet; thence easi
! forty-«ix (46» feet; thence north ninety
six «96) feet io beginning point Also, all
Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale.
Beautiful Building Lots
369 FEEI FROXT In 156 fe 4 deep. right off cur line. Trees all
over it. City water. good, whin- neighborhood. for less than
sS.t)(i per front so it. •
LOT ’><l by 200 on north side. $1,500. Eas\ terms,
LOT 120 by 142. in Inman Park, for onlv $3.75(1. On terms
224 Brown-Randolph Bldg. ' Phone AL 3392
205 Austell Building (first floor . Phone M 5531.
■ IE you own your 10l or have it partly paid for. we will build yon
a home on terms like rent ; or if you can make a reasonable cash
j payment, we will buy you a lot and build you a home to your own '
1 ideas. Plans designed and drawn on short notiee at very reasonable i
prices. Your business will be highly appreciated
Lol 60x400.
j EAS T IRONT: beautiful front varci; tor.r- fr»>nt; < ri ;:i'i< ls <it . vvau; I
hath rlpctri' lights. everything ’<. tiiLke a hnme - <.:rf-o > ihl- -j in th» frr.-n i
an owner mus- sei! Small - ash navrmnt; halm - • $25 j• • ■ ■•th
«1 Inman 1: aiidii.,;
WASHINGTON, Aug. 31 ’The weather
will be generally fair tonight and Sun
day In the region east of the Mississippi,
except In the middle Atlantic states,
w here there will be local slu wers. and in
the east Gulf states
There will be a general rise in tem
perature tonight and tomorrow through
out the East
Following Is the forecast until 7 p. in.
Sunday: •
Georgia Fair tonight and Sunday
Virginia—Fair tonight and Sunday:
warmer in eastern and central portions
North Carolina, South Carolina, Ala
ba ma ami Mississippi- Fair tonight and
Florida Fair except showers in ex
treme southern portion tonight and Sun
Illinois Showers in north tonight or
Sunday . cooler
Indiana. Nehraskh ami Kansas Fair
and cooler.
NEW YORK. Aug. 31 Coffee exchange
closed. No. 7 Rio spot. 14’ R (asked). Rice
steady domestic, ordinary to prime,*! G
5-\. Molasses steady; New Orleans, open
kettle. 36(h50. Sugar, raw. steady, cen
trifugal, o muscovado, 17.35: molasses
sugar. 34.85: refined, irregular: standard
granulated, 5.16; cut loaf. 5.90; crushed.
5.80: mold A. 5.45: cubes. 5.35; powdered,
5.20; diamond A. 5.10; confei tinners A.
4 I's; No. I. 4.85; No. 2. 4.80; No 3, ! 75:
No. 4, 4.70.
Legal Notices.
that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in laitid 10l No. 109, and 14th <li -n t
of Fulton county, Georgia, being lot
No. 46, of the plat of Goode. Fountain A
Elmer, dated May 16, 1883. commencing
on the east side of Jeptha street 175 feet
north of the northeast corner of West
Mitchell and Jeptha streets, ami tunning
north 40 feet: and running thence paral
lel with West Mitchell street 10J
feet; then«e south 40 fee’: thence west
100 feet to beginning point, levied upon as
the property of .!, i). Hembree to satisfv
i a li. fa issued from city court of Atlanta,
in favor of B F. By field versus said J
) Hembree, the two above tracts of land
subject to a mortgage in favor of A:-
lanta Banking and Savings <'<»., tenants
111 ):oi : .li* <l.
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing property, to-wit All that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in lot
one hundred ami forty-nme (149) .»f the
Seventeenth (17th) district of Fulton
county. Georgia, and more particularly
described as fqllows: Beginning at a
I point on TunjJin strei I < fie liundi ec 3 and
fifty <150) feet, more or less, north of*
Ihe northeast corner of Tumlln and Ethel
streets, and running thence north along
tb.e east side of Tumiin street one hundred
(10»)> feet; running thence east two hun
dred <200) feet to East street; thence
south along the west side of East street
one hundred <100) feet; thence wt st two
hundred (200) feet to the beginning point.
Levied upon as the property of W. C.
Ricb.ards to satisfy a ti fa. issued from
tb.e Fulton superior court in favor of
Maihelle Swift Dickey versus said W <’.
Richards, property pointed out b.. plain
tiff's attorney The tenant in possession
notifhd. ___
Also at same time ami place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing in the city of Atlanta, being part «>f
land lot forty-eight <4B) in the Fourteenth
(14th) district of Eulton county. Georgia.
. and which Is bounded and descrihe<i as
follows: Beginning ai a point on the
north side of Fourth street distant three
hundred and eight (308) feel west of the
northwest corner of Jackson street and
; Fourth street, ami running thence west
along the north side of Fourth street fitly
(50) feet; theme north one hundred and
I I 1 wenty-eight (IJS) feet to a ten-foot (10)
' alley: thence east along the south side of
i said alley fifty (50) feet, ami thence south
one hundred ami twenty-eight (128) feet,
to the point of beginning, being lot No.
I 105. according to the plat of subdivision
!' of the Bigham. Bass ami Drewry’ proper-
I ty. recorded in plat book 4. page 59, in
* the clerk's office of Fulton superior court.
This lot is conveyed subject to the re-
• striction that no building shall be erected
nearer to F'ou'rth street than twenty-five
. (25> feet, levied upon as the property’ of
i Mrs. W A. Boules to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from the city court of Atlanta in
favor of Emma Dreyfus, Herman Elsas
ami (>scar Pappenheimer. as trustees
under the w ilk of Julia Dreyfus versus
said Mrs. W. A. Bowles, the tenant in
possession notified, a deed for the purpose
i ;of levy ami sale having been executed,
I filed and recorded as required by law.
Also at ihe same time and place tb.e
'following described property, to wit: Six
j book cases and books contained therein.
! three tables, one desk, one lounge, one hat
I rack, one typewriter, one typewriter desk,
i one file, one safe and also a lot of other
J hooks contained in the office of the de-
I fendant. levied upon as the property of
1 Monzo Fields, to satisfy a distress war-
I rant in favor of A. R Kcllog. as agent
i for 8. 11. Venable ami S IL Venable as
I executor of (he estate of W || Venable,
deceased, doing business as Venable Bros
I Property pointed out by the said agent
land levied bv I A. Parker, Legal Con
Also at the same time and place the
I following described property, to wit: One
roller top desk, one iron safe, seven ta
j hies, one Io! of piece goods ami fixtures
ind all oi her goods contaim d 1 1 < store
I room. 34 North Forsy th street, levied
upon as the property of London Tailoring
' Company, to satisfy a distress warrant
in favor of Holmes A- Luckie Realty’ Go.
| versus said London Tailoring Company,
i Lew made by J. 'l'. Wimbish. Legal Con
' stable C W. MANGUM,
Sheri ff
Cl' "U :I x I '.; ! ’ I. ' u.' ' Nellie < ;
| Fair vs. B II Fair B. H Fair By
order of court, you are notified that op
August 13, 1912. Nellie •; Fair filed suit;
against you for divorce, returnable t<.
the November term of said «ourt. You
are hereby required to appear at the N’o !
v< mher term of said court, to be hold on j
the first Monday in November, to answer!
the plaintiff’s complaint The Hon W D
Ellis, judge <.f said court This August !
7. 1912
8-19-26 I
Commission Houses and Local
Professionals Liquidate
r ’ •
<’Hl<’.\G(». Aug. 31. Wheat «*pene- to- I
day with prices ranging from ’»c to
1 lower, (’ontinued pressure on the Sep- !
. ' temher option was a feature. ’The de
pressing factors wo re easy cables, bearish :
foreign news, larger receipts in the
Northwest ami fine weather.
Corn suffered a weak feeling on tine
I weather and weakness tn wheat. Prices
l wore a shade to *-,» off at the start. The
buying demand was limited to local pit
G talent, which sold freely.
• Oats were easy , with prices a shade to
I •\v off Demand was moderate.
Pr* visions showed very little change in
| prices al the start.
< Liquidation was the order of the day
on the hoard of trade ami there wer«‘
; losses along the entire gam list of l(ii 1
tor wheat. for corn and I^<’(', mc
■ for oats.
Severe liquidation by longs wa*s in evi
dence during nearly the entire session.
•There was an ..bsomo of buying power
j and but one course left for values, ami i
, lat i-oui.e was downward. (»wing to the
j two holidays in succession the trade was
inclined to even up their positions ami
I the iorecast of good weather and in-
(•j oas* d recipts was a help for the bears
| in all ceteals.
Only 30,000 bushels cash wheat were
sold lure and 150.000 bushels corn and
.•’55.00b bushels oats \ essel room was
1 chartered for 100,00() bushels corn to Bus-
■ falo. 'I he English visible supply decreased
; 630,000 bushels for the week com pare* I
'•with an .ncr<*ase of 1,515,000 bushels for
;a like period last year.
Provjsi >n trade was faii’iy active, al
(hough the market was devoid of features
and*prices most of the day were not far!
from yesterday s closing level.
Grain quotations:
Open. High. Low Close. Close
jSept. 933 a 93 s 92G 92-\ 93\
1 ’ec. 94 94 92 7 m 93 94 ’, '
ijMav 97" k 97 'j; 97 98'-!
-Sept 7:!-„ 73? s 72> g 72’ 4 74
1 Dec 55’., 55 55 55%'
; May 54’;. 54’* 53’, 54 54% I
Sept. 32 32% 31% 31% 32l 4
• : I »«•«•. 33% 32’, 32% J2>» 32%
:M»v 35', 351, -4% 34% 35%'
I Sept. 17 71) 17.75 17.60 17.60 17.82’1.1
Oct. 17.85 17.85 17.75 17.75 17.87 U I
Jan. IK. 11l 19.42 1 .. 111.30 IK 30 IK 40
. 1 LIO 11.15 11.05 11.12% 11.05
Oct. 11.15 11.22 L 11.12’0 11,20 11.15
I Jan 10.85 1«> HO 10.85 10 30 10 85
•iSenl. 11.00 11.65 10.07i, 2 1105 11.00
.! 1 "I. 11.07’1 n ’ll 11.05 11.10 11 07 1 -.
I I Jan. 10.30 10.321, 10.25 10.30 10.30
,I—» I . ,
ITHL’AGO. Aug. 31. Wheat- No. 2 ip<l
. I 1 1.07. N<- 3 red ‘.iHli 1.06. No. 2 hard
.(winter 94 ! No. 3 hard winter 93
«.95, No. 1 Northern spring 95(fr99, No. 2
I ; Northern spring 94r</97, No. 3 spring 914/
( 'urn No. 2 7:» 4 891, 4 , x,, 2 white 81
i-'uM’o. No 2 yolhw 79\'u'80 ?, 4. No. 3 79’ 2
1 • <<lßo. No 3 white 8L , 4 '/iBl , 2 , No. 3 yellow
: 'u X‘) , \'o 1 78V/79, No. 4 white 80*2.
! j No. 4 yellow 79fa 80.
L i N<i. 2 white 33*t'a34’ 4 . No. 3 31’,«.
. No 3 white 32, No. 4 32, No 4 white
i 3.l'u 32*/ 2 , standard 32d/3G*2
■ Following are receipts for Saturday
1 an<> estimated rei t ipts _D’ r JJjiesday:
P [Saturdaj Tii<-.-<!.!v.
Wheat .. .. ]R7 j 245
i Corn | 256 329
< Oats 426 470
' Itogs ' (.000 25,000
Wheal < losed Gd to ' 2 d lower.
('urn closed * t d lower
Liverpool < a hies were due tv open *4
to I point higher today, but opened 1 to
2 points lower than expected.
At the close the market was cojet, with
a ver\ quiet trading session, which was
dm- to ihe absence of support from Amer
lean exchanges Prices nfiiged the
dose 2 to 1 points below the final quo
tations of Friday.
J Futures opened quiet.
opening Prev.
Range. (’lose, (’lose
' Aug . . 5.23 5.20 6.23 G
Aug -Sept 5
(Sept.-Oct 5.97 -5.98 5.95 5.99
• i Oct.-Nov. . . 5.94% 5.91% 5.95%
Nov.-Dec 5.89 ”-5 88 5.86% 5.90 ”
i Dec -Jan. 5.88*2-5.89 5.86% 5.90
! Jan -Feb 5.89*0 5.87 ” 5.90 G
Feb.-Mar . 5 90*2-5.91 5.88% 5.92
I Mar.-Apr. .. . 5.92 -5.90 5.89% 5.93
! Apr.-Ma? 5.93 -5.92 5.90% 5.94
1 May-J tine 5.94 -5.92 5.91% 5.95'
I.June-.July ..5.94 5.91 ” 5.94%
Closed quiet.
j NEVI YORK. Aug. 31. Wheat ea»y;
September, 1 03; spot. No. 2 rod. 1.06% in
I elevator, and 1.06% f <- b. Uorndull; No
I 2 in elevator, nominal, 41 s **. export No. 2,
I nominal. I. •<. h.. steamer, nominal: No. 4,
I nominal <)als weaker, natural white, ,
j !0% , b41 | . white dipped, new.
Rye quiet: No. 2. nominal, f. o. h. New
; \'<»rk Haile; *iui<» malting, new. 604/ ,
80 Buffalo Ha \ weak. go<l to I
! (Cilia 1 ' 10; ; rto (air, 1
Flour dull; spring patents,
trail ' 1 i!
winter patent .. 5.2',''(/5 4:‘.; uraights, 4.504/
1.70; clears 1.254/4.50. |
Beef firm, family, 18.004/19.00 Pork
steady imss. 20.004720 75: family. 20.004/
00 Lard steady ; city steam. 10 7 h44
1,00 middle West ?pot, 1,1 60 (bid) Ta l -
ds, 6% nominal.
couniry . 11. tierces. 4/;
M.'A YORK, Aug 31 The weekb'iiM-ui of the New York associated
nanks the following changes:
Average Statement.
Excess cash reserve, $9,645,150; d»'-
creasc. $8,590,000.
Loans, increase $1,510,000
specie, «le* l ease $11,191,000
Legal tenders li'crease. SBI,OOO
N» ' 'leposits, decease, $8,688,000
| < 'ir <ula ti< 'U. incr«-ase. $116,000
Actual Statement.
Exc< ss < aah reserve, di crease, I
'■ ' I
Lu.'iis, iiu reasc. >9,370.000.
Specie, decrease. $’3,110,000
I.* gal lenders, increase, $940,000
Not de posits increase $521,000
(’it« ula t i«>n, increase. $759,000
I ''HH'A<;<’, Aug 31. Hug,.
7.()(»'.* Market s»i<.i.g to weak Mixed I
land l>ut<-hers • < 8 104/good heavy sm.,
| 8.85. rough Leav . .<7 9'>4/x ;:5. light $8 j-;-// '
1 8.95, pigs <7 8 bulk $8
; 'u 'le- Recess 100. Market steady 1
eves $6,504/ 111.00, (ow s and heifers $2,.«0 1
4/8.60, Miockers ami feeders $4,404/ 7 10, I
Texans s(’ 3 )4/8.60. . alves 11 ' 50 4/1 ]. J.7
Sheep Receipts 2 000 Market str.-ng '
Nativ. ami W* • rr, $34/ ; pt. lambs $4 pi I
47 7.20
Simplify Lorii’ apartment, soorn seek
ling Ivl ng 1 • er ai unpinj
•1 <••!■: ultHig The Georgi.m Rent Built-
Secretary Hester’s New ‘irleans cotton
exchange, statement of the world’s visi
ble supply of cutton. made up from spe
| vial cable and telegraphic advices, com-
I pares the figures of this week with last
week, and the year before It shows an
1 increase for the week just closed of 17,-
♦’9o. against a decrease of 9.1’25 last year
, and a decrease of 15,786 year before last.
The total visible is 2.118,189, against
' 2.100,499 last week. 1.600.238 last year and
1’,467.179 year before last. Os this the
total of Xmerican cotton is 1.342.189.
against 1.307.499 last week, 829,238 last
iycar and 790.179 year before last, and of
[all other kinds, including Egypt. Brazil.
: India, etc . ,'76.000. against 793.000 last
■week. 771.000 last year and 677,000 year
! before last
'The total wot’ld s visible supply of cot
' h as above sh(,ws an Increase compared
with la<t week of 17.690. an increase com
' pared with last year of 517,951 and an in
crease compared wi4h year before last
1 c.f 651.010.
Os Ihe world's visible supply of cut
ton as above there is now afloat and held
hi Great Britain and continental Europe
L2Cl.ot'o, against 880.000 last year and
732.000 yaar before last; in Egypt 32.000.
against 42,000 last year and 37.000 year
before last; in India 460,000. against 122.-
000 last year and 426.000 year before last,
ami in the United States 365,000, against
256,000 last year and 2’72.000 year before
ATI. \.\T.\ GA., Saturday. Aug 81
Lowest temperature 74
Highest temperature 90
Mean temperature 82
. Normal temperature* 75
Rainfall in past 24 hours’, inches 0.00
1 Deficiency since Ist of month, inches 0.78
Excess since January Ist, inches.... 15.75
(Temperature R’fall
Stations— I Weath. I 7 I Max. I 24
I (a. in. I.v’day.(hours.
Augusta . < ’b»ar 78 . ’ ' . ...
Atlanta Ukar 74 90 ....
Atlantic City . I’t. cldy. 60 72 ....
a nnist< >n < ’lea v 76 92 ■ • •
Boston I’t. cldy. 56 66 ....
Buffalo . Cloudy’ 62 62 ....
Charleston .. Clear 82 96 ....
< 'hicago . . Clear 76 86 . .
! Denver (’loudy 58 68 .38
I Des Moines . Clear 68 92 ...
1 Duluth (’loudy 56 62 .26
'Eastport . . Clear 50 58 ....
I Galveston ...Clear 82 90 ....
11 leh-na < ’leap 46 72
I I louston ... . < ’leaf 76 .18
1 Huron Raining 56 68
Jacksonville . Clear 80 94 ....
| Kansas City (Tear 78 94 ! ....
j Knoxville . ...Clear 74 90 I ....
'Louisville ....Clear 78 90 ....
I Macon Clear 78 ....
I Memphis ... .Clear 76 90 I ....
Meridian . . < fear 78 ■ ... .
I Mobile Clear 78 88 ....
I Miami . . <’lear 84 90 1 ....
| Montgomery (’lear -76 92 ....
j Moorhead . . (’loudy 50 72 ....
1 N. w Orleans, (’lear 80 92 .14
New York (’loudy 60 70 ....
North Platte. < .’loudy 58 76 ...
1 ( »klahoma ../Cloudy 74 94 ....
I *alea! Ine . (Hear 71 94 ..
Pittsburg . Clear 66 72 .20
Portland, (> . Raining 56 66 .28
San Francisco!Pt. cldy 54 70 ....
St. I amis . (’lear 78 90
St. Paul Cloudy ,60 76 .01
S Lake City Clear 60 72 . ..
Savannah (’lear 80
Washington Cloudy 66 78 ....
C. F. Von HERRMANN. Section Blreotor
Bid Asked.
♦Atlanta ’Trust Company . . 117 120
Atjanta and West Point R. R. 148 150
American Nat. Bank 220 225
Atlantic Coal A- Ice common, 10l ‘O2
Atlantic Coal A- lee pfj 91 92%
Atlanta Brewing A- Ice Co. ..171
Atlanta National Hank... . 325
Broad Riv. Gran. Corp 25 3ft
do. pfd .. 71 74
Central Bank A- Trust Corp.. . .. 147
Exposition Cotton Mills 165
Fourth National Rank 265 270
Fulton National Bank 127 131
Ga. Ry A- Elec, stamped 126 127
Ga Ry A* Power Co. common 28 30
do. first pfd 83 86
do. second pfd. 44 46
II illy or 'Trust Company (See
Atlanta Trust Co.)
Lowry National Bank 248 250
Realty 'Trust Company 100 105
Southern lee common 68 70
The Security Stale Bank 115 120
'Third National Bank 230 235
Trust Company of Georgia 245 250
Travelers Bank Ar 'Trust Co 125 126
Atlanta (las Light Is. 102%
Broad Riv Gran. Corp Ist 6s 90 95
Georgia State 4%5. 1915, 55.. 101 102
Ga. Ry. Ar Elec (’<>. 5s 103*” 104 *•>
Ga. Ry. A- Filer ref. 5s 100% 103
Atlanta <’onsolidated 5s 102%
Atlanta City 3%5, 1913 90% 91 %
Atlanta 4s, 1.920 ... 98% 99%
Atlanta City 4%5, 1921 102 103
* Ex-dividend 1U per cent
NEW YORK, Aug 31. Dressed poultry
• itiiet; turkeys 14<t/23, chickens 14'a25.
fowls ducks 18<f/18’..
Live poultry active; chickens 17ffi20.
fowls 15(ft15%, turkeys 14 asked, funsters
II asked, ducks 14 asked, geese 11 asked.
Butter firmer; creamery spreads 26H
26%, creamer.' extras state
<iairy (tubs) 21'0 26, process specials 24%
Eggs firmer; nearby white fancy 31 th 32,
nearby brown fancy 266/27. extra firsts
256/I'6. % < u22’l i -
Cheese «, ipt. w hole milk specials 166/
16%. whole 'ilk fancy |6, skims
specials 12%'"/'L skims fine 11%6/11%.
full skims 4 6/6%
' 'I • 1
Spot ...... . 6 406/ 6‘6(r
September .. .. 6.366*6.45 ‘>4o6/ 6.11
October 6.396/6.43 6 406/6.43
November 6 096/6.11 6.106/6.11
December .. 6.03 Q/ 6.05 6 056/6,06
January 6.0::f/«.05 6.046*6.06
F’ebruary . . 6 046*6.09 6 056/6 07
6.08 'i •. 09 •. 06 ■ • 1 "
Close d tear! les 3 100 bat rel
Efficient Service
Back of the service of the
an able management and an efficient or- fl
ganizatmn of trained employees who per- j
form their several duties promptly and yj
accurately. But wherever it is deemed $
advisable, mechanical devices have re-
placed the work of head and hand.
I’he aim of this bank is to render pat- $
rons the best possible service. and neither d
tumble nor expense has been spared to
accomplish th is end.
Atlanta National Bank
The Oldest National Bank
in the Cotton States. <>
s . J M
lOX'.S Fresh country candled. 22®Z3c
Bl 11 ER—Jersey and creamery, in 1-lb.
blocks. fresh country dull, 10hi
and feet on. per pound: Hens, 1767 18c.
fries, 25@27%c; roosters. 8@10c;
owing to fatness. 18(Q20c.
Ll\_F, POULTRY- Hens, 40@45c; roost
ers 2a@3sc; fries. 186/25c: broilers. 20®
Joe; puddle ducks. 25&30c; Pekin ducks.
406/45c; geese 506160 c each; turkeys, ow
; ing to fatness. 14 6ilsc
fanev. $5 r,o6z 6c per box; Florida orange*’.
$3(U3.00 per box; bananas, 3&3%c per
pound; cabbage. 756/ $1 per pound; pea
nuts, per pound, fancy Virginia 6%@7c,
choice. 5%(Q:60; beans, round green. ~75c6i
$1 per crate: peaches, $1.50 per cra*e-
Florida celery, $2.00612.50 per crate:
nquash, yjellow. per six-basket crates,
$1.0061 1 25; lettuce, fancy. $1,256/150,
choice $1,256*1.50 per crate; beets, $1.5061)
, 2 per barrel; cu umbers, 75c6i$l per crate;
: new Irish potatoes, per barrel.
F-gg plants. $2@2.50 per crate, pepper,
$1,6/1.25 per crate; tomatoes, fancy, six-
crates $1.00.6/ 1 25; choice toma
toes 75c6/$1.00; pineapples, $2,006*2.25 per
crate; onions. ?;6/1.25 per bushel; sweet
potatoes, pumpkin yam. per bush
el, watermelons. slo@ls per hundred;
cantaloupes, per crate, sl®l 25
' (Corrected by White Provision Company.)
Cornfield hams, lu to 12 pounds average
16 's4 <•
1 Cornfield hams. 12 to 14 pounds average,
) 16 a 4 c
’ Cornfield skinned hams, 16 to 18 pounds
, average. 17%c.
i Cornfield picnic hams, B to 8 pounds
; average. 13<
, Cornfield breakfast bacon, 23d.
Grocer style bacon (wide or narrow),
Cornfield fresh pork snusage (link or
1 bulk) 25-pound buckets, 12c.
Cornfield frankfurters, 10-pound buek
; els. average 10c.
Cornfield bologna sausage, 25-pound
boxes, 9c.
Cornfield luncheon hams. 25-pound
boxes. 12c.
Cornfield smoked link sausage, 25-
pound boxes, 9c.
Cornfield smokod link sausage in pickle,
56-iH.iax! mils, $4.50.
Cornfield frankfurters in pickle, 15-
pound kits, $1.50
Cornfield pickled pig's feet, 15-pound
kits. sl.
Corntlehl pure lard (tierce basis), 12%c.
Country style pure lard, 50-pound tint
only. 11 %c.
Compound lard (tierce basis), 9%c.
D. S extra ribs,
D. s rib bellies, medium average. 12%c.
D. S. rib bellies, light average, 13’4c
» FLOUR Postell’s Elegant. $7 35: Ome
ga. $7.50; Gloria (self rising), $6.25; Vic
tory (finest patent!. $6 25; Diamond
(patent). $6.25 Monogram, $0 8a; Golden
( rain, $5.40; Faultless, finest. $6 25; Horne
Wuevn (highest patent), $5.76; Puritan
(highest patent). $5 75. Paragon (highest
patent). $5 75 Sun Rise (half patent),
$5.25. White Cloud (highest pat
ent). $5 50; While Daisy, $5.50; Sun Ream,
$5.25; < )cean Spray (patent), $5*25.
CORN White, red cob. $1.10: No 2
White. $1.08; cracked, $1.05; yellow. $1.05.
MEAL Plain 144-pound sacks, 97c; 96-
: pound sacks, 98c; 48-pound sacks, $100;
24-potin<l sacks, $1.02; 12-pound sacks,
OATS Fancy clipped. 52c; fancy white,
51c; 'Texas rustproof. 58c
Co’TT’i »N SEED HULLS Square sacks,
$9.50 per (on. <>a 1 straw-. 75c per bale.
SEEDS (Sacked): German millet, $1 65;
anrber cane seed, $1.55; cane seed, orange,
$1.50; Rye (Tennessee), blue item,
$1.40; red lop cane seed, $1.35; rye (Geor
gia). $1.35; Appier oats, 85c; red rust proof
oats, 72c; Bert oats. 75c; Texas rust proof
oats. 70c; winter grazing. 70c; Oklahoma
mst proof, 50c; blue seed oats, 50c.
HAY Per hundredweight: Timothy,
choice large hales. $1.70; Timothy, choice
third bales. $1.60; Timothy No. 1, small
bales. $125; new alfalfa, choice. $1.65;
Timothy' No. 2. $1.20; Timothy No. I clo
ver. mixed, $1 10* / lover hay, $1.50; alfal
fa hay. choice peagreen. $1 30; alfalfa No.
11. $1.25: alfalfa No 2, $1.20; peavinv hay,
$1.20; shucks. 70c; wheal straw, 80c; Ber
muda hay, SI.OO.
SHORTS - Fancy 75-lb. sacks. $190; P.
W . 75-lb. sacks, $1.80; Brown, 100-lb
sacks, $1.75; Georgia 75-lb. sacks,
$1.75; bran. 75-lb. sacks. $1.40; 100-lb
sacks, $1.40: Homclolne, $1.70; Germ meal
H( riico, $1.70. sugar beet pulp, 100-lb
sacks. $1 50: 75-lb. sacks. $1.55
CHICKEN I'EED Beef scraps, 50-lb.
sacks. $3.50; 100-lb sacks, $3.25; Victory
pigeon feed, $2.35; 50-lb. sacks. $2.25; Pu
rina scratch, 100-lb. sacks, $2 20; Purina
pigeon feed. $2.45; Purina baby chick.
>2 30; Purina chowder, <!oz lb. packages.
• $2.20, Purina chowder, 100-lb. sacks, $2 15;
Kucci'ss baby chick. $2.10; Eggo. $2.15:
V ictory baby chick, $2.30; Victory scratch,
100-lb sacks, $2 15; Superior scratch, '
$2 10. Chicken Success baby chick, $2.10;
wheat, 2 bushel hags, per bushel. $1.40;
Rooster chicken feed, 50-lb. sacks, $1.10; *
oystershell. 80c.
GROUND FEED Purina feed, 100-lb.
sacks, $185; 175-lb sacks. $1.85; Purina
molasses feed, $1.85; Arab feed, $1.85;
Mlneeda feed. $1.75; Sucrene dairy feed,
$1 65, Universal horse rneal, $1 80: velvet
feed. $1.70. Monogram. 100-lb. sacks, $1.8();
Victory horse feed. 100-lb. sacks. $1.75;
Milke dairy feed. $1.70: No. 2. $1.75- al
falfa molasses meal, $1 75. alfalfa meal,
SUGAR Per pound, standard granu
lated, $5 60 New York refined, 5%; plan
tation, 6%c-
COFFEE Roasted (Arbuckle’s), $23.60;
AAA A, $14.50 in bulk; in bags and barrels,
$21.00; green, 19c
RICE Head. 4%'</.>’■;<•; fancy head, 5\
@6%c. according to grade.
LARD Silver leaf. 12’ 4 c per pound:
Scoco. 9’i<- per pound: Flake White, 9%<'
per pound. C<»ttolene, $7.20 per case;
Snowdrift, $6.50 pet case.
CHEESE Fancy full cream. IS’zc.
SARDINES Mustard, $3 per case; one
'inerter oil. $3
M ISC ELLA NIJ )l S Georgia cane syr
' up. 38c; axle grease. $1.75; soda crackers,
7‘i.c per pound; lemon crackers, 8c; oys
ter. ic. tomatoes (2 pounds). $2 case; <3
pounds). $2 75. navy beans. $3.25; Lima
beans. 7%< . shredded biscuit, $3.60; rolled
oats. $3 90 per ca-c; grits (bags), $2.40;
pink salmon. $4.75 per case; pepper, 18c
per pound, R. E. Lee salmon, $7.50; yocoa,
88c roast beef $3 80; syrup. 30c per gal-