Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 02, 1912, EXTRA, Image 16

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EDITORI AL PAGE THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday By THE GEORGIAN COMPANY At 20 East Alabama St , ABanta, Ga Entered as second-class matter at postoff • e at Atlanta, under act of March 3, 187, Subscription Trice—Delivered by earlier, 10 cents a week. By mail, 15.00 a year. Payable in advance. t George \V. Perkins and the Roosevelt Progressive Party r r r He Has Set an Example That Other Prosperous Men Might Fol low. The Country Needs Able Men to Take an Interest in Politics and Government. The Republican party spent $90,000 on its Chicago convention. The Progressive party, managed by Perkins, pent $17,000 foi < y.o-tlv the same kind of a convention —and came buck from t’hftag" $2,000 to tie good. Think about that! While Roosevelt was speaking to 30.000 men ami women in Bos ton. some one in the crowd yelled. “Tell us about Perkin-,!" Roosevelt replied, “I'm jzla<l yon asked that question/’ and then answered it He Said that Perkins, although a rich man. had joined the Pro preserve party ami interested himself m politics p,|j \ I SL 111 HAS CHILDREN AND FELT THAT IT WAS HIS DI n TO 1)0 WHAT HE COULD TO MAKE CONDITIONS BETTI!!; IN THE COUNTRY IN WHICH THE CHILDREN WOULD LIVE AFTER* THEIR FATHER'S DEPARTURE. Mr. Roosevelt also said that Mr. Perkins had made all th<* money he wanted, and now wanted to do something really useful and worth while for the country at large. This country is glad to see men of ability come out in the open, work politically in the open, use their influence and intelligence in the open—instead of working in the old fashioned “rich man's way" behind closed doors using cash to buy those in office, or pro mote Ibgislation. This country needs men id' ABILITY in public affairs Gov ernmenl means something more than getting offices and dividing them up. something more than collecting taxes and spending them extravagantly. This country needs all of the ability of its abl< st men. It should have such men as .1, .1 Hill working for the nation, instead of working, however usefully, as railroad builders for themselves. The big rewards in this world attract the big and the able ! men. And the small rewards, outside of periods of great national excitement, attract the small and the feeble men Our government has been offering small rewards to its em ployees, while industry, railroad building, great corporations and i organizations of all kinds, have been offering great rewards. Therefore, men of unusual power and ability have been dratted : into the industrial field and away from the field of politics and of government. It is a good sign when a man like Perkins, as able as any of the big organizers ami managers, decides that it is more worth while to shai in government than to make additional monev. Agassiz, the great seient ist. preached a whole sermon when he said. "I am 100 busy to make money." It would be an excellent thing for America if more of the ablest men should lire of the money making game, as Perkins seems to have tired of it. ami should find themselves “too busv to con tinue money making," too much interested in puldie !in il important affairs to continue working for private protit. The articles in the Hearst Magazine show us our collection of senators and other public officials acting as toadies, -eyvants and handy men for the big geniuses of the industrial world. It is humiliating to see the represi ntativ. s of the people ami of the government accepting the pa.v of industrial organi ■ rs and act ing as the lackeys of those organizers. The country needs the work of such men as E || Harriman, powerful and strong enough to (mild thousands upon I hmisam's of miles of railroad in a life that ended j 1)() soon The country needs the imagination and power of such a man as Pierpont Morgan, wasting his energies now in the aceiimulatinn of mom v that does him no good, and spending the money in the accumulation of eol lections that will do him no good although thev m.iv lie useful to the country in future A man like Morgan, if he w. re interested in the l idted States, instead of being interested ill -I P Morgan and Gitiiptiiiv. would give this country the canals, roads ami other facilities that it needs, and very soon give it the beginning of gov ernnirnt ow nership that it needs The country has been served 100 long and too often bv men who went into politics and got places in government BEl\| .<!•' THEV WERE FIT FOR NOTHING ELSE IN PARTK I LAR. or because of a hysterical, halt' baked ambition that h d them nowhere One tirsl-class BIG man of tho tv pe that this count rv produces in its industries ami its railroad building would keep half a do;.on legislatures honest One such man as George Perkins, giving to the business o'' the people the energy and eapaeitv that he has given io private Imsi ness undertakings, would be good, new thing in polities, and a useful man in government \nd the peoph are bound, until thev have proof to the eontrary. to assume that Perkins is sincere in his advocacy of ihe new p.-u-lv which has antagom/ed and is de noum-ed bv most of the men rich and 'iilnential ~s Perkins is A proof ot the value of Perkins in a political organization was given at the Roosevelt convention in t'liieato Air. Perkins direels the financial and practical managem nt of ihe Roos< volt parti Ivll.Y F< >R Tl IE-PA RTY The Roos' convention hired the hall occupied previously by the Republican convention It I .id |>,> same hands; ii printed tile same finely eilgr.iV d tickets And tin Roosevelt convention cost all together u Chi'.co + 17.1'lltt. whereas th r< mlar Republican convention, ucn.-icd i \ NINETY TH<»I S \ND DOLL\Rs In otln r words mid.a old I shcm. <1 political management. -t Republican convention i-osl about set. pit live tluui'-umi dollars or 500 per cent, more than exactly the same kind of a convention managed by a man used to biisim-s .mderla. ui"' It would be interesting to know who got th. $7A.000 difference in ihe cost of ihe I><■ pn>>l i--.-111 convention. , The fact nre. also • nieiit; 1 .<1 that the R< -s-wit . mvention noi onl.v cos; o dy >li.ono as coiupar d with miteit-odd Ihom ind .forth.- Republican convention, hut die Roos,.veil m nv.niliou sold tickets of admis- .on. took in sP’.HOO in cash from th. public whinh was r. ally interested in the birth ot the new 'ml ■ ■ ■ Oliva >0 111 s ovei ► Continued in Last Column. The Atlanta Georgian IHE ARTILLERY OF THE SKY j It Can Shoot Ten Miles, Hut It Cannot Destroy a City By GARRETT P. S£RVISS. I I < night with his camera the pic ture which we here of a great uin <>f thumb : and lightning rat ing over the ciiy of Paris <sn the i i ht of July 27 last. This picture shows graphically, and by an ac tual example, what J tried to tell in words in The Georgian a few months ago—viz., that a great city is far more secure against the d» >•» ruet iv» < ff« cis of lightning than i the open country. ’fhe view was taken from the heights of Montmartre, looking in a southerly direction ov« r Paris. Away off th ai the horizon ijs the loftx dome of the Pamhcon, to the left of the • •‘•nt» r appears the huge bulk of the Grand Opera House. Look at the three vicious strokes. desc< nding simultaneously upon the < ity. The < entral one s‘oms to strik* ch. < to the ancient < athedrai of Xotr<* I) im» This, remember, | v.,r th< \\<»rk of an instant. Dur ing th* 1 continuance of the storm, hundreds < f bolts may have be<-n | -hoi frmri th* .-k\ upon Pari<. but I ’ 1 ■ • ' ■ the |»<o i iii \ <.id <1 tld m <■' >n< cn- trai'd mi ’hl have Io d*u mol h t building. u is e\ ■ II possible that a grcutei nuiniioi of llgiitncm ,-ti 'k<* b<- (worn lite . irlli iml the etmnls <> - < iir when .i' n >: p - -ou ov ci <i I" ' 1 1 Ci I V t llttn \< 'll it Oil! Oil I', the ttnobstriict'<l lounlr.v h. tenth ii At it .', is bristling wit Ii ijoirus church spii ■ toueis. io II ehimnej s. . ■te. fmd there is nothing which ••' lightning like a pointi .1 oh jeet. espe, |;i||; if if jv . <m, p, ,<■(., | ot metti*!. A .-pirni may exhaust all its atmnnnilion. Hui tn I lii \ er\ eii < nuistnm eri - silb -plie S' eurit.v of the eltv . fl is so filled v, ith nu t illi. ohj , : .hi ~f II ■ i »ffi ring i ■ nth put h for lie I . - mng. that ihe latter i< weakened hy di;-- ipat ion. A grJm p,,|t j s i t , S | lin . laneo'isiy ili\ii|ei| into a vast num ber of hram hes ami the forte is lost. The inhabitants of th' city wiio kt ep aw i\ from parks and open place in. almost a s .‘-mine against lighlnlm; as they would he ,| ill lu'.v w i ii' tint up in., hi,. a in 1:; , box i 0.np0.-ed of an iron grating I 'm in Hu- roimtry it is difft iem anil tli< need of properly adjusted lightning rods i jr• itci thine. Greatly Dreaded. Lightning is greatly dreaded in I'Tanc , and no Wonder, since sta tistics show that I'l,oo'l people were killed by lightning in that e rnntry 'luring tfie rtincli' nth ■. entury . Ne.irlt all of Illes.' peri died through neglect of the most ordinary pre cautions They m.i' lie said to have invited dea 111 by placing I In m - sofV e.s in I lie way of ii s dai Is. ■ V remarkable example occurred ' a.rly this summer, w hen a light ning holt instantly killed one of the ■•■ii' st noblemen of I 'ram . . the ( Your Best Manners and Impulses By ELLA WHEELER WILCOX » Copyright 1912. by Amercan-Journal-Examiner. il'" you .1 r< ■ '.I .. ;w , y w I h \ ''Hi friends <»r \oui family for a v,h alien t a k<- \ <rjr \ e i \ b«*st manners, your \t i \ kindest and s\\ cotest impulse- wit h y m The’c is no benefit in a rlianuo ol scene or itspiic riom 'ahar if ill i ■ mpcr, ne’ \ ousncss, - rritahilit \ • an< ta i; ' - lindin.; rule ;In im olal doma in AI! benefit which > cm- s o us nai-a . .mi,, front WITHIN Tlu uoin ii) v. ho >tays at home m ■ happy, cheerful state of mind, de lUJ* d with small plcasuris and H* ut n making ev» i \ hodx abmft h< b, ;t, i he companionship, will iiaiii more benefit from her \ '.alien than one who goc- tour ing in mm* ears. ailing m \ ichts oi sfi.jou' nlng in gi e ; hotels, all ihe i imo complaining of her : in round:; • - ml he latih ,m, (imiing fault with people and thing A man may far better refuse !o g.« awa\ mi a .burnvx than to go am! c.i't a p.i': of ga>mn over his i oaipu’iimis b\ indulging his most unamiable and disag! eea blv habits. A change • ‘ •• ne and thought i to e r« . oinnn nded to evri \ hum n h ag who - in pe-sibl\ .m uae such a n < ' • in Take Two Vacations. X I. : tWU . I \ • ! . • \ k b - > ' > i; ; , nem i domain of bur get aw ay ini > n» w -nt ounc. a:< nd aimmg mw p« op <> alone '■ '. h Na t ore Tie \ e h Pile t: ack W • s ■ | m • kit of thought w ruts m W ■ i -I. ■ hm- \ . .mot '. pi ■ >, d \• ' -iotis. . nd v o i i o. )X!).\Y. SEPTEMBER 2, 1912. - 'H ■ ■ iA , / ■ I r lf .-■ ; - LA . L A Storm Retting Over Paris. .'Luqiiis of Montebello. In defiance many warnings he ventured out in a so-n-o thunder storm, passing «'D foot through open flphU and a woodland. His body was found, half sttippid of its clothing, mar > iru trees. He '-ar'iod an um brella. with a slcl point, which may have divirted the stroke from .9 ti'-c to him. <>nl\ a work he* >rc this t iigedy, a gendarme, in a lit tle count: \ village near me, was Lilled by lightning when he w- nt into his garden during a thunder -torm. The h <«f lightning is some- I'dd - , ppalli'ig. It may go a mile, • < n go ’l EN MI LES and I’-ach its victim. It can not be .L'dged even when it comes from . for it trawls with almost the •petal of light. Some 'lisuiets are a lie'jla'ly dangerous b< oaiise of the 4‘xistence of deposits of iron beneath Iht' surface of the earth. 'l'lie n ighboihood of a body of walvi or a stream is always dan gerous during a thunder sto ni. Even subterranean water may "at tract" lightning, lt ; i rai' that lightning ••liters a room. if it strikes a house the damage is usually confined to the • ■<l rim-, the -roof <» tru- ciiimiieys. During a violent storm the safest |)lace is the center of a room, wheie there is no open communica tion, such as a fi epi a«-e, with the in ntal food and dwell on , nionot om ai> . \ of un< hanging vim. s. I '• •to . . va< ation and iii tlc .i "urne\ - ami visits and trips are to be r commended as beauty treal iii' nt- ami old-age preventives as (T~~ iT « & , « * ¥ )) ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. "<-1! ill >s for mental and physi- < a ' mat..dli s x \ml titey .lit- helps lo sin i i 's in • tux limos endeavor, since they ig the vision and iner< is< th, r l-'.ii c.. n. ..; ih, benefits result from \.nations if the mind is tilled with dis, -..m, nt. ill temper and i.uping il'ithi-m. Should Have Stayed Home. \ man urged b\ his wife lo t w i k's x ion x\ ith he: The nan \vant, d to go into the > o iitrx . the \\ if. tn g,.! t lie sea - shi e. and the man \ . hied, went xvith his wife but ex j in n. x .x as <l< x oted to : was spent in ' I 11- el not . |...- • itt= .itv kind exterior. If you are very fearful, G>u may insulate you: self by sit ting in a chai) with its logs rest ing in glass tumblers or. as some <h». by lying upon a feather bed. N.itura’ly you would not choose an iron bed. Seme Warning's. But ilie-e are extreme precau , anil few would think it with yvhil' io adopt them. You are I ractaeilly saft if you stay indoors, closing windows and other open ings, and keeping away from stoves, stovepipes and fireplaces. If you find yourself perforce out of doors during a thunder storm, avoid tlie neighborhood of tall, iso lated trees, and do nht follow a stream or the border of a lake. Keep away, also, from wire fences. Most of the destruction of cattle by lightning, tn recent years, occurs where they have huddled close to a metallic barrier. Don't carry an umbrella in a thunder storm. The Maiquis of Montebello's fate is a sufficient warning on that score. Submit to be soaked with rain rath " than take shelter under a tree. and. for your comfort, remem ber that, in almost any case, you have many chances in your favor to one against you, ami that death by lightning is probably the most painless to which a living being can lie subjected, it is quicker than the nt r\ es. would hupp. n. not realizing that his state of mind was one which would ultra, t tml produce misfortune. I’ar kinder would it have been b id lie remained at home or quietly insisted upon going to the country. To yield a point to another is not a courtesy or a kindness unless it is Xi' lded graciously, amiably and v ith every effort to make the sit uation agreeable and pleasant. Txvo people may leave a. palatial and luxurious home and go into the i discomforts of a small hotel room "i a farm house, and .vet they may tiiul delight and benefits untold of in tin change if they ire good com rades. real friends 01 tender lovers. Tile delights and benefits are all results of mental conditions—an un seltish desir, to please x'mif asso ciates. happiness in s.-eing otlters eii.iov lite, satisfaction in getting ..nd giving tile best of life in every situation. These ar. the qualities which make every vacation a success, ex vry journey one of benefit, every ,'hang. a p! -asure and the return home to work a new delight. Husbands and wives, parents and children jog along in the home for months y\ ithout really seeing one another as they ar,-. How to Get Benefits. bat in th- tlose intimacy which trax el and boarding house or hotel lite nec s-it ties the prominent traits and characteristics stand forth prominently revealed. Therefore before you go away on youi V. ation it is well to brush up y our manneis to take a fresh hold '•n your will powet and to fertilize your affectionate nature so that your family and youi friends and tin strangers you xx ill meet may be I" petit.-,l by your companionship. 'nd in doing this you will re. • I' l I'.tl ben. fit xoprself from '"lf and .turn letrsh.-d and li i'io nd s-. h - , s|w'. tmg a hen the (•lit 1BL! ok Elbert Hubbard » Writes on The Assassins In the Days of O]d the “Assas sins” Devoted Their Lives to Truth, Justice, Purity, Right, and Their Business Was to Give Everybody a Square Deal. By ELBERT HUBBARD Copyright, 1012. by International News Service THE wortl "assassin" was once eminently respectable. it was first used in the twelfth Century in Persia.. It signified a member of a- Mohammedan relig ious order. Those assassins devot ed their lives to truth. justice, purity, right, and their business was to give everybody a square deal. They took their name from the leader, Hassan, and were cajled Hassanites. or some enemy of tile order called them Hashassins or hashish eaters. These men weie fired by religious zeal until they ran amuck, killing every one w ho tried to oppose them. I People thought they were intoxi cated by hashish, or the juice of the hemp plant. This may have been so, but a man intoxicated by religious zeal, or drunk on success ami his own oratory, is quite as dangerous as an individual who is simply plain drunk on dope and drugs. The word "assassin" was taken up by the French and circulated, first as a slang word, and then it got fixed in the dictionary, and when the English adopted it, It be came legitimate Proud of the Name. These Assassins of Islam were proud of the name and gloried in< it. The secret Order of Assassins existed from the twelfth century down practically to our own time, and members of the order still en dure. They were fatalists, and were taught that if they died in the pai ti'-ular worlj to which they were assigned, their souls would imme diately gravitate to Paradise. For 200 years the Order of Assas sins -held all Asia Minor in terror, ami instituted some very Dark Ages. The Assassins struck in the dark, and the government was powerless to locate the murderers; in fact, of ficers of the government themselves were often members of this Order of Assassins. The whole thing was very much like the Camorra of Italy, or the cheerful White Caps, of which America has had quite a taste. The world should beware of men who come in the name of reforma tion. demanding that the world shtAild be made over according to itlegl plans which they themselves hate formulated. Any man who is better (or who thinks he is better) than the common run of humanity is apt to be a dangerous individual and may easily gravitate into the sacred Order of ?- ss-assins. Ihe Mahdis that have appeared from time to tint' in the Orient, es pecially in Asia Minor, Persia and Turkey, have belonged to this Or der of Assassins. The word "Mah di" means one w ho leads us out of captivity. Each of the dozen or so Mahdis George W. Perkins and the Roose velt Progressive Party Continued from First Column. had when the convention opened—something quite new, as politi cians will admit. I he country needs to get rid of political hacks and professional candidates. It wants to interest in polities and in government the ablest men that the country possesses. Wherever big work has been • lone in a country, it has been done by men Os power—and usually b\ men I hat have proved successfid in something else besides politics. treorge Washington was a good soldier—and about the richest man in the country, when he did his great work for this republic. Nobody suggests that he ought to have kept out of politics because he happened to be rich. •Jacques ( oeur was the richest man in Europe when his power ot organization and his great capital were put at the service of I-ram-e in a crisis brought on by incompeteney in government. Disraeli, who did so much for England—more than any other man. pel haps,* except Pitt—was a man of great power, and would have been a man of vast wealth if he had thought it worth while to make money, lie made millions for England in his purchase of the Suez canal bonds, and hundreds of millions in other ways. If other men. having proved their ability in the big industrial work ot the country, will follow the example' of Perkins and take a share in government and a place in polities, they will do much to in crease efficiency in government affairs. And they need not abandon their big undertakings—if those undertakings are legitimate. A man should be a builder as well as a talker And a lawmaker. Hie ablest men in government have been unusually able in practical affairs. The wonderful fight that Voltaire made against oppression and 'de injustice did not prevent his building up a prosperous com* inunity and making himself a very rich man Neeker was a great business man. as well as a great statesman. < olojjel Koose\e|| should not seem to apologize for having Perkins with him. On the contrary, he should be proud of havinc started a progressive movement that can attract successful men. ami m>t merely attract the hacks and the failures of other political | parties THE HOME PAPER that Mohammedanism has pro duced has called himself "The Mahdi." There was one particular Mahdi that turned the Soudan into a trail of danger and death about the year 1880. This Mat! Mullah's business was to restore the Soudan, and eventually the entire world, to a condition of peace, equity, justice and prosperity through destruction of the forces that he said were strangling the plain people. He Took to the Desert. fills man took to the desert with a few hundred followers. At first they were unarmed. They lived on the contributions of the Faithful. A little later, when contributions were not forthcoming, they made raids into the towns and villages, and collected their own. Soon they were transformed into a formidable mass of cavalry. riding stolen horses. The restless, the worthless, the uneasy, all those who had noth ing to lose, quit work and followed the Mahdi. Ideal communities were to be or ganized. A new distribution of goods was to be the rule. The rich and the governing classes w pre to be eliminated. *The rule of the people was to be supreme. The revolt grew so great that the- Khedive abandoned the Soudan. General Gordon, known as “Chi nese Gordon," was sent out by the English government to treat with the Mahdi, and. if necessary, to de stroy him. Gordon arrived at Khartoum in 1884. He issued a request to the hostile Soudanese to lay down their arms, and return to their homes and go to work, promising them Immunity from punishment for their offenses. The reply of t,he Assassins was to cut off Gordon's communication with Cairo. Gordon did not have any idea of the number of men he had to deal with, and nobody yet knows how this disorganized, un organized mass of humanity, that fed off the land like grasshoppers, shut Gordon up with his 10,000 sol diers In Khartoum. Held Him a Captive. The besieging hordes held him captive for ten months. Finally, Great Britain dispatched an army to the relief of Gordon, under General Wolseley, who ar rived within two days march of Khartoum. But through the treach ery of certain people in Khartoum —for whom General Gordon was fighting—the gates were thrown open and the hordes came tum bling through, and Gordon went down to his death. Only the death of Gordon aroused the British nation to the danger of this rule of the mob. Kitchener was sent to the Soudan with an army, and it took him txvelve years to put down the rebellion started by these religious progressives who thought to make the world over.