Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 03, 1912, EXTRA 2, Page 8, Image 8
8 ANOTHER GOOD BILL ! AT THE COOL BONITA i ALL OF PRESENT WEEK The King-Murray-Jones Musical Comedy Company will present at tl; Bonita theatei aJI this week one of the most entertaining comed!» seen in At lanta in many months The title of the play is "The Lunatic," and there’s a laugh every minute The entire company will take ['art in the production, and the famous "Beau ty Chorus" will I- much in evidence Beautiful motion plctu'cs will he shown between performances Adults lOc, children Be. ••• Watch the Forsyth clock —don’t be late. Climate Failed* Medicine Effective It has been absolutely shown that rest, fresh air and good food do help many persons suffering from tuberculosis. But it must be admitted that the disease is seldom more than "arrested." Something more is needed. Eckman’s Alterative is a medicine made for the treatment of tuberculosis It has conquered this disease again and again, often these benefits have been effected where the surroundings were not ideal yet recoveries resulted Now we argue that Eckman’s Alterative should he used tn every case of tuberculosis, in addition to good, nourishing food and fresh air, which we all need. A remarkable case follows; "Weldon, 11l "Gentlemen.: Through Eckman's Alter ative I have been saved from a premature grave On December 14. 1904, I was taken with typhoid pneumonia My lungs be came very much affected; my sputum was examined and tuberculosis bacilli were found On February 21. 1905. 1 was ad vised to go to Fort Worth. Tex While there ar. abscess in my right lung broke and discharged. I grow worse, and be came very much emaciated My physi cian informed me that 1 must go to Col orado as quickly as possible 1 left Texas June 1 nnd arrived in Canon City June 3, very feeble After being there two weeks, my physician informed me that my case was hopelees. Three weeks later I re turned home, weighing 103 pounds, the doctor having given me no assurance of reaching there alive "On July 14. 1905, I began taking Eck man's wonderful remedy for consumption. Today I weigh 158 pounds. I am stout and well and can do any kind of work about my grain elevator. 1 have not an ache nor pain tn my lungs, eat well, sleep well. a.nd never felt better (Sworn affidavit.) "ARTHFR WEBB.” Eckman's Alterative is effective In Bronchitis, Asthma, flay Fever. Throat and Lung Troubles, and in upbuilding the system. Does not contain poisons, opiates or habit-forming drugs. For sale by all Jacobs' drug stores and other leading druggists. Ask for booklet telling of re coveries, and write to Eckman Labor* tory, Philadelphia, Pa . for additional evi dence FOR PHYSICIANS AND HOSPITALS Hou ran physicians and hospitals afford to hold chronic kidney iMitients to certain failure on the orthodox treatment when bv a simple addition recovery is possi ble tn many cases.’ We record below another recovery in a ease of Bright s disease declared incurable by the books Mr John Anderson. 660 Brynn avenue. Furl Worth. Tex., wrote on I December 6, 1910, from which we extract: “I would like to have your opinion and will give you my symidoms My legs, thighs and stomach are badly swollen. My doctor tried strong purgatives to re lieve the dropsy, but to no purpose. Four months afio t.he swelling was so bad that my lungs were full and the elimination was almost »*nlid with albumen. I was in bed three month* previous to taking the Rena! Compound It has done me more good than aiiything else, but I am still bedfast.” Prescriptions were sent to aid the Com pound to reduce the drojtsy. <>n January 27. 1911, Anderson again wrote as follows ”1 wish to thank you for the letter and prescriptions. I have completely recov ered. 1 had a test made two days ago and am perfectly free from albumen Barring weakness 1 feel as wy»ll as I ever i have been out of bed Just three wbeks, having been confined to bed nine y/nontha It has taken about twenty-five bottles 1n cure me. <>f course I was in a terrible condition and the results have surprised all who knew how bad I was 1 do not suppose you need a testimonial, but you welcome to use my name if you wish.” Frank Edmondson 14 South Broad street nnd 106 North Pryor street, local agents fnr Fulton s Renal Compound. For literature write John J Fulton Company, 645 Battery street, San bran- I A Faithful Worker I Would you like || S an employee that |g> U will work for you H every hour of the g I twenty-four? H One that never p U takes vacation, B I gets sick, goes on nd I strike? One that works || H j us t t h e sa m e I • H whether you are B I at home or away? B P One that the I ’ g| more you give the B ■ 1 more he will re- B H turn to you? A savi n gs ac- B B count will <lo this B B for you. W o r k i n g day B B and night increas- B B ing your surplus. B Nou' is the time B ® to start one. S 3 Every Dollar Deposited ■ Earns More Dollars ■ We Pay 4% on Savings | CITY SAVINGS BANK I 15 E. Alabama Si. ■MBBBMBBBM WORST STOMACH TROUBLE ENDED “Pape’s Diapepsin” Gives Instant Relief and the Relief Lasts. f Every year regularly more than a million stomach sufferers tn the United States, England and Canada take Pape's Diapepsin, and realize not only immediate but lasting relief Thia harmless preparation will di gest anything vou eat and overcome a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach five minutes afterward. If your meals don't, fit comfortably. or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that Is a sign of indigestion. Get from your pharmacist a fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a dose just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating headaches, dizziness or in testinal griping This will all go, and, besides, there will be no sour food left over In the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it takes Hold of your food and digests It just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief In five minutes from all stom ach misery is waiting for you at any drug store. These large fifty-cent cases contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure almost any case of dyspepsia, indiges tion or any other stomach disorder. START YOUR LIVER, DON’T STOP WORK Dodson's Liver Tone Acts Mildly, but Surely. Livens Up the Liver and You Stay on Your Feet. It Is the experience of calomel users that if they take enough of the drug to have the desired effect, it seriously in terferes with their work the day after. But this is the least important item, for calomel is often a dangerous drug and acts on the system violently. Don't take chances with calomel. Get a. bottle of the pleasant, safe and per fectly harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone, guaranteed to take the place of calo mel. Instead of making you feel worse the next day, it makes you feel better— and you actually are better, for no rem edy in the whole world livens up the liver, regulates the bowels and really rejuvenates the system any better than this dose. You are the sole judge of Its merits. Any Atlanta druggist Is fully authorized to hand you back your money with out question if it fails to please you— and relieve you. Remember, if you feel constipated and bilious, what you need is Dodson's Liver Tone A luge bottle and a good guar antee for 50 cents from any Atlanta druggist. If You Are Buying a Truss H DEMB.MREH that If it doesn't fit properly, it will not only rub and chafe and hint, but It may result in a very dangerous condition. Don't ever take chances with children's trusses. Jacobs’ Pharmacy Has the Best Equipped Truss Department In the South, and by far the largest stock of Trusses. Elastic Hosiery. Belts. Bandages, Abdominal Supporters, etc. At our Main Stole we have Private Fitting Rooms, quiet and secluded, with men and women attendants, and the best professional advice is always at I your command free of charge. j Rupture Is serious Always get the best profesional service—at Jacobs’ Pharmacy. It costs no more. Jacobs’ Pharmacy Atlanta, Ga. Be entertained Forsyth way, 2:30, 7:45 and 9:15 II daily. Real popular prices at the Forsyth. Ask the box office. Popular vaudeville, Keith kind, at Forsyth. The Forsyth is as busy as | ever. Populai vaudeville. Keith popular vaudeville, I the busy Forsyth. Popular prices and popu- I lar vaudeville at popular I Forsyth. Always a good show. I often a great show, Forsyth. II The Forsyth is doing a I wholesale business, hence I wholesale prices. You win. See Geo. Wilson. “Waltze I Me Again,” Forsyth this | wee 1 ’ THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. Tl EJSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1912. 1 THE NEW NON-PARTICIPATING POLICY NOW BEING WRITTEN BY I THE SOUTHERN STATES LIFE INSURANCE CO. The rates in keeping with the lowest and its provisions are as liberal as any In addition, this policy contains a disability clause writ ten exclusively by this company. In case of total disability it pays to the insured one-fourth of the face of the policy in cash and the premiums on the remaining, as long as the insured is disabled, or until the policy becomes a claim. Any Agent of The Southern Staten Life will cheerfully submit for your consideration this policy contract without your assuming any obligation* General Agents wanted in unfilled territory Local Agents wanted in all territories The Southern States Life Insurance Co. ATLANTA GA. ‘ W. s. McLEOD &xr Supervisor of Agents for WILMER L. MOORE, Pre*. State of Georgia STODDARDIZE, My Son! It’s Only $1 For Your Suit! IXXT HEN your son starts out 'upon his business or SK ▼ ▼ professional career, advise him to get into the gS habit, of STODDARDIZIN’G—because a neat personal J|l appearance will greatly aid him! We Dry Clean and Press Men's Suits for sl. laS A Wagon for a Phone Call. We pay Express (one way) on out-of-town orders of $2 or over. ™" I i n 2 v P n^ chtre i tSt^ et Dixie's Greatest OCUiar Cl AtiantaPhone 43 Dry Cleaner and Dyer IlronCladColiegeTrunks Don’t wear out. You may get tired of them, but I you will not break them up. Three sizes -34, 36, 38. $9.50, SIO, $10.50 LIEBERMAN’S The House of Guaranteed Baggage. 92 Whitehall. • i < ——■. f CENTER AISLE ATTRACTIONS g : E FOR TUESDAY = : Stamped Towels . ff 1 * Many new designs in stamped Huckaback Tow- i )- JJ els. including a great assortment of the new . “punch” work patterns. All sizes—from the j small, guest room to extra large sizes. Stamped on I nion and All Linen Huckaback. Prices for ; MV exceptionally strong values. 2'>e to 75c. i;S .J.! - . 5 Sterling Silver Deposit * 5 Ware s C®® We are offering a large ami varied assortment i of this artistie ware at about HALE the regu- j lar price. For Tuesday only we offer all of our 1 . *■ regular 49c articles and some that sold for more, for 29e, comprising Vases. Compotes. Ba , mum Splits. Sugars. Creams. Glasses. Ice Tea i Glasses. Lemon Dishes. Sherbets. Plates. Oval i D.shes anil numerous other articles - ;il! of Bd- the best !mpo’ te<i and doine.-tie glass, deco- 9 1 j Sjl ed with deposit st' Sterling Silv-r Tiles- >1 day only v L* < s sE < | 5 a- ° THE BEST AND QUICKEST e WAY TO RENT YOUR ROOMS: s iUSE THE GEORGIAN “RENT BUL LETIN’ - vA i \ ; » is / fr-C- • . ' \l■■ • ■ A A z > • S9B* A / \ A \. • •- z ■ . - ■ ; - ‘ . j : ‘ i. • • •■’ i -*-• ■ > k... -a J ' A., ■— What State Is It From? * I ( onld you tell if you saw this car on the open road? Or would il pass you in a cloud of dust and leave you still wondering where its oc cupants hailed from? I Js a lot c c satisfaction in being able to iden tify just where a car comes from. It adds interest to a day’s run or an extended tour. And it is simnle—very simple, for every car carries a distinguishing mark in its license. Each State has a characteristic license tag. It matters not whether the car came from Maine or California. Florida or Washington, the arrangement of the license number will tel! ou which, at a glance. i How to know these number piates is an absorbing study. It is lull/ explained, with illustrations of the tags issued by every State of the Union, in the September MoToR. I And besides this big article, the September number’s a gold mine of (information. - “Does it pay to buy over-size tires?’’ “The annual output of American versus foreign-built cars,” “New things for the motorist,” “Helpful Hints” are a few among the many vital problems discussed by practical men in a practical way. On Sale To-day. M6R)R JL JL September Number Just Out—All News-Stands ANNOUNCEMENT On and after today, September 2d, the Salesrooms and Shops of the Fulton Auto Supply Co. WILL BE LOCATED AT 46 West North Avenue JUST OFF PEACHTREE) Visit us at our new quarters and see the luxurious NEW HUDSON “37” J. H 7 . Goldsmith, J r., Mgr. w ——————————w——mn——t <m /1//14A Y a good position has been found through the “ Help Wanted" columns of 1 lie Georgian. Both Phones 8000 HIGH PRAISE FROM SCHOOL TEACHERS Comparisons Are Made With the Most Expensive Works Which Show Value of Volume, Everything goes by comparison. The play was good because it was better than some other play: a dainty morsel served for desert was delicious because it pleased the palate more than a sim ilar' dish; that late novel was the best because it suited the reader better than some other novels. And so it goes we compare everything we do —all we see—with something else we have done or seen. parison now. The principal of a school The Georgian's Atlas Is up tor cmn in a neighboring city compared it to m expensive volume which had previously been used for quick reference. The v> - diet is that the Standard Atlas is pre ferred because it is concise and one does not need to read pages of ir: tive matter to get the required infor mation. A school teacher said she had never before been able to followe historical events in chronological order until got Tite Georgian Atlas, which takes up the history of the world at the earli est date of record and follow it on down to the present time. This is all - forth in such convenient form that it ■ can be referred to in a minute. • Taking it altogether. this M complete In every particular, coniai ing maps, charts, gazetter of cities, o numerous features that have never be fore appeared in any similar work re gardless of price. Turn to the display announcement m another page of this issue and learn how you may get this useful book. Don't delay, for the time is short rwt - -ii.l i. . a **“ GEORGIAN Want Ads BRING RESULTS.