Newspaper Page Text
P blished by The Georgian Company,
■’o East Alabama Street,
Atlanta, Ga.
r-—TT.., at Atlanta postoffice as second-
En class matter.
subscriptions Payable in Advance,
ore vear, mail, postage prepaid. $5.00
c v months, mail, postage prepaid, 2.u0
i ree months, mail, postage prepaid. 1.25
month. mail, postage prepaid. .45
—Subscriptions' Payable In Advance.
Delivered by carrier, one year $5.20
rvhvered bv carrier, six months .... 2.60
Vs 'vered by carrier, three months.. 1.20
r.e vered by carrier, one month4s
Lmvered by carrier in Atlanta and
1 other cities, one week 10c
- ... ' '■ ~
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
rent a word each insertion
Xo ad taken for less than the price
nf ten words. Ads in larger type,
i.a line (4 words to the lir.f.)
oui-of-town ad v rt 1 sen ent i
•rust be accompanied with rash
Agencies’ discounts 1 .0 and 5 per
.ent. ’
The Georgian will not he re«nnn
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
•han » ne time
Closing Hours: Tc secure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue
All ads- must be ordered out In
writing or at office. N’o discon
tinuance notice taken 'r phone
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
is counted. Each initial counts one
word: compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian /both phones 8000) when
it is more convenient to do so, and
nilection will be made at your
heme or at your office the follow
ing day This is an accotnmoda
tUn service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
rn presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you hy the ad
aker tn make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
< eipts given In payment* fnr Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them in answering advertise
ments addressed In care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
‘ references, .'-end a duplicate ot
| same.
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED Colored woman to cook and
one t<> nurse. Must have references.*
lEQ cypress street. 13-9-2
\\ WTKD A reliable cook; single pre
ferred: room on lot and good wages;
reference required. A ppi? 325 Washing
ton -1. 32-9-2
3hj PEACHTREE: good cook; good wages.
A.X iED a colored girl or woman to
help my maids and answer phone lsr.
M»>rrison, <l4 Kiser Rldg. 9-2-19
G< h »|> cook for large house: good wages.
Appl? 241 West Peachtree. 38-9-2
s 31' V A A **• l ’ bm bmam
\A ANTE!)- Ambitious salesmen to sell
Scarborough’s surveys; we pay big
commissions and give sure guarantee.
Address Scarborough. P. o. Box IGO. care
Georgian. 39-9-2
FED Lad? stem>graph< r must be
g<-od at figures; one to help with office
""He state salary expected; references.
Lirnss Box 7, Cartersville. Ga. 9-2-17
'' \ N’T ED - A nurse to stay on lot. Ap
ply 26 West Mitchell. 9-2-10
M ANTEb—Cook. Call Ivy 30. 9-2-7
V. ANT TH)-—First-class cook for small
family.sol West Peach t ree. 9-2-8
V\ .\N’TED—Good female cook at 328 Cap
tol avenue. 9-2-5
X’. ANTED—Good cook at 91 East Linden
WANTED Colored woman for cook Ap-
1 ' 8 Copenhill avenue 31 -9-2
ANTED Experienced salesladies; ab
solutely new proposition: good pa?. Ap
'■‘ Mii'H- Court Bldg 8 8 31
AN I E|) -(i-;i t <»rs on
I'iints and overalls. Eight
hours a Jay. Light, cool
work room; union wages;
permanent positions. Good
operators earn $lO to sls
per week. We will teach
you. Apply Nunnally A -
M'-Crea. 41 E. Mitchell or
corner Marietta and Alex
ander streets. 8-31-30
a ANTED— Several experienced and hr
• xperienced representatives for leading
•'■■’■'hern publishing house. Will be* in
Dian ta un Tuesday. \ddress. giving
’• ' plioru . Publisher. Box 100, < are Geor
gian. 62-8-30
A XN'TED At '-nee, ten experience*!
miners for wholesale millinery. Apply
**. "i>< »• io Silverman-Lonsberg Co.. 14-46
A • Mitchell st. 8-30-33
TJ n • i;< liabl • colon d v. oman at
- ' Callai 408 Pulliam s’ p:-S-::<i
ANTED—A cook; references: room ami
—' -17 Eleventh st 8-30- ’• 8
A' ' N’ted At once, young t colored girl
'*• < ook and do general’ housework
'"'J wages. Must live < r place. Apply
A >out li J’rado. Ansley Pa»-k. S-30-4
AA WTED Lady bookkeeper El\ea
y' -JJ_< ’nmpdnj
Help Wanted- -Male.
'NTED Soda boy. Must have had ex
,prience in nianufa -tore of syrups and
,team. References required. Address
1 •»’ • I D-t-rgia ’
a office "Voy? Must be lv<
' 7 South F<>rsj tl street 9-2-22
FED At the Georgia School for the
,f af a first-class, all-round man cook.
A al once. Wages S4O per month t*»
’ ight man W. <>. Connor. Prin< ipal.
L,' Springs. Ga. 9-2-16
x N’TED—Pharmacist at once; reliable
uan for position in Alabama. Apply J
' lo? d. 324 ' Randler Bldg
' 'ANTED-—Several young men
ii’niii 19 to 23 years of age.
I'D-ferably with high school ex
f’ 1 '-nee. See Mr. llvnry. of The
ANTED- First-class cook for small
, 2’ml\. 501 Wes’ P* a< htree.
ANTED White boys more than fifteen,
'tiling to work, as night messengers.
ni G '•> ii Work pleasant. Apply ear-
IV'Stal Telegraph-Cable Company,
"ner Broad and Alabama streets
- j - •>
1 \’TED—At once, bright bo? for of
“ " >rk. Must be quick at figures.
J g and good penman. Apply Acme
‘ p l Goods Company. 58-64 West Ala
' ’ street. 9-2-2
NTED Young man for assistant
'kkeeper Must be bright, accurate
write good hand Address in own
Ayritfng, giving age, exp»•rien* • and
■ expected. Bond required
'.'' 5 A. C. Co . care Georgian
N’ri-'r»— Colored man to work in laun
must write a good hand. Apply
•ay morning, Capital City Lamidn
Help Wanted—Male.
" ’‘ S . teail '• "‘de-awake man to
y ait on customers, handle cash, etc Pav
knn a ,"'. eelt Experience not necessarv
11 re, l! llre ' 1 Call lISi., Marietta
street; room 1 28-9-2
I " A^>T. E1 N _Slen to learn barber ~trade.
oAf/i T c ’ ean work. An arm' of our
Ud,es ,’ low running shops Be one of
cT ages hl,e learning. Tools
Ki'en. < all or write Holer Barber College,
Luckie street. 31-8-St-
WANTED for general
tepair shop; some horseshoeing; must
„. e , al, 'JS l i? <l - good man; white shop;
wages $3.50. Albany Blacksmith Co.. Al-
1 IV < > all-round first-class white shoe re
natrers; must be sober Max M Her
bert, Athens. Ga. 55-8-30
IV\ ANTED— An office boy. State age, sal
ary. experience and references Ad
dress P, <j. Box 986, Atlanta 8-2.0-21
" 1 Steno-bookkeeper and general
office man. by September 1 Prefer
young man desiring good chance for ad
yancenient. than train
ing not necessary. AtTdress P. o. Box
<3, Bowdon. Ga. 8-27-29
‘WANTED Young men to learn pharnT
rc\ this fall. Demand for our gradu
a'es exceeds supply. Next session begins
' “ 'oher 1. Southern College of Pharmacy
81 ! it'-ku street. Atlanta. Ga. 8-1 il
M ANTED—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
ajMl. chance for promotion.
Cal! at circulation depart- 1
ii'Oij: ’Fhe Atlanta Georgian.
Alabama street.
: c.\ RPEXTEBS—Competent men furnish -
'■<! i t- short notice for all classes of car
penter wort.; .I:m Stephenson. 226 Brown-
Randolph Bldg. Phone: Main 4251 At
ht_nta_2:i32. _ 7-2-5'
Wanted Ideas. Inventors write for
list of inventions wanted and prizes of
fered by manufacturers. Also, how to get
your patent Sent free to any address.
Randolph ... Brisci e. patent attorneys.
Washington. T >. C. 7-1E23
P*. aI llillmrn hotel, heart of city, 101£
Walton street if you want a clean, quiet
room; iran-iept 50c Open all night
3-21-’ n
1 ES. I•■■ofes'-or G <’ Branning will teach
> 1 U the barber trade tit’s easel. We
: teach in one half time of other colleges
' Course. and position in our shops
only s."o. W’lty pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops nr making
good weg.-s. Atlanta Barber College. 10
E.m r Miff-hell street. 5-11-17
, I‘Rl.l’, MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves.
I shampoos. All barber work free. Clean
| Itnen. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
I Mitchell. 5-27-16
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
i „_
ICOOKS. maids, nurses, butlers, waiters,
i porters, chauffeurs, etc., for places in
•■ind out city Jones Employment Agency.
I II'.:; s. Broad st. 50-9-2
: r
Salesmen Wanted.
proposition will make you monev. Good
lino-up assured. Address the Mid-West
! Securities Company. 1012 Hartford build
i ing. Chicago. TIL 45-9-2
ESTABLISHED proprietary medicine
company wants experienced salesman,
well acquainted with drug trade in the
; South. Write, giving references, etc., to
Box 478. care Georgian. 8-30-22
j \ ”
Agents Wanted.
j '.GENTS—SeII the Phone-Mega, a won
derful new invention, which carries a
I whisper over the phone as clearly as a
shout. Attachable to any phone. It re-
I tails for 75 cents and is the biggest seller
in years. Jones makes $lO dailv on a
rural route. One agent sent in order for
$1,500 last week. Good salesmen are
coining money; get in now for your share;
you ttikgjjjg chajtces; we guarantee tlv
sale; iiTnrnT-'wgnj'ng like wild-fire; evert’*
body wants it: sample postpaid 40 cents.
: Write quick for particulars. . Evon Sales
i Company, Dept. 200, Waterloo, 111.'
- 4‘-:-p-2
Situations Wanted—Female.
; YOI'NG LADY with experience as typist,
who knows something about bookkeep
ing wants to make a change. Dissatjs
| fied with present position. Can give ref
| erences. Address D. M.. care Georgian.
i “xt 2
GENERAL house work: white; mother
with babe; desire position in country.
' Efox 451. care Georgian. 78-8-31
POSITION h\ well educated steno-book
keeper with general office experience;
rapid, atcuraje rod experienced; refer
ences. Address Mis.- M F.. Box 33. care'
Georgian. 109-8-31
Needle Work.
i EMBROIDERY, designing, fine sewing
and darning. 13 Baltimore place. Ivy
5968. 8-28-8
Situations Wanted—Male
WANTED- Position as chauffeur; had
three years experience: have best of
references. Address Allen McLeod, 151
Spring street. 34-9-2
WANTED Position at once by bright,
industrious bo?' of 16, with experience;
best references given: work with good
firm desired. C. IL. Box 100, care Geor-
Ma n. < «r_ AI ain 5 459-J. 96-8-31
, Yol’.NG .MAN’ who holds responsible po
sition wants work for evenings. 8 to 11
Has broad business experience and am
; < .;pable of doing real work. Address Box
; 472. care Georgian. 25-8-3!
, W ANTED Position as bookkeeper or as
sistant or other office position b?’ young
! man; can use typewriter and am '’ccurate
in figures; can give references; had expe
rience ■!. ’l’. L, Box 103, care Georgian.
- x
'• 14H • N w ain co ic t v.ll? • x icncc'i
office man; business correspondence,
■ <-lb .1 :ons. et< : progressive, capable, en-
■ i*ti« . satisfactory references. Box 414.
; re Georgian. 25-8-27
EXPERT PIANO Tl'NEß—Action, regu
lating. juicing and repairing Bell
phone Main 2254-L. East Atlanta. Drop
I will call 8-111-24
Job Work.
W’E <’AN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters We
make them io ordet. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing. 62F Forsyth street. Bell 1187;
| Atlanta 6087-M.
Fire-Proof Storage.
\\ 1 STORE Ih H SEI li 'l.l i goods and
pianos Office and warehouse, 239-241
Edge wood ave. Iv? 2037. John J Wood
sideSJ rag< < ’ •mpany J
Public Baggage and Transfer.
51 . • FURNITI RE 11 ansfer; we pa< k
and ship. Main 3657-J, A. 1319. 42
' Madison_ave 3-12-7
Stove and Range Repairing.
SELIGS second-hand gas stoves. Wp sweep
i chimneys. We take down heaters. We
sell w < k and w < kless oil stoves. We sell
gasoline sf<»vrs and ranges Atlanta phone
2235 121 Whitehall Street Bell phone
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with' complete
set <>f attachments for $2 per month;
nlao machines repaired: pronipt delivery
Both pb'‘tic« 1816! Singe: Sewing Ma
iilune Company, 7'J Whitehall. 9-14-44
Twenty Tickets Each Day to
the Forsyth Theater for Those
Who Write the Best Want Ads
Did you ever try to write a Want Ad?
Then why not try your skill at writing them and get a couple
of tickets each week to-the Forsyth theater at the expense of the
Want Ad man.
Here is how you can secure free tickets to the Forsyth:
Read over tiie Want Ads on these pages. You plainly see
that some of them read better than others. Now you know that
you can write better ones than these, can't you? Get a oouple of
pieces of paper and scribble off a few. You will rind that the more
you tvrite of them the better you will get. t
For the ten best written ones each day the Want Ad man will
give a couple of tickets to the Forsyth Theater. He will judge the
Ads and give the tickets to the ones that have written the best.
There appear among the Want Ads in this issue the names of
the ten lupky people that have secured tickets for tomorrow
night’s perl'orplance. Your name will appear in this style.
Get in the swim this Very day with the jolly throng that are
■writing Ads. Your skill will surely get you one of the pairs of
tickets that are being given away each day.
Ads M ill be taken up until 1 o'clock each day.
The winners' names will appear iu the next day's issue
among the Want Ads. and all you will have to do is to find youh
name, bring your Want Ad receipt and that issue of the paper to
The Georgian Want Ad counter (so that you may be identified),
no later than four (4) o elock the next day. and get your tickets
to that night's performance. Remember they will come in pairs
so that you can enjoy the show with a friend.
Don't wait, start today, and try your skill at writing Want
Ads. and win some of the tickets to the Forsyth theater that are
' waiting for you.
Boarders Wanted.
139 WEST f’EAt’HTHEE has changed
hands: open for congenial boarders;
i large front room with private bath and
'dressing room: • day boarders wanted;
meals > pe week. Call Iyy 5551. D-2-25
EX( 'ELLENT fabfe board at 79 E. Mer
ritts aye. 9-2-23
THOSE desiring to take Tech students
as boarders kindl? notify the office at
'once, as the list is now being compiled.
LARGE, dellghtf I roon private bath;
steam heat; good location; best table.
! 2 _ 4 L_l ve3t 1 >fj achtree. 1v? 1959-L. 37-9-2
WANTED- Boarders; large room with
small room and board. 513 Peachtree
St 97-8-31
NICE rooms and board for couple <r
' three young gentlemen. 647 Peachtree
! Ivy 6634. 8-3D15
IrcmTm , AM' BtOAKD: also first-class
table board. 29 East Harris street,
j Phone lyj 3741 L.
GOOD BOARD with first-class people.
Private house Near in. 282 Courtland
stryet. 30-8-30
ROOMS and board; also table board;
north _side. Iv y 2423-J. 8-29-51
j Just Off Peachtree
\ SELECT rooms with or without board;
reasonable. 19 \V. Cain sLB-29-48
I NICE ROOM and board in exchange for
diamond,’ motorcycle, piano or type
writer. Small cash payment. Piano. Box
10. care Georgian. 8-17-30
BOARDERS and mealers wanted at 20
DETMJfiTFrL front room, closet, well
prepares! meals; in pleasant home; table
boa pi a.specialty.26_E. Cain. 33-8-27
SELECT boarding at 16 East Baker, un
‘der new management: cleanliness our
motto; inspection invited; the best table
in the city at moderate prices; rooms
with private hath. Iv? 26<i6-.l 8-27-42
DESIRABLE rooms with *good table
board; good service, will also furnish
meals. Phone Main 1978. 178 Washing
ton st. 8-24-60
I TRY BOARD at 308 South Pryor; home-
I like: references. Main 2456-L. 8-26-2
' NEAT, coo! rooms and homelike cook
ing. 173*Luckie street. Atlanta phone
50 to day; $7.00 to $12.50 weekly;
American plan. 50c to $1.50 day; $3.00
to $7.00 weekly European. References
exchanged 8-43-36
IF you appreciate cleanliness try us. $4
to $6 week. 123 Capitol avenue $-10-7
Lost and Found.
LOST Satiirdaj afternoon on Pine street
car or in Nunnally's or between Nun
nally’s and Savo? theater or in Savoy
theater, small silver mesh bag. contain
ing small amount of, money. Name on
outside of purs** Finder please call Main
494. T Kfuuril.
LOST (Sold wii i societ > badge df sign
harp, cross, arc h. plumes, star; “Henr?
Harris" engraved on back. Reward b? -
Mrs. Henn Harris. College Park, Ga
' 69-8-31
LOST I‘iano coupon book in account
with the Wester Music Cornpan?. Name
Katherine 1. W. Finder please return to
715 \tlanta National Bank building
' _B-31 -J 3
L< >ST Moton ?• le inn< i t übe, bet w e n
Candlei- Bldg, and Alabama street on
F< >rs? th st reel. I »hone W*--st 57. 8-29-34
LOST In the direction of Terminal Sta
j tion ami Marietta street, black ano tan
I fat terrier '‘Trixie Davidson, 30 \ngier
ave." on <•< >ll a i 11 ewar< 1. 8-30 - ,*!5
■ LOST Thursda? night, key ring with
■ four keys. Finder return to 115 Em-
! pire. tewai 8-30 ■ 9
( L< »S’l' Thursday afternoon, ladies’ gold
i watch, heavil? carved and with rub?’
; setting in back Liberal reward if re
turned io 331 Candler building or 198 Iv?
street. Ask for Mrs. TTarl Caldwell,
g JO 11
LOST Child’s gold bracelet yesterday
afternoon. Name inside. Mary Sue
i Prim Lost o Peachtree or Whitehall
' street. Ret;urn to 303 West Peachtree
I street. Reward 8-9-52
W'lDOM'. 56, worth $75,000, would marry.
i R., Box 35. League. Toledo, < »hio.
WANTED—Addresses of all STAMMER
ERS who are willing to pay $lO for a
certain cure. The Fon-Lin Institute, G.,
2516 avenue, Chicago, in 8-7-4
i i.v -Ki Fly scßi'ffiNs, fly
SCREENS— Wood fly screens, meta’ fly
.screens. Itardwjjod floors, Venetian blinds,
meta! weather strips furnished anywnere
in the South. Writ 0 or phone \\ R Gal
laway. manager, 1403 ’•’'••:rlh Nation’ll
Bank Building. Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310.
8 15-5
SERIOI S RESI L'l’S come from trusses
improperly fitted John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter ami it
will cost you no more to have him fit
you. and it means insurance. 6-24-19
refined, homelike; limited number of j
Patients cared for; home provided r In - (
fants; infants for adoption. Mrs M. T
Mitchell 26 Windsor st. 6-22-12 I
j DR. T'2DMONI.»SON S 'I ans?, Pennyroyal ‘
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re- i
! liable treatment foe painful and sup- ;
pressed menstruation, irregularities and j
similar obstructions. Trial box hy mail, i
50c Frank Fklrnond.-on & ao.. manufac
turing chemists. 14 South Broad street.
a tlanta. :a 2-1714 :
Simplif? home, apartment, room seek
ing hx- saving tone, temper and tramping ■
b\ (.insulting The Georgian Rent Bulle
DROPSY Cl’RED—Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing in 15 to 20 days. Write for particu
lars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Cornpan?’,
Ihl Atlanta. 5 25-i 1
SPIRTTI’AL MEDIUM, clairvoyant and
palmist. Parlors. 74 Walton street. La
dies' maid in attendance 8-6-7
REVEAI S PAST, present and future.
Can be consulted on all affairs of life.
Readings 25c. 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
(in tent).
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted on
all affairs of Charges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed 6-35-13
WANTED—First-class second-hand piano.
; Phone Main ,4321-L. 323 Glennwood
a venue. 8-30-7
| 1 BUY MEN'S old clothes and shoes.
' Drop a card. 1. Bock. 32 Bell htreel.
! FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co., 143 South Pryor St.
■ Bell phones Main 1434 Main 187. Atlanta
I 2285. 8-15-12
DROP \ CARD -Will bring cash for old
t clothes and shoes. '1 he Vestiare. 166
i Decatur street. 6-27-42
! WANTED We paj' highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
t ments. Springer's Auction House, 25
' South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
. 4 -10 -10
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
bold good«. pianos end office furniture
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company. 12 East Mitchell
street Bell phone Main 2424 8-26-26
I -ZX.: --T-r—. .... .. _
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE An X-Ra?’ Coil with Kalei
doscope and two tubes, Portable bai
lor?, Mil-Ammeter and Rheostat; also
Ear Telephone for the deaf. than
half price Main 5192-. I 8-31 -23
FOP* SALE —Motorc?(‘le, Flying Merkle.
lasi ? par's model: has new oversize
tires. Eclipse clutch, luggage carrier, and
is in perfect running order: a bargain at
$125 (ash. 11. N Cooledge. 12 North For
syth st . \tlanin. 9 2-20
FOR SALI'- <h •'! iij>rigli» I7h!v.' pianos
practicall?' new Ca*ll Tvv 4314-J
i 36-9-2
| F< >R SALE--6ne Indian motorcycle, good
I running order; $65. one covered bug-
I g?. $35. 11l Capitol avenue 29-9-2
i FOR SALE One steam cooker ano one
refrigerator: almost new. Ivv 3706-J.
j .
FOR sale -Fixtures ;hi<i one
iron safe, four counter show cases, mir-
I rors, etc., at 170 Peachtree street. 8-22-34
FOR SA LE 125 pounds I ■ g
feathers Mrs. W. B Adams, Barnes-
< < :.i g3O . :
HIGH-< ;i:.\ l>E ICE CREAM <'•>N I :s.
I Nunnally’s ice cream depart:,,e;;t, Atlanta.
: Anipric-11l )' !l "•« >■’• ''crvthing.”
.'mi i <iii Latest improvements
Pael. I ’ld registers exchanged.
' 11 All sizes; easy terms.
I’z.o-ief Atlanta Cash Register Co.
nCglMtO 34 i:., S | Alabama street
6 13-47
new" t:i bhei:Tires put on* your
WOO D. 7-18-t 5
National Cash Register.
$35. SSO. S6O. $75. SIOO, $l5O and up tn suit. (
? our needs. Terms easy. Liberal ex- i
change for cash registers in use Bell
phone Iv? 4155. Atlanta 594.
60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52
I.ile-Tiine Eurniture, Rugsi
and Draperies.
< I'liitraniei'il Brass Beds $lO up. I
Xation.'il Springs .$3.98
Id'll Mattress $7.50
Pining Tables $11.50 and up
Dining ('hairs $1.98
Sideboards $16.00 and up
If it’s Furniture, we have it.
j ami al the right price.
Pay for your Furniture while
I )on use it. “A litHe at a lime:”
Life-Time Eurniture. Rugs i
and Draperies.
62 Peachtree. )
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
It contains a complete list each issue of every desirable place that is For Rent in the city and suburbs, nn mat
ter where it is or whether it is furnished or unfurnished The?’ art? all here below
For the benefit and convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a special man to search the cit? and sur
roundings each da\ for desirable places
This bulletin will save you time, money and worry. It is for jour convenience, so take advantage of it.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
| NK’ELY furnished rooms, close in: con-
I veniences. 255 Court land st. 9-2-26
|R<»OMS. steam beat; all conveniences;
rates rrasonal A* 27 E. Alexander, Ev
erett -9-2
NICE, newly furnished rooms, also light
housekeeping apartment. Close in.
Mrs. J. M. Georg* l . 151 Spring street.
WE HAVE the prettiest, cleanest, most |
beautifully furnished rooms in the city;
electric lights, steam heat, tile bath room, ,
sleeping porches; come and see; gentle- j
men preferred. 252 Ivy stß-31 -39
For RENT furnished, st earn
heated room, adjoining bath; north side.
Phone Ivy HB4. 32-9-2
FoR RENT Large, neat cool rooms; nice
location. 38 West Peachtree. Iv?
3134. 8-31-57
FoR RENT—Nicel? furnished rooms with
g'xjd board, bath and all conveniences;
close in; under new management. 130 Ivv
si reel 8-3] -51
FoR RENT—Small neat hall room; all
conveniences; $6 per month. 59 East
Ellis street. B-31-53
F( >R RENT To gentlemen or couple, well
furnished, steam-heated room, electric
lights, phone, hot bath; near business cen
ter. 79 A Spring.s6-8-3 1
FOR GEN’I’LEMEN—NiceIy furnished
room; furnace heat; private family; on
Myrtle street, near Ponce DeLeon avenue
Phone Ivy 1495. "8 31-22
NEAT, cool front room in private family;
reference, required. 388 Peachtree
, . , ' 51-8-30
HANDS< )M I'7TA’ furnished room; steam
heated and adjoining bath; in Atlanta's
most modern apartment: best of refer
ences required. Phone 1vy_6729. 8-30-34
ONE furnished room; furnace heat; gerT
tiemen preferred. Ivy 433-L. 73 West
1 >ea chtree st. 8-30-29
FOR RENT--Pleasant room, close to
bath, in modern steam-heated apart
ment, close In; north side. lv? r 6033-J.
-30 I_B
FOR RENT—One furnished front room in
private family; meals optional. 205
N<>Hh Jackson. y 8-30-14
FOR RENT—Nice, coot rooms; table board
a specialty. >.’ear South Pryor. Atlan
ta phone 2959. 37 East Fair street.
IVY HOTEL, 98 Ivy Street.
AMERICAN PLAN; $1.25 UP. Weekly
rates, 69 8-29
FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished
rooms, close in, cheap: all conveniences;
nice neighborhood Apply 88 Pulliam
street 8-29-20
Xli'i: <oil iriini room, hot water; pri
vate, family. Main 4945 and ask for
Mrs, Starr, 286 Washhigton st. 8-28-35
BEAUTIFUL front room; private, bath;
gentleman preferred Address Peach
tree . care Georgian.. 41-8-24
NEU . clean rooms for men onh 7 74 Wal
ton st re et Ivy 5606-J 8-2 8- 3
ENTIRE second floor of four pleasant
rooms and hath. Adults only; hot water,
gas and electricity. 251 Crew street.
CLEANEST, cheapest rooms; all conve
niences; must be seen to be appreciated:
near in. 174 S Pryor st. Main 4695
1 8-31-50
. I NICELY' furnished room for rent; near in;
call Main 3900, or Atlanta 1620. ask for
bnol'keeper. 8-26-25
FUR RENT—Two lovely furnished rooms
for housekeeping; close in. 242 Central
avenue. Phone 1827-.1. 8-27-30
I FOR RENT Several nice rooms In the
; ; Vernon. 61 East Cain street; every con
- venience: gentlemen only Telephone Ivy
j 2137; apartment 6. 8,31-63
l WANTED Young men or couple; pieas
ant rooms, with or without meals: good
. I beds; good meals; reasonable price. 64
j : E. Harris stß-31-60
ONE or two nice front rooms for rent
1 I!> 1 I'-. Pine st. 77-8-31
•’ FURNISHED rooms for rent; light
I i keeping If preferred 22 W. Peachtree
i st 8-31-31
; FURNISHED rooms complete for
I keeping. Call Ivy 6071. 8-31-32
’ TWO nicely furnished rloms at 77 b',
Brotherton st., near Pryor. Call Atlanta
' 7605. 8-31-34
'FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room
in private family; close in. 293 Raw
s s l i' ' 8-31-33
' El :i 1G A N*TT.Y furnished" rooms In private
family; furnace heat, electric lights.
Spring street, near North ave. Phone Ivy
6622. 58-8-30
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
1 FOR SALE S7OO worth Whitfield Medi
, cine Co. and Bullard Car Door stock;
I Whitfield stock will pay 10 per cent divi
| dend this year. Best cash offer gets it.
143, <Sa 8 Di 17
! NEW. beautiful rugs woven from your
1 old carpet, superior to any in service;
plain or designed; any size. Catalogue
fit • Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore.
M<l. 8-16-31
' move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets,
I floors, etc ; vacuum cleaners from $32.50
up. vacuum sweepers, $9.75. C. J. Daniej
& Co., 416 Fourth -Nat Bld g 12-2-11
MAKE O. A. Nix, Carrollton, Ga., best
'•ff( r on complete architectural drawing.
’ all text-books and drawing outfit com
plete; course originally costing sl2l In
best correspondence school in U S
\\ ill 'i'l: \i'i< SI,BOO demonstraffhg tour
ing car, fully equipped, for vacant lots
Fine appearing and serviceable cat Ad
(dress S.. Box 700. rare Georgian. 9-2-28
FOR SALE 1911 Flanders 20, foot pas
senger: rear seat detachable. Will sell
(cheap for cash or will trade for vacant
lot <'all Ivy 3501 or Main 5495. 8-31 -11
/hv 3 $7.90. 30 hy 3 $8.90, 30 by .'P /2 $11.90.
132 bv 3'-2 $12.90. 33 b? 4 $18.90, 32 bv 4
, $17.90, 34 b? 4 819,90. 35 by 4 $19.90, 36 by
I $19.90, 35 bv D-. $25 90, 37 bv
FRESH STOCK McPherson Auto Tire
i Company. 46 Auburn avenue. Atlanta, Ga.
I 37-8-30
I FOR SALIC Cheap for cash, 25-horse-
I power Maxwell, in fine condition
I Owner, Box JOl • Georgian. 8-6-19
•WANTED Motorcycle, twin or single,
good as new and a bargain. Address
• Box 216, Lawrenceville. Ga 52-8-30
For Sale or Exchange—Miscel
WANTED To sell or exchange a Cole
make grist mill: 36-inch rock, fnr band
saw <>. W Prather, Hogansville. Ga
| 8-27 27
Timber For Sale.
FOR SALE -10.000,000 feet long leaf yel- i
low pine; prices, terms, etc. Address
.1 M. L., Bainbridge, Ga. 33-8-24 I
Monuments and Stone Work.
All kinds stone work
17-19 Fraser street. Phone 'Main 3740
—- •
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
kOLXTIMo.-'S "'UirUet ai ’ l
I PHONES; Beil Main 1576, Atlanta 1654
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT Two or three rooms, fur
nished for housekeeping; no children
73 Williams street. 8-19-15
LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, baths and excellent
table board; under new management. 4
West Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivy 6790-.1.
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
PLEASANT light housekeeping rooms,
furnished or unfurnished 24 E. Baker
st. LUiil
FoR RENT—-Desirable suite of rooms,
furnished or unfurnished, with or with
out board. 263 Ivy street. 8-31-56
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—Five rooms and bath; use
of phone; references exchanged 319
N. Jackson 5t,99-8-31
FOR RENT—Three very desirable rooms
for housekeeping on Pulliam street;
large back yard; rent very cheap. Apply
817 Austell Bldg 8-30-36
FOR RENT—Three rooms and kitchen
ette. Phone Ivy 1659-. T. 388 Piedmont
FOR RENT—Unfurnished aulte of two
rooms with private porch, to refined
couple, without children; convenient to
meals: excellent location. 58 East Ellis.
Phone Ivy 240,'t-J. 8-31-54
Foil RENT Four second-floor rooms for
housekeeping, sls per month or two for
$8 per month, Applv 29 Walker street
FOR RENT—Two or three unfurnished
connecting rooms; ail conveniences;
light housekeeping; to parties without
children. Quiet location. 15 West Pine
street. Phone Ivy 4975-. T, 8-31-18
Ft Hi RENT—North side; three connecting
rooms, with private entrance; sink in
kitchen; bath adjoining bed room: to de
sirable parties; sl2 50 40 Boulevard ter-
race. Take Forrest avenue to St. Charles
car. 8-31-19
FOR RENT —Three connecting rooms - at
465 Lee street, in house with family of
three; ail city improvements, except gas.
Rent $9.80 per month. Family without
children preferred. 60-8-31
THREE unfurnished rooms 15 Little st.
THREE large, cool and desirable rooms,
suitable for light housekeeping or
three young men. 74 East Merritts ave
nue B-31-14
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms
for light housekeeping; close In; pri
vate fam fly. 233 S Pryor st 50-8-31
AM WIDOW without children; will rent
three rooms to couple or small family.
Take River car line, get off at Chapple
road, and inquire for Mrs Westfall.
FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms,
first or second floor; all modern con
veniences. Reasonable rent. Close in.
Apply 302 Rawson street. 27-8 30
TO GENTLEMEN—NiceIy furnished or
unfurnished steam-heated room; bath;
Bell phone; electric lights; five minutes of
business center; north side. Call in per
son. 79 Spring street, top floor. 8-26 8
Furnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED—To buy rooming house of ten
to twenty-five rooms, from owner, for
cash: no agents. Call Il6t£ Marietta
street; room 1. Mr. Harpman 27-9-2
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT At 196 Juniper street, near
Seventh, first-floor seven-room fur
nished apartment, bv the vear. Ivv 662-J
TWO or three connecting rooms with
bath; private entrance: for light house
keeping; couples or business women. 345 U
Peachtree st 8-28-14
FOR RENT —196 Juniper street, near
Seventh; seven-room furnished apart
ment, by tjie year S6O per month Ivy
4817. 8-24-36
THREE attractive rooms, bath and mod
ern conveniences for housekeeping; no
children; north side. Phone Ivy 2478.
Stock for Purchase Money Notes.
IF YOU HAVE an<l want to sell some A-l
purchase money notes and you will con
sider In full or part settlement shares of
stock in a sound corporation that will
pay a 7 per cent dividend at its annual
meeting February next, communicate
with us and investigate Address Real
Estate, P. O. Box 470, Atlanta 8-22-44
Money Wanted.
WANTED $1,500 quick on College Park
home, valued at $4,000 Address R. fj.,
care Georgian. 42-9-2
WANTED To borrow S2OO Good peY
sonal property security. Liberal inter
est-R., Box 209, care Georgian. 44-8-39
Money To Loan.
LOANS made on real estate. Purchase
money notes bought and sold. F. M.
Loveless. 1321 Candler building 8-17-10
SURANCE CO. of Ameri
ca can make you a loan on
Atlanta improved property,
through their loan corre
spondents. Turman. Black
& Calhoun, 203-8 Empire
Building. 6-7-12-1
yfei NE Y — FOR ~SALART El ~ PEOPLE - "
AND OTHERS, upon their own names;
cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden
tlal D II Tolman. 544 Austell building
WE can make loans on Atlanta real es
tate anil farm lands. Apply to Ralph
O. Cochran, 19 South Broad. 7-10-20
MoNEI on hand for immediate loansYm
property in or near Atlanta J. E Van
Valkenburp. 501 Equitable Bldg 6 6-jl
weyman & Connors,
Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-5
WE HAYE plenty of money to
lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
ami nearby properly, either for
straight or monthly payment
plan. Also for purchasing pur
chase money notes. Foster &
Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave.
LOAN S’ (V _
SPECIAL HOME i <l'S" an'"
amount. 6 ppr cent Write or call. S *
W Garson. 24 South Broad St I 1-17
!• A R?1 utANS placed in an?" amount on
improved farm lands in Georgia The i
Southern Mortgage Company. Gould build- I
ing 7-13-1
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
PEACHTREE and Eleventh streets, In
the Wickliffe, one apartment for rent
September 1. Best and most modern in
Atlanta. See or phone J W. Goldsmith
ONE five-room apartment, without heat;
one four or five-room apartment with
heat. Apply Owner, 356 N. Jackson. At
lanta phone 78. 8-31-70
FOR RENT—To couple - or family of
adults, very desirable five-room apart
ment; lower floor. Call phone Ivy 6793.
FOR RENT—An apartment with six
rooms on each side; bath, gas ahd wa
ter; shades go with house; near churches,
schools and street cars Applv at 20 and
22 Broyles; owner. " 8 31-20
FOR RENT—One beautiful five-room
apartment, on shady lot. at 333 North
Boulevard: large rooms; janitor service;
steam beat; all conveniences; rent rea
sonable': now vacant. Phone Ivy 3698-J
IN the Boscobel apartments, 83 Hurt
street, Inman Park, there are left two
three and four-room apartments, $32.50
and $35 each, with steam heat, hot and
cold water. Apply to Janitor or Fitzhugh
Knox, 1613 Candler Bldg 8-27-19
ENTIRE upper floor of six rooms and
bath on Peachtree street near Four
teenth street. Address Peachtree, Box
500, care Georgian. 8-27-2
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT-NeTUltUsix -room cottage;
modern improvements; good repair 149
Walton street. Call Ivy 6212-L.41.9.2
FOR RENT—Five-room cottage on car
line: corner elevation; porcelain bath;
instantaneous heater; nice neighborhood
Call Ivy 3815-J. 35-9-2
FOR RENT—Modern six-room oot tage;
Central ave . near Richardson st. Own
er. 242 Washington st. Bell phone Main
118 WEST ALEXANDER ST:; close in
and near ear line; four rooms on sec
ond floor with all conveniences; separate
entrance; price $10.60 Apply Fitzhugh
Knox, 1613 Candler Bldg. 8-30-3$
FOR RENT—Six-room modern cottage;
porcelain bath; lot 50x200; beautiful lo
cation; fine neighborhood. 420 East Geor
gia ave ; $25. A. J & H. F. West. Phone
1754 Main. B-30-32
WEST END, 15 Holderness street, new
six-room bungalow; beautiful fixtures,
tile bath. $22.50, September 2. Call Barge.
Main 4644. 44-8-30
FOR RENT—September L eight-room
modern brick residence, 65 East Caln.
Eight-room modern residence, 303 Spring
street Phone Ivy 3834.1. 8-30-fi
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates. Turman. Black Cal
hotin, 203 Empire Bldg. 6-29-66
FOR RENT, HOUSES"- Call. writ"e - "or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O
£M<2 iri y i _' 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
TIIE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Office Space For Rent.
apace. 514 Austell building 40-9-2
HALF or pleasant office for rent, chean
327 Austell Bldg. 103-8-31
Stores For Rent.
126-128-130 Capitol ave. Fine location sot
business tn any line. Apply to Owner
322 Atlanta Nat Bank Bldg 41-8-31
STORE FOR RENT at 78 West Cain
street, 17 feet by 55 feet; fine location
for drugs, fancy groceries or soda fount.
Apply Charles S. Robison, 27 East Hun
ter, street. Bell phone Main 1181. 8-29-17
Storage Room For Rent.
ONE room for storage; close in. on Crew
street. No. 168 Main 4805-L. 8-28-33
Garages For Rent. s
FOR RENT 'larage: "tU
street. 8-30-8
Money To Loan.
Without Indorsement
Without Collateral
Without Real Estate
Monev loaned at
301-2 Fourth Nation
al Bank Building.
Business Opportunities.
SMALL market for sale. s2fUcash pay?
merit; balance arranged to suit. 70
Houston street. 9-2-27
.tn T’nusual Opportunity' in
the Soda Water and
Lunch Business.
LOCATED in the heart of oity, on the
greatest traveled street. Business clear
ing from $l5O to S3OO per month. Good
reason for selling. Act quick if inter
ested Give name and place vou can be
located Address H. D. J., Box 47 care
Georgian g 31-17
WANTED—Grocery salesman with some
capital; can get into high class ’busi
ness proposition far superior to salarv.
Joseph, care Georgian. 53-8-31
WA N'I'EI >- As partner, to buy half inter
est in new patented railroad device
which will in near future be used on all
railroads in this country. Will sell half
interest cheap to get company organized.
May !>e a fortune lor some one. Don't
answer if you don’t mean business. B. O .
Box 100, care Georgian. 8»29-38
Goon opening for dentist in good-sfze<i7
growing middle Georgia town. Good
dentist can get plenty of work. Write
••Dentist," care < h'orgiiin 8-28-23
DRUG STORE in "lie of the best subur
ban locations of the city. Sub-slation
postoffiee in the store. Owner going into
other business reason for selling. M. O.
1 ' . ca re < Rmrgiam 8-28-1
FOR SALE General merchandise busi
ness In good country town. There is
lonneefed lumber, shingle, building ma
terial. ice. auto gafage and meat market.
Now does 000 to $30,000 per tear. Can
be doubled Will clear $5,000 to $6,000.
\bout $5,000 will handle. Box 143, Aus
tell. Ga 8-19-27
It's like getting money from hottie, for
it's money easily made by reading, using
and answering the Want Ads in Tha
Georgian Few people realize the man’y
opportunities offered them among the
small alls It < a good sign that if the peo.
pie did not get results from the Want Ads
of The Georgian that there would not lie
so manv of them if, for nothing else, sit
down and chi < .ff tiie ads that appeal to
' 'in You " ill in- astonished how many of
thcin mea: money tn you. The Want Ad
IMK - sic bargain counters in evgry line.