Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street.
Atlanta, Ga.
Entered at Atlanta postoffiee as second -
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable !n Advance
One year, mail, postage prepaid. So 00
Six months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mall, postage prepaid. 1.25
One month, mail, p>>stage prepaid. .46
Subscriptions Payable in. Advance
Delivered by carrier, one year $6 20
Delivered by carrier, six months . 2 60
Delivered by carrier, three months. 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month .. 45
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c
Want Ad Rates and Rnles
in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each Insertion
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words Ads in larger type.
12c a line (4 words to the lire).
Out-of-town advert! sements
must be accompanied with cash
Agencies' discounts 10 and 5 i>er
The Georgian will not he respon
sible for more than one incorrect
'nsertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
f Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification. ads must be in
, The Gei rgian office before 1 o'clock
the day of the Issue
AH adR must b* ordered nut In
U writing or at office. No discon-
* tinuance notice taken over phone.
Every word in th*» advertisement.
I Including the name and address,
is counted Each initial counts one
word: compound words are counted
as - wo words.
i I
Telephone your Want Ads to The
, Georgian tboth phones 8000) when <
it Is more convenient to do so, and
. collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow-
I Ing day This is an accommoda-
• fion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
I should always he promptly made
cn presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
«a\er to make euro that it has been
| taken correc’ly The Georgian ran
not guamnfte accuracy or assume
raaponaibii tj for errors < f any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
, <eipts given in payment for Want
Ads ovei the office counter, as mls
, takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
nients addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
; references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female
WA NTED—Good cook. also tor general ;
housework Good wager Apply at
181 Eaet Georgia avenue at__onye 9-4-46
WANTED- Position as stenographer with
some insurance company; three months!
experience, salarj *35 . i S4O per month, j
M M. P., care Georgian 66-9-4
H'aNTEO Girls for ’ musical corned}
company. Exj*rlenced or unexpe
rienoed. Experienced onea preferred.
Salary sls to $23 and expenses a week,
inquire Atlanta Hotel, 32 Houston street.
SEVERAL young ladies wanted at once
for packing candy. Pleasant work.
Apply at Nunnall} ’h, 59 lv\ street
WA NTED Woman or girl to do house- ’
cleaning and launder on lot 315 South
Boulevard H-4-42
KScpERIEN< ’EI > operators to make the
Mechanic union made overalls and
pants; steady work for all ami highest
wages paid for short hours; we will em
ploy inexperiences! persons and teach
them this work so thev can soon earn
good wages. This Is the best employment
in Atlanta for women and girls (’all
and let us explain It. Marcus Loeb & Co .
75 South Pryor street 9-4-30
WANTED- A chamber maid at 80 East
Ellis st 9-4-26
WANTED r;.....] washerwoman I >,■< atur
*65 _ ’ *-'4*
ONE good wash woman fe; .-mail family.
43 Drewry street, near Highland ave
nu«. 9-4-21
WANTED- First-eln.-s cool. Apply 45
South Gordon, West End pari,. Good
xpf\ ants' room in basement. 9-4-22
WA NT Ell gTkT.S to trim
CO.. 1!».> 1 MARIETTA ST.
9 4 15
•L_i‘. li’issi 11. care C ' Dahl Co *, pt ,
'' \N iED it. able olore* woman for
cook and g i e;*. 1 I ouse work; good
wages, 77 East .Ninth strei . 46-9-4
NICE location t,, r gj;, K i stenographer who
can operate double keybi.;-d machine;
(40 a month. \ddre ,in o\, n handwrit
ing, T I;.. Box 450 care gian
WANTED A cook to cook and do iann
dry for small family; must room on lot
bring I eferi liven. 22 West Fourteenth st
WANTED <bod cook Apub 155 Peeples
_ 9-4-13
WANTED Woman to wash and Iron on
li>i_ pirn a 155 Peeples street. 9-4-14
WANTED Three gfrls as <ierks~ln deli
catessen. 115 Whitehall Regular lob
y on £ e .-„ ? <J 7
WANTED Smart wotnai for seamstress'
place: one who has had s< ne experience i
in dry cleaning work preferred Uanl
taljCity lai undry- 9-4-11 |
AN ri'.D i- T'st-cl..' < cot k male or fe
’. ale, for small family References re- j
qu> ’rd. 10 ‘ East ‘•ort* ;»v« nu< 9-3-2 k j
WANTED \t younlFTadFTo~iearn
kodak finishing; pleasant work and good
hours Must l>e refined and industrious
Ipply in person, G W Ri mer. Romer's
photo laboratory 123 Grant st'eel :i-3-9
WANTED An expel ienceii seamstress
and young ladies to work in assorting
room Excelsior Laundry. 40-42 Wall
street 9-3-2
WANTED Colored woman to~.~iC and
one to nurse Must have ref. ; cnees
160 Cypress street. 43-9-2
Vi ANTED A reliable cook, single pre
ferred; room Oil lot and good wages
reference required Appb 3'15 Washlng
ton st 52-9-2 !
WANTED I.adj stenographer; must bi
good at figures; one to help with office
work: state salary expected references
Address Box 7, Cartersville. Ga 17
IVaNTED A nurse to sta\ on lot x -
ply 26 West Mitchell. 9-2-10
Wanted cook Tail ivy 30 9 2 7
WANTED Good cook at 91 least Linden
street 33-9-2
WANTED Di.lored w.-ri .1:1 f0r...0',,
ply 118 Copenhill avenue 31-9-2
WANTED Lady bookkeeper Eb < a
Austell Company. 8 29-55
Help Wanted—Male
WANTED—Boy who can use typewriter
Address, own hand-writing. Box 802 \t
lanta. 9-4-35
SvaNte l>■ Ten
Mo_a day 504 Candler building. 9-4-37
WANTED For assistant bookkeeper "a
bright young man who has had some
experience in office work Answer D 47.
4 f are Georgian 9-4-42
JWANTED For T S army, able-bislie.!
unmarried men between ages of 18 and
(35; citixens of I’nited States. of goisi
character ami temperate habits, who can
ftpeak, reasl and write the English lan
(tuage. For Information, apply to R.
-cruiting i'fflcer. corner Peachtree and
’Forsyth streets. Atlanta, nr til I'hirrv
fat . Macon, Ga -4-.;7
CdjiPteTEN’T order man for grocery
store Apply 2t06 p. m 2'71 Piedmont
ave 9-4-29
GOVERNMENT are .as. io
get My free booklet. Y-412, tell- o.v.
Write today—naw Earl Hopkms, W.isl.-
•ingloti, D, C, 57-9-4
Help Wanted—Male.
WA NT El)' ERA L ' A!E N
"ANTED—Good butler. References re
quired. Apply 703 Edgewood avenue.
HAVE a good contract for two or three
reliable men to handle fruit and pro
duce to retail merchants only Appb
with good references to E. L. Florence, 130
to 138 Peters street 65-9-3
TRAVELING cigar salesman wanted for
north Georgia territory Apply Camp
kin Importing Company, Fort Gaines, Ga .
i sending reference and experience. Salary
I or commission 9-3-21
i WANTEIK- Registered pharmacist; younc
man; unmarried, with push, ability and
experience. East Highland Pharmacy,
: Columbus, Ga 8-31-24
WANTED At once, a colored fireman
; Pattillo Lumber Company. 9-3-6
WANTED —I'pholstercrs and buys to
work on gad boards Southern t’phol
■ stering Company, corner Jefferson and
Echo etreel e 9 3 |:
WANTED An office boy Mu-u be Mve
i.Vj_ 117 B<»uth_ Forsyth street 9-2-22
repair shop; some horseshoeing, must
be all-round, good man; white shop,
wages *3.50. Albany Blacksmith Co., Al
b*ny.~Ga. 38-8-31
WANTED—Men to learn barber trade
Light, clean work. An army of our
graduates now running shops Be one of
them. Wages while learning Tools
given Call or write iioler Barber College.
38 Lm Mr- street 31-h-x 1
WANTED Your « men io learn pharm
acy this fall. Demand for our gradu
ates exceeds supply. Next session begins
October 1 Southern College of Pharmacy,
81 Luckie street. Atlanta. Ga 8-1-1
ANTED—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Cal! at. circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
W A NTED—ldeas Inventors write for
list of Inventions wanted and prizes of
fered by manufacturers Also, how to get
vour patent. Sent free to any address.
Randolph * Briscoe, patent attornevs.
Washington. D C. 7-11-23
STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, ibl?
Walton street, if you want a clean", quiet
room; transient 60c Open all mgbt
l\?k 19
YES. Professor G O Branning will teach
you the harbor trade (It’s easy). We
teach in one half time of other colleges
Course. and position in our shops
only (30. Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or mailing
good wages Atlanta Harber College, 10
Last Mitchell street. 5-11-17
hRI'.E MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
sharnpi’oe A'l barber work free Clean
linen. Atlanta Barber College 10 East
Mitchell. 5-37-16
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
■ i ii I. I-, i 1 COUI i. i.. without children. to
cook, milk, clean house and look after
premiHCH Nice house on lot, gas and
bath. Apply 606 West Peachtree. 60-9-3
lating, voicing anil repairing Bell
phone Main 2254-1,. East Atlanta Drop
a postal I will call 8-19-24
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED Ambit oils salesmen to sell
Scarborough’s surveys; we pay big
commissions ami give sure guarantee.
Ad.lrvss Scarborough, P o Box 160. care
Georgian. 39-9-2
proposition will nu’ke you monev. Good
line-up assured. Address the Mid-West
Securities Company. 101; Hartford bullil
| Ing, Chicago, 111 v 45-9-2
Agents Wanted.
WANTED lady agents to sell toilet ar
tb les good s<.Hen- \nplj Room 228
Brown-Randolph Bldg. Marietta st. 8 to
10 a. m. 44-9-4
Situations Wanted—Female.
YOl NG GIRL wltl lot' wishes po-
sition as stenographer at once. Call
8776 n ■> j
RESPECTABLE colored woman desires a
position as house maid and wishes to
room on lot. has no Incumbrance. 383
gi' .j; st reel i \ liiii 17-9-4
X ' Ueß< 1.1 • YOUNG l WA WANTS
\ DDR ESS Wolt K 1 :h. < ’A R E GE< »RGI A N.
' ■' OKI ' 1 »rl wffnts j*»11 as maid x
ph 187 Fort street. 62-9-3
M NAC.INC housekeeper's position by re
fined. middle aged woman Mrs S . 324
E Georgia ive ;
i cot-! Mfg ■ . 36 . Ala . Sept ' i
C >MPEI’ENT whit< nurse w I i training
tiedrus position as nurse or maid: ex
cellent references. Call Mary, ivv 5356
64 1 3
VAN " 1 I*ositTon i J »ung iadj '•
nographer who is willing to work and
i lias had fifteen months' experience Call
I l l a 2' ll L I ’ J ‘ ' 1 'l' 60 9-3
EXP] RIENCED Genographer, with ref
t rcnces, wants position Can use /lic
it ophone and run mimeograph machine
I Salary SSO. Address B« x 775. care Geor
fla I 28-9-3
i Yol’Nt;. LADY with experience as typist,
who Knows something about bookkeep
ing wants to make a change. Dissatis
lieu with present position Can give ref
erences. Address D. M. care Georgian.
GENERAL house work, white; mother
with babe; desire position in country.
Box 461, care Georgian. 78-8-31
Needle Work.
EMBROIDERY le Igi g fins sswing
and darning 13 Baltimore place. h\
TYPEWRITING, all kinds called for ami
delhered; reasonable rates Stenogra
pher, cure Georgian 36-9-4
Situations Wanted -Male
GIAN. ;;i-9 4
WANTED Position by young
man aged 23. as office assistant
or stenographer Rapid and ac
curate. T uiTiis’i good recommen
dations. Address IS \V. North
avenue. 27-9-4
WANTED Poult >n as meat" cutter
years' experience. Address Cut
!'L'_ £*£®S£22Qfi£!! ' ;I •
POSTTfoR wan'eii bj mar thoroughiy~exT
I rienced in office work as manager or
Ito tale Charge of correspondence. colh ■ j
' tines eii satisfactory references as to
ability, reliability. etc Address Box 740 !
care Georgian. , 34-9-4
t '
WEDNESDAY, sept. 4.1 912
Did you ever try to write a Want Ad?
Then why not try your skill at writing them and get a couple of
tickets to the Forsyth theater at (he expense of the Want Ad man?
Here is how you can secure Dee tickets to the Forsyth;
Read over the Want Ads on these pages. You plainly* see that,
some of them read better than others. Now, you Know that you can
" rite better ones than these, can't you? Get a couple of pieces of
paper and scribble off a few. You will find that the more you write
of them the better you svill get.
For the five best written ones each day the Want Ad man will
give a couple of tickets to the Forsyth Theater. He will judge the Ads
and give the tickets to the ones that have written the best.
There appear among the Want Ads in this issue the names of the
five lucky jieople that have secured tickets for tomorrow night's per
formance. Your name will appear In this style.
Get in the swim this very day with the jollv throng that are
writing Ads Your skill will surely get you one of the pairs of tick
ets that are being given away each day.
Ads will be taken up until 1 o’clock each day.
The winners' names will appear in the next day's issue among
the Want Ads. and all you will have to do is to find your name,
bring your Want Ad receipt and that issue of the paper to The Geor
gian Want Ad counter (so that you may be identified) not later than
four (4) o’clock the next day, and get your tickets to that night s
performance. Remember, they will come in pairs, so that you can en
joy the show with a friend,
Don t wait; start today, and try your skill at writing Want Ads
and win some of the tickets to the Forsyth theater that are wafting
for you.
Situations Wanted--Male.
YOUNG MAN stenographer, employed in
day time, wishes position from 7:30 un
til 11 Address E. B S. 1 Whitehall
street. 48-9-4
WANTED- Position by young man? cx
perienced in bookkeeping and office
work. Address. L. D. Jolley, 107 Trinity
avenue. Atlanta phone 1091 28-9-4
PRINTER wants situation in country~or
city office. Address Economy, Box 31,
care Georgian 54-9-31
WANTED By a young man posTtTTin as
bookkeeper or assistant bookkeeper
reference furnished Box 733, care Geor
WANTETi Position In wholesale or pack
ing house; am willing to work and can
furnish best references Box 730 care
Georgian 34.9.3
COMPETENT bookkeeper desires em
ployment part of time. Either morn
ings or afternoons Excellent references.
Box 557, Hapev-lle. Ga 29-9-3
FERTILIZER MAN wants position this
season. J. A. Austin. Kirkwood, Ga
_ 26-9 3
WANTED - Position as chauffeur; had
three years experience; have best of
references. Address Allen McLeod, 151
Spring street. 34-9-2
POSITION wanted by fully experienced
office man; business correspondence,
collections, etc ; progressive, capable, en
ergetic; satisfactory references. Box 414.
care Georgian 25-8-27
Job Work.
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tnbles aruj counters We
make them to order. Roof Repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing. 62% S. Forsyth street. Bell 1187;
Atlanta 6087-M
Stove and Range Repairing.
SELLS second-hand gas stoves We sweep
chimneys. We take down heaters We
sell wick amt wickless oil stoves. We sell
gasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta phone
2235. 121 Whitehall street. Bell phone
Main 2699 4-4-7
Boarders Wanted.
COMFORTABLE BOARD can be obtained
In private family; all conveniences. Ap
plj il4 1 - mon! -15
BOARDING places for students Atlanta
College of Pharmacy, give rates. Ad
dress George F. Payne. Edgewood
ave 40-9-4
BOARDING places wanted in private
families t<»r young ladies and for young
men students; gi\v rates. Address Dr.
George F. Payne, President Atlanta Col
lege of Pharmacy, 94Edgewood ave.
WEST END Couple without children,
1 two young nun on«» room, one man to
share room; table board. 156 Gordon.
I. 9.4 10
WEST END family have nice room and
board for couple without cttildren; room
for gentleman. Phone West 568-J.
’'D WEST PEACHTREE "has changed
hands; open for congenial boarders;
large front room with private bath and
dressing room: day boarders wanted;
tneals Jo ;• : Call Ivy 555 L 9 2 25
I J .1.1 :\’T table board at 79 F, Mer
ritts ave. 9-2-28
THOSE desiring to take Tech students
as boarders kindly notify the office at
once, as the list Is now being compiled.
i.-XIA'.l -h'lirJit fui room, private batl .
steam hea’; goo»l location; best table.
■_ll • I I■■ n ! 11 > . 1 37 " 2
ROOMS and board; also table board;
ly> 2423-J, 8-29 51
J oust Off Peachtree
SELECT rooms with or without board;
1- u 1.19 \\ Cain st 8-29-48
NICE ROOM and board In exchange for
diamond, motorcycle, piano or type
writer. Small <’ash payment. Plano, Box
10. care Gtorgia it. 8-17-30
NEAT, cool rooms and homelike cook
ing 173 Luckie street. Atlanta phone
143 x a
$1.50 to $2 50 day; $7.00 to $12.50 weekly;
American plan, 50c to $1.50 day; $3 00
to $7.00 weekly European. References
♦ \ ingj 8-13«*86
IF ■ g ip treciati cleanliness try us, $4
to $6 week. 123 Capitol avenue S-l U-7
Board Warted.
men desire room and meals with a
Jewish family References. Address P
O. Box 775 37-9-3
Summer Resorts.
CAN ACCOMMODATE eight people at my
mountain home for September, at mod
erate rate Elegant food Grand seen
ory. M . Box 93. care Georgian 60-9-4
Lost and Found.
LOST A Boston terrier, white collar,
short tall, short ears, four white feet;
will answer to the name of "Bob.'' Re
turn to W M. Strong A black spot on
each eie Bill phone Main .3511-J and
get ii ward J'.’i... Ivy. 63-9-4
LOST One corn purse, containing a
rosarx key 'and small chain, between
Fourth street and the Sacred Heart
church. Return to Georgian office
A VERY finestock Indi worth (500; will
sell for (100. also several cows and heif
ers Ci U ’ 2850 66-9-2
LOST White and yellow spotted dog?
I nd 11 on< eye Answers to name
I ;r,xff K,ward if returned io L. Da
vidson. 341 East Fair street 33-9-3
DROPSY Cl RED ? <r.ess of
breath in 36 to 18 hours Reduces swell
ing id 15 to 20 d*ys Write for purticu
'’ars. Col’ont Dr< psx R’-medj Company,
| ul2 Austell Building, Atlanta 5-26-11
di: EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Bills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation. Irregularities and
•ori’ilar obstructions Tral box by mail
i'.’> Frank Edmondson 4 ro., manufac
ti.r.l”- <•!■. mists, 14 South Broad street.
Atlanta, Ga. 3-17-14
WANTED—Addresses of all STAMMER-
ERS who are willing to pay (10 for a
certain cure. The Fon-Lin Institute. G
2516 Indiana avenue, Chicago, 11l 8-7-4
ARE you desirous oi making’“acquaint -
ance. through correspondence, with lady
or gentleman, matrimonially inclined’
Send 20c postage. Correspondence Ex
change. Baltimore, Md. 9-3-19
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, meta! fly
screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
meta) weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R Cal
laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310
SERIOUS RESULTS come fe m trusses
improperly fitted John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and ft
will cost you no more to have him fit
you, and It means insurance. 6-24-19
refineil, homelike; limited number of
jietients cared for; home provided for in
fants; infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T.
Mitchell 26 Windsor st. 6-23-12
YOUNG MAN. Southerner, limited means,
desires to meet lady who possesses
lovable character: object matrimony; con
fidential. J., Box 100, care Georgian.
SPIRITUAL MEDIUM, clairvoyant and
palmist Parlors, 74 tValton street. La
dies maid in attendance 8-6-7
REVEALS PAST, present and future
Can be consulted on all affairs of life
Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
(In tent),
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For
i.syt!L Luc H ie ; can be consulted on
al! affairs of life. Charges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
For Sale Miscellaneous.
F >R S.\ LE—-Ten or more shares of stock
Railway Postal Clerks' Investment As
sociation. Apply Mrs. W. P. Mooney, 700 st. Phone West 821-J. 9-4-41
FOR SALE—A beautiful (40 gas range;
won in The Journal contest; cheap for
cash. The same can be seen at High
towers. Further information, Ivy 2082-L
FOR SAI.E one postoffice cabinet of 96
ceils. 16 lock boxes, general delivery
window, also one nest of 24 small, four
medium lock boxes and two lock draw
ers. also one section and eight keyless
lock boxes. For particulars write Post
master. Palmetto, Ga. 55-9-4
FOR SALE -One steam cylinder (half
price) for cotton gin press. G. D. Col
lins, Flint, Ga 9-4-19
FOR SALE Two feather beds and sew~
hi£ machine, in tine shape Apply at
84 North Boulevard. 49-9-4
FOR SALE Family horse, buggy and
harness. The team for ladies and chil
dren. Phone Ivy 4586. 9-4-2
FOR SAI.E -Excellent baby carriage,
mahogany room suit and sideboard 386
Washington street. 9-4-8
FOR SALE- Motorcycle, Flying Merkle.
last year's model: has new oversize
tires. Eclipse clutch, luggage carrier, and
Is In perfect running order; a bargain at
$125 cash. H. N. Cooledge. 12 North For
sytb st.. Atlanta. 9-2-20
Life-Time Eurniture, Rugs
and Draperies.
Guaranteed Brass Beds $lO up.
National Springs $3.98
Felt Mattress $7.50
Dining Tables . $11.50 and up
Dining Chairs $1.98
Sideboards $16.00 and up
If it’s Furniture, we have it.
and at the right price.
Pay for your Furniture while
you use it. “A little at a time.”
Life-Time Furniture, Rugs
and Draperies.
62 Peachtree.
F Crusselle. care Constitution office
Sept. 4.
move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets,
floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from (32.50
up: vacuum sweepers. (9.75. C J Daniel
& Cn., 416 Fourth Nat 81. Bldg 12-2-11
MAKE o. A. Nix. Carrollton. Ga., best
offer on complete architectural drawing,
all text-books and drawing outfit com
pleii ; course originally costing sl2l in
best < ori i spondf-nce school in U. S
EXCHANGE Grand square piano for a
violin. Box 42 9-3-34
s2*t)i> CASH buys two 3'-foot boxball al
leys in almost perfect condition R W
Singh ton Oxf iro, Ala 49-9-S
FOR SALL ,\r. X-UayL'oir with “Kalei
dosi’oi’, and two tubes. Portable bat
tery. Mil-Ammeter and Rheostat; also
Ear Telephone for the deaf Less than
hall price Mam 5112-.1, 8-31-23
Foil SAI.E Ilood upright 15Ttev piano"
practically new Call Ivv 4314-J
FOR SALE one Indian motorcycle good
running order: $65. One covered bup
gy. '."5. 11l Capitol avenue. 29-9-2
FOR SALE Fixtures and shelving, one
iron safe, four counter show eases, mir
rors. etc., at 170 Peachtree street. 8-22-34
Nunnally's ice cream department, Atlanta
Ga. 18-31-22
Auction Sales.
TEMBER 6. AT 12 E.
COMMENCING at 10 a. m.. Friday, we
will offer to the highest bidder, the
entire furnishings of 384 Washington
street, including sideboard, dining ta
ble, china cabinet, leather seat din
ing chairs, fine hall rods, wardrobe,
mahogany and bird's-eye maple
dresser and chiffoniers, three elegant
brass beds, National springs, felt
mattress to fit, fine rockers, reception
hall furniture, mahogany parlor suit,
leather library furniture, mahogany
library table. Wilton. Axminster and
body Brussels art squares, rugs, hall
runners, blankets, Crex and matting
squares, and many* other things too
numerous to mention. They can be
seen Thursday. Sale starts promptly
at 10 a. m. Friday.
12 E. Mitchell Street.
Decatur street. We buv and sell any
and every thing Atlanta phone 2285; Belt
phone Main 1434. Main 187 7-29-20 ;
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new j
management: will accept your surplus
stock of any kind on consignments: cash |
advanced: settlement on date of sale.
143 S. Pryor st. Bell phone Main 1434.
Main 187; Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
AniPricnn ‘,‘ n registers everything.”
2MUt I li.dll Latest Improvements
G’neli D'd registers exchanged.
va»ll sizes; easy terms.
Rocriwtorc Atlanta Cash Register Co.
8 34 East Alabama street
WOOD. 7-18-1 S
National Cash Register.
(35. (50, S6O. (75, (100, (150 and up to suit
your needs. Terms easy. Liberal ex
change for cash registers in use. Bell
phone Ivy 4155, Atlanta 594.
NEW. beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service;
plain or designed: any size. Catalogue
free. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore,
Md 8-16-31
W anted—Miscelaneous.
I WILL BUY small stock of groceries or
any kind of retail business; will pay
cash. What have you? Box 736. care
Georgian. 55-9-3
I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street.
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any* kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Prvor St.
Bell ohones Main 1434 Main 187. Atlanta
2285. 8-15-12
DROP A CARD Will bring cat h for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestlare. 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
WANTED -We pay highest eash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer's Auction House, 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
WE P.(Y HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture.
Cash advanced on consignments Central
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26
PROSPECTIVE buyers, drop me a line.
1 have a proposition that will interest
you. Prospective, Box 74, care Georgian
- 9-4
WANTED—Runabout, as cash payment on
beautiful six-room bungalow; all con
veniences; close in. Balance cheaper than
rent. Address D. H. W.. 254 Elliott
street, or call Main 328. 25-9-4
WILL TRADE SI,BOO demonstrating tour
ing car. fully equipped, for vacant lots.
Fine appearing and serviceable car Ad
dress S., Box 700, care Georgian. 9-2-28
Monuments and Stone Work.
All kinds stone work.
17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3540
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases,
ROUNTREE’S 77 I^eet ael
PHONES: Bell Main 1576, Atlanta 1654.
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for (2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company. 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Business Opportunities.
SMALL market for sale, $25 cash pay- i
inent; balance arranged to suit. 70 ,
Houston street. 9-2-27
WANTED —As partner, to buy half inter- ;
est in new patented railroad device I
which will in near future be used on all I
railroads in this country. Will sell half
interest cheap to get company organized.
May be a fortune for some one. Don't
answer if you don't mean business. B. 0..
Box 100, care Georgian. 8-29-36 i
DRUG STORE in one of the best subur- i
ban locations of the city. Sub-station ‘
postoffice in the store Owner going into I
other business reason for selling. M. O.
C.. care Georgian 8-28-4 '
Legal Notice.
GEORGIA —Oconee ('ounty:
In person comes before me. an officer
of said state duly authorized by law to
adininisti r oaths. James D. Price, who,!
being duly sworn, says that all the J
campaign expenses incurred by himj
and ail the money expended by him in -
his campaign for the office of Commis- 1
sloner of Agriculture of Georgia, elec- i
tion August 21st, 1912. are fuiy shown;
by the following statement:
Assessment made by commit-
tee $ 50.00
Railroad fares, hotel and livery
bills 1.257.00
Newsp iper announcements, no-
tices and advertising . 675.00
Stationery and stamps 527.50'
Stenographer 200.00
Total . .$2,709.50
And affiant further says that all the
said money was his own and furnished
by himself and that no one else con
tributed any part of it.
Sworn to am] subscribed before me
September 3d. 1912.
N. P. and Ex-Off. J. P.
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
Bon« t i^ lo .u tain o a c ° m P l ete list each issue of every desirable nlace that L v-
BS” ‘“’■’""’•l or
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
' FOR RENT —Three nice connecting
. rooms: all conveniences: private en
trance: couples preferred Bell phone
Mam dIL?9-.L 9-4-47
THREE first floor rooms for light house
keeping; desirable and cheap: sls
■ W . Chambers, 390 Spring st 65-9-4
ONE nicely furnished room, upstairs;
close in; all conveniences. 44 East
Cain st, 9.4-40
> BRIGHT, attractive furnished room in
I best residential section of north side
Phone Jvy 309. 42-9-4
i FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in strictly
j private home. 19 F3ast Harris street
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms; all con
veniences. Atlanta 3266. 116 West
I Peachtree .street.
J A I 419 NORTH JACKSON there is room
and board for one or two. Ivy 4349-J
FOR RENT Handsomely furnished
I steam-heated room, adjoining bath, in
Atlanta s most modern apartment. Gen
i tiemen preferred. Price moderate Ref
erences. Phone Ivy 6721’. 9-4-3
1 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for two
young men. Call at 78 East North ave
j nue atter September 4. 9-4-1
FOR RENT—Attractive, steam-heated
r i? aII conveniences: five minutes’
walk Five Points; private family; north
T\\ 0 furnished rooms, light housekeep-
<9 East Harris: close in. 63-9-3
STEAM-HEATED ROOM for gentiemen;
private family, references Atlanta
phone 3536. ’ 9-3-40
FOR RENT—To nice young man. newly
furnished front room; all conveniences.
I U ith owner. Ivy 2211 -L. 9-3-36
RARGFL nicely furnished room, steam-
• heated, electric lights, north side, pri
| vate family, to gentlemen. Ivy 1294-L.
_ 9-3-35
ONE nicely furnished room in modern
apartment; all conveniences; near state
capitoL Call Main 3299-J. 51-8-28
GARGE, nicely furnished room (two
beds); modern apartment; private home:
meals if desired. 41 E. Cain. 9-3-27
Fl RNISHED room in modern apart
ment for gentlemen only; three minutes
to Candler Bldg 45 W illiams street.
THREE nicely furnished first-floor rooms
with bath, for housekeeping; connect
ing. no children: references. Owner, 250
Woodward avenue. Phone Main 2590.
FOR RENT—Entire second floor; three
rooms; furnished for housekeeping 251
Pine street. Ivy 3960-J. 9-3-10
FOR RENT—Nice, cool front room; hot
water; private family. Main 4945 and
ask for Mrs Starr. 286 Washington street
- 3 1
NICELY furnished rooms, close in; con
veniences. 255 Courtland st. 9-2-26
ROOMS, steam heat; all conveniences;
rates reasonable 27 E. Alexander, Ev
erett Apt. 51-9-2
NICE, newly furnished rooms, also light
housekeeping apartment Close in
Mrs. J M. George, 151 Spring street.
FOR RENT— furnished, steam
heated room, adjoining bath; north side
Phone Ivy 1184. 32-9-2
FOR REN'f—Nicely furnished rooms with
good board, bath and all conveniences;
close in; under new management. 130 Ivv
street. 8-31-51
FOR RENT’—Nice, cooi rooms; table board
a specialty Near South Pryor. Atlan
ta phone 2959. 37 East Fair street.
IVY HOTEL, 98 Ivv Street.
AMERICAN PLAN; $1.25 UP. Weekly
rates 69-8-29
FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished
rooms, close in, cheap: all conveniences;
nice neighborhood. Apply 88 Pulliam
street. 8-29-20
BEAUTIFUL front room; private bath!
gentleman preferred. Address Peach
tree, care Georgian. 41-8-24
NEW, clean rooms for men only. 74 Wal~
ton street. Ivy 5606-J, 8-28-3
WANTED—Young men or couple; pleas -
ant rooms, with or without meals; good
beds; good meals; reasonable price. 64
E. Harris st. 8-31-60
LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
not and cold water, baths and excellent
table board; under new management. 4
West Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivy 6790-.1
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE large, cool and elegant rooms
with hall, dressing room, den and use
of bath, for light housekeeping, in north
side private home; attractive terms to
congenial couple without children. 74 E.
Merritts ave. 9-4-32
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms
for light housekeeping, close in* pri
vate family. 233 South Pryor street
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms,
with bath and sink, to party without
children. College Park. Call Bell phone
East Point 320-L. 9-4-4
TWO large rooms and kitchenette. 64
West Harris. 9-3-37
HALF of flat; separate entrance, opening
on veranda; porcelain sink. Ivy 99
ONE large first-floor front unfurnished
room, one large first-floor furnished
room; rents very reasonable; hot baths*
use of phone. Ivy 4175-J. 15 West Pine’
FOR RENT—Five rooms and hath; use
of phone: references exchanged 319
N, Jackson st. 99-8-31
THREE unfurnished rooms. 15 Little st~
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—By a well-known couple of
good standing, no children, two unfur-
I nished rooms with private bath if possi
l ble, on north side, with or without board;
■ wish place with no other boarders or
noisy children. Address Beeman, care
j Georgian. 32-9-4
Railroad Schedule.
The following schedule figures are pub
lished cnly as information, and are not
No. Arrive From— IN'o. Depart To
35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am] 36 N. York. 12:15 am
13 Jaxville 5:20 am; 30 Coitus. . 5-20 am
43 Was'ton. 5:25 am! 13 Cihci 6:30 am
12 Sh'port.. 6:30 am, 32 Ft. Vai.. STO am
23 Jaxville. 6:50 am, 35 B’ham....’ 5 : 45a m
•17 Toccoa. . 8:10 am 7 Chat'ga.. 6:40 am
26«*-teflin 8:20 atn| 12 R'mond.. 6:55 am
29 N. York.lo:3o ami 23 K. City,. 7 00 am
3 Chat'ga 10:35 am; 16 Bruns'k.. 7;4sarn
7 Macon.. 10:40 am; 29 B'ham.. 10*45 am
27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am, 38 N York. 11:01am
21 Col'bus .10:50 am] 40 Ch'lotte 12:00 n'n
6 Cincl... 11:10 am 6 Macon... 12 '0 nm
30 B'ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. York 2*45 pm
40 B'ham. 12:40 pm 15 Chatt'ga. 3:00 nm
39 Ch'lotte. 3:sopm 39 B'ham 4 10 nm
5 Macon.. 4:00 pm| ’lB Toccoa -4 30 nm
37 N. York. 5:00 pm' 22 Col'bus, STO nm
15 Bruns'k. 7:50 pm: sCinci.. 510 nm
11 R'mond.. 8:30 pm 28 F. Valley 5:20 pm
24 K City. 9:20 pm; 25 Heflin... 5*45 ,'n
16 Chatt'ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon.. 530 nm
2'.i Col'bus. 10:20 pm; 44Wa=h'n. 8 4‘nm
31 Ft. Vai. 10:25 pm| 24 Jaxville. 9Tu nrn
36 B'ham. 12:00ngt 11 Sh'port 11*10 pin
14 Cinci. 11:00 pm 14 .law ilia ILlOprn
Trains marked thus (•) run daily, ex
cept Sunday.
Other trains run daily. Central time.
City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St.
Furnished^ Apjirt.ments For Rent.
Three-room apanrnTmA bTth '“V,, ..
and separate gas: near Tech \ ,
place for chickens. Atlanta phone 5828-b'
FOR-RENT-At 196 Juniper streTC^* J
seventh, first-floor seven-room fu? r
nished apartment, bv the year tan
month, ivy 662-J. 5 ’ 5 «(
TWO or three connecting rooms —Aw*
bath; private entrance, for light house"
keeping: couples or business wmnen ■
Peachtree st, o 2
- _ - s <B-14
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
APARTMENTS for rent; two steam heat
e<l apartments in the Stafford 32 Car’
negie place; very desirable location" new
well aept: all conveniences. Apply j ar .
tor phone Ivy JJOJ-Lk ’ 5->
POR RENT—Five rooms; second
modern: stables, garage. Ma^n AoudY'
five-room apartment. wi
one four or five-room apartment wfih
heat. Apply owner, 356 N. Jackson
| lanta phone 78. T-t.
jIN the Boscobel apartments] 83 "hTiW
I street, Inman Park, there are left ra", 1
I thr , ec . o ? n fi four-room apartments nA,,
s3s , each ; with steam heat hot and
cold water Apply to Janitor or F'°‘h?eh
Knox. 1613 Candler Bldg. 8-27-19
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED—To rent unfurnished thTeTA
four-room apartment; must have north
and heat: permanent party of three
adults. Address P. O. Box No 6 Mari
etta ' Ga ' MT!
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
. for rent, six-room cottage. 242 Wash
ington street. Bell phone Main 5322
Buiiqjfig ol^ 1 ’ 2 8 683 Atlanta Nat ‘ Onal
A„„ a home; six-room ‘house
lot 50 by 300, price $2,500. SSOO cash'
S2O per month or 7 per cent off for a'i
cash. Call Main 623, 30-IP3
FOR RENT—Near-in six-room cotta",?
modern Improvements; good repair id
Walton street. Call Ivy 6212-L. tj-s-*;
Mrs. M. E. Bossen. 32 E. North
Sept. 4.
FOR RENT—Five-room cottage on ear
line; corner elevation; porcelain bath
instantaneous heater; nice neighbor) *,>,,,;'
Call Ivy 3815-J. ' 35-9-2
and near car line: four rooms on sec
ond floor with all conveniences; separate
entrance: price $10.60. Apply I* Jzlmgh
Knox. 1613 Candler Bldg. 8-30-38
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin"
excellent bouses all over the citv a'
moderate rates Turman, Black & Cal
houn. 203 Empire Bldg 6-29-66
FOR/ RENT, HOUSES—CalT“wriftfor
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph 0
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Furnished Houses For Rent.
ATTRACTIVE cottage home: finest loca
tion north side; to let for winter to se
-1 ect P artv - v y 3752 ■ 7 9-4-33
SIX - ROOM bungalow, servants’ - roonT ani
garage: new house; built for a home
156 Westminster Drive, Ansley Park
‘ 9-4-31
Furnished Houses Wanted
WANTED—To rent ten or twelve-room
house, furnished, close in, on north side
Answer immediately. C. F. H.. 220 South
Boulevard. 36-9:1
Storage Room For Rent.
ONE room for storage; close in, on Crew
street. No. 168. Main 4805-L. 8-L‘S ’.3
Garages For Rent.
«:>R'YfES s sTftTUne
street. 8-30-8
Stables For Rent.
FOR RENT—Stable and garage Apply
to H. Lewis. 170 Jackson street, or
office. 213 Temple Court. 9-4-23
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-241
Edgewood ave. Ivy 2037. John J. Wood
side Storage Company.
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M. C. FURNITURE transfer; we pack
and ship. Main 3657-J, A. 1319. 42
Madison ave 3-12-7
Mr. Buslnes Man or Worr»«4n: Aren't
you on a sharp lookout for competent he’p
of all kinds? You know that it is goci
business policy to get live wires with you.
Let us call your attention to the “Situa
tions Wanted’’ columns of The Georgian
Here is where you have a chance to select
the best help that can be nad on the mar
ket. These people that advertise
furnish you the best of references So.
from now od read the ’Situation Wante
columns of The Georgia and get the help
that will be of the most service to yau
Money To Loan.
LOANS made on real estate. Purcla c a
money notes bought and sold. F._U
Loveless. 1321 Candler building. ’ 1
SURANCE CO. of Ameri
ca can make you a loan on
Atlanta improved property,
through their loan corre
spondents. Turman. Black
& Calhoun. 203-8 Empire
Building. 6-7-123
KND OTHERS, upon their own names,
chean rates, easy payments ConfiiFD"
tial I> H. Tolman. 544 Austell building
WE can make loans on Atlanta rea
tate and farm lands. Apply to
Cochran. 19 South Broad 7-I*' * J
MONEY on band for immediate loans on
property in or near Atlanta. J. E
Valin nburg. 501 Equitable Eildg. 6 »•«
Mortgages on Real Estate *_L_
V E HAVE plenty nf money to
lend at lowest rates on Atlan’a
and nearby property, either f° r
straight or monthly paym ’C
plan. Also for purchasing pi‘ r ;
chase money notes. Foster &
Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave.